The Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-05-20, Page 10R.. . . .:, , .., . , .. .„, $NNDAY.;14AX„ 31112, 4948' re -8.30 CONOWN1014, 1.11.0°. 0,04.----MAliN and PRLVLRY suNDAY SC11001; . vt.0.11ING ANk:!, .§IKROON., a - IL pathEVUNING jr#ANNR- Titesdag' o':in„centirinati?n ksetiiee, RF2V. ':,ttjA Vat R14()Toii.'' AND4RTON, OrganiSt and. Qitairnia.steF,, orth St. United Church REV. 0: WES-LEY COPE,B.A., 13.19:, Minister .Willjani. E. Fletcher, A.R.C.M.,; A.T.C.L„ .Guest Organist 10 a:m; TIIE CHURCH $610014.„1 li 4.4 "EMPIRE DAY." "TUE NATURE AND -DESTINY OJ ' MAN.." ' - 2. Alan's Sin. ' TIIE JJflJ 11 WITII TIIE' SINGING T'OWER ' Max Presbyterian.Church .REV ROBERT G: MacMILLAN,. Minister* 1.45 ,,a,m. Sunday' School and Young people's Bible Class., 11 ink. 'JUNIOR CONGREGATION.- - • 11 a.m. 11;1O SHALL SlEE GODr,, 7 p.m, • °HE MADE IT AGAIN."; Director of praise -Mr. W7illiarn Wickett, A.T.C.M. • Come and Worship the,Lord in the Beauty of Holiness.' d••••,1•• VictoTig United Church MINIS'TiER-REV.• LAWRENCE H. TURNER, BA. Organist al..d Choir Director --Miss Mary jOyce Strachan. JUBIIXE SERVICES - -• • , .- 11 a.m.. "THE SHADOW OF -A. GREAT ROCK." • .2.30 p.m. .."SUNDAY SCHOOL ---OPEN SESSION. 13.m. "WHAT .CAN GET ALONG WITHOUT!' .Guest-Preacher,REV. A. J. McKAYE,__POrt-Stanley • _ formerly' of Nktoria „ UNION TOWNSHIP -9.45 a.m. VIRES1D,E IIOUR AT :CLOSE OF EVENING SERVICE. - Auspices of Young People's Union. •• VICTORIA WELCOMES ..YOU • . Sunday; May.•30-7-Rev. F. Craik, Peterborough • 1 At; • Goderich BaptistChurch 3 PASTOlt-REV. G. MED1LF,Y. Organist-Mis. M s Verna -Ciller • . ' 'CHURCH SCHOOL:. BROTHERHOOD DAY' IN CHURCH - _ m. MEMBERS OF LONPON :BROTHERHOOD. Soloist for Day -Joan .Winkler of Stratford 7 Members Of STRATFORD BROTHERHOOD. • JUNE 6th -TORONTO GOSPELAIRE'S Monday_ B.Y.P.U. '8- p.m. . 'Wednesday 8 p.m, Prayer and Fellowship. „ c. .CliATTElt gy ;),Ialree Wan NO, Fit$TIVAL .POli.4PETxr,q0i4 :001t. 6.c,I, Pllonus, . Despite the fact that both, the MiXed clibrus and the girlschorus liave bee' practising ..for 'theliths` on their festivat pieces, there g be..i• competition, -so •therefore, no awards prowl tea. Tlie mix.ea ohorus' is -presenting Iwo Pieces., "floly Father," a hymn, aud, "My Friend Plerot,'"a Freneh- INnadirin ' "0 Lovely,Peace" and the beauti- ful "Brother,, Jellies' Air" are the test, 'neve*, tile three-PgiriS) chorus.. , • • There are also ,:two Ioub1e tries "Twilight' and 'three trios in -The Good luek. q,.a.x.! • ON PAIRAXIIN.! Yes, Indeed! G.C.I. cadets will be mit on paradeon ' WednesanY, May 26, cpme rain orshine. Their inarching has nuproved greatly in the last few days , ---and just wait until you see them: in their snapPY khaki outfits. •. GiERICI.