The Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-04-19, Page 1.1111stkitt,miorma YEAR,
.11uron is Askedto
•Subscribe $3,175,000
',Qpiarta liioreawl by $195,000 over
Over our months have eiapSed. Since
4 ,
the .34uron county committee • wain:4
ni) the •Sevinith SitceeScsfAi Victory loan
'‘campaign. During* Vie, last fair
month.% the :United Nations have cov-
ered many miles along the . road to
viethrY: - and the end in Europe sCeraft
to =be in sight.. 'These anllitarY *fine'
..Cesses have been .aceouipalged
by tragedy in ,ot lengthen* workers have organiZed, solely for the
lists of Canadian easualties, ef Nithlelt '13.04113ns":11491.4ivirlersavallifig rekrkeltinsing gCPncli
It. •
At•a Veetiny -91 A.F. of L.
1w:41S held in the VniOn'Hall on Wed-
nesday, ,-evening, Rev. R. Stewart of
Knox Church delivered an address on
organized ,labor that 'Was an • blob:,
atiou to the se'Ven Goderthli
whrch Were ."rePreaented, "The
Uttien-wishee to connneral and thank
11Av, .11r. Stewart for Wit moral>aap-
port and the, in.formatioti he gave from,
Jiis eVerience with organized 'WW1
, During the past year Union n-tePAbctt
Shiro in -.00det,•telt. has hicreasett to
Pant where, At is claitned, no 'other,
town the sir* of etalerich _can total. it.
:Tho _union executives -wish to 'make dt,
clea,r to • the toWnspeePle that • the
We -should .not 4ulantindfa1 in enter-
ing what'. .may weUc,,proi/ to be the
real Vietory lohn. aamt4ga- .41inee
. Canada's war expenditures working ;agreements are being ax-
1ta .ileW -Peak 7,--91141 ')Ias ranged and in: one ease .of a large
Jimmy ..between eMnloyere and
pleyees. This is being' Accomplished
without resort to 'strilteh, which the
A.F. of. L. seldom sanctions.
• -made it necessary for the Minister:a eMploYer in which it has been Lin,
Pittance to appeal to the people for possible to* reach an agremnent the
..greater support than ever before and; matter hat been submitted to . the
us already announced, the Objective for Government beard for arbitration. • :
this lOttn. has been increased by 450,-
6000 to. $1,350,000;000., • .• 00D.BRICH MAN GROUNDS
The . quota for Huron. county ' has , . GERMAN J'ET FIGHTER
teen raised. from $.2a80,000 AO 01116,- *. - " _....-;..-. • ' •
increase being spread over all .wi,-w.kplANZ ix_Tittilts.t.
,the municipalities in- the- cutrict7,_ -..-ritAgt. L. E. Baxter,' 'tliminuiffe
For Ole seventh Victery lean ' Lee tail gunner from Goderich, Ont., poured
'amount actually subscribed in 'this 1,000 rounds Into It (4erillilin jet -pro -
county was 0,911,159, made UP as pelled night tighter as ' it streaked
0 •. General Canvass, $3,600,150-; Within' 250. yards of his R.A.F. Lan-
-.arranleb0015; • 219,0001 sPecial'il.emes., ••tistex,:-.4.-if. 4.,,y0:- torodoc.•expioae on the
.:1,-`471090,......,. - *...'" .. ground .below. . - - • • -.44' • ,-* '
. The quotas in •county by -can, , Spotting an ME.262 Whizzingpast
Yasaing districts for the eighth VidorY his turret at a speed, 200 m.p.h.- faster
.:loan, ylth those of the seventh loan than that of thebdinber, Baxter- int -
for coMparison, are as follows; • • -mediately , gave Orders -for evasive
Huron- County **tag action and. pressed his trigger grips:
,14: Marshall, mid:Upper ,gunner
::: 8th V. loan 7th. V. Loan .; .:
District ' • 1945 -Nov., 1944 of- -:.South - Daltow,''' East Riding; *York-
Aslrfield Township 3 112,000 $191,000 shire, also saw the jet gghter :Strike
WaWanosh West .... .74,000 69,009 the ground in blazing' fury.
•Colborne.. Towinfhip.. , .71,000 ;66,000 ,,I don't think the German .saw na,".
Goderielf Town ..., .. ..-..-.-.7-459000435;0 •--"-Vvvvere.Ailf.,-tourstuatt
. wnwanosh East . ..... !• 14,000: .69,000 he .Seemed to be heading •forrthe main
Wingham ''200,500 ' 101,090 bomber streara-Which hall been bOmb,,
. 'Turnberry •Tewnship 824)00 • ,76,000 ing Seigenr ' - . ' •
' Howl& ToWnship.,,,,zo,000. 226,00 The Canadian gunner, only Canadian
Morris _TownshiP1:,101,500 . • 94;000 on his crew), began potting at ettemY
-Grey, ToWaship - 127,500 .. 118,009 fighters -before he w7.ent on operations.
13russels - 79;500 76,000 While .flying at a trainieg unit, his
-ElYth 490° "0° 'pilot dew • over the Frisian ' Islands.
