The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-16, Page 2• Vikt)* TWO atle, oiuttrit sionat tar. ,lignINING *UP, GGDEllitICH SIGNAL ANL') `VIIE GODEliti9,It.' OW. ghblished by Sional-tStar Press Limated, West Street, Goderieh, Ontario THIIRSDAN, 00T -OBER 16th, 1041 „ '11,11.ANXSGIFIX,(4. licrf ENOUGH. • DoUbtlOs° we „are all thankful that We in gthadde axe ifot ,tuader constant threat as are the eoj1 e Britain, nor Aire enhiect toi the7miserles N'yttich Naziism is infileting- upon millions of helpless people in Purope. But are „•yie,stifificiently possessed with .the feel- . „leg of indignation that such threats _ such•miseries should_ be? It is •itnoPoSSible for - to. realize, ,what o1IaDd Sickness and dispassession and Cold, and homelessness -and hunger and indignities are doing to the Nazi ridden people; but we know Uatter- ib1ee things are being donei, that men,' women and children are suffering be- Yond Weida to. express it, and ' the ' knowledge should ereate such a are Of 'indignation among onifortunate people • 'Ciinada as should net be quenched /mill everything is done thr,tt can be done to, right the wrong and bring succor to those in distress'. Thanksgiving is •all right ; thanksgiving is not enough. . ATODDS WITH WSW t 'Saturday, October, 11, The Toronto 'Globe and Mail WO afritid democracy, was dying in Canada. In . an editorial ,jeremiad it, complained, Never before in Canada did a Govern- _ ment arragelte• ta jtself such...arbitrary and autocratic powers." On Monday October 13, the same paper di$,ciissed Government restric- tions on installment buying, prices, etc. Did it complain that the Govern- -ment 'was. -arrogating'. to • itself arbitrary atul autocratic powers?" No; on the cantrary it said the GovernMent was not going far enough, The • Government should inaugurate,- it said, 7a' system, of compulSory selective "sek directing the nation's total map- PO:Wei Auld womanpower areerding to need and ability, whether in the armed • forces, in factory or field." • The G. and M. 4s so pa.thetica114 anxious to be.right •that kt goes fthm --One extreme to • anciher And 'entirely • mis.ses _Mae cdnanidn sense„ practical method of putting a deniocrlieY into the- harne$s df war. On -Monday's, Wed- nesdays 'and Fridays it .is *Wag for ,a ••"strong 'Government" that would' do things, regardless. °On • Tuesdays, Thnrsdays and Saturdays it complains. • that the 'Government shouldn't,,have ' A w,e should choose in preference to some of the others. Put in nearly ever,y ease, it must be confes.sed, like or Alielike binges upon the naaning or associations of the woyd:, 5Cons1der 'names. Are they not beautiful, or otherwise, because of the THE GODERIQH SIGNAL -STAR,.. 1 PhilOsiferotiazykleadovis • Ri,I1A4TY HeYle PATRICIA ANN'S ratrivia Ann had a mouth. Two (*mites gleamedr on the yoke and with a great deal of effort she managed to blow the flickering flames out. Then she elinchled and' slapped her pink fuid white tiets to- gether. Of,course we knew that she said elitaPpy Rirthday," but the guests just looked eonfused: ?Guests are like that. the pride and Joy of the personalities NW attach to them? A household say th* 1 Current Veva oo the War TflUSD 04(00fil1ilt AWL is voting out of the eill of the war. bileiglo its tere-1939 peeition. The lee, It 'an inSPiring loietUre---etwo great' sOnS a the war wilt lila be entirely eatione, each eittielled with What it' forgotten. To America, it has brought has got, Wei therefore devoid of any the elearest 'demonetratieneof the need ArOPSIG HUSS.14.;nv INVASION va)f a tip. and rieeelmeacter can achieve aggreesive latentionejoietng 'together to efor takingSideS in other riatiera wane Ultler eontrary .to all °Pinion, hat3 She $ame .resaitsi and the Passibility pollee the world on behalf of theirJohlt To Britain it has 'taught the extent Of not