The Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-02-08, Page 8GEORGE'S UIURCH Rr, R. 'DUNBAR, Rotor *, .0. P. OARMAN, Orgarilst,tind Mohan, mei ItITINQUAGESDIA ligzo Hots ,comivitinow. 1100 am mOitmwo Pamtso $11114eeku "Piociar*tve. .300 p.m, ciltaidimoilooL AND tosm 'Leo p.m. EVENSONG. AND SERMON. Subjetz "Urider COME TO'CIIIURCH ,q•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Noirth St., ‘Uidijited 'Church -111INISIEW-REV. 11.• VIIRNOULL, WL, B D. S.T.M; • 11 aw °DEBTS WE CANNOT, 3 p.m. su,NiiAv satoot. . 7`pan. "CO-OPE:RATING WITH THE INEVITABLE." Organist and -Choir Leader -J.. - Mrs. Murray 'Hetherington, A.T.C,M. A SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU "•-• • EnoxfresbyterianChurch 11 an PUBLIC WORSHIP. „ -Sermon Subjed: "War--Peace-Christianity.' „ 7 _.p.M.; PUBLIC 'WORSHIP. Sermon Subject:: "'Oetatentinent.7:- „ .2.30 p.m4.-SUNDAYSOIOCIL. ' , , Monday, ----8 p.m. Young People's Society.: --MINISTER-REVERKND -RICHARD, STSWART. , ORGANIST -,--MISS , GERTRUDE VVILKES.L'',__ _ Dumiatitt, ov PRAISE -MRS. PRANK SAUNDERS. Cook and "Werallip the Lerd in theBeautyof , , , „.. •Victoria St. 'United 'Church MINISTER -REV. LAWRENCE IL *TURNER, BA; . • ORGANIST -MRS. L. HANNA •• 10 an giiiiBATIE •SCROOL. , • , 11-a.m.- LOWS DISCIPLINE. "The. Discipline Of -Loneihutss.” l'Pant SERIES ON TUE LIFE OF JOSEPH •"A Princely Slave." • , - SONG SERVICE.. WELCOME ' • • Monday $ pan.. Young 'Ptople's. -" UNION, CHURCH -3 p*.m: PUBLIC WORSHIr., I , I --OderichBaptist Church REV. JOSEPH JOES, MA., PASTOR Mrs. -Wilfred. Donaldson, Organist, ,puBuo.WOUSIOff. "The Right Use of Money." • p.m., SUNDAY SCII0011: 44. 7 'p.m. PUBLIC -WORSHIP. "Weighed in „God's Seale." Wednesday 8 p.m. Prye-i Meeting". e, • COME TO CHURCH AND WORSHIP GOD "41•1••••••••••••, PENTENCOSTAL ASSEMBLY OF CANADA BETH:ETA TENT40013TAL TABERNACLE RV A 6 HORN, Paster. . - 16 WATERLOO ST. 4. Servi_ ,ces:, • 7Atiii-d4-10,00 pan. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11400 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. • 140011*M. * EVENING WORSHIP. Tuesday 8 «0pjn oung People's* Service Thursday 8.00 p.m. Prayer Meting.. , --,"01nr message is Christ and our ahn is Evangelism" •• Inspiring singing and Gospel* Messages_ 'await you at - THE CHURCH THAT PREACHES WIIAT THE BIBLE TEACHE , , • •••••••••••.•••••••••••s -Present T.I.1.9.11144.1P.IX "Pee, because the futureris a most expensive luxury. M. FORD Rest assured. Nortlx,,St. Tel. 268w MONA•111 - I RitiOBTING !ABSENT ,WITHOUT LEAVE' NEN MIMING VII, COZOIONWFALTH AIR, TRAINING- PLAN ork&wA, perSentlel theSe days are the admin - .1 istrators sending'' trained: men into -a deMobilizii!Firpips flying personnel and getting .readY to cvlud'Up in ififty-si*ndaya the big Com- `Monwealtb. air plan that „developed, 122,000 airerewinen. • : The plan is rolling up behind the last graduates flying from ileldh across Canada -fields that eaused President Roosevelt .to dub the Dom,inion,,, "the ,airdrome of. 'deniocraCY." , Allied .