The Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-01-06, Page 4•
avocissou TO lr.,4ATEAlt . ART ,•
14,7171S--,BegOniest -31101:440 ntr.100411,--
. 1Per* Ciflerarik.
'nowsnw --
peitioza and liting Usttog
oratt:BOUQ0.08* OTIf .044
.1 , .
Mrs, '011*-14iiiiitein of Hamilton Was
, .
*New Year's 00st with her aunt, Miss
' .WorthY.
- , -
Miss Doris Bennett, 6t, Hapilten,,
was a New 'Year's -visitor with: ,mrs;
Chas. Larder, Southi street.
Mr . "And . Mrs. OrvilleLtt..,,,. dire_ ot
London : spent the weekend.. with 'Mr.
and Ws. X. B. Oke. Uttrim road;
Rev. ' Dr. Wardia* Taylor,: Mrs.
Ta*lor and Aliso, Edith left thiSWee
to spend' . three . Months ;!..xtear - - St.
- Miss 1*lbteen Lytle has returned to
her duties at. Maittord school, after
*pending the., Inietide season in Tor:
01, and, °shams., * ' •
Ur: and Mrs. Alex.'' -Butler and ,Mar•'. *
Wit. were guests over Christmas with
their 'Sea, /Mir. Alex' Biitler, ‘;and xt.
sutler,. at Hamilton. ' • '', , ' ' .'
- , gr. and Mrs.- Bert McManus . and
' daughter).- Coral, have i.e,turned* to their '
home . at Peterborough after vLSIting
With relatiVeS, here, ' '' --..
, . „ . . 4 ,
--itecr. jos,- aatie, arlfl MrS, lines
were, /„*Tevr Year's gueSts of,itheir- sell-
14:14w and 'daughter, Mr. and Mrs R.
Eberhard,8. Louden. "
thiet C.; Alibi, of Malteai
Force, and Mrs. of Toronto,
Spent Christmas week -',With and
Ernest Breckenridge..
• Mr. and, 14fs. Bert :Middleton mut
ebilaren ,of Bearniaiiiie, spent Oie-
holldays- with Mrs. Mtddleten's par-
ents, -Ur: ,and 'Mrs; INTorina*, Macicay.
Miss ,Mary • Bisset, .:Of 'the!' censors'
departinent at Ottawa, spent Christmas
olidaYs -With' her 'parents, .14r. and
,Mrs. Gorden 13iSSet? .SoltfOrd- Heights.
Miss Irma TheMita, OCTOOnallne;WaS'
OW MK*, ttt5.q, WMA 'Antes forpari
of lest .week: Beth • Irla returned to
London fbr the ew OLVO: WOW.o4d,
7and StresSer, �f
IndianapoltS, l.ndiano,. were'. holiday
guests, a Or. and Mrs. Claritenjirer$114
Victeria-,street.. .$tfesser ,is the
latter s brother,...
Chris Miran ;read
Is visiting her seon-in-,1avir.ain' daughter,
and Mrs. Garrott Canter, and
ehildren, else Mrs.. John:, : Carpenter,
all of Weiland: . ' '•
'CPI. .Frtink Clark, of Chatham, AWL
h'' 'at'ter, 'Mrs:-.1rietor Young of Coll -
borne • township, have.:,,retinned from
A -4_11.11g heiriSitteri-MistfOs!Xtr
at Louisville,. Kentucky. ;
all43 Airs. .*Thos. Clarke -Spent
'uhristmas., their.' daughter, Mrs".
Henry 'Clarke, and :;•finill at Cooks- ville; MIs Ruby ---Clarke!
•of.',- -Toronto
also spent •Chrisioniie. with her_sister.-Mr.•
' and Mrs: ;.1-, • 0., LeMaire,‘. East.
Street* *.had as. their holiday guests
Montreal; ,and • Mr:: Lentaire's
•'sister,''' Miss Beatrice Lernalr,e, , of
Mrs, W. rcio-
• turned from a visit with her sister,
- F.
IANKS • POST ,ov,ttces
ukrAakmitik skosks,..- osiuocosts
atotkas tosaccdtosts-
STORES out etiivr, RETAIL S
; •
' •ar-• :, •
CoI and Mrs. R. r:Trow and fam-
of. ..Stratford;. ttittl- andW---s..
D. McCormick
Ind.; were guests of
Mr. -Benj. Alleii, tr,go-p:da,r,seagdul /.
