The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-08-14, Page 3HURON COL,NTrS FOPEIOOST WERALY .GODERICH; ONTARIO, TIIURSDAlt, AljGrUT 14th, 1941 "II Business Directory • 4 LEGAL riumAy HOLMRS * •m • Barrister, Rte. Ofilee-Court House, GOderich. • Telephone 55; 117M. A. •SU'INEID.RLANta- v ' Barristk and Solicitor First. Mortgage Security. Urban IJoans Office--NOrtla $t., Goderieb. Phone750 .• Af.,(411,0.)N'.C1N1:, ivIONTEITli and MONTSITII, .. Chartered Accountants •• Trbewnie litteet, Stratford• - Toronto Onice ;" 302 )3ay Street VETIMINARY SURGEON bit. <I:- 8. g.LLIV.r.0 . •77 VETERINARY SUlligr.E.P.N. ▪ rhone Clinton. AUCICION'KERING TUUS UUNDRY, GODEAUCH, -LILY al STUCK 41.4.1).. GENERAL AUCTIONEER • We,1eptiene 3:19 • Sales' ttended to . anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. •rarmers' sate notes discounted. • GORDON M. GRANT, LICENSED AU(YrIONEElt, IPUR HURON COUNTY A satisfactory,„ courteous service for ,Irarm, Property or Household:. Sales. Rates Iteasonable. 11‘19.1tEN'S • AT HA -OR The yomen's InstinWe Met • on :Phutoday afternoon at -1-larbor Park foitheir annual picnic meeting. 'After the Meeting, sports under: the direction • of Mrs. N. Thompson, Mrs. A. Me- Auley and .Mrs. J. B. WhittingbaM vMre enjoyed. The contests resulted as feUoW-Jelly bean race, Mrs. O. Tichborni; children's race, Joyce John- ston, Helen Aikenhead, Norma Good; three-legged race, Jive° Johnston and Norma 'Good; ladies' thee, Beatrice ,CamPhell,. Mrs. Chas. - Kelly; Peannt- thrOwing c6ntest, Mrs, Jolna New- 'eembe; clotheepin race, afrs. • ,Ce Thomas.; consolation- prize, Mrs. Tich,,, borne; Candle race, *Mrs. 01=0. Kelly cltavVing contest, Mrs. J. Tartish. In the clothespin race for the girls, 'Joyce Johnston won. first prize, and in the boys' clothespin raee: !Edgar 'Stemmer was the winner. , At tbe conclusion of the raees, a sumptuous supper was served in the pavilion. I LEEKRN LEBBURN, Aug. 12. -Mr. Irving Hunter received a cablegram last week stating tbat his An John had arrived safZly in England. „ Misses Edith and Lizzie Harton visited relatives in Stratford from Thursday till Monday, • •The • filet threshing began at • Mr. •Harry 'Mitchell's on Wednesday after- noon .of last week.; All neighbors end friends and those for -miles aroued sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. 'Hamilton Clutton in the loss of their barn by fire on Friday morn- ing last. The Red Crbss, under, the work con; •yener at the south end, has sent in eince ejuly 18th, 2' nits Inlamage 2 doz. diapers, 3 pairs of socks. - • • There was a small ratteridance at chureh last Sunday. It is hoped more will be out next Sunday and anSundee -School to. bear ,the message ef Mr.- C. leleOlenaehen, whli will occupy the puttoleere rp MEDICAL, _Dlt.ir. .L It. TOILS211111t, NYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New *York OPhtlaalmie - and Aural Hospital, as• - distant, at Moorefield Eye Hoapital aad klolden SquareThroat 110Spital,: 14011. -don, England. • • a - EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. •▪ Telephozke 26.7a .Next visit ;Bedford Hotel, Goderleh, Wedneadq.,. !et. 24th, from 2 P.m. . till 5 pane a eamegae..eseei.aa•••••••e'lm 6 DRUGLESS .P.RACTITIOtiER• • . CHIROPRACTOR .aisip DR,UG.LBSS THERAPIST , Goderieb, Phone 341 Office hours -10 to 12 a.m., to 5 Auld -7 tb- 8 pan., Tnesday, Friday .and Saturday. 