The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-08-14, Page 1Attempt to Break Jail Frustrated foiTwo Prisoners Plan Eticape- One filoored by Governor IteynOlds Swift action on the Part of Governer J. B. 11/071201{18 ,of 'Huron County Jail last Thursday thwarted an atteelpted jail break by two Prikonere, Max Glassco and 4a1141. J. Delduca, who are ' being-Taad •In Opted)? on remand for car, thievieg; but Who are'suspected, of investigated. cilna:0,. now being raneh more serieus, Emerging at 7.15 p.m, frope his Private living, quarters into the main icorriddr of the jail, Governor ReY- nolde, after Switching . on. the 'lights, noticed that the steelasiloswoeuluegadin e jell yard from .Glassco's end partlyDel- 'g the t4' duca'e ,bldels *open: Scenting thar something was • eafootsheemoVedselltigklYs P;itel'ing the eell block and pulling the &Oar -after hint to bar escape, he' was confronted . by +Glaseco„ who' made farlalin. 4, With, one mighty blow to the chin, the husky. •Qovernor floored Glassco, rendering him. unconscious.Almost simultaneously Turnkey ."Kip"' White, who had heard the commotion.from the kitchen, areived at the Beene AffirDel- duce was quickly overpowered. • A Daiting Plan of Escape On examination it was found that with a heavy -iron bracket, used to sup-. port a radiator, the two men had. broken the lock on their door leading to the jail yard, They already had earried out a bed cot and vVere pre- paring to• remove a stable !to the yard to -assist them inTecaling theewalleenly: barrier between thein and liberty. .The broken lock was found wrapped' in a to`:, be used as a bludgeon when and if necessary. It was found that .+Glassco had tied the iron bracketOssed to break the lock, .to hisl0g, hidden by his trousers.. • As a -memento of •the occasion Mr. -Reynolds has been carrS,7ing- -left 'hand ,in splints:- When he dropped, +Glasse() in his traeks With' a stiff 'left- hand uppercut...le, fhe jaey,..he fractured his thumb and a bane in the back of his band.4-- The near Jail break was reparted to. the Provincial Secretary on Friday morning by Sheriff Nelson 0111. . Suspected of Many Critne.s • With three others, Glasseo and Del- - 'duce were* arrest4de in London, by 4.esedon police, on •Wecieesday, July O. ghey were • in posseSSion of a . missing, -flensall automobile, .andafter bOne- brought to •Goderieli were charged witheits tfrOf t, one of -.several' • similar ,e'ffences' reportedin preceding days from widely separated points. ,Service station break-ins at Clinton and 1313-th, were reported, as wits a • hardware store robbery at BraSsels. A 'safe -blowing job -at,..Windsor, from which city the five youths. come, was • --under investigation. . Provincial Constable Frank Fox, -who has the Huron, county robberies neder investigation, had vvainied, jail officials' that they had charge - of a' bad kang and cautioned them to be on, their guard against an attempted getaway. Patrols* had been doubled and this -proved an important factor in eletectieg the attempted jail break in time. DeMpsey Is Governor's Model "'The prisoners • got the best of it. They brokeas new twelve dollar. lock and they buSted my. list," jocularly'ee- marked Governor Reynolds,' who die- Lunch was served and a .pleasant ;claimed any special boxing ability), social hour was spent on, the lawn other than promationaleHe has always amangst the beautiful flowers. ollovvell the professiohal prim -fighters with keen interest. His favorite is LEAVE ON SUNDAY FOR CAMP Jack Dempsey, who had a good left. k Preparations are being made by -C" 116,Ant Ativsexio MEET AND. "CARNIVAL .47 Prograna for Saturday Afternoon and 'Evenings, Animist, 30th, to Have Many Interesting Features, includ- ing a Reauty Contdt Elaborate..-PreParations are in the making for a combined water sports. prodram and carnival to be held in Goderieh on.. Saturday, afternoon' and - evening, August 30th, the proceeds tp. be used for patriotie Ptirposes. ThRii Port Albert, is eSi-operating with the Lions Vault -,antl: the 13ated.