The Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-05-20, Page 7Chelite. eid etc.; that �`Qo ' be proud of the , , � �• we ho . er r ritoever' for _oat. _ cine 'o vs�lour, f 'ie*ee tapestry'f, , tma k.. Qeal eoverdnga. , 'de ' e '• k pan h, o d V R ��b e. PHONE Vat 1701 NRTL� HE i,,.., TUAILE, 0or)BRxCH: A minister ,accosted one of his ► r hi hers on the. street and 'pas i o ,,'� asked bifli why 'he hadn't, bcoa , to: services lately,; "1teVerend," signed the mane`" !'ver' been working hard and 1 don't have the time,. I've got towork, hard a mi bt . tp.. o y :off � - e "But don't you think you .oWe the Lord something too?" the "'.minister in . ' ✓teal_ded him. ••.. • . "Oh, that -I I do," '•agreed the man, `"but Ile. isn't „ 1 pushing me like my, other .creditors ," . elio N ldom makers; t The aspar Q apes sh otas r1n ing from the earth 00 ;$ a a " : wish, we 'Could eat l .. o . �e• ry k�.i�. d �. them rasv, 1t hits been a` long time ;sink we;tossedour .Awn gar. den teens together : into -a; ,salad bowl,. Hi owever, one thin. "we' can. do -is, ,coo and .chat .the. aeparagds tips. to (serve inaxinated, with potato - salad or jellied vegetables. • ° To 'Marinate': leave.''the; Booked- vege-T table ,(in, this %case) far an .liotir in French• jdressing or seasoned yiuegar .and; salad, oil. Ez ,.- xO C41•1, E LESS /1E/erg-BEFORE, SH ST T D rroo 'JELLIED JELLYD A$PAa 41U��D 2 tbsps, gelatine,"1/4, -cup cold y1 water„';.i/ ' cup vine0r, .`2 OOPS, Oiling water, 1/3 * Cup sugar, 1 tsp. salt]r p` � lxes cooked d ` asparagus,' V`cup,lced 9I ves, •. • lettuce, ' celery curls,. •„ . .: :•oak gelatine in- cold water ,for 5 :minutes. Add, .vinegar,.. boiling: =water, sugar and salt and • dissolve. Chill ► un -til "slightly thickened, Poiir no a::small @a;ilioul>tt into .tnoiste e ,dr oiled mould or Individual . moulds; Chill until brio.: Arrange asparagus .tips, in the' mould a.ttractively-with sliced olives.. , Pouir;;• in ,remaining- geelatine• mixture and Pill- thorough- ly until firm. U'nmold, to • serve' on crisp lettuce.: Garnish with •water cress and celery' curls. 'Serve witli rnayonriaise. Yield r 6. servings CREAM of'ASPAGU.TS SOUP .” I who, bunches fresh . green asparagus or 2 cups ' canned, . , asparagus, 14 cup chopped onion.-' x/2 .; cup :chopped celery, cup cream, 6 Cups Chicken. stock, 3 tbsps. butter, 3 tbsps. flour, salt; pepper, paprika. If fresh asparagus •i`s -used, wash and coop standing 'upright in a deep saucepan or bottom of a double boiler,upper covered With . part or , deep saucepan, so .that stalks of LQNDESBOR ►, Mai ppm y t:went.7-fourt '-a �ual�t con e#10,4,Eo the Huron Presbytery. Y.P.TT. the 'United. Qhurch was 'held , the Londesboro United church on ]'rid day. After .lt banquet ,served, by the„ W.A. of the }',church,- William- Conran illiam Conron `of Wingham led ; iii -a song, Tae business .of ;the convert- i o 'was oder'c le td t ut i the rc e of h n♦ u president, Douglas Lawless, Walton.. Brent o n, tn inlste. e.so f the meeting churchA welconed•,tbe delegates �deton d re iu and good wishes from• the session and congregation of the ehurcb "Forwarct 'with. Chrlat',„ was;the theme of the ;address given by Rev. Wesley Cope; of ,Goderieh. Tht e speakerchaen d•t e delegates mettherhreat©ofColntnunism,with ;Mlt dtrent of .eonsecraedseaor vice to Christ;DonaldMsang • a.. solo.' • Keen- interest '.. was displaye the 'election of Qacers for ,the. .fear. Mr. ,Brenton -presented the report of the nominating committee. A. Merrill, Clinton was the ..uiian -, ous .,choice for president; - - °• After the' election, the new execn tive was installed by Rev, William Mair, cliairman . of, Huron:'” Presby. tery. -, The convention concluded with a Worship', service, under the. direction of Evelyn •Breekosy, con-. vener of the fellowship department. Rev".'