`air sUperivity has, been achieved and -thep•i's plenty of trained personnel at.tile 'fronts., b„., embarrassment, of' aircrew riches oddly enough, came at 'a time when con- troversy developed on an shortage of trained infantrymen. An unipeeitled, number of men have been diseharged under the partial de- mobilization: plan. and it has „been estimated that about 10,000 recent and future graduates of the scheme arl , going into thoejvilian ,reserve--tueked away ett the planning boards for.eingi•- gencies, .n. , All discharged home nOn-.operational grouncicreW and administrative per- Sonnel-rturabering vasSibly between 10,000 and 20,000 -are subject to mili- tary:recall. The remainder are put on the air force reserve. Deputy Ministei IL. F. Gordon,,Ianu- arY •2.9, explained that with regartketo aircrew by the time the plan ends in March "there will be thousands' Of -Young Men, surplus to the- operational requirements of the brenediate future, but are well trained and Who form a 'minable back-log-,-sound'insur- twee. against any. eventuality." Shrove Tuesday, .Fehrttary '13th, at 1 il ihni-,:. Pancake supper, under- . the anspites of St., Georges A.Y.V.A, -.`,411, the paneakes yqu can eat for 35c." 4-0 1, Puller - Brush representative, Miss 1Winnifred O'Neil,- Clinton, will be in ,Goderiell 'during FebruarY. Ver ,glirtiler InfOrinatien. enquire :at Signal -Star ollice, , .' • . - . »3-0 AID TO RIISSIA'r "Valentine.,silver tea on Wednesday, 1' A bridge and "5009. will be held,In cordially invited: ' ' ,, " 4-0 , Febrliary 12th, cat 8 o'Clock p.m., under i St. . George's '-' parigh,.. hall, AldadaY, Auxin 'y . ' - •-.-' 4-0 CIO...Admission 35e. Everyone very church, under, auspices of Evening Februarytauspreie4totho, of tthAne Qr:ilitt. Margaret Seager United Prevent that cold! Take' one Page - Griffiths UniPlex tablet daily containing vitamins A, B, C and I) and all neces- sary minerals. Campbell's Drug Store. . • -0 At Eings'bridge Ilall, Monday; Car- ruthers orchestra. Admission 50e: - . .,. , 3.6 Apply .4 St, Vincent street, phone 213. Fleece -line Sin: home with blown- , " n • - ,n, 44 rockwool; Equipluent will he here s- .- - - ------"-r--- . sool. Fr free estimate phone 201. T° ii"NT*--LrtIRNIsEwri APART- -4ft - MENT; immediate posSession.• Ap- ., . - - ,, Reserve Tuesday, February is for the DIY BEDFORD HOTEL. , • 5tf pancake socfal at 5 p.m. AdmisSion 35e Under' auspices. Of Group . 1, Knox' Church L.A. .. 5-9x, IThe annual meeting, of the Children's Aid Society Will be held at the 016,Urt TIOuse_lon Tuesday, February,„ 13th, at 8 pan. A -cordial 'invitation to I attend / For Results PUBWO NOTICE, t *TAKEN ItY- MISTAKE, • 'WILL TUE person_ who teok, a NO. 5 igtir et black motet UAW- itrem„,-the • Masonie Hall dance on Saturdayevening: and left a pair ef_,No, '0,"pleaSe Call phone 307. - TO 'RENT , TO RENT . -A FURNISHED* APAR • MENT,... a11 conveniences; over Emerson's ,DrAfg Store- Phone 8545. 4tf RENT.--"-F,thNISEIED APART- -, IVIENT, three yoomS, steam heated, all conveniences; beautiful location. No 'ohi,14ren. Write BOX a, SIGNAL- STAR..Ox TO RENT, EASILY HEATED - apartment, furalabed or unfurn- ished; tworooms and hatlirooin, pantry and cellar; immeiliaten possession:, Gifts of., Clothing MaY,Re Accepted Up ' to. -Febnory - 20th-:-- eb- 7. - The 411irices- Board announced today' tha:Krange-' ments for vvinding up the .eurrent.,04 to , , . Russia campaign for „elothilig bave been worked , out between . officials of the fond and the Prices Board. (Announcement . was made this week ota: plan . requirhig voluntary organiz, atiOns to obtain Government permits ' .before collecting 'Clothing,) • onald Gordo, Board.