10 to 12 a.m..only on Wednesday, Monday and Thursday at IlitchelL Afineeal fame baths by appointment only. A. N. ATKINSON 51 South St; • - INSURANCE alicKILLOP •MUTUAL FIRE IN- sut SURANCE 00. --Farm and iso- lated town property insured. Officere-Villiam Knox, Pavel/dent, leoncleeboro; NV, Aechibald, Vice - President. •Searforth ; M. A. Reid, Manager artd-Secretary-Treaeurer, Sea - forth. Directors -Wm. Knox, Leedeeboto;- -elleee Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris. Leohhardt, Dublin; E: Trowartha, Clinton; Thos. Moylan, Seriforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex. McE•wing, Blyth; Frank IleGregot, Clinton; Hugh • Alexander, Walton. ' Agents -E. A. Yeo, R.R. 1, Goderich; • Janies Watt, Blyth; John. E. Bear, BR. 1, Brueefleld; R. F. biellercher, • R.R. 1, Dublin; J. IP. Prueter, Brod- . hagem * Policy -holders can make all pay- ments and get their cards receipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Kingston. Street, Goderieb, or I. H. Reid's General Store, Bayfield. • STRATFOIM - GODERICH . COACH aiNgs Daily 7.30 a.m., 4.25 • p.m. -Leaves Ooderich • fdr Stratford, Toronto' Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock. Depots - Bedford, British and Royal Hotels. .1Pliono hotels or 305 for infdriiiation. Small Boy: "'Does the giraffe lave a- sore throat if it •gets its feet *et?' Big Brother: "Yes, but net until the felloveing week." „ .Gets -Two Months for Fake 'Robbery , • Goderieb Young Man Pleads Quilty--Agsault Oase • ENC011EOTIONS OF - TIMMARTIN FILIVIIIN • The paaeing of elay former oghoel:. , .inate and feiend, J.Itenry Martin Goolerielt Calle • up -memoriee of the fum deys when, we wereebeys tagether. DUIlganti:011 ' one that I lenevir haal a VaOre neenrate Por bis act a atteraptiug to fake 'kii!ewledge • of,: the early hiatorY of a robbery a tile ShOe Store in whieh he Denmillee and Colberne than be, aand I Val employed, Magistrate J. A. Meltins semi], lesss 1e atereeme eeeeaaeepa, laat Thlarsday sentenced Allan Bow- chats we -wed tO have whoa aVe net Man, aged tWenty, tor tWo einonths in The last was e year ago, and I Was Jail at hard' labor. Bowman pleaded hoping for another visit this summer, but it was nraTle gutitY to the theft ef $92.16 in cast& Seventy -Ave years ag,o we first knew be and a several Pairs of 'Shoes a4{1 also each other; in the little frame sehool to perverting the •goeirse of justice by• at 113enneller, under Mastee ,,Arthua Tbe term •Moleeworththe Crimean ,war veteran. giving false information, Was the same on each 'count, the sen- Other ,well 'remembered boys of that 'knees to run concurrently. The numey Wile were tbe Moerishes, the Lageys, and shoes were recovered. the -Okes, She Fishers, the Adamses, Crown Attorney Hoiraes, explaining Tom ,Xiteheil, Dan, Meiklejobn, Oran the puerile robbery attempt, said Ulla Bissett, Iliram Fiber, Levi Snyder, accused had cut his face with a razor Ge,orge Neibergall je., -George Stewart, blade, bumped. Ills head on the iron Willie Martin and'Arthur Malesworth. barof an avvning frame:* and' theu I now of °lily Jabez Oke of Bois.se- went to the ,police .station with a vain, alan., and Pete Fisher a Col- storyeaboute ro'bbery. Atter sevetan borne „11.011L living_who were boys of boars' questioning by police in hospital, 1866-7. • t� which accused had been removed Prominent ,Pioneer •Pamily for medical attention, the robbery. story collapsed like a bouse of, cards. Defence Counsel Prank Dounelly, in asking for suspended sentence to per- mit -bis client to join the army, called the sham 'robbery attem.pt a childisli plan, and said it did riot augur well for a succeesful crime career. It was first offence, and he believed ena- pended• seatence would meet the ends of juetice; The Crown Attorney oppoesac , this. He said 13ownlan bad planneda th de- tails of the