The Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-03-10, Page 10• 7C11% GObtAliai 6IGNA1-STAR SUND414.1“ARCIII.Sth/ 194W: fs,0 HOLY COMMIJNION. 10 MA% „ MAIN 'SVNIDAX S.V11-904- lc - II, *MA ,MOUNINPr MOOR:ANL, SERMON, 3 Pp; PRO14.10,4 PAPAFIPMET' P,14, E*RNSONG, 111 Servieee. eVer$ FridaY,at 8‘ 41-1.4ik the Mullis. • agire WirOmrH r 'rho VrOlt• , ..ANDERTON, Arg and Oliailmaster. r!vr•-•,..44, 1.• nitod, Chute ItW. C4 WESLEY POPO,iM .O., -16.t!', Minister,. CLAVO; tiigarast :nod: Oitifir MasteF 14 a.m THE,„ontioi $vitoof4 GoDS inagey .AND ILLPS9COATED $J1gMON ‘%7A*Irr,,,S3SX1VG OVR VAVII. TIROtGJI.-ODI.IONVIO1Y."- siuna SchtieLT- „ PIO CHURCH WITH THE SINGING vTOWER a • .. • htectvisness exatteth a natio . •• • • ,••••^-••••••-.... • , TOday, more. Man ever before, America neccis*.tlie Church - YOU need the Church.* . Helpit btiild abetter world for alh Attend -regularly: • be-Wel...Caine:a •" Services every Sunday, tenon - h. „.:,. Ist**4fi 4‘e* .• ,„ NIKOLAI and JfOANNA-GUAIrnal , , RusSian-bMn," ee110itano,f1.uo • artista, WhO, wi1inarbM` the. Oederich OoinfiRitity. CorlMtr$ai Kr1.0X Oltarch,•, on Tuesday etening, March 15.• 'Muskat edtleS in the'V.SA-13ress have been lend In their praise of. -these artist. GO'clerich-members of Cominunity Concerts are ' :advised that no acOnnmodatidn is 'available at the Stra4ord,anclptchener ebn- cert. Last November smile God-'' rich 'members went to Stratfoitd tti •attend the' concert and deprived Members there of adcoMmodation to See their out concerts. • • 40 This ls a woman's "world. When a lung IS born' people say, "How is the 'nether?' .When he • .mar ries, ItheY -say, "What' a lovely, bride tr And, wen he -•-dles. they. ay, • • "How nanch did he leave her?" • During 1925, -976,600 elacks-were -manufactured in. Canada, -with a factory selling • value . of over $1,000,000. LOST awc; Parker, black and '011, -It would be appreciated if finder would advise. W. A. HAY, Canadian Bank of •Obnaraerce;,•phone 215, •. 10± 2.111. rffiCNING WORSHIP.' 4- „ 1VIKSIC I3Y THE BOYS' CHOIR.--", , • 7 p.m.' SPECIAL-141USIC. • „ • SQLOXSIt&-401403/D. OARES and MISS SHEPHERD• OVHAMIT,NON, ONT: ' a. Robert G. MacMillan; W. It Bishop,,F.R.C.O., AoR.C.M.. • •- Minister Director of Praise err tMADAY, MARCH 10th, 1049 ' RD1 41.e4.11C1r4., 1100-' 1110%,,' iton,, !East, street, .Godetight • a. ,daugttter, Xatbleen.Anlle, fLASSALIN14.--A.t. .6.1exan4ra Q0derie1, 04 M,,tirelk • 1949, • to ;),./r., •Und.MrS. ,Mareel •baSsaluie„11.R. 6, Goderieh,-a son, MAT. -At Alexandra IIOSpit- al, 43-0derich; on-Mareh Oth„ '1949, ••- to Ir. • and ChaS, Mae, ,jrTZ.ere. ,a son. AtexaOiosp140, •" • Qoderiefi, Ott, March:01i; 3.949, •tind 'Mrs, ,Manrice„ McKee, Goderieh, it S0n, Robert 1atri,g1c.: • ;PIED 7 st,Mtha1's IO TereAtO,.,ifir!Tehlay; March ,• 401, 1949,„ II,Pa•Weett, bus, lAnd•of Norma N. Gtnn, and Son-, ,of.0swald Ginn, Geclerleh. Funeral Was held at Eglinton aVe, United CI:Lurch, „Teronto, 'on, Mon:, •ClaY, March 1, Internlent-in Vre*S- peet cezneterY,. Toronto, • • ' , 'Alexandra, kespital; ' Goderich, QI Wedeesclayy„ Marcl;, 9,, 1:949,, Florence' 'B.,,A\raser, • iliviighter:Of the late Mi. and Mrs. Donald A. Fraser;. • • :Funeral service at the E. E. Cranston; funeral hake, 1.