The Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-05-06, Page 6'JB1JRSt Ma 4. -A -Mr. 'and Mre. initte�. forth purpose. Theineet- Aidon -8,,tolt.' and. faiaily„of Aurora, At : he -weekend -with--,A tOrMer"0 .parents, Mr, and RV, .1`.. .0. -Murray "!' RollinSen of :Winghona ' as a Viteek-end. visiter with his Vareata; „NV and • Mts• `A. Roilli,1404. Wni, Nixon of LucknOw Called 94-X31entis here'-onMonday. - - .1ktr • 'and Mrs.* Ellis, Little and daughter Joan spent the "peek -end ., at.lgonittta, • - ' . , • R...e.„itii Arthur tied for second, The. "--.11413, • 00#.1ort ..,Dabie, and. family ; gOst oribentir Was 'escorted to .a -gpent the,*ee,k-exid in Wingbain., ' ' .Chairk.. andMiss Renouf *ad ;,,a,a 'T.he ' Nat '0114.*.Filin Board pie- addi•ess' envessing, CongratulationS sented piet res j,.fii: the FeresterS' Land best ,w4slies pia Presented her 4/on , Xi! day evening., sponsored 'with : a ,inisceliaJleons s"hawer ef , h7 ',the NYTeinen'a' InStitute;„ , r..., , ''gift$,- Jean, afte.r She 'had (veiled' 011440;:' '14.d: CroSs..E'lle Junior; her giPts; thanked her friends . for Red cipsa Of .1J;$.S. No. 16, East their kindness. liefreshnients Were Wa`00100; , tnet " in ;charge of the ,served and• the eening-was brought preSident,---Lawrence Nesbit. The • program included jokes by Ross Gwyn; riddle's by -Donald Jardine, Vernon Nicholson, Ken Patterson anq Durmaep. meoulTe4;y; a' story by •awrence :Nesbit, tind.„ -an histrit- Mental. by Lois' TraYIOr-Tn'e'-ae I4.1V1‘1'43Wit'ledS 011(treft. Mr‘.: 4.114 Mrs, RaY Robinson, (40iiter1Y,Ms May glimphrey) ,Were hopered , at ,gatherliag in, the Community Hall. After lungh M. ant aola'inson were presented with ramie The addreSs of COngratilla.tions and geode AVishes Ava§ h$ Prank MeQuillin and the presentation was made by Allan. Miller, 'Music for daneing was• prOvidell; by ,Farrier'.s. orchestra, . • ang..closed. with °God 1,1ve the AITC,nuPtiai Varty Renouf entertained the ladies of the cpuimunity, at he home J. Thursday evening in honor 'of Miss' Jean Scettt7br.).de-elect. of this'. month, :rile evening was spent 'in commun., ity quit games.; In a' contest. Mrs, A„ Rollinson won iirst: prize and Air. GordoW'T'aylor and Mrs, to a clo.lie,tvith the singing of .vAuld Lang Synet' A vote`Tif thanks was • extended .to -Miss Renouf and her mother, Mrs. -Veste,rfelts, for their hospitality. . • iJiiUel Church W..M.Ser;-TheW. - was ,held the Sunday' sChoOl roslin LLER Mkb"4•*+.11-rs.,"1410.r: ence, Wed -hill of Hanlilton-isNisiting with her sister, -Mrs: • i4etcher Fisher, 'land Mr,' Fisher. •'The MotlreVS Day service will, he. observed inTennillier United church. on Sunday,' M,a,Y nth. when a mo- ther's choir will:lead ip the service of Song. • The Women's Association meets on Wednesday of this week at the church, when a 'quilting will be held for •relief, with pot -luck lunch,. • . Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Moore and Cross collection. was taken by Frank -,Dor0011`__were in Stratfordville over" the week -end 1,-1--eTl'iling-tire-weddin Jardine. It was decided to buy' a Tuesday afternoon, -with Miss Ethel of their niece, Miss Donna"Slillion. Softball. Vernon Nicholson and Nor- Washington in charge and Mrs. _ Mr. and Mrs: Courtland Kerr and znan-MeClinchey t' being.. the cow- .