- , 4 I
--Guests; with.'MfE'V; 'oyer
the ..N.evii..,,,'Year!s weekend Were Tkdr
three Sons,, .Ririaidoti of St."; Thinkias,
P/O. Charles. ef .Bag'ille Quebec,
da-a.7)00.1.16-ert; Of:Plekering.-COlIegeralso
18 remaining for- a- further
• --. . -
Aintingythei,.-OntariO filers mantling
the.".ianeasters- of -the B.C:A.V. bember
group . on Its Sunday • night raid on
BeriIn- was • Den. -UeDeutdd
ederich,.. aceordi4 report reeeirkt•
from pos. the son' -of'
Captain- Auto 'eDonald and,. gFs.
uepood..,, °
Cyril 'Boblii'son- has-, 'Welted:
Word that her hushand,--',11tei.--1.en:Olk
'00.binStin,r• luta With`
the 'Perth. .Reglraent.
Ellgiat-Sergt.'CariM, Anderson, who.
Is ' stationed t MacDonald; Manitoba,
is Spending two weeks , with his par-
ents, *Mr, and Mrs. ,Thoraas Auder-7:
-Sen, 24 -Cambria road:
Sm. - Oep, ferred- to , dome to,.0.0deribh _via the
returned to ,g_oderieh dining tlie--11-olt4-- :route:- - Toronto:4' Penetaaguigh-*/*
day festivities: and is enjoyi4 Welt. ''C.teenian-SAY'' and: Dike Huron; Or by
earned holiday with his parents,- Ur, the overland. route to DetrOit, and
aucl.Mrs;.ArChie Wilkins, Nelson street, thew:tup to Goderieh' by boat. Even
.1 -le hopes to reJoin'his 'comrades aboard .after i the mail was ' brought in trona:
Aigoina. toWard,,, the engl.„--of quelph.: twice month, Illqat of the
thiS month. • * supplie*.ivere' brought from. Detroit.
At -one time. Dr. Dunlop,. hireol_a„
Early. Se t ‘in Sedate Township
lieb..* Tha, L�doabuflt. It WAS kne*ii as the -Sturdy
Irmo Fre) - ' SehooT,I, or No. 7. A Dr. Bsg. was one
The, first white Man to `i4et' foot in of the earl* teachers anChe was the
'Oodericli' townsh1p'. iNtfx's Saiuuel de
aenor the favorite sioter of .J•Robert
• phtmo#41.,;:,Au_tut ..treIuitIttYt44-"Seozatiirntj,
iTent a winter . here, because It is tession, bOt-in Canada he turned to
recordeiLthat be did pend the winter surveying sirto:1 -later te_teaching, ile
Of-181N-0.,,with the .nentral- hi 9144-4U
at ,he , home ,of Dr.
and these' Indian's lived at the mouth h°1°I.--e;res,' viihile%'epettr.tor. thT.Ilitu'ri)Ornac-rtieeead+f,r'914'
of the, Menesetprig - 'Wirer?: later - kniowtv. The 'Sttirdy --frcheol was abandoned
as the Red or .Ualtland in the earl', ' 41,nd Meat of the
Por 200 year net a white man farms were U110001'0, to .0014001:
visitol, the 11nren Trtiet. section, No, 0, - is called the,
1820, W. V. Gooding from New York. truien Sebool. Tires It is, today that
!)3,Staante, 41;104,.,,Fuoritua4,..t4rettlinir.,ttsat,Fit,rtentete.,, ,s7oh• sothi.:0111,0,,;12074'.eistichmiLowinogeliaipm:,7
!Altilooveth-!tox,..:01z4thrTnie,_Dta;1}01,oaurp:11,_Aiird!,...yttoiabd.nii,lyr,v,edd.., .4.)("401. the early e,satrolilYi3r7,011._"4,0,1•1704aete,O,fitonlastetenr,
Donald, a surveyor; -.'engaged •'hy 'the: two from Ireland; Beher.t'T'recter an -4
e: through road9mCompany,.
0;nbh1 :411114 e 11Col.11EvenVni - -Pland, the
f :n :817 nt trlivtrile near,r"at141t1 ers,s'arlries:;biltetr village
Pgniendi settlement 414not tiiike, place road 40".Othera on the 10104nd:eon,
et14*thclet-oeatisutee rrowsetriedin, botudt.,4stetetioedrse.itdchi/
tgheriv°1111iage'a rond running tno°17ththe
In •faet,....for......,seme time, 'people pre, land River, The 'house which ,Samuel
.-Hohnes bnilt ot. red briek and.
in is over 100 years old IstllI it-inOrter
*est of, at #7,
of..thellig hill, on the. north '010 of
.•xm%. James, George
Cox brothers,
nie fro
Ireland and settled on the 6th...eon-
t•q'a*Asp:xua2 aj.;IsiBeer5xne-4Weit wtelit-i-spehiltra"Oahthriset: -bachteetner .i4,: Detekroit for,: thistipinpose, c,Psb!nr January 4, 1830, the firat toom.