-7 Montreal Street. on Saturday, March 12, at 2 0'c:1oc1 b.m. Interment in Matt - rand cenietery • •' •- ' • • 4 MEIWORIAm • SEWELL.-In remenalarance of a kind" 'father and *husband, MelVon Jewett, who passed .on t•wo ..FearS • ago -March 11, 1947., •• • -Gone but not forgotten., •• ---,Remembered 1:),y his. Wife :and Family. • - •10 RYAN;- ---In toying • menfory . Thomas Ryan, wile passed away March 6th, 1948:• ,, • You little thought When , leaving home • • • - You wetaid---nd --More return; That yon in death. So* soon would • sleep •„ • And leave us here .te mourn, , We do not know what pain ydu • bore, • •• • _”, ; , — We did not see you die; 7._WNev• eitn4loyukritnoi%70YaQui.14_n_nt_ .07.s.dssed-toraW,ic7m.a. -Everye•;r'eniena...bered by 'Wife thi Family. , • 10x SALLOWS.1,,,,•„„and_,4Oying. Memory . of our. dear on, Pte. ert-'71,1, em.7--Sallows (-1301;r, , Essex Seottish Reg,; killed On active 'Serviee in Germany, „March 8th, '1945, aged 19. years.; Oh, what weuld 'We give to. 'Clasb • handr: His dear kind- face to. see. To hear, his voice and see his -smile That meant so naueb. -to us. o r, • Hygente supplies.,( rubber goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed •envelope. with • price list. Six samples 25e; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept ----7-53, NOV-RUI3BER--- CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Victoria St. United Church. miNislonit—itEv. LAWRENCE. 'IL TURNER, B A' • ORGAMEST,;. and CHOM LEADER -Miss Mary 'Jnyce Strachan , SABBATH SCH001; „ ' Adult 13ible Class -Teacher, Minister. • - 11 am. s"PITELFP-A .VVOIDDRER,BETWEEN TWO WORLDS" p.m. "SONSIM ,AND .DISaPLESHIP.."- „ 30 p.nr.1,. :UNION TOWNSIIIP7-11ome of 1I-ar-irey-F011er.- 14O'IldaY 8 imn•--V4ung Pc• union. 4. • , vveOesd.p,y,—C.G.T.T. . . ” VICTOR" A WELCOMES YOU S"`•-• Bapiist niesta— PASTOR -REV. G. W.MEDLEY;'• „ Organist - C Migi Verna . Miller • 10 a.in. CHURCH SCHOOL 'BUTTON?' BUTTON? WHO .tETS NEW BUTTON? - 1 a.m.' ``CONTRAST 'OF LAW AND GRACE." - --0THE-ttOVAL WEDDING-AVILLSOU,,BEA:GUEST?" 'CONTINUING OUR;DOCTRINE -OF 'SECOND COMING. , ,INTgg-eutracn-FIREsrp,p. • • • Wednesday 8 p.m., 3rd Word of Cros&-Mr. Jas. Campbell; • „ East St. The' roe, Methodist 'Church 01tNtVt0014.A. AND •PARIt STREETS -SVNPAY.: $4410014 WIT., P-411ASS.". r°4 ALL • Y. tv• • Iv • tpOri,et5p !Confirins Soripture—it.is-bgtter to go to -110USX' OF tiXOUit,NMG thanto SrEt-HOVIt4L,OfFEAStiltM itaa, ,,Eltontaxtrjbx,,.i it .109„,:young peoptes. ALL'Aitir t ali•••••••••Amvaamval*.a......."-- iitraliarat poadi Meto 1044 ,Pont* edan. 1.9411d144iPkxp on • i:942-4:2164,ritidge 0$4.4411 1 t hey, qoiteli. t.ott 01140 Tyuck ON BEAUDFFL • •• Pictures - ...FOR 'WEDDING GIFTS and nothing gives such lasting pleasure' as a• god Picture. • Siiiihy , s Art & Gift _Store EAST -,-ST. • • -PHONE 108 ' 1 At the fireside he 'wit -.join us no More. • .•-Lovingly` remembered by Dad; Mom, Brothers and Sisters 10x • THOMPSON.