The Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-05-25, Page 7MAX 2tith, '1944
Battle agaiiist inflation Ras Wong
Support in Western Canada
WY Flaw tiaaplea
."There Is no question about it. The
people of Western Canada are sold on
price eontrol. "and arez battling hard
WL s the urea:
'Age Allato‘RY,rne Santlero,"!gi1eet0
pAhe 06110.3t.or wanNy,PT.B
• -hronglit back tO Qttawah,when- she re -
'turned recently frail visiting. the West.
4101 URGE
waa Mi sa Sanders! first trip
through the 'Vireatern Provinceis since
early in 1942. During it, She addreaSed
various Canadian elub0, trades and
:labor councils, and cliscuSSion
ied--eetings -a •-CongiUMPI,
Braiwh 'regional -Obiiiaratfeea:-' *
"I found a far greater, nanlei.41. itanding
Of the „need. for price --control and 'a
far 'greater cooperation • on the. Perk
of the people," Misa'Saailers.$41di "T-wo
"years ago, people were not quite .sure
what it 'all added ti to rii3W., they
know. it does Werk, tlier have seen the
'results, , -'and how Canada takes first
Place in the world today in h.crldhlg,
down. the cost. of liVing.•
"1 found everYwhere'a determination.,
-GO'Veronielit "'With ..time,
money and an 'unswerving zeal to SeQ
it through,. AS one farm woman said
t() me; rqust name it and ,we'll do UV'
Everywhere I found 4 heartfelt desire'
to. be a real and lasting help. In tact,
again and again I heard the women
reiterate:: 'My teelinF Isthat we're
not doll*
Many of the. Women, she reported,
who work look hours with no eWa:-
help and re doing their leyel heat' to me Recipes from
e....,,,rat. with, price Control and the
rationing regulation. • .
"Western people are used to ivide , Br-lattar,e, PepPer
•, •
Chief,- -19-onlininnw Section, Domhd
PepartMent ,of Agrlealture,
Travellers to far-off lande alwitya
horizons; tbey thhik. in nation-wide
tortes. That is what 1 found," she
einithrued,' "They . are meeting ' the
challenge in a .way that no words of
mine can pesSibly aeSeribe, a ;came
.haek feeling that the best I had to
give to the lob' Waatknet- half good
If spring e 1 e but a SPRINGa e CentnrY,'
insteitil.Of once p.„ year, or burst forth
cv_v_itit, the,- sound Of.- earthcinake, :and
fkWin silence; wh' Wonder and ex0',t.
peetation there .3voi1ld' be in all heari0
to, behold . the miraculous cAangel,..But '
now the silent successiort stigge
ing but iieceasity.' To inost in only
the eessaihm..of, the miracle wa s be'
'rairaciilous, and the perPetaal, exercise
of Ved's power "SeeniS 1es-4` wondettal:
than, RS withdrawal would be.—Long..
• .
Age Oirds
•4. cexitenarian ;says* the Secret .of
'living 4 "s be 100 lies in the mindln of
one's own business. And 'Inar,-"Of
course, is what Makes the centenarian
virtually as 'rare as the dod�'. and the
'-er,41-41.*077.4tirityw. Pitizen.
bring home /Wee of food; of strange
fruits, a natiVe dishes, Woralerfully
A. pinch of dried mint
'1 teaspoon chopped paraleY
F.& teaspoOri salt
1 teaSpoon sugar '
"1/4 te.aapoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
teaspoons vinegar '4
4 tablespoons .grated eheeae
" - eggs. • -
-Vire7.tan'tgo 'athentnring in other
'Linde today, but we can bring the ,a(17.,
'Venture at, new - dishes into- furdwn
homes.". "- - •
True; not, all”foreiga dishes. .would.
appeal te.Canadian 'palates,,nor would
alt their ingredients 'be available, but
"Often, only a different combination Of
faniillar todals or 4 distinctive.blepaiiig
ot,agicek is required to ereate an gn-
i:anal dish, *
• In the eenSniner Seetion Of the DOmin-
lori I/eParttnent a Agriculture the hot*
eCooeinistg, have recentlybeen ,teating
recipes front 'Other lands. 'Here' are,
some•they thinispyOu'll like.