• Nlekillop Township,108,500 101Ad. engaged, an FW.I90
eer saw it fall away , in flames.
'Up came German ters and Baxter
and:the night
Tuckersmith Twp. • 108)006 101,000 .
- '
Flt.I.Sgt...Leonari'ilixter is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. George Baxter of town.
A few weeks ago he Vve,'S reported
tuma to Stand
ain, for Pro. Cons.
No Otliqri Nur Brollght Adore
the 10,mn:Bruce
.Cionveuton. 4
,‘• .
John W. Han• '
na of Winghanc who
in 1943, wast elected MeMber of the
Ontario Legislature for the Huron:-.
Iltuce riding, was agent named: as the
conoidate of the ,kroVetisive
, , • --
-SerVatiVe par4t. at the Convention. held
In the Winghttra Town, Hall on Thurs-
day night last. The nomination was
=minions, no other name being placed
before the 'convention; Mr; Hanna was
elected In August, 1043. Over „Pugh
Hill, Liberal, and- Henry Lantz, (IOEP.,
the yote being: 'awia. 458B, Hill 31,
Lantz 8058. .* ,
Hen. George E. Challies, vice -chair -
'man of the Onta,rio Hydro -Electric
-Power Commie:idol; addressed the
meeting. He reviewed the achieve-
ments of the past eighteen.months and
stated that Premier Drew had -
'filled his *atlases despite criticism
by the Opposition parties.
• Huron -Bruce 'Liberals to Meet
The Huron -Bruce Liberal Associ-
ation announces that a, nerainating
convention will. be held at Winghant
on Friday,- Apr11,-20)-4-8.30 pan. _The.
special speaker will be •Hen. Farquitos.
Oliver; " ,
Major .-11,• R. Nairn, Who has been
engaged with the legal department at
headquarters of No. 1 military district,
London, returned, to Goderich yester-
daY two niontlye leave and, will
engage actively in the North Huron
campaign AS tlae °Liberal*candidate for
the Ottawa House.
sevew vesselti another
lion buShels.,and. Mere (4 grain to`Gederiela elevater, the pita VeeWeek. Ca*bqa received_ • Were: Altadoe,
_ .
.triday, 202,009: bus, , Lt. John
•MiSener; SaturdaY, '10409 Ws. beta:
and "barley; Massey, :SOnday,*,
120,000 bug:. oats,'. barley' and, wheat;
E. P. liurPliy,„., Sunday, .126;00 bus..
oats and who t; 'Iowan]: Hindman,
Monday,us, bus. oats, barley and.
Wheat; Snperter, Monday, 80,000 buS.,
barley, r.Y,e,HitaX: and .Wheat: Prescott,
Tuesday, 20,000 bus.- wheat',
The 'barge • Alfred. thelastof the:
winter fleet' to leave, . Cleared. :early
Montlity morning for the head' of the.
Lakes in tow- Of the. tng LaVvrence H.
Shaw:. • •
lave. risen
1 I
llullett Township 108,500 101, en
Seaforth " 174,900 166,000
StanleY -Township 11%900- 102,000
•Goderich Township: 91,500 85,000
Hensel]. ,& Hay East 108,500 -.100.000
Zurich & Hay West 97,500 ,91,000
Usborle Township 108,000, 100,000
so Exeter - 159,500 151)000'
-4,stephen pat 71,000 ".66,00Q
.Stephen West 71,000. 6%000
Clinton 189,590 180,000
13,175,000 12;980,000
• "t Distdet Conimittees and Saiesinen
Chairman, of the loan committee for
the town of Goderieh is, G, .Sander-
son, with C. K. Saunders, - G. L.
• Parsons, Wm. Sturdy: and ',Geo. Mac -
Ewan as committee members. Public
,relations committee -.711. B. Tennant
man), Geo. Jenner, S. Prevett, A. 11.
Erskine, Cranston, R. O. Ham
N. W. Miller, Rev. R. Stewart, D. D..
Mooney, A. McConnell, . Mrs. F. B..
Redditt, Mrs., F. Curry, • Rev. 11.
- Turnbull, Rev. W. 1-1. PAY -
roll savings cexamitthe---.W.' C. Attridge
• -
• The regular ineeting of :the Maple
•Leaf ,,Chapter, -Wita herd on
FridaY, April 13th, in MaCKay Bali
the 'regent, Mrs. •3. A. Graham, pre-
t- After hel.0.1KE. ftag cerem 'on' Y. a•
two minutes' silence was observed in
tribute to the memory .of the lite
President Roosevelt. was fol-
.1owed b.y the reports Wad general,
Included in the Correspondence read
,by,the secretary, Mrs. B:. Homan, was
letter'frbiirthe Town Clerk of Gode-
rich on behalf of the Tovvii,.expressing
deep appreciation of the Maple Leaf
Chapter's -share in establishing. and
the Empire Service-Plub
ichairman), R. K. Wurtele, e . - aS 4 hospitality centre for service men
zak, M. B. 'Tennant, R. M. Me.nzies„"and ,women. ,
Clare .B.aechier. , The tilVer anniversary of the Ontario
• ) • •
Salesmen are S. II. Blake, 0. F. rovincial Chapter of I.O.D.E. is being
Chapman, H. R. Long, T. R. Pritchard celebrated -this .month, and in cora-
and ft. C. Whateley, " • memoratio-of the occasion each
•" CoLBORN-E TOWNSHIP chapter -of •Ontario is -making speeiat
Frank Malwain is ehairra* an, of tile contribution to the endoWnient find at
'Colborne township. ceminittee„ 'NvIth the annual convention in Hamilton this
Hugh Hill, Gordon Bisset, Alex. Vat- month.
