The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-09-25, Page 7x l t Si➢lik, Skyl" RM, ;At 24tit, .1°011 \l 'there is a readyltlrl<iarket now for your sur las WHEAT and RTE STRAW: � 1M'�.Tak: cdya`nta a- oL- hh . xl p�'e�ni' , ap�clirtu IrMlf cow► p write ,promp;Ny lk HINDE D CIS PAPE � >w R COa T R _TO D r 1! N ONT. alliailirmimarmommissoWimoirivoramorporgestromassr ro �WN WAR SAVINGS Serious Short-sighted . burglar --I must get Another pair of spectacles. wThis is the third time I'vemistaken a flagpole for a drain pipe. AS: IFIELD A.sEiI troi'.�D, 'Sept. 23.•. --Guests at the home of '1rs, X 'C, Mackenzie last week -end' were her .dau g tern Misses gh , �� e Anna, •Yharlotte +And Lois 34ackenzie, Miss Hazel Dickinson, and 'air. Alex- ander (Howes, all of Toronto. a ' Rev. Robert McConnell will conduct services in Ashfield, Presbyterian church next' S'ultday, Mr. Duncan -Mael ty thas been en- gaged as teacher in the senior room at Ripley in the absence of the principal, Mr. David, MacLay, who was injured in a ear accident last. week. Miss Muriel Farrish, who has com- pleted hex` three years' training as a nurse in Stratford !Hospital,- is home. r r• FAIT. FAIR DATES Bayfield, Sept.' 24-25. Kirkton, Sept. 23.26. Atwood, dept. 20:30.. St. Marys, Sept."30-Oct. 1. Teeswater, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Meaford, Oct. 2.3.,. Dungannon, Oct. 2-g. Corrie. Oct. 3-4. • Tiverton, Oct. 6-7. Bls,th, Oct. 7-8. London (Junior only), Oct. 10-11. Underwood, Oet. 14. HELP -THE, REO ()ROSS TO. Those' . C va l escing. Auer = severe Illness After -•many, severe ,illnesses�-or-serioui •-opperations'. the patient is very often left in an extremely weak, nervous, ;run-down condition. • To all those convalescents Who need some kind. Af a tonic to stimulate and build, --up the weakened zivstem, we would: recommend Milburn's Health and Nerve Pills to i,assist diem back to health.--llappinesa •again. These pills help supply elements necessary to assist tb convalescent in bringing back bodily strength and vigour. Price 50e a box, 65 pills, at all drug counters. Look for ott'r'"t'egistered trade mark a'Red Heart" on, the package. . ° r The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. THE GODERI'CIt SIGNAL -STS Huron Sunsets Famous l�O Years Ago (By %V'.• 11, c$obustou ill' L n lou Free ing wife 4M1r. and kits, Xones), Dr." .1'r s9 . •''•'"' 'liainilltont trai the Otters and Trignaltr5 Every Land and every' age hare' their the Uvaii,,`10alts and .1.i7.ara, beatiiiful oevi<i ,peculiar c; eds.., Today, :with oras Jane 'Ylongcvortch, the lovely .l ea'lda, the automobiles- apt lin; at •t!he.. rate .of lowlier 1('iuiapbells and • a twit of F tifty idles ata hour, we, need otlters,rr laughed -and dranced And sang,..„.•s , .Fart c1r.F the best .of roads, Paved, Surfaced er matey plea►stxnt• Otoura• away; when the The 90th utter • Ii,'C,d1t, hail ' 3, , „ t lYtaty,_ eldest daui lltor of (r+ and Birt, r rite Infront w rC 1 ' r ,. ' n i' nt as the hest of l,ia��lled'c,tt�Np��„ull we itzvnused fUx cricket and ;rousiti�, send-off' at a �ban(itie�t held at Simon aiatfinanr south at Zurich," r quoits by thin •yut 'ra and Dixie., -Witt- «,in-gbtata last we 4! , . Jeseph 'Herbert Trailer's on thc�ln. son and geaxtlai '(.