--le loving anemoryl of , my• dear son, Reginald Thompson; What Would we give to .elasP .'his hand, "His happy face to -see,• . To hear his voiee and see his shine Thai- meant so natieli:TO-U• S. &WTI' missed- by his__ Mother Sisters -Ur& Brother. • • Plan .tO •heat ItOnald •Stelvart, outstanding - -Canadian, " tenor, 'at Nel.tttet LYn1tod. •Ohnrch on Friday, A 91, • • 43-30 The WAof Nerth •street United. °burgh will laid, .'kumnartge sale"' •ititur44-YratPrit"36/4 ,r7t-Megfavi- 11411; : ; • 1S'• w of'Eafiter, conyaleseent, Virthday and sympathy • cardS- TRINvp ,13•41119qt. phone 1060W. • " ' "l• Vietorla Home and SP1100 rAOs- soeiatiO4 .. will .meet • TItursdaY4. 4Vkate1i 17th,at p.M., at "Victor* Sehool.• There Will be .a, musleal Illteg,ia14- and lunch 'vvillAe •served. IVIOn*OrS• ancl' fathers ate nrgecl to: attend, • • .40 '037' IWO a -.NeW Hig• h" be presentedoat•Victorla street, United, -ighurch,X4r.ebt 13„, -At815, under ' auspietS' of the ; • ••• : .434:0 •Alf citizens are Ordially invited to payticlpat Iiilteereation xrenneri Rohby show in ToW6. Hall, Tuesday and Wednesday, 5-,":" and; 6. Simi other's; the enjoyment there, is in yOur pet bObby,!.. Pbone ,s660, 11,:zincoln 13race; Direetor. . • The Second, of the, connnunity con- cert series Will be given at Knox Church on Tuesday evening, March 15tb.The l*pgrtAu• Will be Nikolai and joannaOrandani piano duo, • , Shamrock Lor St.' Patrick's. DO, March. 17th, at 75c and .$1.00. jAOKSONS FLO,RITS.: •no * AU paths lead to. the Legion Bale Room for talkie filins, "S00,",enhre and lunch and prizes at 8 o'clock Ttiesday, Mown 22; sponsored by, Ladies' AuXiliary to _Branch 109, Canadian Legion, Admission '35c. Ilverybecry welcome. • • • •-...-104I IT'S •CHEAPER t� :place: maga., zine renewals with- local • agents than to send theixt direct' ,to the publishers , or out-of-town agents, Miss Mary B. HOwell,-.4 St Vincent': street, and Mrs, • Ismay •McLean; Waterloo street, can ,.give yoU just as go-O"d•Trata-as -thepuhlighas, 'even on special offers. • Consult them before sending your Subscrip- tions •out of town, .39tf, at Plablic Health Office Commencing • etday.,-Mar-eh:-22nd,-arul-4hurs-- day, 'March 24th, at 1.30 p.m. Vac- cination' against smallpox and •munization again* scarlet fever will be given by Dr..-Gallow, -1041 • ..,Regular Monthly , meeting • of Aluneek Chapter, I,O;D.E., in Mac- Kay Hall at 3 pan., 'Monday, :1),Iarch THEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada)„ . , REV. J. A. PEARSON, Pastor ' ,„„10 -SUNDAY: SCIMOt. 11 an MISSIONARY SERVICE. • 1.30 P.m. GREAT GOSPEL .SERVICE. Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer and Praise. Friday g pan. Christ Ambassadors. • 0 taste and see that the Lord is gded.-Psalin 34:8 'Come and see: John. 1:39. ALL WOLCOM,O. „ O f Go NOTICE TO HOLD COURT , OE REVISION FOR 14(iCAL , IMPROVEMENTS • TAKE NOTICE that a Court of Revision will be held On ,the kit. day 'of March, 1949, at 8 o'clock for the' bearing of complaints. •-against the -proposed . assessments or the accuracy Of :frontage' measure, merits and any other complaint whickjerSons _,Interested desire. • to 'make and whichis bylaw cognizable by the Court, at •tbe Council •Ohatnbers' the Town Hall, Godericb. •• . • Local'ImproVeraents bt e beew completed On the follOwha streets: • ,...East side of Albert from .East to Nelson:, • .