The Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-02-10, Page 7JEBU4ARI MX 1944
OTTAWA, Feb. 8. s soew es the
”debate , 011 the general progreM Of
legislation for thIi. Seindoil is OVer, atq,
thie may take u further ten daya-or
tne bills proMieed in the SPeeCh it=
Ine,illaione Will begin to tilinefir. 4110Y
wilt not Come alicat'Onee tis requested
Mr. orayd90,leader of 'the, OP-
positioe,' btft, aa Prime,iqinleter•lcing
eays, they will4eineatz they are Iteefledt
for ,discusSion.-----There will bef,110.saye,
no, thine lost,. •It-is.,,11 long and lin-
• .prefisite agenda that faces this session
•4 of Parliament with war, measures each
as the. .war appropriation- of :`Some
$3,00,00000, ,nearly a quarter of Da
billion Oder ,appropriation,
juicing' preced:ence over everything
• Later there will be the 'Mutual aid.
*hick, this year will apply..{.not
-ialone towar materials as It has in
the past but also to relief foi,feiffering
tinted peoples ,•41.8 well. : Parliament
".and the people, are jiein urged with
: the. utmost ..emphasis to keep their
.eyes stegtiffietlY. fixed caf tbe star Of
victory,. . which ifi( shining with a
steedier _glove hut wiiiele le Still inoell
probability far in' the dietaeCe.
Domit11011-PrOvineial ,Conference
e, GoVereniebrIS'IOOking forViartl
t 'intermitiOnal Ipdy 41404 freedom-
ioving mittens rnT the sureet barrier
et the T144.14.1t. to decentralize ite form
of govertenent and to give. self -govern --
meat to Ito eixteen 'component re -
/public*. • The pnrellels between Ruesia
and thee British' COmmenwealth' are
naturally,the oubieet. of -disettesion, and
nuteh hag' been, written and talked over
•tite---redie- on the 'subject. There is
to a .conferenee between the Dominion naturally re, en eogitatio n anions' the
and -the. Prerneeeif to ,OVer seciat
• •
'seettrity• eitiestioes, "bialtli insurance,'
"labor, finance and ether matter. •This
iS obtleualy of the greatest imPortanefet
as under the constitation,the Province#
have- Juriedietion• over most questions
of socia.r.reforra, and if this country
is to take ite place in the march-to.-
Warde new era in Social seeuritY
there neast be coMplete linderetanding
and Cooperation between ' the Dominion
and the Provinces ,,not only 011 einiforin•
measnres'for social Security but on .the
distribution -of the • cost, ; No definite
date for the confereuce'nagi 'Yet been
set, • • • ...
ell 4 3
,WaiiP Nonnal Pep Vun, 1110.4?
eitrear Monte Tablata.."Confalliktonlea,
• • 1,014.1r0iLVItAlmta iti;Oaleinra,puorphorrarrildita-
piti. xlin, y1tality Atter 0o. 40. Oct IL
IntrOatiet9/17 sliso oftlY aSik It not dellantal ulde •
• results ot Arai paikage; maim Ireton& low APP..
At all drvindats. Start taluna OrMacTsbillta WOW,
' Meeting of Premiers in London '
. No de&ite time haS2lieen* arrenged,
for the meeting Of Prime Ministere'end,
members of the British Commonwealth
in London, but, it will he fairly $0Q11.