embroilee. himself in that lembear that they maY 'be attemPted compels ideals of personal freedom, soeial eeeur- her dependeuce on' American., oupport. of the filerman 'General Staff, a two- froutewae. Ott our side ef the vest field of battle there is, and has been ever since Dunkirk, except.ot sea. and in the air;- a practical Cessation of hostilities.a. situation, raoreover, which. we aro powerless to break owing to the simPie fact, that the* English Channel' intervenes. Our encase has earefullY engirdled himself with ithat Watery obstacle in the west against all-eona- erst and can ziaeaniviiile aPele the wh,ole weight of his arnioured,horde in th direction f Li' d E young fellow, for instance, consideirs etlie k . a eovae mg in her own 0 __ n IS new- eon este tuunista *able way they never seem to ern foe. Small wonder, in .the eircuna- name Dorothy is beautiful. beanse he underetaud it. , . st ees, 'that he ventured, flushed with is, in love with Dorothye or a •man has Tw•o ,years . . yes; tWo full „years' victory ae he yes and exalted by the , cularly new nor is the langtattge uuduly. _. 4_ , ' - inVitc541±-lta t ifie - * hi,storleal a ti th bet Am ' 'HELP THE. BED CROSS •• mei:ideas' hurry. Boss do yeti pleasure - ' ' - - ' * ' • , /a Pa y .ween .erican, • i tVat seem to have ,one by hi ,a 'tie- • .6). folniness,for tile name Patrick. be. notion of ineineiblaity: , , . . rile sign ance lies in and British intereS.t,S.-, -But tile IlritiSh *There are many in thie-country ex- -the ideetity of the signatories and in, people too will have to c/hange ,their • ..„Im'idl'r e....!....8°- cause in hiS boyhood he had- an uncle Patrick who was always good for ti . I beliefe and -their policies Britain it . *1 time in connection, with. sneh An afratio cited thereto' by She pleinneis Of the the place where it. was • signed. . , rashes, teething, accidents anti (vying. arf cle'•writing in •their favorite 'allies, Somehow we like- to think of it in 'terms of . laughing 'and Sralle$ and those - times when you'. look at Patricia Ann and just feel downright lueky that she Is around the house to get into mis- chief. ,. - It's ;fun to think of the two years Iii terhis of pranks. ,How she loved to get snuggled down in tAie warmth of her , bed. She would look UP with solemn eyes as yon tucked her in and tip -toed out. ' Zeing solieitous parents, somebody weuld be bound to look. at. her in ten or fifteen minutes and there she would be with the blankets kicked down . . two chubby feet waving happily around and not a sign of sleep in her eyes, We can even smile now at the thoughts of those wooden blbcks that somebody gave her back •in the ereep- i 'tug days. .90 an evening when you stayed ,j.u.:it a. trifle too long in the vil- : thige •: . or possibly were. at One of the neighbors,* places,. those building --bineks,nwere-liirite-perttrin-terbtv-strung,, across the hall •floor Later as she the Germaus to employ large forces' itY( and liberated tommereef To adopt To both, in other words, it has aroved for the Protection of the iraraerfSe eoaet4 .this vie a _deliberate, polleY, as the the ne.ed for cooperation, F line of the ocedpied coentries. 'ilea& of the two Ooveratetents have! -Th -,Affailre QuartorlY (Neer , _The iFortnightlY (1140rtf1014). nor dene, has required, or, will require, ',York). . ,.. very substantial ehangee in the /dear - . ANGLO-41,MgitICAN 00-OrMitATION thatjaave prevailed and in the attitudeai I • .6reatIY ROeved! If the Declaration 4 the Atlantic., that have Weil 'adopted hit/made Nor ,iieefarey---I calculate that the end of eigned by the President Of the United ire these changes •required, on -theirthe'worlit conae bat 011,00%000 tnerican side alone. •It is true that' years, • States and by the -Triune Minister of the American people, if the ye are to Metnleer of audience (in' great agir the United gingdoni and released to sail this neVv eoerse, will have to'etation),-,How niany 3'ou Say? • the -world on August 14, 1941, le taken modify or abandon two of their hither. I IdeCturer--121.7,000,000. raerelY aia a restatement of the denies- to mot eherlshed beliefs ; the iiirst that inquirer (sitting eloiva 'Vvith great eratic faith in Internatienal relation- they lived not eoncern themselves Witt rellfe).