The Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-03-23, Page 2TSE GQAERICHSIGNrA .Aid Current 'dews; oc#ke, War. WINO 00PreltIC4I -SIGNAL OP WS pOWORICrlit. Irr . lir 11 .-; b I'hlIOsllerotLM ',esd ►s : ,.. - . ; ?AI ii.san A« .1$0314 , Ali illiaaltar Tress, It ra exte cf those gray. days.. 'a Albo• "rQ?�Rttearead1 and �rtaini.W •;t 7a �a n ked March w f [ $ e ivo ld • :...-_ x __,T4a14a.`�,�'r` ...Y - a- � . aeeiues• a little•nui and, .nerves • °n «• 1 p"a -AdvertisingRam rrt offfifen--t#p-a you4,-, Tib before 'then on. the •plains elf mess- arahia, ',They be slowed pp when they, get dieser Gto x itlie • German borders, 'but there would:' •be feW takers- towager at the S ictet- into -S Fill _'. :Noise t 1ers -you and you. x Leel like going out and kicking ata past opsoia�,�ething . equally foolish and futile.' Tie piper, usually a Sunday afterneoxl treat, lust c oestet •halcl: any ° aseination. . There doesn't, seem. to be Anything on the. ladle,. " + u. plan.'.+ on, lying ,clown, but you know you .cant sleep: The, rest v 'the time Yin tt-- rOnnd . a ..d_ o, That was the ay of •it. las Sunday. n :1Pre-C'evre, pou,stide4",la,,,i,e-Tee;:arjel 74,443.'c4e1rcinuakant:9Ok)111,4:'ableotte_tvth;e11, rAitist touguig ta an while niare comprehensive, mild: he . -rate; tbirWaY, net Ile tuts. 11414 brpllit -t-? -a- rn2tiAlle • 143' e to be blowing off an,iteeberg somewhere; . baseburner was going pretty", well, but : w'ff"44171e1Ye:.•* 41°- lar•ge. 'daily newS aper exhibits coneera 'tile heat didn't Seem, to , help matters - tbe,:baR • ' over the 13.140. er of farm anction sales anY' — ' ()rides, but this', it SeeniS, riat' in Western : Ontar10.- no sofa readin the ' .'ease. According tor The Toronto, St,ar, • the bill glYes the. Trovineial Minister. of Health ',Supreme pil-evet to -say what the services are to be, what they are to cost, how meek- the doctors should he Paid, .ete,. The Minister is te. be advised cencereilig these matters, by a 6oard representing the technical and"lirefessioual personnel perform- ing: the' task; 'Thus the municipal 'health services," •conthinIs- Tbei.'"Sta.r, of phySiCians. The people who are aerved are entirely- tinrepreSented en Otis important' body. .They given 4 Olie-Vight" :MAY 'by -the bill—to pay for • Much of the forge.of this Obje.p,,tiOry - is lost however,' threugh the per- ' missive .featurei .the The • meastire-laAto-be. put in, effect in any . the electors, And the AlecessarY s'• fiords -.,ingy be. raised eitiier.• zArt inl •lety on Ali rest - the. system. was "work- ' gig- In. thos-e7iiifATitTerrhr'-vh_,It ienee might dictate 'sued' changes in detail• -from, the Original plans. -1.f, in bit a•sraall Minority of ;back; *aid ntruile4AffieTliad-TadOted-the ticheme, if Might be considerd , Whether- it shOuld -not be Made eoixt- casion Of alarm; rather the increas waS vvorking in the kitchen, raood getthig Weise all, the time. Tabby ProYed condithins on, the farms, Fdr was curled\ up on the mitside of the some years there *ere eomparativelY" window.• Even her' tail was few farm. sales, for, the reason that' Tabby was in bad, humor, too.,,'f Sup - number of sales is *a readt of nu- ovas staring mat the window ;with 111Y to ,get .'inSide where It farming waS se depressed 'that' farra,l'ilese.6be w4ated et;s *the- ordinary course would • .Th • eri I saw her perk uP." Her head have retired einild not sell out At a 1, came up and„the tail_started its iisual price that •would enable them „to livel pendulum,, movement . . . to -and,: fib .retire.ment. Now when. prices 'are'. • .