-ehair--- • man; 'In a.' tm: elegrato' officials- of- tile Aid to Russia Fund has said that alt ppeals including those through: the radio and, press are to be immediately discontinued. Deliveries or donatilms' Of clothing . made as no. result of We caniPaign, to date may be accepted no later than February 20. PermiSsion to wind up ,. the' °campaign 'on this basis does iiat.....authorike, the purchase of clothing. ; *, • "I want to make it clear that the board order -does* not prohibit .cash contribations to the Aid to Russia Fund„'Mr. Gordon said in -lila, wire.. "The 'United Nations • relief campaign ,announeed includes aid to 'RUSsia and cash contributionsthits .be used for the ..purehase of 'necessary -supplies throngh, the co-ordination and approval of the supply diVisien of the prices Board. 'Our Whole effort . Is •designed to en sure an ordetly-afitreaeb,'to Our supply problems and would .regretit ,Yery much if . the .board's order were inis- interpreted Such a way that cash donatibirs, to such worthy purposes Is aid to Russia were reduced:"„. LONDON;. Ont., '.Feb. military authorities ,saidtoday that -CsOnsidertible anonAeis infernitition'is _being•reeeiveal here, from the general public in Western Ontario in, regard to N.R.M.A. personnel who have been !‘absent without • leave" *since New gr2s.„--week,,end , • ' • • Most of the Information is being sent by- letter and in many•eases the letters are addressed wrongly.' One letter was addressed to "*Ilitary Authorities, Kitehener."" It is pointed _out that 111 11101111, *NNW oBiTtAgt. :WILFRED boNALDSON • In poor health for the last two years, George Wilfred, Donaldson *Phased away athis lioxne, Elgin avenue, short- ly after midnight Sunday, in his forty- second year. :Mr: Donaldson had taken an active Interest in the work a the. 13aptiat. church and at the time of his death was a member of the board of inanagers. He was also a member of 'Maitland Lodge, No, 33, A.,F. & A.M. He.- was berm .at Ou'Appeile,,, Sask., a sonof . the late Mr. -and Mrs. Alex- ander .Donaldson.- For the Past thirty- four years he had been a ;resident "of Goderich,' attended' school bete,'". and later conducted a plumbing •and tin- smithing busineas. Prior to his ill- ness ':,,,heamas-,-employect-by. the Shell' Oil Company. • Besides- life wife, Om - eft; Miss :Ella Robertson of Auburn, there survive .'six children: pvelyn, a student at Stratford Normal School; Eleanor, Edith, Abu, Clara" and -Mollie An.nutt., -Of San Francisco; Williain.,. ,Hamil- ton ; SidneY, of *.•onto, !and Thomas, Vancouver. •. The symp,athy and respect., of 'the community was expressed in the large' attendance of • citizens at the funeral service; held in the .litaptist Church on 'Tuesday afternoon. A latie".,tramber of the meliberi3 of Maitland Lodge, No. 33, A.,F. Ztz' A.M.; were present in a body. Aniong the many 'floral tributes placed around the casket were those froxn Maitland Lodge, & A.M.; the Baptist chttreh„- Stratford gorniat 'School, the T. Eaton Company; , the Shell Oil Company, and Grade .Goderith Collegiate, Institute. - Rey,. Joseph! Janes diiring• the . course o2. his address 'paid tribute: ,to Mr. Donaldson's faithful Service tts the church of which he had beenan active member nearly' alt his life... ,. The pallbearers were Peter Disset, /oho Robertson, Charles Robertson,- „ jehn Moss, Charles Edward and Ebbed Ross. ,Ituriat: took l'-*Iee 111 Maltuna' cemetery, with .church` and .;,,,Masonie rites:' • ArttOng these present at the funeral