The Premiers willbe going to Louden
`a$ ,fepresentatives of nations •equal in
status, end eleouldered* with, the im-
mense responsibility of doing all they
can- jointly and severally, to \ensure
that peace ..will be planted on firm
feendations whenthis war is over,
There has naturelly been ,st great deal
of., about Vie speech of Lord
Halifax in Toronto rein:-
tin/is, Prime Minister 14ings'etPressien
of faith in he „creation of some kind
peopio'hete tie Well as in other COUris
tries on Were bang, Oaten vette* for
the Ressiae peoPle at tile Council0„--ot
peace wheu tlee, war is over. • Rnt. tile
timeis not ripe, it Is announeede to
gengethe political; impileetienti Of the
enaegeS. Russia is an' inimenSe'benign
force that ift' /Wiping to etrike doWn
the, eneraiee`'.'of freedem.* It will , be
the leek of leaders Of the British Coin-
raonWealfie the United 'States, Russia
ead China and other allied natiOne. to
see that' the 'great politleal .ctierents
from every ' quarter. Will run AOemootti-
ik ftS, pessible into .,,' oe.eart of` peace
for mankind, No o 0 believe84-that the
task will .p's au e sy one, and every-.
body '..te, pretty well _agreed, as One
paper' bas put it "Abet, "for, a Span of
years 'after the ,destreetion of Hitler,
mint:tow power' Will have to ,beused to
restore order. and establish. *W.'
Talks 'on Lowering of Tariffs . .
Officials from OttaWri. have. been -in
Washington to see heir the land ilea
, .
In regard to further lowering of " the'
barriers . ef trade between the two
couetries, ' The .discuseieus are merely
exploratory It was explained In the
House_tliat slider.. cliseussiovev have
gone orielth the -United KingiliimL It
is looking to the future, to see what
pliance . tnere, 0 i of agreements • being,
negotiated when the time is opportune:
Lovvering,Or removal of , trade inerriers.
PPS been an oblective'-eintinclie&M pro:
notmeementa frOisa meeting S of allied
leaders in, vvarthrte.c • ' '
General '1VIeNauglit Wres Futue ' -
I ' . '
0 4
--,ParliaMent.ia sure to Iliar within
a• short time What use will be made
b.ereafter of the ‘g reat ability Of .Gen-
eral. geNiteghton, Who retired \from;
the- ciOrbokadd-k•of-the„...Canadian Ar„inY
overseee and has how ' returnedte
this country. The future of Alm Gen-
eral,wile has done Oemucli to mould epent Sueday ,with ' her parents, Mr.
*feta \prime, „egh,tine 4,1E11)(1 canaAate- and art.. Cyril Campbell.. . • '
, • -
land forecoofie naturally of greet inter-
eift in the eountrr„
No definite' undeltaiting ha* -
-given; Icing hafo Atittedr.14`the
•Conunone, that ` .there will not be an
election before June, 1945., 'That, how-.
ever, was the period Set by the cow
etitution as the doffing time of the
Government's Mandfite4 Fr(Mitbat
lie had already nuideeeleer, he did net.
want- the tho,auguilitt":0414,!veneorpglieeLeevef tit
(Uverte(i by On :election from, the
'supreme tin* ef .winning the war. ,4*
.Soroe niembere bevel told the Muse
of , Commonsthat tnerwanted ,a\feeer
entry of irefugees into tilts emintry„
-Qtherge have opPoeed this, urging that
entry be deferred tintil' all mealbera ef
the armed fames are secure in AM ley -
'merit after'tney are denifihilieed
Changing Parliamentarie tree.;
effort will be made ->to have a
geed deeVirtere Of the wOrie of the
House of Corronousdone in cenntlitteee,
having a great many ot,,the pints
threshed Out in these committees vvithi
out preventing any member bringing
up artY particular point On flie lieor
of e the ..1-louSe, t4.. A .eohnnittee will
discuss changes In tile pales and pro-
cedure. of the House to _see hpw tbe
Work may be exPedited witlieutinfring,
'Ing on tbe!riglits_ef free speech. -
DEAD_ or
removed in Clean Sanitary iru#i., •Phone collect,
91046-01-4.170N ;,• 215 stitkrronn
Willjam Stone ons' Limited
BELFAST, Feb. 7. -Mrs. Wilfred.
