The Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-01-25, Page 5BY " ANVIL ; The garbage eelleetion WAS affeeted read, "Mother Piiskied *Way this -after, br ran: Over° ,Winter *donna And. .1.100*, Det yen know about ftmeral blisiaidY'-eonditiOns., . The boxes. of !later," 'it was *tranP Oa that Ned - I g Story slieuld• -OM° at that 'par - 141°3 -elf• trPm the immtiee‘ -41-1'd t -1/e. tiently through a long week for those Ca__!18jititilnai time. The Mau. aoMewhat ., ,4ontalniug kitchen, waste waited pa subdued, after a word to hie good wife BUNS BREAD serVanta of the municinalltY who cheer- wto°nanot °ill twheitifInn of . the boye*-evening. ale party, not wanting ' f..-. fully ceme west, weeks and. relieve us , , , It' Waa' noble of 11114 when he hadl Just 0E8 Of these thingsBut We understood ..... the . ee,„„_ got the news Of • the death :of • hie 'PASTAT ' that they were all in ,.., '"- 'nether, even - though We, died 001110 ' ,000=0 . shovelling hriOatle, Perhaps ' try,e6g. to - earve out A, WAY to Abe remote duMP, eigl47. mil", St/v43'6' • . of all 10.4s. or bW4-1' "4°4e other Pehlt7!here the .. ''iViaiting sonie friende. in Tillanbnrg 'city, had, te• melte, .patha throUgh. iinow . •044k° AT ' for Mau and bettat• and' bnc -It.,:haS been • sonae job. If anyone wanta To a week' ago, to be the guest speaker at .0. special' 'Service for the •''town, in mote *rae 'a preeent .10r my birthday.the Week. of PraYer, I. was verVi Mneh 1 iiarty-Bat,ber which. is eeraing; let bint see it is a intereated in what the Jady of the' pnowshovel. •I think '.I'' bevel roan:eyed house- where I stayed did, when the a ton or two of Snow around here of daily paper came in . next Morning, -•.,___4_2.,.__. ..____:___•_.L.„,..._L late; The ash Containers were lUgged. She at ()nee' laid- the Paper Out. fnll, __ , •-•-•-••-7------7- --• „,...--...• ,,• to the roadway' and the -eau • Of waste Page.'llat,• all in order, on :the sewing . ,rte..E avvali. •,..,60•*,e •et camp ,j-erfleA,„' likewise, Where'they stebd fog long the :Maelalee, ,and Made . a -binding stitch illPent-the Week -end with his mother, rendezvous of d°gdoril• Oil oiCi; bikeit. right down '' its left side to keeli-nlij ixt, • .' h.owld with long ',ego. and:leen body, the. Pages together and -lin their 'right- ". w„Gibbo, victoria atrec. made vOraelouS 'visits: to our can, and ful place While it was being handled Sgt. Herold K. Turner spent the. , those of the neighbors, . , . .„ forreeding purposes. ,lE had , never week -end with his brother , Roy, .04, -Whit would we de without our,eitY fileen, a paper done this way' before. I u Mrs. Turn0 Stt-'044.arines" . '` sanitation? -I dread to think, In , old remarked, at the thoughtfu1ue6 Of it, Tberan,_ (,Persia) I near the have especially as I. often . had trouhle;„. keep- diat telephones but no sewerage system. ang the pages in '.tbefr order, and the. I. think I , would rather, fall ,in loveone particularly tnat'is•gentrally tb•ere Withthe' garbage man -than Witit.,;the that has an individuality' Of . its own, telephone girt • if I had to make ..a, ,which knows , no .other ,balf,' and Slipa choice, shouting 'to him ,!%owdy 7," in-, down •provoltingIY- when you want to :stead 'of a "Melodious "Hello 1" to her. 