Vegetable Rarebit
(West Africa)., * •
1 itablespoon fat,
, • 1...1 ,table.sPoon 'flour
• tablet° late
¼ CUPehopped green,onion
teaspoon chopped fresh plot
— leaves- or -
-Melt fat'''afidradd.-fithir,biending
Add tonlatORY and 00k1--
stirring until 44141 thi(keneditAchl
O1i0P, mint leaves, , vinegar,' Parslearr
sugar' and Seaspriings, Cook. five *min.',
Utes; Set over hot water. .-Add Cheeae,
,stis,:notii Melted. "Add well beaten. eggs
and 'v,',stir -coinsttintly until ..thielreaed
(two to three tainutee.)4?,44e, O'4,rntoast
•or-crackers-,--tWive 4)* si*,SerVip -
, Vegetablii>pattlea '
3 . eggS
cups mixed : eeolied V:oketabie!s
((Reed). , .°
2/8 cup Uncooked Oatmeal' .
1 tablespoon chopped- , Onion.
, teaspoon salt•
Dash of .00per
2, tablespoons fat • •
Beat eggs,, add vegetables, oatmeal,
onion, salt and pepper, Mit well. Melt
tat in 'frying Pan and drop vegetable
niixture in by spoonfuls, Arown. „on
both- sides. 'SIX' .aerVIngs.
6, :eggs
y,f, cup milk ,
teaspoon 'salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper ,
• 1 tablespoon mild-liavored fat '
0 slices bread -
'2 tablespoons butter, melted
4, 4 tablespoons catsup
tablespoons grated_ cheese.
Beat eggs,• add milk, salt and pepper.
Melt fat in tor; of double boiler. Ada
eggs and cook over hot Water, stirting
frequentlY until set. Toast bread and
Spread with catsup mixed with melted
butter. Pile eggs on toast. Sprinkle
with cheese. and serve, at Once. .Six
servings. , ;
--Curry Meat Loaf
(South Africa)
• J. cup bread ,Obes
I/2 cup milk
• 1 egg
1 teaspoon salt
4nor.s• 14mreemt.,5*
771; 0410/P
r4R EAVRED1,71./E
.. • . • • : • : ••• : •
'oacar PANrAgT/C,
Yob" M1/8 'To /449.0 1190,#.2.
,r_eef _exmvel •
• -
MrPIMAND 0171111
ariew ;gem/
• ••••• • • • •
YES, 77/4r:c whiY nti
tgliaat) NEMe'41/.sis
'C/414(CF .7V sAy 4'
atIOD 14/402,41R. --,771R
ir leAetobv 4V
110E4 Ree ei-440e*
• I
Canada isn't immune td the dread
economic disease of inflation.
• DALIN happen.: here.—'but it
......need.n3i*NotAgFle -Canadians
support ouzgoverflmeflt'SCOfl
tratmea.siireato :the.utraosr. of
Qurabi1itY4Nover-PaYinore than.
the ceiling price. Never buy ,
necessarily. Make whaiyou have
" *do you a'.'s long as possible. Even
• iferber people seem to be profit-
eering that is no reason why
.we shOuld follow ilieir example!
London Canada
Andrew Deis; .Grey towns , pablsed
away .suddenly at the age ty-seven
_ _ .
years.- by bur idte;, one
sOnand two ..glanghtersi. _
Mrs rrank Monssean died stiddenly
021 Sunday at her heme On the. Iiens4114.
Zurich road. Iler husband,: one SOn
and one iltiaghter OurviVe.- ;
„ Mrs:.Atenno Raechler died on Monday
at the herrn er Chris.
Gingerieh, 10 township, In' her
01.11tYaikight2i -Year: gine 'was 4 meniber
of the Ainish lYlenrionite 'elatireh ors the
Bionsen .
Mrs.Arenite-Steekle, a well-known
reSidentof the Bronson. line, , Statile'
township, died on May.'17th. in Iter
seventy-third- year. Her hnsband pre-
cleeeased her and •, tour; daughters, and,
five *sons 'survive. •
Fire in„, the Canada 'Packers store-
house *and truck garage :at Clinton
Thursday evening last waEsextinguished
in time to prevent a serious ,blaze.
