The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-12-18, Page 2tr
obilitti ototutt-§1Ptar.,.
Published by Stgna Sta 1res 1411nited4*„
West Street, Gederieh, Ontario :
TlitU 'WI) AY , DEtflOrPrill! 1941
.The Huns are on the run.
* *
Bozhag'pae gives a fellow a .chance
receiter from Christmae. '
4. *
For otiVes-Oallfornia's prombaenee in
the .heftelOries ie net envied by Floride..
*, * •
• *I i tsorae kind Of War game thy
are Practising down at Huron's justly
eelebrated -county jail? ,
Dorothy; eays ehe never knevv before
that the -Philopeitas were. islands in
the • Is'acifie. She alway.s thought it
Was. just the name of a boy -and -girl
The Toronto Star's funny man must
the running out of jokes. The other
day he had this one: The woman who
hopes for •a new washing machine in
,Christmas stocking Is certainly
doing some wa.shful thinking." That
tertainly •is e washout.
4. *
Patriotism sometimee takes strange
forms. Int the first burst of. indigna-
tion against japan somebody 'at Wash-
ington cut down four of the Capital's
famed Japanese cherry trees:, 'Net
- What good. this piece, of vandalism
, would do,, the perpetrator would. find it -
aren't Views on the War_
11 Doyle Phil Osifer ottazy Meadows
iltene I'S made Minister ;of Labor.• Dare
Alfteloeli s Greet Wer veteran, the
eeventh in the .,'Alackeuzie King Cebluet,
the -.others being Raleten; Power,
Mackenzie, Thorson, Gilron.end Mac-
11. * " •
It look-Aas if drivers of private ears
were In fer some hard times. .Gasoline
rationing is to be introduced April ist
next, according to announcementefriaiii
Ottawa, and already an order lige gone
into effect regarding the manufacture
and sale of tires and other rubber
geedg',, sThis ()Ater, it is timiounced, 15
merely temporary, but will be replaced
by further re's -Minions.) In be mean-
time drivers will have to get along
with their present equipment of
A definite shortage of rubber is one
' result of the war in the !Ptscific, as the
raw material comes mainie -from.. the.
East Indies, Malaya' and adjacent
* * 4.
There are many new, alai different
experieneee these clays for Patricia Ann.
It started -with the &may fleece of
difficult 'to explain-.
• « • • —
• A girl was wounded the other day
• at Pert EiriOn. by it Shot 'fired:by bireeif,
the sentries guarding the Blue Water
/bridge. The /driver of the car • *
which she was riding said he did not
hear- the sentry's order to halt. It Ls
just as well in these days of war to
be careful what you do when there
• . are armed men about.
* *
Rather frequent ,Mention of rain in
the accourite of the fighting insLibya. is
. surprising, ,eti most of us had the idea
..that rain was almost Unknown in that
part of Africa. In fact, ve4th neuch
1, moisture, there seems• -to be no reasOn
• why there should he desert. If this
war keeps going long enough, we shall
learn a • great deal' about lands Alfa:
have been almost Outside Our range ef
snow that came slitherlifig down one
niglit to cover the general landscape
at Lazy Meadows. -e • -
I woke .with the'souad ofer,:hbetling,
glee in mrears„ Oleo' in her pajamas,
Patricia An. was standing up ia her
crib andIryingto peer out the nearest
window tn, order to get a Peek at the
strange new „world which Mother Na-
ture had created over -night. We could
call it tenors., but in tnetelispish 'ay
of hers 'it was simply, "No.." She
squirmed and pranced when Mre., 1141
was dressing, her and trying to get her
arms into the armheles of her dress).
was like trying to drop a lasso On a
nervous steer. She was virtually jump-
ing to get at.the snow."' e
When you're two S'eare, of age and
juet :beginning to appreciate a • big
world around you, the sight of snow Is
certainly eometh'ng of a thrill, Patricia.
was not an exception to the rule.