§idnery McClinchey- presiding:, at ..the family spent- Sunday in Exeter •piano. The S(‘ripture was,irpad by with Mr. and Mrs. Aljoe Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. H. ciood and Gloria. spent Simday with Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Thom. • . Mr. and Mrs. Rich.. Park:• and Phone 1098 for 24 hour service to all makes -of commercial and domestic refrigeration equipment. • MANNING • Refrigeration Service • .O#DERICir • PRIGIDAIRE COMniereial Agent, for Goderich anq4.District. SatiifaetAoti Guaranteed. 49d FUNER,Aii -43R111 - • - ,expra 'charge for. tie mire .of-eur Puneralflonae, Toron- • to Street. • Prompt Ambu1ane6 „Service Phone 335 Res. 355 or 7 Mrs. Amos' Andrew and 'itIrs. Roberton offered prayer. The her- alds .responded, Mrs. E. Wfghtman on Africa 'and Mrs. Es Patterson on ChriStiflft 8 teward,ship. A duet was Sharon; of Dunganhon, 'visited en rendered .by Mrs. 4. G. HeNstitt and M ,Sunday with r. and Mrs, S. Van - Mrs. Sid. ...\1,celinchey. accompanied swim_ . • - . by Mrs. AV. J. Craig.- . Mrs. Fred: . Mr.' and Mr*: li'railk.,, Baer hare Toll gave the seventh chapter of the'Moved into Mr, Keith .Gitrdner'S Study. litiok. Mrs. Win. J. Craig , , ____...•..„ Liouse .on , the ,4th coneessjon. We gave •the , worning.; rertort, ,of tl* weleimie the,pi to our, comffinoty. ,,, Presbyterial 'meeting. held iii Seri: • -,.. • • • • • .• A. number ot ladies. of the•Nile- forkb „last week . and ,Mrs., Chas. Beinniller circuit attended the Straughan gave the afternoon re- United church Presbyterial meeting gort. The offering was rreceivPd?hy .at.Seaforth on Tuesday of ittst week. Mrs. E. Patterson. The president, Mrs. 'Ff. Wightman, took charge for N i' TAYLOR'S - CORER the business period ';ind •• the cor- ., .. • . -"- responding. secretaV ,read •severaf, .. ,. thank yore! notes. Mrs: Wight/gin - TAYLOR'S "CORNER, May offet ed • the crosIng pi ayei.. . Tare Will b he "a childneWs choir 011 . • " •I . : ". Sunda,y, May Ilth, in ' 'Zion 'clinr,cli„, - • in honor , Mothees Day. • ' • . r ST., HELENS of ,.„. Mrs. •Robert . Itodges„.:-..-who . was. . • • .oilite ill in Alexandra Hospital laSt .". SU' Hr,LENS. MaY; o;',H.-f-*•.tfla:d week,' IV home again.. She is, show, :-Mrs. Neely -.';.Foilti .and David, of in -g- some improvement. , 13AVVIELT,), May 4, .-,,,a07.-tha . •••••• Mrs. WM, ' and fa spent •the W'eelt-ena in retrOlia. KarrWillien WhO, s ent t e Winter:in Windsor, retUrnet .14 • svellaluz on. .Tuesday:for the. sinamer •A'hayfield-'' Highlands' -on' Friday :vae::10:: in 1. 4r...17171o. nionths,. returned to their ii,eine Miss • Jessie .SetRalet n'ial Miss' 1, yanA,rsdale of Detroit were' guests, 040.,etres24.rii, tetilfove l' ; Mr, • Frank ,ipainerou `I.Jetrolt feW days•last reek: with• his sisteSses ,E, .and 0anferon, a4am tuart Sturgeon' •of ProstOn. fSpe,*' the :week -end witb. the' former'S parents,,, Mr. „tint], Mrs. Stur eon, • Mt., and Mrs: 'Harry Bilker and two and„, Mr; Howard. -Burt if 'Brantford were weekend guests , of Mr. and UrS. Fred Baker. , • ' lA• tisS!' Gloria.: Westlake of London spent the week -end with.. her pai- Atiss..xed,en42,,N•11711.1gletoenr,W;hsotia.fltiPs. • been working in. London; at her home• here for two weeks prior zto her •marriage on May .15th to My, Robert Irwin' of Clinton. . • - Mr.. and- Mrs. Win. Bell and sdn • Willtam and Mr. and Mrs i Chester. Villette of Detroit Spent the^ week- end- witb-Mr. and MrS: 'Cree Mr. ana