Mrs. J.13elison'. Whitely, .St George's Fortunately, the, EfUralea1/Tra..,:sal- ship.. meeting or ,tc:,:ktgli there is any
Crescent - been a patien in *aged:. and brought- by raft to. their .record ,was boa yotto,,,
Christie ,.Street Hospital, ;.TorentO, for - tleatinatien. . ; 0Q4eilch,_ In ...7144„.333401w,307,
the past -Six vireakti,- undergoing ;treat- . Settlement 4irst„,hegan,, on the -fiats
ment for lung. *Raton _..eontrfteted: the .raouth of the Maitland River. PPf°r•e'the'llrat T)Ist4ct 'Hu"'
while: in the navY, convoy reitle'FISher's hotel was erected Otgerxet!co-Vmoilleoslown:rse._fewritee4.0-4'eltht first
'duty ,returning - from ,krp,04 -*.ship-, near the. trading post. When ,Dr, Dun-
leok after. the tcrshaship's fafratiST-bur,
d to
AvAs' torpedo:0d and he fro picked. up lop 'built ,his -home, „The Castle,
unconscious' .antrrenntltiedlif-this. --con, the heights oVerloteukleintr,.iii-,ohrne-e-.81,okot-: finad..0?,i0tOhnunIteloilionlicsos.'were
dition' on a Geri*, float for six hours other settlers •hullt eleeted and we was
before he- and 'other- survivors were ...„04t.,„ alsoanI west trhieeii. ArTsotivoreesilep.,,inadt rtehroeierthtted,Guerdo.; ,a ,destroyer...,vBensen •,street became , 'settled first -,,:Graduallk
had:, inatle -:sesre'eat---trips --tO Trinidad. 'settlements.:began..on...the 'HOtirmters 94waillistiltroc.?e441t1Pinis
In4uly•last7he was transferredeto' the near the town„: the first there being
Edmonton, -Alta., and Mt. Jen, Quebec,:,
but he .,,fias ,nowi:retaraed,-to---T:Oronto
for: further treatment.
--IIrs. W. A:',.,Blaek of town 18
receipt of Xufetide greeting `
nephews, ;natives of Scotland, " whoare
two of , four nephews • in the il.rmed
,a.e.r,9,1ela,„49ne_. ": from: 'James De-
anna,. pirsoner Oriairlirtrerniany: '
wacaptitred inthe Dieppe raid
while serving itt a 'Scots regImen.t." H-
in-the same - Camp . In Germany as
are.threeL-Goderich boys and letters of
-introduction have gone' -forward. from
..,pebttives-4etjtph°r%c,attd-Vp'or.lfai At-_matina:efk
Airs;:Plae s sWer.--,!711e'.4.arivn:a.-mere13,-
Early Set
„ In, Taylor .settled a few,
miles from • Goderleh. He VTAtEt killed
by a falling treebut his 'sops Carried.
:antMan „and "tdr-lettek came_--fronT
'01brititar. He has been -all-over .the,
•-W,Orhrsince, the beginning of -the-l'var,'
thblith-lie-11--iyare:ighjeen years -of -age. •
_ 101 -• by the
-enemy---on -the -.Murmansk---mute and
on the Mediterranean and ,Atlantic.
;;:f-iktche:rdinOnth Division 001-irt- for
'united counties of . narbir:and Bruce;
*inch deals to . a great extent • with
on. --A Corner on- the Huron road•-Pasc"4-,,,win.b-,t-Gr444904M-leihar-stg,igIwncish,i;Pc,ontts,,,h-e-liw:rt
school is Still referred to as faylor's Subsetitnteds„... for eb' 1%01Alrny,lik8, i
C9rner.'- • In 1830 --ThomoszGinn settled Pentyon
on the 'Huron road and , in 1831 Hugh I book s- 18-.1P '11,-Maryellous 'stille of pre.
