The Goderich Signal-Star, 1948-02-19, Page 5Obt. ZIOT11:' D'Oak,. who
has been Operating
service .frorn.;Kings. .t64.Sti
WA' tiOvedfiw.a"liew.. loW
Atop. ;on Montreal
pied by _Rat',
• 1i.NOX VitURCH W.111(.S.
The regular Monthly mee Jtingl of
held in the church parlor on Tues-
day afternoon, with the president
MrS. Erskine, in the Chair. ?"The
business part of the meeting was
emiducted by the president, the
various •secretary giving their- re-
ports; A committee for purepean •
relief was ,appointed, consisting of
Mrs. A. Taylor, Mrs. G., Aisset, Mrs:
.C.. 131fick and Mrs. Erskine- Mrs,
R. E. Wilson wa-TIS' n charge of the
devotional ,Period. Mrs. A: Taylor'
• gave arvinspiring paper on the first
. chapter . of the study .book, oir
"World Evangelism." The meeting
closed -with prayer by the president.
'EDITOWS' TIOTThisis tlie, in ,the :Workington Match, and:.'lln-
.(;),4, the weather a large crowd
,Of •spectators gathered.. The 'scene 4:
was,puch the ,same -as nt One of 011el •
best braneh matcheS, • TIAPJ4'40ters'
• slightly . , Outnumbered "the'''''llerse$; I
The land waS of 4 gravelly
but In good eli0ete.ploW IIS ,far• ftS-1
Moisture was 'eoneerned, I
' All the events were well contested ,
-oviii----niost7tir, them thewinners
about the contest itself. Thebig were from the northern counties, In
Bevy's- Is---ttat,:,ffsam. Canton., 'the 1-Knoanqr,--liclut, vilm-:$e(3-0114
Saluda' silver medalist, came:second, class to '4 chap from Carlisle,.
',11.the.- general pi.irpose horSe plow-VAtter the match, we. Atm, guests
' :
in match, 'of the Workington Agricultural- So- -
We are all' veryproud of john. at a dinner held in our hoar.'
He is the 'idol of the pefifoln._here...We.heard .a_number. of interesting -
and Wherever wegohe is the:centre speeches, 4neltiding an address by
of attraction. During the contest, Canon Croft, on the history Of , the
-Which wias held at 'StainbUrn, Hall 'Workington' Agricultural SoCietY,.,
Farm, Workington, crowds followed Prefacing WS remarks with an
.1,14 P and down • the The :anecdote, the Canon, who is a vice-
'eta's- offered- to- hold them back, President of-theT-SoOletyrteld-us-that
hut --john said no -it didn't bother his experiments in tilling. the: soil
bini. Afterwards, the .school ehild- had not been too' successful—littleien vied .with One another to get niel..0 so, hi fact, •thfin that of- the
autograph. • - • man who when asked . hewhiis
Alf, Brunton, RuSs•Hare and Glen potatoes; grew,Said:-I'Vell, theret-hre
McFaddin also plowed exceptionallY, Some as big as marbles, and sonie-
well.. If judged bY-,Canadian 'rules as. big•-ns,,peas-and,Of -course, a• •
five might have had two or three 1.ot of little, 'tins:"
firsts, but the British have their
own plowing methods that differ
from ours; This is not ---meant to
be an excuse. We realized alon
thqt standards and equip- Then, OS fa -ay, there Was a shortage.4
.thent would be different and every of .food., The population- had in-'
thing considered the boys did very creased. froM;17,0'00,090 to 1,1,000,000 •
well. They took hold , of strange and England had to improve her
equipment ,(the Plowmen here stillg agriculture -.or starve. .'
day.or,„,the•-laigir. cut. i' • ."-Ttritisb -fni-mers metthe thallende.
third eft. it serieS of. Weekly . stories
Clark, 'president' ,of .ttio
ro,t)410,01,10040....,.,yisit .0 Canada's
Chamilion..ploWitexr to 'the...Brit/Sit
WQR,TgiING,M.-New that ..the
Bmpirp 'PlovVing Match • is • OIT.Pr, 1.
would hike:to. telV you sometlffirg*
• .Kgrixotters:
• Radio Service
Operated - by efulb.r qualified
radio teChnician, holder of tivo
government -certificates of pro-,
fleiency. Any .electronic::.equip-
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electric: fencers, etc.-
-, Ali -work guaranteed, -
Pick -un and delivery'.
