The Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-02-19, Page 7teftlY4STI4T.,;: 31,311.3.; 1,0th, 100 ,4#tf13,Nc.P007„,-;!•gt. and•IgrO.: were the =kin's, ..W.110*:came here in. 'Keshotb;,: ',Campbell and younger ,1$4.0, and the- fi.-rst baby,: , George, the ekenO..• with'i I1kn, was *, born •1i 18O. Mrs. sister, Mrs*, Stan'f,Attel,,..1.0tv4lig-44-4, P. -ye '.04#qt-,..•ii*q,,lilter,'• .444 )4,4 :mob . ;pit, Thomas, , .1eating facts, A. p10 wa.s rendered. 'Ve4rt.7. an1 Mrs. ilugh. Betinett by Mrs. &. ergusou e.'::3.":(7:11414:°*4tr9'141'4.;;;'f'c3,t. Wellington ;-,(:4.00(1.,cOnducted Contest.. giso.zwt,xutou,,read an Interesting, letter' ftnnk Kre; Ross of • the "Ificiign Besldentlal Sehocdat* portage la Pr1rie, ,Man,, telling: Of ti* I Christmas at the schoOL , • Xia,: 13..os.O. Is a fernier,' resident ,.O1f ..4.uburSOr;;:- when., er abIttl5ebr4144:.'..e It44rthi,. 4-4 rr events •were revlewedt.by Mrs. • Lawson, t:444,•• „ ,comnumity singing was enjoyed. with, , Mrs', • 4.4 Philips at the .Urs. gogridge announced, ,that the Nation41,..1-14n,-;•Board--wOud-present.; Wes* Aradnee. 114e, -,Waldeptot the We'st.is. ing lims brother, PerCY Walden. - - • Mr. And:MrS. Mel, Craig and:fain- 11Y, VisitekUand.:Vri.X.44; Arm- :gtron4 thia,.week* 'Of 'Pr, Allecc,„Watsen,-40.• WgtsOn•of Nile- has, received the, sad.'news of; tne 'death' of 144, 'elder bth roer, D. Alex. ,Watson, at GalesbUrg,. Minot% hls SON'940- fourth 'Teta'. -,,D•k.':Wast4nn yfa.$ wP11: I knOwir lot• the, Anbarn eonamnnity, ,having :taught ' school! for ;several •4 years befor,e taking Uticient1Stry,°14 ,wbleh,:ProfeSsion Ale ,Was en, Dietes, porests IU , on --gedr'When-lib avid a. heart AttackT - and died after 4 few.,clays' illness: Vraisaacte,,celid'eendIntg-opu-ebretbanaj51,e'ynvsong,Vltli-•I biin twprity-e years. He was the t- , 'HIS, wife; Enyi, Easter, predeceased w books.' -The 'roll call ivaa anaWered liv YP1Ingest of-11.T.Jami1i Of -181th a 41•81)1aY 'et babY Phetbs, The, ol 7et evv h ieon oc in ;41'4 r Mrs (8v -14,..T ..Anineethttenizi: e.,..1a9fsteedi Nationwlth the s _a , served, by the. hostesses, Mts. Pe°. A: at MacKay (Eleanor), Of Bott- .1nean, N0D-, ,(Who , was. with him Hamilton, Mrs. Geo. Beall"Mrs.. during .1,14-7ffinefr); and..-mrs„: (Dv) Jer. Taylor, Mrs, and A. 3",'Irvv1ne, (1/lar1on) of Wingham l‘irs•'Pert biter, remain le' mourn 'his paSsing„ . pay ot•--Prayer..—A, large 140LMEVILLE number otiadies met In Knox Pres- • ' YT rTr.T byterlanehurch-in-ebterve. oc Guelph, was Mrs.. Edgar Lavison, president, of - • 1 rob. Graham. ' Bogie enjoYed,7 ...nice, holiday last Week in 'tronfo, the guest of 'Aire: • , aid l)drs; Bert Sakeman. Box Social. --The teacher, Mrs. D. • Barker, and: 'children'of S.S. ktitr."''P held- a valentine box.social In cal- •tiWon-Vith-the-i-r- 3 ti---niorited.---Cross•- meeting_last. Friday afterthien7 • Valentine .exchange added to tile enjoyinent of the ifternixiii; • Community Soi141,---The Dunlop Ceinninnity_Stub -held their first' social evening In .4.S. No. CrifehoZt. house last Thursd4Y • evening,. witt a gc:ed nee. Progressive - _ euchre Nitta ,played, Slid high awards were Won by Atiss Helen Fulford. and •Mr, Benson Qhisholin, while -consolation prizes' Went' to Mrs. Wm. Meyers. and.Mr. Verne jewell. gressle, erokinole was enjoyed- by the children.. A 'short:meeting was held to appoint the Coramittges not Previonely. apppinted, : ..a • program Comraittee, namely, Mrs. F. apaeight, -"Barkeiv7Mic,"Hora.ce-Crawt ford mid, Mr: Terence Hunter ;- lunch committee,..Mrs. Wm. Meyers, Mrs. Andrew .Bogie and MrS: 1uelxas ,served and all reported; fitnglenjyed themselves., " An- other social 0.