-1 bad such thought ships, nine -tenths of its signieteence what goes on 'beyond' the oceans, arid you said 117,000,000. will 'be lost. •The ideas are not part- the second, that there is a natural and *'• 1 , • . ,• kyorhe people think of it, le terms of preposition .and encouraged by the The te true, has always been a naval power, declaretion marks, le effect, the' would PreSe for another British peaking democracies of the leadership; ways looked iuw.arato Europe. With . . y, in nietaphor, between the ,devil the ideas that. wen Le dominant in the. eriSis without 1.13rltain's , participation' • CrY or lielp ktiteg, deep ea e'vliehriewaiss, daanndgeirtouiss aworldtios and •vvill tl the faiths' `and the asPir-1 from the etart. as one of the protagon- e_ • the •doctrinee 'that are • perileof .such an undertaking with A.tlantic Ocean" is as significant es seriMooussnt epse'snpelfe afabilar brae:11.4)-44' ' iz° ti," nishiug how people can be so mils- common to Britain and America. The! ieseetsn' :r uviraalnidy tredeeordg,anGireazert oBfriNtvahi, In spite of lesson after lesson* on fact that its only date line Is "The: Allitinee is current. If Britain's Ipolicy . :tell: The stitches, twitches, a4d twingeo . out c,emplete air mastery, they loosely the signatories. ,Nothing- could have • , is now to be based on ,her membership are bad enough and cause great suf- of an Oceanic Coinmonwealth, she will tering, but back of the baelratche . think ad loosely speak to that effect, more drathatieany, demonstrated The not find It so easy (and perhaps not so and' the cause of it all is the dis- 1 Any such idea, of course, vvould be for change that has come over the role a necessary) to form her 'European coal- .* ordered kidneys crying out -a Warn - took at least a fortnight to assemble a barrier, a moat, a gap in space. It the British dominions lhave always ex- A. pain in. the back fa the kidneys! lug through the. back. us at present A -palpable absurdity, It the Atlantic in the popular thinking of itions. This is aepoliff of view which. • Is not generally known, 'perhaps, that it both countries, •The ocean is no longer . , , .. .. French soil in 1939 nor is it taken into mon avenue of approach_ Implicit in pressed; it now receives enormously • cry for help. Go to t eir emus mice. The shifts in traditional policies will Get a bog .of Doan 'a K.idney Pills, A remedy for backache tied sick our original Expeditionary Forte on is a •highway, a meeting -place, a cons- stronger ibeeking. dime Or a tarter when_ need arose. And ou the other hand there are twines thet are damned because of their association witla •some evil person or evil circumstance, though otherwise they tilt pleasant enough. • IA "there amore beautiful passage of Scripture than the' first part of the 12th chapter of Ecclesiastes': And why is it beautiful? Is it because of the words? They are commonplace enough witen considered each by itself. Is it because of the :mental pietere presented by the passage? That can. hardly be; foe an at least one case, which is probably typical of many, the passage had a fascination long before the reader realized its deep significance. Perhaps it Ls the exquisite rhythm of the passage; or it may be some mental association 'that has: little or. uotyng to do . with the -actual sedge of the words. . If our readers' were asked to. say whirt Thegits ider te biNutiful words, we -wonder what, their ;&etion would