Mrs. Ernest Kendall and family, of Elmira, wel'e 'Week -end •gue'sts • of Mr. • and 'Mrs. Wm. -R. Jowett. and Mrs.. Jim Day, and fainilY, 'Detroit, .spent th4'..,eek-end at 'their. Cettage; . Mrs. (1.. Churchward and son tier - old, of London- spent . three days at their home in the Niilage last week. • Mr. • -Atkinson, Miss Marion and Stewart Atkinson of St. Clair Shores, Mich, were at their..honte in tbe..village over,•the week -end. , The National Filth. Board shoWing• will be 1104 in the ,sehool at 8.30 wt.,. Friday. evening. Everybody 18 invited to come. • My; CitgQ*---7A-tki n son of 'Dot -reit' spePt .the week -end -at his borne in • the village., Sudden Death. --,•-,The; NCI:as '7' The .Township C� 1]j Bak has passed. a bylaw mak, ing it compulsory to ,trent cattle' li ie. o tiatilrfOrIA-Mrbtelr , jack CO,A•npbelli lit‘lfthense-keeper at -Toint Olarlr has pUrchaSed the* POlut 'Clark booth and tot* tieres koperty surrounding It and Plans to establisli4 tOurist eanip. Ile is 4,1Kohnilding several cabins, 4libAlTil'teAll,INITI,je• P. tiegeQtitiOnW,Idtwil at her home at BruSsets on April sgOth. •A danghter •of the late' Ur. and' Mrs, 1.11031erxr6's•yotrvale;t‘iteBrWp,(14014,s Ige •itli'illebte,rt,Sh, surviveAs by -one' son, • Oarman,Hodgins, manager of the Varincrs''- Cooperative cheese. liutter factory at Myth, •received •painfid eye:injuries Wien a blast of steltin; boiler compound..and struck Wm directly in the eyes, He Was', taken ' to ' the- Stratford hospital for treatineut and it was found that • the eye , was not permanentlY''In- jured. , The. death occurred in Hullett township On April 23rd of Rachel. AIMStasia Mekntesh-r—widow • of - -Africk Quigley, iler .eighty-sec- ond Year. Mrs. Quigley was horn -and lived all her life in Hollett. 'Her husband- died eight years ago •, and surviving are three sons and* three danghters; also a brother, Joseph ,IlantOsh,. of •• PcrenphiP Plains, Sask., and tWO Asters, Mrs.' John Shanahan,. of Hullett, . and Miss Nellie;MclIntosh; of • Goderieh.. LueknOw. Postnicaster _ in Hospital . • Kenneth, Cameron, recently ap- pdinted postniaster of Lueknow, is ,Pdfient in-Westminster-Hospitfrir London, and may have to remain • there for six months or more. He was fonnd to be suffering frofn a serious spinal trouble and tfeatmerit requires a complete body cast.*.In the meantime MreCameron and the regular postoffice staff are handling the work of the postoffice, • Dies in Goderich Townsh in Her 10.1st Year „IL -• Mrs. Henry AckerSville„r 'died on Thur,410,-- tft.Still---the--,hithrerVf`itef daughter, Mrs',• J. 13,, ,qtathwell4 -Goderielf ItOnship. her 1.01.st year. , A. native • Of•Quebec Province,,.._Afrs„....Ackers)tcain wiTh her -..fit-frents, ''and Mrs. Richard Warriner, to On4ariO when she ..vc.4%-ftv.e.---34=s-Of-'4,age. 'Herz father operated flour mill4 atNarlia,, Egmondville •'and Seaforth. •After • her marriage she. lived in Perth county. Her Imsband died twenty- one years ago., Surviving are four . l .. . . • •*tratford..- werp, we'ek-entl, iisit_ors7 G. - n -Newto--spent fo,F with Aleaid Airs1)'Todd slieekecl-tb-bearon-Monday-morning-, daYsa„ rff.:eililY; • visiting he't. sOri-111%. of the, Sudden detail of Mis,s Clara MrLorne woodA-and Donna law and ..daughter,, . and ;qrs. 'y'oudS: 'Miss Woods' whs. -tar her were visitors with, ienrtS •s, .-.• .0shaldpston_ of . Toronto_ • • • --Way onto for w d .