$,1GN AL -STAR Fot Res FOR SALE Tie 1 -4.Play (entitled "Peeekabee reni2Y" will be,p5eseated by the, Ptirt ,Albert playerii on, Monday; *ay 31, 'at S;34). pan., itr-th-e-Belohlillnite flI,'artirch, - sponsored by the Benhilliqr . — NOTICE!! Young Adult Group. Proceeds to go to work in the church. Ad- missiOn , 40c ,and, 29c, • " • • -14 •Any, magazine, any thrie, any- where, Miss Mary IA. HOWell; 4- 4. "Vincent ,street, phene 213y, Qr isaMY UcLeati., Waterloo street;• '2te , Nurses'e Alumnae ,Are holding a .rmniige a1 t ,..MaoKay ,I1n11, op; 8aturday,, ,Tun, 5th,- at. 1.30. mUi . • • • - "'The ',Harher- Aires" willpresent a male, Mixed eherus and close barniony concert at the Ooderich Pavilion on Friday,. ,l11ity 28th, at 8,14- p,m. Mixed chorus WiJ1 con- sist .02.0.•fortY7eight :voiCes, •AISV guest artistsMom London. A con- cert .yoU wiUreally„.enjoy „•;19 Bake. ,tle, • Saturday,- Mat 22nd,' at Worsen Bros,' store, .poinniencing -at 2 p.M.,:.sponscred, by Rebekah• -- Lodge. . • • ' Bazaar and sale of 'home baiting 'to be held in :MacKay Hall.onSat- The tinie-Monclay evening, May 31. urday, May 29th, .at 2 p.m., spon- The. place--7-Gederich Collegiate. ,sored by Benmiller United church' The eveut-The big anneal "open W.A. Aprons; children's Wear, night."., • . • .vegetables,. farm -produce and home 'baking. • -20-1-2 The play,. "Welcome to Meredith Arias,"by Rev.. John lientierSOn, of 13lyth; will be presented.: at -Port Albert - Anglican, -chtirch hall on Thursday, May 27,th, at 8.30 p.m. Admission 40c and 25e, . -21 , A play, ,"Maid, of Money," will be presented by the X.P.U. of Wal- ton on Wednesday, May 20th, at ,.8 p.m., sponsored by Victoria street United church clioir._ Admission • • -- --40=1 Come ose-, come See gym' shop and sewing dis, plays;,. typing and laboratory demon-- • strations; also several numbers • from the chorus and a fashion show. • WATERLOO MALE CHORUS :ST •' G.C.L • • .Wediresday morning was a -red letter day" ii the -sell -obi year. The reason •for, this was that the 'famous,- Waterlou'.,-...College male chorus presented. • a eprogram • .of •40c and 20c.- popular and Classical music student body. • • The boy S cansed quite a Serisatibil when they. arrlyed 111 several. -ears and a stafion wagon, All carryipg -the -purple . and -gale --of -Waterloe.- During the entire program they. • were seated On .the stage, 'Malting quite -a show in their'white sweaters stltb-Piirgle and gold stripes On .one sleeve, .and their 7purPle ties:,and. • grey trOusers...;:„. • •their,Arrangements were "The "Ritssion VesPer ilymn,"*.,"1,4; Melody Flow;". "Hik- ing Song,', "Sailing, to Rio" and "Old King Cole.' • . quartette of .boys , in purple. blazer, ,Straiv- hats and. canes -sang "BarnyardCoeference," which all, .bat 1-iad .the,istudents rolling in the. ages. • "••.• . • Max Pliitton,, „tenor,.-favore-E.-the'' audience with a beautiful:Arrange- ment of -The Lord's Prayer." • , • • The _program closed (much -to the regret of the students) .with Water- • loo's, school song .and „ their rip- roaring school yell!,. • • ' • G.C.I. sincerely hopes they will return 'very • BORN . BARTRAM.-At Wellesley Hospitali Toronto, on May 10th, 1948; . to _Bartlint (nee Jielen Rehertsofi,.. Reg.N.), TD - auto, a daughter, Susan Wray. BRO,DIE.---41Alexandra Hospital, otlericin---cm-•%itay-1.4th;- to • • and Mr$. Ralph J. ,Brodie (nee' -Viola . Toting), a daughter. LUMBY.