The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-08-28, Page 2ra.0 TWO
ni)trittl *toutti-Ottir
Publiohed by Signal -Star fre59, p•LiraitO,
:West •Streete Goderieh.'Ontarle)
TUURS.D:e.Y, AITG.UST 23th, 1041,
"Wika APATIPZ ?"
It appears t6 be the fashion, when a
PUblic speaker has nothing' elseste Say,
sleelere 'ewer apatite' in Canada.
There may be Some war apathy in this
lintry .but it *Old be much more
'dogs and "ir.ork -township hag a ,plegee
. of rats: isut-rhe..teter says the -Witte' ne-
harmful snakes in the Toronto area.
The city has one or two white ele-
phants, however.
, •
An Ontario. Government official says
two hundred girlare needed to -pick
di Cult ,to put a Auger on it,than upon
the evidences that Canadians are, tals- peaches. ip. theeNiagara district. Any-
kit intemst and an active part- one, willing to undertake the job is
in the fight againet Hitterism. '
-See that Man making his way home
after a day at factory or. office. What
does he care about the war, so long
as be gets -his threes -meals a day and
a roof Over his 'head? Well, he may
he mentally figuring hew. ire,can keep
,his family in , decent cemfort and at
the eame time make seam inyestment
.war savings' certificates.
That woman seneeely engaged in her
household. duties—why isn't she all
hot and fussed, about the war? Watch
Iter. when she has .her house in order;
• see her take up her knitting, or sewing
for the Red ,Cross, or prepare a parcel
for someoneoverseas, or do one, or
other of the many things that women
are doing in this war..
'-'"Watch that farmer behind the plow.
Doesn't he, know or eare anything
about the war? While you are watch-
ing him bpsy with hieplowing his mind
may be at work on plans for increasing
the production -of hts fields or the num.-
ber of iiis livestock, so that the people
of beleagured Brifain may besfed. NO
matter what he is thinking,Sar'whether
he .is thinking at all, he Ars putthig hiss
- and strength into MOSt iiiipOrtant
• veer work, . for without food Brittiin
must fall.
But those. young fellows having A
good time with the girls—don't they
know there is a war on?—do they
have to 1* compelled to get into uni-,
form? Perhaps those 'young fellows
have already enlisted tetra are only
awaiting the 'call to join the forces:';
and Why shOuldu't they have.0. good,
time before they- go f� face the Hun?
Or perhaps they have offered. their
services' to King and cotuatry and have
been rejected--whe • .
d these. -older, people looking
• • anx4ously day bfsday for a letter' from
' their son'who has been •••over there" for
six monthe-s-A year—eighteen months..
a •
Are they guilty .of ."war- apathy" be-
cause, they doe't stop everybody' on
the street. to talk about their boy? •
And the great body of citizens who
go„ about their .business from day to
day, buying .and selling, doing the
• thousand and one jobs :that are to be
Acme in this workaday world—are they
‘. doing nothing toward e Canada's war
' effort? There was e little item in the
daily press the other :day' to the effect
that the revenues of the Federal Gov-
ernment for the last four months-,
• April to July, were $484,250,397. That
is a.' lot of money, and most of it will
be .spent for war purposes, and where
• did its 'come from but from °levies on
business, from the shoPeeperS, . from
the manufactUrers. the builders, the
asked to communicate with the Pro-
vtneial Departinent '''‘efLabor at
Phil Ostler of Lazy Meadows
By Harry J. Hoyle •
pon't ever coi,r1 I have
found -froni experieteseshere ate° Lazy
,Meadows, that •ti co4-,may °look at Yon
Innfrent„velOtY ers and tit' the Nazi 'Germans' against Tra'nee s former
ItS11)AY,,A.1.10UST 2Stb, 100.
Current Views on the War
. THE MEN 40IF VICIIV " : seeh inner-eirele `felieW:.4' as HalifaX.
It is. becouting, inereadlingle elear "Look here, Prank," vontinued the
that Chief of. State .
MarShal Philippe Prime SX,Iniste4, you and 1 ean.saY all
the polite things by Malt but,now let's,
'Petitin• and Admiral Jean Dalian hare get 41OWla to cases...What would you
taken tile final plunge and. ares•,. irrevocs do next lif you. were in my. shoes?"
,ably determined to commit the French ' "Well, Winstign sine* you ask, _my
movie to complete collaboration with advhse, I'd 'get tough with Japan.
Yineye been 'Mow ha •that quarter."
'Yon haven't been 'so sharp with -the
came time may be planniug, destenetion, ally' Why'have they done it?
to some part or anether of the farm.' - ',JaPs Yourself," answered Mr, Church.