Hackett had a few of the neighbor
ladies in to help quilt a,''r$ed Cross
quilt ilest 'WednesdayMr. 1tfl(1
WSuinndgahyn, • •
eirrn•L9-07,s1'1:. i_t.118:714°0iindtr*Ilint
Mr.:fina \n Tim Reid and little son
_Rennie, • of 'Itticknow, .spebt- Sunday
with .her -sister, Mrs. Ralph Cameron,
and Mr, 'Cameron.
Born -To Mr. and Mrs. _Bert Alton.
on TIAursdaY, February 3rd, in-Wing-
hospitill; a daughter. ,
,1Mr. Leoner&P.iiiilles and Miss Marie
Swan, of-Wingham, spent Sunday afteie
noon. with his uncle, Ir. Dynes Camp-
Miss Grece Campbell of- Lucknow
Mr. .A.::'44. MaeleitYreVnitus:* ot. _44H. , :'. '""
inanY years, ' died ";nt . TOr4t4), , Yiker.4! i_ Wilt in the ij
held end a resident plg :Kineirdine for 4 towpabip.,,
. . , . , ___
she had lived`theleat ten YeArte tinfia 0.4 eurviv
Mrs.:D. N. hic-Donaht. Of Iirtiesels, f of it.liletton le a iidet*r
slipped wben •gettieg itito. A ear to VP, g‘ervICe wa$ i„VUduktekd 14 On
to cliiireli ext SuntiftY MeaMing And United-eh:13ml. Clinton, 1/11
broke herthip, At:VI/110W holiAtal tboo Burton and hu,rial took phi.
,i:a.s.arcaey0,e_ bowed,, th.e,, hi! btok, 0,a,, la ttur 1,msoBeyfietelycreure,ty,
At; tile, annual meeting' a the',1antiary
Telepliene 'System rred'Middletere de. ,
scribere of the Oodericli Tewnebill Rusoeil rreueerionr-seee.gemez 9 low"
'tion,. reptgti MO be had a fair run of
,e),Ined re election and It„ E. Reivdent ,,,,iiap in Jallutfry ma wade some ,putpul,
mvvi:vs:iieo7n:juaenire fovv,itraait:to:eze.rermesovitihr:rboeesory.„.4.,arts:..., Tneiti.„;41,%,;41.6.i.tigilli...,:litmiteiAr70000.13: Ito:tart 'xsion4u, itp.
.was elected to. seeceed nim aft' COnl- ,syrop,bf ,exteli#nt quality., ,.
eliip farmer; was , severely j ed.
was 'teken to - the Wealtir:e;01'nmY•iiinerS-g1).11Ilte,-----ine;i1).1e1t04n; '4..ellnlid°4, :bee tb' l':tetl'el111444J:elgef:.41t,1°O°Ifil.:0.416:0f1P117:°"_,'
..f,vrvOttin: ae:utroili'.00:, 44: T:ern
blipped and And*,','eruebee hiel„ ,. apparently liCenuxeotubortftino. toottoistuorno: 41t4.06,01rieQ.30qeee-htt 7
Itg4i'sele,i,,,'" a' end'
The death --,e-occurred in ,Wingham
hospital On January 31Eft, after a• short
-illness; of. Mrs. CharleS Pbell, .10
her sixty-third year. Deceased was
born itt Bruce Minei, but ,liad, lived
in Wingliam for thirty-four years. H
husband, three 'daughterS , and til
sons, survive. '
Mr. and Mrs. James Scott of East
Wavv.anosh, 'died within a few bours-
of tea. other the Vinghaui 4hoee,
IleneelV the 'wedding to take phiee 't
quietly the latter pert Of February. ' •
The engagement is announced of
Muriel A. Ci",; IMMO. daughter ot 1,040Y,
.-0'; M. IgeBratneY, 'cowry, Alta?, to
Olarmice Thiner Freeman, -Youngest son
of Mr; foul Mrs. J. IL Freenfen, Hallett
township, :the marriage to take plaee
this _Month. '4. •
Heywood -Thiel
' CREWE,- Feb. Ronald Tre-' fonrth. :You-1,am/ Mrs. Scott in her 1 Jeanie** 29th, ,when Marion Martha,
pital. Mr. Scett Was • in his seventy, Peter'keN Lutheran el/arch, Zurich, " *mi
sixtv-niuth, Tbey are survived by Youngest daughter of Mr.. and MIN.