were Sidney *Donaldson, .of , Toronto and Vitilltera Donaldson, of Thirailtim, brothers; and Mts. Wilma „Frith of, , „ 0, Leaden. • °lunation goritetning absen- = teelate. should be sent to "Provost, Marshal,. neadquarters, "A,14i1iaryflis trict No. 1, -.London, Ont." • COAL!, What you require Coal or Coke Charles C.LeeEstate Hardware 4, the Haibtiii Picture Frames For Photos, Prints and Paintings Piertitit4eltiiMING IS 01/4 • SPECIALTit ./AT 4kND qtre atom sf. TO RENT WELL 'FURNISHED • h heated apartment; with: ;garage. Immediate possession. Phone 148. ..6 is extended to the ,public. -6.1 If backaches are SioVvink YOU .11P• Ais,ITED.• -- AN ATTRACTIVE take Rumacaps. -Pains•-and aches -are- kitten,- -either sex, by. the .relievaLafter the lirSt (lose, •Campbell's 1 1:111MANE SOCIETY:, -Call, 026R6, --- Drug Store t-'• „ --Gedertr.l,,v, 'Township hospital. Auxiliary will meet. at 'the Lome. of Mrs, J E. Whitely, Nelson 9t,-Fset-,. • on 'Thursday, February 150, at 2.45. -6 D X.70L4r:--11 ORO S and dead cattle; must be suitable' ink feed,;_- removed poll:0,0y FRED GILBERT, phone 908i 22, Gin- ou are invitede_to attend Victoria ton or JACK 'GILBERT, 'phone' 908, r TS. 'birthday ' party, Thuraday, 21, Clinton. Calls paid for, ' 18t2 February 15th, at 8 4i.m. Presentation OR B`OX-.. of • flags mem6ry of Mr. Stonehouse.t ADIT.u,ll? TORENT - Pyesentation of medals and prizes to Three or four bedroom Modern pupils. Finemusical progranl. Re- home, ip good --condition, central. freshments served. Sliver , ,eollection.^ Hot wtdr heat preferred.. Write. P.S.--.-Speeiar invitation to - charter BOX. 214 Goderich. ' 5=8 meinbers.:, ;, _6 Music club will,wANTED.- MALL ..Hou„ OR lts°The Goderich ' hold rekular meeting on Tuesday, 'Febru-• cottage, by . May lst. . OU GNAL-STAR. arY .20th at 8 p.m at the home of IOx Mrs. X..0 Lenfaire, Nelson_ street'. Visitors will be welcome. WANTE.D COTTAGE' -15 or small ho.use with garden and garage, in •the vicinity of Goderich. Organ Factory....Two.. adults. • Apply SIGNAL -STAR. •tf I AGENTS 'WANTED. .WANT pleasant work. in .a businesti of •your• ---own-•?-- -Good -profits-selline over 135 widely advertis-ed' Rayleigh home- „ farm necessities.- . Pays better than •l."tymost. ocCupatiens. Hundreds in bust. °' `ria; -71 • ness 5 to 20 years or uto '• Pro ucts -equipment on credit. No experience needed to start-rwe teadh you how. Write 'today for' Jun particulars. RAWLDIGH'S DEPT, Key No. ML - 216 -14b -t, Montreal, ••• 5-7 FOR MIX R AALE.-0 ACRES land, located.in Goderielx TownahlP. Reasonable. BOX 915, '0.0derich, Ont. ; 0 011, ,SALE. -1935 VLIEV. FLEET-. .LINE masteredtin;,' live tires, two practically new': motir perfect; Wee becly and upholstering. Any trial 0$380.00 cash. AiSo fabling baby pram and cot. 0 St. Vincent street, Godericli, ..'6X Fon SA.LE.-r450 A.CRES, CONCES- SION 40 Ashileld: 12 xtereS bard". wood, and cedar; brick honse;, 'barn 70 x 84; springovater in barn. /.111.-4 Mediate possession. Reasonable -juice. MRS; I. A. KILLOUGH, ,c4/0 Mts. W. 0.'Kelley, Bc9c 272, Seaforth, • . 5-7x , FOR sAt.v.--rr,ANo, PLAIN thSV, ,Ineditun size. Phone 419, or 'write Pk, BOX 715 Gdeii1&, 6-7x FOR SALT).-!---SIX-YEAIVOLD'. DUD= • HAN covv, due to freshen in A.pril; also some chunks Of pigs. AMOS 11; ,ANDREW, Anhurn. Carlow 1819. 6± KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE rom- TRY' markets 5 or 0"months ahead, when egg and poultry pricesare higher. Plan for them now with` 'Kitchener Dig -4 Chicks. 