-40--work• fr . . i • Jim, Young. who WAS:a patient in wbea she. sufferil heart seizure.' a. feays.. • .' Mr. ruld Al. Martin -Illitl Mrs. •;. = , , ' Alexandra Nospital for a..few days. Xi'. .and 'Mrs, C. cp. ROgers saw her Neatlyof Torontopent the week- 1-8 up and aroUnd again. ' lying • on the roil& alid 'suumiOned end with Mk Martins fifther, Mr , , .s Murray (-Ike of London. spent the ifelp and medical aid, but before the, '. • V.. .J. ',Thom. , . week -end at his twine oil the Oth doctor.arrived shemhad passed. aWa MiziSAL E. Salkeld ' and Mrs. W y. 'concession. . Miss oodi. h Woods was born hayfield . . . ,• Irving Hunter of 00derich Were . •, Aeventy-seven years ago, • daughter, Materialisin, is an endless_sears1:1 of the late Mr. and Mrs. W.. Woods, ' recent' guests of ' Mr: itit'l MrS. W. r • .. .. • for something ' ,whiCh ':_ci1iL...ne3!'er. _and -had resided -here -ever -since, _sili-isfy. • ' _, ,. Shewas 'predeceased by -her barcttS .e .acirip, Dr. Woou's Norway Pine ;',4..yrup Is a quick and pleasant • -remedy for coughs, Colds,' sore ' throat, spasmodic .cretp,:asthma, and. hiblichial troubles: Pleasant- fastpig, .ettfe and effective, Dr. Wood 's • . i 4 Norway Pine -Syrnp takes hold alino,st in-star.Ltly.. It • .• ••.laelps to loos'en. the phlegm, and mile:us, soothe the irritated raeMbranes, istimulate the bronchial organs and clear the air 'passages. . ' Dr.; -Virood's NerWay Pine Sy-rapjas been • a pop-ular family retne4 for nearly 59 yee:rs. On sale at 911 -drug counters. The T. Milburn. Co.. Lfinifeti. Toronto. Ont. accegsories. PrompOurd coin • - petent service on,*electronie anti two. "brothers. SutviVing Albert Woods and a halt -sister, Mrs. Dresser: The Innerly]: Nvill take place_WednesdayTafternoan frOm•-the Westlake funeral home in• Zurich. Interment will -he in Bayfield.ceme-, equipment, electric feueers etc..• ' CREWE. Se vii ga mhiTies s ' iand .reairetli J.", tell p •VWORH GUARANTEED Pick Up and deli -Very. . Beside Curry's White Rose Station. ,,11 82 HURON RD. • Phone 264 Astoant=sonusaaamorstrowalop' .. ' t,-.4,.. .5- . • , :- .. '. :„: •-:. ..,..,?• ...4....?‘,.. ..:.@:•4,,:f............,...• ii:•1:::::..,:v.;:.,,,,...•:e.:•.,,m*: i*:Yii::.-•s•.. ,,. ii:M.::2.4::•*%:'•'•i::•:••••• • • •• .... ::•,% .. ••,::,:: •• , -.-t: .4,444. an::::::::0•Mea77".. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,„, .*'. ;:,,,,..*,........07.4-4,.....1 .:,....:). . . • • ' .,r.'"•`..:** • • .... ''' •••:•wwwiti .'" '''''''' ',...'iri:i:..i::•.:•.•:*ii:iiif.f.;•::•;,i, •,:.:....• , '.4•it* ;:iii:.,.. .. , Aitrit3.0:L . •,..4.40::iiii::::•:••••• ,,,: .. •........;•:*!•;gliiii • ••,..... ••• • . .., .• ' , : , ..... .... 444 • . • ... ° CREWE., May- 4 -Mi -s. -'8'. VI.•••• 'patriyk attended the Presbyterial' meeting of* the, W.M.S,. at Seaforth.„ on Tuesday ; of last Week. •' Mr. and Mrs.„Bob Treleaven di.' Vaneonver :visited .friends. in Alits• locality most of Ink week. , Mrs. 'Zinn attended the wedding of her nepbew inr.tondon on Satur- .01y. . , . . • • -11Tr. Thigh Woods Of TrOronto *was a Friday visitor with likysister. Mrs, Jim Sherwood; and Mr. • Sher- wood and faniilv.' Mr. -and Mrs. Bob Reid of Luck - now .were Sunday visitors with Mr. a MT "...A lrst- Ron alt .. Tretra Veit. • . . , I ilia s3,mprith3„ of this ouninunity .....