The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-12-18, Page 3Business ,t)irectoryt LEGAL kfk IfiUDLEY 110XXXS' Ilarrister, Etc, OfaCe----110otirt House, .goderich. Telephone 65. WM. A. ,S1.11111E1ICAND - ` Barrister and Solicitor, °First Mortgage Security. Office -L. -North ;St; Goclerial. Phone 7$0 - -- CUAR,TEREb ii6COUNTANT WIONTEITII awl MONTEITH, Chartered A.ecountants ,77 Downie Street, ptratford . Toronto Office; 802 Bay Street MI6 VETEUINAR1 SURGEON 1)R. O. S. ELL1OrItT — • VETERINARY SURGEON, phone 206 Wigton. Tilt. W. B.: °OXON VETRBAJN'ARIAN Small and Large Animals Telephone 90. . Zurich, Ont. ROADS WERE SLUTERY AlthOUgh the highwaye were treacti, ereenely, icy, at the Weelt-end, traffic of- iteeTS" e»orteU nly one minw ae- 1 Gederich. It occurred latk .affternoon tin a Curve .at ingeton Street when cars, ,,drivenr,* Mrer'William Ellwood, IGOderiche and Percy Blundell), also of lOodericia, -wile recently moved here 'front Lucknow, met .11eal-on.‘. 13Iundell'e car allegedly skideled with the application �f hrakes, The inapaetwas not heavy'and fiarritige-, was limited to about $35, Mr. Ellwood, Who was sitting alongside his. wife, Sustained slight cuts to his face. It, all happened 44,rery (dose 'to Traffic fOilleer Culp's nOme and ,he was Johnny-en-the- spOt. , AUCTIONEEBING ;'.113110MAIS GUNDRY; GODI1R- LOB. LIVE STOOK AND GENEB,A.I. AT.JOTIONElan Telephone 119 - • Sales attended to anywhere and every effort Made to • give satisfaction. Farmers' sale -notes discountek 10111.1.11.1 gt2P0Met!CMWZCZZZOZMWAteta2= GoinpoN GIRANT„ aciam3130 AUCTIONEER FOR ittAtoN A. satisfactory,, conrteoua service for Warm Property or Household ,Sa Rates Reasonahle. ORDER Christmas Fowl Ryan's' Produce Market NEVirGATE iT. Plate Ord.era NOW and Avoid Disappointment Ehone 345- We Deliyer HURON Ceit,Nrr:5 FPR:EMOSTliffERALY GODERICH ONTARIO THURSDAY, DEMIBER lSth, 1941 Prize Day at Victoria chop `41 4-3 Struggig One for Pupils Give Fine Self-preservation Christrna-Program June Buehler 'Receives the, Re+. R. H. Turnbull, ..gteldreeses ',Robert Park , Memorial Lima Club on War Medal' .,4&,.;„ Topic Friday last was prize day at 'Victoria 110. It. 1.1. Turnbull, rninieter Of eclaool, and in the afternodn the. prin. North street Uniteit, ehurcia, wae 'the eipais room; NO'S the scene 9f aft inter- gueet speaker at the Lions Club fort- ested and interesting' gathering. In, niglitirlunchean at the Bedford, Hotel spector Beacom Vresented the Robert on Friday evenIng• and gave a brief, but Park memorial medal, given by Victor timely and informative address on Lauriston of Chatham to the puili Uuuwu Itights as They ,A.re Related tatting higiteet marks at nighecb,00.1 .-to War.' A entrance, the winner being June Recent events, the speaker sank nad Baechlefp-ditueliter of Mr. and Mrs. brougut nonie a realization. of the feet George Buechler. The Woinen'e. Itisti- tnte prize for eecond hignest .roarlie wae preseuted to Beryl Sde anrson. Beacom also presented the gradu- ation diplomas; MiM eS• Lee aleeonald presented the reading tliplomits, and Principal Stonehouse th.e attendance certhicatte, and other prizes. Principal ,Stonehouse. was. \the re- cipient of a gift freni, the graduating ..elaSs, presented bYJune Buechleriith he thanks of the class for his interest in their instruction. The class -lists are as follows: GRAIPCATION CLASS • STRATieiRD GODERICH COACH LINES *.