The Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-05-27, Page 2Ivrcif 4,0 aOX COUNTY'S FOR,1:0,f0n wErpiciax. Pipa1is1e4 by nJISt Lintited • i• r1Vtion Rat* -Canada and Great Britain. $2.00 a -Year: to linited 4141"eitlettg ItateP on request Authorized, as Seiind,-clasSmall, Post Ofti4 De,partn-tent, Ottawa. "I`elenhone 71, Member of Oapadian Weekly NeWSIraPerS ,ASSeelation., Swarkl-bre.11114ina.--0-V•er-25-72 BODIARTSON • *if • stAes,.• ' THURSDA4 -MAY 27th 1948. • •,EnrcourA:1.14c,r1.4•4 FlP,O4S 'Margaret• Rose 'is, a .d'Okrieerat. .She has.. been the Measleg. • * Uay, Is a „rather ,,celd.breature... flt 4'une and she will., be bright;ithd.warm. Perhaps, ." ^ *' Ff.eming., \vill have his debt. hack , again bigger than .4vet,, ' Well, well! What shall We -see 4 ' next? •The Globe and Mail. _urging that Canada 'follow "the leftd ef, •• liTaithingtiii, rather th,an. that of -•Eireat,Britain in its jaoliey boncerii- Jag •Palestine: • Is the lifitiSh Empire breaking . up? • . , • * . , Johnny was rather Perplexed •when.. he heard people-' talking - „about a "perch, derby.”, - But he ..inished home the other day froni. 'the' harper and anneunced, 4,1 "knew 'what- 4. perch' derby, ' I saw a tot of people . doing nothing but perch for hours and hours on the *' • • • That statement from the Recre- ntional-Council last week ,in this paper seems to leave thing• s -pretty much up t in the air. Does it mean that-tke project latmched Ippeftilly a year or more ago • in the words of the old "iong„ to -"fade av!:Lty_ana gradually. die"?. • ,t , *• *. * • • The omission d word caused a misstatraent in this coliman last -"Week7;--The-paragraph;:in anfortiele 4 on• the .Ottawa . budget, should' have .react: • • . The income. tax . exemption :for Versens sixty-ifive years 'of age or OVer is. increased to $1,250 -for singe • Persons and $2,0oo for married . persons. The word 'exemption" was omitted.. * 1-, • • Congratulations . once • again , to those whii prepared for and man- aged the Mtisle. Festival. It takes •-ta great deal -of -time and energy to. ,nialte a success Of such an: event, • .and no doubt in this case, . as in iithers, Most cif, the tine and energy •ire expended bya few unselfish • •nouls' Who give all they have for tilix:general good. They 'have .at least the reward of seeing the , .11ItkrOn, Mx:isle Festival growing year -14-year tz. usefulnesS' and prestige. * .* , • , This sees NY he: electionyear• in. Canada.' _Beatles Ontario, .Sasii- • atcheirati and New BrunsWiek are Staving. Provincial elections. The ''..c7.01-%.--Oovernment -of-Sasica teliewri • maims its appeal' on June 24th, and PreW 13runswick'S' Liberal: Adminis- tratien-goes to--the-o. polls on Sane :;atii, premier puplessis of Quebec also 15 supposed to 'Ife planninkan glettiOn some 'time this year. Be - •tides 'these.. three Federalm.by-elec- thins ti -re comink off In the :next two . • • • Isn't it queer :that persona who Will talk' like Tennteon's bre* on a sUbJect, of general interest will *kat putting their Viewon paper SO' public irettding?The arena pro- * position, for instance. •There are ,d0zeng, scores; perhaps litindredg • persons in t„his town who cotild strong letter 'op the. stibject, • ler againStr• for publication in • The,' Signal-Stalr.--4aut, will they • ``...10 Well, We haven't seeirnineh .:trideriee of It yet. Don't be timid. --*we wenwon'tpublish your. iiame if., .0' • The unexpeeted, ' an.ii lamehted• death of Italstem, re:calls Seine Of.the stst4 441.ys, of' the 'Swirl. Period. Mr. 