8211UlirON RD.. PHONE 264
-.- • . 49ft
Canon., Croft then compared the
present Period In England with the
ear 1.808 whell the Workington
Agricultural Sficlety_eame into being,
;work; although they no very littleof :it on their faring), and tried to
•fuljust. it to Canadian tecliniques.
••They. did not,fitterapt ,to copy the
• 'British Methods, since that would
have been impossible in such a 'Short
. Empire Plowing Mattel, 14, ig.h:
blustery- and unprorefsing,
' The 'day ' of the 'inateli- dawned
rain fell at interVals,,but fortunately
not .enough to cause any SOriOnS
convenience. Last year; as you will thanks' to the Agricultural Society,
remember, plowing sErig, He: express,ed the, senthnents of all
land and Ireland had to be Called of tiS when he spoke a. the pride
off owing.. to the unusually severe felt by klinselffin.d the other:4110w-
wetither. men in being theArst.rentesentatives
Sbnie fifty contestnnts took, Part ,ef:_Canada
in7-1808, they can do it again," said
the Canon. • ,•
Tribute -to -Canada --
He .concluded his- -
Iribute to the -Canadian people;
touching _briefly en the part they
Played in the Boer War, World -War
and.World War IT, and emphasiz-
ing the contributions they- are mak• -
ing in agriculture In the post-war
peniod. • . •
•itise1h Aare moved a. vote of
'RUPERT.i01)4' ES TO CANADA Becamie' hle' appetite:was too big
r09_4:Ropert_ one of the nrid.'s greatr
v .,
Great Dauer inolute to pa w ere e will less diffic ty
obtaining hi. required -•.even pounds of meat per day. •Weighing 168
master, Michael Couppleglitch, al,-, the Canacljan 'National
Railways Central Station,, MOntreal,
• - • ' • GNP, Photo.
A.;highly eSteelned reil4ent
w(1141e-kb*011.w':;114arile111:in.ginM4e140t, 4PY.4.° VA.
AWaY'in 4,1exAndra' 40SPital; on
WecliieSdaneVexiing Of: last' Week ,in
liis'53rd year,-iTe 110.4:P -Mu• 11110134
' thall„ it ,wetik,,:Pnstimp World 'Wnt 11
ed engineer
Navy for
live year. 4,..0013,:nt,X14,,„;411,1/X.40,,,
the latei Robert Unit; was born
;11olrlIthv4e•p°ettseticitittIPYAvr,e$4,.. in
wife; • fOrtnetlY' Edna:::.S,Mith,. he is
survived by Iii mother: mia one
Mrs. ,„ William .Mugford, pf
Goderich,:"; • „ • •
• The.".,fnne.ral., Was, held On. Satur-
day' aftettnion • froth: the RrOphey
,Luanietri.aant4h9eigliet''..rrlyt.11 nut deivM. ern 'Ain. •
Ferguson, interim Mederater',.:Pf
KrioX' Church; Penchi:C.0d - the •Ser,-
-v1006-` •the: pallhettrers----werd7X
Pipe, . Di Naftel,
J. Ai Ma7bna_ld, George MatMes.cilt,
and Beg. Burrows,
TlAnfi,X TUflNEIt
'•Word, hasbeen received' of •the
death of Harry Turner, of Bogota,-
• New - :0-erSer,-7'which- -Ocetirred 'SW;
denly'Oe Febriiary 5th;7 Mr. Turner
Was ther,son of Rev. Sohn and „.Mrs.,
Turner, and was born at Carlisle,
-Went:Worth county. The father
'Living a glergynifin the.MethOdist
'Church, •, the fandly• resided' at.
various places' where, he wassta-
tioned,': among these being Auburn
and Dungannon: After his death,
the widow and her children lived
for soine-tinie in-ttoderich;
the elders, son, was associated- with,
W. 11, Robertson Some time ,rin.
the publication *.,o4.•The Signal --and
eventually went toeV,Xtirk, Where
he was engaged • in the printing
trade, with his home in•New jersey.