«. R{e►ftt vill*'. P ht the tneeme Last year sue fat. olio* were 'Old' lir Goderititqutd" ,gha at which some 8,000 People had, this ,free cheat examination. Since the response was'so ;gratlf g In tom: centres, the .committee is certain. 4that the clblles, ,arranged for 'this year' will be, well attended.: Local Committees are b04g Wit: ftp • in the towns : and "o lie to ark rare for, the o• e -t .ouse.Canvass; Be h. m o-# ;, . aa. . all other details ofi,the :clinics. ��. was pointed- ut that Alt 'ch rh organlzations, Institutes- and Service • clubs and the local authorities wish'to .assist •itt thI work,- As these X-ray r:exatnhkations: are fres and "'take but ra Any seconds,, Qn`de phone" tion, w' A 'r±e s its fi dli The aunutt The foliowing t+ and places• •'ot the' Onto; Exeter !' 0I t ,d'eer , D h od• 'une a t Innin ur B. , enseil ,,4une 9 to ;Jt l 1 « Seaforth une 11,0 .J'vne t� Cltntan —June 15'10 4ne Blyth , unee'IT to dune Vie. Brussels - --Jm� 19 toJune trio _ e - -June une- for " 1 t 1 Heis Dat you, 'pea r oe "Yassuh: ,"You gwlae to: 7 me?'�. ;";;" le,,• lrnei!ho • NO busineas es n afford to 409 t which' shotdd be covered by ha 1. ince. Let ils analyse year needs, explaink `. bw uwaranco chin protect /Our business , ,froosioss in manic ways and arrange. ' mod Pilot Pobciea to Cover all oventuaIitices. - • rWe *rite of Insurance to cover ad• ,seted. riek'iui Automobile,°Fire, Peraiousl •Property Floater, -Bac , C1461E10.'1'. ' Tea nia, ix?'Iato Glae y Geeneral, and Pub•:... lis • f iabilitp, Fidelity x4..80: it, Bonds.• • Feed eSw'ift's Poultry Concentrate formore eggs, and bigger. profits You get more_for,your,money .with any Swift's feed. Because the. Swift reputation depends on the:• produce you grow, Swift's want you to have the best feeds ,possible.. , ,` and havethe research and manufacturing facilities to see you get them. You get the. most for. vita' feed• dollar when you buy Swift's' in the •bag with the bare GEO. RYAN &.ON, GODERICH,`ONT. :PFR nt s BENMILLER, ONT: .• • NUTRITION IS OUR ••'1, - BUSINESS.,: -AND rBUSTNESS AND YOURS! 87 West St., PhoneL574-or • above Agee!. Surpass Store. • ` Phole; 1199. -92t.! 1.11; 1TED' Those fine crops; which mean 80 much,,. to Canada's health and economy, often depend upon chemical fe era. Ween.'and pest destroyers, orchard sprays too, 'are'but' a few rof the services that chemical research extendsto agriculture; Through good times and bad; the chemical industry plowsa straight 1 farrow, ever mOng forward to'create better thing's for farm, industry . and ��ok .to herais`tit rivi ©on'fideIIceih... for a finer future ....'and to the .0 -I -L oval symbol bt an organization devoted' to serving Canadians through chemistry 1 . 1 0. • • :•.;v{ ; ,•+{r:• q7r/7J[•[•,.,,1'.7rr..hyy {.y.. .