robbery a week in ad epee, and had .given. the pence ir 9±id of trouble. Ths, effect of the crime -had to be considered.. He suggested, how- ever, that the charge of tirea.king end. entering be reduced to the less serious one ,of theft,. and this was done. The fake ehoe store robbery was Craigie INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE tet Our Automobile Rates •••L. Phone 24 Goderieb Vet). Maawans Fite, Accident. and Motor Car INSURANCE Offive:--Masonte Temple;' West Street, Goderiet Phone 230 •GODERICH ' . • P. J. RYAN Real Estate and Insurance • OfAce and Residence: • 11 Trafalgar Street* Phone 663 , FOR SALE-41ouses' of all kinds, choice Inilding lots, business property and several rod farms. Let me show you some real bargains: Buy now. BUY 'VICTORY BONDS The Martins were " a Prominent piOneer family whose ileseendan-ts. are now scattered far> and Wide Michael Fisher, the head of the Fisher settle- ment, eenhanged 500 aeres in Colborne township. with. John Martin, sr. Henry'sergranefather, for in•operty in Waterldo county, and thus the 'Martin aettlement was formed in Colborne. My 'meinery •goes -back. only tothe time wlieu grandfather Martin lived with his youngest son? Jonn, on what was later known as the LeTouzel farm, with its mill privilege and sawmill on the creek that •flowed intoehe Maitland. Elijah ,Martin, Henry's, father, after- wards well known in Goderich, .was thenean the adjoining .farm,aand three of his family were -my schoolmates. Other four sons. of John ,Martin, sr., bad loafed from Benniiller, ebnunitted in • the early morning e'rea Isaac ,• Marna haeing removed to August2nd • • Cueknow just before we came to the Corpo-ral Tudor Owen, newly arrived village. • •• from England_ at Clinton ;Radio School, * • Elijah Martin was an letimate friend was doing fifty-six per in a cer on , of Benjamin. 'Miller, founder -o the No. 8. high -way whee a .traffie et:Or I;place,• -and was executor of his will. caught up • with hzn Be was fined ' He was also brother-in-law of Daniel .0.0 and costs. •• • Miller ?brother- "of Ben Miller and Chief of Pollee Ross said James Garrick was fighting -in a cafe and re- • fused. to go hanie when ordered to do so. He •was fined $5 and costs' for disorderly conduct. • ' bungennon Assault -Case , Thee -trial. df Clayten 'Anderson, .charged wifir assaulting JaniesaErring- ..ton, • occupied over an hour and re- sulted in the c,onsiction of AndeesOn, In 1853 Rex, .0. G. Collamore (wpm- , . who was given suspended,senteuce*oh ized the Maitland .and Beamiller ini- pavment of costs which totaled: 4,32,sioti of which the. pnesent Beinniller including ir doctur'sbill for treating thurch .is a deseendaht,, and in hie lerrington's blackenedeye.. Both old record -book ainieers an entry Mailer youths live in the Dungannon neighbor- the -head of •Baptisms of Which I have 111)1°dr.a cepthat reads: "Henry, son of aington told- the court that Elijah and .Sally Martin, earn' May y . e the night of July 20 Anderson and eere, 1855, and baptiz•ed. -May 28,th, some friends followed himjand others, 1855; by. Rev. 0. G. Collamore, minister who were on -bicycles, throwing, stones of the M.TeChereb 104...Ueda." and-ieller/illY bullying -Orem.. V11 0t Another reeord ia The Signal -Star Anderson's act § -was, to let the air met of August 31st, 1.941„-ehowe that he or Efiengtoe's bicycle tires, and wneh was'Iaid to rest on that day in Malt- 1Erringten resented this -there .wae a land cemetery, Geeereee. A„(i • father of the -well-known Jonathan Millerf: Thus Henry Martin, through his parents and aided by observation. and a sheep memory, became an atithoe- ity en early days at RemnillereTo 'Wm am indebted for many interesting hits of informatioe that would other- wise 1* lost. ' Span of a Long Life 1• • *defence,' but' his &We've wee not •trorne two ..