`barba Widdei, Iltl:>,v, • (i son at ° :it3 ear ago when the l'ou tr i? t ElisatCiinhcy, of 'Stanley Air, �'e4 sic:;tT. fi'. Triheh 4f• London 6 on ad other.,, of the^ -beaux 'wha township, •w , was gain rapidly developed c � � great mfss•etl 'th�.ir club lie • • passed away on "Selrtem'Uer•;' a� •solt'xnnfu� in 'St, :Bonii'ac� +chart to. g Y l h ret h Jud e, a:• I� Ore l? . a , g P a -irx r Z .� h . I h r � e � r Zurich . 1(c�atl and "Woodlifi? and'and their cronies :: 1 Sty ou iia„r year: t by rather Power..3.'a. need . lvas ,Por shops that. turned (iut sat ou the bench an •xeter ` re�pttrts .,avers] roiy?yerit home n . €ho i 1c' er followed > t tyle wagons, plows, shoes,, furniture, etc,, ” .,s. ,r es d attuned them inc�ultitin; the theft oi' as(alinc• b' home Of the,bmi( bride's parents, about sixty br h f g a - s'$1,.. Q t a3 t�' ,p �` �w_ g rll.'o • w er ' � ti r he '� . arL Tureietir c .� +Deina 1 tlh � � oIIin f .u e� Stu PoL1u(1 in every Village, seattzt along the batik vers lU1od eveIIin ;ph tom several 'curs, .Schoolpresent. i1fr..and zhir, , but' 00 years• ago witan travellers .and; aft'r• evening; with p trlrle who" aaever buildingsr --,ere entered and, various will xr sides inLoniion. wearied of that po� ohs ag'eant---not artiel s taken. Main would-be settlers were pouringinto the - Ores. Eye • ° " p The death occurred at on .great wooded wilderness of Western colpr but eonalataratloiiwhich, : the ,• ,sunsets furnished. These sunsets were 'September 10th of Matilda aleetztcha W ^ ' %ii xnaat4; Z'urich' undertaker, Utttario and 'were glad to find a mud' so famous , eon, wife of 'Sylvester had an untortunats accident 'one da road of -almost= any. dea;.geription 'oyer s that travellers hearing off . y er Ti ox, in her fifty - road last w y them .maize the tlatatilr ="til `that out -of. ninth year. ,Besides the. 'husba, , ,, fur . mak' ted was giving to Exeter which they proceeded slowly and' (often; ,daughters when something' went Wong with . very ►.'vea�,rily, they were glad to ,find a the -way corner of the-world°out purpose and one son ti?t cine. ,� tie to enjoy 'them, But the lap •`tt d, the Mit: epormour 1 ',Was r engine til his oroar.he was eny the wayside `inn whale •they eoulrl `rest , 3t �. �... „pUt>a�bn,� „vu� Irrotu�ht ;xi oft tile Doom of these crimson -dyed waters ;into BruS,sels. few days ago, coin, 4 -re p b motor when an „the c ly tae their lagging lianas and blistered feet. ,. � a ,. Y oil chamber exploded and„ -h which the musical head loved 'to, hear . township, It weighed twely�e pounds hurled xP a d.. the cap was 'Especially was ;this true of- that ci�uxitr � ed ei' real . i • less Tally was of immigrants as in the 'pink • twilight he sang" : and measured about three 'y rater, one of`e>iir, a>ft'= i u migrants .who R Tree in Full Bear x�r cumfe feet an, ea?r� eye. e Was taken a t poured into Ch+e.Huxott district In .the 4)', i g unci crossed ra.nee.- . . o eplh's rklospital . at l azldoza, tvhehre 40's sed .14's of the last century. • . their Monotone of accontpO,a1Wai with a1r, and .Its, `George Swan, Bruce, It was the keener edge, of sound from his own field, announce the engagement ot"�th i found nssary to reziitt+w the The, need for hotel accommodation r.er injured eye?ball., violin, were telling of a times when' all youngest daughter, ,,Dorothy Minlou, „,, as we understand. it in iks, best dense inert► taanillar lianhes which, made"the to Francis ,(xeor Strange,;,„ was supplied early, ttwugb often as -b .