01.•der through agent. Poultrymen all over the country sing the praises of Ilig-4,.Chicks: RYAN PRODUCE, Goderich. -0 TUTIREIDAY• BRUAR 8t -h• 1946 We WNIWING AND WATIMAY CIAM • --sPtCW,o— icir week„eid- , COFFEECAKE .15 VENTS 'UM Curry's.Baker "Tho ,Ontit‘' of A'astr Resin?” MEL. CULBERT, Proprietor • PHONE 465 4 N0IP10E4 )r0 C�EDITORS N0T15E TO -CREDITORS. All persons baying Olt1.4,ns agtUnta the estate of Edward Jones, late'of Colborne Township, who 'died on November .0.6tht 19,14, are required to forward 'particulars of theirclaims to the undersigned by March 3rd; 19460.• • atter which date the assets will be. distributed, FRANK ',DONNELLY, Goderich, Ontario;. Solicitor for the Administrator. • 0-8 , :—NitOTICE . , tecRebhd ,WANTED" gl!,4 1::014:Tm!b:INT08,GrK17:-It. jup,:717_,:ox:R3las ,.,ttoorT plit6t;:stx, e..t:oettza.ie onvoTici,00ntt,,rtaorettihn: .tiaeguie ot b90:, Section .116-nSiill':'°11tkitcf;'''TesiePla°116-41*4-8119450 and piled In ,t3,11ed.' Tendert; Riese No: 16.14shitold ; to in by APril 200' • NOTICE: February 14,"" 1045, Lowest- . any - • The Central Home and School .,61ub will observe Founder's Day at its meet Ing oii TnesdaY, February 13th, at 8 o'clock, An intet•esting Program has been arranged, and fathers, as well as Mothers,. are urged to be 'Present. -6 Youthful beauty' and appearanee:_ef lair- yours -again iVith-Augelique Grey Hair -Restorer, *1. at Campbell's Drug Store. + -1 tender - not ---necessatitY , -. accented. 4 LORNE . HA.STY, , . The annual meeting ” of ' AleXantira SepretarYDbugan- , ultis1-0.. 1. . , . , • Marine :ontir,General-liospitol-,,WIli be r ' - - 7-7 ' . 00 7' • 4_6 - - held in' the Town Hall, Goderieb, on. -u-AutED SEALED TENDERS. _the Purpose of election of -Governors , February 12th, 1945, at 8 o'clock, for -kYl-and, beech; ,. „ .•.,-• ary ,15th for , body: wood, half ,maple Tenders will he received.up to Fehra- 1.0 inches long; No. N.Nao.. 13 school, 15 ' cords, cord,, 16 inches' Jong; No 4, 15 cords, '16 incite,' -long--; No. 7,, ig cords, 16 inches ... Kong; 'NO: Si 15 edtdst. 1.6. .inches long; , h ' ,.... - trtftb-urn-la.20„..cebOdat.:NI6o •1211'esheehseello,n1g2;fOant1187 _ • . All I z '' t- . • (a) Officers' Mess, ''(b) ergeants' Mess •,,, Ne, o, 12 ,tons; 1.7...1•To. 1., Nile, 12. tons; and () P:S.I`.- of No, 31 Air' Navigation' No. o, stove coal,. 6' tons.. Wood to be School, R.A.P., Port Albert, are to delivered. by Jane lst ; coal by Septera- submit them not:later, than 15th Febru- ary,' 1945;after which date no *claim twill, bb considered. Sgd.--=-A. V. , • * pAx, - Group Captain, 7 .. Commanding No: 31 Air Navigation School. 31-st..j.allunrY,1945. • . . , 5-77 ._ ._ _... _ and ailyf other business which might properly be dealt with at the -meeting. 'CHAS. X. SAUNDERS,. • 1 5-6, - ' . . • . Secretary: ..,-....„-- AUCTION SALE. • ATJCION SALE. -MEN ,.k'N'D., WoutN. -- wATI.cp,T . Auction sale of 100 acre farm; tWo:: story brick house ' and 'hank barn",-* Dealers are making more money ..;' horse's- and.,:one, of 'the -best. herds of todaythan ever before. Enjoy th.e Durham cattle in Huron County and implements.at lot 30, concession 8; Mc - Knipp township, on • • • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13th ' . at 12.40,04n. LIZZIE 'SHANNON, •• Proprietress. 