The Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-05-20, Page 5• '. r ,►n.»gym*^. . ,...:.-s,.n _.rm...,a ..u.,.. 77 7,7,,.. USW : A.'lroR' o ` ,N14014R4 FAX. ; Ind: •e• ;�• . o r• member'H,E,P;C,, of Qnta o• ,. �. 'AT AT .$,15 SPeakin ,, `n he.Jnteresta of .: FRANK . Fi L � �C. "CANDIDATE HVR a _.N .A ND W " H L . ,. R -BR oz O , HUC•H HILL; L� C'A,I�DIDl44TF� iN �U . � _ U , •; . Goderich liberal Association 24-x0UR SERV]C , ' ' + ..� MILEAGE-• Og , HOURLY . ALL CARS -INSURED Phone n �64 _ (Continued frOM page 4) • Class. 37--wialiu • so19I2 Yearft a.nd . tinder), ',`,Morningr : F'rayerri-- Eleanor' Driver, Coderioh," Mass 034:V19114. (15 years ,and. utxder)., aria, „care,.' Mia Bea"t-f 'Christine Schutz 8t, . • Class 74 , Giri'a ' solo, "'What s hist"' "(1,, ye r'.< s , under) -Isabel • Feagan,, poderieh, $2:' ;Cynthia Young, Goderich, 81. Class 76-' Girl's solo ',(19 years and ,.under), "MY Lover Is •a -riskier ratan".,r-• Carie 'fiddon, C1int4n, 82; >i'hyllis. McCopl, LQndesporo,. 81. Class -'54 --Girls.', �charus. (members t.Q be `chosen from; an #' number:, of rural ;schools), fest piece, "Spring Thoughts". Hulett schoole ' 850 =berry township. 34�Goderich , tow Sh.'ip'School arPO488; McEllteP schools, 821 :Ash;field township, St... ' Presentation..of Shields ,• The' . presentation of °shields and other prizes was a feature of the e�eni g performance, arad' was made as follows; Shield donated by C oiier1ch Mons • Club, for• two-part chorus, rural schools., With an •enrolmentunder twenty, class 49 -presented b,? Mr. J. H, Kinkead to S.S. Nay. 5, Hui - lett. and received, by, the teacher, Miss Beacom. • 'Shield .donated • •by County 'of Huron, • for two-part chorus, • rural schools with enrolment , of t'enty or ' more;. 'class 5Q ---presented by County Clerk N. W. Milder to' Miss Brown for S.S. •8, McKillop. ' As this is . the third consecutive year the Shield . had 'been won by this school,. the 'tr oPhy becomes. its roPe r t .,. . Shield'. donated: by G'tderich" Sig- nal -Star for class• • 51, double trio, rural schools - with, an, enrolment of J � 0``���-.•'T;r,..=„ 7.61;%i:'M//•, <,�w01 ,im » ,F. b r --•-:r--.---'-...._:- ., �^ -��.s,•_.-7,.:-..,,,47...r: , ..r a.�7`�r'6%.-;?...4, r'. ,c�... f-1' - i•1..r �we tty oir Mor p rer4entte t(by fir. , LA lli : 'to .$.04-8. AA �•s� 4010. ,. Shield donated by the County Of idoubie trio, stat sobOQls with au' enrolment under '20, 0-4„113 52- presented by GounxY Clerk , W. D71iiler tQ S,S 4 Godorieb. town-' shirt, and received. by the teabhei`, MISS Reien.Orichr , grixe de11,ate4•, by '131ae4stone's restaurant 'far boys' chorus. class' EiiS- - ICK11Ip 'sclkQelS. .tri ..donated by' Lander's drug• -tcr'n"giri�troi'us; -class- Mullett schools, - w " .We Jayne Mary Snelli Londesbo$0, 'Was' the `winner' or . r4t • honors in elar4,43, 'girl's vueai..solo (14 arid.'` Under)', a "The Stars," in . 'which. - eleven girls', compe,ted• on Wednes* day ;morning. • ., ° ' 'rs Was s • o : by John, Middleton, Rayfield, '3n< ` class 40, boy's, ti oc l ,. ^..sota> a, u,.►Linco'lns it Reacher." • Winning" high. narks in the ".