Breakfast may have held a fascination
DU Other ..-fliOrAingS . . but certainly
_net on this morning. She wanted to
get out in the
We broughteher in ft handful of the
cold, icy snow. She reached ,-for it in
the same way thet she would have
grasped a handful of candy. She
shivered and dropped it en the 'floor hod
yelled nervously. Then 1)ending over
gently she reached an inquiSitive finger
out to make Certain the sneer, was really
cold. It was colel all right! Her
finger pulled back like p flash.
But snow is only, one of the Strange
Wonders she has discovered. I took
her to t;Ae barn yesterday, stopping in
at .the hell house oh the way se There
are a hundred White Leghornpullets
in the east part of the building/and
Patritia AIM stood etock still and
stared, 5he was just a little -'hit afraid
of the hens at first. Oneeinquisitive
pullet walked up close toeher and eyed
her .carefully. 1PatricieesAnn sneezes'
. . . . the pullet fiewenwey in, a great.
hurry. s .4‘
Patricia discovered then that ehe
could frighten the pullet and she made
the beet of her opportunity. She .ran
for a gossiping cluster a them in a
corner and there was a 'frenzy of ex-
eitedesquawking as thee. made for all
corners ' of the hen -house. I bad dif-
ficulty in getting her away from the
pullets. She wanted to stay and have
fun with them . . . at the expense of
the pullets who are already stattrng to
lay their eggs for Britain in ir very
so tisfactory manner. •
• Old. Barney was muzzling around- in
the feed 'boX for stray oats that he
might have inissed on previous feeding
occasions. Petricia, Ann has always
beenea great fan for the horses, how-
ever, and 1 took ber'in along the stall go
that s she could give Barney ie'gentle
pat on- the pose and a 'Whip of sugar.
elbsing of erage rooms. In issuing Old Barney has been pampered for ee
long, I tictb tcfeemeraber that so many
its. orders in such eases,. however, it
years have gone by since -he was a
did so in sueh a manner asto give the frisky, frolicking colt who used to kick
liquor ikerest-,a 'loophole for legal and snort -and then try and e-
a tele both
action to upset the orders, and as a the kick and snort in the eat meadow
result the action of the Beard, takeneet field where be ,pastured.
Patricia Ann got along fainously with
0°M -developed power may take the
place of hydro-eleceeic power at points
in Ontario where) is found that the
latter is more Viipensive 4 then the
steam produet. In an article the
Quarterly -Review of Comraerce the.
writer, diseussing the possibility 'of, -a
power shortage in wartime„ says:
Coneideration Might be, given by
- the Provinces • of !Quebec and
Ontario to the eonstruction' of .
some , steam generathig' plants
during the present conilicteelSuch
plants, _capable of • speedier CCM-
kruction and at a much lower
--initialeeeseet than hydro -electric, "
stations, woad be of value in
meeting peak and unexpected re-
quirements. Plante of the modern •
type constime one pound of coal
per k.w.,, whereas in 1902 they
consumed 0.41 pounds: In 'Canada'
the only problem would be coal,
with -the attendant foreign change and and transportation aspects
in addition to cost.
Goderiehr with its water. facilities,
should be ea taverable point for the
egtablisliing of a plant 'using coal for
Summing up the war situatioe, Air
!Minister Power say:'
"It gives no ground for exulta-
tion, but it gives no reason for
despair. There must be no in-
difference ;* there must be -no come the requeet of, the municipal couneils, him. She gurgled. and giggled and
the elevelepraent power.
* * *
elaking -a play to establish the idea
Two 'SEMIS LINDER 60KMAN day or Prime Minister said: "These
TYRANNY cad -blooded- exeeutiorse of innecent
juet tWo"Yeare since the GerraaMi Pe°*Will (34141Tre"41 uP°11 tbe savages
order.' and. eXecute them. The
struck ont the flame of Reland from Vitheries in :Frairee are an exaraPle Of
MiiPs. Name and nP,tion were whaelHitler's Naeie are &dug many
alike to dLeappear Under the Germint other eountries under their yOlee.• The
satrocitiee'in Poland, in Yugoslavia, •In
ettesesweereesereeneeeemeteeeNierwey, In Holland, in. Belgium, and
veate above all' .ibehindt the, fGernlane f4roulaS •
Polish- Penile Yirille'ternntlr'Oenu=tiere
, in Riis4sia, angifingethathas
gave to The T/111-0A:.dis- been knOwnSlace the darkest andemost
Paseionate record of *what was liapPerr; bestial ages of mankind. They are but
ing li1an4 Noveat the end a the a foretaste ef what littler Vvouldein-
second year the record is continued by Mat upouethe British and American
Mikolajczk, the Deputy. Prime Alin- peoples if 0,1Y he could get the power."•
"eters-wheel:wells net sesmuelt on Ger- And xi p ouly in invaded countries,—
inaie atrocitees against jndjvictual Poles eieGerMany itselk. The "man in- the
or .group e of ,Polee tie on the greater street reads In William ,hirers Berlin
Getman atrocity against Poland, the pray • of German: "mercy. killings."