} . os satiated" With the cUnsum )" h of large life of that.day weal& be blit memories,, (hat:ham, eldest son of .Mr, and Mie', 1 g alid the sward and Melia -Itself, wider-. John P. Strange, Lxet r, the marriage quantities of strong" drink, which was g to be deplored_ mined,, would crumble and disappear to take Place early lii October. To Uoderic'h, N.ihicli at that time, with no'sign of lite remaining save the. Mr. and Mrs: 1! wart 'McPherson and busy sand marten, burrowing: In 'the family,. of St. 'Helens, were presented about 1828, consisted of the Dulbiop face of the new -mane lint. Then and by .their neighbors with farewell ad GREEN TOMATOES --^• • Castle and some half-dozen log cabins for ,some bine afterwards this cliff dresses and gifts prior to their de A$ the chilly fall winds; usher in la wl oh lived a few french half- front was one.. thick growth of juniper, Parture to make their home,. in "thoughts of winter, the Canadian home- hrree�tis, Indians and the few Europeans raspberry and gooeeberr ,and other-Wangham. maker looks for ways belonging to the Gailada Company, Y and means of came a Mr, Read to open an hotel. He shrubs, tll'e roots making the warp and Seaforth and Exeter had successful urine; the many surplus products fc3und woef of the °matting which held back fail fairs fast week. With • splendid in- her kitchen; garden.., - had tlhe?previous' :yeit r opened one in the :sliding clay and sand. 'Clearing' weather, both fairs were well attended.' one�wing• of the Priory in ,Guelph. He and the..Action of the water, literally. Harry Steep's frame dwelling 'beside -toes target quantities of.green tome- s was n jolly, ; handsome -Englishman, byte 'hitnged the face of this part of lhe' the uBayafleld River at aClinton wits toes le;Et on the vines have always pre-" who built his Srst`' inu down by the mud." tom lately dextro I often . ea "proltilem to `her, .and have too harbors He left it before long and p Yeti,, with its contents, often been allaweci to waste. r b• 'r built a larger one farther over on the : :1tic1 how, dear render, is it too much 3 lire on 'Monday afternoon, The'fixe� • The. tCpnsufner• Section, Marketing blufft overlooking the lake. • B;c this for me.to believe that you will, once is believed to have started from a " coal oil stove. The loss is service, Douests-t Departmentgof Agri - time his .first name was dropped and more at least, read over the last partly i culture, suggests -the followinmethods tang 1orfi"h he 'was l:uo�vn as Judge paragraph, rich in sent!menta1 memor- covered by insurance. of storm' andpreserving Mrs, James iGuenther, formed g these nutri- Read,, Here' In this hostel r,' • most of les 'and couched in such beautiful die- y Jane- rtious fruits:. the many rGodericlh do>.thgs, famous in tiott/and besides suggesting to yea that. IReunie, daughter of the late Mr.• and Storage their clay, were enadted. yot visit those etas Itt'"Godetieh to Mrs. 1 atnue•1 Rennie, pioneer. residents 1`omittoe• of Ha s picked in oa mat rol green • Early in ,Ibis- eaieer Judge Read feast your eyes and iniad on the - y township, died -on Saturday at condition will ,keep for . a rteuirvel gorgeous subsets to • l;:e seen there, .all l the hone .(Sf a daughter in Sit. •Cath -:long Period Y established himself' as postman with b Pe under satisfactory_torstgQ the outside world. 