Wm, Thiel of Zurich, became the bride
lias epen t e pas wee
- :ter .„tsvmx°;.(1Airghthrr bbellb:„Breuf-ce-ka.hirt
Loeknow. • WavvanoSh.
A few from this locality attended Lorne. IVieltride, ferimer .resie
'the blood donors' elinie Lucknoer dent .of •Clinton„ died on ThurSday,
'en Friday ,morning and the Fire cinsur-
ance Co. meeting Denganeorion
Frid4y afternoon. • ' -
Mr . -Clarence Chamney of near 1
geave • visited Mr. mid RaYaond
.Flunigan-on Friday evening. • .,„
- Pte. Lorna Johnston, of the Q.W.A..C.,
„wh:6 is •taking a equrs,e' at Toronto,
spent the week -end at the home . of,
her aunt; Mrs. jack Rirett, apd Mr
. • •
11 it is in .41).tertisemeht-beiow you will receive two War Savings Stamps free
DAIRIES In twenty -01,c 'isms of Tho 'Cloderieg SignalStar,adverdseinents under, this
healing will eoutain Several 'names of persong livhig in Clodericii and'
•• The , names will be selected --from the Sul3soriptionlist.-Of. he 'Siknit„1-Stai.
.Siniply: find your, name in- one of qw,„„itivertisenteialo, -clip the .,adveithetnent, •••
present it. to the store in which your rianie appears,- and reeive • ergt1.119s,
. • a ...
-COMplete-line of-airy,Poducts
MILK OAR and •
'Near Theatre
4.64 104 ,
McManus & 64$:.
gaelity I/airy:Produits
Millie Cream, Devon -lee Cream •
• ..... - •
frokn our own- hecb while
r- you: Wit.
Phone 105
ug Stor'e
Prescriptio'ns aSpecialti
Phone 45' IR\ oderich'
( EILECTEr,"."'
tie- Md. and.
and, ROLEX woollEs
• " C 'Robertson
of- Earl Carlyle Heyvvetel, -only port of
Mr.•and. Heywood Of Vfe.
boree. The ceremony' wica perfOrineel,"
by Rev. H., Eleinirieti.. Guests were
Windsor, iii- her thirty-ninth year. present from London, Hamilton,
Fornierir Myrtle D. Armstrong,-'slie- EXeter, •Herisall .Dashwood and Zuriete",
GOI)EWCIt TONOTSIIIP ,for year s work.
, r. end rs, $:.--BeStothers, Stephen
0. •
I GRICH TOWNSHIP -Feb 7- anfl it'411'02 Art•tqu'saild Airs. CrIsPat'
- • ' of LucknbW, visited. at • the -farin, on
Miss Esther MeIlw'ain, of Hensel', and sarturati; • . • " • .•
Corporal Stanley licIlwain, of Wood- Air, pinin.y.,Bkaekleton and sone, of
stock , spent, the Week -end at the Mount Forese---visited, his ''Perent.s._ on
Satpeday. •
Keith Ritehle, 1%-i. and Mrs.; Frank -
Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. TtOt. Efelat
of Zion were .Weelr.-encl•-vieitqrs witn
,Mr„, and Mrs. Geo. Saunders.,
- Mr- Mrs...1M •
Mi. and Ifts:-Lieyd. Hunter, of 'St.