How in thie utter reversal he ex--
• 3101Y .th ngs enter into the pkeure: moralist, Me.' Hull, Don't words' Nee
The trouble *with a eow -ts• thitt yen , "eeeePt he' •the words of that great
'place trust in her77,1iecause she has
the appeartutee of a saiet ;' but she real-
ly hes the heart of a sinner.
• e
Wp Wive an orit Stubble field with a
good ,catch clover on it next tie the
liousee. Jessie, ()sir briudle cow, Seemed
more Or lee's dissatisfied with the
withered pasture of the field south,
•''of the barn and I decided to give her
a treat. In the afteenoon the cove
• were herded through the baruyard tind
into thestubble field. You should have
seen the way Jessie looked -back at me,
She sniffed over a fen' clumps of elover,
andew).th quiek swish of her tail at a
clueter of flies on her back set to work.
I 'begtua "to, thinb,- In terms of 71low
goer' a coweshe really was. Her last
calf was- a *ewer,' Well on the way
to becoming a baby beef. She has been
giving rich, crealny mills that has sent
our test ,up quite high. And with
There may, be something in those
cream at the price it is now, it seemed
rumors- that 0 Hitler is sick and
. • a shame that Jessie hadn't been treated
Mussolini is sulking in. angry impot- better this sunniter, The pasture has
ence. Nothing much has been heard of been burned badly as a result of a
blazing July S11,11, and there were many
either of them lately. to be hoped
tunes when we could have given her a
they will live leng enough to get what few handfuls of clioP aS a Ireat.
1.8 coming ,to them. When we went np to supper the COWS
Hiram Johnson, isolationist
Senator from California, says lila
conntry will be ip a "shooting war"
within two neenths and he deesn't IUe
It. The Senator has some politieal re-
latives in Europe who thought to find
safety in neutrality.
• • •
•• •• were still engiyiug the Cloven JesSie
was munching along steadily near ,the
Motorists complain with reason of barnyard gate. :She looked up, tossed
the. lack, i.)f reassemble caution by her head as much as to ,Say, -Thises
bicyclists, especially young boy e and .the life," swished in an all-out ,blitz
against the flies and went on eating.
girls:, on the roads. They. wabble all -
•At s-uppeiseinee I mentioned the fact to
over the read, perhaps twe or three ire. Phil, but she wasn't convinded.
carrying on a conversation as they .On several oecasiOns Jessie had kidked
elart hither .and thither within speak- .th•e milk pail flying and that is one
fault Mrs.. Phil finds hard to overlook.
lug distance of one smother. ,They pay
After s'epper 4 Seoppeh for e, drink
no attention to the rules' of, the !Pad,' of wafer.,at-tlre-tiail in the 'pantry. It
but if one of. them- is accidentally rue' couldn't she tru.e., Yet. It Was!
down the • motorist is Warned, • Jr There as large as life, and twice as
es that i ,due to France's, failure- to
natural, enjovinss. tempters-, sreene,. 't was
keep abreasb-Of ino-dern 'Mobile median -
bicycle -riders reAlizeer SOW eften, after • enjoyin. . . , e e
the gardene was Jeseie. I had for -• ized warfare, he sought toexplain it on
dark, elle of their tri* le- within ,a
, gotten -the loose. wire. between' the oat „
semi-philesophical and. • religions
few seconds of disaster by reason of' field and, the garden. Jessie hadn't
not carryini'a lighf, the? might be e
little more careful. -
the defeat of the French artayain the
field espeeialle ,its Sudden, tilleX^
Peeked s and overwhelming' nature;
problenas aroused by the 'flees filigree
lion of millions of refugees and the
effeets of this op the pational thought
of France; the„division. of ,Freince Lute
two almost uncounected parts, 4 More
Won't hand Singapore over to them to
Protect. • If I only could the navy
in the •Paciiie—" Oburchill pOunded
-the area of his chair. "lint',110W abealt
7011.1' ships?' You could .stuash the Jap
deet to splinters, you know,"
Mr. Roosevelt's eyes gleamed. '*Noth-
ing I'd like. hetet!. Winston, but we
haven't a two -ocean navy, yet, And,
(ban half the eountry being ()tenni I
by German. troops and, the smaller un- we might need the fleet the At-
occlipied portion being thus eut off
and largely isolated from , the rest of
the world,
But these faders' fail to explain why
Marshal Petain, Admiral 'Darien and
otlaer political leaders evho have now
come -to be known as ‘"the men :of
Vichy" have with persistent perfidy
pushed, 'steadily down the lOpg path
of betrayal of their former British
allies and collaboration with the Nazis,
their 'recent enemies. Is far as ean
be discerned through the thick cur-
tain of censorehip, seerety and intrigue
which - today surrounds Unoccupied
Franee, there are two explanations', one
applying to Marshal 'Petah'. and the
other to sitdmiral Darien and his
political colleagues in Vichy. .