natiOn. A year ego 'Cxeneral Sikorshl Many thousands of people in 'GeranarliP
had, said that 79,000- Po1es-e24,000. of have been put '0 death ou the °stens-
them yvetnen Lind. YOUng "4.0•Plemiluid ible ground that they are incurablY
been shot or hanged since the German' you can guess that, if yeti are in an
Occupathen. _,The enumber now 1 ireportont position irothe Nazi party,
82,000—a fearfurligure reached partly it isn't very difficult to get 4 certificate
on the Germans' own figures, partlY on that anybody yOU dislike is bacarably
.the evidenge o nentrale, ratty on the ill end Would, be better out of the way,
evidence of Poles after eareful eross- The man in the street reads, and hears, . The. Germans. set, out •to Qf these horrorS and is rather apt to
eliminate all the best stook among - the forget thee tiVis L SuPPOOd to be a
Poles to a degree 'which has • been war between nations, rather apt to for
reached only in, their present "policy get purelyeepatriotic motives and the
In occupied Russia, where, as Mr, Union Jack, and, being7a Man of self -
Churchill has said, on the lbesis of exact respect,;.to•Ifind himeelf just personally
evidence, "some Soares of thousands and coldly determined to destroythis
have eiready been murdered." In the scourge eirliumanity.
western occupied countries the •penalty There is an old miisicehall song
for disobedience to.. the Germans is called "What you've never bad you
usually. imprisonment ; in Poland it is never mis,s." The man In the street in
always death. ; -t- Eaglame has had hia freedom SQ
The roles today live -on as a people that he had. almost forgopten its exist
who 'have lost all whom the.:Gereamie epee ,and is :ply just realising. its. He
thought eould bepossible leaders in the may not be -able run hs vettr anyl
future; that is, Inoet of. Vile professors, -longer, because of gasoline shortage, he
doctors, men of letters, and men with may have to stagger about in the Week,
administrative expellence; they, have out, his beer may be a little watery --
lost a million of their best workmen, and etand for it. But just tell•
taken off to work in Germany; even him that he mUstn't tune, into ii-Ger-
froM among the Prisoners of war sever- man station on his wireless it he
al dozen ofacerseand men were taken' wants to )(he probably doesn't) and
from the camps and &het •beeau,Se of he'll go completely berserk. There's
siippesed trimee against s'etereliany- in another old English muile•hall song
the year before the war. The nation called "A, little of what -you eency does,
lives, on with: little ohance of medical you good." Well, the man in ihe street
-Care and with the most meagre o ra in England fancies freedom: he's not In
tion. Only- the other day the Litz- tw6 minds about it and he'llesacrifice ,
mannstadter Zeltung announced that his life to keep it. Your John QtAiney. *-
during last week, beginning Oetober,27, Adams, I ana bound to adthit, expreesed '
all :Germans insFoland would get half this 'better: "BlandiShments will not'
a pound of butter, a quarter of cheese, fascinate us, "nor will threats of' a
a pound Of sugar s A quarter of mar- halter intimidate.-- For, uederlGod,.we
=lade, a- quattesTef ehocolate,. and are - .determined that wheresoever;
rethee legs .rnacani Or barley:* Of whensoever or howsoever we Shalt be
these rationed „goodiS. the Poles would called to Make our ekit, we will die
get a quarter of nfarinalade and half a free men."
pound of Sugar; nothing of the rest- ee , Now I cannot tell you if Hitler has
and this at a time when bread and react Meek poetry; if he has, it does
vegetables are both 'scarce and .clearnot seeni to be reflected in Mein Kampf.