Helens, and 13ertraM Curran( of ton-
doft,,_ spent Sunday • 'at' the parental
-The- ladies - of 'home of:their. parents,„; Mr.. alyl• 1$tirs.•
Crewe' W.M.S. held their,,.Fehruary "Geo.'Malwaid, •• i
meeting at the howe, of Mrs. Mr: and Mrs'. gervieiV&IliSter of
pattick on Thursday, February 3rd, Loedon were recent visitors witif lir,
with twelve Mewbers add three 'Visitors •and.- Mrs. Robt McAllister.
present. , The meeting was led,,'by Mrs, 1 -Tr, and Mrs. Teughl-Daridsearind
Bert ,Treleaven` and the program in -joy, .of London; visited ,With Mr. and
the Missionary Monthly, entitled -The Mrs. Austin Fuller,
mite seessien, of the'- ; tire- sorry to report that Mr..
Wort , and Church-,' was followed .' Lutiimite,Ailin is verY.;:iftt./i4 'Goderich
Edute.-qvieWhiuney--geveA-tbe -recedieg`,`„ "
"The Great Fraternity." ' Mrs -Benson sympathy of the Whole commun-
Shackleton gave' a reading, 4 -le Heeled ity is extendedl to. Mr, .John Jonnston
Vickerson, "Tthe .Appeal of the wife and'. mother. -
tarving," Mrs. Ilrennan sal* a sole, • The "500," euchre',- 'and dance,
"1 Heard -the. Voice of Jesus- Say." on Friday evennie in the
t .anee. reading 'was given' by. Hall; Goderich, sponsored Jiy theGode-
Mrs. M. Shackleton,-.1i,ussia and the rich Towiiship North End. 4 . , ,
•Drink Prolliene" after which Mrs. S. the Red,Cross Society, was a complete ... A
-Qui'. tehraetiSbr. 1.41:a4eldwyerreeuttiel;e* filre'otnitl.ttilirtge ' ''
Kilpatrick led in prayer. Mrs: C. 1,success. . There was ,a large .*. •attend- itelAng torture
and discomfort. ,
-Brake gave a hemerous reading 011 ence. A quilt was auctioned off, going.. Don't dig with lingerimils,..that '.feuiY -
. *
_e•Granama, find the '-- Seri -gull." Tbe.,to..-Miss ' Vera :McLeod .for $0. Music ,serees to spread,tlieeetrorible---. -, --Just use '
chapter in the studbook on'"Tbe Joy for datteing,.was supplied by the e, -Poesienheld Bay-
,-SllYn," w‘t.2gt. Valleie Orhestra About
V Fvc.eclual 15'art5 ('f 'Al''''`e'S L'Inte4:14- 011 a"
of '
by Mrs. Zinn . The secretary a the ,$1.15 was realised ' froer,lhe door-,.-°11-Ye- --oil' . - 't411° ' .gentl/''' with Ple' -
fingertips' Once a day: and • shampoo ..
tion from the hers arerSeaS who hadRev:
, A. J. McKay eoccupied_ the pul• es.'etS1' ''A)tirtil'-'..d.°' 'Y6tell 1-1114; "'lb s '
\'V A. xeadeteral ,letters of` appreela- ceipts. '0 :„ .. ` .. , ' . • • -
received their Christraas--parcels, also pit at 'anion church on SundeY, ',ale, tar1,7-aati:tioeleti-::til'ildn.plYhs,:g4 perst116ethl:te /Tit
'one _asking donations to relieve the liveling a lif_leeeron onc, "Leunebin,. g •rap...id_„,,,_ 100,86 ,tioating ciodr
need' in China. and :Japan, the things , Out into t Deep.". ' - becomes a thing of 'the -Past .., •.'. ,
re lifted for tile' Missionary bale ‘ve-re-. - Junior- ' Red . -Cross:-The -regular 'tau can obtain' Kanerald -011-11±..the *-
-Try ThIsIllonio- ,Treatment _
• ..For Onhk Ease and ,Comfort
discussed.. The, ladies were ,glad to meeting of the Junior . Red Crose •So-
eliai-e some members of the Blake's" so- ciety was held in ;Union choof on
-clay AreseArt'und-they-:-were----a8ked- te-,--day-•-•with Charles Ofr in the chair,
'tell' sotae of the high lights of. their he program 'consisted of the fellowing
society. Mrs. S. Kilpatrick, Red• Cross
leader, asked for a eollectimi and rej
ceived $3.50. , After the ‘singing -of a
hymn, the president 'pronounced the
beeeeiction. • .-.