--;Atto.,...Alexandra Hospital, goderich, on May 17th, 1948, -to Mr.' and gra. Wm. • T. Lumby (nee Olive Miller, _RN.), a son. MILIJER.--At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, 'on l‘Lay 18th, _1948, to Mr. •*turd 'Mrs. Clarence. -Miller, a son, John Robert. • ' YOUNG. -At Alexandra Hospital, Goclerich, on 18th. 1048, to OR SALE. --JACKET HESTER ;Mr;- and MTS. John and. -hot .water -.tank (Standard' ,(nee Teresa' Snaith)., a Son, John Andrew.• size), in geed- condition. Phone 130. ••21tf lassified A pou ,SALE,J.4,7n7o s 1,1 (IT n mps. Pum.) BOWR41 SR., William street. -21 , „FOR SALE.--r-PURF'BRED BJG- IsTXThUL) or .4 rypt fully accredited herd, J:A. SULLY,. RoSny,• Vamp,' Bayfield read, Gode- rich, Ontario.. •• -13tf , OR ...S;..k.LE,-VIVE-ROOM C(d- .14(1E, Centrally located. C.' CHAPMAN, , Real Estate 13reker, Phone :18... • $414 T W - ST:0 R'Y --frame-stinimer Wipe. tit_ Pert, Albert, On. • Desirable location and reasonably *priced' for quick sale. 0. .F. CHAPMAN, Real' Ilstale Broker, Goderich, Ont. , Phone .18 'or 410, 14tf FOR . SALE. -•1933 MASTER •- Chevrolet coach: . Motor 'over-. haul and 'neW paint job. May be seen •any time at GARDNER 'MOTORS, Go'derich. • . 21x , OR, _SALT.). --GLADIOLUS -bulbs in wide- range of f,color; 25 largerbulbs $1.25; 50large bulbs $2;50. MRS. L. R. LIOLMAN;: Cameron street„ phone 722. -19' FOR SALE.. -:-MAY KITCHENER _Big -4 • Chicks •.available, with special prices, especially. on started chicks. Tion't -think it's too late. Most poultrykeeperi Who held • back are •not making up for lost time. Food is still the world's most lm- portanit ,-NvOrd. -Ask us. for price, -size . up yOur needs, let's hate your order, RYAN'S PRODUCE, Gode- rich. • ' „ -21 • FOR, SA.LE.-CHENILLE BED-' $4.99. Wholesale price, first quality, chenilles fer dOuble_or single beds. in all beauti- ful fastel colors; worth much naore. Also habitant hand hooked rugs, size. 18 x 36, eriginal Colorful at W -I terns, 3 for $4.00: Sent C.O.D.-O rfostrt-g,e, Money immediately- re- funded if ,not satisffed. ' HANDI- CRAFT DISTRII3-1.1TORS, 254 Sher- limeike_street West__Montreal,_ Que. 2ttf pot SALE.--:-IYOZT"i' 4.1F.,$ITATE. _ -about buying May elneks. - If they're Bray Chicks.. :They'll 'catch good fall -winter naarkets. Especial- ly if*.you ,get started chicks, Most varieties, pellets; cockerels, mixed. Ask. Us for special prices. WM. WALTERS, 42 Cambridge street,: • . • -21 +4, • BETHELTABERNACLE. • (Peiitecestal AssemIgies of Canada) REV: :J; A. PEARSON, Pastor. ,- 10 a.nl.SI:NDAY _ 11 a.m.' SIORNINi),' WORSHIP-, 7.30 p.r.. EVANG-ELISTIC SERVICE. MONDAY, MAY 24 • . GREAT DISTRICT_RALLi_"4-4.30 and. 7.30 - SPEAKER --REV.• W. HOWELLS OF- KENT, ENGLAND Friday P.M. Young People's •Meethrg. .• _n)EARTI.,INPLCOIE AWAITS YOk AT BETHEL The Free Methodist Church. Corner of Vietoria Park Sts.' • - •,FUNDAMENTAL PRACTICAL • EVANGELICAL •• YOTJ ARE fiNVITED" TO: •' -THE'SESSION:01" TEL SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 10 A.M. THE DifORNING SER'OCE OF "-WORSHIP, AT 11 A.M: THE' EV*NING. -EVANGELISTIC RALLY AT 71).14. Services in which the -spiritnatinteVes.ts of each nieraiber Of the Congregatiai is of prime importance. .