M. ,Mikolajetyk Showed • how the But •Hitler has great application eel;
Germeina had organized the work, first have no doubt he has read man' of
in the villlages, and then in the tOvvnts. the pronouncements on•Freedora by our,
in the country distriets they- appoint great leaders and your great leaders..
what they call a committee of trustees r have tioilotiht he has read the Gettee-
from the teacher, the head of the coburg speech an Line-01n9s Other,
'operative stilre, the -village niayore and speeches and letters. I wonder what
any Other leading members. Actually he tliought, forinstance, when he read
these !trustees are hostages, for their "k intend no modificatieni of my eft -ex. -
job is to see that the villagers deliver pressed- personal /wishthat, all men
tita to the •Geleaans the stipulated everewhere cOuld:be free.". Or ',"Let us
amount of grain. - • have faith that right makes might and
. Ag the villagers areeeequired to give in that faith let us to the end dare
up five or aix hundredweights of cern to do our duty as we understand it'
for each acre they plough, there IS • Did Iiitler think that these re-fiections•
little left ,‘for the feeding -of families, of American ideals were just part of a
or the livestock, or for re -sowing. Often' racket? All 'this talk of liberty and
the •Gernaltn levy of gran cannot be freedom was to him just rhetoric—or.
fulfilled, and •then, as has often hap- sabre -rattling. , Apparently the Engs
• pened, the trustees or hostagegare lish•epeaking • peoples (he thought)
Were reedy enough to live in freedoms
but amazingly reluctant to die for it.
Some monthsago I MIS :Concerned
in the production of a 'film having as
its seltject subversive. activities in
Gerinany. In making the necessary re-
that it was ameirable to public opinion,
the Ontario. IAquor leontrol Board ef-
fete(' to glee effect to declarations. by
municipal .councils' in favor et -earlier
placency; there must be no over- was nullified. It was then within, the admired his big teeth. Just as we were taken off, to concentration camp.% at
confidence. • Lublin and 'Clechanow:
power of tht Board t� amend 'its -order -coming out of the stall -she -put, her hand, .
"There must be .sobriety; there - down on his -shoulder. 'You know how r• F era the western provineese new
must be sanity; there must be full to conform -to.the law, but instead of
a .horse's hide will qurver when he declared to be part of Germany, over
enderstanding thee this will be a doing this it Makes a ruling whicle pre: -
feels .a gentle touch. on it . . . or the a million peasants have been driven
off into eentral -Poland-, where, being
long search I read 'nearly twenty- books
about the Naa regime, Naturally I
came to some con -elusions; one of them
was that Hitler has amazing ability,
almost superhuman tenacity of pur-
pose, and a hypnoticspewer of leader-
ship. Among the other conclusions'
came to WaS that Mtrer is at heitrt a
"ham." In theatrical parlariee, a hare
Ls an actor without inteegrite who giveg
exaggerate( t and 'insincere perform-
ance. But even an actor of this cate-
gory would not, I think, be content
with applause not earned, but ordered.
Listen to this. In the Frankfurter
Zeitung of March 14, 19-30„there was
eleetion, in 1919, resulted In the Ile-
I Shortly after -the outbreak of the eante to her, she patteringearound
miners' strike at Kirkland Lake the to ineeshigate.. It Was tun to watch the Such the general picture, quite 'Miens desks or leeterns from which
Printed by oversight a description -of
• ;that extension.: the sneee.eding general
. • $
ones for sale of etching of a fly . . an(I, that is exacsly
without work, they ere usualle enrolled
everything whiehewe have to give liquor hy one hour each ‘dity. •• -half- what I3arney did. His rude wrinkled
in the Baudienst, the, Building ervice,
of woor, of fortitude, of persever- hour Ls ta•ken•off the•rnorning.. when up and 'Patricia ...k.n11' wee afraid. She to work without pay -on, roads and
• 1. drew .back with a gasping little cry . . .
comparatively little drinking is done, fortifications. The •peasante who have
-and the hour for cloSing at night • its-- 11 • been taken off to Germany have to pay
* * •• ' • nable to fathom why Barne-y sleould• do
... made' 11.30 p.m. instead of midnight, him some
that tO her . . after she had slipped
sugar. But ehe'll ?learn, that 'in German taxes a tenth- of the smell
A rumors to the effect that, Premier'.