• of Trade in the -undertaking: A tentative program drawn up for . the aquatic meet, to be held at the harbor in the afternoon, ineludes swim- gair!r; races at various distaneeS and for various style's, diving - conteste, novelty races, etc. Sonne of the raCes will be open to ladies only! There will also be exhibitions by expert swim- mers and a game of water polo. This Part of the day's program will be under the direction of,the R.A.P. men. In the evening it is planned to have et-searnivalsin Court HouseeParkeesith W number of spdcial features to be announced later. A novel feature for awls -rich will be a beauty contest, and the lady chesen, •as "Miss Goderich" will receive-1sta; able honors. - By next week the ,sponsors of the !•event expett to be able to make a full announcement of what promises to be the biggest gala event 'in ,Goderich this season. om6ining. The Goderich Signal.and_rbe6odeilch:Star Go1MERI0H, ONTARIO, THURSDAY AUGUST 1.4th, 1941. g Attendance at Lions Frolic Goderich Township (4etS Two Leading. Prizes Another. Chance Friday , Despite -,the eaor eVening. the Lion Oliib-cariiival in Court. }louse Park an 121/ednest1ay night Wee Welleattended. erown• and anchor, darts, ring - jug. the. Money, shoot Hitler and Mus - splits', and other games drew emany patrons. At midnight Mr...J... II. Kinkead, pre- sident ofe the Lions, seimmoned the crowd to the platform on Whieh the JOINT MEETING OF W.M.S, AUXILIARIES AIRMAIsT IN OVOTOpY- . AT ii.ouytt, gu)-1, , _ Said to.'llaveinecnonicing �i E€llow of IlimSelf on False parkins "Th 1$. JuSt like ,hinee-he is yery visionary and often aniuSecl ns Ala Mei) With his fantaetie Ideate" This was the lanswer of an airman from Port Albert when aSked about tlae leading aircraftsman Who is reported in custody ift Rouyn, Quebec,' for repre- senting himself as the pilot who flew the Duke of Kent to Canada. The R.A..1.{%. man was „arrested at Rouyn by Mounted Pollee last Thurs- day as an impostor, after he hud:-ad- dressed a service club and was abut tp speak over the radib on his sunposed trane-eitiantic flight with reyalty. The accused man le en remand 'at Rouya., PiroVincial poflice here Sa7 they have no knowledge of the strange affair end Port Albert is pursubig its policy ,Of silence. Not even the name of the man' ha e been given out, al- though it is, generally kissift here. The Story from Rouyn The . isman ,eleiteds •Iteuyn last March, when he -claimed' tei have come over from England. to .,take advanced training in bomber flying. Two, weeks after+ he left„ he wrote a letter to friends saying he had been proto.oted to the rank of flight lieutenaiat and would be returning to England withizi a couple Of weeks to take part in the defence of Laden. - When the aircraftman returned to Itonyn last week -end rie was wearing the stripes of a, flight lieutenant and the ribbon of the:Distinguished Flying Cross. After he was taken ' into custody, pollee said he .admitted the stripes and ribbon Were home-made. On his arrival in the northern mining stem thg..airerwf treaneyvas .N.Pctr_tPd ,te have told Kends lie commanded a fighter squadron In Englaed uetil two months ago when he broke both ankles in a bade -landing. draw. for priws of war Savings cer- tfficatee was to lake plae.e.. ,Mrs. A. H. Erskine .made the „draw and the first Prize, $150, went to Bill, McCabe; lt,R. 1, Gederich. Earl 'Cooper; RM. .2, Gederich, held the ticket for the second Prize, $50. C. Roberton, town, _was...mit-wee of third •priz,e, and. five winnerso. of $5 each were 'Mary Graham, Nelson street; jean Schaefer, Mary Lou Methieson, Mrs: Felker, -Windsor, and Mrs; Larder, t. Dayid'e street. • •Miss Reta Mero, danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert :Vier°, Bruce street, held the ',lucky ticket for the bicycle. • Littleseorchestra provided, music fer the dancing, which drew large crowds throughout the evening. • Friday Night 'Again There will be a. similar program to- morrow (Friday) evening, with an- other dee* of $250 in war savings certificates and another opportunity for some boy or girl to win a bicycle. The coinenittees in chatge of tbe VaridaS-events-swerer Kenti-,'11:- wards, Nelson Hill, B. -Munday,,•It. J. McIVIehen, H. -Norman; .bingo, B. Ten- nant, C. Attridge, J. D. Thomas; crown and 'anchor, D. 1). Mooney, G, MacEwan, J. W. Baker, JackSon ; _other games, Harry Wat- .sop, Fred Price, Stais sPreiett, -Reg. McGee, -Fred +Hunt, Roy Hilton. F. Donnelly, N. .CeJackeon, W. J. FraSerx J. A. Graham', R. C. Mays, C. K.'