Marahal Petain cannot be under-
stood, unless it is realized that he is
a pistriarch, a very old man. He had
come to be regarded by most of the
"Why, Frank? What are yet" doing
with it?. I haven't heard of any action
'We've promised to deliver our sup-
plies to you,"
"I only wieh you would. It made me
feel. good' when yOu first% said that.
What are You going to do abota it?"
i'Don't forget, Winston, that We're
a democracy. I've got a strong op-
position, and I can't get too far ahead
of the people. Be.sides, we might need
the fleet in the .Paeific."
"We're a democracy too, you know,
and I wouldn't be on top if the People
dish* acilon, Use the °fleet and
the peopld will, back you 40 0 man.
Bat use the fleet eoniewhere!"
* * *
Mr. Roosevelt ehanged the subject.
"Speaking of action, Winstone
heard YOU Criticized because you didn't
tt.9111 atoelk to drift int& the towns and.
cities, Their places in many cam,
mtutities are being 'taken by. peoples.
of alien origin, largely frona Central
Europe. The old ,U,X. !loyalist ;And
Dritisb stock is disappearing from the
countryside. The whole .character of
many, of our old counties" is changing.
Unless there lc, Soule ehange in farm-
ing 'conditions the movement will con,
tinue. •
In any ease tlit ageicultural probleni
- and the •flaeresof our countryside is
one of the mist serious we are facing.
aFs"alleiliorpropfle4nnitobly'ofhillFlisae%8 pwaesltl. take ad.vantage of the Russian war to
make a landing on the continent."
feat of France, therefore, affected hitn' "That's another thing I wanted .to
military grandeur. ' The military de -
mention. We could do it all right.
a's bath, a, personal tied symholic blow.
Thissmilleary, mentality cerstallized in
old School defensive Males- and static
warfare, sunimed up 'in a .singleeprord„
But remember our productive capacits
isn't up to .Hitler's, especially since he
got all Western Durope making arms
for him. We depend ,on you to Offset
feat. ,thar'' So far, between you and me,
Verdun, had the greatest difficulty In
grasping elle meaning or France's de- e•e haven't had too much from you.
Insteadeof ire-tepting flee plain"
. .... •
.e.H., assenit 'I been told you wouldn't really.
fact - eegoing until 1942? Where'd We 'be
_if ewe. shot Of ererything we have in
a continental war . and ., then Hitler
turned -en us?" „.
'-"We're going better now," said the
• 1 groundse.tha.t Ftesnee had fallen frmn
grace as a nation and Must do pt•nauce
,, Have- yon eiser tried el tiring a, can-
f - a 9 defeat before she could rise again.
s • e, . s'ss particularise he attributed the seen 3
Shell allow• her to be prodded out I 11.4 -)re
ASkifir Iva), Aug. Gretta
Oanipbell ha.,.; returned. to dsacknow-
after spending two weeks' holidays:,
with friends .,,leere.
• 'MiSS Charlotte MaeKenzie has re-
turned to Torontte
xteNk Reynolds Ester will preach' his
farewell sernfon Ashfield Pineitester-
tan church 'ou° Sunday, August 31st,
at 2.80 pen.
$) Mr. and Mrs. John McKay, sr., Miss
(Gretta Canapbell and Mr. John Me -
Kay, . jr., visited on Saturday with
;31r. J. Matheson,. Tiverton.
The Mary Hardy 'Mission Band
meets 011 -Thursday at the home of
Mrs, ,Win. Drefinan.
;MA, Robert , Scott and daughter
-Barbara, s Detroit,'• are •yisiting 4 at
the home of Mrs. K. MaeLennsin. '
ezpikeWAR Mk/11%1GS
Jean have spent the Supinter,
thia week. • Bisset Bros, :have a fine
• '1,7hreshing• mule he, alnlest fluished-
of r W.M.S. Meting—The August meet- law at Sarnia last Friday.
crop of...secoad-cut, alfeIfin, hay which'
tended the. funeral of his brother -in. --
of Oshawa,.
ing of the seshfield W.M.S. was held Misses Isabel Tyndall,
at the home', of Mrs. James McDonald. ,sainwdhtEletehenor%,vvoefk?etIttedell'aStPathrek, Toronto, ,
lenne. Isabel is l'emaining for a week
"Mtirss'oEd.Lhaiin),•sto.anlleadndotamsoirnlye, ooff„Gtohdeei;
friends on Sunday. .- ••
ricil,:otuigeivaess. ,
Webster,. of ,Goderieh, is
hol idayleg • at his, aunt's, Mrs. Robert
, e.