• t , T. 'AUGUSTINE, Feb. 7. -Mr. l'Ior-
' Ma:\CDaitialii , , man, tBoyle,. of the' R.A.F., 13rantford,
spen- the, week-eed with his Mr. Joe Joe korine_. visited hi s sister,
, e0ii fewi, 'days -last week. . . , , s•-•,,„
Isiss >iary 'Foram .-.--of- Toronto, for- a
,. gess"rs,' Clifford Leday inn" '• Pat
---1— • lsitiuturPrbdimY Motored , to. J.:. ,....._Load7 . on
- - • - 'it --'.'--
,.% 'Mr. and' Mrs. Frank Lvld3,*.-filid-f:tina-
Phone136 . ' Goderifli
' Ross Tichhorne, Goderieh
COI...Oration ,
L. IiirgETSTONt`.-Pr9p,.• .„
ES., and A
Ilanailt011 Ph011e •69W
• and hold your war sayings." -
A _
°wort iN6 Ai-0ms \•
, •
'West VPhone
utron 4un
. • 0
"When we:re- through,
.1* leeks new:" • '
. '
'Uanulton St"'Phone 229
numbers: Opening chorus, "0. Can-
.adir;." recitations by Einier Soweiby,
solo, "Pistol Pekin k Mania," • by Mel-
ville Harwood; erecitatien by . Billy
Wilson; pialio duet by Dori e Sowerby
and Barbara.. Orr ; reading, "White
.Taier Fulleri; song by
grade, 2-e ,piano-- see VeraL'Airffs-dit,
The meeting closed, -with • the' .National ,
ougrnal,bottle- 'at , Campbell's • Drug
mAFEKING.. Feb. 8.7 -The February
Meeting of tere',.'S'ie.M.S: was held. at
the home a Afre. !rhos:Make en,Tiles.e
°40od atteridance. : Mrs,
rureet-Treritiley -G, .and
%By,' of Ooderieh, •visited . at , the nome•Mrs. flowse f vowed -evident' duet, Mr,
of Mrs. N. Teddy over the week -end. iThes..Blake sang a sole: A letter of
t Mrs. Edwin King Visited friends ''appreciation : from- Afuriel.. Blake for
Teeswater on, Sunday. a,. ,liox coetanaing a. .surprise ,,package
. „This Remarkable..Winter."ld Man for every. day in th-e'ramith was reed.:
Winter" usually bestows on _ritvAre Ales Thos • Anderson, had 'charge of
West- 'Wewenereli 1111' eX `the -Study ,book, Whieterwas very inter -
amount of blocks 'trans-.• esting.. At the ?Vise of the meeting
poefatien of ears and trucks, esPeciellY', the Red Cross workers discussed plans
on the •sideroads where the. snoirplo*- ; , •
does not. travel. ' Thee, winter, however,
tbe •"iee' king" es' tiring us a break,'
as well ', " • , ou uffer
..•We are: enjoying excellent .r'oads‘ a
as excellent weather. s:
A gook, ay, "to speed., your even-
t za lehsent
'co4enia fitirrofindings.A.
, •
milts Coil
DEM• ,
'COAL OtiKg Wool)
erhene 15 Nelson . St;
'Under trying circuingtances-we
are trying to dp''' a' good job;
Yoti ¶ifltad th1 a good .4irin to
sio business witb,
C • 1
ihOne 'il7; West 41,
Tasty Pastries a Specialty .