Giun,--oarried ElizabetILLStincly; DionCourt Iref.14-„'Pelt Rance ,
sister of Hugh ' Sturdy. This was. the, • 'Ate. bqok was kep by -Col.
pilergetorarmarerdiac.uitIrt, hrerytoozbratithaTisatnrocitive,:;, eirotrir's. 'father•11° ded--1111":1'
• Have you been wanting', a ,new smart coat? " If YOU
• .
have, better hurry and $ee theSe quality Oats at tbese new
•low Tintrunnied Coats, All English' imported tweeds,
sizes from 12 to 44. ' '
„ . „
Mir ,w001. boucle trimmed. 'with. squirrel n „Persian
Lamb. Sizes from 38 to 50—witli a 20% 'discount,
OL1AR—Reg 249 at Z 98
Zet.,, Lim at $1',29
/tog: at Piii6
the Canada' Company. ', ,-. .‘..k
- mchat.nrd='-dericentranta..sallni e. ..
Ish-ed,r--Th' •-:the--,--1i, leittlfffi— (1)C gar' 11 ...
- 13e-.4•gar 11-44-..",-SUrr011 ing---).
residents of St 'Aeienk hefore-coalli*
L UT to LucknOw..,.Aorattwenty:ftviis.t*R!,
7frittrweiMEitT=tilitil .,:stufif-rx-mibre:Te-T'vometTisivti,-xi
over-1.00--,Yeara.oldr;-11i:-StardrIffeteT W. „Otte-,---,:at,Etteknevirsq44-nekbeivrIrlitirlived-thelast-vtWol:104-
oldextres..aejtit,a,,,s'argered--, a—fraetured
• hip, and. -she:41as, been :taken • to the -family at -Toronto.. .,, She was In her.
.10.V'trejititteire, Sixtl-iihrtfr''.*,'&4,... 'The • ileMiiirkr...'*er'e'
gar treeti,:-:tbs4, sQ0n._,cpu'e- j,-Todd-verebratid-, ---brongh.t-te'44ickup and Were interred,
700dOrIPIV tOVVIVIlit) '"And 'settled on their-- golden- - wedding ."..atiniversary-on 111 41-riloeS,'.;:gentete
the 'Ttli eoneessionA"" • 27th /1475V 'United eh eh'. condileted
. - • - -
• Here oneof the earliest scuoills was .relatives and frIends,• .. They. werev:--by Ater, a% IV 1f&. 1-
: • •
bac,go--":-h4s--‘peo-Ple in Ireland. even
tellinetherau that ---one-.--eould. obtain
He - visited Itis aunt. in Godeyieli a -few
montlfg.ago-after -hringing-aer-a-baat-
priamiers, --Germans .and
Italians; to. ,the
United. States, --- •
. A gvachiate70---.;the-,fifst class "fro
,.$ky _Aartior in .104,01'141.eciAll'in."Alk-
Man, 'new- .flight 1ieuteUflt ivitli:'_ther •
returned after lengthy
oAeirationa service ftoin,hases 'la, Eng-
.larid. and North,. Africa,' fv-aS heard
on the )radi.o!ou Sunday:evenin0., • 'Lre
;gale in a
odZkorttior-,L,Sky'll.-arboriz-He- -has
,the DJC. ru'd--.1.i4r,:-.4,7611,471,rd-.4.1.9
elaborate i .Merely saying :‘-`Ttia.tts. my
.140r-Fy==,,,U4AiSt -haire tliem.L.....ne_Lis, just.
• one :Of. 'former ,-SkY.,....liarber ,,inetf;.f:no*
home on leave, - who' -have bee,fi on the '‘-
, Miss ',Prances 4Sidetalt-Ilanghter of
Mrs 0. A.
1.7,,airnoti,n).,1:44ttsliantaL4•Tiaelcnew,-- oca. *
4ee1 at
• i 9): oi:V.M.Tnirrifitettre"d.. for ...many_
The renta4.1,e-r-e,,. .-ibrea-ght here -for
h‘irl'ar in= qr-e•elitiox • eittet.o.kil serliice •
tile graveside- on Tileioday9f, this -
week -being - conducted by .!
Donaldson_ - :one - brothr, Eldon, sur-:
Winnipeg to,
ten4,7funeral.?-. " .
. •,
. . . .