14e kept a latae reminding you of the Marvellous Work arines, She was seventy 3'ear•s-"of-age:I ,c•Qnc ition,�(; .Such green tomatoes leather bug in whitth.. to ` carry the of our great iOreatt .. -..-__ Iler iusband._d:xed_ many years�-ago.-andTbe-so-uinrand free from 'growth „erack , letters and when' it -was reasonably'.' _ Sucli,:svts_the, r Corel of thethree . s$lla anti •tkzr+ee daught gs sur- ,skin etnrCtures . xn historian] , ,_ r }1 ' s_ sec's :_and' freezing full he ;inousit_-c his hn3°se n(1" written nore. than half a cetrt t. r cave; .4.lso *rutvivinb -ate l _ tiro er, kin: urk. Ulf u v a�o Each green tamato should " ce �lilthe Itennu• , of Seaforth, and fivel' E g ul, be indi- ithoo �tMk polo so .a. ,( oof fw (silt KM lista the 41, Two •WM iM tl lir(tr k Irk do a.4 .iews. m4c soul foil* t �b • firma + Trost 1 n, k t toth07 e; odors KC TestedRecipes teaspolons eiunanxoa .J ix,uncis raisins . 2 tease cloves 2 teaspoons allspieey Wash, ht and slice "tomatoes. tare, eoi sand chop aaI)1)ks. ltfix and add: other ingredients. °Bring . gradually to toon, In; point ° and took. for .three hour*: Tack in sterilized jn.rs and seal whirr ihot.. Green P #tee �+'tUt i�lk1 4 `quarts, green tomatOt s 4.,�,smafl onions " 4 green pe rs oe the 'toanattlE'.S� and ouiotls, spriale y.with ''half' cup of salt' and leave over. !night in a crock. 'The next niarning., (drain o the brine.. Put in a !preserv- ing kettle one quart `-of •'vinegar, one, level' 'teaspoon eaeh of black -pepper, 'mustard' seed, celery seed,• eloves, all ' spiQee and ` einnamer) and %' cup of sugar. .Bring to a . boil and add the prepared tomatoes, Onions' and .peppers„,._ !Cook , slowly for thirty minutes. F%l jars. and 'seal, - Green Tomatoes Piekled Whole. 1 peck of small green 'tomatoes' 1 quart boiling water I!}` cup of pickling salt 1 ` quart vinegar S pounds of :brown sugar tteaspoon ecayenne -pefiper 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1. teaspoon' mixed spice, 1 teaspoon celeryoseecl 10 whole cloves Dissolve salt in boiling water, put in a few tomatoes at a time and bait for twelve minutes, remove, each tomato carefully with a wooden spoon to'pre •en't•spoiling `sh drain thorouglily must end ---$ u k in . jars. -Tie ".psi d R t is WY .' .'.�Nf Colt, i+hrnce to T4aitxilion, and told by one who knew those people 5t5ters, one off•' whom is 'Yllrs, E. P. z�iduall wrapped These trips required several days -- to personally its well a rhe :circuuistathct' ; I'uulir► of R•h liy in paper (newspaper 2 m hack was a i i nth due s3 m years in O i i h will do) and placed in_a closed bob or drawer: , Another method is to pull the vine Tbefore-anysig-ns,ef-frost injury- t apparent, a1lrl suspend the entire vine front the -ceiling of the .storeroom.' - - Toinatoes...stored in the above-men- tioned manner should be maintained at co,m ylete but his co in r I rerordecl uud <ill:.� �ritteu w' _ Regina, w _ o-- •ved for some red letter ay in (eoderich. It as true pathy for all c•oncernc•ct and who hovel "Monday c . wooBuridl whe place that the news was often eighe.o.s `or 1 paa,4ed.asvay with oirl these records to on selontiay .at . •UfouLooe where' de - that .r ' more old 'b tell of _.them.. lite -until: •Equi' years_ a o. , air-x.osgil)ly� _.a1J--- I'Q nx ,,. - �.. -_ ,_ __�- � . -, � -.,.,s exciting and interesting 'because, o of ' ` , -R • � of Clinton , - jthe length of time between mails.; Chance of a Lifetime