be. EDITORIAL MITES , Pine october day. * * • „ • In -spite of icerniany's ..massed and niechanimd, is still beyond ,Hitler's grasp. Save your liennies,. your dillies and • ng on the, Cohtinent wtile' Hitler of the free world. It. eerves notice! the sole exception of 1870, there has Backache-Kudneys assumption by the two great anglish- I but her diplomacy. has nevertheless al- • therwise engaged and UM Put °Ur that; when the„vietory heess bee.'n won, not been for centuries past e%) EtirOpeah la is • one an -th ast led., the , „ • account that the NyVole proceeding was every line of -the declaration Is the pro - then conducted without interference of any kind or sort from ,the air._ Iis those days the 'Nazi -Air Force was installed in aerodromes behind the 'Siegfried Line, with the,whole breadth of France' between it and our ports of disembark- ation, Air action at that time by the enemy would have involved a series of 700-ndle 4lightseethere mandebacke-ovez hostile territory and. in the faee of self, she seemgil to ifeiigiiniTpating - determined- fighter opposition before he cotirdelitekeeirleepreseeteefelt at alti . , Istarted negotiating the *stairs is her - -them on every step. 1,,,biNlly one 1 He did ' not choose to do so* and .in consequence' our war material . was night we I d the sens tion of t it ' ia s ePP .114' on one in our stocking feet 'and then. -roiling {mite forcefully and, not very graCefully from the tcip to the bottom of the steps. . Patricia heard •the noisenridentlY it woke *her up and - she started , crTing lustily. Thnt wakened• the . whole household . . and I lost all • respect for the edit- cational value of • buildiug blocks. Theo clime' the •!period- of throwhig• 1011$ all over the poor. •She 16 - in every nook and cranni dolLs of all •descriptions which ber your dollars to buy war S a V' 11.1gS stamps grandparents had given her. 1 must. and certificates. 'Make your money admit also that her parents were a cptint for victorytrifle' inclined to be an easy murk , • when they saw' an attraetive doll in n . , store window. Guests seating them - „A. shortage of hospital nurses was selves in. the *front room would sud- denly look horrified anil then they would start • squirming and finally Teach around and gull a doIl ()tit front reported at the recent convention of the 'Ontario 'Hospital lissOciation, line • the . enhirging of probation_ classes was underneath . . usually one of tilt: mentioned -as one way., of meeting the More disreputable ones. _Sitnatiol.' And the Ontario Govern-. thitighters. learn while still quite 7tnent has for years been doing lee; young just what to do in order to get unloaded in an atmosphere” of peaCe, while our men stepped ashore amid the plaudits of the crowd and marched in safety to their billets., But'vorapare then and now! Today etieh landings would have to! ,be effected in the face. .-opPosition ! from the start. Net only would our! force be endlessly assaulted from thel air in the aet of disembarking, but also 'in the ports of assembly on our side!! and on the crossing. The main -strength Re of the German Air Force, it is teoe, -is occupied against the Riissians, pilt a few hours would be enough te,, repro- duce it on this side, where it could settle down on aerodromes whichjire kept in Working order, with fuels, bombs, and all other. •*requisites,. for just such a purpose. A further handi- cap wciuld be bhe ruined •ports of e France which we have been assiduous- ly bonehing,' day and night, for the . last • lateen months, and from 'which every landing4faci11ty, in the shape of derricks, haulage gear and winching plants, would be at once withdrawn. _ . we sliould done, what •It done. or .should have.itiitna•OSt to abolish the training of nurses pra(lically anything- they wan{ ti In these circums ances fheir dads. 