Sen..and' George Feagan as committee Miss Edith Roberts, . war.: services
. convener, "'reported that the .Chapter
eraberi. had assisted at the Legion bingo games'
-during the-pastMonthfand-at----the•Red-
Croirs b1-56d.doriorer-elitire:---Repr
atives attended the civic reception' for
returned Men, As Part o the, Chapter's
activities, assistance was, also given
filling two tpiotas of boxes. -
-Miss Wurtele, educational secretary,
reported that a :letter of thanks had
been.'receiVed from the teacher of the
Chapter's adopted;zsehool at Denamitt,
Alberta„, for Christmas gifts' received
4.tiaat December. . - •
Mrs, • H.' M. rOrd, Echoes Secrebary,
reported that 'IT Per cent. of • the
Chapter,h4 subscribed to )ehoes, tLie
national: I.O.D.E.. magazine. This Is
the largest iiMinber, ..of stibScribers in
the history of the Maple Leaf Chapter.
Miss Gertrade Wllies, -,01r1 Guide,
commissioner, spoke briefly I regarding
the activities • of the local Girl Guides
.and 'Urged: the • ambers to display'
greater interest and 'participate more
actively in the work of the Guides as
they prepare to launch their pi:1St-wee
plan. Miss Edith Williams reported
.that she had attended the Guide ,cen-
vention held recently in Toronto, as -
guest of MISS Edith Taylor. '
"Get well” • cards were ordered, to
be sent to three members, Mts. Beattie,
Mrs. Wigle,and Mrs. Hay. Mrs. N. C.
Jackson, liaison officer, reported for
the*,,constuners' branch of ,W.P.T.B.
Mrs. EIVIdge, Convener. Of. the ,May.
runutiage dile; asked for ,donations of
artieleo. Mrs. 10,, IC Campbell, wool
convener, distributed, Wool for efty
P4IrS of eocits to be knitted for the
overseas pareels. .
r. Meniberelifif etinVeirer;
prelented the names of Mrs. ;Teasel)
and zits, George Parsons for member-,
°ship: By Chapter ballot they Were
admitted Of the Chapter. Mrs. S. W.
Wallace made her aflirMatiOn as a
new member.
MS. E. Cranston, treasiirer of the
Serdees library fund, reported that
a total of $'723 had been colleeted by,
the two, Goderich Chapters and for -
Warded to Provineial headquarters.
Over 806 books have also been eolleetta
And forwarde4 to willow* Jun(1-
Onttrtere in Totonte.
latb; 1945
The Late President
"a Great Christian"
Rector a ,t0. Georges poncludg:
ISretsierferp MemwiaE
An WI:west:4re' serVice n reinem-
biance of the 'late President Franklin
Rooseveltwas held In St. •Georgel3
church 'on*Sunday 'morning and, was
eonducted by the rector, Ret. W., IL
Panhar. There was a large And ap-
preciatiVe • congregation present,' and
amentbe 'flags of the Empire. was
draped the 'Stars and Stripes of. the
The service of praise was 'under
the direction of Mrs.. E. lettsep, and,
4 large and efficient ebeir excelled it-
self in the 'rendition of the service,.
The speelat warn was the 121st, while
the lesson was the livorite of the
late President,,the 13th chapter °fist
Appropriately the text -chosen by
the rector was: "Know ye not that
a prince and- a great man 19 fallen
this. day in' Israel' (II4Samue1 3:38),
"A great cloud hangs over the 'whele.
World today, occasioned by , the death
of President Reosevelt, and Jamey, *ha
knew- hira intimately will long:: for
the touch of his vanished hand, as
we shall all long for the voice that 'Is
tiU,the rector reverently stated. ;
'We ailloVed toi hear him speak, as
his addresses always' gave-- us new
hope and courage. Death,, however, is
but an event 'in life and that fact
should help ell to bear' this inestimable
SOlithampton, where some cottages -and loss. . _ -
cabins are -being erectedrand" It *as. s "r cduldrnorthinktitrthercector),
suggested that .an. eftort,G,be made to "of any more appropriate,
lengthenthe season by the earlier would be difficult to say who was the
opening Of resorts,' A. season covering greatest' President of the -United
Jane, July, August, *an& the , first haanlksSetaotneds..-- plIanc'enttyo onp.pinnieonofRtohoesmev.eltutnaikike:
of September -instead. of. (July.. d
August only -would allow- a greater; sl4lonoenolnin wmaosi;t,
bis 44bojbut
number_ of people to enjoy the benefits p
cif a holiday at the lakesideesipuosiileed iilmagt
An impreved- ser ice betvveen *QrotOn ElQdO411Ceeedat
p, '
'Oliphant and Manitoulin
Island, by the from arverd Universityhe was well
fitted for his great .taSk. __In England
addition of 'another' ferry, another
indication Of the growing 'pdpularity, of We -W6fild say, he belonged to the
the Blue Water routearistocracy, yet the greatest democracy
. .-
- -• in the World our times elected him as
their Prestdent ; and well they , might,
'• •
for he was a man who stood head
AT LIONS CLUB" MEETING and shoulders, above his opponents: He
was a great -man in many ways. He
vice-president Jack Coates was in had a great 'sense of huniOr-and few
the chair for the Meeting of the tions- public men can .get to first_base with
Club .on Friday' evenpag last. Tribute °jaunt athhadt.uvHede Inwacsiosae gio•enatat thtumwiatnhittahre-
Wa0 to die Fred Hunt people. He was, a great.. statesman;
with vision,. judgMent and stabilItV.