--. to and fro . ...as it she hati siiddenlY spotted a mouse. .I looked all better and farn,ung is More -attractive; over th Into the places of the older men,' mere a bright -vested •robin. -7-, • .„ .', ,',;*1 •sates„ite•being made, and there is an The rebin was back.. He,' sat up on _, years,. the post -looking the place Ofer as if accum'ula.tion of;-saleS from the . lignring out, whether -he would take -up of , depression during which the OIder residence in our neighborhood again men held on, in- desperatien. baii is 'or not.. The 'day clide't som to bother bit. suppose it was. foolish- the,zeta.‘y the situation is explained to 'Jilin a nesa, lint Tabby Seemed happy to see He skipped out Of sight; only tO us by one who'imightlo know:, and: it him. loeks "quite, tetiSonable. ' return ip a moment or two with a , v. to eat his lunch: After hinch The C,C.F.- leader in the Federal ceeded be sailed down to a. small pool of water-, aonse has' expressed •approval .of the. APFROAtl1NE. ENO Or Still lie swellen, 'eirl eg ticking OUt YRA> Ctl? ' straight by the d,• which Surely by, now we 'have ha'd .enengh ds .seep 44 the deepest 7[ti1 d- been cooked ave ever romf General ; Franco. S.onie tn,onthsi ,seen, The dinner bad Mee r ttr, fire., . tire but r even Years, have �� by - � � we . user /�4 � t „ ruder shell ave beard anyone say that.he W s under hid sort• alt,... theroit-line t�oa �}, e leinan: with a. 11. auslt* �e ... . , - %i of twe .. r aps ei Awe, • Bamba �:re, not put . �. did as vrelX, as this force.,r��d� � car oea, it will •be said, k to Ortona to share a record, range , s they' t ui Ott ., a, Christmas dinner of bully ranco- t►imselt; but neither world h � he � ►our we there tf Franco was not .y an tinily . 'beef and . biseu1t, but o� . ed alongy,f .;the erinany x am .laot talking about .$aw,' as Our „jeep a hex rA „ tha', 4�dinners „large: de�eii�stratr�►nr ..agusst. ,Iix%+ road, men ,eating holes in: the Wet t in and the npa of Tangier, n' ound the • with their • mackintosh he,. •,'pro-�:x�. tone of the government -g r. )lied press of Spain ,,Moreim: cane •and covered with• tarpaulins,Tin �1 _, " whieli:atheey 'had; spent the night. T.. ortant in IS- the fact that ref'n'7 tits" of the Blue peelsion. ; (nm* called `` fel- in the a.n pend fig asever. 3 a.. h day ate 'Apparently still: fighting with he kl . more on the Bastern;front,'that to Manchester w . ; and they had hung x mililon exit : "Merry hristmas" ""signs, They. General .. �t`anco � pfPered. � . soldiers t9 the Reich, iutd that, As a as it went througfir reniiirkab1e; letter recently, published. x o . 'Gil Robles (clerical and pro- aoearcbist leader now exiledin'Portu- nimble carollars Ur_ the suctellor' SO the 10411rOins, 'Of thiS delusion it 'need hardly wen. Step by step he and his Only he said that a nation which Jai - .0eituirrnatramn7nienalorttreitiderazredolo tothestalnuiti, n, fallen liven, itS neighbors. tor the third time -40,a generation at the promptipl its!Orreetivee in a aeries a impmsfstve pea to eseaVe wIlt,allY Part or the stilll form part of the isolated gar-, Ifengarian reeOrd Is''''Uo better; •and •risoni with 'Smalt;h0p0 Of .00.404 of ItUrnania it ICtilir onlY lie, 0441 that . ' Shipiiing prioritie4, whin, mg time tor She 'bed. lost Bessarabia and morethan '- ,evacuation ' Conies., The. bombing, of half Transylvania, before committing lie;--011'erefineriesiat• „Mott _pn 1,,tuiplek'tlie supreme . and-, desperate 'telly et . and to Hungary as, *ell,„ if the shape lq:ow that theY have begiin tO reeeg-, Sonth-eastern Europe,. With the- cora- coveting ' that these ' *he'. entor. 