The Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-11-15, Page 6THURSDAY, NOVXMB "f may. Your OIRODLEX Will Rollls's Nowt, ARTHRITIO MINS `1U`bAT"'' s ,NEURITIC PAINS, --VARICOSE NE S —INSOMNIA. -- NEIVOUSN +ASS -•-•-•UEADAOH ` --CONSTIPATION aid many *othet -circulatory ailments. . F1PEE DEMONSTRATI IN YOUR HOME :NO OBI/GAT/ON •� = ON DISPLAY AT L. H. ZINN• HOME APPLIANCE STORE TOWNSTIIP COUNCIL COLBO#NE TOWNSHIP ' The Colborne Township Council met for the regular meeting on Tuesday, November 6th, with all the members .present. .• The minutes of the last'regular meet- ing eet-i ig were adopted as read, on motion of -Wm.. J. Clark .and. Ross Fisher.- MONTREAL isher. MONTREAL ST; Ott* '1P'uneral Chapel combines the dignity, of a place, of worship 'and the refinement hof a quiet residence. . PHONE 120 --........., FLOYD-41. LODGE, Director You are invited . to listen to "Music for Sunday'• program over CHNX, Wingham, each Sunday :tern_oon at 3 p.m A cbmtnittee • from Sniiitii's'.:.Ili,ll United' congregation, consisting of Frank Wilson, Fordyce Clark and John A. Young, "waited on the Council to see if, they .•could rent the Township Hall for Sunday services while- the church was being redecorated. Moved by Stanley Snyder, seconded by II• McCreath, that we refit the half to the Smith's •Hill United con- gregation on .the same terms as the Presbyterians; :$1.00 per Sunday while in use. Moved by II. McCreath,- seconded by Stanley Sn3•der, that we appoint the Reeve-- and Wm. Clark to look for a duzuping• ground in thew Township. Moved by Ross Fisher, seconded by Stanley "'Snyder, that we purchase a. $500 ' victory bond with the cemetery funds. • The roach vouchers. and the following bills were ordered paid: Road vouchers, $510,00; Alex. Watson, .Reeve, Clerk -and Assessor, selecting jurors, $9; 'T: R. Patterson, inspection of Alun, drain, .$10.;_Ai maid aL . Vor1d,. upp}ieS,..,$1.19,•.. Floyd Lodge, 17 folding; chairsr Township Hall, $20; "James McIntyre, weed ,inspector and stock Valuator, $3.50.; Print. Shop,,- ,supplies . for tax collector, $15,50; Wm. Westlake, salary for October, X90. •• • Moved by Stanley .Snyder,we�sadjourn. -. OWS, cotaoRNE nrauravuoN•, ' UOLD$ ANNUAL. BANQUET Or; Campbell, V tluelpht 'GuestSpeaker at Remitter Gathering 011 Tatesdayr l 'ovennber (th, the. C1- iue 'pia�v abhigm 'ider titan .o .., culture. held its: thirst fall . banquet• in •Renmiller United church. in spite of -food •rationing , :tlle ladies served, a very' -fine meal, which wits. certainly. enjoyed by • all present, . Air..ilarciltt' )1ontgontex`3•, 'president, acted : as tdast- Master, 'and music was. ,furnished 1ur- Lug' the supper- .hour by' Mr. Gates, 'violinist, find Air,. Vimm, tieeompazxist, 'both,,of \V` ughant'; tConimunity singing was entered into w.ltlx line spirit .and, Rev. U. Crotheilm, pastor of the Ben. miller church, ' welcomed 'the ' guests., BA, ' 'X ICi, Nov. 14.• Aiiss 4aeriue, line. Parker' left last week for London, where she has taken a° position 'with the_ 1 obert Sim sen Compaq:, Mrs . I . ` Eisden, who visited her sister in ',poroxxto for -4 fortnight, has. returned to be with ber . daughter, Mrs. It. C. Holmes, at the rectory, Mrs. James Ferguson is :visit' t. her Visiting her parents, .141r.q .end Mrs,` sister, Uri. Geddes, in Seaf, rthk, o this Iratniltait beuti, week. . • %' Joseph. iIamilton, 11r, Guests. with A1L.s, iV.`f 1Yi Woods over, seriously .ill, A• speedy recovery is hoped •for. deposited ' the -wreath, followed by the veterans, «who eachrut his ,poppy en the wreath,, and Mrs. I1iton `Orr of .ili!ley spextt Sunday with. Mir. and• Mrs, Qriand Pere. ' • Mrs. V, 'Johnston, of near Blyth, is the tveek-.end were Pr. , and Airs. 