-feilin-g7ifilr be geld in the-sehoo14rObse'.on Thursday event Women'S'-; World 'Day , of • Prayek. j pt k". recent. Visitor with 'his parents, Mr. the-W,M.S., was, in charge: •artil witli-rs B J. Phinip4. and Mrs. M. J. „Stock - presiding at the organ; led'..1.10tilti The many friends of Mr: Oliver singing of, hymns'. An_impressive Pec•ook,,: who -recently underwent an .411dress on ",The ,Lord's Prayer" Operation in Seaforth hospital, will .ntag:gty.en.Ar4, Hewittezoff .pliie,ppgreassseind;favorably the home and the_Nnited. che urch. The.- the meeting- was .„,"The Lord's piellaftro,i;tahn;d ivIgerrse. 'FauogItesr parmtinitiiityd, layer," and the,- explanations. of Mrs. 'Wilbert Johnston on ThUrsday. the variOus PetitiOnS were read by Mr, T. MacDonald; Teeswater, Ykra.,. Earl- .W.Iffhtan.tilf \the 'United VesterfelrOf the Baptist .church and Mrs. Alfred, si191-the -11)te Elmer wPeoektt7eernt'n7iftaVilwr':---11(-1-- Nesbitt a-. the_ Anglican elinreh. The Misses Gertrude and_ Helen Bond, London, spent the week -end n' "Prayers. were offered by 1Virat Stan- MrS, Albert Cainfibell, With their, parents, . Mr. .and Mrs. Mrs. -AlignLetherlitiniMii:. R. J- A F Bond Tivx' :PhilliPSi Mrs:. A. Tungbliit, Mrs. T.. rs Waiter opened,.lier home on Wed-. e.'peerAe -14 Blyth 44KI 41604844- ing community .recoo, tional centre.. ;•'.„ Fire broke out in the hp4rtiPent.: jock of. thc---Clintorrl'adio-15tatiOn A .$atnran...)'' 4tornIng and was *heft by Ihe station fire • rigade. „14.•. -4* families ' were • burned - out. but have,„, been'mon other 4e0142°M.41°13" fth' 9.° gtgit'941' 0 One was inlured, .; • - ' Ratepayers , Petitioned' the: Village,. Council • to - have.: , pOrtion.' of 'the, Nine, Attie, RlYerf'running .throOgh the village*, discomfort clouNg4 despehed• cleaned to affOrd, over WA Pa -V1 better drainage. • ,"•• „ it's time for, -, Parade .,,,pn.xes • tog „goods all' -being sent Goa! Prl. writes: P4ra4°1 lea church, IXeMiXt: te. regularly eaeh menthlrOpa St,' Paul's every month, keuffereal '.;49101 the rector of St, PatiPs Anglican ,ekireli CChurch:tAl t(71,_ ;ttio 84: 'brier eo?1 4.* 4111 tile4, efd.71: " painaged b ' Fire rofpnriknovill ':origin, cud. con- siderable damage- on Sunday' to the church built igs,t. Year, PY.theL,'nfe- costal ...kssembly at Exeter. --After "a; live-latini ',battle tlie Exeter- •110 - brigade "cenfined the damage to the furnace room, where' the outbreak started; arid the7svest--Wall, -Pat:gage by fire and 'smoke is . estimated at $5,000i., Other denominations in the village have offered a.ceennucdatien ilf6utrdse.r7lees while repairs are :bele& x Farm Buliding In Township Burned • .1 The large two-stery brick dwelling on the farm of Henry Neelj„,_one-mil west of Zurieh,..4m$-gdfted by fire. on Thursday 'afternoon last. Damage., is said to be over 49,000. Members effootive rolief I've, over used. and --thore's:no-Alifegreeable' PAINafter effect,' ., . • . For quick relief,. lise" Paradol for •_,periodie- .,pOnP, heRcl4c-hqs. and. neuralgic '',pai'ne. The - name- -1/-Dr-,.