$nalls• were )Cenneth iisou, Goderie i, with 83, .0. and 'RRd raid Webb, Grand Bend, 82,• The girls had sweet voices' and tile' adjudic tora.,stressed the value of ,frccriracy,,• He told the boys not to chop off' .their words.. He said it , was -always pleasing to see ....boys taping an interest in music. The world Of musical literature is full; of songs, for men." - Finalists in elaSs 45., boy's vocal solo (11 years and ander),. "The 11u.ntsnian"'were Billy Rivett, Dun, gftnnon, with $5 marks' ; 'Richard Shell, Lolidesboro, 84; Ian. 4r, ffiith, Belgrave, x•83 ; Kenneth Holmes, Wingham, 81; John Helm, 'Lueknow, 81; Terence Pearson,.. Clinton, 80; Bobby Moorehead, Seaforth, • 80.-44.. Class 43; girjs vocal . solo ' t•14 years .and under), ,"--Phe Stars"-- ,Jityne ' Mary -Snell,' 85; Marilyn Dawson. Varna, 84 ; • Joan Rivett, 'Dungannon, 83'; Norma Sherwood, Dungannon, 82; Joyce Beueriiian; ;. Walton, 8..2 , Inerne.-.Culbert, Gude- rich,-81 ; ,ode -rich, -81; Diana Speaight, 'Goderich, 80; Alice 'Watson, S ort ea•f h 80. . • Class 46 -Boy's vocal' Selo .'(14 vears a d nder Lincolns hire• Poacher"=John Middleton, Bayfield, 84 ; .Kenneth Wilson, Goderich, .'83 Ronald- _Webb,.:S�rrmut _ Bend, $2.;" Gerald. Tebbutt,'. Clinton; 81; ' Meryl Quaid, Gbderich, 81; Frank Hill, ;B.rucefieid, SO; Kenneth Keyes, Varna, 80 B.i11-,1IcCa-r-th c;. Ged r-ichr •.p • }. All the girls i.n class 42, girl's' vocal solo (11 years - and .under..).„ "The' Bird's - Valentine," won ' 'the required marks, 80 or over, for a certificate. ' For the ' second year, Betty Rutledge of- Dungannon, won first :place with 85 mark's. -The other marks were': Joan Somerville, Walton, $4 ; • Charlene Corle"t`t, 83,;- Lois 3,;Lois Webster, Dungannon, 81;• Lor. rahfe Hanna, Belgrave, 81; Eleanor Smith, .)31uevale ; Marilyn Gardner, Goderich ; Annabelle 'Taylor,: Grand Bend Verna Eyre. Brucefielda- Ruth' Jackson, --Clinton ;_ _Ma-rhe-Do-wson,. Varna Iona•': Griffith, Belgrave-.- ;etitelz,,,8©. I sTo -be concluded next week) GIVES A,LOVEE.Y. LUSTRE PREEMVES ONES* 'FINISHES; • LASTS' MUCH 'LONGER '. AND S ' '-WE R O O F .Ta.w you can apray,,,pr paint your fi niture ,;. ..blinds, :window sills,. flower • boxes, 'linoleurd .and even your auto of -boat ,with this lovely, • -Longer Lasting,` Lustrecote • Plastic Coating'. It's' impervious to weather -- outside or inside; Grease,, Alcohol, and Acid: proof.' TRY'. IT TODAY! Mr. and Mrs.•.Craigie, of • • Kitchener, are spending a few days in -town. • Mrs. Charles Slieardowa and seri,. Bruce ofsd • in 0 n : spend- ing d 1, 0 t, are see d ing 'a week _with friends and rela- tives here.. Rev. Mr. C. Parr' of .Golf, who preached in Victoria street United -church-on Sunday last,-- ars ells. Were ;the guests of kr. and MP r .-Eliner Cranston on their .'visit. to Goderich. - ,DVI 0,C - M' QN,, .May. a 4, 'Thos, Dickson, who Anent •the whiter menthe with 'her ,daughter, 'Mrs, t � E: Taylor, at ,COttara, is 'visiting • ' her''Sim, -Mr. 'Thos: ° Dicitson, .'Jr.. •d Mrs •Jobn rapids : of : t. Oath, arines is nursing • her .sister, Eiruer : hilli,p$, who is recovering frons •a31 illness,:' Mr, tui nin >i'ii.lis, who'has been a 'patleat ; in,• Wingham hospital for -tw r -•wens, oc1Vgts-tin eioga ho?rae, this week -end ' . Mr.' and 11irs.'S; ,F,'° omtor;t 'and l nnis, , of St. Catharines, and Zr, and MrS. Eiugeu.e ganlson, of :Nast.. Tawas,.Mich.,•are guests Qf, Mr, 4in4 Mrs; Cecil Blake. : ' r. anct Mrs;nderson 'Mugford, g a,rold Mugfo 4 •414 'Miss, Betty Hornby. of London,• are visiting with» Mi; •and Mrs,' Abne> Morris;• Mrs:'B. J;'.Crawford has. e"turned. t_ -her 'after- spending aF' :' _ a „the Winter ct!i#fh�� her daughter, Mrs„. R. 