'Ilitigtoif--Wits Minister of Deferice%n the Ottawa. bovern- 'Meat for several ylaa,is,,, his 'tennre of the office CoVering the lionglCong incident and a, considera.ble part of the period, in which theiconscriPtion isSue. was to the fore. Filially be came to the emiclnapn that Vaiun, tarY service was not suflicie'ilt and his vies,v failing of acceptanee in'the Cabinet his retirement f011oWed. returned, to his legal practice and was not a candidate for re-eleetion 1945. • He „passed - itWay in his • leep-at the comparatively early age. -of years, his arduous lab�rs as Finance Mpister and later in the Defence poLtfolio doubt haVing taken their toll; • • * • • ' Finance Minister Abbott made the ;statement in his budget speech that three of 6very four Canadian would pay .more incoine, tax' on their' pie= sent •inciime, it they lived in the 1 'Pliii OSIiill' '10F LAZY. MEADOWS Bv Rarry J, Bole ,THE 24T0 Or MU - AS a. boy I think the 24t1i of. May ranked, alOngside of ChrlStmaS aS a favorite day. Ciar,istnia$ was the best of courSe,, but he 24th alwayS came at the right titue te giVe re- lief front -the day-to-day routine of atten in sa1oot.';,-'7:- . • *heir the day °pelted. my father wOuld. always .think up Some werk for us .to do around ' lb e fitrin, This made it's highly indignant and We 'protested- .‘•about, the tratlitiOn' a rinpire Day and how we-,w,ere alWays allowed, to go fishing. Father would then go into a. long Itaraugue about pm sloW. the 'weather had bean, 'and how much lie . retil.lY needed us to nelp him get caught UP With the Work around the plaee. IN-WillY, after ive had 'argued all the way througlil3reakfast, he Would throw 'up his hands in mock despair and say, "All right .•. .- all right. you can go fishing and I'll slave away, here and see If I can get a little of the ,work done? • ' • Mother would then pick up the cue. She, wouldsay. "1 db wish you boys would gather tip Some- of the rubbish around the house. Wpuld you mind -cleaning out the Oellar?- and that woodshed IS: a disgrace,. Your father bast hasn't- •the time to do the work an.ii_t_lo'not feeling very well." " What can you de when your Mother- asks Yoh' to '56 seine - thing like that?. The faces were drawn and haggard as we went out to get at the task. Nothing could be,as bad as having to work on the 124th of May. • ••. • ' FinitlIy;a•Fatiaer would 'apliear and ask how we were .getting along with the work. It was. Plain for anyone to see that we didn't .have onr ' hearts in the job at all. He would -Start helping. :..a little find soon he was pitching into the work, .The groundS would be clean us a. whistle in an hour or so. , HE GODERibil anadians' Oritit,f,e Vitypiled n. ot „lt • ' E., PIERRE DUP Y.; .danacliaA Ambas.sador Hollend, Is shown in this photograph unveiling tile nakne-plate on the, c ootharw• Bridge at Zuthhen. in the Netherlands. In the left to'reground GEN. CHA-11,I.E.S. TOVLYAS, C.13.E.; Chief of the Canadian General Staff, Ls. seen 'talking with " ,the BuraffinSter. , The Origin and Growth of Shutin s Day. - • , _. The first -Sunday in -June--June. first. president,. The treasurer was Oth this Y'ear --.will• mark. the A. M. Itobertien, of: Goderieb.,.• and 'seventh anniversary of therfeuading the sec- retary, Ernest Barker him - aim which was originated* iu ,Gode- self. . .'-. . ' In the spring of 1942 Mr. Barker of .Shut-in's Day, an annual' observ.