„ . • REV. R. *C. AlcCALLUM, Pastor. II ..ONOR111 -0THER'S .11EMORY- •Once again the Aitehi.son family and relatives -gathered on Mother's Day at -the home of Mr., and Mrs. Harvey Aitchis.on, in memory of • their mother, the late Mrs. Wm. Aitchison. Those .vpresent were: ?Jr. and Mrs. Lorne •.Aitchiso,n and Douglas, of Brampten ; M. and Mrs; Tom A.it-Cliison, of Eitcliener; Mr. and_ Mrs. Jack Aitchisciti.. Mr. and ,Mrs. J. E. glitch.. G ode - rich :Mr. Henry Aitchison, of Sarnia; Mr, and Mrs. -Herb Govier, of Apbtirn, and Mr.',, :and Mrs. • Charles Blatchford and' -daughter, • G\sen bf town.--Wingham Advance. _ MRS, -.PLEMING 'ADDRESSES •' W.A. 4.15, - omen s 0 • Geoigess chum. e..,et in the Guild, roOm ,with .the tpresident, Mrs. B. IL varr, in charge' of the business • part of the nieeting, .Th'e litany .:Was•Iread"by Mrs. F..:Q„ Jones The .guest Speaker, Mrs Fieming, wife ,of _:,the -Bishop of 'the Arctic, told of the worle'of the WA: in the WeSt •"Aretie and of her life and the life of the Bishop while in that district. * XrS• 0. Tichberne thanked Ifeefor the •Interesting 4ddress.' ". • • Affer ;the meeting the members tacked .bale of- clothing to be '4 7 'sent to a girj and boy Residential ,School; Cardston, Alta. eilw-c-t4wkut.ttrItrettle0Toy' clothing Wa's Mrs. 0. Staniforth and ,of the girls..;Mrs,.! P. B. Riley. Lunch was served- a i*tiiffs lijthe hostess, Mrs. Riley: • Rev. 11. IL Farr is Attending the Meeting--4-the• -Synod St. jinni's' Cathedral, London,' this week. . Sirs. ,Parr accompanied' him te London. Mr. G. L. Parsons and ,R. U. '1VhitteIey also are in attendance at the Synod. •• • pped With toolarge lee storage) tate:tire to • preparott, to fill ,yoUi 0(304011/S ice regnirementa, • CA 1941 1VIERCURY 'SEDAN 1947 DODGE SEDAN 19te -DODGE SEDAN 1941.,,CHEV: COACH' • 1940 CHEV. dotin. U IO:PONTIAC COACH' 1935 PLYMOUT4 SEDAN • 1940---2 TON -CHEW , 1942-4 TON 1942 FORD AR1V7 TRUCK - 1935 OHEIT. PANEL Motors R,ontia-o_ Buick Dealer KINgsTON. Sr. 344 MARRIED. FOR SALE, -WINDMILL, CAGO Air Motor, good. condi- TJBVKATA-BRUGg. On Satur. day. May 15; 1948, at 4.30..o'clock, don.. APPlY to.A.. M. STRAUGI1AN, • • Be -runnier. Pahone_Carlow 23 r 40. in St. 13arnabas. church,,Torontio, • by thear Rev, H. Garbutt,.Marget Isobel. daughter. of Mr. and MrS.47 20-1x - • .. •• Geb.Th-roo.;.--tv.Ja Alfrt LLE.-GOLF•CLUEs-sp,,T, Uhukata, son. of Mr anti ' Mrs.•Wright & Ditson steel shaft, J. R. r"kgta' Mi)(Ise-J-aw' Sask'lwei,gthelfbasli, oeasl sw° t°I in •es t upadisr, size -7 -Phone 703. 21,x • IN MEMORIAM loving memory a FOR SALE OR RENT. -FIVE - our dear brother, IIorace Horton, • ROOM furnishell. „Simmer , cot: who passed away one year ago, tage on lake'. front at Kincardine; town, water and electricity; large May 20th... . So suddenly called, • • • sTreeneci front verandah, back ver - *SO --so-rely-ifils-sed; a nclah ancl-garage,----Write-R0-.. BOX But our loss, is: his gain, 233, Goderich.' • . -204 So we 'Wait ...,...tp ineet ain ' In the SWeet Bye and 'Bgaye: 'Pill" SALE. --•ONE., RADIO • ONE. ...,_tv,er 'remembered by his Bro- • child's. crib and one day bed ther and Sisters, ' • 21x (double). 