1 leg 13t- =ore" favorable' .1/Rather and service of illtIer's Releh find esea bases in Southern Italy. and the TAY- those' lueldeSs.and Ottipla giants voto legly exposed, tO "Aniertcan air 'attack Icings of. Prussia ,bribed ' or kidnapped --dity','-aud,-11ritiali---by-aaight--.‘„_...____.'" frem every country in Europe, to serve "-me Itnigarians.' are, already Pain - .."The' English have ,ASsuredly in'their possessiba-(ineludMg Copies. of '5Pantsh official communications exclmeged With (acts' of hostilities against 'the eoromitted• with the full coMplicity the 'SpaniStt Government, spa." as the erovisioning of submarines in Simnish waterS, the plaelpg of bombs on 'British ships andliared out' Ports, the in- stapatien 'of radio stations along the coasts of . the Strait -of. Gibraltar 4) inform German submarines of -the finning, serieus losses during the- Most The argiunent for' appeasing Franco used te,,„be-that we could' not risk. an, other enemy- in -the Mediterranean, -Rut no Ofie will -strieusly- argue -the Spain will .declare-war'on and the hist,,shred of excise for'lippease-. Mates- protests has gene, tlembs in orauge-boxes-should be met with SQ thing more than polite diplematie Pro- teSts. As Gil Robles rightly says: - s have remained silent because cheered our jeep —The Manchester Guardia • 'revised -policy of the .Canadian 13*road-. casting Qorporation in the matter of political broadcasts,- wile the Pro, • is -1131 osstble* to please: all that soiriehew ' or other, had remained unfrezen: Tabhy didn't mace a Inev,e it boa' salted their eonvenienee.to do so. There was a_busy tapping *mind on it may be asserted that the Allies .haye ,the telephorte,,,Pole and When. I looked decided ,to „finish with, the. totalitaritui ta%4thyerceniwitaeS aeuwth.oikesdiplcikeettriryh:,_amnmrin_fg_regiiiies, in whatever manner * may be. RoeSeYeit hes made this 'abundant.: Evidentlf; his. 'work on the telephone chi, Idish. to ''stippose that, when iore-ri-ciirifiliTra"-WOM.ttVlIearnsec,--he-411.Ciatois and -all their" friendS are to zipped. oyer to, aNdead appte tree and lie swept a*Fa.1""'-,•:iffertnettitotittlevekt got ddwn, to buSineis in earnest. of a man likeyranco, wile*. the Alii_ s. GessipY Iittl.e:parrows landed on the hear.tily . detest, shall be lett, ai a telephone wires ,and' chattered away. favered -territory," , ' ft fully aware-Pf this danger. -Sofia bath' adlerS• ' At the same time, „since the, pro-. strength remaina intact; 'and this eir- Their gift is not in -golden golu: In higher values lutist we measure Lives offered up Vreedom'S cau,s9. '-While we but lea, an earthly treaie- ies at home to sPeculatious as to tut- 4 or the antreheasiOAO'AnglitteSt the With all. we Itave--we must support Pre develoPmentS on the eastern front, other Danubian- Satellite States. The Our men and women in this ;Opt, But!, it is higlilY Improbable tliat it 'hoPe aPPears to prevail ,that the ' That peace niay come again to earth • and Inaintenance of the ariny a' war And all. the WOtld be ruled bY Hun• gary, Bunidnia; and Bulgaria, who s.solne-of her Greek and Tagoslav