- . rich . and 'w;laich today has grewn. to international. propertions. • .had 5,000 pamphlets -Printed. telling of Shtit-in s. ' Day. - - These . ... were • Church pulpits4,, neWspaVers° and mailed to ' leading. newspapers in radio stations in ,widespreard• parts of -Canada and the „United States- 'Canada and the United. States, to • ministers of differennlenomifiations and, to an extent, in great 13ritain and to, radio stations on 66th -sides 'and several other countrieS•will'prOt .ef the border. " Since that time the claim the day which in.future years nuMber has been increased to 20,000. may reaoh. the sante degree of- , reeog- On ma..y. 7,1943, Eleanor Roci.sevelt • nition .as Mother's, Day has today. devoted, her entire 'syndielited news- •. While confined to his bed for 'six United States.. ' Itlegave figures to Then 'there was: -the -job Of the months. ,with. heart • trouble ,iii the paper column, ".My, Day," to •Shut- in's pay. In the same' year • also support his contention. An, exact i cellar., How -we -dreaded having to _fall of 1940, 'Ernest' Barker, of •Gcde- leading . department 'stores in Tor-- b.ohiparlson'of Canagan and United go at that cellar.tPathr •disap.. rich, . learned the loneliness . of such -sante began to feature ShutAn's. Day •States taxes cannot be made, tbe- peared into the house. •Wealilly; we confinement. 1.1e, resolved that. When in 'their newspaper advertisements. caustaxes 'nOt levie:i .e . _ . opened- the autsid-e , cellar ;door L-;10 he .Was ,able-toget-around againd' . he - •. ow leading. cities an:.may e 'art- d n' n t4tai—elt * Of.. the ban on Margarine*, that the- • "Ii;egislature• of 'Manitoba passed littfgailtIOR favoring .the' removal. 61 • ban.. This .is ,not thecase. Whit e-Min.lio-FaT-116fire-lirtg4e'd-WW1f. • '.*olittiott to the general effect that •41,1 eustOrda:dnties and embargoes • were lifted the. inannfaciture, sale .And inipOrtation of , margarine ghould be.alidWed. Thqt is, -if there to be general freedom. of trade , 6i...dairyman would •Aave 110 arku: • against -free trade, in Witter • and Margarine ihere is some lOgie * . 411411Original' VieW of the •llotttlget:,Watt.PteSented to Parliament • :Donald ne oof the •10001.yerg ftvra Tore*, Fie corn- • ritk, that the national siebt: WaS • ,Ilidncpald oft to fast • taat 'yeare the .Governinent retied five p41. cent -tholdebt-anct-thit-year-it'la-Var- Oft',OitOther to4t et nt *gtitrig attOgetlier too, fast .tor WhY, tit•', that rate' •ettke -debt will' be out in •.4i#enty /eat*or sand Canada • difita national debt woulfl teei **a it- te 114iYfteY0,.-. be.'" • -would organize such an observance, then Father would,appeaeagain. . - "Mother has packed a lunch for us," he. would Smile... If you hurry up ,you can,. getjonie-worms-gith ered by. the time I get the car opt" We would go tishiog.' There was alvvitys this reutine On_th_e.:_2,4th of We somehow. or alien -,knew that VY4irtually we would go. fish -'a Jug, but it :caused a. fluster Of un- certainty in. our niinds. . I .supPose" we were aiway's ,dreading, the. time 'wlien Father would he serious about it, The truth of the matter IS,' he. enjoyed -fishing just as much as we • did. We never caught. many, fish but we always maitaged to light a - fire and have hincli- and -come _home ekliausted and :happY with • .sothe Minor members- of tlie fish family, hanging on a forked willow gad: - Th. t' .11 I nt fishin this a year Would beset aside by •peeple a s •topi)aryi,ngw. ttheiii.tetbi:‘ sounneshdianye: into the' lives a these-persens. who, are confined totheir Pint move to *spread the iclea ' was in- 191E- -11\1-r7-B-arker -1"-• naeinber • of the Canadian • 'Cheerio .C.1.uhfi whose purpose was to create -.friend-Ship., through correspenderice. Through the, club's newspaper of some 300 circulation, the idea was propagated. in . the. . Same year he• talked Aver ;the •idea With the . then. minister of Victoria street. United' church,. Rev..'Arther Mcitaye, who is new located at Pert -Stanley. In inClie-fetind-an-eittlitisirs tic haek'er.