'Phone 222M or call at • • -4-• •'"--.'• • .• 2-HinckS street. -- - 21x HORTON.---In .1oVing memory of ,.......,,,_ ' •„„ .._ _., • Horace Horton. who passed away VIII gA-71-4-e2.--ju. 1,,IPAND-A...HALF one year ago, May • 20th. • • - , story stucco house; large living - Loving and kind in all lilS•Arays,,.. LrOom;--witli firepltreeg-roorn 'Upright and just 'to the end of hi---eand •kitchen ;• three bedrooms up and • , • days; • three-piece bath; all OA .floors; full Sincere and true in heart and Mind,. basement with furnace. • Lovely Beautiful memories he left behind. . locality, one block from Sqineire. • --Ever remembered by Sons.and Phone 12W. ••. . ,. • :: , . Daughters.. •• 21x'F. ••,on SAL.-AQUANTITY • ol's PATTERSOli.7--ln loving_ „memory "•'” . girls' clothing - tunics,. skirts, of. Colla 'Patterson; who -passed .- driless and suits, sizes 10-14 yeare. away, gat 23rd, 1947. Ile Is gobeitibut not forgotten, • And .4 taisseS* by the year, • In the laely LITOUI'S of thinking .Tholightsiof him are always• near. Days of -Sadness still-lconie-oGItEY TWEE1: ser us, FrieridS inay think the wound is' .E79-RSALE1- „ healed, ' , • ,. suit. with blue stripe, almost. put -they Iktle know the sorrow size waist 34- good . A.pply Apt. 4, Bedford lieSY within- the heart eon- 'bargain. Block. issed ' by -Wife ' and F " • x OR "14'7-VPRIGI&T PlAir" genuine Mozart, in excellentcon- .FOR SALE , POE, $A14-4ONTIA0 •00UPg., 1939, in •geed' Couditiont, goof]. heatOr,,defr,ester, Bargain. at $15o.00. owner leaving town. Ap- -p1y,:,EDNET-4,---vorner-04tantir road and Palmerston. street, 21 $.&r.au,-wITg,igmEDI4TE pesseesion. • seven -room. frame house with ene and: two-lith-arO of good •garden •land, hydro, god well, in good 011(110.0n. Raveo. ro,40,- in town , of ..Seftfertb. -Phone 132/42 ,JOHN ,atiaxpw, .13()X 878Goderich, ' .• 214 ;„,„ 'OR SA.LE.-1941 PONTIAC•AND* • 1930 , Plymouth,. -GiLilunir Kingston Street, Gode- rich. 21x • FOR SALE„---110I.J.SEL' , CENTRA, •brick, hOt water ,heat, 7,room, batli; floored att4c, and cellar'. rine tourist home location: . June pos- session, • Apply to J. E. MUTCH, phone- 532. , , FOR ALE - LA,Dra •$4ND • ganardine fahicoat,, size' 16; dresses, crepes and cottons.,.".size 18720 ;...man's two-piece summer suit, size 30-38. Apply 97 East street. .21x F.ort•SALE.-SET OF L.H. GOLF ,clubs, 4 wooden lawn bowls, lawn mowers, radios, record players, graraoPliones, 11 -piece obesterhold, D,R. tables, 13uffets, Drains, strollers:,, walkers,: child's crib, icebox, electric, steam 'radiator,"• sewing Machines, „ TAVIOWAY$ 20hlf 1048 AUCTION.SALES., •UOTION $'AIX Or• HOVS 4,0V). FURNISHINGS ,(gState, of Alias Lena WaltOn);, at West Street, .Godetich, akr 29th • at 2; o'eleelt Three-pleee' Dedroom set! 11114- tWQ WASIIStalldSe Jg1 hat-boxi •small radio, three eloas, fidx-piece, tr aelt4ler pieture-frameS,-,"-bOolt,St. ebina, .gla.ss, *vacnutn SWOOPS; ehniet, sweepey,. tweSoft1S,IQUV. beds* tWO rockerS, two s latChea chairs,- coal stove wit, oven, 001 btove„ e'reep,: our. •higlilhack ehair$, PilloWs;', small chair, 1axnp $al1,. kitehen* large wainut table, two*piece Oink. cupboard, sideboard, large ctlp- beard, three trunks, b1indi„..er0,cic'S, las Stone„pots,_INintAleetric'stoyo, robe; scales,' two - ,shOvels,, lawn Mewer, other', articles • teo numerous to mention. , • TERMS.