spoils 11: Stephenson'. see tbe Uussiart armies drawing' near even. ,in the* event of an invasion of ItELP THE RED CROSS have much fo depress them. Two -of the three satellite nations been deeply involved the defeat. Two- thirds ,of the Hungarian Seeond oktiny teni,divisions have been lost in fornottions are still reported 'to be in 'Russia, their military value_is doubt, strortgly averse from making fUrther saerifices that the Governmeat have lOng since ceased to publish any news of,•-thefortunes or misfortunes of these contingents. • But ill as the Mazy -ars have fared, the Rumanians have fared -far worse: - They entered the !war as allies of Ger- Many in the- hope of reavering 13ess- and, politicians, even incleding those who , Supported, that fatal alliance, would have preferred 'their 'forces to ternain on the right -bank of. the their leader since Zing Cafes fall,f. •ha• d cost Beniania some 50.000'• .,went back to work with ,a.,,vengeaueq, tems--shall_tlisappear. /t.wonld be parties. Any .talk Of .,:denYing a--- ridiciilous. The very- fact- that Ea: iCi.sta of' the "regulations .is heard iS proof that the .riklit of 'free_ speeCh still- exists. 'There' are the news7 .Free speech a�es not' mean, that any: body may go -on the air at, any time and any place he. chooses, any .more 'Trust them. to .find. the piece of suet rIlielr Gif Robles is right- , (London ) When. I: craeed my neck around' there was,. a pig -on frourthe barn sitting on,' • the veranda stens. She Dranced around CIIRISTIVIAS BEHIN.,0 THE 'LINES _ •Ivits privileged /to join them at their It. may sound ftuuls, but for°. sonp, -rdAst pork kid apple • sauce with. „the' costs ,inight be assisted ,40132,7 •the...thtin he can take a free.ride 011 a rad- quite -Uintily 'and then strolled oft out .7": One . anadia'n of sight. Clever Makes loaves, tender, two -textured Aelitious WRAPPED AIRTIGHT I FOR DEPENDABILITY - "-enth itlent"----nr--,-,411e;altsL,,...X.r.exincial, soou_pass away arid spring wilt Pis, °ranges- 8-1-16 al306M- ahlilistake to7put througli.such an en- election since the new Gdverninent took be here., The -leaves Will be back -on arid there'll be plentf of birds came -out of ,the line' otie-- at' a th4e,' .aetnieiii„at thief:time.' To use' it: home-, office 'the' Consertative. :canlidate d., ,When, the given. :grasS chmei had their dinners, and. relieved tlie PhrAse, we Inuit learn to*brteP bet. eiected in Efaldimand-Nerfelk„,,,, on 'Mon- .an -d.. fere we 'Walk, ' - : - ,,: ,,,,, ••• day "'with a 'c).ear majoritY '-'•-OYei "the 'won't' hde thne,,to get in a, bad humor. • • combined -votes-for- the C.C. . a d esi es, wbo on eart could, eireris bad .humor :with groWing tkinos the roost, and sane lighting was eoing • all around him? Life will soon be bac% onAn- the next street: -.Threeliattalions candidate,. Charles Marthi, polled to:Lazy MeadoWs and we'll he 'at • the a Geriii-An: parachute troops in the *Monday. was -supposed. to be the- 10,835, being an. mere -rise o , spring. planting. , - town _were still resistin. g strongly but seryative candidate last year. , The while the VOte increas.ed from electors evidently d,eCidedt to mtd,--elt stire- thing 'for the_ Governmeet 'can- didate .over the • C.C.P. opposition. The, party standieg in the Legislature is not sleeted, -The° GOvernment hat - ost day of spring, but the iveather the. yote polled, Mr the "suebessful Con- orners The :Man ' 'apparently . &dirt . 