_gig. wife, the, former Polly Whyard
of Dungannon, died in•W,--10"471,
and .1.0•*7„ hey.married
Wilhelmina Vitte, who' survives;
Alsister,..MIrs.,Walter Black (Editla);,
lives • In , Toronto and is now the
„onlY'surViving-nremberfof the Turner
-family. .
Mr. •Tdruer's remains were -cre-.;
--iffated and -it is the •intentfoirto
have his, ashes" --interred- -in: the
bungamion• cemetery 411, the spring.
matehes in Britain and our appreci-
talon of the wenn welcOnie 'received
on &very hand. •
Musical entertainment was pro-
.vided during, the evening and our
own Alf Brunton sang amidst great
applause. Td, quete froin the Ciuu-
berland Evening' Star, .".4.12 "created
6 furore with Apple Blossom Wed-
ding." •„• ' -
o.conineteP1ingu Will-Wohablrbe 'interested to
. 9..W...
-now tliht" the 'plowing matcli;in
adclition'to beifig.filmed by newsreel
cameras and niade the' subject*of
broadeastonimentary, , was also• ,
televised. The boys were 'featured
in a broadcast for •the North Am-
erican .Ratlib; and will be feather
•again in a ” ten-minute 'program: 'which
be transmitted during "Fanners'
1iraTf1Tirr 1!n the7North-oirEng-
land and Northo. of Ireland 'Home• *
Service on Sanday, Febrnary 15th.:
•--Exhibition of Sheep _Herding
• Relaxing after .the strain of
yesterday's contest, we were taken
•toda-y on one_Of the most.enjoyable
,excursions of our entire tour so
far -a motor bus: trip. through the
Lake District. Orr Ilelvellyn Moun-
tain, we watched a splendid exhibi-
tion:ef..sheepherding by hotder col -
hies. ,The dogs are ,directed by their
master's whistle, each by a note of
its own. -The intelligence and -Skill
of the dogs in rounding,up the.heeto
are truly remaildible.
.Temorrow wv-leava, for -Scotland,
,pur • first- ston- *ill be- Edin-
burgh. The itinerary. planned for us
includes St. Cutherberes Co-oper-
ton,• the—Perth Aberdeen Angus
Cattle' Sale, Glasgow and , Loch
veraging four people, to each, liouselieldinto whiCli-The Signal Star 'toes, Its-
circulaticiii, of 2,800 means a conservative estiMate of '11,200 readers.
x-aeWsPapers'.in Brace county are noi sellitid t$2 50 a year.
TheY.-are7..The IVIilcImay Gazette, The Walkerton Herald Times, The Chesley
Enterprise, The. Kincardine NewsThe paisley Advocate and -The „.*iarion_':
Echo, They were previously $2,00 a year, - In Iiiiron ,county' at l‘ast two
'weekly TieWspaperg that.wen $1,50 a year have advanced to..$2.00,11,,year and.