-CAS35. , • MATT. GAINOR;_. . 2172- Auctioneer, Goderich, SUMMDR., COTTAGES 13IJILT" BY contract ; can 'supply nice _plans if-deSired; laave a few bookings left for May J-une. Will call 011 370u. for interview by writing E. BRANDON, Brussels. 20-1x LOST-, . JOST. --L-BILLFOL • 0 PAD - " to,viLilEM ' amt -snapshots. •Nlime of L. L. Strattonk printed on -billfold. -Re- turn eSo BELL TELEPHONE OF- -VICE, Ode -riot. ;21 VENDERS WANTED mechanic s- tool box, trunks,, bed,p,` TENDERS WANTED. dressers, guitar. • Many other •- articles. C. ,'W0ODS,L-Used Furni- ture Store, 12 East street. -21 FOR___SALE. Pr,XMOitllyr-T coach.' • ,Best'. • offer accepted. Phone 1067W. - -21 FO•RSALE.-UNDERWOOD ty:perweter, excellent ' condition-. GODERIC ELEVATOR, 017:TRAM- Lowest or .any tender not neces- SIT .00:--2- - - -• ' 21 • . . . -sarily-Aiceepted; ..,,, . DUANIN PHILLIPS, OR SALE. -'34 MASTER, CHEY..,._ ' . - . sedan; ' ' lirst-elass-Secretary-Treasnrer,-"-Condition 20-1 Dungannon.: rotighont; one nian4r--04.-M.- - --- 7--',--------- __,..„ --;,.. • bleycle;ialso electric plate,. 2:burner. 76 Newgate street. •' • -21 , • Tenders will be :received, at the office q the :West Wawanosh. Mutual Fire 'Insurance Company,, Dungan - hon, up to and including -May V9,th; 1948, to supply and install a deep - well pressure system-Inclnding one- H.P. motor. 180 -gallon tank, 120 feet -of Ilja -inch .galvanized-piping_._and 2 inch lirass cylinder,' FOR S4LE-245 .t 'premium pullets 15 weeks old. RYAN'S PRODUCE. • • 21x . • • - . FO R SALE. -ONE OUT- '. BOARD Champion single Motor., in perfect 'working -order. ' $75. GEORGE JAMES. telephone 400 - 21-2-3x '.010Q'N '1‘ ul errs Bakery "Tl!e lime. of Tasty 1Pa8tw, ORANGE Q)EfpF014',„ CAKE „„,„,..2!0 I lit • Wedding and Anniverbary Vali.es-a) SPeelalty, All order'of §1.90 or more • delivered. • P/A0Ni MEL. CULBERT, ProO, NOTI.CE T'O• COEDITORS, NOTICE' TO 'CREDITORS. All persens-haVing claims against tile estate' of Elizabeth. Straingtoul. Stanlet,- late .of the :Township o Colborne, .in .the county of Huron,. widovy,-Vilo-clied on or about the 10th day., of -April; -1948., are re- quired to tile the same with full particulars .with the uldersigned the 14th day of :rune, 1948. 'Us. -aieth. that 'date the estate will be distributed.. ° F. It DARROW, K.C., 6oderic1, Ontario.. .., 21-23- • Seliciter for the Estate._ NT/OTICE* To' pi/Eon:OA& • . • Notice is hereby given that Peter Joseph Cantelon,, late of they Town, •' of Gederieh, died on or about, the 151,h day of April, A.D, 1948, and. that all .lierSons having' claims ngninst •the estate of,the said de- ceased are required to send them to. the undersigned on Or before the 31st day • of May, A.D. 1948, as. after tint date the estate will 'be' ' wound up, having regard only to • the 'claims ,of which the , executor shall then have •notice,. FOR, SALE. COPKER 'ELS,' "• blaek; • registered'. MAURICE 'VANDEMEER, 'R411. 