by 'Observing one,minute's silence, at
the .conelusiOn Of vvbich International He came to the leadership Of his people
Counsellor Hill spoke briefly but ap, when' they'. Were in the depths of • a
PropriatelYof the death of President' depression' and on the verge .of bank
Roosevelt and the members stoodat ruptey; buthe assured • them that the
attention while one of the„late Prest; only , thing to fear was•., fear -itself.
delit tr favorite niataieal''selatienS was He was* great.EpiSeopallati; andhis
played-, • • --favorittiWf-?•:was `..Faith of our
• The war services -committee reported fathers, living still, in spite of
that their financial objective had been dungeon, fire and: sword'." •
reached and they had set out to reach The rector sumMed "up.: all the 'at-
aL. new oneCredit was giVen the tributes of the dead president by de
members of the east of the Lions Play, daring ;..4t,se was l great Christian,
"Deacon Dubbi," for their assistance A manly; brotherly, godly -man; (fight -
in this achievement _ ing always under a great handicap, he .
Lion ,R. C. Hays introduced Capt. contended for freedom of speech, free -
Hay of M.D.'No. 1 and his assistants, dom of rtligion, freedota from want
who,showed moving pietures, of great and freedom from fear." „
Interest . - Otte ,depicted a great raili- co;CeofatolddaIylend the hleate*opuriasi,sdaeyn,t ,0a
of a harbor in Britain and taking it -dregs: Ihel lifteit-115-1)101-eatf,-1-ao nor
which the 'len, of. Canada have A minute's silent prayer was fol-,
been: -StepPin 1,14 predactiOn.
vamp, of .France. ..'Other pictures life's glory, dead, .and from the ground
show • ; ar scenes in different areas, there bleSsoms red life • that shall
acres's the Channel to_ajd in" the in- tisk to from thee: 1 la in dust
and ' her° depleted the manner in, endless be • ,
_ • lowed11,
bBy-letShs:d-cafir°eirt'hse'sidellagiadiT' scrftlY,'
At the • offertory. the choir ' sang
'"Anieriea" and •after the National An-
them • "The Star Spangled tanner"
•was reverently sung. •
President G. L. Parsons of the Blue
Water Highway Associationand the
secretary, C. *Lenore, of Sant' tit, have
returned ,from a•ftwo-day tour of the
northern, part of the rofite and report
excellent prospects for the ceming
tourist aseason.
At all•points, Collingwood, Meaford;
Owen Sound, Wiarton, _Southampton,
Port Elgin, -Tiverton--and Kineardin
-they found ,:that..bookings_for....-accank:.
modation for the ,coming season were
heavy. , Owing to 'scarcity -of lumber
there is htt1 new construction for
toerist accommodation, excepting at
--Salesmen are Trying. Hunter and
_ _
, TOWNSHIP or GoDviRiciEt ,
George Ginn. Lis chairman 'for Gode-
rich towriship;704-the salesmen are.
Maitland' Driver,, Clayton Laithwaite
• The conimittee for Ashfield township
is :Alex. F. McDonald :.•(ehttilmina),
John Benitett Walters,. Alton, Gilbert,
Fraynei 'Marvin Durnitt,, Ernest Blake
and 'W.- A. Culbert.
The saleitmen are Sabine' Alton,
Wilfred McCarthy and A. F. Mc -
r onald.
Thomas Webster Is the committee
chairman for West Wawanosh, and
the salesnien are Durnitt Phillips and
Thomas Welniter
towNstiik. or EAST WAWANOSH
. The committee, for East "'iVawanosh
Is John S. Scott (ehairragn), 'Raymond
Redmond, Adam.. Robertson, Charles
•Coultes, Alex. McBurney and, J.. D.
• Beecroft.'
'Salesmen Etre Frank. Campbell, J. 3.
Seott and Prank.,Thempson. . • '
• TOWNSHIP or npr,,T,Ett.
tin Armstrong Is chairman for
deft tOwitship,„ and the salesmen
John; Arnmerong,'W. J. Dale and
it it. Jewitt. •
B. Johnston, 'Caretaker, of the' Odd:.
fellews' hall, 'writes regarding a
.„„paragraph In last Week'S SignalLStart
"The raincoat was not stolen, 'Would
the, wounde-d soldier eall at the Odd -
fogeys' Hall for the raincoat, which,
"was left in thedolt room. 'There are
. also bats, gloves and scarfs. If the
owners care to call - they may .h4Ve
them" 44
The last of the Old Ceuntri "boys"
at Port Albert leave today for Eng.