. Sannders,. A, L. Cole, Wailer Hodge, J. Snider, E. J. Pridham, F. Lodge, Ws• F. Saunders, M. Ainslie,. Jack Ggrdner, p. C. Lee; Hitler darts R. Stonehouse, 'A. R. Scott, Rowed, J. A. ,Campbell, H. Palser shooting, Harry' •Ford, Bert Hockley, F. T. Arm- strong,. A.- 'Curry ; dine, RelPatterson, F. Gerry,: H. Long, A. McKay, F. -E.- Hibbert,-Jack Weteon tickets, F. Gil-. lespie, A. H. Erskine, Bisset, J. M.' Graham, G. ,Jenner, .G. L. Parsons; boards. are allowed- to contract, as 'Mrs. % JamesHamilton Entertains Members of Union and Legburn - • ,Societies - • On Wednesday afternaon Mrs. Jas. Hamilton at her home on Newgate street entertained} fifty members • of Leeburn• and7tnion auxiliariesof the Women's Missionary ,Soelety on., the 'occasion of. the fort3efifth anniversary of the inauguration of the two auxil- iaries. Mrs. .Hamitton presided and• .Mrs. Harwood was pianist. Theimeets ing opened ecsith the hymn -What a Friend We .Have Jesus," and Mrs. I. Iietheringtoe „retielepaseages of • Scrip- ture for both peace antl• war -time. Mrs. A. Y. Henderson, of Carlow, of- fered, 'prayer. 'Miss Helen Clark pf Leebnere, originaleTsecretary of- the Leeb*Ii auxiliary; gave an interesting. description of the inaugurel' meeting and told of bow the old members had. palseed away, new ones had -filled their ‘places, and ' through times of stress the werk of the Master had gone on. She paid tribute, to the untiring efforts of: Mrs. Hamilton, arst 'president of both . - • A beautifill duete -Guide Me, 0 My -Loving Saviour," was sung by Mrs. Wm. SaIlows and Miss Alm e SallowS of Leeburn. The speaker for no afternoon was Miss Mary G. Robertson offioderich, wise in an interesting manner told of the* life of Dr. Sir Wilfred Grenfell, missionary to Labrador, and' his great Work there, referring_ to one of his books, -Afloat on an Ice-Ifoe:" ter Miss Robertson's address, Mrs- ilarnilton feelingly expressed' her ap- preciation of the response to her an- nual invitation to the members of the auxiliaries to visit with her and ex- tended siinapathy to the Clutton family at Leeburn aid Mrs. Geo. Mellwain at talan In 'recent losses. • The meeting closed with the hymn, "Breathe on Me. Breeth of God," and -prayer by Mrs. G. -McQuarrie of Toronto. Fatal ,Accident" ThisAfternoon Eight/Oar-01d tiaraif 'Free% WWII* by Motor Tilt& on Itaron Read. Eight-year-old Janies Freeth, Son RalVer Williani Vreeth, AsC;E!," sand Mrs, VT0014 Hurons road, was instant- ly killed, at 3„ o'cleele. this afternoteia when strticis by a ifsetor truck driven, by John D. Robertson, Essex etreet. The father of the boy is at present eerving. with Canada's active forces Ln fengland. The accident took place on the Hurn read, ,a short dista.nee east of the pillers,, near the Vreeth home. The „boy jumped -off the rear of horse- drawn wagon in charge of John Jahn- ston, Albert Street, in the path of the oncoming truck, which swerved in an effort to miss blrn. The boy Was struck on tile head and shoulders by the radiator and was thrown clear - of the machine a distance of seven.feet. Traffic Officer James Culp, who:in- vestiatdlate this -afternoon.spre- ferred a charge of dangerous driving against the truck ariver, who allegedly was driving at an exeeesive rate of speed. • Besides Mr. anrs. Freeth, three small children service. The Goeernor also said there was no gunplay to the attempted jail break. Jailers and turnkeys, he Said, are forbidden by regulations to carry guns of any kind. 0 • f' Ql3I'MART. GLEN KENNETH REID • ' The home of 'Mr. and Mrs.' Kenneth *Reid, of Hamilton; formerly of town, was plunged into ,sorroW. when their •infant son, Glen 'Keeneth, passed away on. Sunday morning. The baby' was tett two months old. 