2; Godeilch. •. :21-3 . _ WANED , - - . Q•W-N YOUR-BUSINESSI ...I.OL.N, the leading company of HOME ERVI'0E IN CANADA. "Let -your effort •determine your ineome. • Very little capital needed.- --IfTyou. have travelling equipment, here is , your chance, to use it with'benefit. Write for full details. FAIIIIIX, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. :. -21-5 .. . . •ANTED. -;--LIST INGS OF FRO- "- PERT-IBS-710r- CHAPMAN; Real Estate Broker. Phone 18. 39tf • ANTED. 'PARTLY FURN- ISHED_ or uefurnished apa'rt- ment or small. house, ininieiliatelY. ', No children. perinanent residents. Write BOX 73, SIGNAL -STAR.' • • 21tf WANTED TO BU. -ALL OLD .„ horses and dead . anintalS.. If suitable ,for mink fedwillaymoe than fertilizer prices. If not, Will pay:fertilizer price. .1f4eiul at once..• GILBERT BROS.' MINK RANCH, Goderich, filione collect. 936, r .or 936 k32, SIMPLIiI(j) SKIN CARE 2,tv g(ei:0* Designed to ille.mOst, for the skin in the shortest mea- sure oftime.;. kiTlena-Cleansing 1.25 to 7.00 . Ardena Skin Tonio,1.25 to 9.75 Orange Ski,nCream,1.2409.50 IViuscle Oil, 1.2,5 to 4:'75 PerfeeticaCream, 7.sq and 12.50, Feather -Light Fonntla Lion -et-cal/1;1;25. P one 167W. *- -20 NEEDED.' MAN OR. WOMAN at oxide . o take care, of e tab- Iished cusfomers .in Goderich for famous Watkins -Products. • Average $45 weekly, ille0111d. No investment. Write J. R.• WATKINS. CO, Debt. Montreal, PA?. -21 WAI.NTLING STONES at :epee, State' condition and price, -Write CARLO,r,-537-Bess-erer street. Ottawa, Ont. -1872f F9R- SALE. --7500 ROCK HORN 'pullets, 10 weeks oIcl. Phone Carlow 28-33. • • 20x vimetRE4YOURAMIAMiSatlant This month there .1v111 bp, about di ion' a plano anyone , would *he --'41t-Phit-Wri ARNET FARRIER, Whitechurch. 100,00G pieees of- literature dis- 4,02_,), ai, wth_ghtta __ ..20,..2x tributed by the Industrial Accident Phone .under Workmen's couipensation.110e 1ts 'ARM FOR ,,SALE.-tHE 300 Prevention. A.ssociations to of the hulletins reads, "Habits •are acres in Ashileld• comprising lot 1 an eagily , formed. Like the spider's d west 1/2 of lot 2 on the 12th. wel).„._,ai_fir54,,,they „are..0:144,Lto_breltki concession E.D., known as the Me - but soon •they become stronger. 141°te flu'ilil•Tia""1114111"-"ril Are yol:Irs,_ sate?".,„2 with 'stables underneath; a large ,......... frame house, all inIair repair ; has . over 20 acres of timber, Mostly ., .maple Mid beech. The'farin ear' be- . sold In 100-ger° lots if deSired. Ap- -ply to DONALD J. MacLEAN: , Havelock street,Lucknow, Box, 0,1. . • . . BICYCLE RIDERS' Artli-Itratplr WARNED 21.2 AGAINStrl— ' RIDING ON SIDE Atiica: AND PATES ixotivratei7 aouR liOutZ; PARK. 2, P,I.D/NG AciAINST TEA/WIC ON THE , w,0 .014 oxt tCL Due to tumerous eomplaitts received &bold the tii Violations, amore 1104 etio* ltipicade; rOLIOE