'mow it. • • began before *the 'first light this morn, of ATI informative. publication which in to rev, grena es an re mor ars, Won't 'somebody wake :him `up? . . -in'io -houses where they believed our has. reached the, editor's 6estrsr.. trom troops • to be. They have tanks and The', ,Haldimand-Norfolk byzelection :the first - issue since:- suspension in the brenght 'the aetters of the.,,chling the have blow? ..borises and , mined early months .of the -war-, and that rubble; they' have placed '..' mines in ture, on highways. Could.tet We Scene- AS the name -indicates, . it dealS With but run conneetions 'to' the next 'Street . International 'affairs froUr the Waited• till our troops moved in, and ' how „wangle election, in this. ceun.- points 'of individual - contributors, and then detonated -them. ' ty and get same mew brIdges.and more "there cis a- wide -variety -in the par. Canadians Aghting from, honse • • 'and' there 'are two- •Labet•FrogreSSiveS • • of ,and one Independent, Mr. .11epburn. Institute -of International Aftairs,'-and • • - e pe, .:,the_ltoYal and. gurm and • • :odd. His: •Findy didn't her' 1.;arlianient ' to • ask the Gov; , • -. And'iritiny Of. these- by surprige:---a-M1- . .*ean hiit it goi'hini rib:tient to table:',,information en ' ecanada .194,ft. is an , official hind- row. no mere Merey tO themselves and an to Our men et. to Matters- eemiug within :the. 'book issiied - the.potairtion: Bareall eli,e'.11:13.C11°Sinri1d:e.S.- ,ffrae,light for time..as- a sample of' s°rts' phaseS .of the • 41' the -hall• Where the dinner was.-: hfes..in the walls and enlv- part • „with and. -statistics are, brought- • L o roo —we con ,ear no on y:gun- Cliteag°'•' • - to's what use Some. of the in- teXt is accompanied 'by a 'wealth. of We wete'asked to move our jeep from • ' • * 11' ,o11- 't Illustrative matter that adds to the tho front door ; 'velaieles had been 'bit —urirseS oarties°1-,unitabil)Ilay coa:e_reeasPno;- lizr:d'eur-c'ttf)n- at- subjects- treated.'; -The and' Area there - this morning. Sone :Ontario' has. reasehect ti xial3s „that the -. aceolunroiliition available- tet f14,1 -'18e -the gianiattanciat itgerernthat have hrn. truica, to the aanaity. eleariug. station :fin.the i4 the, coentrY seareb et 'helpers - • • • . that btahse-e. been' ermeaetentadl init°11r treizirapt:rinns- Thaery... b7;tireglittlisatuo'r'leosnwictileithiatkiheedmT, :th:eott, Th authorities are 7,da, Yi Ago -t was..revealed in the House' L of Commons -at 'Ottawa tha a me hare my „ChriStraas dinner first.r ly • the taxpaYer4 of Cauada,:-.42,180 adVs_...,Pconotnic cendition-- at the eloSe -cs)vferrblipepe" lintingIniettheemnvere; nontgs4reeat. the Government --and consequen eipal activities'. It a so revieWs an- oirect one of the causes.of the short- : te coiled from ti* ' records the in' •••• 1343" ..±1.111.8:1101. Ttiv wItibi"i: dinnertierivatl oaftittnheotrettle-, I I+ f' formation required to anSwer (Ines:, ---e.° "w, • me Thorap rt tribe tish (I., mina har tne .?„0,0.F.. This article describes the eXtent oflhe• ''svas•- -decorated. hy• the commanding officet with the '10itary Medal lie- had - • 'pernoeraey party., 'trout ' ,411berta. eountry,'s 'forest resoprees, ,the_ present , titn'e for tite'buslitesS,'ili'en, Members ,Of •tbe Government, Seine.. rartode uoef,sdtepalvetti?;dedanduto, verfoCIT: offorgl .won- "*".....ie men 'cheered Web- • of :GodetieV—a. , -Vegt-r-r,---teerate- ti„„,,era Pirotg,5,,t, against • clue_osifloiniLei:;-itnitot The,, price at eter "and cheered the C:0... un.d the% Other outside, of what boverninent digging -out- the ansiers, bit .11' intii 1.)e, tho hieihiee ict retase, an alitt,%,t(traro.ngeli. the, cost 'PaPer halr-ii:idezretntztia!ianbIloOki:PPe2ot the adiau „knows:. imtustivio :vim be • established; .0-ev.