• ortit 'side -of'Auglesett-from-Victoria-ta. Napieri- East side di Bayfield'ItObirBlake 419' "etityth. • ta,$1L Ode .of BaYileld front -Raglan „to, Baldwin, -West side of •Bayfield froth' Brirtittnia .50' South. South side Of Blake front Solyth to McDonald, • South side 'of. Bruce from Waterloo to ,east.side of lot 798. South Side of Elgin, from...Wellington • to Wellesley. •• •Nortb side of Elgin from Wellesley to Essex, Seuth Side of Elgin front Wellington to Waterloo: West side of Ilincitsfrantliaglan, to .11aldwirt. • South sidof e. .Tones fram„ IinekS 101' south-east. • "uttst side *of -SicDonald-„frOm Britannia to. Raglan, • North side Of Park front Catnbria, to Victoria', North side of Platort.froin',Vietoria to the 'east side of lot 375. • South -Side of Picton from Victoria tO, the east side of lot 426.. Elitist side of 'South 'front' Britannia to Blake. " The Scitiare excepting block between' Hamilton and Noitla. • , • North side) of Welfe between 'Victoria ' and Cambria. • Solith ,side of *Wolfe betweerf Victoria arid •Cumlifia. •eiyer4„ , , t6.a: Tohit n�itittfle $t • Essex Street from- Elgin: Ave, north-east to centre line of let 14.(.1 -10 • •• • Variety -program andpiesocial will be -Put on .by the Bemniller, United- Church-- Young Adult G•fcrup in the chltich. basement , off -•Wednes- day, March '19th, at 8,30. p.m. Plan to take in the fain and" enjoy sbane good .Pie. . 40e, children.' 20ce,,. • -10 • „ • Classified Ads roxc-sms EQ11,• SRN tW to be taeved, frompno rty. gQ4e17.103•1 phone D9iagannon20 r 4,, •' .44 OR SALE, •ItAnr.$ C.04. • ,1,1 bien.1.;01 ineailY new, $4.1, AIVIY MANSON REID '•St. Andrew'S street, Otireilat, OR. SALE. - N.Evir SINGER; (tWing, machines, 'cabinet' and portable electric; also treadles. Re- pairs to all Makes, ,78 Ontario Str&t, •Stratferd. . • ••• , 46tf,,1 OR SkTa.,:-.4.15-NE AUTOTR,AC, • 'good *eonditieii. , ;Write oprion -BOX 707, Goderich. Or: 13Mantater:S Oarage., • " ' 10x EA;ITING b xi N $ RE- ° , Needles., belts zind .SOpiles. • Put -of -town chstomers bripk ','Or Send.: ii1; head' eal, 0, ,woODS,, Secoldhand Store, 12 LlaSt Street,' .phone 8671, 54 •9ellgtAr471•0BenTeir- 11.1:CTSalAs:it la North, . street. W. HgBN,, Box 233; Gederich, •.„ ; FOR SALE -GRASS ,FA,101 FOR "sale 101 acres with W -bank bard , and sPrInk water. est" balf.of lot 24, -concession 4,-Wawanosh. Five miles northwest of 'Auburn: • Con - *tact, A; J. KINAHAN, 1053 Oxford 'street, London. Phone Ffah,enoni,t 4208.1. • -• ,• 10-11x FOR. SALE -NOW IS THE.,TIME • to Once -your' erder for orna.7 atientat evergreenMad, *,,niarSer'Y stock of all' kinds. :Early 'planting of ;these (preferably March)) • is 50%; • of • suecesS"." We --absorb -the ShiPpipg charges and give our ad- vice free. Phone 1053, JACKSONS FLORISTS.i • - •• „ • 8tf FOR SALE. ---•13IRDS WELL • na_tatedand needed littie finish - Inge"' writes a caStonaer • of Big -4 Chicks, From Canada pproved stock., backed by a OreeSillig_11)=.01111 on Hatebery'S-- own. farnas. - We. doubt you can •do better even if you , Pay more., The Department emphasizes the valued' early WO:, 'Rig to geethe "bet fercin MOM -0W= tact us. RYAN PRODUCE, Geode'''. -rich. • 1 • llieraIMhi a es 5c an • A PATt*,a, PAY siEDIAL $0-;-41:01' Olt.OSS' BUNS -28o dbz, . , ind MOCHA AQVAtiEti-40i 4az. • e a cove pas . • les; eatured" this weekend* 'Home. o1 Tasty tastry;-„ ordert of.#.00 and Oyer de1tireF041 • PfiONE„465 WEST ST:, •-AVANTti:).