'Airs.. Phil is still 'ribbing be bound to suffer cruel -loss and might • done it erane other only one 'in , the 'eenaller hosPitals . of the - e about the ..• • titn..1 'receive a mortal blow, for even" If we ryU (1(1 ed faithfully • up"the front stair- repeated our successes in the Air Battle' way to .humor this young lady „Ai() , of Britain, in protection of our hien had' been deposited, apparently on the and ships belbw, it stands to rea.son that neither --could expect immunity there ,banada is -today confronting. deiptilaL----firereitIvorf brotherly love"- ). Farst ef all she wanted a doll from ..from.oVerbead attack: ft would doubt - there shoeld be a measure of cempul- ., said that a cOuple of nombs_droppeq on clemation that •hope for the world's .fnture-the only hope --lies in the con- tinued collaboration of the Oceanic Ceriiinonwealth of 'Free (Nations. This recognition by both nations of their 'common needs and eOrnMon responsibilities Is. the great .goott that ammitsi 21.111.011111101MINV •thing is it consistent: it has a perPettial Province!. •_ 'grouch. , * • 0 It is inevitable that in the conditions Mrs. RO6sev t, Speaking in Phila- 1 • . less be an occasion for the stao-ing of . . t te window sill, Downstairs I went • th :Sion wAieli in ;times of •pbat,`eij, 4,,ou 14 be that xitY wotild 'help. wipe- but.. the 1101 svith It sigh red stat- t.0 rt.41 (1 ' t he e biggest air battle ever yet eon- ' cei V0(1, and indeed we need.;not shrink „ intolerable: sotne - restricticps are •apatuy that exists concerning what 11e4s3pa1)er. 'The- call' .f,or "Da Da' from such a Contest, but the lure would beca.ase a ,go-a.-you-ph/$C is going On II Europec,3/4‘,Aild'she.migha• liew•piti•, ful thoe . our rimniiveagain. ) ' • .necessary (1'1.0t4 (1111 Oil d HOW angelic the human or material. and the risk Of 74'0111 d eesult in disaster. Peice.s bare , sports and -then' cargoes, , • r, aid—but did tlit a good youngsters eon look , when you make b'f. kept within hoUnds.. Industry must place in Thiladelphlee to drop the bombs to he lng trip up Next \%.c investigate!' Netheir wholesale destruCtion would be ; be •to some 'extent • directed. Extrat:would'he 08 the office of The Saturday thing it Wa S a drill]: Of •water . immense.- We are fairly confident -I'll these islands that • British air 'poWer! ordleary ineasure.s must •he takenf ,-04' -Evening post. , until finally the blanket wasn't tucked can be largelyDelled on to defeat the the ...-eifetrOfithe state. Kvei•ything the rnment has, done is 'not beyond, Wasn't the newspal)e, r report of the next time yours. truly 'just yelled enemymust fail, taking into consider- i _ ‘,!ri ticistn, _anti Intelligellt eritiej114 maY• Launching of the steamer_ Ville Marie at -tell-rime- eenn." in •About 415 1)14.1$4 - it tion that the enemy, as to weight of' .1 • • • . • in tight 'enough. 'Mrs: Phil began to enemy's attempt to Invade° our shores., • lauh gand when the ery vame -down Then why should we succeed 'where the 61,---hopfili, but the censtant streami...;4,* Aontreal last' week -it triffe' too en- ering' querulous, complaint that conies after day from the editorial colifMns „ self-4ty1ed "national neNVs., a, way as I could muster • up. numbers In the air, is still in the; aitislair.Me?' The Ville Marie Wds said ..T.I1Pre J3=As silence then f _or' a time aseendantir • Nr-dt thus. can We effect to be .the liggest ship -ever built in end filthily a elittekling. Contented a dyersion. in favor nf our Russian" Canada'. . ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, given •1141('* v`iiee aid "Byeally, for' etie present, ,Whatever his! "• gtiess ., are •all , crea tures of difficulties on land. But the tim'e is papkIIs simply nauseating. correct4y," we belleiTe there' are several habit. •At leagt (luring •the past intin- fast .approaching when we May as - FOE FUTURE: PEACE There is a gi i realisation the t --4erge - • ;° f,,ror .thepedee• sand- sevurity Of,_, ;he ivorld, after Ow, present war is k over,1 !there must be,ssome world -pollee force" to• prevent would-be contineEor.s such as) • Hi tle t and his gang from boilding •• p .