The eab of a big „creain and produce
earee trucli Was . burned, down through
th ,aloorr-exPeaing434,404,ank.--:j
l3loweS, principal of 'the • Oen-
sail public sehoel for many years, has
been appointed principal of the 'Exeter
Dunne Schoe1,. succeeding 'Ray ::Virag-
.horn,•• who -'-has-• resigned to ,take___La
position on the teaching staff
ton.Mr..:falowes ta a native of
The Marriage of Katirlasiet, Nast
.ingname, ..dauglitor a ,Iiiir. 40:44 AIM
Gordon N. Cuningliansar Clinton, , and
ThoMas Edward Hull, goo or litt. and
I'lltra, .Iiertrain V. Hull, Calgary., will.
take plitee in Trinity, (1011ege' ettipm,
T)ronto; on the el'ening or Jane 3404
.I. 0, 'Mclati, rate et Niagara. Vali*
Centre, is the new manager of the
• 0/MUM brinaoh of the Royal' Itank.
ue I's well known At Clinton, havin%,
been the -4eCoalltaint in tke bank tia***
tfor , severa1 yeara before ; going
Niagara Valls-Centre,- ' .- '
Good 'Neighbors
Neighbors 'turned out v,Itith. tracterft
pia teams of home0.1astvweek and took
part in seeding operations' for 'Henry'
Wheker, a fanner of the Bluevale diaa
triet, who has net had good health
for several months. -
IlellYar—Beattie ' - ''
In a'qulet eeremonY .01 Trinity United
church' parsonage Ingersoll, on .MaY
17th,..Mrs.-Olive-r4:43eattle. Wiugbanx
and W. H. Ilellyar, jeweller a ountala
were. united in marriage, itelr. R. I1,.4
Parr officiating, Mr. and Mrs.„Hellyrin
are residing - at Clinton.
Death of -thas . Zwicker - --
teaspoon. pepper
1%-teaspiions curry powder
ib. ground meat '
17.1 cup ChOPbed onion -
1 teaspoon vinegar -
2. stalks celery . chopped kabout.,
• 1/3 .eup) • - • --
joak bread, in beat with a fork
Until,- broken.- Add-egg,Tand4Ontinue
beatitif lighAdd
pepper and -curry" powder: . Mix with
:111e0ir- adri -
Pack into '‘a. lightly greased loaf tin and
bake in, a moderate oven (85'0`11) about, hour, '
If it is in an advertisement below- you will receive two War Savinks''Stamps free
DAIRIES_ In twenty six issues of The Ooderieh Signal -Star, advertisements. -under this FRUITS 8; ATBOBTA.BIAS ,
heading wk11.4 eontainrseyeral• names of persons- living -in-Goderieh ,andrdistriet.'
The names will. IA seleeteil froth the subscription, list of The Signal -Star.
Complete tine Of, 1:!airy—rrOdUctil
Near Theatre .
West 8t Phone 104
Simply' find your name in one of the advertiiiiementS, clip the . advertisement,
present it to the store in which your name appears, and receive • ...#
War Sayings _Stamps' Free
(Nullity Dairy Products:
.',iiittanley SC
Special* Priam on . -
$teel "Bed, Spring, and. Mat-
tress, Veit or Spripx-Filled.
Drug Store
Prcseriptions A Specialty -
win: Reid
was in Toronto Thursday.
31r. and Mrs.'. ake and
Linda and :Mrs. 5: Kilpatrick spent a
Jong wee4-end visiting friends at 'St.
• Catharines, Toronto and ,Stratford. Curran spent
Friday at
• The ''Misses Frances and Lorena
Crozier a London and WO. (logo
• .-Croiler...of.,...Crintilin.spent-the-wsie -
at, their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Cliff -Ord Croaer had
•their daughter, . !mime Eleanor, bap-
tized at the church serviee in, Crewe
111-11111.ndaanYd.. •Lorne : _Emmons and'
spent the Week at London and
StrathiOy. —
• Mr, and Mrs. Matt. Shackleton- have
purchased a house In Dungannon from
Mr. „Howard Squire; and intend nioving
shortly. We shall •Misa them - very
.1nuch -in this community..