- Together,`*they decided 'that the firSt S tut claY_ jtine-.would be the. most suitable, time. At .this :Hine year, .although_l had. a_ it tif7vork__ of ..year the -fidwers are in bloom waiting. to be done. The 24th is tuand the Weather is • sd Warni that. those Shut -Jul. who can manage to the ,day When all .farmers and their 'get. out of lite& for a short While sons.,should go fishing; , •-•• • . •can be taken for tar .rides!... The sPacecT•betWeen :Mother's -Day and.:Father's Letters were sent out tO leading newspapera • in "the 'United, States towns in both the United States and same manner in the two countries, Canada issue proclamations concern - but Mr. Abbott's figures seem to ing Shut-in's Day.. In 1945 church evervwhere shim that 'until the moderately Well-to-do class is reached the Can- -adian taxpayer has the advantage., -Oa larger- TinetnneS the-- Caliaditiii pays a Jilglaer. tai than the United. States eitizen: .The Matter .isnot of prime illiportance. Canada has its own. system of taxation; the United States, hat n somewhat dif- ferent SYstena., Itis conceded that Canada, in propoittop4O population and -wealth; took- on *a Teater war: burden than did the States, and it - May' lie that Canada's cemparatively4 lighter taxation' todat is because Canadians_ paid a aeater"proportion of their,war expenditures while the War, was: in pi:ogress. - :ABBOTT BUDGET (Financial Post) . . Mr. Abbott,argues that "we could not allow our -budgetary -surplus to be reduced much further without running the risk that the Govern:" meat's financial' operations this year might havean inflationary ratheii . than -anti-inflationary effect." In other words, says .the Finance-Niii;" ister, a-substaittial reduction jn tax- ation at this time of still scarce goods and. still _Eying _prices would be _it_i_f_iationa_17.•____ reasonable citizens will not be• In- clined to quarrel, provided it is ' modified as the danger of inflation recedes. , The.constructive side of fhig real- istic budget is a welconie and sub- stantial reduction in the public debt. Says Mr. Abbott: • 'There will never be a -better time t� reduce the burden of our national debt. We can clo kt new_ without hardship and thereby get' lirt-better:7,',pesltIonc40-,-- 7-onnelve bear the extra burdens we may have to assurtie when our national income becomes less buoyant or other • untoward ' developments, 4k,occur;. -Qn •the taxation side, • our policy- •has been to reduce our taus where they were imped- ,• ing work . and production, but otherwise.. to keep, them as high as is reasonably practicable?. The reasonable „Citizen must 'agree. If debts of governments and ••0Y:At5:!.? — • • .: Ca-Ptain B. A. Raws'on,.direc ofi flight development, •Trans.Cinada, Air Lines, who has been awarded the 'McKee Troplly for. his contribution to Canadian aviation; The'avvardi, "an=4, nounced.in Ottawa by Hon. Brooke,' Claxton, Minister of National' De-' fence, is Made each yeat in memory! of J. .balzell McKee„ to the person, making the greatest contribution ta the progress of aviation in Canada. , vefisst, private indiViduals ' are ever to be • paid, the -tinie to do that is now ' wheo income is high: FAIL'. Abbott CELEBRATE' FMTIETII follows this sound policy in his present budget. The real te-t will be whether lie cmitinues to follow driZift-PHFUVVrtittrtottltri • Mr. Abbott also-ioints. Out that e ,inag hate_ go face increases ln defense kperalltures-ht vie-W-of--tht "very great uncertainties -in inter- national affairs."' • This, in the Ab- bott view. requites.Some "margln: of paifety" laid supports. the wisdom of a_sulistanttal -surplus during this critical period. • • • - •TWO' LIFELONGFRIENDS .