• ; t. t threaten their neighbor& In the years before the 'War: when • persiMswho saw What was going .on *.• 'issued the warning and called upon Breitain to do Something* aim& it, the frequent reply was,: Why ehotild. Britain. be the • .world's policeinan? That question no tioubt,settled. maby as. 'Can ('11(111 be larger ships of t'atadian construction her of years as soon as sit ier is ITC. slime and assert that air mastery ineluding the Lemoyne.- A statement MINI I move in'to the front room te whichis to brine; u.s final victory ; for „made on. the. sante occasion by Hoe. smoke.. •4441. peruse tue news;paper. with air supremacy, not in local airS , :Com` • it is. a rave with time. - Just as Mit in universal iienge, we etrn V0111 - C. I). Iialye,:10 s,urprising. He said it . ' f t 'f I tarry 1 -wtt§' exPeeted-th4-Canada's shipliulid- a-114re -10- ilini -.a .---eitely.hpalkit - fad y -T._ ' -S-1.1 1144,Na:14-to inSad4-1-irliain---WOUld- ing, program in ..,19-1, ' would equal. perebed ift the 'chair with it hem- be a desp(rate.. eatinbIe, on.I.,4.to be Britain's annual output of cargo shipS. i I'lliTr - • * ',quite. ,t)ft.eo.. neeeie. deem. contemPlafed by an (mem,' whose im- position I - ,. persistently t inen"s' 1V.W0.1.1rces and- secure martyllOus tiiings are bein• g, done in 111"" leeild"1°;:-"1-(41(L',. ''''''"P' • r .,f 1..; ., t0) ove nu . eorn yroz IN, -I, e0U1d 0afford to risk great sacrifice -S. Canadian shipyards since. the begin -1 reaelted when she is allowed to sit on It is .a risk that might he taken. by ming of, the war; but thattheiroutput my knee:add r(!ad the pliper. Just 'Sittotild ifVen begin to equal .that of the when the thogt interestiiik pat of the great British shipyards in the produc- • ma nd the, sea and land as , V(..1 di•ZIn() ong „ . • '4 11 • • 4een now, it Would. have saved•Britain a_ great deal of futiire expense Ind of "blood, sweat and t4v:Irs" 'if She. had interfered vigorously when her inter. W11.1t1 11:1V1. lteen PflPetive. • 'Mat Li all Past now, .but the lesson should not Ithe forgotten. ITnder siieh leadership as that pf President noose- ' veil, the. United ''States might be ex- peked . to ek with Brits in 111 • Meifithining the 'peace of the- world, with the willing eo-operation of . small nations, whieht are the first to •suffer from aggression, we !Oak' fer te..neW League of :Cotten& with iniffieient force behind It to banish war • `trimi this world for n thousand years to come. • story i$ renehed her head bobs avrot,g tion ofo,eargo.vessels would be in the I in fmnt " ofinY Yesterday we found her perehed on hattire of a miracle.- • .-• a cloth. With tlIP telephone receiVer in * * ,* her tk She eves talking, „lite time • The Archh.ishop of Canterbury holds 'ti 11111.4 of in out, the hope that the.stress of war N.Irs. Phil was' mortified 1111(1 every the telephone rang all initY bring about anew tee People• of tit" itils'ehl "a revival of 4-bei,r41.eeP and the" tittering, laughter ofi the line the .inprndicable sense of religion," Stay girls at ventral were enjoying them- the case • of the Invasion of 'Britain, promise decisive resultk if RUMELA.Sfll 1 ; it not be that the association of selves immenselv. vital (A4(1(4'1.444 in enemy'country Would Britain and Itnssia in de.sperate de- Otto of her latest pranks is to go titi still lie ant -sof reaCh. • the front stairway fl44 quietly, as ,pos- In the existing' situation the landing fence of their national existence will be sibk. After a little -while '.011 11 miss ofa, la rge expeditionary force in.' fyuitful of good for. both 111tion4 The 1)er and' :4tart