'The father, Ken- . neth Reid, is „the son ofMr. and Mir& T. Reid, Of (Minton; and the mother Nos sformerly Helen Feagan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Feagan of klolborne towns.hip. The funeral Service for. the little child was held en Tuesday after- - 130011 ets Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle, where. ;Rev. H. E. Taylor spoke words of comfort to the bereaved parents. and relatives. The interment .was in Col- • borne eemetery. IJOHN .KAY The tunertil of John I), Kay was held Sunday afternoon from Brophy's funeral chapel, Rev. Dr. J. H. Barnett offieiating. _Pallbearers were John Graham, Malcolm Graham, Dan Me- , Lod, ('has. °Bissett, Ryan and Elliott Drennan,' Interment was In Maitland cemetery. • The deceased was born fifty -flee years age in Kincardine, but tad been a resident for several years of De- troit, where he .was an 'Merin. decor- ator. Death took place at Detroit on Saturday morning. He is survived by his wife, also by tWo sisters and 'three brothers, Mrs. Al, Symons; Detroit; Mrs. Percy Johnston, +Goderich; Wm. Kay, Goderieh ; 'George Kay, and David Kay, ..Clinton, A sister, Mrs. Chas. Sweiger, passed awhy one year ago. CLINTON TRUSTEES UNSEATED W. -E. Perdue and A. T. Cooper, members of the .011eton Board- of Edu- cation; have been unseated by Judge. T. M. Costello. Lillian McKinnon and 'Charles Middleton, also members,' claimed, they had presented accounts from their own stores foe inerehandise supPlied the institutions of which they are trustees. This is one of those vexatious ac- tions which de not tend toward har- mony in a school section," said Judge Costello. -We can't ,quirrel with the legislation, as it evident that many abuses 'could creep into the ,practice where members of coencils or school PUMP. TRitbnliE#0 QUIT Fresident FarOsans St*eti Cage fOi EleVator COnapany o Labor troUbleS tee prevalent these daY0 Sirlick Goderieh last we When the managentent 'Of the Gederiele vater VelnlotinY. and the grain trimMere failed to agree over warkingeonditions. -.The case.ot the Company.14 stated us follows by Mi., G. L. Parsantio president and manager a tho oompa:347 Parsons', .StateniOnt ' +.9r4in .shavellers, or 'trimmers' as. they are geperally in the marine trade, are nary at Gude- nen. elevators. to get the grain whivii doesn't, flow gravity to the Marine lets. • . • .'''Power. --or estievele' propelled by steam or electricity, are 'utnized to bring the batance of the cargo to ,the elevating., . "Four of the trimmers 'handle CLIC erip-ibses!•.*.whielt. direet: the course. 01,', the shovels. Two other Inieu,-.0.oloo.. vise the shifting Of lead. bloeks, which .,alter the course. to variou..-:, positions f,....rtili,4eltgivr;nini other: • known , as Scooperi-/4"iiie." Nand • -SlioVelS- to* ----Put the grain in the path ofethe 'ismer hovels and. (-lean up the last, hun- dred +bushels of a held. "All of rhe' above are supervised by a, boss trithmer. e ,"1.11iere are two ,types of .steamers which carry grain.' GodericL-the bulk, or, single -deck freighter„, and package .or',dOuble-deck carrier.- The latter " is an awkward -and sflow,tr vessel to :unload graiu: from in that, with the hatehee on. between deeks, itto Puln'aleo-talraaliltys takesdouble.d.robzubnleittliedo. tsimae bulk *freighter , of similar • cargo „sifs$1,251) per annum!. His name was kaP Y. „ chosen 'train -0'i-fie-fifty appireiftlens.- t gr61-1-1- elevater , had. been working on- a -contractepereiSii*, bushels b ses' for the past fifteen to tWenty .years. or more,, quite. satisfactorily to the :trimmers ,ead the elevator +manage- ment, the shovellere making '•*. a wage rate ee from 50c to $1 per hour ac- cording, to. the type.of vessel and kind of. grain handled. • ' • -Voluntarily the. CeuilmaY offered to . inerease the. reniuneration fo: "tereen-deek boats to, three times that paid for bulk freighters, "but to keep within . the • margin • of . shovelling PRINCIPAL OF CENVRAL Harvey Bryans, Been Teach- ing in Colborne, Chosen to Succeed M. Shackleton Harvey Bryans, teacher for the last three years at Se% No. 3, 'Colborne (Young's school), has been appointed principal of Centralssicheol at XL salary Colborn'e's Scond Fire in Two Days C1utton4 'Barn Ds 3trOyed on Friday,' :With 'Heavy Lima SParits frotn a separator are helleVed to have started the fire Whit% last day totally destroyed the barn, walk' contents, of liansiltett 0/eaten, -me ti* 13Iue Water highway a short distance north of Dunloix In addition to 'about bar the SeaSon* ' crop a bull * and SonW imIgementa were destroyed. `l6t is 'a -Serious loop the 'damage being estimated. at about $4,000, with $2,5Z0 inlitrance,- . The, fire broke Out shortly after 11..: o'clock.in ,the mornin' .' and So tluicl.ai did -the flames spreadrtliat Aiex, Vitat". son, who .6'60 *the threshing °utak had, difficulty in removingthe traetOr • -that powered the machine:I-Tile sepatt'' ator was