The president, Mrs."Donald MacKenzie,
opened the meeting with a hymu and
Mrs. John Ross read- the. Scripture
lesson. Mrs. (.Dr.) Siinpson read the
minutes of the July meeting and gave
the treasurer's report in the absence
of Mrs. John McRae. The Ashfieid
auxiliary are invited to Ripley for the
'October meeting; they will hear a
special thank -offering speaker. Mrs.
E. Howes read a prayer, Rev.' R. Ester
addressed the ',gathering; his subject
being "The oPost-war' World" "The
world," he said,. "'win be re -made after
this -war. world order must
be based on the -principle of forgiveness
,a-nsi charity.. Thee couquered eipples
will be given conaideratien in the
making of the new world order. -At
present force must be used, but force
does 'not. breed.. 'love or forgiveness.
Naziism ise,a foul thing. Rebirth must
come in Mall. 'This can be done by
God's spirit working in .the lives _of
President. "From now' on well malie,,insietnootf).rtillig th(lisoepsianTthoeftr'.,huititilehbhls, trit.,Ishke
as Much as you cans shoot.' 4
14 collapse to the instability of'.
• -
"leehepe- yoteee right, Frank. Bute W.M.S. °does its parteas well in fern -
B • -and Russia May be accreSed of a corner, e• alsinge care to" step on rmne optimistic. about _what you're going -t
• d t be‘a tiny bit too ishing the new foundation. Such men
. e
; • the temato plants Awl. as many things
of doing in Iran what Germanyedid •m
aSP.she "eat" defiiiage and move over to
,Holland and Belgium and, other coun- the gateway. Then with hp'9f her
tries. The eases, however, are quite heels, a swish of her tail an
and authority, made him ready to foie to meerve hearp eon sa
the pelitical 'system. This, added to (16 ? S4.•,ems
toss lois. A.dmiral Darlau reuvuaci; that before.- d like the stuff stacket
his militety background 'Of f• -
Fiance's repeblican institutions and in
of her head she'll make back for the'
imposing ap authoritarian regime
eorner you've jest driven her out of.
the French people.- ,
In going beck, she'l 1 manage to mass -
Marshal Petehn it is impel:taut to
acre the cucumbers and. kiek a ,few
you reeee rettliee, eetains even today the respect
Pumpkins, around. .When.
-and, even the rei•erence of mullions
her, she'll Standetehbornly and let you
of, Frenehmens-perhaps ,eyen df • the
belabor her. backbone with a fenee
majority of the French people. There
picket while. she solemnly shifts her
ere no substantial grounds for 'su•is-
mid from one , side to the other, and
Pasing him. anything bee -a misguided.
then go around the garden tWo or three
'old soldier and patriot.
times in the same Way that a merry-
, Adiffiral Darien IS a different store.
goes around.
ernment was asked. but refused. to ex
pell gmr9-tuLd's
o , as Roosevelt and ,Olierchill.". said the
speaker,are. p y e • . • t."
1, Mrs. Robert Scott 'sang a 'stile, -My
dissimilar. Holland, and Belgium. of-
fered no peril to Germany; they were
invaded without warning in the pursuit
of Germany' plan Of military strategy.
Iran had plenty a warning and was
given an alternative to invasion.. The
sountre was being. overrun by German
agents sent in there tomake treuble for
Britain and Russia, and the Iran Grey-
. That was the game „Jessie played on Is CenaMat'sclerdiechief Of the French
'these ;Weans* Agents of Hitler. -The. • .. • s • •
i.e. -Mrs. I hileippeared on the scene.. Fleet during the blitzkrieg of May;
1040, he was ,.en ardent advocate of
people of Holland and Belgium have tuok one look-'nt the deer:10 anti with
beeti iippre,ssed by their invaders and' a deternaileed "Hoi-hoi" she chased both
UP 011 the docks. And I'd like -to see
a whole procession 9f. new freighters,
wallowing, in tile sea up to their gun-
wales, and flanked by your destroyere
and planes, .bringing(it in as fast as
we coeld -unload is. We'd need. our
navy ekewitere;• you know."
• There was a short silence. Then th
Prime Minister 'went •on. e"One moi
things -.token weetiag ;to say th
for a long time, but it would never do
for a Britisher to say it where it might
he overheard. That phrase of yours
abont you ma,king stuff for us tej shnot.
shootee-and be•sshot aTite Ion
The Bolshies sire making- things hot f
of us• otin Jessie. determined .that it, to the . Ahem now, but suppose they don't las
have been robbed of Nod and .other • Sepdose See had A million men in ..etr
Task," and Mr.. Feder followed with
"9""11.4ww425"414. -7-1"4"ammanal'es•__
On snort nOtiee. Every job
receives.. my personal
Geo: W. Stokes -
East St. Phone 2063
prayer. after which "God° entre the
King" was "sung. -This being the last,
meeting of the W.M.S. which Mr.'
stud Mts. Ester wauld be „present, the I•
ladies took, this opportunity • Of making -1
e• presentetion, to them. Mrs. D. A.
e. • MeLean reed an addressexpreSsing ape"
•e predation. of their, Work-in tliceelluri.;11"
and: of their :assistance _ and • •inster-
atioe to the W. M„ Society and tender -
this gond wisbes. for their -fietbreS and
Anna 'Mac Met/MI:11d _ presented them
with -a 'chain- and- --wall-mirror. The
g a t tend an ce - Wes forty4heee. Mrs.