• Jaily 11.30 a.m., 4.25 p.m. --Leaves HAROLD JACKSON 'SPECIALIST -•-flai MAIM AND ao,usiEtaoLD SALES, Licensed in 'Huron 4axtd Perth - Counties. - Prices reaeonityle; 'satisfaction 'gtdranteed. - For infonmation, etc.., Write or phone HAROLD JIAOKISON, 12n 658, Seaforth; R.R. Brueedeld. • c, TA_ BAR, ,NOSIkTHROAT Late Itork Ophthalmic. apd, ,as- oistant, at Moorelleld,EYe Hospital and . Golden :Square Hospital, Loa-. don, ;IfInglanig;- , EYES TESTED, GLASSES • SpPruEr• fa • waterloo Street S.,- -Stratford. Telephone267. * $ext visit Bedford HOWL, Godericite Wednesday, january• 28th,,:from g till 5 p.m. .100 - ^-` oioderich for Stratford; Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, favistock and Woodstock. Depots -- Bedford, British and Royal Hotels. Phone hotels or '3,1)15 for information. summosimmiiiiimimiWrappormoommum PUBLIC NOTICE - Ma. HORACE wausor, A.R.O.O. (Assoc. -.Dip. Royal Oollege of •!Organiste., London, Eng.) .3 - is gyreared to receive students 111 Voice Production, 'Singing, Organ, Piano, Dramatic Art, etc. IFor terms apply Knox Presbyterian i0hurch or 22 Elgin. avenue, Goderich. Phone 189. 46-4x coltetilLE§S71114CTITILONIt CHIROPRACTOR AND DB4..JOLITIS3 • Goderi Phone 341 THIRAMT - Office hours—A to 12 sad.. . and 7 to 8 p.m.,-Tuesd Saturday. 0-- 10 to 12 a.m. only o W ne Monday and Thursday at Mitch Mineral fume_ ,baths by appouttmeut (nay. . A- ' ATKINSON 51 South St. pileKILLOP DVTUAL IN- SURANCE) 00.-Trarm. and Igo- iaWd town property insured. PreSldent, Londesboro It..,A.fellibald, Vice - President, Seaforth; B1. A. ' Reid, Manager, and Secretary-Treamirer, Sea- , forth. Directors--W,m. Knox, Londesboro Alex. -I3roadfttot, Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Dublin; E. J. Trewartha, sc.,. Clinton; Thos. Moylan, Sea,forth; W. R. Archibald, j8ettforth; Alex. licEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Thigh Alexander, Walton. Agents—E. A. Yeo, R.R. 1;-Goderich; lames Watt, Blyth„; John E. Pepper, R.11. 1, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, ° R.R.* 1, Dublin; J. Prueter, Brod- hagen. .Policy -holders 'can make all pay- ' ments and" get thefr cards receipted at the 1foyal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Outt'a •Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or Gettern1 Store„ Bayoed. . J. It Craigie INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Get Our Automobile Rates' Phone 24 GoderIch $oint Meting of VietOrja and Central-- Home and School Clubs The joint 'meeting a Central and 'Vcietoria Home and School' Clubs, held In Victoria ochool on Wednesday even- ing, 1.0tle wasa great suey cess: seating' vapeeity of. the kindergarten room and hall wee taXed to the limit by parents an.4. friends the pupils wit:111)ring the etalis and elites repro:Se. ' Incidentally, there. X griming feel4 ing that a portable platform 'vvpuld .be that tat present titanic scr.uggie was a N.:imitate addition Ler ine. school. Xhe one or. svir-preservation re-- a struggle perrormance of the email 'childrenis teat Would oecitte wnether%IP shauld - -.7-- one ui the 'olgges1 attractiens, and, with- couttnue to live our sieneicratie _way ef yee or enter eut platform- oely those In the -Irene hire or turn to the new t seets are really :aide to enjoy spensored tiy our totainarian enemieS. ' flas the dew:et:retie. 'system failed - Mr •1 urnuull tweed, Apparently many 'Supreme Court .R.P.Organization Sittings Cancelled Mooted tot Goderich 09.606, Settled or Set OM' 0111404 um* --,:bisoumion, at • Statement of Claim in lai?RniesoClultitibon,./114e,passodting -- .Brewer Action . This Week's non-durY Sittinge '!the rti(0 formation of an: air Tata Motet- (Sbpreine Caiirt, Scheduled to cominenee atm. organization in llodehricti Wag advocated at Priddy night's lions OOP luncheon and a lesolutiolli":Wa$ paased ttlo,orroSp„trto..Justice MaeKOS to co4ine from asking the 'Oitizeas' Wartime' Comva4t; The case of' ehief interest, the $15)000 tee to. undertake the project, the Lien,*.i promising 'wholeheerted co,,opoptation. action( Of Reuben Brewer,' well gravel cOntraetor of Goderieli, against Ihe. 4. 