, ,
another one that waif*00,4--7-10—,r has. advam.cot .10:$I50 a year.-7--
.wiith a larger' Oirou1a0.44 than, any other weekly
ilewspaper-iirihe.t oitn.ty,.stilI, remains itt: $2.00 'a year. Despite the fad that
• dozens of Weekly neWspapers throughout Canada, have increased their l*sub,
scriptin prima owing to constantlyincreasing costs ofy_foductioli,
The $ignaL-
Star is elideavOring to hold its tillbSriritiOn to the'sanie 'old price—$2.00'a.year
Calfa6.6. and,$2:50 in the United.States.' ` •
, In,order to do this, hdw.eier; it is lintierative:.thit all'sUbscriptions
„ -
be itialcOili-i-which Miami paid. iti 0,4vance.'.Ili yaws? /f not; may. Ave' ask
< _that you, Atten0 tot41.1' near.futiire .aud help-usl to: lto1.14ou .by
• SIIEPPARDTON, Feb, 11. --- An
enjoyable evening waS' spent On
Wednesday, February:11, the
yonng, people of the . vicinitY went
skating at the ,Pineri, laterreturn-
ing tothe school and -playing games,
•after which • sandwiches, cookies,
cake :and. coffee were enjOyed all;
• ..Miss, Lvorothy oUnStofl1 of the-
telephone--"gtaff'at Goderich, spent.
the 'her home. .
' • Airs."1L''11161ee'of near Dungannon
Is visiting With, her sister. Mrs. A.'
,FoSter, and father; • gr. Wm.
• IfftWkins. •
Mr., Jim Hawkins has -gone to.
Lonclon and is now working for
the Wonder Bread _Cois .,
vi6iting with Mr, and, Mrs,. Ralph
A sthisii6 tx.DIrtiiTtsER
Goderich,:_oyitoi6. .
. . . 1 .
- Dear Sirs,-Th§,ccpitract covering
our BYO .•adverilisingl with your
publicationhas been received ,and
we look forward to another Year
Of ,pleasant business_relations. . -
Sa1a.da4tea. sales for ligt 'ilibilVed
asttbstantiat'increaSeler the third
SuceesSive year, the total being al-
_MOSt - :double :the „average., annual
• ielgs--from-,1935',"• to -19$1): -;•iC.S.:'
have said ninny Wines before, we
attribute a great deal of -the credit
for this- nnia7,ing growth " to ,,, the
high quality.of our -tea coupled with
a ...newspaper adVertising, program
altnoSt 'contifitiously maintained
since 1.80,
t be ‘ce
.part, es "a newspaper -publisher, in
• bringing &Ueda Tea 80 effectively,
to the attentioit of 'the buying nubile
In 1041, and all, our best wishes for.
the new '
lours trtilNI
E. .C, Beacom, formerly ,ptibile.
school. Inspector ,,,here4- hasbeen
elected vice-president of the North-
ern ,Ontario School Insneetors' And
°Mr. .rteacom left, the StrotfOrd
Normal Sehool hist Sentenabel; 10
hoed** 'principal of the North Bay
Norinal School.,
PORT ALBERT The death of Mrs.- Lavine Grace'
Greene; wife of the. late David;
Greene of CollingwoOd, Occurred in
Alexandra Hospital' on Tuesday.
evening, • Mrs. Greene • suffered a
fractured, -hip when-f.she
Prid4 at the home of her;daughter;
•Airs. Itarold Doak, and was removed
rt the ,lhefloltal. She had, been in
•poor --health for sonie yearg ‚ii1 at
the,time .of the ,aceident; When . she*
slipped, oirthe door; was eonfined
to her roMn.4- "
• She Was_, born at Creemore
seventy-two years' ago, -and had lived-
in 'Collingwood,- where her husband
passed away-fOUr -years ago, .
since then bad residedin Goderich.
She. was a member pf the Gospel
-Workers.-----Surviving-are threesons-
arid five 'daughters: Roy, 'Norman
.and Wilbert Greene, of Barrie; Mrs.
Walter Durnell; of Media., Pa: Ofrs
Fred•Callins, of Toronto; MTS. John,f
French, • of Trenton.; ilicrt. James
Anstay and Mrs. Harold Doak, both
'of Goderich. :- Thereare. twenty-,
three grandchildren and eight great-
-of officers for this 'coining year -took
PORT ALBBRT, Feb. 18. - Mr.
john Quaid and granddaughter, Miss,
Sheila Quaid, visited on Tuesday
Of this week with :Mr.; and Mrs.
Jolumr-McPherson at Teeswaidi• .