'E,' Aix. J... Hamilton held a 'successful. P. Levis and Dr, Biaitehe X;uI`t911 et auction sale of cattle find arm ma - Toronto. •'• • chinery on Thursday last, i~re`d' Weston returned to '`Cell- Church service last . Sunday was .S a '- i 'ding a withdrawn on account of the . services • 'after s icon weeks furlough at .his' limn° here, at I3en ill 'Next . , Air. 'Iiatgh riill,u uis capable xilanIter, , .Mrs,0. W. Iii 'ill S hat til ved a ut ei e�I.t SLllt(la}�'t service Y, , d e guest speaker ca ep t iutrcdduce th g'K e thy 1 s o ant n ill be at �; �5 m Arid SLlilday school ,were Qelev>tu � ine nbers present,. Mrs, Noveirxltc?r 23rd. Tits election of iti6cerg.. evening, Dr, C.auipbell, of Guelph. «�ir.'CaltLizbeli, being a V.5., was well qualified- to point Out tlu. ills.dof 1l e stock turd . '.� e . best". •uz �thotbi of lire= vection «I''.tti•);sv stated that by whole- hearted to-operati(ilt the: 'farmers: of Ontario eould'egmpletely .erndiimA.te the.. warble and 'heel 'tiy in it period of three years. He also had an interesting film r showing, 'a . cow's stoiii i It , it1 .diction during, the ruminating period. , Musical 'numbers by Franklin. Mc - "'main and Blwin • Hall on • the .saxo- piiones. with Shirley Robertson acting as accompanist, received warm ',ap- plause. Mr. Terence Hunter. ,tuoved a vote of thanks and .appreciation to the Ben - miller ladies for''their efforts in pro- vidiiig such. a sumptuous..meal. A. happy and enjoyable evening came to a close with the singing of "0 Canada.",. MAFEKI.N G M,A.FEKING, " Nov, 13.—A plowing bee was held on' the Phillips farm en Tuesday last•for Jim, who recently' re- turned from overseas. Two tractors and eleven teams completed- twenty- five acres. Visitors with Mrs. Thos. Blake last week were her sister, Mrs. Geo. Cole- man, of Egmondville, and Mrs.. Jessie. Webster, of Clinton,' Mr. and -Mrs. Chas. Pearce, Brant- ford, visited at her parents' home over the week -end and attended the Ander- son -Caesar wedding on Saturday after- noon. • Air. and Mrs. H. Curran and Mrs:' Anderson attended 'tile funeral of Mrs: J.. H. Ryan- .in Goderich' ori Wednesday . last. - Mrs. Ernest Blake is spending a .few days in tucknow. The Y.P.U. met at Henry Horton's ontMonday night. Nest meeting will• be at Hugh Menary's•- • •' • - �I.r,...and ..I4 rs„ Aubrey ' Higgins -,and Mrs. Lillian 'Curran, of Detroit, spent the week -end with 4Ir. and Mrs. Herb 'Curran. • We welcome the newlyweds,. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' W. Anderson, to this Community.• ' Mr. and Mrs: S. B.•.Stothers, Stephen anri.-.•1u.th, of"rthur, ..spent the. week- end at the .farm. • • itdir' hgiue on 4latlt Clregcir Square. U "at. 11frsT ., ;Mask' is , nb L1ti cl tz , wlto tiztdet went Sunbeam, (Club.—The"Sunbeiun Clnlla a minor foot operaltioll in Clinton hos, held a ,quilting at the home 'of Airs. pttal on Monday,- is reenperating att Ross-.1kieNee on j 1'ldo.y ° last. Ther iiotnb. Fle1;. , imwy friends hope she , e a� 1t1 .soon be about again •as_.usual. iUiss P. ,&Denby, St; Tiiquius, is visit- ing Miss 11I. Metre ror, • Barry i)arreW returned from Clinton Ilospital on Monday much improved ill.liealth, Airs, 'R. II; -Middleton of Hensall las been visiting her mother, Airs, N: W. 