'i+7. Willis, Qillis 'Detr it.. ,She 'was acs c mpaaied' here by ''her, `son Will: and Mrs.' CraivforcI1 of , Victoria; B,C„ ' who will, visit her for a while.. Mrs, Jos, Killough pf :Seaforth, In with her daughter, -Mrs. William.' Felly, who has, just returned home from St. Joseph's,Hospital, ,Loudon. after an operatipn, . A Double Anniversary . An enjoy - .able party was held at ,the home of Mr. and:.Mrs. George Rivett, Dun- ganrkon, on Thursday evening, in: Manor of the birthdays of ,their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Albert Rivett, wiio'ii,rrived"two years ago that day in Canada. as,.a war bride, sad 'of Arnold, •son of d'1Ir.'and -Mrs. George Rivett: Guests,' included their son, Leonard Rive!tt,,and his bride (form- er H '. (form- erly eleu?Chase of Gaderich); who �•c er e marriedM .uy _5 on his rtarents thirtieth - wedding anniversary and •his mother's birthday-. May ;has 'many anniversaries for the Rivettfamily, • as their: daughter-,, ;Joyce •(tvlrs:'lack•-Mason?; LOnidl n h`aci� a' birthday on ,May 14. .Other guests at the : party were 'Charles Rivett, lady - Lv .• rS,.� s Mr . Mrs. Mark Burgess; concessions 6, Ashfield. The lafter couple • came last year from .England and are engaged= =in fe-r'niiug:' Mgrs; -°filbert Rivett : and • Mrs. Burgess ,' were nursesin-in England and ,had Much. in• common to discuss. The'-Legionettes play their :first scheduled game ' on /Tuesday. nem,. -when Riple4v There_ will be ,an exhibition game here tomorrow evening with Blyth :as the. visitors. ` 9 ,a 0' a m. � 9 'b ,O.rat a eel round.' - 0 r. o i�on�v 00 '.tn. n , ,. a ra x � r iiia 1 x. G ire._ � ..k;”; 1�P.��...,$', - 200. p.m. w l . iniac fo T o.-btt eel u�..�v/A�snpQ .AA7�/ ,YNR i , Suitable prizes' .for ail events • '6,Oa pp, • ,m,- Dinner atChili ' the ' ho se , Fee $1,25 per person, 'which includes entrance fee to om .cottons,' __: (Phone • 633, for reservations)' • 7.30' • .m. Presentation .``of prizes and trophies f,, flowed ♦ b a' social evening at the :Club 'House; , , ' , :GOLF COMMITTEE. IsOLMESYILL ., May. 19. --Mrs, Kenneth Langford and Walter,. pf Wood pent a "few. • days the w p t �veel� witt`�i Mr. and -Mrs. 'E. � J, Trewhrtha. 1. a n hnSt01 . , : Mi<:•- and �Mxs.:. Willlert"`.�uo left .last week for "Deer' Lodge," Bayfield,• where they will spend the urilmer. • 1Ie� ii �f e �r an'�`"NI'r`s:fiofixla ,. ley, visited . Mr. and Norman last . week: • There have been three recent 'changes in, property tel,. wnership., in 111 . Mrs. • i f .Holmesv e .the: '�-iciii tv o '..Yeo has. purchased the home of • �Irs J- Harris. i�1r-Ghtzrles 1 i1- son .. l a.s disposed, •'of : ;his 'home to ; Mr. and 'Mrs'. Norman, of Wellesley, •i and has. purchased' the farm of 'James , Iarr,: on No "8 h ghtiv ay: H • Ars. Lawrence H�aughto'n baby, of Clinton,.,' are spending a few,days with .the+foriner's parents, Mr., and ,Mrs,.A.. Bofid,•; Mr, Haugh- ton has'.'been: called Homme owin the serious illness 'of his' ;.father, The l'adies of the community' are •' holding a baking . sale in Clinton on. Saturday afternoonin :aid Qf 'the. Clinton, hospital, ; KN ''.WING •• p ?aneS Kitkland, of Usborne; .h aS moved fronrPa' house, belonging 'tu nor r ...