• DIFFER IN POLITICS • OTTAWA. May 22.-7In the 1890s, two youtigsteis Vroin the Eastern Townships countryside wort to Sherbrooke. Que.: to .go to school, 'One, john,Thomas Hackett of Stan- stead, Was tOelve;' theotlier, Arthur St Laurent of Compton. .1404„.:waaloutteetn"..... In the 'six years they Went' t -o school --together, they became close friends. As kr. Hackett recalled receritty, they had' *their different oPinions • but they' were most* yoeal over, things -on whieli.. they agreed; . '4. .,16th became, lawyers. Both In tititetebgparae ,president of the Can- adian Zrtr ,ASsoelation. •4itecent1y tttavft-fIt-Laurelitruow-mixtpsix4.-res rixternal .A.fertti% &Mister of th.e Liberal Cartadlafkl,l'ieratrient tO jr dOWn' what sorittelPillsersiers said ,NOS- Canadats, first lereign • 00401 His 'first critie was the Same .toim. Haekett acting -as foreign atfarrs' exPere �f the: rrogressive htive partsr. Mr. Hackett 'kept wide a per - it)* tWenty years ka#e passed i4"g PerI nlitloOr tty .bickeng. Irt wish to vaintain the uncon; *to will bo'i(iiother war ate! 3,tr, trgweraili totid .6t, ; debate be and _national leaders_endorsed th_;„_.e movement, includYng Prime • sie itv to vote $70000 on June.-22rid. 1,,ster, W. L. M. Iring. • In 1946. the stated that !the arena weuld eat 1200, with .standing room for 'florists took 'u'rmithe idea and in at- year at -Edmonton; --Mberttu.! an additional 600. It wOuld luive TJithe 'florists distributed free .some 2,500 flowers in Edmonton- hospitals. A Boost for the Arena Project meg -dewier States Reisons Why the Bylaw , Should • Be Supported • The Central Home and School dub held its regular monthly meet- ing. at‘the school on Tnesday even- ing, May 25. The meeting was called to oiler by Mrs. John Cory, acting president. • Bobby Dockstader and Fred Moss plaxed excellent piano ,selos, fol- lowed by 4 delightful duet Sung by 'Rpth Dockstader and Eleanor Lauder, -accompanied by 'Miss Mason. Miss YlcDoriald's.room won the roll eall by rooms, withfive present, Migs 'Cleaver .explained to the .club some of the features of the proposed new arena for which the ratepayers-rwill have the opportun- the United-Statei ddaatuie seine four million shut-in's will. be • Bach year the idea is growing and-rthe happier for the idea' originated it is estimated that this year Ali I by a Goile.rieh young man. .—,•••••••••••••••••.• . and -Canada -to spread- the idea- As .. a result of one of these letters' being .published in The Philadelphia En- quirer. airs. Wm. F. Paris, of.phila•: delphia. herself a bedridden Invalid, became interested in the movement.' re-offered-tos-form•-a-chapter_in_ the_ United -States-and thisshe did in 1942; • Whiteso doingshe interested Marjorie Lawrence. well-known AliStraltaki-opera-star.--;Miss-Lawr-- ,ence., an. invalid also, was obliged 15. sing from a wheel chair when. appearing at the Metropolitan Opera 'House, New York City. .roday Miss La wrence is -honorary vice-president • of The • Shut-in's nhy Associntion. International. in the spriffiat • Ernest Barker dropped his interest in the Canadian Cheerio Club' and formed the,. Shut-in's Day Associ- ation. .Rev.'A.:S. McKaye.'was the • • :11 , WEDDItiG ,ANNIVERSARY flP244461061)14 friends front u side centres, Ind+u1 big Windsor,. Durham, 'Drysdale iind,T1,11.sonburg-Att....and,Mrs,...,01 liiante `celebrated their fortieth Wed- ding anniversary at they hoine on Cambria road on Saturday. , Members of the family tires -611i were Mrs. L. Cont'Peatt, Tillsoliburg; Mrs, -1140,Ganthier_iVinasor::..