---*Chasen: -is- your assurance. Ca4ry Paradol in your purse. , 6 DICCHASE C) Asti,FILLD. ' Sohnston,_ Mrs. W... Good and lkIrs. read by Mri.fterb GOVier. ,The of- £ei,lng was received* by Mrs. W: •Good.and Mrs, Fred Ross, and Mrs. *son Offered' .,the dedicatOry prayer.., •• Women's Institute. -Mrs. Edgar - LaWson presided for the monthly ineeting a the Women's Institute,. held in the POresters' Hall on Tues day. Mrs, C. M. Stratighan'gave an interesting paper, on'i"Historicat Re- search." Ste_stated tliat the. first ,hOuse to ' be built ,.in . Auburn was the house Where' Artini --Grange lives. It was built -1,861,. The 'house where Wellington Good: lives was built irn 1802. The house Where Ohas.'Nevins- residee'aa built- la • ouseimi. built in 1808. ; The first settlers. Often keyed -up nerves cause restlessness, irrita- bility , and even nervousness.' If you suffer frora..4 keyed up nerves then Milburn'ellealth and Nerve Pills may be of help.. "' • , --i&-•---- • • ' Milburn % Health and Nerve Pills Are a • well . ‘ 'i;:•••••-• " lialandedinediebie'for those-who-are-rtmdewn-And marneed-a-general-e'ont- ditionerto help build up the system:, TheY,stimulatd the nervous sy,stem,.. improve the appetite,.aid. digestion' and thus help promote"refreshing rest. ' - _Get ,Millmn..% Health. and Nerve Pills at your nearest drug store today. • - _....,...4!-Iti...aolt±t. LOok for the trade mark the "lied Heart". --' ' ' . :- - ' - A° '17Etliffaiirdr:W3lIZT.`"Ist-t-Tor 0. • , ••••, •• 4-01,.„,,M,Or • 1. 0 • • • .„. ,, :• .. •• ets-an .• hotel fronts'. It- is light: It is strong; 4 it cannot rusts • Thisis wh'y More:than six hundred Cariadi,an c'ompanies, Are making useful and-beautiftil • things of this yerSatile metal: - futninum productrge all the artificial limbs to'railway carg,_frpm muzzles 416bstees claws to bridges, -from toys to aircraft. AluMinum is vereitile because it is go light) so ,aurabl,e and s� ec0non4cal. nestle* ter thetehrnary-meeting of • the-W.M.S: .and-W.ATVIthliffirge: number. of la4les In attendanee. ..pd, Grigg had eharge of the missionary sp-roorana, which opened ,hymn, followed by prayer • by Mrs. Bond. The Tell Call.va responded to with "Facts On Indian ,Life." The preaident, holland,- reported that the bale of clothing. fbr '•Britalit had been ship- ped„ It was decided that the Sot - clay should havepnother life mem- bership as its objective this year. An iinpressive telgerance_rea_ding,.. Miss Dell ,,Finlay, also -a • reading by Mrs. W. -Yeo, "We Should Under; stand.,,,Inclia.." The Allepie,,.0r, -the day was "India." an a splendid- IreIrdnirt-eri , e-life-of-Adon-tra Judson, missionary to India, was given by the leader, Mrs. Leslie- -jervis and "liss Dell Finlay. favored itAi-a-duetrafter which Mrs. Jervis-, gave a reading, "Guests 'front India," The meeting closed with the benedic- tion. The W.A. Meeting which fol.