• - • .- •
• Demild eed, lo served 0 (Ittlety
t? •
nes, CARLOW.
ou ,CARL' ) --T he 'a I is ens
lit Lindsay, of Lucknow, spent two weeks
with -their 4,ouain Mr. Jarvis. -McBride
and .Mrs. „McBride. .
Mrs. •Albert 'Goldthorpe of , Gmlerich
vieited9. Mr: and Mrs,. Will ...Cantwell
- . last week. `
11S. One of ite dra We the breath ,f life..
vigorous and unrelenting ..resietance
Then euddenly he changed. A French
alca - in contact- with the cOntinentat peninsula and the Easte
.1 Was too good :1 game to, give tie so
d it i orted • is taking, food, Sto '?Olin to nose over three baskets uorsaY - Front vanished? clh.lesin 1.917S y
remember. It's just possible wernig•
necessaries. Britain, on the other • friend .c4inine• whoswas •aa the Wei
. easily and iehe Made for the orchard.
han s rep 1 I g
French Ministry of elarine itit thet d '- '. '1 '
intoiren to feed the Iranians. There of '1101man -Swee' t 'Apples I had picked
me has told Ilee SOMe reserves. . me I. C1111S ( a n
- '
ill b handed back to the Iranian 3,oer oven serail? Thereare laajx)o,floo
film -nigh a bunch of chickens and sent Mils, sudden change ie. Dar-
- • t oon s the war is over. , ir ts f the 0 elm 41 farthest • * * , *
me that he himself •saW eheot,
ems; <attitude aletest Mtn one 'day to f • "
fece. Why not shoot some of
,for, selling. in the village, She tore ti
will be no oppression,,and the country
ethem smiawking, end landed in the o sou. .
Gosi rumen as s • om. n r
the next. He ponderee it considerably
tfie time end was unable to explain
it other than as a sturden- conViction
that 'the war Was lost as far as France
at In short, Britain.and Russilt"tire .-saving away from the gate. . "That ," --41,d Mr. Roosevelt; waving
Iran ,from. the fate of.. 'Greece and Suehansuch, our collie pup. appeared 'his hand, "is up to Congress. Besides,
4 0 n . the seetie. r1 ti I made a campaign pledge -e"'
seas cote-en:led; and a simulfaneou.s "Well ," . replied Mr. - ,Churehill,.. l• ' •
. . " by my yelling. and the confusing method
decision, based on personal ambition •• •
_ • * Jeseie lune he itessein eleishur her in the "when.'Congrese naakee you go back on. •
that only by theowiug in. ids let with vont )ledge let me know. Meanwhile
wrong direction. 'She seileil over -the
.trip of -rail fence dividing' ourorefilled- a Vr•ixn.w
liel,ermany was there any futtere for him. well carry -on, Jest remeinber this,
keyed to co-operiition with ••
'farmers andother proaucers; from the " taxation as that imposed as sueces- - a 0,4,1_ 0 axe e le ens Ihis same French friend saw Adneiral though—the closer you mine up.behind
from the. Tompkins -place end gsvished
•sion duties on the estate of the:late thi ou,
' Darlan again hreVichs-• last spring nu rts. the' quieker we'll win the war for
-1° gather on have° some sort- of
The Tdronto -Star comments:
1 There will be two views c1 such
men and winner" who are. carrying on
the work of the country—work Which
may have no direct relation to the war
but which is. providing the money that
There may be some "war apathy" inj
keeps the war effort going? .
Clenada, but to our mind, it is a very
poor Aubjeet for/ public addrese.