destroyed., 2.11(1. Mr, Watson has already purchased a new. one. The fit:e attracted many neighbors tiMtAtO,K,S,alld _good work oa their 'part saved nefirlif biitblilidingt; - including' a chicken house. .The heat was so intense that part of the:found:se tion of the,'14" barn collapsed. Some men who were trying to save articles in the barn had a close fot their lives. ° This was -the secondsbarn fire in Cole borne fowl:whip in two daye, RosseMe- Phee's barn on the boundary having been burned on Thursday litet, The separator burned at the 1V1ePhee are belonged to William .Watson, nucle Alex.. Watson whose' machine. .was de - strayed the following 'day. eareival chairman, E. E. Creiteton. 'Members of the Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., assisted in sseveral of the booths. . AN EARLY HARVEST It is estimated that eighty per cent. of the harvest in North Huron will 1)0 eonapleted by the end of his Week, the 'earliest in years. It usually about the end of the month before thie is acemplished. About one-third of the. threshing :Lite I been done, which also isssomewhat of a record. Co3e, Middlesex-4Iuren Regiment, to leave on sunday tor training Thames 'Valley military camp near London. It is -exPected that about fifty-five .will. go to camp from here. The training,- period will be eighteen :days, to September 4rd. • JOINS THE MR IPORCE •11. Truss, iteller in the loeal•Bank of Montreal for the Iast'two years, .lettlieg on Friday to don the R.C.A4V.'.- uniform. Mr. Trttss, Who caw here from .Sarnia, has proved -Itinaself an efficient and courteous member of the bank staff. dils home is at London. l‘Ms `Andrey Wieland,' who had been on the staff here for several years, has aosumed ,Mr. Truss' work as teller. AT TH3 WATERkRONT •• .. -The -crop this year is not a, bumper one, only fair, but the-eample of grain is 'excellent and the farmers express theinseives as Well satisfied. !Recent rains have proved a Godsend tit the earn," it having fairly shot into the air, and being taller than ,at this time of the season for seme years: , IIRENTWOOD-,-LEDNOR ,Knox Presbyterian -church, Goderich, W8.' the' scene of a wedding, on Tues- day, August 5th, when Rey.. 1), J. Lane officiated et the marriage -of Miss Agnes Lednor, second youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. +Henry Led - nor, ' Port Albert, to LAC. Leonaed Brentwood, of the .R.A.F., Port Albert, formerly of sBournemoutli, England. -aIlfged in the -aetionehefore .• GOING TO NEWFOUNDLAND - 'Miss Maud Howell, of town, has accepted an, appoiptment as assistant' principal of the IT -lilted Church College at St., Johns, •Newfounelland. stDo • will leave about the end of. this month tio take tip -her new duties. Miss HoWeIl spent, five years as a teacher on the Island of Trinidad', South Ainerica, and-,hf• accepting the position at • St -Johns she is :looking for eeperience in another unfamiliar part' or _the*: hemisphere. Her friends. Wish her pleasure and suecess in her new field. RUSSEII-DOBIE A quiet wedding took piece at Chal- mers Presbyterian church, Terontoe On. „Monday evening, when Helen Margaret Dobie,..daug-hter of Mrs. I)obiee. and Some 470,000 ,Infsbels of grain passed into the GedeiSch elevator be- tween August S and August 142. On Friday* the str. Superior brought III aeload consisting of 8,500 bashels of.wheat -and 2,000 bushele of core. The .str. Vandoe arrived,. Saturday with 203,000 bushels of wheat. .The str. V. V. Massey arrived Mon- day, with a• cargo of 41,000 bushels of screening4 ald 71,000 bnehels of wheat. On Tuesday 'the str.- Superior made another 'all with -28,000, bushels of Wheat, 18,000 buShels of flax, 7,700 bushels of 'screenings. 