ioekieg. ,S0 in (1f crurope for cOntinUoUs operations seems • brotherhood of peril and 01 • heroic Iher! Then do we get frantic"; . Pin- to be out of the question.' Minor raids Germany because, once .a footing was secured on our shores, 'vital objectives would immediately, be threatened. She would, moreover, have a great range of air bases froin which to support 1114? .iittaek.. But if We, atAhis stM of the war, Were to• -attempt to land an ar toe _ on the eeettitiente.the gainbIer.fore.u.s. would be as great as for the Geri/1110s; ft would be lin unjnstillable risk,ef our resources, and perhaps eyen her.face would thigh .Tudging by more important, it would not es. In resistance may ereate in eaelt,--n new ally she 114 loeated in one of the tied - rooms taking all the clothes but of a respect for the, other. Russians may (1101414(1' draWC'1t,1111d th(411, ver,c See in the Brittsh people - something 011-01(„0,s,13.,, 01,1 jt10Iloor. 1,00iciwg up, fine and strong that is lacking in their surrounded by the elothee, she own •Judral philosophy: and Britons chuckles; aml laughs. It's ell fun to niiiy see -indeeed they are already bor. • Spa liked and- pntliglivd` for each seeing --that Ittissiansr have some qual- • Prank: ,ehe find,4 a new one, They're *files that Were unsugpected 'by those net „pone r„ .01,4 11111 who not so long ego spoke (14s(rain- fhlly of them as -It4e1s" "Bol- eleviks."t .r.,ven war has its eora. public opinion, for the May.poll showed 1 ° 59 per eent satisfied 21 per cent iie- pe11481 ornt. . Stfeces".Liv,e GalliiP polls in the rnited Per eent. that lie had not gone tar •a he Iliad gone,. foo far, -VirOnDS epee! Worde any beauty ifi thennvIves '11114 '1 indicate, that President 'these. 4410%111.4 That is, in May TO per eent. 4u6ide of their assoeiatiOns? Some velt is carrying,' the majority of 1114 dirProved of his, polieles so far as they time ago a Detroit eolUmnietcondecied people with him itf.his'polheee of help- ivent, whereas only per cent: ei,'ere a Etation-wide poll as a efeeult of which , ing li‘ritain. The latest pall ehoived favorableat the latest poll, taken thig ten worde, as follows, Were elovien as, that 37 'per, cent, of „the "VoterS" month. However, 73-rper. cent. Is atill the most 'beautiful in the lam:41111w: ' thought Jr. Roo.f-::evplt*.,q measures w'oro .tyhat might he called an "oVerwheiptiifig mother, memory, . cellopifee'e, bellboy, just .about right, whileseeg per con. melancholy, bOladontia, flamingo, wUti hought he had gone too far and eixteen el political feuds and racial divisions are taraboarine, atel 1 lavenderper' cent., would Mee to' gee 11h11 go I, evldOot141 1114 C!.: "cellophane" and "boli tiI1 farther. A Vainparion with' pre. itoy," we should rule out instanter, vlouspt,Ih hol,vever, thaS the 1114 the little bits of thiege that fret a a worry In we'l'an dodPe 1 >' and Hwy.(' itrP any ntiniber of worit,'.4i ie advaneing resew , than mei a 0-41"18- , •••• majority" in a emmtry in which deslwo—,v222. ROUND TRIP , RAIL TRAVEL BARGAINS • OCT. V-18 • GODERICH to Toronto - $ 3.90' Belleville • - 7.30• ' ICing8ton - S. 8.75 Owen Sound - $ 7,50 • Peterboro 0:20 Schreiber - $24.10 Smith Fa11.5 - $10,05 • Sudbury - $11M0 hthl maw;• iderinediate 114)11(114, Return jr,intit-lrp to Oct. 20 ((;overnment tax 10% extra) Por train ;.-erviceq; 1iZIII1O 4,1('. Consult Age:W.-Procure Dodv,er G. E.'S:Unit Uptown Agent " Canadiair Pacific • kidneys. thus need to be as great in the one • „Doan's” are put up in an country es' in the, other. In the psy- oblong grey box with our etrade. . ehologieal field, if the American people °mark a 41 -Maple Leaf" oh the 'have to learn the re.sponsi bil it ies of • wrapper. , • their strength, the British 'people have Refuse substitutes. Get "Doen's.', to learn the limitationsof their weak- The T. Mijburn Co, Ltd., Toronto, Oat. ness... 