-Hepburn and Optjtisition Leader Drew
' th
had agreed to an extension. ef e
but anybody wile gets in before 11.30 gentle old Barney hes 9. 'bread -back money -they earn, and are allowed to
. send back .to then...families only haLf-a-
which seems to have been perfeeted e. wen a leen' th. ,
$.. may remain' drinkine until midnight.
term of the present. !Provincial /liege- " '-. s especially for ,giving ehildreu -a ride on. the' towns all industries which do
, s
. it is quite evident that the liquor inter- i
• lature is denied by Mr. Hepburn. • The , Patricia Ann is also diseovering the not serve the German war- machine are
• On 'IS at the elbow of the Control- ( ?) I thrill of nillkine-tme. -She 'was Out' in. '
procedure in 1918, when the term Of the either closed down by the. ,Germans Or
P d - • What ' happened at Kirk- , the stable with .us the other night when closedowntemiee,olleee aforer•liaecfkt of n rarer!
land Lake is further evidenee of' this, we :Oa reel to milk. ,. She had been
etanding in thespassageway and when :
if any were needed. As deseribed by • spoesible positions, -and Polish workers
. the first "Whing-whatie. .ef the milk s'
.. 1 The Mitlfand Free Plese-Hertild : mamne
• stream hitting the bottom . of the pail '
pay of German workers:
usuallY receive less than- '1 tenth of the
apart from the heavy losses in savings he addresses, the 'Inge throngs which
_ teat ot the (sovernment and the coming Miners' union and the Town snowsewhite streanas of milli' spat-teeing:I
Legislature was extended for a year, Is
cited ae preeedent. Possibly Mr.
-Hepburn.- had regard to the sequel of
The shirt he'll never- need to exchange. Visit our
store today and. see the brilliant display of Forsyth
Shirts ...Atte shiits that are famous with every man
who likes style and quality. See the superb materials
..4he stylislipatterns, smart colour blends and taste-
ful stopes. The tailoring is perfect in every detail; -
• efiYo on. Aver regr•ffed giving .
Pridham's Men's
an in_ that are cauSed When th.6 GernlanS
ettend the party At the side The
to pa
of the Farmers' parte, headed - Council, both asked the Liquor Con- into the pail and ehe poked
a new !low value tO•the zloty ori they len e five bettone .by 'means of
.by Mr. Drury.' • trol Board Ito eiose the- phAces quieitive finger into the foam on, top of , gixe
require zlotys to be changed into marks which Hitler gives certain signals vvhile
i theareawhere-liquor is sold so as -the milk pail- when I wasn't looking. I
lehing to be inxestigated. She.' to find qUislinge in Poland, Poles wife ' the arc :ighte; oneffor startinge or
bladk beetles and their Whitish
. • -
tshermen at .their annual
el 14-ad's...Sett
* * fiCtitIOUS rates: MEET -
, to prevent disturbanees. Queen's The congregation of eats- sittines -It entire.:
• t The Poles he is s,•eaking • one for movie photo- Ontario Department of Egriculture.
Of the goviet Government of Itreeite I liig f(ltee Provineial polite, to 'lightly dish Of fresh, sweet milk was
Vor the first time '8it1CY the ere:Alum „ I ark e only- anewer was to eend a eteround solemnly waiting for their
• Several times the Germans have tried , graphs: one fur dimming orinereasing•
on•sufferance in their own land. graphs t ) he taieen ; one for still photo -
„several species of teddish-brown to
The insects chiefly responsible are
meeting -
the SOViet President has sent birthday . in Southampton eo-operation
Kirkland Lake at great cost ta' also som tl e ineecte
ei the Province -Nothine muse be al- got in among them in order to plaY, will stopping applause. This applaese , larvae or worms. None of i .
congrati, -• .