Sgt. A. 'lltunniontl, LAC.
ItUtliVen) iritAto Brattingtott and Sgt.
T. ilarringtonl ,,These young men ex.
press themselves as grateful to the local
people Or their hospitality to them
While- le Canada.
• le
' .
041-enf 400 Entries Received Or
day. Event,.. May 7110 ••
•()ver 400 entries ---an increase of
more than 100 over last • .year,7-:have
been •receiv'ed for the Huron County
]estival of Music; which opens in
North street United ,ch:urch, Goderich,
at noon on May ith.tuid. coAnues' on
•the 8th,,,.9th and 10th.• In. addition
to the forxner three days, the-feStival.
this year requires an 'extra' day owing
to. the largely increased number of
entries. ' • ,
There are 37 entries in piano classes.
Most, of these are-frein•-out. of town -
Brussels, Blyth,Aeafortiv and. Clinton:
The violin and organ sections are.
new additions to , the, syllabub, -The
gommittee is desirous of having .niere
interest taken -••10. these. Only one
*Win, entry has been ;received.
There are 83 entrles ,in the 'junior
and intermediate vocal solos from the
Goderich publie schools - an,d_ St.
Joseph's conv.ent.- Only two entries
have been seat in„ both from Brussels,.
for the adult vodill Section, and there
are 20 the •graded ,public school
,choruses;Tall from Central and. IfictOria
.8"chOols. There are seven entries from
Goderich Collegiate Institute and: two
-front Brussels algh School.
The rural- School .section promises
are altogether ;04 entries,- including,
chortises, ElOirbIe trio, hoe" chorus,
girls chorus *and dpets. -
there are 144 entries In the rural
vocal solos: section. The -have came
from all !over the cciunty„ There
are three in the-brase and reed section,
all from town.'•
Mr. Harvey Robb, df the iiVestern
Ontario Conservatory of Music, Lon-
don, will be the adjudicator.
ea voeates
Recreation Centre
*4044 MOWN -Meth.--.
iit41.1?,000 'by
P,„ bile Meeting. called to „discuss
post-war plans , recreational .activ-
itieS•Was heicl NiredneedaY night td
the' Town- Hall and was 'attended:
Attended. „
Mayor D. 'D. Mooney presided, 44,14
FiSGT. IMOD) .0. DUO. itte.A.F.
' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peer. -)4ayfield,
read last. week received -Okla'
no'tiapation that their , son, )i'/Sgt.
Harold CraVvford Deer,' had lost his
llfe '0/1. ARO; 'Oth, the aircraft of
which he: was the sole occupant having
crashed, in a farmyard .it • Belford;
Northumberland, England,: during a
ditembOrribirig. exercise. Harold 'eem-
raenced his. trainnig at Toronto:, in
March, 1943) and. afterWatds_ Watil at
WindSor, Camp:Borden and ridenvale.
After graduating at Canal)* Borden,
May 5th, 19,14, vvaS. at No. 3 A.G.
T.S,...Three, Rivers, Que.', before going
everseas Sulk.
. .
Editor The Signal -Star. '
Dear Sir, -=-4 am direeted by the
executiv.ei.Committee of the Goderich
Red Cross Society toexpress t.hrough
your celumns our gratification- to the
citizens of Gederich ancLImrrounding
nships--for-their---mes t--;genero
sponse to Our antettitl appeal for funds
for this most worthy • eause. That, in
xcess ' of $2000 over our quota was
collected without canvass IS If 'natter
'for Congtatiflation7--
We -wish to offer our hearty thanks.
to the -gentlemen who manned the
collection 'office during thecampaign;
the merchants who lave their' Windows
expressed his appreciation of -the at.
tendance and ,interest '‘.11' Prablem
whiel faces net. only the 'COMMUAItY
• , •
hitt' 'Canada at large." 31A consider-,
ation of the fact that twenty-four .per
cent. of tlae-velunteers for service had
been, rejected for 'Physical uniiixeSS,
he felt it was thue soinething should
be .done to, remedy this toudltinti.
, Worship introduced Major A.
W. Burridge, • director .of physical
edtieation at MeMaitter• University,
Hamilton, and Ontario member of the
National Physical Riteeeil Council.
Maier Burridge stated that after a
tour of the town. he felt that the
great need, was a eoinmitulty `rec.r.ea-.
tional centre •in which
athletic\ and etilturtd, could be e0-.. :
orclinated under , trained supervisor ,
Who would Mid volunteer lead.ers. ,
' Be described the National Physical
Fitness „ Act. It was not 'thought of „PY
M1Y 'goverement but ,was the direct "
outCome of requests •froin inaPY
sources: The Fitnese'COIMCII, he said, .
is- ,favor of . a recreational centre
r. The Men's Christian Service. Ortyap
. • _
iof Victoria street•enter-
tained returned 'personnel of the'Omed
services on Monday 'evening. The
president of the Group, Mr. George
'Qurrell, ,tendered A hearty ivelcOnie to
the, guests, and these were augmentel
by appropriate words spoken by . the
minister, Rey. .1,awrence II. Turner.