-. lowed 'opened with a hyriTity'after which the presiclent,...MN. B, Tre- Wartlia; Wit -h. -Other 'natters of business, it was -decided • to purchasenew hymn books for the. church. Mrs. Bond gave a good . port of the Hospital 'Aid Meeting, -recently . held in Wesley -Willis church, Clinton.' It was decided to • held a baking sale later On," the proceeds to be donated to the gos,-, pital Aid. Mre. _Mond was ,Chosen .as representative from Holmesville. The Meetingelosed With the•Mizpith benediction: A. lovely 'flinch Wit -T served tortbe. hostesses. Mrs. Walter .and Mr. 11 Cudmore. World Dayof Prayer. -,The Febru-. 'Pry'. meeting of the .Aslifield.W.U.S.- was held at the' home of Mrs. Eliza. beth Rose. The.„.1Y04-__DAY „.of_.„„the.„,tw9.,faniihes occupying..th Prayer Proaan): . WAS f011owed.. blinding escaped, but the names OW: Mrs. Isabel MadKenzie, fillecl,'In As Sullied 4 greatportion of the, e�n- :president in tbq 11,4enee. of Miss Wilts, including $400 in Cash. Sadie -Jhnston, the newly,eleeted men frOna',Zilrich, Dash.w0,04 .and Hensali were on the seend-bat their Donald R. „MacKenzie' 'assisted in onirrwaariteenr! 71yerheP..-etiv:ldis-bYof-latheit-e :reading part,of.ttie PrOgraM. ...Xnte,r-Ahouse remain standing. Qrigin of cessory prayers were read by Mr -s', the fire is unknown, D. A. ' MacLean, miss, --Anna Mae Exeter Merchant , • MtItonald, MR, °CM) SimPson, Mits. .0144.0.014tobberS in His Sfijie Mae- Itirc7Lennan, Mrs. Tom Ire; Awakened from his Steen at an _early. Morning ,hour George. Wright 0P--71totTIdi§gOieted...,_ rah -bell ' In his gents' furnishings, 'store. '-They were.- gathering up a. nUmber of articles; but 'dropped: them and ned rhen Mt. -Wright called out, getting aWaY in a car wh' h. was waiting outside, EVidentl:+'the pair had made at least one trip to the car with stolen doods before they were' discovered, as a number of articles were • missing. The same night an unsuccessful attempt was made to break into a store -itt, Dash Wood. ' ' • - president. Mrs. Neil -G. MacKenzie, -Mrinican‘lta'eXenile and NITS: Donald and Mrs.. Colin 'Alc.Greger. 'The Scripture reading, from john 17 -Was-givexi bf,Mes. Dan' McDonald. The. mimic for the various hymns - rwas played' by -Mrs: 3. A. MacLean. -life-membership certificate was esented to .Mrs; (Adv.) Rhoad iroudh .the kindness of Mrs. •John - Ross. Quilt •blocks (24" x. 27") were to be made and quilted for the bale. The meeting- closed .with the benediction, after which the hostess served a dainty huich: o. althrOl• 4%ml/ice 'W tele, Aystem. ; IrooktorOti. .rtuo giomber•Cot tAd e &d and. Ceninklinity, ar4 their In* 'Oandk ,iyna held. la Ane• AcYo.0; Tliesdat ellings•40,st:•• The..14dle packed -sever4I' splendid' boxeS food,fOr Brits" also. boxes...ous clOtbing :to be •sento,to Terente;f0 diStribution • to', thlroPe, travelling 4Pron .W4aProliglit 411. •ftWing 'th.e,' sum* • tO lie, sent teothiliaVe the Children Pre:PO*04 1)10010.' If.(4% ' quilt to, be 4eat to. :moth* fOt•eOmplettok, ,While • the: 1404,•,*n- J04 a.. &arils cerch4, ' :44'(1011010:0; pottinek, IMMIX: Nast. $etved,:: And' 4 soliecti.on .4Mountme.. to *4.41 was taier;, W4' A. anrrred.:100-11111.4.' were in Teronte last week' rptesent- ii 4grleulturai So, • . ciety ratthe rairs. Assoelation con. IVOintOn!S, DAY. ot rayer..„-,r4lroa, •Newton--was-,hospeso-en---Frid4Y- for tbe,Jadie.§. �f :the coMmunifY for observance Of the-World-baY- Of Xrayet _Twenty;two,4adies • Were Praent ann. MrSTW":.-"r."mIner was' ieadei for the serVie,' the theme -Of vviiich was LOrd'o ProYer.”' Prayers Were offered' by#.1grs; tnrue , , -W, '4, C aunt, Mrs.