'keep allsheets together. ' That paper In_this;seme.,Peraiaa city they have *as. 4, pinch to, use with that neat an inatressive, railway • station but no stitch all 'the way . down t„Ile left -side. trains. • 'An& t1,4n.k of the $holl Vending. The ' gopd. lady 'says . that , her ''very $1,2op,0oo, on .4 . new ii eers' club—the, orderly ,man, ., years - ,hefere be. died, cost.. of 'a sewerage.. systein. Thank liegary' this practice with Ids :morning -44 plice ood for an Ontario town and • the papet se,,,,,,it:Would not fall-.aparf Mad privilege of living 413. -•it,' even, if it does- get -hint- nPfiet; '-,- He ."machined"- it 11431: 'tlOgt. in snow s"ornethnes, and the self... When: "be lak down- - and -died a gfrOnge nen *Sty nearly lest InA. ''': ,few: nun?thg ago .she took hp the daily meaning task and intends to continue in the -Same way, -because be. liked it Dr. •irt. be out ot town next Wednesday and ThursflaY. will be in Toronto attending :the .optieal convention which ,is to be held at the Sing Edward Tote'. , bruary • Sponsored,', by: the ..,Saltford 'Red_ Cioss. m.us0 •ET-Ppliqd by the iiiyrIELDNALLE,Ir FIV Lunch; will-be-servf ed. ADIVIISSION 35e ' • ••-• ,speaft). Anvitaioit all the other evening -.Sunday #hool elass pa.rty for boys of junior . . . Age, "at their tettebeVg home. ,I arrived: ,s‘That' a wheelbarrovy is *mere. uie there .somewhat late, owing to other :to it farther than a wife."' That-Nfas engageineVS; but not too late to share the ,subject of debate ,iu which' I was, in the bountiful luitela and some of the, last engaged, lust a 'few nights. ago, fit :games.' In the midst •of, all the gaiety a young ; people's gathering. , It Wes it knock was 'heard at: the door. .The really an idiotie thing to debate. Mt- In-a:in of , tile. ikouse,..:..the 'Sunday, sdlabol fortunately for :me. in this inaprora#th :teacher, our host, left the shouting debate, when I felt I -.conk], say all 'boys and -answered the, door. There kinds of things ' for the wife, UWai . Steed iftelegrapll'hoVJ: wbo. lidild04. hbn- Usignetribleild the •affiting.thre,Sidei. ' I a. •Vellow..• envelope. • He . qttickly , read did my best with 'the wheelbarrow— the . message, 'Of the note Within, an .ev rVthin '. 6 keep t trundle" it :::, , An - theo passed it over to Inc to read. It with my aids btleklog. Inc. and. having _ , . . the privilege of * last reply te PPonent*, 1 w** -anuesed that the Judges decided ,that the whoolberrow had won. Yet still I am ou the 'aide of the angels. „ Plosise,-my good friends of the Sarin bonlo, *whose, hougewifoly presenee, tufefulneee, planning ond serf' Ing Are a deily bleating, believe me that ; ain not prepared to diseount the fawners' yilves, for a:barnyard full of ,Wheelbarrows. • A-, eorrespo»dent in 1:44Mbten county told me in arecent letter of a Weer, ous incident hl 010 Vouree of the United Church. ,PresbYtery meeting , there of late. One good brothee..,Preoeuted a resoltitiOn, to be Bent On to the higher .authoritiee in Toronto, that the United °unroll 'print IPA own marriage Oat, iicates instead of sending out American ones. This was approved unanimously. The • IteVa ,suggested that at least.part of 1 Per. 13 be printed at the end of the ritual part,' He also flaked that the Word "love", be Used, instead of "ehariti," as.. in the- authorised version. - There was some 9diseusslon whieb got nowhere. Another minister who dearly loves ajo1e-finggeated that it Might be printed as the Venerable' Archdeacon Scott -read It to a class of divinity students:, "A gentlemen silt, fereth Jong and is kiwi:" That - was too much for .the- grey-haired veterans of Presbytery aii there was much laughter., My correiPondent 'watt on to. say,. "Of course. you know that the 'Gloomy .3Dean' Inge sent , to Ids niece on -ter .wedding. day a. telegram which read 1 'john, '4:18, ,which "vas tirnely and fitting: 'There is no far inlove;' but perfect love .casteth.. out tear. He that feareth is net Made perfect' in leve,':„., Unfortunately the telegral11-,--aS the Unhappy bride Teed -yea it, read, John; 4 :18: 'For thou bast five, ;hus- bands ; and he Whom thou now hastis not :thy husband.' ,, The bride fainted.