51, grabain ivas the Orgt%to the Warren Bituminous Paving 0o., advocate the move. He watf unable to TOronto, for alleged breach of', contract be prcsent, but • WAS .41110*tea• by 'LIM fok the hauling ef gravel for the run- PreAident ii,bakead sahig that if An ways a the *Centralia: airport, was set- emergency arose here, (Ooderich, al - tied oat or court, Yalthouglv'witnesfses ready snort of doctors and nurses "was 'came to: Goderich Monde)/ niorning to ill-prepared to meet Tlie give evidence, The. terms of settle- and nursing profeseions would welcome ° 'lee presiding oeieer, Nies. C. Baxter,I,ment were not made public. organiza.tion, ineet.ing of tbe ,Central Club, conducted the The Brewer Claim V4 toltt •4..1• A • d fter the eineing The Plaintiff's statement of claire While it was almost fantastic te think that ,Genierieli could or 'would be hambed by enemy piano, still stranger thhigs had happened. in this war, it was said. 'Die harbor witn' its elevators, and other indusdiles ,would'Make tempt- ; targets. The purpOse. should,- be/ Mondayat p.m, were cancelled at the lad Minute and it was unneeeWall First-class honore-:-June Baechler, Elgin Fisher, Murtin Oke, Pauline Pat- 'terson, Ruth Reid, 'Beryl Sanderson,' -Gladys Sieling, Douglas Thomas, Helen Wilson. .4e Second -clues. notion—Audrey I3arker, Joyce Hadden, Douglasillarrieon, Avice Warrener, 'Marjorie Williams. Pass -- Donald . Evelyn Brechow, WilliamHarvey, Edward Kaittipg, Frank' Kneeshaw, Llithwaite„ Albert McTavish, Malcolm ,Mariatte.ShirleY Medd, James Mitchell, -John Mobring, Yvonne • Sheard,own, June Sparks, Richard Cornish. ' • ENTRANDE CLASS PRIZES Medal—June Baechler, highest marks the (donateat by Victor Lauris- -ton ). S•econd highest—Beryt, Sandenon (Prize donated by, the, Women's Insti- rule). , ' MatheMatics—Betyl !Sanderson, gen- eral proficieticy- (donated by -R:' Stone- house). -Composition and iGranatnar—June Buechler, general proficiency,- (donated by W. Robertsoo). O Agriculture and Literature—Beryl Sanderson, general proficiency (donated by W. K.:Thomeon). • • Wilson: general .Pro- ficiency (donated -by Ahmeek 'Chapter, - Writing—Evelyn Brechow, general proficiency (donated --by• L. le Knox).- . 'Social•Studies—lune Baechler, geu- -eralevreficlency (donated by LEL R. Long). Science—Frank Knees,haW, general proficiency (donated from agricultural grant), Health—Panline Patterson, general proficiency (deflated. by A. L. -Cole). O Art—Donald Thbmas, general pro- ficiency. (donated by S-mith's ° Art Store), -‘ Grade 8—Best; garden plot in school garden, Donald Thomas and Fralai Kneeshaw (donated -from agricultural grant). Grade 7---iiiest garden plot in school garden, Fred Stka and Date= Kaye (donated' froine agricuitural _ Geo. G. MacEwan Fire; Accident and Motor "-Car INSURANCE Office*:—(Marsonie Temple; West Street, GoderiCh rhoe ,230 • GODERICH • O P. J. -RYAN O Rear Estate and insurance Office and Residence: ° 11: Trafalgar Street Phone 603 • FOit iSIAILIE--7:11.01Sei of ,o1I kinds, choice 'building,: Jets; business property, and several good tatms. „ Let me show Yoli Some real bargains. • Buy now. -RioluiptitotteectitvococeolofttrapeteaOlovetta.