---8,--Toctdrxrii-.--1L--w,. RlcerMrs,,74 Cameron, Mrs., ct. Pheraeli -and :qrs. G.. Btuart. - • The Ssripture lesson wile' read 'bY .J. Todd and *Mrs. 'Wro, FOrester sang.a SO10;:. ,. Mrs: Andrew Gaunt pieSided for short meetibd 'of . the W -4 --Abe -theme- of "whieb.' was "Peter," Mrs, Mophersou read the Scripture lesion and Mrs, Lane Woods 'the lesson „thoughts, ',Mrs, Gatint clesed ,the Meeting with the, poem ",,Lent.". DEL101.0,11$1111:ffin PK ' • The average feniale oyster pro. duces about 9,000;000 oggS.In a single season. • ' 0, The caverage bowling acre tor men is 4,14,.. for women 110, NI PHO1OGRAP1_133, FOATJL OqOASIONS At tjhurch - .„Alpine :tirXtfirStuilifo7 , "St; DAVID STREET._ • _PHONE )4013 • NILE, Feb, 17'. -:Mr. Wilner Rutt" ledge. who had the misfortune to _have his foot come in contact with the buz'A: savir-while cixtting lce for' Poderich, had an X-ray on MondliroTtlitrweek-whie showed a dislocated ankle joint. It canaot be put in place until the- AW,eliblk_gOeS clQW11. " Mr.,, Morris has been vieffing his ' daughters in COlborne owl' the week - Day' of Prayer.:*- The Wcinien's World Day of Prayer 'was:observed an Friday last-bY 'the' W.M.S. and Women's Association of Nile. .The ,program, with the • Lord's Prayer as the theme, wa$ followed as given in the Missionary Monthly. , Half way" throngir the program a solo was rendered by Mrs. D; McPhee, and Rev. S. E. Heyward gave an address on the Lord's Prayer. After the benediction the -different so- cieties adjourned to conduct urgent. Ws -bless, after -Which a will hour -was -spent. 'The- W.A. voted -425 for relief purposes and the Mission- ary Society decided to pack 'a box of clothing and ,knitting. cART.,owi Feb. 1.7 -Mr. and Mrs„. -Hamilton and Murray an! Mr: .and Mrs.. Howard 7 Elliott of ThedfOrd Stitiirt Sundak with Mr,....and, Mrs.' Allan Stoll. • . The pictures Under the :direction of the-j`ederation. of Agriculture will be ;rshown on February 20 in the Carlow' hall in the afternoon and at Nile school hi the the, at ....',111exi5ies and Chickenpox are eritCh-,,-. ing _up,, with some of Our Sehotti children. -.. •• . • Mtg.. Stoll.ipent 'last •WedneidaY- With Mr. arid Mrs Fordyce Clarkit being little .George's- first birthday. • 11.rs. Morris of ••Nile spent -a 'few .days with Mr, and Mr. Wm. Clark, •-• -Is -spending Sopie time in ..-Goderich Arita Mrs. Hetherington. ' Mrs. Keith Aftliur'4nd little "John, o Aikurn, Stent Wednesday- with Mr. And Mrs. MeIlwain. ' 'west -end •grOup of the W-.M.S. • gathered at Mrs'. McHwain'-s on Wed- nesdaY•afternoon to discuss, ways of raising money for the. needy Europe, after . Which4frs. McIlwain 'Meet at Mrs. Tait Clark's this Week. We itie "sor6 to report. that Mr: Aleorge Baxter is not as well' at his matiy,Irlends Would like to see. Mks. Tufford has, returned to Goderich, havireg Spent' the • past few weeks With Mr, and Mi,$, Jhrvis MeBride,_ Walter Moore and couaint Donald of-krafferdville, spent the week -end With Walter's parlattiri Mr • and,Mrs.:Itay_ Moore.. • .11r. and „'.'cUiso ';ifeiNis of tiolniesvillerlSited, on 'Sundaywith. IM ps.." Walters' and FloYd. -tOWnship' *Vialted on &ridgy with -Mt. and Mrs: .11%, GOod. . The milder ,weather Is certainly weleonie after :the zero temperatures. Valentine Party, -On Friday the; teacher,. and Pupils p2 tri n Vrilentil_le :party . the Seheol. The noon hour-7."'Wn ehlriyed.' steigh-rlding and skill**, • then ail returned to the ilehoOl for the : fart'. The teacher, Ur, 1(e., NAIL treated.thechildion te•wiettos; tn114 And Pop. ank th thlidron niso A)ronght, treats. and all went hoine ,fheitt..valenx. titi0.