15:700 laishels of oats and 14,800 bushels of rye. The Georgian made Its usual calls of the week. Three yachts, .G.B. II., from Port Ituron, Zephyr, from Port tHliron, and :So Fong, from 'New York, ealled here last Week -end: e The str. Calgarian came. Info port on Wednesday afternoon, taking- on a load of _salt. The sreatner Ilerryt on , lin Wit at Goderich harbor, is to be re -named Lord Bennett of Calgary, in honor of the formee-Prime Minister of Canada, now a ineniber of the Britieh House of Lords. The .Berryton•line of the fleet of: ,(1olenial 8teamshi iv,. Ltd., of Port •Oolltorne. .She is one of the.finest ships on the !Lakes. Built at Lorain, Ohio, in 1901, she has sinee been over- hauled and praetically' rebuilt. She has ,a length of 480 'feet, beam of 52 feet, and (lentil of 30 foot. IShortage, of ,sailors on the 'Great' takesors 'More aente than at any time during' tWseason, skippers ealling this port declare. one..boat ,hist five of its crew at ,G.aderich and another 'two, There was sbille great gentrying around .to fin the vacancies and efforts were only partially sueceaul. Very few boats are running with a ND eomplement. Mr...Ieryans-hae. taught _spccessfully in public schools for about ten years. tits- home is near Walton. Ile is an active worker amoug the young people of the -United Church, being on th'e ex- ecutive of the Huron Presbyterial Young People's e Union. Ile is unmar- ried. As principell of Central school. he .succeedS' Mr. H. M. ,Shackleton, who has joined the Royal Canadian Air Force. AT CAMP MINNEHMIA Camp -Minnehaha is in progress -this -revenue . it 'would neceseitate mettle, week at the United Church. Slimmer " the number. a trimeir• _Min, fevene) School grounds at . Dunlop. The fol-- i0 -sixteen men, the maximum' used lowing are registered: . - at other- Canadian bay and lake poci 13rantfOrd ;. . Ruth Sutherland, Park - Elsie elevators • ' for eaeb clean-up leg. Margaret Rate.; Ituth, Ratz, Gaiser,,. Dashwood; .Loriemie 'Hall, (t'ollingswood uses sixteen wee, qweo hill; bouise Couites, Wingba•ns ; Audrey the iitopping of any of their. men and Sound twelve.) The men reeented. ,ErisseS'tratford • Mary •Camplon;' Lot,: quit • • • ' . able. Ellis, b .• aiess ;•---Margaree- Rot ----* ', '''A new gang of sixt.tvu Alien', . S011, GOIT1Q-; Rilth 'Cain, Owen"Sound ; been • hired .tey the fonspany Ind working on the third. boat todey tam, Greta Hyndman; Eleanore Car- . ?(Thrirsdey i *are making norinal• tinie • - h • ..klma Ryekman, Exeter ; 'Betty -Ma- • ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. 'Edgar La.wsone Auburn, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Mary Jean Ber- nice to Mr. W 1 lam ()Ater At dee- son,' son of Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson, also of Auburn. The wed- ding will -take place in A.ugnst. • MORE .AIRPORTS HURON.i. Runiors Mention* Cen• . tralia and Analier. . leyas Pos.sible Sites . • The- last large building is reported - to be in the 'course oNeen'struction at the R.A.F. :Radio Teeliniciens' School at Clinton and inthnatioii is said te have been given by the instructors to carpenters -and other workmen that their services niayLeagain be needed. on anOther job in Huron ebunty. Thin has revived rumors thet another and Perhaps two 'airports .are to be. built under .„the Commonwealth Plan, one near Ckiltralia,:just north of the Mid- dlesex -Huron boundary, with an.altere - native or a site for a Seeondeechooll ••• south of Amberley, on the -shore of Lake Huron. -We are a little sweet on Huron county, as a ,training.grannd," a Gov- ernment official is reported *to have • told- an inquirer nt Ottawa , when quizzed on fife subject of more airports. eallis 'that thre4 more were- te. be built this- '3-4ar, but would not. give. particulars. - . _ The- dis7covery- .qg , a big •flow of svhinney, Dashwood; Elaine. Mitchell, 4,4,4 wits iewseee this after,, . issplreenpicristltdwatteeel.lbayvetavrnatricawiely11-cleinrieltedirs • ' Lois Swartz, brediton ; Ruth Stover, • '''t WO MI rgoes. 4 ilverton : _Audrey Elder, .e1Ielesaill ,, . .... kIeilicants for the ..places. -have the !Centralia site,'. where nine hundred 'Betty _ Orr,, •Milvertibi; Marion •Peck, teen more than required and a Wait- Zurieh e Jo' Jardine, Helen Jermyn, 4 in g /1St for vacancies has been set up:" Brussel,13; P,Ittsy McDonaldAlarion, ' . Sangster, TT.. 11 Eleanor Johnstons! - 1!`4,4GAGEMENT ANNOUNCED lidtherine Snider, Helen Wilson, Helen The 'engagement is announced of acres are suppOsed; to be under option - for a gunnery and bombing school: ... -Another, six hundred neres-are under* option at Amberley, as previously re- ported, but there. have been no new : 11-clicans•Coeetence Thoinsoni.God,e.rich. Kzithrrn -Margaret,- youngest...daughter_ deeelopments_ hie:this,. area .m. recent 'headers. of . the (-tulip a re A ss ' -II - es ''of •NIis. 