-"' mr. a. Evans of, Toronto haS been- visiting. _Ala: Minher, Mrs._ 3. A B, arriSen, Vieteria street. Mi Win 3. -turns of Toronto was • • • Week -end. guest with, •his ragther, MrS, . • . Mr. JOhn. Parsons of.Port Drie-' are " spending this 'week with the .former'S •mother, Ali's. G. L. .Parsons..lile flounced that.thin brawl% was .carrying on penee-tiree activities. „ Mrs. Marpret Ohm- presented- the report of the Taylor's Corner branal- Total receipte were $470,72; expenses, *$4.44.97. Of this anaflant $204,21 was paid to Mr. Robertson, treasurer; P11584fotruoglaf tarvilincesd overseas boboxesInto The members of the Gotierielt branch Of the WoUter0e Institute, reported by Mrs, F. Utley, 'nada 211 artieleS of, elothing And four quilte.... • 1C4QX ehureh Ladies! Aid SeeletY; reported by Mrs. X. Naftel, Made 48 triangular, bandages, 18 baby night- goWne, and 195 handlcerchiefe. The report of theBusinessand Vr0 4 fessional Women's Unit was given by • .. Ube E. Elder: Surgical Surgical supplies; knitted and' sewn articles ,nere con- tributed and • $190 forwarded to ' the treasurer, Mr. Robertson, -.Marathon Committee Tbe following report was submitted by Mrs:,D. D. Mooney7chairmanof the Red Cress marathon. committee: To Treasurer, January, 1944 163 50 To Treasurer„.garch, 19; 122 20 To Treasurer, 'June, 1944152 40 ,what they .thought weA fox. They jam for Britain fund, 1944'.25 '00 shot' it and to their surprise -found it Tea committee. .. . 366 77 to• -be- a wolf. The ttropittr weighed 40 , , pounds and Measured 52 :inches from -• _ • 1 829 92 nose to tail -tip. It looked ,much like ' Total ;proceeds 1949-1945-...,....$3932 47 a..,•nolice` dog; " . • This amount has been raised through 111X -P3(1: Meeting,. The Xaniatry, the mediate Of teas, marathon bridge„ meetAng of the I3Y:411.V. VAS held in crease of g100 over' 1943, dee to the ht4 .gitt and, Royce bridge. .elnbs, "500"- :1u1 and cash the Sunday (14,5rebegrbge;I:oitiriOiltowsr,.%eownhera,.7s.Errierpg,:, donations.* 1944 proceeds •shOw'811 creased ameuntraised by Red Cross ture .was readbyRoyee•Pbillips,and teas. To -eomMittees; one*forteaz-amt"--praier• was - offered --.-by eo; Raithhy. one for cads; have undertaken* this ,Elaine jehnston gave ' mouthergan work during -tlie.1Past'.,,dve • years:- andselection. A reading, 'Keep..Stialling.," are again organized' and in lull ,swing,,,,Was. given by Xis.. Thos. *IIKStratti. a„ f°1.1‘‘Irsl9.eorgej 456' o.hnsto-n. 'duet' was 'elkile"ct Carol Beadle ‘bY' Car. lowing report of the ,Red :Moss teas for 1944: ':,.'D'Onations and receipts, $366.7,7, an increase of $142,77: over . ' Workietan •Eommittee s rep.ort • of the •workroona cent AUBURN, Zan, Miss Zeta Munro of Sarnia is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Munro; ' .• Mr. and Milk Clifford Born and fatally,„of Walton, spent -the weeleend with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. -B with Vanstone and daughter, V0,68 Whanifred, of Toronto, visited friends here last week. a "Mr. .Tholnas Hallam has been ap- pointed !eleik of tne •vicilage in place or Alfred, Itolltnson, who resigned at the. end of the year after having' been clerk for: the . past eeven' and half years. , The 'Victory , CAW) sponsored a.danee ,in the Foresters' liall'last Friday night, nude was by the Carruthers orchestra of )7171tile, Wm. Craig and his son jr., were out • hunfing in :Roy 1)aer's. bush last Saturday they spotted ,and.-„IDoima , Ilaggitt4, Joan KiIIongh coutributed,ra, reading and Merle Raith: by a: solo. 