}t asparagus are, thoroughly 'cooked while tips are steamed until tender. Remove tips and reserve them. dace asparagus stalks, onion,- aIld '•celery, in -chicken etoek and simmer =for 1/2 hour. Rub through; a -sieve. Combine ' butter, ' fieur, seasonings and creamy as in Basic Recipe for Making'Cream ,soups. Add aspara- gus- stock. Beat in a' double'bailer.. Whet hot add the 'asparagus -tips. Yield: 6 servings. • 'CHEESE ASPARAGUS Dip asparagus, tipsor stalks in thick white sauce; then in grated cheese, roll in bread crumbs, dip in beaten egg and then in bread crumbs: Bake in electric- -oven .at. 375 degrees. 'until golden brown. • Mother`s Day Program,-Tbe may meeting of the Ashfield W.M.S..was - llelda at the- home of Mr15. `Russell' 'Bissett: A . Mother's, Day . program had `been:: prepared b'y Miss` Sadie, Jaluiston,'.the president. :The• Scrip- ture reading was -given by.:Mrs..D, MacKenzie. Prayer Was offered_ by Miss S. Johnston. Mrs. Dan McDonald was appointed 3rd vice- president• to succeed :Mrs (Rev.) Rhoad. 'rlirs.•,-E. Haines gave: the reading "from the study book,. ,`.`The• Work of John „:MacKay and Dr. Jame& Robertson:"- "'-Mrs. Hector MacLean read a -paper. on "Mother's Day" and Mrs. (Dr.) Simpson read the poem "My Mother." " Mrs - 'D..• A. MacLean read-' a paper on "Monks' Consecration." •Prayer was .offered b Mrs.' Geo. Collinson -and Mrs,: Emile McLennan. The Meet- ing closed with the benediction. °-Re- freShinents were - served by the hostess., Discussions followed .,in consideration of the; centennial :to be aebserveumin Asii#ield' chure e , ''Juon ly '25th. Anyd'ne' • wishing 'rela- tives or„friend's invited .will kindly send"their: addrsss"•tors. l A. MacLean,-(coutener), R.R.l 3 .Gode- fai.Add asparagus "to cream sauce rather than sauce to asparagus' to prevent curdling. , 2.oTo prevent lumps • forming in a Cream 'sauce -Fax -the flour with., enough cold milk to ` Make a smooth paste and -stir hot milk constantly while you add -the thin Paste slowly. 3: Crisp the crackers •for -soup. Place them en a baking sheet and heat Until - lightly browned.. • 4. Croutons are favorite • accompani= ments for soup. Cut stale bread .in; • haff 'alnch' •slices;= -then-- cube. Place in a bilking pan and brow n in "a hot electric,oven.:; * THE Geo. G. MacEwan, Goderich; J Vv. C>x ai `e' Goderic PIA Gordon Jewell, R.R. '6, Guderich Mrs. B. J. • W. suggests_ (1) Keep a pair (2)-Fof log pnutcrieces ackerstit inzltheieat kitche!shayn.. drawer to unscrew bottle caps. before You put them into food chop- per. Thisprevents_ the_grindeLfrom, dogg. - • - • (3)i-ngLase a thick paste of" corn-. starch and .water to remove`: grease spots from wallpaper. Brush.It off gently when dry. • . Mrs. T. M. suggests: (1)- To clean nickel scrub with soapywater, then apply whiting with ' a cloth dame ened with ammonia water.' Let dry„ an 2)u --- -.-..-----r._-... ' floor mop' in warfn water with a_ little turpentine. This will cut the wax. ' • Irs: J. K. suggests j-1) TO -stiffen- . organdy curtains, veils and scrim doilies' . , use gum arabic. Pour one quart -of "lgT;Iig water- over - one- quarter lb. •gum arabic and let stand until dis'solve'd. .Strain through a cheesecloth_and pour _:into a_`bottle ,Use from one to three tablespoons to' ane cup of water. -1QTE : When buying gum arable frolic the drug store ask fpr white °crystals, as: vel- low ones tend to stain. - _ • 1r4 "4:1; . c1:00: MO $ %. A 1 1 t It/11A i ir ' ' 1 - . . - Rite bf'hemie may° 000btt: " f!