Junior Farmers, -A number Of
young ,people;from this community
we re rptesenrat-the unior-F arraers'
meeting held .lif thl)iiiigannonJ7bb-
school-house on Tuesday evening
of this week. This was the opening
meeting and- the election of cifficers
took place. Meetings of the annipr
Will' be held, on the thlid
•Tuesday -at .each thOuth and all
youngpeople who attend wili. find
tTieiu intereiting-leffileatibnal and
Anglican: Guild. - The monthly
meeting of the Woman's Guild of
the AngliCan• church was held oil
Wednesday afternoon of last .week,,
with a good attendance, at the horde
of Mrs. Roy Petrie. The election.
-Place and 'oil wbo- held offices in the
past year were re-elected. A new
Member, Mrs. *Pinilott, Joined' the
Guild. Daring the afternoon a
letter of appreciation was read:
Which' Was .sent from overseas by
a "family who received a ho'T from
this •;society recently. The letter
could' never understand hoW, Much
this means to am people overseas.
The Mareli ineeting will be held at
t1orirOme-Of-Ris-.7,-Ra1phoste .
Life in theNorth,..--LAn enjoyable
evening was spent in the, basement
of the Anglican, Church on Monday,
when the rector, Rev. R. A. Joselyn,
showed snapshot Pietnres-by,lantern
slides of his experiences amongst
the Indians in the .Jame8 Bay ter-
ritory. These pictures showed the
great floods that occur In the spring
'and the ? stormyblizzards. in the
winter; when tor, weeks .they have
no daylight. 7 Afteethis 11 box social
was held and about twenty lovely
decorated boxes were auctioned off
at Rod. prices: A progressive euchre
and crokinole party vill be held
ill thesame place on Tueg(14 eeii
ingof next week,. When everyone
is laviteti.• " ' '—
Annual corkritationai-M4tiiig..-
'The ;bengal congregational meeting,
of, the Was beta, On
Tuesday afternoon' of this •week,
witha good- 41:tndance.- In the
absence of the pastor, Mr. 'Roderick
McKenlei 'a steward -of the chureli,
acted as chairman., .RePortSof the
•church activities Were rod'itS fol-
lows: By Fred Crawford, secretary -
treasurer of the "(lurch ; Mrs; Bert
Crawford, treasurer of the Wohaan's
Assoektion Mrs. Charles Crawford,
ary rbalety ;: for t e ower . y
Bert-trawforcl Liif 4.611.iserice•
of, the ; treaSurer, Mrs. • Howard •
QUA id; ,for the 'Mission Band, by
Ledoor,and the Sunday
schooi report Iill'i57-miFfsf-ractrifor:-
-izhe church report showed it balance
on: hand for the year 1948.- After.'
meeting. wag closed with. the Lord's
grandthildren. Three brothers and
•tWo sisters .Survive: S'ohn Graham,
of; Colorado 'Springs; Thomas, of
Orthern.' • Ontario; Robert, of
Niagara •' Falls:* Mrs. Charles
Wheaton, of Timmins, and • Mrs.
'James Brown; of Miami , Beach,.
Florida, • '
The body . Was removed on Wed;
riesday Morning •fro,m the Brophey
funeral. home to Collingwood, where
a • serviee took place at the Trott
_flineral'holtle_this • (Thursday) aftet-.
_noon, Rurial' was, in :Union eeme-.
tery,• Collingwoosl.. .
Mr8". H. E.: Clinger returned on
Friday to Toropte after visiting the
past two weeks ,with Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Clinger. Derin 'g her. visit Airs.
Clinger 'was theguest, of honor -*at
a• birthday dinner of the. Overseas,
Chapter. London,, of which'
Mrs. Clinger was regent for seven -
ten Years
.fickusiztalif .12co'432oklici us.' •
. becrutio:„.„ip' kout 4oirie 6,-, .
• -Wry.' . 40 liaz: ipi!ted 1C94104o.