'WQ.ods, for, a few days this week. Mrs. Randall Pepper • and daughter, Carol Atm, of Warren,. Ont.,_are the guests of her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. L. Stephenson. Miss Lorna Wei lake ::of IH ieier spent the week -end with her pa`%eiits, ISIr: find Mrs. W. Westlake. Miss Doris McEwen of London `spent le week -end with her mother, Mrs: Ross McNee '•and Mrs. Charlie '• McNee will take Otte lit' this .meeting,` so ' an were • hostesses and 'served 'ai:Alaitity, members. onld.be .present if 'possible. ltuzcli. The next 'meeting will be at Airs, Ber , and Mrs. Gladys ,Rivett the home 'ofMrs. Orland Zero olz .he -`t hostesses "` • • ` Rexnerahiittizce Day Serv-iee,--Qn S,ui .. ` day Morning veterans of.World Wars 1" and lI marched .to St. A.ndrew's United church, where the Remembrance Day. service was held. Rev, F. G. .Stotesbury was in charge of the ser- vice, after -which they veterans marched to the'cairn in Clan Gregor Square, where Miss Maud Sterling, R.R.C., This portion of :every dollar invested, by Life ' Insurance companies is in bonds 'issued by 'the, federal and,pravncial governments: The remaining 55 cents is invested . in other bonds, securities, mortgages,o, etc. Besides developing 'the country, Life- Insurance funds for morethan a hundred •years havel'guarded the homes of Canada from want and privation. .�# is -good citizenship -to -own, - :FE INSURANCE A message from the Life ..Insurance Companies in: Ccznada. You are'invited to. inspect, our stock in': ' Clinton Exeter Seaforth Phone 141 . Enquiries promptly attended to. Cunningham . & Pryde (THOMAS PRYDE) Does' it hurt a man to have pini pay his : Accounts? • ti Answer :• No Sir! Your 'accounts collected 'without hurting. Collection Bureau. 40 East St. ' • G oderich Phone 531J 'No extra eh .-rge• for the use of our Funeral Home, Toron- to Street. Prompt Ambiulalce '.. -"Service Phone 335 GODERICH MEMORIAL SHOP NEWEST DESIGNS BEST OF IA rE t IAL Guaranteed Workmanship at • prices that will please yoii. AVEfiALL AGENTS FEES . Call at our office; Phone 242J or ' drop us a line - to Box 161, Gode- rich. We will be pleased ,to, call and help choose a suitable mem- orial for your .,family plot. • E. A.• . SPOTTON St. Andrew's St. LEEBURN, Nov." 13.: ---Miss Irene McCartney of Detroit visited Mr.. and Mrs. Jas. Chisholm on Sunday. • Church serfice Will be held at Lee - burn on Sunday, the 18th, at 10 a.m. ' The population of Dunlop is increas- ing, two,families having moved into the' neighborhood. This makes a larger attendance attheschool. . The Christmas concert 'of S,S. No. 0 will be held on December 12th.• The community has received word of the death of Miss Lou Stirling; Seaforth. As' this was her girlhood home, she will be remembered -by many. Orby Cook returned- from the West! on Sunday. , Farm Forum.: -The Farm Forum was held at the. home of' Mr. and Mrs, Terrence Hunter on Monday evening; with fourteen in attendance. The' topic for discussion was "Can we do with- out the small farm?" The recreation. iietiod was in eharge of Miss Ada Dow. Next Monday evening, Novem- ber Atli, the National Film Board pictures will' be shown in the Township Hall, Carlow. These pictures are in- creasing in interest and are well worth seeing. It is hoped to have the Farm Conlin broadcast at 8.30; This -broad cast will be a round -up of the.first series. ' ASHFIELD ASHPIELD, Nov. 1.3.---:Misses-Anna and Lois Aiackenzie of Toronto spent the week -end with their mother Mrs. AI. C. A ackeUzie. Dr. W. O. RRhoad will preach in Phila- delphia neatt Sunday. t1r. Shortt will.. occupy his, pulpit in Ashfield Presby- terian church in his absence. Mr. Sam Gibson held a successful sale last Tuesday. . Mr. •John •r+'inlaysoix of ` Toronto is visiting: his brother; Mr. Gordon Fin- layson. Kind old -Lady: "Oh, I see you've lost •your leg, Haven't you?"Wounded Veteran: "Darned if I haven't." us to seat over'- 200 people.' 