'nations lo a Brit' -h sovereleti
s lowi'el to interfere , with the sale and she laughed cis:Redly when one ee "But they have met with refuted each -managed'. by hie Storm TroOPers and is as large lig a small Israie vvheat: between fLshermen and truekers. to
• join a Aubservant Government. ,
• her An ex- maintain. a•Starelaid price for fish at all
time ;' end these who refuse •iire ein- is as m( Oiodieal and perfectly directed and most ar•e, mils% smaller.
11 thrintiint.gitinod tihist at/fitment run all. the grain through a fanning 1 tealyn.t.s tarinoen,ALalte 'Huron 'and' Georgian
, message on the occaeion Ot hie forty- hurn't3--pet way of raising -nioney. finger, etarteil lickmg A, ! eamps. Professor --13artek.=
d rslae 'method of centre' in wintet is
zecnortitil f1,4
i variably shot or taken to concentration ag a scere in a movie. Any etunt artist • cfelleht
sign of the eordial. feeling hetvVeen temper is' ignored. If they want and wherefores of this big wells' :anti when he refused; was taken back For inetance, only a complete in- = favoring. a •clsnogewirtar:Sinn
are out of work and in :in ugly Patricia Ann ris, she learn's the IVilys offered a post in a quisling' Government, the men adity, the spirit of tree people, I iftireezill-Zgh.en the temilerf"re is -beim
1Gt ftothullingew° I t9
The faef-that several thousand men. Erery day brings. new thrills for - ,
was taken” to Berlin, • begatel kim(117,',
- The grain should be run , collection of .trodt opawn in the fail,
about its tlae resultVif their felloivehip their wives and children starve. ''', • Once the insecto are separated' from„ quart for spawn. T. As Golden, of .
fishermen he paid by. the
sixth birthday, December 14th. ,It is a e
Britain and Itussia that haS come . liquor they ninet,einve it though around her. - I to Lwow and ethot. Profee.sors (If many ability to senderstaud . this men a 3 i througla the mill at a moderate rate proposing
1 )1 et' Held at Winghani-1-- appeal: to anti-Vommuniet feeling& and aropped all over the Nam*, il:hey
. i • : tried ageOn to find 'those vyho reoeld were printed in. the paper-- I i 4 - '; - - ----
, Officers 'Elected -
Kin, George hqsin„ re " • tha• of ze, which is ProMier *Mete them, discovering the milk foam en
mak!. ,..rolwrinory, was. elected president o
aneersdies have been similaely 'shot cart eeeeee.sehe melee after the fall the grain the cold wM eniehlY
. .
etrug•gle with the Nazis -something ft should be. voilerl the Liquor -eon- COUNTY ORANGE, LODGE for the same refusal. When theY in- of loran.'e, sent over to England 111G' thent dormant. Thesecan then be col -
• the L alto Huron and .:Georgien, Bay
tritier • did tior.:foreeee when he trolled. Board. •
punehell 4-Iiis• "hordes against Russia
elshermen's Aseociation, •
coded Russia the Germaps sought to ahea,IT proposals by pamphlet, - ahey leeted and burned.
TIME TO ItE CHEERFUL 1 erseenee Serve their will hut 'without succees .olleeted them as curios; they 'were-le:2f entt.A-'tZg.'e'tzvtzuttmzuzvmfttzw,zgIC
lest summer.
Ilset•leseitine".. are to be held tin,' no doubt as to the serionentss of our
the 'House of !,1ottimone ---- we must buck ap,and Cheerful. now , presided and. gave an address 'erint, would remain. the problein 0f -the -Gere that' summer 1 never' met a 81%110
A.A.*. • • • • .