Master•J. C. Drennan„spent the week-.
'end in LucknoW with . his mother ond
§ister at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
(Continued from page- 2)
This It Is which- endows the horrible.
with. hope. • .
—The Round Table (London)..
If a powerful eoemY such as Germany
is to be beaten, it(raust be by a process.
of attrition. .13y 1918 the last wait: had
beeprae a massacre of boyS. • Tremend-
ouelana battles, such as the Samme,
Passchendaele and ' Verdun., took ter:-
ribie toll otlife on -both Sides, and often
'these casdalties did notgive either side
any real advantage. : The most dis,
aSfkous calamity that an befall an*
generation of -men is that whichstrikes
down the -flower of. it. 'Great losses
of men are -inevitable whenmassive
land ibatties are the only Means not'only
of clinching but of preparing fOr• a•
decision - •Thetremendous difference
which air warfare makes is that -111e
long prodess of attrition can be Carried
on without_any comparable , waste of
trar air-aittaCks oir.'C'ermanar---haTe
cuss. d more damage tO her war effort
und-eentrib anore-effectively:to Jiet
ultimate defeat than did all our land
fbattles in the last war before Augiisi a„.
I 1918. No ' 'casualties yet to come -cad'
alter -the fact' that in .the first four
years . of war we in 'Britain have 'riot
seen a generation Slaughtered' and
:rautilatetP Ihd-
1914-18. • That wWch is to dome .wilf-
haye 'its parallel in the toll Of- flies
we had to pay in the final stages of the
last war. We have now been brought;
by , the .combined effect Of our air
sive and and the blockade, toa stage.*
this war corresponding to the -summer
of 1918 in. the last, and we have done
.se at a 'cost in Britain lives which .is
thatwhich we had- to .pay before • we
entered the final round. in .1918. The
use- of air power • also reduced' , the
volume of allied casualties during the
tglitifig in North -Africa, so that both
strategieally and tactieany„ var action,
has. contiabeted very Materially tO• keep-
ing the level of human losses far below
that of the last great war.
Those who make air warfare a. bogy
make the fundamental) mistake of lbok-
fug, at, it always from one side—that
of the eneMy. ftegarded from the side
of • the 'victim of aggression,' air -power
•is not the destroyer but, the sayer of
civilization. Without our bordber Offen-
sive the war could -not be won. ,Because
of theirstrong military tradition the
Germans deVe,loped air -power merely
anunct- to-tlie-arinyill-mit-as,-an
independent striking ; weapon'. That Is
why Hitler wag anxiOne to outlaw
strategic bomblicr ; it would' hayp given
his armies an a vantage, for while they
Would be „ able to . strike at tactical
.targets such as Warsaw and Rotter-
dam, it would prevent the It.A.F.,bonib-
ing his war factories vvitlaiLthe Reich.
lAud.t1Hitler realized that if, in this
mechanized war, .we could cripple his
. Complete Line of •
.Phone 470 East St.
° .
Phone 170
• . *
Lon Diamonds
BULOVA,340R1icoirillre4GAZES .114
• Phone 136 e" • GOderith
. • ivirk. ,Tiunes 11:4?11,, Goeipiieh
""4-0;--.NitflETSTon, xito
Hamilton Si. • Phone sou;
ROI and *held ~him war eiying-s.
6,4 Britannia na. Goderiph
Phone 717 •West SC
KILF'AST, MO 23.--Rev..11r,. Mat -
Lay; a foyiner .Ripley boy, from Toronto,
preached in the three United churches
on, this circuit on Sunday. His subjeet
vhis -"Temperance." ,, . , • ' -
Miss Aileen Campbell g'ralnatted aS 4
nume At -Kitchener on Friday,. May 19.
Those who attended from here were
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Cyril Camp-
bell, the Misses Grate and Louise
Campbell and Harry Campbell; her long
output we shoulfl have gone a
long way towards winning the war.
aged grandmother, Mrs, Henry Camp, The juStificatiOn of air bodiba.ranieni
bell, her sister,' l‘Irs.' • Charles Alton, is that it is ' essentially defensive pin
and alr. and Mrs Roy Altoh, . , — .