- Reg. Callei' and Bud Worthy, 'Croderich, and one_graralchild. Jane Carter, , • • • Mrs. Plante tvere married at it, Peter's ellitra,‘Iirysdale. on May 22nd, 1908, Befin." 'hO mar- riage Mrs. pante Was Elizabeth Jeffrey, daughter of the late 4\1r. and .Mrs.• C. ,Teirrey, of Drysdale.. Mr. Plante Was born at Sandusky, Michigan:- -After- ilk -marriage- ire 'came to Goderich and worked for • or twkintycfnur with. finperialrAil as agora. 'or the remainder of pi& residence in Gode. rich, 14r.T-Plaute has operated the, service Stab% 15 ,which. lie is at present Iodated on Victoria sti.eet. 'A ClIPFEItEN't • The 81gna1-Stat Is asked 'to state ont Clayton 'Weston, Whose-Aiame haalippeared-,111.policeeetirt-report', if not the son or.atr.. and-. MI.'S. t„ It .,1%.*stim,•-of Bariteld, fainierlY,nt Oodericb."' Mr; and Mrs, 4W'estonts son Clayton 'I1%'e 1t Ohlottgo said. 4.11 is here, X think, • that governiiient,-that Statesmanahlp and that Pattlothdi can rouder their. greateStlervice to 'Catitida.!' ,* • . • Across' the, green able 'of Patna - meta., US (Ad friend and kleW enemy heard Mn it ' A, goo are 4909147/AW / tothe • — ,rieed to secure a ,Farin H. Permirfrorii your bank, if you take .with yoi.; more than $.1 0 in United States funds, or more than a tato I --ofp-$2-5--in Cana dial,- • and United States funds. • 41 To ensure, thdt dvaitable • United. States .ciollart are • distributed in a wdy that is fair trieyeryone; an annUat Aavel ration of $150 U.S,• • ,peeperson for the 12 months .betWeen NOv. 15, 7947 and 9)!•...7. -4 -§e -194A:54.14. established. In the ease of • children under eleven It 4is • $1.00 U.S. ',,his caution is given for • goidahce of the' public and id help ' avoid eirh. bsrrasthien ;:if border • POMTS* RA'autav.,a ‘os FOREIGN E/f011titg101tflifii. flOARD'FA • : "- OttiWA /14 , ENT CHANGE IN TIME TABLE June Departmental Grade XIII (TT • per School) Exam' ifiations . „ —IN— • Algebra' and English Compositions_ The Minister of Education for Ontario announces that the Grade XII/ examinatiOns in Algebra, and -English CoimPosition, , originally scheduled for June.14th, WILL BE WRITTEN INSTEAD ON FRIDAY, JUNE 11„th. No examinations will be, written on Monday, June 1.4th.. * The ,.,„revr_sed time=table FOR -ALL- GANDIDAITS reads as felldws: V riday-;10-0' Aiothr,,„ 11 1.30--4:00 p.m.. English ,COmPosition. • eineittb (c)ur • At the Cluirch ti*oine - Studio to, see air Weckling _Album.% with, a: sets of piettireS. Make Youe Appointments Early A • • • T • t 9 , acl_zren Telephone 4611.-J - ••••• Goderich St. •Paviii• - . , • artificial ice for skating and heekeY• and could be rented for practice to Outside professionalteams and to • other• town teams for playoffs, thus •priivicling an income for its support: • Miss Cleaver stressed that the building wouldinot be merely a skat- ing rink but would be available to groups' of all ages for their activ- ities throughout the year:. It would not be controlled by' any one organ- ization but woh1,44,,be operated by a committee as a town project. • She urged 'members to give the project .their moral support and to work to get, all ratepayers to make .cer-. , tain ,that their -naraes are -on the voters' list. • • The subject of the annual school picnic, was referred to the soCial committee to determine -the date- and to naake all ,neeessary arrange- Ments. •'•- Mrs. Worsen stateil that,she had • received a letter from the little itallau bey • whom the club has "adopted." lie said he is gettlp,g along much better in schoql and has been allowed to return to his own home, where he is due of children, since the Club is providing • for his care. • Tea was served.,at the conclusion of the meeting: ROY N. BENTLEY', INCOME TAX -(Business, Pd. Vate Or Farm Reports) Bookkeeping Services-(VVeekly •'or Monthly) ,Typing-(Priyate or Cotnmercial • ' work). • 36 REGENT ST Goderich, Ont. 20t1 BOX 58 • • PHONE 74J C�nt�mpIating 10 „Fol!