• speoeindat ,Governmepts A 1 Finiirt(1,1dy, with the aid
sis doge,
Vdm-i-nth---hed---ddlennined -.De, 4the- y,eslt`e-Your
jest ready for fettling. ,
E. R.. Wood by the Dominion and of remereethe came asvay thoroughly eonvinced •the
The same eppliessin a greater or less knovv that,"
coil' not 'safil3g11;itsingI
'fights• too. Weeall
$4,00t1,000 on an egtale just short. whole Way. in the .stiberdination etake in our winning 'Lt.". '
France to Nazi dunelnation:
Suehansuche and Myself, Jesede S
'brought baek to the- barnyard. • Shp
walked aver. quietly --to the 'watering,
trough, took a drink of water and
moved over to the straw sitache Her
of $6,700,000 will be considered
oppressive in some quarters, while
in others it will -be pointed out
that such a tax still leaves nearly
$2,1-00,000 to be •pees,esed. on. A
eyes were ae innocent as ever . . .bat
rleasonable niewsmis that death
I .still maintain, don't trust 0 cow.
duties- take money whose possessor
is no ioniser •heree-aa which pro-
- revert,s to tlie State in large
AMOUlit reselQ4 i'dg makes ample•There passed away in Port Elgin a'
measure, esptially when the. . (1 ort Elgin Timee)
-',:see,-.1'.. feaiii;:s, 1.,ilieral memlier of the ,
lLeg-islature for Lipcoln, has resignea
his seat in pretest-againet ahe granting
of a beer and wine license to a -new
hotel' in St. Catharines against his
-reeommendation ,and--esseinet the ex-,
pressed wishes of file t:ley Council of
St. Catterinee, send In violation of
definite prombie given by the head of
the Ontario Liquor Control Board. Mr.
Haines said he opened the seat in
provisioa:fer dmendants. • Income 1
taxes.and sueceseion duties, graded .,
;- so as to take meet,. prouertionetely, ,
from the lergest incomes and
&tates, are amongst ' the most
equitable taxes whiah anY govern-
ment can..impoee.. •
Thereis further to Ve eousidered the
fact that owners of large possessions.
Owe more to the state for the preserva-
tion of law and order than do those
sbort time ego a dear old lady whose
life in her deellning years wits Made
happier and, brighter by an ad of kied-
ness—ari hour. 6T inueits There* mine
to her house nearly,-severy day it
talented and bus5 mnsician who could
always fltel time to bring happineSs. to
1 a shut-in. In ,a sordid and unhappy
I world it" is soul -lifting to find one who
can panse in the midst of Iifes busy
routine° to give some •thought to those
W11() a re denied so many things in
.order !hat the peoph. of the riding whe have. -little protierty. !IN,
Inan 1 •10VE' Ws. lile•rate In our lives •i's 'the
. ehould have the earliest opportunity ' who has, nething to he stolen owes ewe svi, kev.p.,,
notbinel..6.,,the la WS against theft the — es
man who Iia' large posseneeimiedspenns The members ef the faithful little
floek in a town in Scatiatal•had roan -
upon such laws awl their enforeemeut
• • 1 • • 1 "T1
. •
Mrs.' Lillian 'MacDonald, of Gait.
was a: week -end visitor with her par-
ents. air. and Mrs. A, E. Errineton. and
her sister Riehy.
,Rev. 1). C. Hill of Exeter occupied
the Pulpit of -.the Presbyteriaidgehurch
on •Sundase a nd deli veredsee-bei tif u 1
and 'interesting sermon, taking for his
text "Ye must be born agtein." Ser-
vice will be held; et the .4tune hour
next Sundase-3,...nim., and Bible study
at 2 pen.. -There_ will he no service- in
the United church' next 'Sunday.-
• Mr. Leonard Kent is .11611daying -at
h bailie here, where Mre. Kent and
IL degree to Adniiral Darlan's Variou.s 1 //lent in exile! I don't late the Washing -1
'ton elimate." . 1.
Mr. Churchill climbed down the,
. .
ladder, .,.. and waved at ' the s-ailors. I .
Mr. Roosevelt raked his hand and I
point theneteded by -4Serlie, made a . V with his, -•fingers. Mr. 1
taught in ti'vise from which there WaS glower'ed ethesad'.
4 'Churchill stack. up his thumb; jammed ,
no eecape and no turning back. ' For
they were 1. his. hat dadrit Ow ' his eye:4 , and",
Were. heneeferth - ' '-itSTSdeilited - .nitlf -,The New Republic. ,
they must' have realized very soon that ,
s •
in the es'es of the Frentei. people they '
'Fretted's treasonous action ' toward
Britain in „favor of theNazis, .and that
political colleagues in ',the sVichy
Cabinet. •It is necessary to realize, if
the actions of these "then•af Vichy" are
to be understood, that once they took.
the tirst step *of cgiving in to,. Gernian
Pressure and conceding point after
WeAern. artada
DAILY SEPTEMBER- 12 to .26, 1941.
RETURN LIMIT: 45 days.
xcursion tickets ,good in - Tourist„
'Parlor and Standard sleeping cars
•..also available on. paynient of slightly
!tidier passage-, tares, . plus price of •
parlor or sleeping; car , accommodation.