DEPARTMENT, AVANTtD :TO 131IRCHAS11• -; A.44Etill'FAST.146,4, -1 inch wheel base. write .r0 :,- FLOE BOX 908, Goderich; Fon • .tbreeneW'tlresoiew,battferY and cables,sealed beam lights, „nubble genvertetrjo,.., thick -if, • • desired, $150. SCIARtIeS AUTO• , SlilititIC11; 44 littroz road,• ' • gdi 17,01Rytines, $tALB. Eqlft -.VirBtKooTit while` 'they last: NeW Hanipshire,s, itliOde Island I14ds; White 1100Ite $.52:95. : 411norea . X White LegbOrik Arle011,48 $54:05„ Light 8fistleX.X. Barred- Reeks, New • IlaiijpsblreS X tiarred Itaeks, 13ar. red Roek.X New liaiepshireS, NW -stissor Assolled light or. heavy ,breed'S „ per hundred, ,oijeSs, SIX.Week-Old • Net? VatapShire ppilets. *605. Also, •'24'3. and 4,Week7014,' ptdlots, eoeit- eele or nen,.soted fti nittu$' popular • bred. Da.p.eia -eoe)coleitttay • 1$i Barred RocitS, 'Light Stli180, Ft• • Now tPtixiljAire X <, Battid' news r;ight-'-sneeet. St' New. ilanillOires $895. White LeghornS',$I,,00.4, •White Z -flared Reeitr $2,30. 14ond fore eointilete • •TNVP)1T.)tti .01110/t ITATOIltrtita • wramol IMO y. •NNt. 6Y AP-ril, A.D. 1948.• • L. E DANCE- • GOITelrfel, ' 0111 ario. • ---,Solicitorvtlae--Executor,,_j____ ' TO RENT' • '110 RENT.-7-0FFIOE ABOVE Mc- . KINNON'S • ediate :possessionll For further.'." particulars apply„ tol R. HAS, BarriSter, Goderic114,1. .-20tf ,,,1111111.11haa00/1111111111111111111111110111111 Hygetile'Stitifilles',1rublier-goeds,), - mailed postpaid 11 plain, •seared:: . envelope with pr ce list. Six samples 2.5e; 24 saniles Order- • Dept. 7-53,-;:SNOV-RUBBER CO., Bt4 ox 91, Hamiltaa, Ont. -0 .FIRST AID RENDERED TO SICK RADIOS ALSO: PORTABLE FOOL -PROOF SOU,N1O SERVielE - B. R. MUNDAY Certifled RadioTechnician -- . PRONE. OR._,...C_ALL N.Vidder St., Godirich. Plion1)595 AT CAMPBEjL'S. Wud:friendly D.A. Store .,Fire- Fite- Fires You ,often read, LOSS • partially coverect, byn P: ..ranee. • • Bring your mitt insu: ranee uto value. VORA) ,SEE Get .Insured- - Stay Irisured--”. Rest :Assured.. 268w • 'AUCTIONEERING -att. Gaynor*:* lAcepsed Auctioneer with. twenty years' exPerienFe. For information write, of phone 187J, Goderich. (collect) FURNIT-URE, REPAIRED . , CABINET MAKING,- . SAW`FELINGi,10TC. _ of ' •, general blapignaithing: . T. GOWER • (Formerly Sheardown • Blacksmith Shop)' HAMILTON ST.-. • 42if P., 4 AvANt1D.7-NypigAN FOR BtD- - , Roam work 'and . olio for • laundry. - APPlY -at BEDFORD HOTEL.. • • -21 2;m1rowirainemiiiiirforsiOnno.... - ARM FOR SALE .100-401W-PARIVL Fiain9. house and -barn, fair donditiori,. good. Loam.. well 60 ares Cleaied, ,".116,11 trittatiftwootkimberi,-;;:,- • 3''miles north of Auburn. South half of otai, Con. ce6iot East Woven- Osh., 41500., , SEE imEl,isp*T 1topG1t, • nits Coal _CO. wi)kolose Saturdays -at noon during May, lune, • July and /orate . 49. 1 alr Ha •maimes.• ottoary, INC , • vHe refuses t� go.in says't11.6 swoetest,musie" he's Clic'. beard tb.e - way his ntotor Minis 'With Fire Chid goo:: Iv' Int •PIES citxEr ' • Tan • one Excellent Reception "at- Low Cos with New,. ,;FIRESTONE e ne „ Air Chief Auyo RANO 44- k4