„' Is.....x.tend.A.t.o-,,, in _and Mrs. Lloyd Hodge and little sin) and friends - in' the loss of thc41 little. daughter„ Bonnie -Lynn. ' ,,,, - Yen re tazy r' Forget your age! rhousands are, eppy at 70. Try "pepping up" with ( )strex. COntams tonic for weak, rundown feelit,4 t Inc solely to body's • leeknfiron.which trr - - n an&wornen call - "old." Be delighthd . i yotiOnoney bock. • ir), Try Ostrex Tonic 9.: 'or li w. pep, vigor, . vim and yeara)yount • !.,ng,,,11 is ,,ery day. For sale at all,drug Hi p I r.' every' here., , 6, , .1 • : % 1. .&•:^fr•:%•,:.•••••••••• • GODERICH 1VIEIVIORIA1!: R. A. SPOTTON St. Andrew's St. • SHOP. NEWEST DESIGNS .. • BEST OP MATERIALS Guaranteed worlcmansbip at • prices that will please ,you. S.A.:V1-At/T.4 AGENTS irimos • • can at our offle,e: or drop us A .line to Box 161, Goder1ch.4.. We he Triettsed tO call and help, •ehotiSe a suitablo, memorial f,,or your family' 010. Elimiip#Ori.'0111aste • - •". Regular elimination ,of wastes from the• body is one bf the para- mount rules for good health.- Mil - burn's Laxa-Liver Pills ,6„re of whelp to faulty elimination.- The combina- tion of laxative mild' 'tonic clrugs -contained- in. -these pills-ma,ke- thorn - one of the frost useful and remedies for minor disordered cpn- • ditions of the eliminatary organs. Milburn taxa-tiiiet• Pills hey - to stimulate the liver, clean the' coatedigue, sweeten*. thcrbreatT • mid' eliminate waste from the sys- tem, ,As ,‘‘•after-dinnsr!'„-„pill, they relieve that bloated feeling and " help indigestion. . • . • „ . Sold e -t -drug countere'evorywhere. • . The T. Milbarn Co., Ltd.,: Volonto, Ont.. • AllineatmorpritiOramaisinCrowrabrAner. t *et , 1$ Ili ; • sOns, 'three daughters, thirty,four grandehildreh, and .. forty g'reat';. gramichildr,en, „Burial took place arStY4PfOrd;* ". Receives •,Ifintifine SocietY Medal• .& Itoygi Canadiall ntlinatie So. ciety certifiCate was Presented tin - Monday Alight ,4t, London to MO, bel Taggart, of Burlington, form,. LOndon, for her •reseneou • ,Tuly 7th, 19.0, of a NcIndser sailor at.Cirancl„Alend, ,.The 9211.0inas j. Maiann, 'was swinnning„..la /liar:ill no -w.,8,s.-.een• by Afr,S,: Taggart to diiiieulty, She 'Swain to him thrOugh rough -Avater at.great rislc to.her own safety and, • brought him, to 'Within short dis- tance' of the Shore8 wher.O.MiSs aret Reainne (now Air. PanitOn), ,O Windsor, assisted in bringing'him safely'to land. : • '' ' • ITOLIViESITILLE • . , , HOLMESVILLE, • May .3.—Miss., -.Betty Heard, ,Bay,fteld, 'has': been speualngafeW (10Y4 livith' gr. and Afro. 11..4eltrd, • Aft. D. Ill, „StOnffgr, Dr1411t, OIIL WaS 'the " teMperance speaker -at -the SUnday morning service in the 'United church and„gave an interest-, -1.0 address, A lovely bouquet of p carna memory 4) late V. 0, Elford,. who Passed- AWAY TeAr ago, wg,la pl!we4 in tbe church by his 'faintly, ' Mr, and Mrs. Earl 'Wktins And faMlly; of GeideriPh, OPt $11tult4 with Mr,:and Me•..1".' Stook. • • ' "BEST TOWN ON rjp • to The •61g -40 -Star, Mr. it, A. Itobetton, •4•11. 1; Zistowel,:,it If:Finer resident of GoderiehStates that it is IVO , years since be ifirse took ibis ,pape'r • • , „ 1/1.:".Rawlinson, Ltnatted -Fejtutittiltriake • 01) atid.tihIP ikleueetto14 Furniture, "Can.• , eoliclated Pool Cars to MenttOlm, Saslc*teit. ...ewatt, Alberta, British Columbia and to Calif ornia: Write, wire Or phoue f orreduced lireiglit rates, grit4614460, 188A. , ltotagoSt.;Torekto, ginipdalo 5135 MOVING, iAcioN0,;• morpule. id „ OUA -tAPIO*SE417.c./0„ DEPT,. EULli sToog or Tiii3ES* ftAtTs- vAltar,00 "I'Vork tharanteed--.