1t( (1 good going via Port
• Atelier, OntseChicago, ell., or Saul;
Saes Marne 'returning -via stune route
and line 01115., Generous; optional. .
SToPOVERS, --- will be allowed at
. e-anseessiet in Canada on the going lir
return trip, er leith, within final
limit ur tieket, on applieation ei
emalactor: also at Chicago. Ill., '
sgauhesSte. Marie, Mich., and west,
' in aveordanee with tariffs of Ctlibied
,Statea lines.
IFall parti'oulars front .any Agents
35-S . _..s. •
(London :Free Prees)•`"
grace and persecution theTreille.441
therefore they are foredoomed to •dis- sehool -has been desed„efer lack of
• Anether Western Ontario (*7(111 3'
'political future end Very probably their fisac',OeneOn()tfartil(1)e
pupils. The declining rural populatien
•0etenekel on a Nazi victory. • • t (71 serious s tpriosblisttnt s svg:hoi (held '
Briefsh -Victory. In other words, "their
Personal sitTetS1 and very eeietence , elan. After all the'boAiS. of onrsysealtli•
d b 11 • i is agriculture.. If agricultural prodne-
1 i • in the end
11 1105 Hitler from Berlin.' Added- 10 this, floe. drops then the c t ss are
Itis fie ou tet y a lea' of this
which hes led them„ on from one step I bound to suffer. After all the proe-
lan himssdf.and a number of -hie e01-,
Itsewrhittlsy tho{!.. tttinehitt-1,)$; tielik,iethlIticozteinhiduen-1
the proeperity of Middlesex '111(1 (8111
to anetifer ..adong the fine Oetated
hoWeVer, is the act, that Admiral Dar-
• rounding enmities.'
of giving•.expreeshin to -their wishes in
the matter 0 the Polls."
Prenaler-Ilepburn evades the (111711
leni?,e to test the feeling of the pee de for the protection of his' property.a church Eiers thin • s
PRAISE AND CRITICISM discovered that the church had no
'sever gentiluely adopted were taiklug, to one of the largest
farming of
aged to build• . g seems belonged to that authoiitarian • (Manfred methods of
. • i 'was considered ceinidete—until it was tradittoest ;wheel or irs'entleal thought eminse have something to do with the!
in a 14.e -election. Ile eays that mem- , Frante d mends() front bon pailism decline of 'population. Recently We I
• hens have nothing whatever to 410 with 1
the granting or refusing ef lieense. '
— • hell. A campaign was started for whieh -has
of arty Plvidentls. they are not 1, I4t,14.tor 'rho Signal-stdr• hinters in,. this district. 'lie, told us -
I>entoeraese 'These teen •sew their op-
• funds fon a bell, lett the parish had
" • ,• •
'2-- „
1111(1 , been well drained, so the Pastor sought portunity and took it when defeat that his grandfiztrier had ten Men NV oil-
ivrougt t dise
is to. refuse a 11e4.,nse: but whiet has ' fr0111 your lovely town. after it week'S proached .,one farmer.
0. bringine an o ienin,
. . wait to their Third. 11(1 iflf.ch1.4-farin. In
,odny. there is just the
.• listened to when their reeenimend a tion ; - Dee nesir,--- ha 1e te « n 1 1 s i t at lied .
funds from outsiders. He finally 114)-
1 • public s 'political institutions, time farmer hls on andhis hired, maui. i
there been atie hesitation in granting it , %tun ) t I' ti dre. Yoe have al The* . , t , t a
'farmer listened lioneh m
of thos'e ideas of a Corporative state methods of farming.. He thought in I
1 e for the 'progress Machinery has eonifiletele changed the;
s lieefl.4. when the member reeommended l'i verY •PrettY Place there with, your i merit, and asked Y.e saY Ye • have a
. 4 park, and the mie the ties ts are laid I , new choorde?" . .
"Yes," Said the pastor. e , 1 .I•!.s ease he was producing as nmeh I
a's his grandfather with tett men.
. out. - The ,orre-woy traffie ig It' g•rand
There meet now Ise helf-aelozen or .., fee„ .. but .NVilV, 0 Wily', (10 „V 011 ilOt tr.,:et "'An' nOo ye want. a, bell for tst?°7- i.. ,:i-',3' l't 1140,1'..,4 ereIl with the ineehaniz-
that had "been stowly epreading in
-Prance -during the lastedecade or so.
Nevertheless:, the essential fact remains
that the French people as a whole re-.
deriweratie and fres loving
People and dbet• the time is bound to
enTIW when they will ',matinee Admiral
stle n ef tbe farm thet•e is something-
Huroti-Itinee haa been %valiant tleey eannot kiate• enoitgh nroneyout of "Did ye na' say the choo•reli is wrong when the ritral popnlation dee
freest TV to e men to avveep u ) beefed by steant?" • clines._
mondeVircanelve in the fiegislature; the after the Town Connell itiel eee if "That's rifsht."