- tilvettettlet AT CAPITALTHEATRE' • THE = 01 iii 6 - - . set out that in 1940 he hauled gravel peOple in Europe had ueeen intrigued , - . , of ef0 Canada" called for a -minute of int° "lievilig -tWi.c it had. r-theY '''°- silent prayer for. the 'victory of our for the defendant company for the con; eountry and our allies. Thiss was fol. ,traction of the runways at Port Albert. hevee. twit totalitarianism as practised . „ny the ,Nazes and eascists represented lowed by the Lord's Prayer, The I;uring the months of February and tyy. Dori xte.. .March, 1941,, the plaintiff calltid. at- the the "golden age'' of tne past, the days : Christinae• story was told of chivalry, the days vvnen every noble • D th '' 'I-1 Ini s and Verley office "of the Warren Co. in -Toronto was a dictator and when the .rule of life was that if one wished for any- thing he could take it by force. ° But the peedieVal age, the period from the tiftli_century to the discovery of America in 1492, was not a golden age as romanticized, by the novels of. Scott ., and the poetry of Tepnyson. These .Were not true to facts and gaN•le • people a 'false idea:. , _. Not So "Golden" In reality the so-called. golden age WILS a period -in which sadism thrived,. clays) when people loved" to watch human beings tortured,. They.,were days when there was persecution and- the horrors 7of an ingaisition that would put the) Gestapo to shame, days when men in- vented ,a1.1 kinds of 'diabolical instru-- ments, vvith, which to kill and 'torture. .Hitler, he said, is reviving -the Sadi,sm of the medieval- ages. ° In those days, *very town had ite public hanging place, medicnie was not highly developed, .and science knew nothing' of the genii theory .of disease, withethe result that whole communities weevil wiped. out by plagues. Supersp- tion.ithio was rife. 1Mr. Turnbun gave' It as ,his opinion that the church deseryes more credit than it sometimes gets for Preserving 'What was best of the'middle ages, in architeeture, painting -and' education, but it had done little to ,curb supersti- tion., From his Observation •the world was again rcidvilig 'toward that kind of life. ,Many of the sects of today -were based on pure ignorance, Radio pro- grams of superstitiene and medieval magic were on the. air arid tad, con- trinuted much to the' rise of totalitar- ianism, Which could, exist only on the basis of ignorance. ° - So the golden, age was net so golden as we were given •to believe in the tales of the knights and ladies of, the past. Baenarian hordes Could do the same to Germany as they. did to the Roman Empire. It should not, he difficult, therefore,. for any intelligent man to make up his mind whether he wished the world to return to the dark ages r -to go -chi with—Our present ation. Mr. TurnbtillzeVas introduced by Lien A. R. Scott. Aid for Helidess• Children A grant* of $50 per inonth to the Waifs and Strays Society! of England was approved,. This is to be made 're- troactive to,July 1st, 1941, and the total of Olio is sufficient to take care of five Englieh children, crippled „by war bombs, fel. one year. • • - The Waifs and StraYe Society has as plitrons-,King George and Queen Elizabeth'. -Heading .from a letter from the ,S(kiety'S secretary,, 'Lion Secretary Erskine gave instance &flee. instance of suffering. .One boy. aged seven had his leg blown off and a, small, baby was badly laurneflebS,e an incendiary bombe These are but tiyo of 2000,young child= ren who are 'being taken care of. The Lions of Canada already have fo'rwarded.$20,00b•t0 this fund. Now--MARLENE DIETRIell,.ip "SEVEN SINNERS." MON. TUES. and WED. DENNIS MORGAN, JANE WitATT and SI-IiitLEY ROA Ph* ere ISI'alfeli entertainment as three topnotch staro corn - Vine for it meri'yf blues -chasing romance . ' "KISSES -FOR BRiK Fat and SAT, , SONJA IIENitE, &dm Payie, Milton Berl°, tuart.