• „ Errington said he. struck in self-. ifrite d's lthig life. - entries mark , mark --the span of of -my , .1 r( MIN Ed.,La orr. out by that Of his own friends. _London, Ont. .Lawyer Willtena Sutherland said it . was - purely • a ,prIveteatigh t , bet ween former school -chums arid would never have reached court but for the inter- ference of parents. Magistrate Makins connnented that the fan , wits carried much too far, but because young Ariderson .had. spent a .night and a day in jail he Would grant _suspended _esentence... . en. i. _payment eat - • keep the peace. • • • • door sedan, the outer panele.of which . Mistake Oil for Gasoline - . are made of eplexiglas,"a.new rry.stal, - 'Walliam ..McDonald . and aenarlee -clear 'plaetic. 'Being traiespaierit, this Bunking, Clinton airport workers, ma•terial makes it . possilee to see the pleaded _pinta' to 'stealing...eve gallons.• ...interior,. the working,- meehenism'' arid . of feel oil from a confeacterea shrinty various- meelianieal features. You 'at the new, 'Gully - bridge .on• the • Bay- don't look at the car, yap look through • field road. Their ear stranded in „the It. The. body is by Fisher. Among middle of the night they bteke info. the States of the Union aheaely .vial.ton the shack andthoughtthey UTIV steal- by air. Tapp are Wisoonsinealinheeefa, Ing getsoline„ but Ape discovered their Iola, Nebraeka, Indiana, Illinole, Ohio, Miletake When the ear began to eputter , Mirieliiri, Kansas, Kentucky, •Miasis- and Heal -stalled.- 'Midi was given , simile Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, euspehtled sentence on a Theft charge Georgie. Virginia. Arkariens &lid and oedered to Pay costa. •1,Miehipaine-Exeter time,s-Advote, • . 4 GLASS CAR, Me. Thos. Tapp, of Detroit, is holi- daying esieter, Miss Mary Tapp. Mr. Tapp for several montbs has been • touring •the United States with the famoue (7,enerae Motors -glass" ear, which was on display at theNeW York World's Fair.' It is the only mead of. its kind in tbe worlde casts. Anderson was bound over to • The ear is a full-sized Pontiac four - Pprty �j Fivo in Peril on Lake liuF9n Cruiser Dolly Dean . Hag a Sueqession of Misttaps— Rescue Effeded • •SOUTIIIA.MPTON, August 11,-kive persons aboard. the twentYVVIe-folt cabin ember "Dolly Dean," _missing, since early Sunday, were rescued to- night, as they drifted toward what they feared Was f.lisaster 4ri rough Lake Huron waters. The five are Cepa Edwin T. llama- ton,,former Cleveland author, and now wealthy Stakes Bay resident; Mrs. Kathleen Shen:4 Cleveland, ,-and her two children, '•Marian, aged fourteen, and Thomas, fifteen, anal Jack Smith, Stokes Bay seaman. Mrs: Sheila and her ebildree are holidaying at the lakeside. ' Crankshaft ' Breaks . When. a crankshaft of the cruiser's motor broke, the Ave spent from Sun- day morning until late this afternoon, part a the time afloat on the lake, and the rest on a small island. Then when o reseut eraft found them, and started' to tow them ashore, the toinliue broke. leaving the truiser with its passengers drifting teweed shore where high waves made the outlook dangerous. "We didn't think we'd make it," said, Capt. Harailten afterwards. We all had life preservers on." Meanwhile, the re..scue craft • owned by Kenny McLay, of Stokes Bay, and • with Bob Reid; of Red Bay, and Ken- neth Murray •aboard, Went back to port and got a new towline. It went out again, and managed to get the tow -line aboard the cruiser before it reached Shore. . . This time the line held, and the cruiser was towed IlOweenvale, twenty milessouth ' of -Stakes Bay. 