'Frank ,RaithbY: .eonclneted a '- Bible . qniz. The topic, "Thought's., for theiNetv Tear," .Was given by Mrs.. Annie" Witliter; A dttet was given- by isf, Earl ,Italtbby and Miss Mac next Week to' attend the 'optical ,cont, convenes sentIon • , • port Mrs. Hodge paid tribute to Tuesdayi Wednesday and . -Thursday (if Hodge, who , with .Mrs. .3. cutt J. Phillips.played an instrumental: A. 1Ir. and Mrs. it, G. S'andersori;'‘Nith- lady who in her 70's hasamidg lithareds -Cole . will be itt Toronto mittee Was 'sr:Witted.. by Mrs. Ferguson. During the offertory-lfrs.: -that department. In • her .re- Itaithby Closed the :Meetin:g•With praier; helped,. in the program and; •• Jas. s. Heald :thanked all who had Jas.- tive• ' hove been spending of buttenhales;•,.. perfeetly,,. kebekah The ,Ivebriaary meeting will be itecharge od on i atsItud_for thein,, of,MrS. Earl McKnight and Pods, me_ tenth ,annitersao• of twetharriage, an(l. all ether ..organizatiOnS and iIflhlS I.iuglt. -t • • Mrs: Hodge had a- special ' word; of • , ' prose. c;rraterni appreczabou:ivex-Ray, branch E. -- - • unit; ..canipaig67,,chairrnen, Pressed toGeorge MCI.4eod aiid7 Carapbelli Mrs'. E. C. Dunlop; wo. Drennan., for their ' cartage services.. given- free - of -charge.- The Complete, list'. of. Witicles-rnade during the year included 1104 for British civilians: 98 for refugees,: 120 quilts;` knitted articles 14004'1' - 111m. D. E. 'Campbell reported 15,921,, surgical supplies ,made in the si.urgical- supply department..',,„ : convener -of- the-kii$Ering' om, inittee, F. Sturdy reported.' 406. knitteed articles Were ',44t.o.mpieed of. which 1316 were . sbipneg to 'Toronto" and the leilance donated,..to the per- sonnel of ;the R.A.F. crash ,boat ,and' next -of -kid -for prisonerof-war parcels; and to the 'oversees- parcel committee • 2.00- pairs • of socks. -- • • ' Mr;..,Welson Hill reported- forthe- blood (loners: clinies., •Nine Were 1101(1, • .With a ° toral Of 871 donations,' ‘qtn. n.Verage of ahnost 97 per clinic. gt: 1-1i11 stressed the urgent and increasing need blood .plasma and'expreSsed- erntitUde ,of the Lions 'Club and Red to organization, 'doctors and nurses. to Mr. .Tweedie and, Baxter's Dn fry for refreshments • supplied .t.(/ erVstal jce Company for ice; to North street Ainited church and Mr. Wm. Andrew for, the use of the .church 'hall- Wnd "for, Services reSpeetiVely, and to the donors:..., • " First:aid Classes krn. s. G. '41. Watsoreported 'Witt a clasg of' six had, reirlstered in the -first Mil :classes. conducted by Mrs. .George MacE*an. .A1I -had-passed. the exam-: inations with first-class-Ji:tors. Splints were made free of _charge by TAIr.- F. Walkom, arid the O.O.I. had loaned a stretcher and the' hospital' splints- for the.necessary; time. Miss Minnie 'Dick:, son 'ga:v'e': one demonstration •and lee - teres .wore given by Dts. Grnhani, Ja.ckSon, MitcDonald_allfLAVAlblee. qiict Nir. W. a, Hodge. ° Tea Receipts • • • . A fee of five cents is charged Id the workroom: for tea served on work dayS and Mrs. A..* F.P.Sturdy reported ,that total. receipt' frOM this source amounted to $192.34, 01 11111011 $1,35.11 oWitiia'S;Pteomachines,idohtfor the fund' WAS -hist instituted. D. D. Mooney, liaison officer. re- ported Six . keen . from Goderich were prisoners of ',-War; 1',ext:44-k inNhad 'been assisted in proctiriog:Urticies- for boxes not obtainable here. . • , • Emergency -Nursing Corps A report of the Etherge'ncy Reserve. Corps *as given by Miss A. Clearer; local officer 'In. charge. There is a, -tnetabersirtP • of eompOSed',-; • of gradtiate nurses and lay , women*: " "The •purpoSb. of 'the reserve- is to create a health-Mincled group,who 111 turn, lead in the suppprt anilTen- drsatiOn of -health measureV..