Of C1P844cract, 00.101.-....; '
C11,41/9:ble 14 SjAzz"WorthY
. I'Vedlikrpfq.-1-4.3' rtkeall'ao
ecray''!o.. aci#0caztv,
lag latiiWOLial4. chlatoriors "
actatict: ,ecopozn-L.
reached, tlie• birthday box and
sunshine„bags .are"to be used agaiuz
this year. • 'Mrs. Elmer Graimm,
president.of the 'W.A., then took
charge.- ,Mrs, Rert Crawford, treas.--
er, gave her report, showing a
-nice• balance on hand, • Arrange-
ments were madeto hold -a bazaar
late in the summer. 4: Other &Sens.;
sions • of interest followed. _ The
meeting clesed with a. ,hyitin and
prayer. The hostess served refresh -
Meats and asocial balf-lunir WAS
• 1-6417FIELD, Feb. 1:7 -.-Mrs. James
a mouth In 'London with her sow
:Mr. Ferguson; and MrS. rexgliseeli
: Miss Velyenti gturgeon .of,Loadon
siva the -week -end with her parents,
inici l‘les; IV, Sturgeon;-. iiss' E. Rchileft last we"k to
xisitlriendsitt ' • • h •
jack ')Itirray, Of .0wZ4-1 Sound. IS
-Vi:Iti.fig his ;Sister, Airs. J.' MeLeod„
it .
4-- The
"reliiiiiffk'inebtine'ttlf the-It/WA, •'111E,Sefi'Irraird-r-Citiner6ft'litSt-,
and,..W.A., of the united church was week for Port Bien, *here they
held' on:Thursday 'afternoon nt the•• will spend the next month: , • .
home,- of Mrs.' Howard Quaid, with. 1.Vonith,S Prayer Sorviee.—,There
ton ladies prese4 In the absence was good attendance: at the 1110-:
of,the president, Mts. ;as. McKenzie, men's ,noy of Prayert setViee of :
Mrs. •,13ert Crawford took charge,and Trinit$„ ehtirelton Friday afternoon,
'0 enedthe meeting with, It hY.0.01 The:,),tey woman was 'WS. Itmerson,
Mrstthett sOio a.5.411.41,01
Psalm Was read itt•AltfiSen. Read- , tarson of Trinity chureh.,431ts.
ings were given Earl Bogle, Prod 'Watson of St. AtidrOw!s rotted
Mrs.',',Bhuer Orolutin and: Mrs. IL church'. Mrs. SilibeS VeignSon and'
CraislOtak Owing ' to the .unfavor* Miss tottle-Cireer ,of Knd I'reSby-
Able , weather no meeting 'Was held terion chfirch„ The " Seriptute read!
n n tr.— ' bz: Nits ,Pied Wats
oflieers for 1947, were reinstated. Lor :latereessory prnyers were offered bY
1018, Witla the exception of first Mrs, Junes Pergnson, .MiSs Mors*
riert:presitieut, 'Bert 'Crawford Oihneur, Mrs, W, Sturgcoll;. `A1tf!.1
this Mliee. whleh 11. Heard, "Sciitclunetc
•Wa8„ made taeaat by the 'removal Mtg.. „Coliu
of Mrs, ,Tack Meitenzie:to Goderleh. 'Westloke 'Mrs.
Ladies en the Volt conunittet .areMaYnard (ter:rir sang 'Alm
MeMMat4 Mrs.Wat,111,11,W,,, a1'.rayer.v and., 'Sri's* IkNeard
'feta. Mit4:. warts.. rma Mrs, Witti, gave on address Ott the to1'tly0
*left Of. the Prayer.toe orottoo.
W.*St,S.,, given ,by 00 't1COOSAITrt UtS, M. Politic* and :gigs
showed the . alloCation had ,,lie'etf poor mut amotinfed
L. and Mrs. Treleaven -of 'Woodstock
visited Mrs. TreleaVen'S .mother,
Mrs. Margaret Switzer; on Sunday.