4-1AROLD JACKSON, • -• Auctioned. --• , •AiUCTION SALE. --. Executor's 804 of .real estate and household effects of late Annie McLay, Quebeelstreet, Go'derich,, at 2 pan., on BORN • • -' FEBRUARY 10th, -1945 - . .• • ' • . • 2_ .,. One , daY bed, 4, rockers, pictures, SC14:11EIKER' - -11°- ..43-exalActram ° s-* _ General Electric radio (small)1 ,; Quebec l?ital, Goderich; on Tuesday, Febr- heater, sinall tables, eouclti bedrooary qtii,, -1945,- to Mr. , and Mrs: C; in suite, antique' -'spool. hod, antique sou4 II. Schneiker (nee Martina Hussey), .cheit a drawers, bureau,- rug 9 x 12, 'a 'Sion, John Carl,- • • . _ ' quantity of dishes, 'kitchen ptensils, tubs, Quebec cook stove, 3 trunks, New Williams sewing machine, icebox, IttiVu mover, -Small Conoleum rug., • PropertP-A six-rdoni frame' cettage situated 011„: Quebec street .in town of Goderich.: ' Immediate possession. Terms okproperty-,--20 hhitinee-111-‘30 days : ,-. s . - .. Chattels -Cash, *" R. C.' HAYS,. . • • . .Solicitor for Estate.' HAROLD JACKSON, ••*- Auctioneer. se,eurtty and- benats Of affiliation -with the 'oldest and largest company of its kind in the world. All sales, records were, • smashed, in 1944 -,-,--generous bennSes Were paid •to all Watkins dealers. Get into business for yourself on our capital in your home or adjacent locality, Suitable travel outfit re- quired. Write now, for furtherin- formation to the j. R. "WATKINS COMPANY, Dept, 0-G-1, 2177 ,'IViasson street, Montreal. 5-6 MELVIORIAM •. McKNIGHT.-In, loving memory of John McKnight, Auburn, who passed away February. lOtli, 1944. --. -.Ever remembered by his Wife and Filthily. • • . ••' .6x ' 0 ,,,..downandSTRALJ:GHAN.-In _affectionat,e . mere- . Oil", or:V.1114in traugfan, '1 passed -away Godertelit on February 5th, 1940. , -Sadly missed by his .Wife' „and Fanillyhusband •and father, Frank Willis;„ who passed-away'Vehrinxty 10,1942. 0 happY hourswe once enjoyed, How sweet their Memory Still, But -death has left a loneliness'' . The world can neve hfl ;--Sadly missed. by Wife and Pamify* and • ;Grandchildren, • ' 6x - • y UCTION SALE OFENTIRE'HERD OF HIGH.:GRADE. DAIRY C037X-P , • AND;MACHINERY . • .Harry Mitchell Will Sell by -public auction at lots 3 and 4; Bluer, Water Higb,way. 21, Goderich • Township, on . WEDNESDAY, rEpntrAity 1.40,,7 Commencing- at 1 o'clock sharp': :Purebred cow, 4 years; freSh ; mire - bred heifer, 3 years, fresh; purebred heifer, 3 . Years, fresh; grade cow, 4 years, -treat 2 'weeks; grade ciiw, 8 years, flue March Ast; grade.. cow, d years, dile' garch.:1st; • grade cow,. 5 years, due. Mareh 14;!, grade cow, 7 Years, due' April -,-53 ' grade --heifer, - S years,. 'due April 13; - grade heifer, 3 yettrt. Atte • in -May; grade heifer, 3 Years, due March' 10; • gradVheifer, .3 years,due, in May;' grade heifer, S ( years, fresh; 'grade -heifer, 3 years, - due May 1; grade heifer, 3 years, due I May,.,3; grade -heifer, 4 years, fresh; Durham cow,' 6 • Years, fresh;' :grade cow, 0 yeara,...fresh; grade cow,-st years, due; grade cow, 9 years, due in April; grade eow,,,1 years,' 'due in May; grade eow,,y4 years, fresh; grade cow,6 years, due in July; 8 two-year44heifers; 13.;nionths-o1d ,heifer, reg. ; 44nonths. old heifer, reg.; 10 yeat-old helfera; 119 chunks Ttf..pigsv general ,purpose horse, 7 .years; filly colt, general pur- pose; Detattal Milking, machine, mag, netic,-nearly new, 1/2 li.p. motor, nevv; SteWard electric