-Davis...aid Nicholas Brothos liere`doOtaething new under the sun..4 Gay (Star;studded /with* the dancing; Ilaslag)oblades of the wincomeCNorweglan lklm- ming the' lee of a tanionSt:Vvinteiplaykround Allows INOtuvlay, Saturday and !olidays at 3 p.m.- bblin i.,04 "Fred NitelViurraY, In "Ofive floratre gran t ) . - Bible Knowledge, grade 7—Donald Scott .(donated by Rev. D.J. Lane). Bible Knowledge, grade 8-41 Wilson v(dopated by Rev. D. J. Lane). PERFECV ATTE‘NDANICE 1940-41 !Six years -7, -Colleen Thompson. • Four ' years—011e lineeshaw, Joan Baechler, „,- . Three i'ears—Fred Stokes, Jean. Baechler, Helen yilion, June Baechler, Leonard, Willis. ,,.. • • ' . TWO years—Muth Stokes, Meryn Mc- Ctillough; Ruth Sager, * John Mohring„. One year—Donald: StOkes, Franees Brereton, George Willis, PhiyiTis Rod - dock, Gloria BloomtieldoLoyce BreekoW, Violet ' 'La it li w a i te, pram. Pin.der, "(1 re t t a - Arbour, Donald iLangridge, Robat Rud- dock., June' 'Giirricit, 'Evelyn Itreclioiv, J anies 'Mitenell,. Pauline ' Pat terson. READING .D1PDOMAZ (Eaeh diploma reptesents the reading of tw(nty, books.) " -Donald Ainslie, Audrey- Barker (2), June Baechier (3), Dorothy Baxter, Evelyn ilireckow (3), Betty Duquette, Elgin Eisner, Joyce Wadden (2), Doug- las liarrison, -Otto Helesie, - Edikard Kaitting,: -Irene. iLaithwaite„ •IVIalcoliii Marlatt, Shirley Medd, James Mitehell, Martin like, Murray' ()liver, Pauline. Patterson, Caldef Pattetion, Ruth Reid (3), Beryl SanderSon (3), Gladyi Siel---, big (3), YvOnne Sheardown, Doris Squire ' ' (2), Donald Thomas, Avice Warretict, lielen Wilson, Betty Beacom, Ronald Beattie, 'Thelma Bennett (2)i Baroartrifenry, (2), Eleanor Martin, Marilyn 'Gulp (2), Marie Culp, Paul Gillespie, June Fritzley ,, (2), John 'Needham, 'Brea 'Nelson, June Garrick thirty -Ave bushels or =pre to t114 acre. (2), John Schwanz, Donald Seott, Fred Ofuts,land barley also yielded wellq ' My Stokes, Donald Sproul, A °kn. Whitten, sister, :Mrs. -Begley of 'Port Dover, Ont., Alan Mack ay e. who has..spent the past five months Margaret Bowra, Davin Stubbington, paidi us a PIeaSant,v1At 'before leaving Lot her home in tiae East. WiShing visitnr, relatives' and -friends in Sast atChevran and Manitoba, has just ' Ccilleen Thompson (2), tugene Ryan, 1 Efarry Doer, Laura Pitblado, ttayationd Liseunah, Joan Seott (2)* 'Noreen Lee, &wee Baechler, Itufh Allison, 30" all the compliments of the season." ItOrrald Sproul, _ Harry Beattie, --- Marlon Vreeth . •,(2), Benson Straughan (2), Donald langridge, Gertrude Beattie, Katherine Kneeshaw (3), Ronald Barkere Doris Oliver, Dorothei Bradley (2.), Phyllis Carrick, Noreen MallOugh, Margaret -Craig, Joan Baeciger, 101eanor (Boyce (2). . Jack Carrick,- (Gretta Arbour .( 2), Harold Jo.Sffrey,"Staijorle Overholt, Gor- don Pinder, Gene %Iamilton, Norris 'Me- Creight, Barbara Chase, Audrey Cravv- ford; Archie Beattie, Joan. Allison (6)': Ruth •Stokes (2), Gordon Overholt, Sally Sharpe), %tary Lou Sander.son, liotti,qjoilif •intztiatriek, I3etty Lou fnAtiudeirtewyo4rtfh,0001-eaf,thIvairtillem,i!duBtotycie3r)M, caraitohn: itiroirtzt °lens; 1,(1), a, n'Soira rottor ;tr. yil 1..036:IL, 1..i,,rldyu lir rill 1 erine Horton, Ralph Wilson (2), Robert (2);ployee Malltittgb, Gladys McLean, 'Culp, Mae (Sparks, Klordon Crawford 'Grace Pinder, raffia SaW, Billie Seera- (2), Leonard 'WM, Tiiillan' Glidere, rrail(fes•Ifiereton (0), Isobel Grant, 1 Iletty Taylor (2), reap Stiabbington. ponna. 'attteile11,- kl.'hy,Ilis ,IitudiltOck) ' GlOria qtlOomfield, Joyce BrechoW, Christine 'Schub% jacot-Sli Vincent, Tod Lueills Cuthbertson, Lucille • Dner, SallOws) Station Wilzofi,14111att Sproule ° -Barry, DoaR,. Joyce Dowler„. Billy4.14- Nornr Iteattie (2). 