—,E0 AtNit` OR 'BUT,- house •with-linall acreage -in or near town. Garage' necessary, and henhouse or stabl.e desirable, fam: ily"' Of , thfee • adults. BoX" 17, SIGNAL -STAR, .444c ANTED TO,"‘„ UM/ 4--,ALI; OLD • horses' and .7'dead . animalIf• Suitable for mink feed will pay 'nose than fertilizer prices. If not, Will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phene• at once. GII.JBERT .BROS.' • MINK' RANCH, Goderich, PhOne"1--co1lee 986r 21 or 936 r 32. _ ;ANTED. - SALESMAN . sefl building ; maintenance necesstQ tp- 'stores, farms. hotels,' etc., ',Avtral.e sale makes You over 412.(30:-.ShonicIT,Make-tivo. to three „saleS 'per day, Nationally adver4 tised 'Product. iSixty , years • 'in Canada., • Write Dept. 60, Room 206, 454 King street, Ny., Toronto; -10 WANTED.--LiSTIriGS OF FRG! for Sale.. C. • CHAPAIA.Ni • Real Estate' Broker. $9tf- . . FIVE OR 6 -ROOM• • - unfurnished ! house.,; • • young Wi• tte -B X-,78;7SION'AL't FARMS FOTO SALE.' --,. 74 -ACRE • frnit„,farm-$8,000 ; 80 -acre farm -$7,000; 80 -acre farm -$4,500 ;•127 - acre farm -$5,000; - • •--STITM,VID11. COTTAGES' i jCJJ SALE• AT KINTAIL 3 rooms, beautiful location,. "...Good sand TitEASCREEIS' SALE LAND OR TOES , TOW N or GopEniclt.CptINTr IlugoN,• TeVit: , , ,•, . BY" :virtue "a• Warrant Maned bY the. -Mayor of the 'Town, of GOdericli bearing date the 20th iwr of January, 1049 sale of lands in ,artottr 02 taug, 10, the irowii .of GOderieli Will' be held at the. Cent:ell ObaltiberS, Gederich, tit the hour, of 4 p'c1ocl tn the afternoon: on the :ft4i! da 02:1101 1049, unless:the taxes , and eosts fife Semler paid, Notice herebY 'given, that 'the list oflands for Pale, fat arrears 'of *Axes *nrof vuhlished fttn6,, ontiirto, otizettd" ,oti the 'fifth "titlY 4)41); and that .eoples of the;.sakt„111,Alay- had 4t ,IttY -Office: , •TreetalterS pmeo,, pit "11 liar; P.ohroaryi A, O. }.1. 1L1 Tre urer, rot • IZARING _AUCTION SALE OF •• FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS • AND HousEHODY EFTEOts at lot. No. 10, Cencession ,4, Goderich "Township, one ..mile .east of Gode, rich anth_taVO miles -south TflVflSflAY; M&RC1 24th. at 1.30 -pan: Sharp HORSES ----: Six -year -OA Clyde filly; 14 -year-old Clyde gelding. ri`L-E---Durhanr eow; Uged; due time of sale; 'Durham tow, 4 years old, bred; Holstein. heifer, rising three years, dne time of sale ; •Durhani heifer, rising two -year; Durham heifer, rising' one year. - PIGS-Yorkshiresow, With litterl, five . weeks old LYorks'faire, Sow;„ yith , 3 „Weeks , -- -:PCIJLTRY AND EQUIPMENT -,L200 R.-: 1 'R. X' 33. R. hens -,-100 13. R. X- W. L. hens_;, 100 White Leghorn hens; 8 geese; 1 gander; D•chieken range shelters; 1 ',turkey shelter; .2 McComb brooder Stoves; 1. coal hiveder stove. • IMPLEMENTS -:.-1 M. -H. 14 -plate =throw disc with levelling attach- ment; 7.VIcCormiek, new 4' mower; seed drill ;,Oli*Ver walk- ingplow ; rubber -Aired wagon;, steel - ,tired Wagon; 3:sect1on, drag harrow; platform scales; fanning" mill i‘ corn cutting box; :Renfrew erearra-,,,,sepa#7,. ator; hayfork and, car with, new 150' 1,op; lriprope and 'slings ;• set Sleighs with Oat rack; haykack; "doublei"barneSs-r,--cern-,tirellert black kettle; kttenebottt ; grindstone; .also many other artielesi: including fil01)1,..4.0,a4tojturatisli$Dga,40-- Everything must be sold, as. pro - Meter' *,quittitig farming. • ROBT. L., BEACOME, - Proprietor, E. W. ELLIolvr; 19,41- ' .AuctiOneer. •'E. 3C FS E RI! EAI RS,: Es • 7;7' / Airt•••••••••1- sravja ZEPAIII4 IdAKES.'or WASHEltS eattv asher - Service Skattaii, Prop. amatOlt :Phoo 80Vit .