'Neither eotnitry can simply slip • FROM THE WAR SAVII4GS COMMITTEE, OTTAWA •The people of Canada ate the most • fortunate in the wbrld. • 4, • Fortunate in the great sweep o space that is ours -from ocean to ocean. Fortunate in the vast yield and immense ressmrces of ourioresandlnines.. Fortunate, too, in our democratic .In a woid, fortunatg„ in our freedom.. This freedom is threatened today as it has never been threatened before. The fall of the British Empire wpuld • mean complete Alislocation-oPotn• fettered way of life. • Agiteryone wants this way of life defended • —this freedom saved—for our own future and for posterity.. The response to every appeal for our defence has been to the whole Empire —alartning to Hitler. But the ne0 for weapons of war, grows ever more urgent, as the Nazi Ithreat ,spreads wider over the world. Oat Simple Regular PAYROLL.SAVINGS PLAN -For salary and wage earn- ers. Th'.0 employee simply signs a Payroll Savings Pledge, taus it in to his pay office, and his employer deducts the pledged atnount regularly from his pay. BANK 'PLEDGE PAN-' Colivenient for business men and women, and otters not on a • payroll. Simply sign a War Savings Bank Pledge and give it to your • bank. The bank teal make monthly deductions • from yeme account. " SUPPOiti THE WAR WEAPONS 'DRIVE IN 14 ; kt. 4#1.,ethods of.Seivi#1 , WAR -SAVINGS VAMPS -A handy instalment plan. , Stamp folders; tilay be obtained from Pest Offices, Banks and many retail outlets,- 16 stamps will buy one $4 Certificate, worth $5 at maturity. RURAL SAVINGS PLAN-Parnwrs in recelptof regular paynients from co.operatives, creamerks, cheese factories„, etc, can authorize deductions Pale ciesired amount regularly out 0/ each cheque. Use the Rural Pled e Card. R OMMUNITY Every town and (city in Canada will sooi. eooduct a War Weapons Drive. You will ,141 asked to put all you've got behind the campaign in your eonamunity. Caoadsr must provide More planes more ships, more tarkkel, snore guns, more shells. If you are already buying War Savings Certifil'eatesse your pledge. If you are not, get your -dollars working for Victory. SPEND LESS TO iltlY MORE AR SAVINGS' CERTIFI-CATES lieblished by the Irer Savirots Consoliitte.Vt,tawit. The help of every Cap.whan is i needed for Victory. In these days of win; the thoughtless, selfish spender is a traitor to our war effort. A reduction .in personal spending is now a vital necessity to relieve -thi- pressure for goods, to enable more and more labour and mater- ials to be diverted to winning the war. The all-out effort, which ,Canada must make, demands i this self-denial of each of us. 4" p. Invest in War Savings Certifiehrai;%: thedollars you don't need to siWl. ' After Victory, they come baeleAtt„, you with interest.,. Spend lessiNOW'''I so that you can ^ spend more TN iyhen labok, and materials ' be available for the things you need. There is no price too high for a , freedom. 14 ; kt. 4#1.,ethods of.Seivi#1 , WAR -SAVINGS VAMPS -A handy instalment plan. , Stamp folders; tilay be obtained from Pest Offices, Banks and many retail outlets,- 16 stamps will buy one $4 Certificate, worth $5 at maturity. RURAL SAVINGS PLAN-Parnwrs in recelptof regular paynients from co.operatives, creamerks, cheese factories„, etc, can authorize deductions Pale ciesired amount regularly out 0/ each cheque. Use the Rural Pled e Card. R OMMUNITY Every town and (city in Canada will sooi. eooduct a War Weapons Drive. You will ,141 asked to put all you've got behind the campaign in your eonamunity. Caoadsr must provide More planes more ships, more tarkkel, snore guns, more shells. If you are already buying War Savings Certifil'eatesse your pledge. If you are not, get your -dollars working for Victory. SPEND LESS TO iltlY MORE AR SAVINGS' CERTIFI-CATES lieblished by the Irer Savirots Consoliitte.Vt,tawit.