'The live were taken to the home of Mrs., Clara Bartley,- where, Cele. Ham - item said :-'We're safe 'and well get - tingled and warm." ' Theparty set out from: Southampton about 9 O'cloek.Stinday zrearning,•bound for Stekea Bay, where Capt. Hamilton _lives. They wererin how.- out of Southamp- ton when the crenkstaft broke. They rode at anchor througli the day, 'Capt. Hamilton said, ape slept aboard Sun- day night. Today, about neon, the .erifted toward a small island, and all five leaped overboard and swain to the island, •• - • .• When they failed to reach* -,S•tokee•.• BO; a search was started: Threugh &Imlay night, boats hunted the lake without a trace of the cruisee. Then the water became s'e -rough that- the PHONE AT CAPITAL THEATRE 47 THE Now-Bilw,21rd . G. Rebillson—John Garfield and Ida Lupin° in . , . • 'THE SENVOlblot Monday,'Tuesday and Wednesday ••• Cary Grant & Irene Dunne costarred in n fun-fleelied and appenl inv.; (I rerna t ie r(nnance. A • ••' palmier tenni; in a 'newly etyled &tory 'PENNY SERENADE -Thurpday, Friday and Saturday • Errol Flynn supported by a SUrielt 414:11" Vaa britigs to life a iletional favorite in the enthAllinp, mystery yarn -"FOOTSTEPS IN TILE DARK" Matinees Wednesday, Saturday and Holidays at 3 p.m. Cesiling.14rame6 Cooney and Rita trayworth in “Strawbetty Blonde" 4 An Appeal to the Housewives of Canada OTTAWA, Aug, 11. ---The women of Canada are being afforded an opportun- ity to mutate their eonsins in Great Britain, the United' State's, Australia and New Zealand, by giving worn -opt, ,and broken utensils and otherwise use- less aluminum articles to • help the Canadian Red Cross Society. The Na - Atonal War Servieee Departnient is *bunching a Dominion -wide drive for ehleemeterial, needed in the marrafac- ture of alrfinnedi'literether -War eauip- merit. • . ,floneentration point§ will be com- pounds hi the parks and sehool ground of every town and city, • Citizens will Pc asked to .bring material to these compounda All worn-out, broken or useless aluminum articles ehould bo e2,ea red out ofeach home and brought to the community pile. The National War Services Department paints out that Useful artielee, which would have to be •replaced, panned not be giveit. Appropriate articles 0oulal be leaky pots, pelts whieli burn only in one spot, old. 'shoe trees, broken shakers, golf clubs that will not Pc used again, and broken parts of washing machine's and sweepers. The Department asks for all, aluminum articles1 whieh are not /1'411441 in home or shop. ' The Material collected in this cam- paign will he rushed to Canadian fac- tories engaged inmanufacturing air- planes and otii•t:r eesential artielee of [ war. 28,000 lbs. of thi4 Alunainulal will build a modern bomber plane and 4,000 lbs. a modern, fiebter Natio. Every Canadiae omen anxion. te de her utmost • to -assist in the sue - prosecution of the war. Here is an opportunity for her 'Unmake a most valuable contribution to the veer cqfort. Those old pot,: and pans, which he van so easily eollect and bring- to the commnnity pile, will make bombers and fighters. •These very bombers and fightere may he the deriding factor in whining the war. , Tire National War Services Depart- ment will' heze no time in making the, material collected available to (Whirl manufacturera, and the money colgected from the sale will be -Mimed into the worelerful..,averk whieh the Red Croas