• 43tt • AT PORT" ALRERT--g rooms, Hydro, excellent •locations.___200-ft. beach frontage; lovely sand beach. C. F. CHAPMAN, Real Estate 33roker, phone•18, Go_derich. • 10tf OR SALE. --BEEC,H STOVE, • electric, fotir-burner,• side oven, in new condition. • Apply__,k1AIB GRILL, phone. 737J. • -10 1•••• TEND/ERS 'WANTED- • TenderWill be..received by the, undersigned March ,12th, for the eolleCtioni of garbage in • the Town of Goderrefr. , oontraa to• commence Julie."1st, 1940; 'Tender should he submitted for one-year and three-year neriedi,•• and should' state Jype Of -vehicle to be Used. $500 bond must be supplieetty rhe centractor for the satisfactory lul- filiinent* Of 'duties, if tender Ale- cepted. Lowest or any tender not •necessarily accepted. • ' * $. 11. BLAKE, 7-10- - • To cler1.- V11'.1.S.: WANTED„, . ••• , 'Venderswill b receive'd 'by the • undersigned until. March 23ic1 for Na. '6 school in-' GOOTerich" Township School Area. ; Specilica-* tions are' available at residence df - secretary -treasurer. •.•• FRANK TEO, Sec'y-treas,; No: 3, Clinton. ENDERS CALLED FOR, --•:•••" •--- e$, tiIIb aecepted by the undersigned up • to 'April -1st faopi;r"Zer-Mbillatel,y,„,,4gew-altAtoueil-•thr. „ yards of gravel, to:1)6 delivered any• - - "X wherein the Thavtiship of Goclerieh, • t-the-Airection at-the-Itoad Super- intendent, • by October ist. • All gravel to be *crushed; and , Aereened -through a 1' sereen; kom pits selected' Or agreed Upon by the Road Superintendent. ••• All tenders to la -accompanied by a marked cheque for $100 (one. hundred.L.-9.1p3-4he-lowest--,oa---any----• tender not neeessarily accepted. ° _ '•• • . ' R.-E-.--711HOMPSON; Clerk. •NTED.-LIVE POULTRY OF • any kind. As we export direct, We are -able to 'pay highest •.prieeb. •No flock toe small ortoo Contact NORMAN KNAPP, 13lyth, phone 16 r.(3:- pART- TIME • OPPORTET-IsaTP• • or-women---ef-eoye-average. intelligence, resident • in or- near Goderich,' toLtake _part -An -nation- • ide. survey ;in April, May hnd June," and to continue, as resident interviewer 12 satisfactory. Write CANADIAN FACTS ' LTD, 140 Wellington St. W., Toronto, at once.' USED ELEC- •-.TicULITX vacuiam clenner ; three reconditioned .used pianos; a few used • radios. Allpriced to -clear. THE :NIUSIC SHOP; Goderich. -10 FO„R.'SALM-STORE 33,USII4ESS • buSineSs distriet. This_ inchnles lease, stock „and •fixtures. Write, BOX 78, SIGNAL -STAR. • , •••••.....roarr FOR -SALE.-E11,IE. PIRKITCHEN •stove, two dining -room suites, breakfast suite, coffee table, eliester- field ' three box spring and mattresses and end-tabie. • Phone 337. •-11 _FOR • SALE By TENDER. Tenders- will be reeeived by •the Undersigned until 'March 26th fill the Helmesville United, Church shed. approilinittely x 80'; with, good timber fra.me, All to be re,” moved • from premises by July 1st, 1949. _Any • tender • not necessarily accepted. • BARRIE C. WALTER, 10-11- R;R, 1, Goderieh. ,••• • • NomMoosemoNKUlaIlInildINHINI. , . •NOiliCE' TO CREDITORS pTICE TO CREDITOR,S. the estate of Harrie Metinda„ - 'All persons havingeilams against lattr'ef-the Town of Goderich,, the. County of Huron, iVidow,?