1 (Complete serviees range from $65.00 up)• V •ak a P �' CRANSTON GODERXOWS ORIGINAL FUNERAL 10 . • • Minim 399 •, Foot Start to 'SneezeNo. . .s'jej • . l 4' . ris to Run Then 'tomes 'the cold rr which, w c , if not attended to immediately • shortly works down into the bronchial tubers' And the cough starts.. 4 ,....< On the Sot signof A cold or coughgo fu any drtx :., counit and et a bnttl of Dr... " r s Wood's Narw►lsy' Pine :. • '�, Sym You will find it to be a prompt, pleasant and "reliable wed to het eof trouble.. �' help �' a rid yaw tt,, , It lila ween. On the market for the lam. years. t experiment with a substitute be disappointed—get "Dr,. Wood's". • Nee 3c a bottle; the l� fs ty about 3 timesas much, , gid; Look i e�k"3�T far the fetes ». ,. ° Tito.T. ' tt1izt a Ca. �a ,i+ Md, TdtO* W, elft. CI4ECKED - btaJiff,�/ to -ola Money bash alloy ankle tad from itai>i t u*ed` by sc e a • athlete'* toot. *cables, pimp and ott rIt �dvtt��aa,,ere rret,, coolie m*dinated.lid D. D.. O, rR CRIPTIo4 Greaaele. ataialer,�. Soothes, comforts slid quickly Wenn itching. stiffen'. Ask/paid d_r a today for O. D. D. P. R[CR1lf /OH, Lemon Juice". Recipe " • 'Checks ks Arthritic Vain + r l If you stiffer from arthritic, r"lietuit. atic, or neuritic pain, try. this .simple,: inexpensive home recipe. Ott a package, of Ru -ex Prescription from, your drug- gist. , Mix it with it quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons. It's, easy and pleasant. r,., ,You need' :btily u�2 tables.. 'ons t.o' times a day. .Jften withint,.: R hoar somdtimes overnight splendid resitllte are obtained. 12 rte pains are not quick- ly relieved and if you ddoeel`bette1, R.u-ex Pre>geriptic.,. will cost you nothing to try'. Your money refunded if it does not lielp you, Ru -ex pres'erip`, oti is sold at drug stones everyw+llere, and recom- mended- by Jame Campbell ° • a S, there goes the whistle that means jobs! But :remember! Pactory whistles will keep blowing. . ...smoke wil.l,. keep pouring from factory chin neys, only if you and all ° of us d©' a • r -part to keep Canada's dollar sound. And unless..°we keep the. Canadian dollar worth a dollar,. we'r'e headed for inflatiion, • and its .inevitable result—dept slot!. Canada's* lght against 111. elation it a vita;' :art of our post, war r‘lanniilg. We. i ahs must now -more than ever no • . bi to kelp Canada's dollar w , a full , . dollar! • •Why 00Wespecially? Be civilian goods are stattso ton is peen . 11110 Is a an 'condition,. oa v. . It means we must maintain controls and price Ceilings; support•rationing and urge the support of`;rationing. We mutt buy whely and with the - greatest care: be on guard at all times, Checking, working, fighting to keep Canada's dollar sound.. If we do- -this; rwe can keep &lees from rising. If We dont, some. day Will be ....aylh e ,dollar for, 30c•..worth' of goods, which means our dollar ' is only mob 30c. " w . We know what happened:after the last wart We must light, � ht, se alnst 1. , t happening'aga1n Zig our own sakes --for the sake of the amen, who fought overseas and to whom we wive a uta re with ajob; : *4 . Isn't keep anodes della worth It full dollsisr. W. oust kelp' tupattire ;l i dont ' I1MIake this Plodgcr' Today! M pledge myself to do •my port In fighting: inflation s ,• ..f lly obs.rvtng S11on1Ng and avoiding black muksts In .say Shope or foram, r*ri,a►ttine peke (*nlrnk and of of sual4oirotion measures, Ind rot-- . indoing ot`.- trsiotne frontcu.1e1s nnaunneCeai ' slay, buying.' ' X w nut buy two where one will do, nor will P b+ * ">t'i rse where an "olc4" will do. • mos. %Shay itosiisc supportinig. tostion sed itlilillos by r11 such meitstir+ta *WA titip w cost Of living a)44 /tett) kflp actit it >rJaihaa<+tllawrl+