Society ie doing for Can- adian sailors, soldiers and 'airmen; ThIN the giving of useless aieminum- ware in this campaign serves the donble purpose of providing much needed material for war vehicles and or assisting one of the noblete of the war eharities. The aluminum driVe will •he eon, deeted on specific dates es follewe: • Ontario and iQuebee-Septenther 5 and 6'; Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Albertaa-September lit and 13; the Maritirnc Provinces andeBritish '001- tinibiae-September 19 and 20. These Ames 13.,re arranged to afford proper. marketing a rrangemeu t e Claeada counts.; ;on eaeli '''and every '�anadliin weman t� do her share in the eampaign for salvaging uselese alum- hiUmwere. DR, V. R. • FINLAYSON REMOVING TO yORONTO W.t11-10,1own Ripiei Man Prominent" . Physician and Citizen .Dr. D. R. Finlyasen, who for over twenty yeArs has praetized at Ripley, •.has accepted, a pesition in the 'Christie •'Street Military Hospital at Toronto and will leave shortly to take vverihis duties there'. A. native- of) Lochalsh, he is well knowil in North uen and South Bruee, both as a Physician and as a publie-spirited eitizen. Ile has' been president of the • Buren -Bruce Liberal Association and has been , re- garded for many years as a prospeptive •candidate for partiamenta.ry honors. He ..and his family will be greatly missed in*Itipley and the distriet. Mrs. 'Finlay:son has taken an active part in' Women's Institute work and other. community' activities. Their on Doe- akI WaR a star player on the Ripley *hockey team the last two winters. 'Ala autumn he il1 enter the UniversitY. of Toronto, to take a medical course. Altialaghter and a yohnger son eomplete the faraily. Dr. Pinlaygon has disposed of his practice to Dr. Carpeneto of Lucknow, who with his wife will take up resi- dence- in-Alpley. lopi, mat vote TORONTO Tily HOTEL WAiERLEY ticatosion Witla Spatlin* Ave. • at Collaga Parking COnvorildat t. 111,WitY0 - sr* OA la MS Rates Ds*, •steks..• Foci' RNINLNIIII.$ - • ChM* es the University, Parliament Ilaulldinaita Maisie Leaf- Gardena, h eat r • s Hoselteda• . 'Wholesale 'Hamm., and the Fashionable "Wall - shopping riletrlet • A, alk'roann.t., miasmata and 'buttee was served by the hosteseeer Mrs. Stuart; Mrs. Rice and Mrs. W. ' Miller„ - • • ST. HELENS •' . Aug. 12. -Rev. G. A. and Mrs. Barnard have returned from a. visit with friends at St. Thomas. I Mr. and Mrs.. Edwie Peckwood, 1Janet and Edwin, of New' York, and b Miss Wanda Douglas, of Mitchell, were guests of Mrs. Pickwood'e brother, Mr. John Cameron., and Mr. Cameron. • Meeting of Women's • Institute. --1 The Augeist. meeting of the W -omen's , Institute was held in the ClommunitY I Hall with: an 'tittend.ance of arourid „thirty and, with Mee. 'Gordon McPher- son, the preeident.. in the chair. The roll calrewas very._ well ,respondedeto by the naming.ef an -Ontario Cabieet. Minister and otfice. An invitation front- Thee 'Whitechurch ite to their nieeting on Tuesday nextwas .accepted.• A beautiful appliqued quilt. made and deneted by 'Mrs.- Wm'. Camp- ' Ibell was displayed and it was decided to. sell tickets on It, with proceeds%for war Piirposea.. ' Miss Mary Murray gave ,an interesting and intormative talk on "Lawe Pertaining' to; Women and Children." Alta.. Andrew Gaunt favaered. -With" • a solo, ' "My Couttre, "Pis of Thee.'' "Women: was the title of a reading, by Mrs, E, J. Thom and -Friendship" of one by. Mrs. D: Phillips. Mrs. McPherson expressed regret at the removal to Lucknow o•f' ethe secrete rye reaeurer, -• Mrs. Dineen. Lunch salads and 'bread eeerch had to be halted. gal 