1 1 s1 4 n,s 40.,..,4 0 0 Belle followed by carol singing by an and discussed With the officers of the to prepare while there is time to pre- . . x , ,. , . present. ;:v.ir$. W. Macdonald, Victoria COMpany the possibility of ' other an pare. • . Home and School 'President, ex -Pressed ports being built in Huron county. Lion Bruce Tennant said thatea St, the pleasure of the 'members in having !Plaintiff stated that at thattime, an JOhn's ambulante eotirse in !Brat, aid siich, a, fine joint ;fleeting. • a"reenient was entered into whereby was to beiteld here in December by the 11rs. Baxter spoke of the 'Splendid he was to keep in touch with the situ- Industrial Aceldent Prevention .A.ssocia- work done by, the Board of Health in atiOn and if any airport was to be tioni but that it had been, postpened toxoiding, vaecinating, and inoculating constructed he was immediately to com-' until January. i Lion P. 3, Lane,'re-, the' pupils of the two schools, and it muniCate with the paving company,. minded that e year ago the Bed Cross was d:eeided unanimously that a letter whieh would then_ endeaVor to obtain had sponsored a first-ald eonrse and .of .appreciation be „,Knit to- the School a contract, and if such contract were that ferty-five wolnen of the town. had Board and the Board: of Health, thank- obtained 'Brewer was to be'r-given the attended. He thought -the Town Conti- , ing them Dig their splendid co-operation contract for hauling -of all gravel; ' ell.- was the proper body to .undertake in this matter; so vital to thee)iealtla ',of In August , of this year, Brewer the formation of an Alt:P., rather the children. 24.- vote of thanks eiTtia claimed; he. learned of the Centralia than the Citizens' Wartitne Committee. • extended'to-the teachers for their part Project and 'telephoned the Warren . . In this, work, welch was a great help iOtunpany at Toronto and Was advised A.. & P. 'STAFF SHARE IN $1,500;000 , to both pupils and dectorsthat the eompany would at once go'h.. Adeational Compensation totalling - `A`' line musical program veas then after the contract in liccordance with. ,. •• e ..$1„09,000, to be d fChrist. given by 'pupila orthe tvfro schools under the agreement with the plaintiff. paibefore mas, the directimflof the nitraic instructor, The' following -day, the statement has been voted emploYee-s of the Great' Mr. Anderton„ who explained that this *goes on, Brewer Wffg telephoned and Atlantic & 'Pacific -Tea ,Coliipany„ it was I was a real demonstration of the work flaked to meet a paving -company official announced by John A. Hartford, presi, done in, school, and spoke of the at ,Exeter, and did so. The two men. Vent. L. W„.Beabe, general manager of splendid to -operation ' given by the, looked over gravel pits in the 'distriet the ,Canadian company,. announced that and, It was again agreed that if the II Canadian empleyees with , six defendant company got, the contract months or more service, including part- - the plaintiff was .to haul. the graveltime werkers, will participate in the As is well knoWn, the defendant -tom- cash distributim:' Similar coropensa- panly wag' successful in obtaleing the 'tion was voted the companys eniployee* last Tear.. Al,, - . teachers and. pupil.t which. made nis work in the Godertell' schools a plea- sure. There was a wide variety, in the selec- tions chosen.; carols, patriotic songs, Christmas songs,. and the old familiar eontract and is mow engaged in 'build - rounds that, are always enjoyecl, were mg the runways, which require Omit -sung in a manner that reflected. great 150,000 tons of -gravel. At therequest credlt? On the trainfng- received, and • Of the company Brewer eaid fie again - each 'Jumper was greeted with chearty went to Freeter to meet