:LAC; ,Ilarold .Gtfulex, - R.C.A.F., sta-
tioned at vietorlaville,.Que„ is 'spend-
ing . an eighteen -day furlough.with' his
niother, grs:, lVia. Gainey, -, and -.sister,
Mrs. Chas: Larder.. --- . ---------
IsTetv's which brought grief to several
9ederieh families Nira$, that .:..00.te.the,
-death of Flying .01licer--11-aul Morris,
son of Mr. and Mrs. - Lloyd, D. Morris,
Sarnia, W1.11): was killed in 'air opera-
tions over -Seas 011 DecaMber 10th. The
young Man's grandfAthir was John
Merris,:_ of a well.knouin 'Ooleorne'
townshil)-tarnilY,' and 1SIrs: Adaw. Gori
tifid other gfcuidttunts reside. in Glode4
rich. 11,13Ing iiTeer Morris, -twenty-
two.years of age, was 41_,Member of the
Thunderbird 'stinadren- which took part
in many -raids over -Germany',.iu.-•receut
Weeks. He received :part; of his train,-
Harbor, '
. - •
n -wide, collection Will .tiot likely be.
made for tome ,week, but
an iteeit;lultion of 500 tottids, or .mor, it will
lie ‘picked /up,: Corrugated bes s1xo1d be'
brOlOn down and securelytied, in bundlfw to
te, handling.'$3)i01.4d-iny person 'prefer
to tale paper, .to, to the Exhibition
, ST. IIELENS'',. Jan.:- 3. --Mrs. „" Mc-
Xerizie Webb and Mrs. AlIister.,,AughOW
. .. . ,
- .
'attended I 4 the funeral of their ,-41:unt,'
iiiis.(lip*, at Guelph on. 'Monday.
Mt, and..*-Miki.-'' Campbell, Thoni6flett;
1)toliald and l'atsy aeon, of LueknoW,,
..Speutthe, holiday week -end with, Air,
.atto. iir4.', h;.J..Thow. •.- „.
...norn.-1,111 Winghtim - Generall hos-
pital; pn.Sanday, December .g0,.to,--LA(1,
.01titokd_. porata and ' aka': ,:•-rardon
(formerly Iltips; Alargiiret ,A,Itchlsoli),
of Celitralia, .a daughter.",
.111r. Itaraage of "Ilaramolint and Ulas
•-stittr'statitige-,Arlie---'hftg.'-been. teaching-
, near Dancroft, ' silent the Christmas
rieitt,OA, fi,:ctilex4 110,141,e,,,-IgieffItareag0
will atterid Normal klehool" at Toronto.
:1,00-inio.r , glio, - Itutherford; of, the
eginfeatal:''Poitee;':Orillia,.. and.i:Mles
,Itowila. Urry, of Toronto, were yildiors
frith- Air. and Mrs, 'Will -Rutherford
for the week -end.'
:The Late James Dutiiino-44 'lifelong
resident- of this community, James
Duraht, died, at his 'home on December
22nd, in his ,seventy-eightto year. Born
on' the Oth concesslini of West lVtiwa-
nosh, he koided, there, until lila mar.
%loge; to Catherine 'WehsterProrty-seven
years ago, when they Moved to the
'toxin just south of St. ' Helens where'
they nye the retuttinder of their lives,
Vita. Durnin having predeeetised her
husband 'Seven years. Surviving are:
a son, Earl, on the tiOine farm, and
a ,daughter, Mrs.; John Cameron of
West Wawanosh:, also a sister, .10".04,
Thsagaet- -P101444-- 4 RC 4e1-izsao4 --alti*
two brothers, John ofWest Vravranotoh
and ,Irhotitas4tr--44,144.,rtft. -.-134trittl---
' it* Greenhill eeroetery, LtielreoW, after
a service onattarteoll.,14 I. -v. Z. A.
Ward at doesaited's late reWonee.
HgsE are our finest. Canada will
•ihe *14
•we coke ra _am #..
hundred thousands, the mea and ,
women who have faced*,death-that,
their country, their 'own land; might
be free. They shall cbtho with ftrin-'
stride.. and confident shoulder* and
„ • bright eyes! •
• ,,,„,„„.2.
, Whathave you to offer them, Canada?
Farm, city, town, vilia4ge, wookl,
street* hill, gold, silver, radium,
aluminum, OA, game, wheat, wool;
leather, fur.
Well, 'there they are— .4rtalti eclat.
1114' millions, the dollars that ,
were saved in .Vicipry and
th'itAii °
• 4tpun ty
that are rn hergresources,end in lift'
peor),*leq, yoilt -dollars, yotit savings,
• We &Una and are•fitiding the money
that is creating, Victory.' We shall, -
find it again and again, if necessary,
.until the Axle -Lino more. We shall .
hold dour Vii;tory no 'ads ailftilfWat
Saving. s Stomps and .our War Savings
'-',:Certificara, the sinews of our war
effort, apirtst TonlortOW.
And if we can find the mooei for
Wu; cirri, for the hundreds of
thousandslind the millions, find the,.
billions to create Peace..togive
every, woman„ and child in
Canada Unlimited the Pour Freedoms
and morel
Thies a promise, Canada.
•- -
• Publtsbetl by