---STEEL_REQUIREMENTS including: Beams, Angles; Channels, Reinforcing Rounds, ReinforeingMeah anctripe Contact ,• • BrovVini 8 Sons 400 LANCASTER *ST W. _ o KITCHENER. - “ 1,....„•• WINEWM001011.111011111011611111 7 — am/ME Zak/ , P • C-+ 't10."A 4.E IT! REAR IT! . You'll agree-- that the new 6 -tube Supertone is tops tor tone- value-pertorrhance. Here's your Auto Radio that haa everyth1ng-4 • . quality athart appearane-- iit-Tx price that -s-r--wes -you- ihe Supertone. • MAZING VALUE AT irp to"--535,00.1Compa_ieIt with •109.50 models -and youll buy •.95 • fe. • Fora' 25 [Referred to in ection 88 (4)1 " • • •:NOTICE :Or HOLDING AN . o., for•oo, 7._ ' FOR • RAILWAY EMiLOYEES, SAILORS AND. t atir irlaloc-taKamirmorrarr • TK, AyELI.,ERS .111111111111111111. lectoral District of RHr011 Notice is hereby given .that pursuant to the provisions of the Election Act (Section 88) i Poll will be opened on FRIDAY and .ATUltDAY the FOURTH AND, 'FIFTH :days of JUNE,. 1948,. .-fronLeight eelock irtffef�renijon niitililire-Voloar in- the .noon and from seven o'clocklit the tatbrnoori' un,til ten o'clock in The iolihig lidaco ter. the Electoral' District' Of Huron. Will be • located at the 'MINN HALL.tsf ow:mitt-at • and- 41* 'TOWN HALL IN CLINTON for the .purpc,Se of re&Aving the votes Of railway employes, sailor§ void travellers whose employment is such as to' 0098164,e their abSOce trent thneitO timeirom their ordinary place ofresidence,or who 'have reason to believe' that 4they-will-bt.absentAlpon4the-Ilayliked-forthp-eIectior /hehathit box !ill (ipened afldth 'iOtes counted at seen •o'cleellt.• (Daylight 'Saviat Time) In the afternoon of Monday the Seventh day, of June, 1048, at the' said places. • t, Datied at Goderich thts l8th 'day of MaY, 164$, PRANKR 1)AllittIVIT, IC:0,, 'Returning Onion f 214 • MODERN DESIGN • • RICHER- TONE- .* FITS ALL CARS oyer'Brass wilt net:rust. • .-New Modern Designs -'-Better• Reception. • . ' Easily in.4alled on any -Car. • 4.09 3.85 4,09: 4.69 A "n1PNeotiLStg),Pge!trts Atb- Radio GEARSHIFT BALLS AND BUSHINGS • Conventional gearshift ball Of Diaatit _material ..... _ .14 7onventional giarshift ball,ot beautittd, Genitor complete with adapter • ...33 • Steerling Wheel gearshift cOritiol k'nObs of tenite and &thrill° 'bezel . .34 Adapter bushings for above.. .12 . • , F6nder Splash • Guards An manila "dresa ..up" item for Your new • car, Crystal* black finish, with Ilealninit* Jewels.' Quickly tftted-no -holes to drill, Per. •Pair • • 'Top Vualifit or "Save Saiele Prices . , . FISHING TACKLE. . CASTING RODS--dristol rAmetlean 1 , ••, ,. 5.50 to ' 12.65• . q4STING RODS--Aixterlean 'and doniestle • ,• 1.50 to 5,99 • LEYEI, WIND REELS-r.Level' wind, anti- . backlash, Arnefican ,• 2.75 to 0.95 * ; CASTINGLINES-Bristol (Arner.1, 00 yds; -1,Tylinirtilr.lta: rear- . • . -trio------- Ptire Silk, 1.8-1b, test . • 2.25 CONIRINATION TROLLING' ROD REEL . for wire-he:VT duty , 5.95 ThOWsandri of Other oniStabdilig valUea in , • Minne-W Cana, Landing 'Nets, Gilt gooks; • Flattish. Haddon baits,.._Pikey Minnows, • Hawaiian Wigglers, ate.• • " GOOD SELECTION. OF TItOlJT TACKLE ' • . l'-••••• THICKNESS GAU9ES, #7,14 111 f Swstlist Steel- • ("4/4411 /4°40 • 111 Id .64 • Driver's •Wedge CUSHIONS ' • 001Orttil...* • ComfOrtAble 1'424' • t.' 1.59 frfeffi, +edre Phone -6 • NORTH St, '-Godorith, Ont. Whetstone