• and adds: ',I think yourijown is*.• the best on the, niap,,,even if it is built 'on, 4 hit." • , will be proud of the Chesterileld„,- Chqirs,. et6, that , we reLuphcolft.er or recover- for you, Choice of velour, frieze; tapestry, xlamask. Quality coverings• . - Phone 24581 . Pick-up and delivery SEE vs! 'puma us! .wirr• usi .THE SQUARE • quiet relief: 046 Greaseless, fast -drying, no strong 'odor. - • iota% "economical . .77 by77. ,„..BtpeVers AutoianitBicyclp:.$upply- PHONE .295W • ; *WEST!STREET E USED TO CAll liER ECCLES'S CERT/E 'BEFORE Pit SPIRTEg GETTIAte •AW X. -4.4,4.X, • • • tOOKII`10-. .R1%7411140 0 • -•- ... • , • • . • „ • • .. GMC trucks otter four. sped synchrome'sh trans- . mission ... a real money 4- saver promising reduced wear, Ior maintenance " Costs, Iess, 'allying strain and ouieker•• ateleratiOrl titertibManaies:z.," • T.,7°)*O thtte•Speed transmis- 1 i-,:i-tiontoOdels, 1/2 and M•ten, the gearshift control is mounteti on the steering • vettienciandexttglegrobin, • , Newsafety and Cab cOmforr la GhIC Trucho 1/2 and,3/4.'• ton:models. ate Made PoS. )r iVsible"by the fpot,OVerated Poking' brake located .to the,leftef the Clutch Octialt, PR�DUCf OF GEN RAL MOTORS--; ...GMC is AGAIN IN FRONT WITH THESE NEW FEATURES. THEY'RE -TRUCK ENGINEERED.. • „ On every count. ..satety, dependability, tierformance eVerrpay load, GMC Trucks are a fa better buy than other road transport. Look at these h w featbres: Ecrapeect..S.Y.11.11..(1M.fiSatitAiliM lower maintenance Costs and inciedsd '4rivrn ease. -* Better visibility. 22 percent mor ▪ ,thf Wider, longer GMC eabg. . • ' *In three-siieed tranirnission ModeiON and i4 -ton, • the gear sill% levet is now on the 'steeping „column • and'pArldng brake is foot-pperated, lOCated to the lett of the clutch iledal,-giving an e0tirelY4 new "access tO the cab. . - With typicaldiviC Truck toughnesi buili'in the new GMC offers top,parlemd apadty afet, anti profit: • ,inaking dependabihry ..,.tenly the trot of " (0.44-1488 , ow Iii7Co kat EIIMATK IN. pains may oftetrbe tainted by • exceit uricpcd a blood, impurity that. should be istracted• by the kidneys. If kidneys fail; and excess tirjeacidreiriainsiit • may cause severe discomfort and pain.' . Treat jhesniatipaTns fit -aping your• ,-- Jtidneyi in good oriaitfori:T Gef and DOsId's, belp youz .....kidney, get rid of Wale -making' liaisons f•il*icitte$Da'odlsdsc---andheit .4y0oruyofu.ecliil!!1414er sed;wh '0-4 PS, arleirPilIS (formerly, OunaihOanci,& Pryde). Clinton; Exeter; Seatorth iVriie Box 150; or*phone 41J, Exeter-; • arid we 3ha11'be pleased.t� •.%10,•=a) .. fe041 Smiiit'; Poultry Concentrate s for more' eggs. and bigger jirofi4i - You get more for your Money withany Swift's fed. Because the Swikreputation depencls o the . produce you. grow, Swift's want'you to die the t best feeds possible .,.. and have the redearch and • manUfacturmg facilities to 'see 3rOliget them. You get the most for yourfeed dollar when you buy • Swift:s in the Ivie with ihebars! " • . , . , . . .„"---GEO:RYAN.iis SON .GODERICH ONT. . rrRivrivrnit. . BROS., BENIV:IILLER, ONT. .NUTRiTION !SOUR ( .'BUSINESS—AND YOURS!' WATCH DAILY PAPERS , FOR CURRENT PRICES 04111 NO MITY.#1/114:i01,41.44