• Mrs. W. A. Culbert, who haLbeen
ill witli pneuraonia, if steadily im-
proving. • '
Donald Valentine Glenn observed
his thirteenth birthday anniversary
at .the heine of his -parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fraiik: Glenn; on Saturday,
School Classmates .WeIe entertained
at a p
Uiiited Church Gee.
Ind e 1pesided over the meeting
of theWoman's Association of the
•Cnited eliiirch. on TneSdar
noon..-Mrs. Otto Popp read the
•Sc-i'ipture lesson,' Matthew 20:1-16;
;In(l Mrs. Hedges led: in a short
prayer, ;I"For the people of .Canada."
,Wm. Petrie gave a- topic,'
“Sue.fies4 .0r_ Happiness, or Both."
It was decided to, make quilts for
British relief. Mrs. John Ryan con:
ducted the election of officers, :which'
resulted the same slate as last
year with I'm!, exceptions;
Mrs. Wil-
Inir Biown replacing Mrs. John
Blake 9n the parSonage committee
and . Mrs. Henry. ,Horton in 'place
of Mrs. G. C. Treleaven On the
visitingcoMmittee. -Plans were
-macro for a St. Patricle8 tea,
• W0pin at Prayer. -A. ,service in
-ft i
obSer ce.of the Women's World'
Day Oti.Prayerwa,,4 held in .Erskine
Presbyterian chnrch--on' Friday
afternoon, with Miss Iva Carr In
charge, , Prayer. vvak Offered -by
Mrs. M. R. Andrews, Mrs. L. IverS,
MTS. Frank' Jones; Mrs. C. Fowler,_
MrA, R. J. Durnin: Mrs. Arthur El-
liott,Mrs. Popp, Mrs. Aertori. Mrs'.
Robert Dere, and Arra'. Melvin Reed.
Miss Frances McLean, read the
Scripture lesson. •Mrs. Allan 'Bee
sang a solo, .. The Lord's Pra er. .
Very Rev. C. H. McDonald, pastor .„ •
of the church and moderator of the .
General Assembly of the: Presby-
terian Church in Canada,. gave an
address; and urged all to adopt the
practice of beginning and closing
the day with Prayer, which,. he said, . .
would surely give bettiy.-balance •
and contentment. .
Dungannon_:Counle,Lose-lin4.10• . -
. - . ' DaUghter. ,,,:.. :-,:--'
. DUNGANNON, Feb. 19. -,---Mr. aid -
Mrs. Harvey Andrews 14.ave been_
:Lbereaved-by -, ileatii.--.-tOday---(Thurs-
day) 'of their infant daiiihter,.Eliza- • ,
beth Ann (i3ittY).'--Tlie-babY*0`.•..
thirteen 'months, cold and was in ber:-`_,
nprinal health: until Tuesday 'eVeri-;
ing, .when , she sUddealy hedanie ill. ,
and was taken :to the Goderieh hei-
pital, where She..pasaed away. Fun-
eral arrangements have net .yet been'
completed. • -
. '
. ._ ,-,
, '''Aft. W. F. 'Saunders .aitended.-a
meeting of the Woodworkers'. -Ad-.',: I k
cident . Prevention ' Assoembon :at '.,
Toronto on Ttiesday. . 0
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie -Hanna; Bobby
and Billy, of Ayr, Wete week -end - •
. guests with Mrs. Hanna's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. H. Price: -, ..
mr. and Mrs. Jas. Phalen and .
-Mt. : and Mrs. Harry-Pi:mien, have
-gone to St. Olernents, where Oe Men
are employed in .the 'foundry there.
Mr. and Mit. Robt. 11. Bradshaw .,
ilitVelLretitirned. fromtheirweciding.,-•
triP and are spending the -week -end
with the latter's 'parents, Mr, and '
Mrs. j..., teMuire, -beforegoing to '
their home at Hamiltoh. , „ ' -
ON/ Inuit!
0* „A to:EPEN1).03=, tbarlOgrofir.,
(Att, woitic RANItti))