We feature
OAlkES: i'lES 13:U/sTS-.
27t yiresh:S\ t. hone 465
•., ••,
.11ENMILLEit,' Yeb. 8.-M11.7. Gordon
rislier,, of the, eon or Mr.
arid, Mrs, .; Jonathan Fisher. . haS been
transferred to Mossbank, So sk
euchre, and 'dame vil1 be held
the Voresters' hall. llenmiller, oe-•
Alonday, FebruarY '114. Proceeds for
Pittriotie Mitoses-. Ladies . bring 'Innen.
,A.ditiission '25e.' , et.
. Steep 11115 been spending 80111Q
411110 vith ,her slater, Mrs., Harrison,
ii Seitfoed.
• A,. niunber ot oung pCOilt a:64k
here', attended at-lionie 011
Friday night end •report a,. pleasant
time. "„' • •
Miss Eldit thod is spending botidays
at .her , • •
Aw\„frbiti „here attended'the. &ince,
at Taylor's..-Corriers Ori riidaY night
Will; ,beid, in the, "Oeireli,
‘batenneni,'-' '.,,,leebruary 10 ;ler the
Red ` •
OOALanc1-"Z\\• ,\(\
We are frying our lliett, to serve
you With tittravaiIab1 MlpplY of
Phone Otwd: \\Aibert fit,
Huron Body 108i'
,Ftider, :810p
4 Eit,-S,t1'\
'1 iiossil4
. . k
\ \ Phone'206vi.
riqrit 8 . a 4 lack ',;,
tlit.t, qvi,s 1,$,,o. ,itii4‘,1., ,
o g1Velt;e4- ar SerVice.'.1.,
: 1(4, it.)!\*rtYrsoN ,
Compfete,Iline .
Phone 470 ---- Emst St,
CilusTEAtIELD$ and
Rg.uPROLSTERto and
Phonci46-4 , Square
iciNctsfounot,,„,(Fielt. • 7, -Our sin,
cere ,t4yin1yttO, cttomiod. to, Mrs.
Alfred, tapointe, whose 11118billId "WAS
MUM' in, aetion 00, January 29:
• Mr. 'Mark 'Delton, .trom Arkansas
V.S.A.. Was visiting ,hera last Wok,'
Mie1110 101111, Dillt011 114S 'Wen
.infornied that his 1$r0ther Mituriee
waaltilied in a bus tteeident in Miami,
leloridao,. •
Private Raymond Austin, 'elected
Statiote ;Toronto, S) tit last *week -end
fit his home. , •
Exciting progreesive em lin pirties
help to Make' winter e,!ve111figi4 paris
more quickly. Congratulations to lir.
fie Diheen, who 4o first priee at
4U tbese partl.0. (`11.0iiee 'levee
tlie rest of us • suih m exPert.
playee 15 otir 4so,
A '
wlth Wniard's, thctreat rubbing, lint.,
roeutrevrornfo. q•mtiscular and joint:,
sorenests; • iltiffnem*.:.4khdf: tan. :rat it,--
-ioneoniasc- np-,••
'm1111,14444 -odor, Mee tinteir4y-useiti
for '.idandrpft-and
•ifora'bottle at your denggilit's
, Keep, ithandy.on.yont,
Front ea' acihes ?
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and pains ah, the time. • -- •
1eatia,61-1e need not be =illness iu .itself, but it
• may .be i. vtT,rning.ayrnptona that there jo.iritestinal
• ..,shiggislinees • . •,„ • . •• • '
To help overcoine the•tea-use of headache 'it.
eeceesery to' eliminate the waste matter fromthe,systen'e • Burdoek , BicSoct
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and biliary. organs, neutralizing acidity, opestipated. 0Owels
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: Get R./32%M any dreg counterprice-$1.00,s, botPe.
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7 OUT OF 8