*ho diedon orabout the 27th • day of the same, with full particulars, with the undersrgnea.by _the 12th day of 1ratelir,1949;-14-a2ter 'tliat-date-the- estate will be. distributed. •FtAft, .DARROW, Goderleh, Ontario, Sol itor for the Estate. N0TICE TO oltIMITOBS. Nome, 14 hereby given to all persons . having any •claim against the estate. 02 Charles " rredericis Grey, late ..of the TOWn Of Goderiehi ifr,thelCounty of „Huron,' laborer,' Who' died on, or about the sixteenth da of Noyeinberi 1048i . to, send sable te the' undersigned, 011 Or be- fore the twelfth day 021410.reiff 1949, as on and, after that date thd ad' Ministrator of the Said estate.shalt the. assets thereof,' having .rekard only,to'..the da1t/4 of Which he bas notice.• -4v* •Dated nt Goderieh this twenty- third.day of PebruttrY, A. 1940. fl 0,, ' ood6riell. .Oritario I 0 ' Solicitor tor the Vstate. V NVA.NTED.,---THREE OR FOUR furnished. or • _unfurnished rooPhOncri71. WA.NTED.. - SIX OR 7 -ROOM . house, faintly 'of •five,. partly furnished. 'Write .C. R. POSTER, General Delivery, ”Grand Bend.- • . 1 -3a -it -time position for a capable -middle-aged lady, experienced.111 meeting the public,- answering the telephone -mid malt -Maw,. I wouldappreciate being Considered. Write BOX 79, SIGNAL -STAR. ,40 IC • • „Nona • FLOOR SANDING. -L. PROMPT . • ....service. Old and pew floors.' J..• C.- COOK, ,Clinton, phone 23J, P.O. BOX 103. • - • 4-11x ▪ - - • Piano tung. and repairs, deem- ing, de-mothing. Free estimates. WM. N. GOULD, phone 264, oode- rich. . •8-13x , „ • See queen of •-vacn. um. clehneis, .the Queen-bagless-dust- ss _-Call- 1074.11. •• . Otf NikEDED. AWARDS AND " prizes •for the .-Mtisic 'Festiva; •• . • beginning May ,•.• 2nd. *• Would-be WANTED. SPI,ENDID OP- donOrs- pleape call MISS MARIE •A . SHUBERT, -awards Convener, Phone own:' `Pbe°sRs7R...NoItTJJ,Inbrec26579.,ingfuiyroa;-_ _ 1192W. beforeMarch 19th. •, -10 teeithonaselfold-necessities,limluding• liTf3T/OE';'°-; . • -the line .og Insecticides, in a • territory of your.chowee -parr:time agents 'considered. ' Hundreds of successful Familex agents started with a borrowed '$25 or ..$50. No risk -ft Is worth a 'trial. Travelling. equipment esSential in rural'fits- "'"""""•w• triets: • Business is good. Write today• for details' and free' eata- logne. FAMILEX, 1600 Deiorimier, Montreal.*'•.• •• . -1045• in , • Alt . • 6°1,14 rneznber ofL.O.L: No. 182. tire requested to attend the, regidkr ,,,lag.&11Ltl_g_LL_Oge,______, to be_ :held e On • Tuesday, Marcii 15th. r , • We .repair furniture, refinish and upholster chairs; also build bnilt-in Cupboards. Phone 974a, -or see C.i. . 13EDAR13;,' St. Andrew's street. • -10-1-1* ',-.""'. The Sign of ONTARIO ItOURANOR AGENTS. SSOCIATION V •99°4' Insur- ance 0. *Cletoinsur.cd" 41,4nsured 'seat Assured• . ' North St. ord.' 2t3ir • 0 So ,i‘gait. :Oontritoting •CAN' inbAO.MALTING• arler6r• intersOted, wittt'uti, SONS• Phalle 1.03 Out, ,Nights 10$, , " THE, OOPLFriTELY 'ItEsirntro JO' N,OVit HERE,.01si DISPI;AV:. —and- 1049._'‘FIIT' IMAIV110'1 • **ILL BE AtitIVINO VitAirCif, "THIS SPAOg POO,. ANNOUNOEIVit on erich