0 CHICAGO, Dec. 13.—While there is , ,
present war sit:lathe', ive must not , )11 lions wo have .to dealenot only with Were never rejected. They were never 1
etebruary Oth for four vacaut seats in ... .
rio *Ruh York. Quel•ec least and _Mont real 18 the time the worleof the vear. itt. 'WorshiPfu man youth, lehe had been selueated in sou %vim so much as ouggested theti
' time is, .164 aebaPPenstance and Will (tressed the conference. gt. Wor. Bro. everted unreetricted, right of carrYing I w011101 In the sestets. of tendon never I
Hell here was filled for the annual evcei sold to benefit the Red liross.
T. eonelusion Mikolajezyk said
WINGIIAM, '1)ec,
• t, ft • war, the, eivilized na- And the remarkable thing is thatthey
f N th 'Hurt •
seseion of the County o or
hveinne hysterical and gloomy. If ever , L.o.L, Coiluty Waster Its)bt. %ell. I .is eul hie leading. hangrieen; theise (wee eiseuesed. in -England during! •
Our appanent eethaek et, this seven 'Grater:Lodge honors, and ad- ; regtirtlieA. ulti(!)% as). .on.(1, have ht,en considering, The ordinary men and
toy 'Major Cleeceram'bte provide a .seat
• 4 -
- Special train Service.
We know that right must, :ind will Bro. Verson, who Was preseut, was the Nazi ssotem and, spt flue priee of 'Hitler PPIlee DI 01108A I
St. Mary. South York was vacajtel
° for Mr. Aleighen ; the other time neves eaessen again.' i7nfortunatelys: E. (). Gallagher spolw to file addfess death, pillage, and' exploitation into ()Veil thOUght for a moment that there;
vacaecies were created by the death of for just, e moment, wee forgot that end moved. a reseltition of thanke to all the cenintriee whieh have eome under iwas a poseibility of lying in. •
ate and fe, putties: ee epeereue, fight war for over .-tWO Ye:it'S and .yet they The epring. meeting will be hold at A IrECV,'NT 'BROADCAST FROM I441NG.,4 i'leapies. ID). Judged, America and the • MOMS.. ,
es elite behalf. The. Liberals have 111) earrying with bath business affir .1.1,yth, early in i'llactleally all ; MINH T(PrillE UNITED STATEA 'British ;Empire by hiS Owit standards. 48A.
the eating Liberal meddlers. in South "'eternal vigil:Act; is the price of the Grand Master. The aim in 1942 sGerman l/Vetipation,"
Hitler •may have read a lot about
England arta Canada Italie 'been at lodges as the first step toward progreeg. stand the power of et:bee epirit in free i*
will be the et renge hening of' the primary : —The Lontlori Times. the denioeraeles ; but he failed to tenderAND flOLfl&Y -
. eateditiate and arie back to; sre :,;(1e4:9 aetfl,:iWs.,. They Tealize, and we 1.0dgei4 ere at present in good standieg Mom. days) the:: tho Lincoln's worde eeitight ine'arie might" CANA iD .11 A N N 0 NAL
and, socia events stimulate that ePirit. inactive will lead• to a re-arouping of patriotism, Ilagswaving an 1
York the (*.VA. bat entered: a <,andid-
'the Conservati‘ee and the Elf.,
it out.
114 silt '
ninth ,ij() 111(eWItz.(, that War PrObletriti, 1 4„.11'4411 1 On tO aunty and ,(4ratul War) then, W•11$4 a great (teal -----1 what he reversed. To Teller -the
nesegeltate closer cooperation, Lodge. 'Pei) pe I de t recent I 11111'a call war tev<,r, <motional gp4V(.110g of some President 110(1 01411
1.Vington •Clittlehill, and Mac- qe,m2,4,w4,,Kittitt emsze,t1 , ,tc14%
. .4 •
A •Za
• %c.c. are united 411 tillr; Str1lAg14.; What- (tietricts the unte Its( f for liatieitim .ing, e, great number :ewere teeleie ere', Jest stee,eourtetee .
Ottawa anntiaticee 5011110 t*IlaIlg4,5 ill ever differeticee We 'night have had .tbe etrengtiteiliteg of jurie(II(.tion.