> ; ham, —4434 ner itte�f. t$i'1 vi , f' hgy$x, tiot>aypten „it a a. ,. t rm 1 Rich.° es r • r Vasa. .i �tdott e.,4/_. ' j The Huron-- County Tuberct}1.osis Association. , has completed arrange- ments 'with the Departme t , of Health' -for, free chest'X-rays for ll tfie-people-the-the=county. These ar= rangements were made at a meeting, ofthe'exeeutive and representatives A combination of valuable vette. table .remedies, blended together - under . rigid standards of purity. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are often valuable in the relief of constipa- tion onstipa-tion: and minor disorders ofthe liver, stomach and bowels:' 'They, help the' eliininatory,or.^ . and clear the -system, ;of _ waste. w ' is often the cause of .constipation, • , sick and- bilious spells, 'headaches and heartburn. Once tried, you'll'" be delighted by" -the renewed feeling :`"of-well=beingwhich'-they-help -to- - . produce: "Milburn'a•LaxtAiver;.Pillaig . sale at till -drug cduinters. ♦ - - - The T.1.Milburxi Co., Ltd, 'T'oronto, -Ont. . THE QUESTION BOX Mass -.-T. R: mks: How to clean surface of 'electric stove.- • Answer: Use a' clean- 'niece of cheesecloth. Dampen it and use baking sodtr to clean white einaniel Rub closed elements (ou -Off. posi- tion) with a piece of waxed paper, Brush any charred food out of open elements (switch turned Off), with 'nue whisk. , • ° Miss F. S. E. asks: Vwha:t is the. best method of cleaning tai stained aluminum. roast: pan? •• Answer i Remove charred food by leaving dr,y pact, in 'warm oven'fled then rub With steel wool. Place the pan' on end in a "dishp ,n of strong vinegar and water. Bring"to a boil. trov-4100-iitiiignblefteltAitir*ontherb=end of pan and boil for five minutest longer. ,.... , Note Soda, lye br strong soaps 'Will' darken alutninutit. * * * Anne' Allain invites you to *rite -to.-•her....in_eare .of.. the ..Signal -Star., Send in your. suggestiprts on home- making problems aiid watch ' nils column for replies. • ' . •POULTRY POR ' EUROPE Shure the, fall of tnare,than ,:i quarter of a million pounds of G dradistt dressed 'poultry have been :bought- by importers in Belgittni and, *Switzerland. • In the first three months- uf, 11)48 :bane,' tWo -carloads have .gone to S it;terhand and one: .o i3elg�ttrit,, _about one ,ttndred thousatul iio ands' in,ax�rp _ •' y. 'Phis is a `sut.nii fraction o'f the seven million pounds of dressed, aiid five 'million 'pounds of Jive poultry; shipped to the United States dtirlpg -the same quarter --of Abe—`"year. but it tilt 'helps to keep the market strong And now the Domlitiiop h)e-' ;parttn nt Ot eltlturn_reports .that, ex an• 'portAbd%ing plant 'which has ship- ped poultry to Switzerland lois' thaw• orders for, larger ggantlties °than :it can, MI. • - , ; • Miichy"of this, poultry. ship"(,ied° t continental utopo Cs ovise4rated rid itidlvidually, wrapped. sntine. of it in eellophatie. It lana been arm 'rit'iti;g; iti -attractive rottd'itloti, as' •.;the repeat Orders indicate, ' '• ., 7 and 8 foot sizes». Baker , ' Beatty Oil Bath. Pump Jacks 3 -WAY . FORCE. PUMP ALSO CISTERN PtTMPS Wri1� Fitzpatrick - PLUMBING . & HE4TING KINTA;IL . Phone 12r3 • << Dungannon • A FINISH' FOR EVERY N S I D E' --folr's�lo Eeevers Auto and Bice: r11010 95V1