'Park of Lucan and the late ease:: Helen Robertson ,and Aland Howell,' .11r. John 'Park,- to Mr. William Thomas 's Goderich; Misses Enid 31(.1'1 int ic , and , • Butler of Sarnia, only son of Mr. . 'Ethel Brown; ,Braufford.. .SALTFORD RED CROSS • Ilarry Butler of Toronto and the late The nweti , 2 1 ' . . ,n, 0 the -Saltford ,R-01 ' Mrs, • Butler; the Marriage° to..t7aice . (.`ross was held at •the home of Mrs... nw."1 117, Tom 1.cyan -with"fotirteen membersfiTRANSFE4RED TO. CAWARY Coevener's report : Turned it to been sl-irtioned at-Port-A-14)ert silThe- the „ . 1..110. has Theilccint.ihdt:‘,_11tilist(t,etr . part of this, wee. formerly , on .the seat.. -I r' - Squadron Leader Bayliss, derich- Collegiate__Inestitute.,,.G.tok„riv.h_ Red .cras,,..,toonts, 2 firtael.... inception of that camp, has been trans- • sta-ff-of. 0-0. 5 - _—___ - V2 shirts anti a pair- socks. A young ette and 1 print quilts, 1 pair pyjama., lerred to the 'elementary school of the -Oomilionwealth Man „at_ Calgary. ' 1 1 Churchill and Roosevelt Meet at Sea • 1 RED CROSS NOTES • ', $13:50 was realized oil the pig. .5$.50 H. Jenkins being the lucky nante- •• tinpply the "members of the ,corvette . , fhe Goderich branch are hoping to ' Red t_ ross. Ten collection°ex-- . . • • . ili. fmo(i;ntquiltingsN.a'turned itint.1 1.1tist Ndvuasri,negarrtihe and -Set Forth Aims of Britain anal': S 's-turt Mini.Stei• Churchill, after a secret meet- countries, on which, they base their knitted -erticles to finesh. each wont eF respective ' as they have a heavy quota, of .203.11-; ien,:ss $2.1,1. President Roosevelt ilild Prime • tional Policies, of their' Two.quilts were quilted pig donated- by Mr. W. Westlake ,cif ; the Bayfield road was draWri .fot, Mr6.: • • • -Gpilerich" with, knitttql comforts, and that' $'20-144. given.. in, to the Goderich hones for a better futtere'for the world., knitters an,} urgently ',squirel. s I was e7Vendeil to Mrs.. Irrigion (1111 1fl, thit:ortti,fat:ir.hii!nnit.,. • PTrotfoeunindsiejannis of 'war aims, at the saine 111114 'setting gr 111(1 territhighil or other ; Ietin Women's War: Work Committee, 111 IIS r First, their countries seek no ag- Exeerpt• from ()mere) Bui- inge tsea, have joined in et declaration gut the principles upon whiCh' the two Second, they .desiire, see no ter- August, 1941: " r() \YORK CA );\ lee, Itb w a s ser.ved. (..1(Ied with the National -Anthem. Tee eame the bride of Alexander M. be. onations represented, desire the estab- the late William Dobie of Auburn,. Russell, R.C.N.V.R., son of Mrs. Rnssell and the late Thos. flussell of Toronto. Rev. I). Little Officiated. The bride - wore a white chiffon dress :with match- ing accessories and a corsage of gardenias. She was attended by Mrs. L. A. prior in light blue dress with white accessories and corsage of Pink. rosebuds. Laverne Prior was' the beet mans After .the ceremony a reception waseheld at the home of Mr. and Mrs'. 1J. A. Prior, Brock ave. The eoupte left later .on a motor trip: • MOSS-MeCLENAGHAN A pretty wedding -took place at tile home of Mr, and Mrs. Ben Me-Clen- aghan, 2nd concession Kinloss, on Thursday, July 31, at 4 o'elock 'pane when their eldest daughth, Lorna 15111)01, became the beide of Merles 'Harry Moss, sfourth son' 14 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moee of West Wayvanosh. I Supply of the British Government, ha's Mr. Clarence Malenagleux played the' joined in these conferences. Ile is liehment of peace„ The following etate- meet signed by the President of the United States and the Prime Mtnieter • of Great Britain has been released for ,the information of the press: The President of the United States. and, the Prime' Minister,' Mr. Churehill, representing His NI jemy's Government in the United Kingdom, have met at see. They have. been acompanied by of- ficials of their two governments, in- cluding high ranking officers of their military, naval and air services. ;Ilse whole problem of the supply a munitions of war, as provided by the Lease -Lend. Act, for the armed ,forces of the United States and for these countries actively engaged in resisting aggressioe has 'wen further examined. Lord Beaverbrook, the Minister of vXedding music. and Rev; W. 3. Watt, sif 'Grimsby, assisted by Rev., G. A. Barnard, of St. Helens, officiatedeDeris MeOfenaghap, sister tit the bride, was