• Miss Oleavei ,sta.ted. "The_ reserve is eSsen. UMW a War nieaSurej but we must Main.; tain the same effort in, peace as we have demonstrated Can 'be 'Maintained in war.", .The 'reserve is•compesed of. Six all ender the leadership of gradeate• imrses.. ,At thecompletion of •the pre - Seabed: tonrse, ',a reserve pin is pre- sented, atf'd recipient is- prepared to * teach others.' The speaker eon» elnded With thehope that further inter; est in membership of the reserve Would be Stimulated as "a, Step totverd better citizenship in Ooderich." " The Manner, of delivering telegrams, notifying next-of-kin of easualties was dtictisSed, and. Mr. Modeey Consented to take tbe matter op With head- tiitarters to obtain information" AS to the best Way In whielt, these •etua 1)0 delivered,' • • •Oilleers 'lleeted •,11tr. A. R. 'Seat took flies Chair :for the election of officers, which resulted as follows: rresidenti... 'MM. H. Dunlop: .vieelitesitlents„ /). •LE. Camp - Mrs. O. M., Watson.' Itev. Joseph 34nORI treasurer, A. M. Roberts:on; Seeretary; T. II. -Brown; assistant seere- tory, Mrs. P.1,1; ('n rev ; 6 johnstoo.'• 1). 1-1' fliehard.S.feWart, V. A. „Hay. A. Its t•Aeott, Mrs. A. V. ;,Iturelyi.. kits. P. 11.1 Mr. .0AL. 1‘,Irs. W. Z., 4,• /reap*. Mrs. Itedditt, „kleorge , Sebaefer, fuel the; presidents of the Sofff ace* &OW, 4eeY 41/ Offelai Nefft. • . • . . nten's work -conveners, Md. ,.W. „,3.1 Hodge and Mit.1. 0Cutt. Mrs. Dunlop expressed hi • ll. appreei- ation of the honor accorded her and the 1 meeting was closed with, the benediction pron,ounced. by Rev. Richard Stewart. ' .„ ...... IEVER PACK ANY INFLAMMABLE „ avy4TCHis JND L.IGHTElt.FLUID in overseas If ni,citches or Iighter fluici,:tiike fire—AND parcels., have itaded „serious fires. Think What this ineans.' Thousands of bags con. taining lit!e!'s .064pcsrcels 1e cleep clown in a :ship's fiold, IurcIung in .0 rough .sla. ".. THEY ,DO—that means that brave iecinien mOst'so.into the: ,in1Oke4i1lett Wilcl. and risk their !hies. Thousands "of. parcels may be: destroyed—thoUsandi,of linen disappointedl: 4.0.0 WONolro.Yoti HLPt .We know that you.would-not knowingly "itndange ,ates and, oviaib $o think—and hi* ,elOtil 0,4tobes or Ui Pia �000$0.0 , , uou Ly Ph, 0,thr..1olV HON W C M P P0‘,,Tki V,37Cti 81CAt keel YOUR GROCERY., 00.00 AN 11'00AC,c0 RESIAURANit BANKS AND IsOSUPPFKES' 4,Yinaer,.Veg- ortTent- SOUP • 2-10 oz. tins 3.50 LIPTON'S TEA pkg. ()nick Qualtelk OATS jge .pkg. ' 20 '.IVEIBIr 'PEAS g ting 25c ,Yoti_a_re,inrstoeedi inspect our Clinton "Eeter Seaforth- Enetne* ies iireinptlyattended to -- 6 oz. •FANCY &SODAS. pIti. 11e- flore.lcoOe.s4iffy .4 • f)'.x. °RUST Pk" A widowhas recently written us : 'fi ,oWe yon a debt of- gi.a.t_ 'Rude ,fer the way in which' You have ' handled my aceeuntS." The '.saine servie IS iitailable, ' to you. 'Simply send in your list today, -and- watelt the', pleasing ' No collection, no -commission. , . . 5 oz. ..A.,711.14ER BEANS 3 tins 15e: . • • Tnirekte-neand Chicken 29e- ,,HOME- Dalton's PUil-DINGS:pyg. 6c • Piqr•Nr•Yrg Prepared MUSTARD • •• 6 oz. jar 90 Collection ,Specialists, Orangeville, Ont. : 011RNEV 000K, WI, enamel, eninielled oven, WO • shelf and, refmrvoir — , $00.50 GtrittiEY OtiOX, fun oveni high .waterfront , _ $00,00 ' pop 014Eilt, Azl1 enamel and highlt shelf.....% $85.00 , Pit/NOESS . ROSE, - ivory enamel, high slier „and, . reservoir - $08.50 PlillSrOESS ,V0,1% :ivory ;enamel, 10101, theif waterfront — - - - .4. $7.1.50 '''OUltNrSt) qtritszo HEATERS — $14.00 ,11.06 $21:00