t Reece .of Clinton Nelson W. Trewartha will „succeed Thus Judge RiQad not only kept the l The 'hero of the story is a. -prominent, the late Fred Livermore as reeve o first tavern in •Goderii•h but kept the l►usiness man •who, hall the had lack to f (Tinton. Ken h(.. Waters als pe town up to date. t (> 'was' �a temperature •af• about .;til and under Au early ate. in�i °had this to, say ,,be bitten • by a mad (log. •He rr•as chated for the post, but did ,not favorable •conditions will continue, to about Read's hotel. She; this , abed it rushed to •thelluspi.tal for the Pasteur qualify, tpos saving the town the' ripen until (:hrisfinx'ts: `"" ;as "the best ,hostelry ' 1i the place and ! treatment,` cost of a poll. • Green TOtntt, Sauce 1` While the atlti.rai►ies scrum was :be Millar -,Flannery 2 dozen large•'toma toes,' . scene Of most of the revels. of after The marriage of Martha Mary Flan-, 1'i• d '` days; ., .where the Clutton' laeople and ink; • prepared, • the attending Physician .nt'ry da/z oxen .apexed � -.: • tlt)ticed the was fiery bus mak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. . 14 pound 'Salt- sI -••,...- those outside of tale towif, Put topatienty fit � Flannery, Seaforth, to Joseph. ' large lug but 1 • lung list „f uatnes; :and he P Paul f 4 lar�,e green sweet peppers - where the commissiancr and his charm- Millar of Detroit, was solemnized- by } • 1• red •••-•••:..r., asked.; • Hey. T. P. ,Hussey at St. James �,C• I 1 Afro .°�, you ie wish'to theh notified of the peo) le . `' '"Pounds brown sugar Are those .,,t dint{h, ,Seaforth, on •Sa .otified iff your can- •.rdrxy last. ounces mustard • dition -should become serious?" The newl"'weds left on a trip to United i 2 ' tablespoons ground ginger St ' "No," said' the victim. "'This is -a listoates pots, before settling in their 2 pints "vinegar ` me at tioit. of the people I'm,guing to bite if I go - 6 'large'onions - f `". 4 road." „ • Bagsltath'---li'li'es ••-. , ; ' " I Wash and slice tomatoes and onions, At the- Presbyterian church. ;Sea -I pare, core .and slice apples, slice rs', forth, on Saturday last, Rev. Hugh and take out seeds. Mix spiceslwiiith-.� Curious • Jack '•officiated ' at' the . marriage of strg:ar and salt and add vinegar. Place • Blushing, •she hid her face on ,her- Grace Victoria Free, daughter•of ••1Lr. ' on hent until sugar ,is. dissolved, and . • fat'her's shoulder.. acrd Mrs. Wesley ' Free, to Walter Jef-1 .send to (inner ° ingredients..Boil,-•-for. • "lie loves rue," :she - .said. Frey. Bagghti\y, B.II.,,S(., son of 31r. and f 1% hours. then pour into 'z terilized • 'Then' I sni►I►n‘tP18. Wants to" marry Jlrs. George 13rt;;shat v, 1 iiid',as.- -The ' Ijat:s and seal. yisu , , a couple left 011 a motor trip. to ;Quebec, ; . Green Tornato Mint',ereat 2, le:., clad." after, which they will inal.e their, homei 1 peek green tomatoes -"What's his ia(•uttie?" near Lindsay, _ .1 1 Peck apples r. She started. er •Trah--Hofi'ntan ti pounds brown ,Agar "I don't know," she muritiute(I,. "irut i `Ile marriage'of Rose Margaret IHoff.. 2. polled -S. c•t}rr,ints the coincidence '.•1;. very, -strange,", th usliinn bag, put in. 