• •
' the rulibieli on the streets? If all the eede., ' Tite mechanization of agriculture le
a representative for several sessiorta. • eves e • •
The people will drass• their owe (.011. „ , . te•„ lee/ “Nveei, tnen, my gude mon, • why ;parkin and dictatorial ideas:. That's not. ten, retison for the declining
I1.111CrS. AA et ea (me ) are se why for the 'amen of re ." • '
it's. as pay t I
eittelons, ' lying around onithe, streets and bagged,
don t you put 'a WhuStle on ut.
future stave in a Nazi victory and that their fertility.ntIlY f:riZsdil.11:11.I7kg .1()rset-
there is no population
; I think there would he enough to sell
The Dutctinino Wife is wily they were willing to take the cently through' a sectien of' IIIttron
EDITORIAL -NOTES • ftnd bity an airplane.
„. . t their former 011Y democratic• Ontario, and we svere sshocleed to see
1 iteains
1"..lehoel daYs loom tip before the boss
; morning at', ny weals; and -when we get' ing on the, ‘tolly. of giving women the! i
d * .„
to the store at 8 asn. the E4 t r t s are 1 vete,. .11e tleclared that in Holland'. 'r
I plunge Into dietetorehip • ands turn county. One of the best farm eottnties in
° I In our little town, a malt" IS out every 1 A nntellInan wite recently expatiattit 11 -
( 8 0t111.1)0ry Browne, in C. S. 'Monitor
and .girls, who have been enjoYing I lp / not a piece of
Thohs: fTitiz litnimss:theaadivisieeetolutirtitiodtotirriol:
,. paper to be seen. there was greater efficiency among the -
happy, -carefree holidays. . „ IS up your tdty fathers, arid when female. sex where they did not possess - , -. . , , . . duce a living. 'illie young men had
. • * We pay pin anothervisit in the near 1, that doubtful privilege. Tie , pointed .., .. , ' nese_ • drifted to the cities; Whe u the old
AN IMAOINAtti CONvkicSATION people dim the faring wereeabandoned.
The grand.olil Clancidian ^elitnate hag. ttitlite, I' bm'e - ' • me ' i b • 1 1 •SistneWhere in the North MI ti ') f 1 1 1 1- f t 1,
to q,c, votir streets1 to the fact that the Dutch woman sits
been playing 'tricks this year. These cleaner.
I renialn, yours truly. ' • • a one ,00t, on t e spinn ng w Kiel or, •
churn and With° the other ,she rocks 1 we inaagine Wiwton ,Churchill and Is to restore the ‘fortillty of, the soil.
ranklin- I). ItIoogevelt. sitting on the The riffled States'is hieing Ors prob-
. , an e, ( no o t le press ng pro) ems 0 ix ay
alternztte, spells tiif 'Wig Lind cold are, _ _ MIAS, ittiNNErr, the cradle containing twins, with her V .
' hands she halt& ,,sockg for lier husband, deds ef a, great warship. . . . . They dent of farm thnservatunt in a big way.
not what we oupeet or oar summer'. Uxbridge, Ont.. Aug'. '20. . . time W.0' wakened up in this
, _______ ___ i I willw o la t te 14 tktwe rests a book from nave 'begun' 'bY acknOWledging the -ills- It 19
, riearon.
lit 0Olale Of the raoderli 9tep97 th wbkh t 101 19 imptioying her mind by advalltag0 of,ponversing through third 'country.
(lancets igerrige everything -except: ntudy. 'And all the -while ahe $11t9,ort,e partio—even such plain-ApGicen In The whole movement in 'Western
Toronto people complain OK dar.iedig ehese pressing 11 for maritet, I dividuals• as Winant or Hopkins, or ()Atari() 19 for, 1101 old settlers. of Uri;
0 Worn. tires can cause Mipleasat;t, irritating
delays on hot roads. Avoid tire trouble on
your holiday_vveek-end by replacing.
Gdodyears are quality * old,
Unsafe tired with big -value Goodyeap.' , r`
anteed . '. . built to tn'airkees Yo.usrfTmllyotgotiriatirg- '
miles happy...tvery Goodyear has more rub-
ber in the tread for long, low-cOst ;lineage
., . . non-skid centre -traction for greater
spcarof protection
at „ir 08. ,nni new 1 vcSaeur psh,e ar:vtwe ids ietf il ceeorverendnt forrlibcf fleoe: .eo nil. tt.
..:bingiftoq, tailite- ' r000uo
er an outstanding value at its price. Por '
ea motoringrsyounaapteids.faircotiponAyd.rive
Cor7 /CW(4%ton and Victoria $i%