'the. highlight p1. the, evening ,was
presented by, Mr. Robert Henry in the
showing of his photographic artistry
uPon' the screen', local -scenes and -local
people crossing the landscape of the
canvas. In addition two 'Screen. cam-.
edies 'tvere 'shown. and provided inueli
merritnent. • •
' A Varied. and 'satisfying lunch was
served• by the men, evoking words of
apprecietien on _behalf' of the,•guests
by. Lt. -Col: A. F. Sttirdy, Mrs. Turner
On .behalf of the wives of Members of
• PRESIDENT ingEvtur
Mrs. C. A. Reid,newry-elected regent,
presided at the April. meetingof the
Ahineek Chapter; held on
Monday afternoon in MacKay Or LATE PRESIDENT
tribute to the late President
• •
Roosevelt' was ,expressed by Mrs. F. • At North -street -United 'church on
R. Redditt and a minute's, glove was- Sunday morning Rev. R. II. Turnbull
observed in honor' of that great friend made reference to- the deathof
of the Empire. • •° President •Roosevelt, pointing out that
conimittee 1ii seccessfut ewer was 'an- example
was • submitted by Mrs. Redditt, and of what a determined Will can ac -
other .secretaries reporting • were Mrs, complish, When he was seized with
A. H. Erskine, for hosplUtlity and infantile' paralysis he was told that
distinguished visi(ors, ,and Mrs. J. he would' have to spend the rentaieder
merits were ,coMpleted Lor a rummage' he wand not sdo so, and stuninoning
sale,. andifor the annual draw in June, his will -power lie ;entered upon S.
For the latter the following committees course of *severe training and -exercise
were • *tined: Advertising, Miss B. with what result the world knows.
After the .singing of the • National
Afithein the cteagregation remained
standing ' while the *organist played
"The Star Spangled Banner."
Rev, Fred Ashton; of St. Marys tic-
eupled.the pulpit of;the•Baptis,
on Sunday while the pastor, WA'. Jog.
Dance, preached in Egerton street
Baptist church,. London, ' Mr, Ashton
made a iitting reference the
late •PreSident and the :congregation
-sang appropriate hymns:
ACtlie morning service of Vittoria,
street 'United' church next SundaY. Itevs.
L. El. Turner will pay tribute to the
'late President..
isROMOTIGie DAY AT lactotiA.
On Sunday morning :the :,Sunday
school of Victoria street United church
was en tete when. under the direetion
of its superintendent, .11r. Charles
ARTHUR Mum Breckeiv, promotion exercises were
The April , Meeting of theArthur carried Out.. Gates 'artistically deeor,
Circle of Xtiox church • was held •on bled with flowers swung wide upon
Monday •evening atthe borne of Mrsi the approach of the ' classes 'accent -
Earl' Elliott, Trafalgar street, Mrs. panted by their teaehere. 'Those 'gratin -
M. Bell, whose .grip ,was in charge ating from the, cradle roll" to "be-
ef the program, .was in the chair. •Mrs. ghiners" ,were eseorted to :and through
W. Clements and itfrs. j. Patterson the "gates" by Mrs. Iterry. Sanderson,
read passages of Scripture and 'Mrs. Miss Coleen Thompson receiving them
G. Xttittling led ;in prayer, Mrs; Bell and :aeeepting the responsibilitieS or
kave tit 'splendid paper on VOA -War; their,religlotts nurture ire the coming
MiSsioti 'Work in Asia," stressing the Year. Similarly All elasses• in the
need of preparatiett for further effort Sunday sehoel experieneed the Joys
by the Women's,. Missionary Society to of Promotion And the Superintendent
spread the Gospel in the non,Christlan together :with his ,stait are to be con,
countries of "Asia after the • WAt. A gratulated upon the excellence of their
Short dlictission and ,"quiz" on work. Mrs, Leslie Fianna presided in
thoughts brought .ot‘t by the reading of her efficient style at the organ; repeat -
this paper followed. It wile suggested lug the therke (as the, classes moved
that, at future meetings "more dis, through the gates; "Open the Gates.
euseions and fewer speeehes" should for the:Children," The address WAS
be the rule. Atter the meeting lunch POIsented by the minister. Rev. L. 11.
WIte served and a social tline enjoyed. Turner.
for -Red Cross displays; the Victory MaeVicar, MoOrhead; dividing
loan. committee for the use of their the' town into districts, Mrs. W. G.
office; the Capital Theatre who per MacEwatt and Mrs. F. R. Redditt;
milted collectimis to 'taken on two purchasing,.Mrs. C. g. sannders, Airs.
nights, and lastbut not leatit to the F. n. rtibbert, Atm m. *Laughlin ;
press for the' splendld,pnblicity they, distribtitine-booksi--Mr4..
gave ne throughout. , and. Mrs. 3. lemeire, • '
TO altwhoassisted we say, "Thank A letter was read by Mrs. • Reid,
Yon." , from Mrs. Lionel Milne, Provincial
m: DOUGLAS BROWN; . regent, urging that owing to the enor-
, Secretarymous surplus' of onions that had to be
•• destroyed last year,.ixtembeis make, as.