their efficials, applause. ' but he did not get the gravel contract, • Inspector Beacom expressed his it being let to another party. pleasure in ,being present at such a, The Clainismas for ten eents per toil - splendid gathering -of parents- and on 150,000 -tons,' or $15,000, for breach pupilse -He paid tribute to the fine Of. contract,. With Cats of the action.. work -being done byt Mr. Anderton as 'in the statinent of defence the de - music instructor, antrto :the expellent fendant company denied that at any en -operation of the :teaching gtak of -time 1 had entered into a contract with the two schools which made such a finc Brewer, and maintained he •had not program possible.. Euffered any loss. A. vote of thanks was extended to all ,The action of W. E. Fleming of Who took part in the program by Mrs. 'London against 3. E, Mason of Gode- . .D. D. MooneS;, and the meeting closed I with the singing of the National Anthem. PROGRAM Kindergarten and. Grade 1, Victoria School. . ' Group of kindergarten songs. Action songs and drill. 0“ - Central -''Schoole Grade II. • Rhythm band. - • , Central Sehool, Grades III anthIV. Sofigs--•IGood King WenceslaS,” "Jolly Old St. Nicht:S.1as." ' O -Rounds—"Sweet Choral Bells,'"`May God.,Bles.e You 411." Victoria School, Grade III. e 'Carol — "Whence, 0 T Shepherd Maiden."' • • / Action song— Big Bass Drum." (Continued on . page 6) ,A. LETTER PROM MANITOBA A Wet Season and Harvest a Catchy . One • .3.kr: Frank E. Boyd., of Ninga, Man., writing to renew las subscription to - The Signal -Star, saws: "The Weather here attpresent is very nice, with very •little snow and the *ground frozen hard. We had what onemight tall a wet season all through. The harvest was a very catchy one and O the threshing was a long-drawn-out Sob—just a couple of days at a _time and then a broken spell which meanta considerable amount of tough grain. Some of the wheat went as iigh as LOANED TO FEDERAL BOARD • A newspaper despatch from Wood- . stock states that W. D. 'Elliott, editor of The Woodstock Sentinel -Review„, has been loaned by hio paper to the Ottawa Wartime Priem and Trade °Board: and will be employed for an indefinite period in the information branch. Mr. Elliott is -a wel14inown Goderich old boy. SEC 4tREASURER V.I. BOARD - 4 • At, a meeting of the Collegiate Institute Board on 'Friday," PrinclPal- A, It. Sre. ott was appointed secretary.: , treasurer of the board, succeeding, the late J. 1.17. ' - .rieh,i elaint for $8,900 arising.. out of -srock market dealings- h 193d, was wide:timed te the next sittings; as was that-ofiColin MeNeil Oftlinton against LOttitS ,Peacock of 'llullett, for $1,620 wages. .allegedly „ v111111111, ,M11•01, woocontaraftemotormarimentic SINGER CABINET E;•ECTRIC , O UNPAID BALA.1VCE „. SACRIFICE NM CASH SINGER SEWING . MACHINE, Goderich Phone'33 e• • ntware teumweywitceftwararcsmc ..../0111111r 3 • 00 Foods ° irooko#P NOW FOR . CP:EMMA awvi SUPERIOR STORES McLaren's Invincible JELIN. - - POWDERS 3 pkgs 1.17o • mtectrmottoctc Canada CORN STARCH pkg. llo trttacte!,44000C0.4 Red giver ' CEREAL lib. pkg. 25e, AnettmeteteltetiMett My-TrNice , WILEAT BERRIES 5.1b. bag 25o 4414006tpit. toe -ix!! Sweet Mealy PRUNt$ 2 lbs., 25e . AND. SAE! Low. Prices Campbell's TOMATO SOUP ' 8c eitIMICHIE T PICKLES 25c Royal York COFFEE AYLMER JUMBO PE 1 -Ib. - 43C CREAM:• Sanwich BISCUITS and BEANS LIBBVS NCEMEAT VAN CAMP'S , TOMATO JUICE Pitte.d Sair O DATES 1- ne vcr-ctetcrctztctt4 • MacholdO , - ° MIXED ...CP1DIES O lb. no tzmzzczcz:tztzzteet; O 'eon SYRUP Satin Mixed CANDIES toctrozztzyzx FRENCit CREAMS , lb. 23c wtoteht*ivititetitt • ifinerest StiOSTE4SiG 18c 00000 CALVIN00000 PHONE -116'