'S" ith In the ,late 'afternoon, the beat on which Nelms and the • others were travelling set out, and Ioend the. cabin ernisee e little later aightirig thelfive ashore on tbe In Great Peril " • Oapt. • Hamilton's 1a-1er-ea-eyed -Tear, that "We didn't think we'd -make it," waeehared by residents along- the lake, .who had quiekly.heard'-of tiwiT One male at Red Bay, said that the wavea were peanding the snore aude la doefited that if the .craft- treek the five conld teeth- *afete.._ Mr. Hamilton is widely knoWn as a writer o'f'-techniral works. .11is 1,0e0-1' zere estate in Stokes''Bay wi*. at one; time hunting property of the :ate C. B. I Hunt, of L'ondon. Aged Abele fifty, he - is reputed to • be wealthy. Always! keetily interested in Canada, lie foeg,ht with- a- Canadiaif • squadram in thet Great '.War, and 'the rank of captaie with the Royal Flying Corps.' DOLLY .DEAN WAS' IN PORT 'HERE LAST WEEK: Capt. Hamilton- and his. 'handy man, ! Jack Smith of 'Marten pet into Gode-e , rich...Meth-Or Wednesday ef leet week; Web • the Dolly Deem They had in -j tended golisg On to Seraia .to pick up! 'Mts. Shem and children, who had coneel that feeerbeen •Clevela lid, but experi- enced engine tremble on the down trip P.3 , WhOni 11,6 know* well,. is an expert navigator, knowing every cook and 'cranny of the shore line.The e R.A.F. , or Albert eas not asked to Le...est ,in the hunt„ but the -duty,' pilot officer' said*- ,would •be pleased to elo so, On Monday the weether'Was such that flying had to 'be yelled off: A southeast -gale ayes, blow- ing, rein fell periodically aiel-Visibility was very poer. The yacht was located before.the weather cleared. • • , _ from Stokes Ray. The eabin eruiseri rinderwent repairs here on lyeanes_da.y.i and Thureday, ahe Cleveland guests I mettnwhik coming to ,Goderien from ,Saepia by taxi.. The • party did not steep a hoard , the ye cht Wednesda night, but left •Thursday noon, for I Southampton ane Stokes ;Bay. It was. after leaving :Senthampton that they again ran info tronble. _ . 'When the imat Was first- reported • iiiissing Bert McDonald expressed the! view that it Would turn tit') sefely. • He • eamiammuse Early Rising 'I reckori," said •a farmer, that I th n n bod in this a 14 AT up earlier a ay y neighborhood. I am always up before 3 teen:10c in the Meriting." Another farmer said he had part of his work ' done by that time. The first farmer thought he was not speaking the truth and decided to test him. A few morn- ings later he got up at 2 o'clock and went to the eeighbior's bouee. Ile rapped at the back door and the neigh- bor's wife'opened it. "Where is your husband?" asked the farmer, expecting to hear that he was in bed. . `'• • "He was around here early in the answered the Wife, "hut .1 don't know, •tvliere he is now!! "rya. BARGAIN FARES E IIIIIITION 41.,effect marty.voints •• in, Ontarie SINGLE FARE FOR THEROUND *141, 'Gov't Revenue Fax • , GOOD GONG AUG. 21-- SPT, 6 RETURN LIMIT a • SEPT.,10 CANADIAN NATIONAL Don't Neglect Your Eyes YOu. may • need them even more to-morow than you do Glasses in all the latest styles. For an 'examination of your eyes call L. COLE R 51 • • , • OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN -4, PHONE 91 •GODERICH r • REMEMBER: Th4, slower you drive, ate more :you Pate burned up while standing still totals ,0 stag4oring gallopage. So never-it:4mo your ear ---• ovTi for a . fow minutes with the motor I -lumina.' 'It's Just as cagy to switch it olf mid. .civo gasoline, ttemember your S0/50 Pledgei. • don't let ydur inplor idle. SA a 2. e 4 ad Shale" fecruit 6-adoav„e- 0.z., VICTORY e?