. le • • . thittlts iir..11;vs)o(eitse.-s; men -
the ,calglit,t s . iteeeeilee are now east to the winds..., "God ° Coetity of Weet 'will in etimillants. 'flits. war is entirett. 11124. 141
niOved to acti'worlt. and tic.rht by these I win*, ft -stunt: Pad of a ticket. • He
jrme slI probability celebrate- at Lueknow ferent. There no emotionalism, •nol who sh(iut about liberty, but dare not t
of eluebeey. 11115 been appointed j'Opier LEINE:4. in 194S. efttny: lodges from North Mid fteg-svaving. Iturt• we have ;something 't i; -it for it— dare pot die for it. Your
Illinl,zter of ,Instice, onereeding the late
which Walter I ippdan Sft "Vothili,*
South "Ireton will ee'lebrate at London 1 fa bete, its place, and something
Tem. e;reeet Lapoin.k-. lele eaid to The writer of the•abevee taken froPl The. London 100ge:4 are„ pl'oating lot believe to be far ntere outline and 1 Iwo' ejattoe /r0:'(:Iree'pt the"
.14eork f;elbe moot vrolionottlawsorg, 1,,I,i;t4go,Tribnne of i)c_coribt,r, 13, a Ilionsiter,colebratlott in honor ef non in the street bee seetioo of ite peeple that they Would
1.1.44inve (Ni,olte, itutiha9 neves ya..t%,..r(<,tfr!‘q)nanitari,o 74,e4t. it, (c.lest atlel undetetanding (if ti! titer .ete than lip ; , •
V;h0 \slut he Is fighting,. eaerificing and —The- I4letetier (literAlon). 1
betore teen Jitofi• P.' V. atter of.tite wholesale jewelry (,.,.:!..triblie411.- Didetit Of !Thbndon.
"- working for. lie thinks, as nateli of hie
41ar:grala, i.eerotary 02 otate. /tag been moot tof' Beni. Allen & Co., .1 4,111.(4g64 1.C4 a " , The, following oilleer8 -Wore ingtall'ea eoutttre ne VVer but lie, coiteernq
! master, (1.""Ltkve, Ethel; 4:ecretary, Ray- , 1014. Th.f. tiirlitauty ot the Nay.l.q ifi , -
hes Iseete transferred from the T.4:31.1tt4r—not 'fresh. . 0 , N. 14. 41011agiter, Wingliam ; financial i,bring thii4 alicnit, The shooting 4)f, ten ', ' Siottly tlitliough Vanning Iiiiill eia :
41.1.initi.„,, Ind /taw 141rey Alic(„a6i, a SiVt.ilte•r; t ut, 'it -i,,a.,.3 ground pecitc-r- ' f-4,citetary, T. Ora;;by, Myth ; marshal, ihwtage.4 lticait.c,;e- of sabotaf:re
‘.. TA, I'li. Calidig 330t4--zeir4 ' chaplain, 41. °tie 1111i110h; a littioe-too barbaric ! I)tillna 'the 1c,‘3,t few 'yettm there bad
. C ' ... •
4/1 ,, . .
1)12,2; It tuay have teen tround liinite,xta. Nile; lecturers, G. Dichet;on i' thi.q was only ti preliminary to a been an taartia la' inerea2c• in dama:ge 1
fitAb:"or inerol,er of l'arlianiciat fol; !fain, •,:;-,(5,3tertiay, lint itp8 lima today. ' anti itobt. `,41eSturrdy. further ititnatkIeltecutiono. Milie other illt Incects to torett grain, 8ay6 the .
letrrtit trade nationirt, .anti f4p2rrm.r . .../.„
Ba•i,fieitl road. $ DAMAGE'
Iluperior Colin jutit,e, of ltrik Masi lyg° NI. Stewart oe-lRlytlt: muntY ge.If ittlinitely more now In 194i with
11 02 master, Robert Wallace. Inytlr; deputy humanity a 'yytlaole than be did In Gil,Athi VrOltAdL
4141 cm' QueToce. and to dill, the office •
',',,.-1.eatc+.1 Nov/Wail MytattY waiter, „cottf,e /11611(1' ItroWn. Dungannon ; treasurer, invadvi eountrii'g bits, deine watch; to !'• Cal* 11)e eofitrotleill by itunning GrairO,