• The Younger, children of the section Oise were yERSATILE.and UNIVER$11.1, Every countri In the „world Is to- . .; day .buykul CpaadiantAlumon7.1 produced Arvidkt'Canada, hark: f tIe largest „ Alurninuin . ,sinOlter•ln. the world. The "Akan", ?-.""billarkiirbOtorrne-trOlit tatfor tradir=- and., a- vatual4a ..lointe of the • fOrefbn iithcinge : which Canada .' neoc0 • ta'Cover ''.:Aer own li,e-Ylag p_ttlitaterilikat:froc'ois_Ors:Of-Akonintiniforr,Conoclionindu*lry„"On4 ii_Yorlds.',Markop4 QU'elEt .TORON'Eti' 'VA,t4Cti9VEIt' o WIND$61% KINGSBILIDGE; Feb. -17:-Mrs. Cavefl Harisford and son Joe have. gone to Toronto for a week's visit. Mr. Mike Ward, who is employed at 'Whitby,. washere visiting his 'friends over the week -end, . • Mrs. Marcella Courtney is visit- ing her mother. Mrs. M. X,- O'Connor, in St„'...AKustine, vvho'is not so well tit present." - - • -Mr; B.lixise Martin' viSited 'at Mr. Ed, King's, Teeswater; last week.' These fine- sunny' days •have in:- ,sluced,,a-croiv to. visit the' rieig.hbor-'' hood this- week. While few have iniich • regard for the 'crow, 'yet he brings joy, especially- to the shut - ns a sign that spring is "just around; the. corner." .„„ 'TALOWS.,-„QQ1/NPV; miss Mari IVICMillen spent Saturday in Stratford with Miss Kathleen Holmes --and her friend„..„Miss Ruth, Kerr, 'Of llarristan. Miss Maxine Sturdy of London has -I -been iipending.:,a_feW daYs-_,a_L her home in GOderich townsiri.P. • At the annial -meeting' of the' `Goderich Township „ Telephone System held on Thur,sdiik •afternoon last, Mr. 0. F. Edward was re- elected "as-ceminissinner„ Mr. -Ed- ward has given over twenty years DEAD OR MSAIITIED" COWS each $10.o0 HORSES: each IIOGS per cw 'ACCORDING TO SIZE,,A1S1D gorinrrioN . - .SmalkApinials. Removed MBE - PHONE"POLIECT- *SEAFORTH. - EXETER 235: 0HATEAM=2447 • Backache la Often' caused by !Eery kidney . -action, WhealddneYri gOt out of.order axons* • '-utida,and-prilsoni-reniain hrthateru.-,Ishea- *gaTefitiortaintrgettietiamer-ditzu turhod tett or that 'fired ode feeling may -soon follow. To 'halt, keep yOut kidney* v.,Orking. properly,oaao Dedire;ICidnei Thne;teatedr'poputit, safp, hon.habit,forr* int? Demand DocInKidneylla; in the him:, box witk,the led tand.:Sold eiarywhere. iss au TALE yolk" Irelephotte Directory: tellsis never 11108116dr Year • after year more names aki-added, more people *horn you can call, , ' ,aud wh& eawcall.yott. Right now We'renbuSy with unfilled -orders,.... ti 0 i• aiding still more telepliOnes'jwit asfast 44 materials beeome av;tilable.', xiintrotrinat F171•14-13TOOK Q1', VIBES' *ART A CARY:CIE]) ; . . • - --2411` 'Work Guaranteed • . Fr4;r7it Hike :141i;e0tetCH , osTArao - -More people are using 41.* telephones mere oftetis'Our constant •Atin iPt to mike tte-sertice-hetter, , ore telephones . better service . and 'always at the lol;rest , 4 • possible tost. It all ,1,01,clos up 'til.grekter *aluefovevery,teleplione usei,