„, thato they ate denygg 'the 'ir;41.theeizi .to teachers, bona • "bde" 'etude• tnts f°r tad* „sO _ . g... ,filtale.10*.tbe thOugh. they_ had been licked •with t e 'lee between the Sart twit that gro and hag . been discon.. ".Are the to be alloYcid to gobble all the neve business?, When' the. • 'lowed to sag"! 'What abotit it, :gentle- men * ,The• protracted struggle -for , Pos- session of' the Italian town :of Clasitio •—whicli during, the fighting has been, Oates the, ditheitities to ,be-tolnet, the allied arinieg 'before (4orniany is subdued.' The nature of the i.,totintry western (,oaSts •of Eurepe. we, are laid. the derma -1'1S hate constructed strong fortificationS .vbielt 'will present enit,fel4; tot. ;the ns those of the Italian nionutains. Meanwhile two or three .villages that •look tie . .A.Ielcphone operator :heart, a,' fiat:die...call for, help then :may notiti.the itetg14)olir,. too._ atrY and of the faCt; that .69 ---.02431)081Yle, devWs tongue of 'liable. Dead--anibiels" saved if members would res,train„their the sales volley G'overinnent pnblicas fgoulo .6f the questions „asitc,d,,ure ob. gards printleg .materials 'Ali- Capadats,„ytsung men are 'becoming ". SQMEUNE SPLASH Tub Ahab_ be fotind in a 'narrow na, Printed NV-0rd of • two flyihg boys Valentine :shopping. "One more' item "I etrve nuts. Saw some 'beauties :in, erine 'street and side streets., 'ogling liter persisted: "The* iVere in eatton beside a bOX Of dried apricots." Further search brought . 116 better luck; They *ere at dinner some hours later when it (mile to him, knew Where t--siw thiiSe nuts:, .„1.,si*ext'''' time -that, ignoramus behind splashing weter for twenty feet, in each direction right. across the ,side-‘ ° walks. take hts aumber and report some people behind the wheel, are in 'stieli hitrry. SO asinine in braina, go Ignorant of good form, .to think dirty Muddy Iyater„ obould sprayed, on, all alike. Itist •the sam0 kind of people who would be IoudeSt *n their ,•demand for 'someone to be if ttiek were subjected tO the same treatment. couple of drivers 'on 1,21aturday should litive been diagged, eouple of block* through the ',gutters bellind. their .ears just as eonviticinit ai'.go,mellt of what court. ei4.,v really is. and Wornen have ebeen atkaohe-Midneys Cry for ,-itest people fail to, reco 0 *a? isiriouiness of a baa Tha stitches twitches, and twities are bid &out tad ouse great aid - fait* 'but ok of the backache' 'and the Cad*, of it all is tile dist, ordered kidneys drying ont ;4‘ *urn. ino,;t1„,.timoixrptinglittt tthhse.hbseakek is the kidneys, cry for 'help. Go -to their afialatanee. 'Gat 'box of 'Dean's Itidneiy remedy,,, for backache, and' etelx „ ‘‘DOsnosoloo ire put up 3.11 otloug grey box with . our trade/0 ountleSs cases Of avhyxiation,.o; sudden- seizure, pre., CU)* iaye keen.. sayed by the quick thinking, of a .resourc.fol, devoted to duty, they Tan be depended on ailvayi to ',Olt the ,p0lic as -custodians, of, the Belt 'Women Employees... 7,336 ' Ben Men EMPleyees 4,670 Toud (Excluding 2,20.0 on p, eatiteeso.,