� h. "VV:°"•" to P �Z,, Pym • Having ;mo'vednost of the' heavy furniture, only some, of the smaller' effects • were ' iefit: ;The :cat sensin gg they situ'atidn• and finding the :car door- open; 'brought • ki n ter tteiis Dile -. b y one a, c. deposited .. them lr -tl'e-car. -'L'ie T AdVeen te -Airs. Don •Thoipl son and.: Son !' Ilia;old; of : hest ii, Afe`-.-•.bests with...the lady's parents, ' Mrs•' iiixd Mra. Robert D.ner.; �he' Continental Limited spans Canada. 'Since 1920 this famous Canadian National train .has provided dependable daily rail vay„ service. 'he ".Blue Bo'oF" your. Canadian - National Time Table - "Passport", • All_ merchandise sold .at your Dominion - Store • is unconditional - ;,)y guaranteed to . give 100% satin •faction. `` Vannes ,'ell eC•trZ e'''r"". time; Saturday, May 22, 1948. ' ..... '. _. -� -.. _..._. �+����e„,f11-ha�;,�ll.the., o Ifo •�' - comEf its r _ r ,mom.,uc�a�u,�+m�satn.•ru�m�.pSt�+,a�+naas.rvn��d�+s�V�cfiu.eifi�s�_.. modern long distance travel . . ,air conditioned coaches and 'through' sleeping cars With various types of • acconnmoiations,_:rooms and berths obsery ation lounge cars . 4.1" delicious dining car.,neals.....: thoughtful courteous service. Completely lefaied with ample m tomove around,. ysiu_ll enjoy' your trip. And -you'll• ar discover Canada's greatness, for past your window flows a'colorfut panorama df As Convenor 'if next .. week's chiiirch social, she • las a iota of ,telephone calls to, remake: But she" never' forgets that hers is a party .line she spaces'er camas. s allow the tither.---p►air t to use the . telephone. . CX. Q[l�,LIT _ . 20 -oz. Tin TAT el lJ IC RIG T ._ ...N 2 for 5e - - 20 -oz. Tin Ti'OR:4N -AND- 3.40r-4) p , l•0 -;oz. Tin Cities lakes ' vheatfieMs and mountains. See Canada this' year. Co Canadian National.. _ Directly served' 'NY The rContii a tiftlmIted a"ral` " Vito:areal, Ottawa, Toronto, ,Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton,. 'jasper, Vancouv'dt i w _ AYLMFR - .. y..,: .. PORK& BEANS, DOMINION ., Ghether at�d1e - o"1-- "going places" -yin all your, ur,b _�-, coreae1vltbCathdr a «.,`'°-=✓ Ntional.yatvill expo" lened v,y"',*., courtesy and seztiste,• " Pt fitting it into praetice on every enj. you 'make is yourbest_guarante'e that •. rotle�r wl ;:tlQ. sang for you • . 1. Keep calls brief. • 2. Space, your;calls. 3. Give right -of ;v�ssy-� -;ta em.ergenc' calls. sI'FAMt#H1Z.$' 'i' Itsii.TELS EXPRESS , r T•a;hRG . ltd 1111: I:ly iELfPiIO (O 1PAtIY' OF' CAHAD'1 (tic. UEPOSIT ON BOTTLE) A TOOL— 'REFRESHING, OOL_-'Rl+ FRESHING, D1t1NR'' i3ottl'e jai; ANf S N ,.RED ItOSE� COFFEE FIVE RISES FLOUR RE!GVLMt JPALMQ NAVY T11.71 NL% I ORT CEREAL • � . , ,lar IJ tiro iPI'T.E & C. CI1tr E• • -Ttt THiS FINI ' ,VOt1' - MILLED FROM M .14JTORAWHEAT M � • '1 1''1; RE 'OLI411E' OIL J�C�1 � IL SOFT Ai3SORRENT TIU:1'. • c a►EE1) , LETT `et:RADISHES ,, ' f ter, PEERS GWEN- ONaNS. ARRIVING ItiR'w 511 DAILY COMB, GRADE '3.1)Y' - . APPLES TEXAS • :S% EDLF�S Grperuit `4>iXlr1'TIA;N tS*il Oran '► Vooking Lbs. . DOlil(Nitia IYORc3i-Vriti1