'vinegar; add su ar_ . Lind ',bon' until . s} sZi�T��y thiclen+edF re- move spice bag, pour liquid over tomatoes, .filling sealers. full; and seal` !tightly, Our grand business is not to sed what lies dun_xn the distanlce,,LLbut to.. -o •hat lies efeatly';at hand. iCarlyle • "What coincidence?" • • • "Setra'tlrtn," she answered, asked ; - the ver) same question abirut ;your in - Come." • �Jayast a Slip - i Two business nteu iN7ere discussing., a _'i►tnl►c'titor who" oilve had hen an t etnlrloc•ee -of one of them. "Iy happen to know. that fellow is a s•h;reee and not atx►t;ty, lying.'and ,steal- ing trh'n it's 1(4 his advantage," he rernaricecj. • - •` "Du you know hin.i personally?" "Know him'. I taught trim 'every - 'thing he knows." � wa�.wae SAVINGS tnjCERTIFICATES O. a _ "How to redecorate and not'spei rd. a lot' of money! Really, .4.1tad us puzzlei .; . ~until .we discovered ongoleum- aria found out how lo beautify and economize at the 'same -time. The colourings and 'patterns are simply lovely Land they go so well with . Tr ur furnis Icings and drapes! Our "kitchen, for ina "stance, is a positive picture!" You,. too, can forget" the. 66high.cost> of floor c• overings'; by discovering the 'inexpensive beauty of Congoleuin in rugs or by-the..yard. ' It's the :same dependable Congoleum,, longmt,x>rll o iavourte . all over Ciiax.1ac' a. Many new +and gorgeoul.s • designs. No Burling at the edges. fight mopping and- an' occasional' waxing keeps it brightt . as new. Look • for tli.e famous Cold Seal., your guarantee' ofsatisw faction and long wear.;. CONGOLEM CANADA LIMITED 'w MONTREAL BIious Attacks .. Liver CompIa9f ake... B• iliousness is just another name for a clogged orsluggish- liver. Tt ".. A is a very common c_omplaint,%ut na- b() quickly remedied by stimulating the flow of - bile. This softens the accumulated. mass, the poisons are carried out of the, system, and the liver, and bowels aro relieved and toned tip. Milburn's Laza-Liver Pills quicken find enliven the.sluggish liver, open.- ing up' every channel, by eausing ai free flow of bile and thus,,cleansing tho,liver of the clogging impurities. They are small and easy to take. ito not gripe,, weaken or sicken. Tho T.01fiibtrr'n Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Your Ncixt Visit to TORONTO- Try i`ORONTO- T ► HOTEL WAVERLEY Located'' on Wide 6$dttta Ave. at College St. Easy Parking FAic111tlely Convenient to Hlghwstys ie,Sts $1.11 to Sue Rani 'NOW $tsl to 4s,1e Feet to Roorn, $S,flO to' $81' • Close to the tinivtpalty,, Perlis( 1", ant builtlltlge, Maple Leaf_G�trtierns. Thsti$ree, 14 pitels, theot raahIe able neand 6ho'pping Dtatt°tct. A4 $411 POWELL, t r r ger, g/tmeatiiit CONGOLEUMeria8peodateVigezeitzei'm WAR SAVINGS STAMPS (i the many plans. antsriletn" to.1)1'u(•ttre-bittiln ss, -nothing has vet ' h(,eil• • (1('vi-ed that equals ai i e' '1- --pa1)er ' that has. rr11(fey :Inti l:es.. y,r111C`.yv„l i)ll"lt paper is ° the ' ine)(IlitliI-- that will brine* * 'r 'gulf~ i"t ,ns('d ('4)R• :itit,�i�rl`•. Assuming, there. aro four poop in eVell' h(1tt4t'lia)1(1, to I1,ir•n'1''., • .tient that ttlt'alhis !l.)",lI rea41 tll is pa per every -week. That, t a ti ,'•ttr( does not inettl(lt',, the 1)4'Op1(' who borrow tlt('ir,nei IiI)nrti' o(ip)ies. Perilps those Ater )lt' ?'(%IIl;t` ('an't Y afford to ntisi'ril)e"-for., a ('0 V. , though it, 'costs /only , 2.D() ..for at year. ('al•. or .shot• limy he int. -4404 stingy and .all•e looking tot' inil.•'- thiiit for nothltlL'. Every emu,: ninnity has them. .„�.51...a.t, The Signal -Star ('overs its (i'istri('t V,'1 tllr)f`Ott� Ill °. a ` Y