dipper ; Epps pressure system, nearly. new; deelr, well force Iranip, nearly new; tank eanse ete.; rubber tired' wagon ;,, steel. tired •Wagon. and haytiek; hay rack; riding, blew ; DisseL,Iragtor disc tandem; 10411. Fleury gralkgrinder; cream separator; 'about 1 ton' of oil rake; quantity et SPY apples. , ' If 'weather unfavorable sale .tilt be held inside. ,... For purebred, stock, certificates will .be produced day ofsale. TORMS-CAHII. ., IIA.411.Y, MITCUELIC,0, ;)()14.411A) 113.1.;6'141':triti:oirteet6err: CHURCH 'NOTES The, January meeting of the Ladies' . Aid a Xne.X. church -Was held on Fri- day, January 20th',. with a large tendance. TWei,,Ite„ new members were added " --to the Society. Mrs. Wilbur Stewart read, the Scripture:•lesien and Mrs.. Geo.. James. ,led in -prayer., Two violinnUmbers by Urs. V Oakley were ...thoroughly enjoyed,,, aCeompanted by Mrs. Leslie Hanna. ;Mx's, Alex. Strat- ton, "Ptesident„ was in, eharge of the meeting, , At the morning service of the Rap- tistchurch, on Sunday the pastor,. Rev. Joseph Mules; presented -books to the girls .alid..--boya for faithfnI attendance txt chitteli, settices in 1944. The fol. lowing Were the reelpients: Clara Dow aldson, 3ohn Donaldson, Malcolm. Campbell. Isobel Greenslade, Barbara , Miller, I3etty Ann Cluttoni Stewart Mutton, Dougall .ClUtton,- Mission 'work of the 'United Cburch, was shown in lantern slideti titthe e'vening.serviee of North Street United ehurch „last Sunday evening, In charge of Itev. IL IL Turnbull. , Miss Gertrude "'Wilkes, who'IMS:been appointed (organist of Krieg._ Presby-, tertan church, took over her new (litties. at last Sunday's services. , NOTiOE: ; 4 ber, 1st. Any tender not necessarily accepted. . WM. WATSON, • • Secretary -treasurer, ' • 6 5, Goderich. CARD OF THANKS ,• MISS MARGARET 13ELL. wxsrns • • to express _her sincere thanks to her many friends who were So kind and, thinfglitful _fluting he recent OP ness, especially 'thanking the matron and nurses of Alexandra Hospital and •Dr. -W. Fr. Ganow.- „ are thinking lot a a world wIthout • war. 13tit we're not .111coly , to get'it till we think of a world without - Meek markets and divoree mutts. Have you renetted yettisubseription1 to The Signat,Star/ T it is in altell,r0/1 it, needs attontibn. • ,VNTERINARY SURGEON MALL AND 'LARGE ANIMALS At Lander'. Drug Stere, °Acrid', every. Thtn*day afternoon PHONE' 203 •,currroN TO TUE ELECTORS OF GODERICII: wish to offer my appreciation for their great. support at the Polls On Februm 2nd, jp The Cause of ju,stica and fair play. " JOHN -SPAIN. 0.7fc , • , FOOD gam •,41e$4444v ix MAR savnw STA MP clay o#J7cP LAC 614 MiLitikBROOK. , FRS1,Or.rADE OBINHOOI PURITY FL UEHIES DOMESTIC CAI APLE SYJ .SYRL , FLOUR • '..CEYLON „NECTAR . - • • „:?•L.,„ 7,,lbs oat 241b., .Pkg. 'bar •Pkg,; .13eadp-W .Eat aka*, A Lb. SHORTENING AUNT 111) „JEMIMA A Id OLD ie=oz, tcoi:ohne kar' CORN OR, • *Lb. BEEHIVE. *tin •.„ ANN_ PM*, MILK BREAD whit.. Brown. L'024"*ViS , / Enjoy Really Froth 1.1 BOKAR contsg 03.350* GARDEN FRUITS & VEGETABLES FRESH Grapefruit Texas 96's • — , .3 fox; 17o • G. • • • • 2 Air 27c, Cat Head lettuce 78'S, Cal, Carrots • 'Oil. Oranges, size 220. • • • • • • I • 11 • Of • 4 • 4 • Imported Celery StalitS. — • .1b. 7c 42b „ . .2 for -29.o /UP FOOD STORES Owned end Operoted by rho (,toot Ati(mbc & Poofic Too Co. Lid, elair.iqp% r(ISPBVP 41 r-0.0 10 pirmi gut:mimic%