,S.444 4 6
much- tis- b as possible of the vegetable
to avoid waste. '
. A -letter was read" from Miss- IC.
Sullivan aeknoWledging‘ flowers sent
to her sister, Mrs. R. 3. Phelan, 'a
Valued member who Is a , pattient In a
hospital in London. ° ;• .
.It Ivas•deekled to end a gift to the
hospital birthday partyon May 12th.
• "
3.4:"*ATaltriiLD IS
Thenew C.P.R. station •,agent is Mr.
Wateifield, who eomes to Gode-
rich after eye years at Elora.' He haa,
taken a house on Britannia road and
will be joined Shortly by his.wife. -
,Mr. Watierfield is a native of Ireland
but spent many of his early 'years ,in
India. Ile has been With the C.P.R.
since 1912, with time off to take 'part
in the first Great -War.'
The regular meeting of the W.C.TX.,
was held. on Tuesday in MacKay
itair Trie'llevotienal period was taken•
by Mrs. .Ohler. Prayer Was offered by
mrs. Jos. Cranston. Mrs, Pero:inlet:el
and Mrs. Phillips gave readings • and
:Mrs, lanes read the Scripture lesson.
Mrs.' Phillips had ellarge of .the
11055 and Mrs:Rowell led in .prayer.
The clip sheet, "What, the WA:1.TX'.
-and,,Dees," was given by the mem-
bers. Prima 'have beeiegiven' to those
writing oil .00 „teMperanee eourse. A
further $q-lutd been added to the fled
CresS tee fund, whichltad **elided $47.
The meeting croSed with the National
Anthem and prayer by Mrs.
.-nntler local.eentrol, reeuires-Ver
all-ent-',co-operation. of the eitiZetm,
and the determination, t�. do some,,
thing to get it. ' „
"Your facilities. are few •far
betvveert indoors. but. outdoors you are,
rolling in wealth -woods, beech, hills'
and lake for picnics, Ski-ing,:swimming..
turn'. to. creative and .give the
young people the recreation they need.'
Plan our ,eWn • ehowils he .advised.
'Fitness means total .. eitureas,. spirit7.
Work, %through' the eltarch,'.
school and community.", 4,,
The centre might be ...financed by a
grantnInd by public, subscription. •".
could stand aS yvar memorial. The '• •
speaker suggested that a shrine cobla
be built in it, or tablet placed 'with: •
the names cif the men and women ,in
the services inscribed on .it. 4
Several enestione were asked of the
speaker; who, summed them :up by
asserting ;„-Ypu do need a centre 'AA,
an objective+ after the war. •Vryra;
nasinm and ,'other •facilities' will be
used by the schools themselves.; ,art
the. group of 'returned lift eXpress'ed 'arena -would net .serve as. large a per -
thanks for the tine entertainment pro-
vided. - • : ' • •
• The Minister' of Abe ehureh rendered
a. humorous vocal , Solo, "The Second
• .
Mi -ss Ectith-Wiggins read A splendid
paper on "Opening the Gamtes,"...baied
on the study book, at the regular meet-
ing of ,the W.M.S. of Knox.. church'
ett!•Tuesday afternoon. She dessribed
the Dimmer inwhieff'..misCroniries
had opened mission ..fields through the
medium of literature. Missions. and
literacy 'go hand •in hand, and the
percentage of the latter among.Christ-
ians is higher than among any other
grow deSeribed the
advances made,by literatergAn *China
and ainongthe Maoris -of N4w Zealand.
Mrs. Gordon Bisset- presided. The
'112th Psalm was read by•Mrs..A.It
Revell, followed by prayer hy Mrs.
Fred Schaefer' and a well -rendered
solo by Mks. Gordon Ilenderson.
Mrs. Bisset announced_. that
Thonipson; Presbyterial 'president,- will
give , a report of the 'Provinelal 'Meet-
ing at tithe May meeting -of the auxil.,
iary,-to 4E01 .members of the Arthur
Circle pill be invited.
At a specio meeting of the, Deanery
Monday :last, Rev,' W. H. Dunbar,
rector of ,Goderich,. was • nominated
rural ,dean.- this is the fourth time
that Mr. Dunbar has been thus honored
by the clergy. When rector 'at Listowel
he was rural: dean of Perth; when
rector-, of Tillsonbarg he was rural
dean of Oxford;and when rector of
St. George's church, Owen Sound, he
was rural dean of Grey. • ,
The Deanery Meeting and Woman's
Auxiliary spring meeting ,will be 'held
in -Goderich on June 18th, and ar-
rangements are now being made to get
outstanding speakers.. ,
-.Teznperatures of the- past week in
GOderieli; with these Of the correspond-
ing week a. year 'ago, as officially re-
eorded,were as fellows;
,5 1914
Min, Max. Mis.