You' kill and destroy to save
.-- Mrs.. Ernest .WIlliins;-.4th cencessien, ,11' yauth-elf-from hifilg kilted or destroye2d.
near E4111galin°11' sP611t Sunday
-clone,' , on the field of • battle ; , but the
Iii previous Wars."thiS could only be
her daughter, Mrs: Bert Alton. , •
. Mr. ling Mrs-. 'Gecko. Lane Etna son- . coming of . air -power ealables it to he,
:Pr in t in th
ea 00 uZetk
The death of Charles H. Zivieker of
:Crediton, Widen occurred. on May 10th. '
1emoved a prbminent merchant of
Crealten anda man well known
throngliout-South Huron. -
ft- Zwiekr--
wa M. his --seventy-eighth. year, ITe
was born at Orediton and -Wed there
throughout nis life & LiberalIn
politics, -he was one of the stalwarts .
of the part Y in Soutia'an'ters..Eris Wife.
died about eighteen Months ago and One,—
son, Derald, of Creditorir survives.,
Mistress"MarY,. when you wait on
the table tonight for my'. gueats, please
'don't spill anythingX "Deiet
you worry, ma'am. I never t.alk much,"
Clifford spent Sunday in London with.
their son -in -raw and .datigliter, Mr. and
Ooldie Wheeler, and seeing'. • the
baby 'sod, their;first, grandchild, Ken-
neth' George., :
aehieved by .smashing. the factories in
which the instruments of death are
made. , •
.—The Times LiterarY" Supplement
"-----At.-ther-nurtiok-of-- a lpeal, council -
he Cough. That. fibks
, •
there had been some discussion -regard-
ing the type of Milk which Slim:11d be
•To conclude the debate, thth•
e alianan ,
ot I
prov or the school c
Tose'..porteitrotisir-pAils,feet.- -
"Gentlemen," he declared, "hat this
town needs is a supply of elean, fresh
*milk, and thecouneil should take- the
buil bv the Minis and. demand it."
He : "Do yon fhb* I'm conceited?"
She : No Why de .yotrask
ne : "Well, men as good-looking as
I usually are
• Daughter . (leaving or holiday)
"Good-bye„ Dad: 'Don't forget' to write,
even if it's only .a chearie, , :
Relieve your
For Quick Relief of Pain
The -Collet That Hoop
• This is the kind of a, cough it is hard to get rid of,
the' kind that bothersyou during the day and keeps
o t coughing condition? -
you iawhtwoayektsgio,apttroginicapetglia:y.boatutie, (e)i.epre.1.7,0iod:070rw-ay. d_stimulating
Syrup and sco KOWiiialk it Will help relieire you
d ff tivelv going to the foundation of the trouble,
loosening the thune,, hIeg,rarhe,':reo:a. ,illcimt,liinurg.tcohe:rminttatodsted:irronpassagia, oiLtses:
the bronchial organs. _ 48 yew,.
Price 886 a bottle; the large family size, about 8 times as mu it
'Dr. Wood's" beefi:en the marke, t for the:j.). ; 600,.
:Huron Laundry
Dry Cleaning
PROMPT su*iien
"when through .
. it look0 like' new.",,
liatilliton St, i'llotie'2211
lama SC
Phone 75
Under trying cir isstanto we
are trylog <good',, job.
Yen will find thi good •arna'io
bilainess, with.
A good way to spend your even.,"
ing or leisure, hour in pleasant
Congealal surreundings...
LIQUIDITY has,several meanings. One quickly ready Money.
Liquidity /titans a great deal tolhe heirs of an estate
vtwhere Succession. Duties (tvvo of them) and Income Taxes 'make inroads iti the
value., You should look into its likely effect relatedita yout own estate ideas.. An
analysis by us will cost you, no more than 'SOMe nf 7yaut tinr and you mar learn
Something that will help you improve your present estate plans.
Pepe wed Yotar
$1.1)E1 drip tion to
.CoMPANY timiTtr$
tteesistot alut trustee *into 1897
Brantford. 302 Dity *reek Totofitti