Thurs., April 12 4.74 57 40 32
Fri., April 13 57 , 42 'as
Sat., April 14 30 48 27
Sun., April 15 4...52 27 41'
Mon., April 16, -,64 37 45 85
Tues., April 17.....04,' ' 44 40 ; " 27
Wed.,: ,4.prir 18 ....48 35 46 20
• The „Huron (loenty Fruit 0i -ewers'
eentage,'-of. people as„.4 ,eemmunity
Mayor Mooney named A. • H. Erskine;
, C. Attridge aiel George Schaefer
a striking' committee to select repre,-
sentatives of VariOns, organizations to •
form a central committee, ---.The•• report
as. read by Mr. Erskine- was as follewa
-Mayor :Mooney, B,eeve W, J. -Baker,
and a councillor to be appointed by
the. Town Council; R. Hays; '
K. Hopkieson,. Rev. Richard Stewart, ,
A. 'McConnell. .W. S. Hodge, Thos:
Sandy, Dr. J. g. ipraham,. Dr. S.
C.--K.,,ganndereLlt. C. Dunippi..,,,
A F Sturdy, R. It Wurtele, Nelson
Hill, D. E. Campheii„ MrS. ":9. Stant
forth, Mrs. H. M. Monteith, Mrs. D. D.
Mooney, Mrs. J. M. Graham, Mrs. 13.
Homan, Mrs. G, Fiblinger," Mr's. C.
Ildwardi. Mrs. F. ',(Linrry,..(4eorze;Mise
Eivan, Frank Donnelly; D. ,o,Brielt,
:Reg: McGee, Win,: ;i3tr;zughan,..„Wilinun
Ellwood, Harry 'Watson), Brace Ten-
nant, 3,'ti Iinkead J5 • 3 Snider, IL '
M. Meiiaies 0 B; Chapman, Rev It .
Titrebull, Tayloi, A 13 Seott,. •
'Judge T. M. ('ostelloi. 4111d a ',leading
boy and girt of tit.? Collegiate Jnstittite., •
Joseph KeIly..-eut•ertained with iev-
eral. • piano selivctions While, the,
audience gathered, and fbr 1.'t) Canaxia"
and "God'. Save the King." The Roye'
Band played in front of -the ha,11 liefore
the meeting. •
Befere the• Natioeal Anthem Wits
_stuigr-Major. Burridge-gave-severaLL:
impersoha.tiens. at the Piano whlch
were anansing and won the nearty ,
applause of the a1dience.-
A delightful even -111g was enjoyed
the - Ladies' Lawn Bowling Club MA
Tuesday night when "they held the
annual (linneri-tnePting at Wong's Cafe,'
and later Were entertained at the home
,ot„mrs. Fred Price,'
• After a. de1iti0ut1.,41hickeit . dinner,
Mrs. S. 0. Cutt presided for the meet-
ing, at which reports of a SticeesSftti
year were given, and plans „made for
tke„ coming ,eeason. •
re -
Wheeler president, /WM J. C.• Cutt;
vice-president, Mrs. tred Price; sec* .
tary, Mrs- George ueBwan; tretteurer,
Miss Dorothy Westbrook; press 84ere-
tary. miss Mary lifaa.lear;' 00010 ,
committee, Mw. E. -3: Pridbanr; Mrs. ,
M. Ainslie, „Mrs,' F. Overholt, Mrs, I.
Beatty, Mw. W. j. Hodge, Mrs, W.
Mills, Mrs. j, Brewer, Mrs. A. It,
Scott; games gonunittee, Mrs. EarI
Allison, Mrs. Mrs. 13, Sale,
Mrs. M. tee, Mrs W Newcombe, Mrs. .•
Keith ° daft, Mrs. Arbour, Molt Mee.
Mrs. A. McConnell, Mrs. A.:Townsend.
nierry, evening WAN ,spent playktg
CoUrt'ivhiSt At MM. Privt'S hoMe,lhe
prize betegwon by, Mrs. J. C. Ctitt.
Association has eleeted •oftleers as fol., Refreshments were served y Mrs. .
lows far the eeming year: President, Price, MrS. 111. Rouse and*is. Earl '
Stewert Middleton; ideeprealdent,
ClaYtort Lalthwaite; Seeretary4reite-
tirer, the county agrienitural repre-
sentative. Threetors' are II. A. Sulith,
MeGuirei. Fred .lktMdleton, Henson
Sowerby, Geo. Johnsen, Wm. MeXenzie,
.thOs. Salkeld,,, D. LaSSaline, Jt.
10Ynt;*. U: hfeLatighlitt, tStirling.
• Prienda of. Mr. lint Lowery will be
glad .to know that` lie I out of the
hospital and reenperating at the horn'
of Mr. and Mrs. 4. 13. l!ls-klns, Huron
The, film -preiectleti machine oper-
ated by riprort Comity Federatlen nf
Agriculture. and mervieett by the Na-
tional 1411m Board of tlaiiada Is *Vane.
able to any organiziltion -within the
eoun.t.y. Showings may he arranged..
by getting itt touch with Mr. 111,trvey
joitusten, R.It. No.
operates the im. blue, IN' W. V. Row,
eeozetiery, ‘4,4aurtt.r &tat Isestfee-