her bridesmaid, ando„the groom 'was °attended by his brother, Bert, Moss. The bride Wore a floor -length frock of going to proceed ,to Washington to discuss further details with appro- priate ()Metals of the United States Gov- ernment. These conferences will also cover the supply problems of the Soviet Union. The 'President and the Prime Min - white 'sheer, with eorsage of pink roses, tster have had eeveral conference8. while her sister ,ch age blue- sheer, with They have considered the dangers to red roees. About forty guests sat world civilleation arising from. the down to the wedding dinner, „served on the lawn, " and in the evening about one huared and fifty guests gathered for the reception, The yolung eouple spent their 11°110W/on° at; Collingwood, and go this week to their home at Glencoe. Among those who attended the wed- ding from, distanee, besides im- mediate relatives, were Mvs. Loose - more, .blencoe, and her son, Illwyn Moss, of 'Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. War- ren James and Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Wills of lOoderich ; Eileen 'WiT?ox, of deneoe. Friends frail' Ripley, Clin- ton and ‘Goderich were present for the reception. policies 62 military dorninatieu by con- quest upon which the Hitlerite govern- ment of GerinanY,' and other gd'vern- merits associated therewith have em- barked, and gave made clear the steps., 'Which their countries are respectively taking for their safety in the'face of these dangers. They have agreed upon the follow- ing joint declaration: 'Joint declaration of the. President of Alto Milted .States of Ameriea and' the Pfline. 'Minister, Mr. Churchill, representing Ilia h4ujeaf'a ('Ilo.vernment In the United Kingdom, being met to- gether,. deem it right to make known certain common prinelplea in; tbe na: ritorial -changes.- that. do , not accord , e - - - With the freely expressed WI'Areseof i A-'4 the summer is now half over,. We the pc.oples concerned; . • , l'ili1rst1,1) look to the winter which *Lies + Third, they resiwet the right of • all i ahead. A winter whiels evill bring peogree to choose the form ,,of goVern- i fresh hardships and offering to bdth- ment under which they will live; end 'Men and eivilianss who fight our4battie . . •., .. .. s .. REMANDED FOR SENTENCE Max Glasse° and Ralph J. Delduca, 'Vimlsor youths, who last Thursday ight attempted.to escape from Huron they wish to i..tee sovereign rights and , b3 an ._ . . . county jail, today pleaded guilty to the . , geIf-governlent restored to those who Therefore • We 111 Ust not, rail to (10 have been forcibly deprived of them:1 Our part, however small. . . eq. ewe week ees sentence. • . charge and were 111 11340(1 in eustoay Fourth, they will'endeavor„ with' due 1 Fdr this 104-011 Wt iigain remind .... They alsoilleaded guilty to theft of a respect for theirexieting obligations, , you, the 1%',011.1el1 of Ontario, eho ha ...--- sve ' ear at Hensall and brealeins or at - great or small, victor or vanquiShed, to further -the enjoyment by all.states, worked so, eplendidly` in the past, t give once more as unceasingly of your Zurich and Brussels:, ,as did 'three ' -" tempted bretik-ins at, Clinton, Myth. of 3114 '4 on. equal term's, to the trade ', time and, energy. companions, Ptes. +Robert Enright and and to the aw innterialof theworld The following ae SeXterpt, from a , Francis Arpentig,incy, of the• Esse% - rs " , bit h are needed for their( conomic. 1, leildiTig' elnigill-41 • 1101'4)3 Pel', Wilk" SVOt t 1:411, and Ernest Ituptql, a civiliaW - prosperity; . , 1 slorald lit, of interest to everyone Who 1 , . .., Enright is only sixteen years. of age. Fifth, they desire to bring- about the 1 has 114 Ip( ifl bring comfort to the ill live are 1114nu ty or nder. fullest collaboration til1)0111(011Ina- , people of that`.beleagnered island : • The Vrimes, Tliti 141' earth ht' Con. stables Frank 'Fox end Lorne Anther- "Ileving had i the good fortune to' dons 111 the economic field ,with the' object Of SVCIITilig for all improved:, bele uepack -Senn' Of the superb cloth- ford, -all were committed on tile night' labor standards, economic ahvancetnent II ing wr quilts, etV-, it,Witt here by our_ of• „Julv '91 '1 or early' wonting of and social security ,-,. - . • ° Hetinadian Donlinion and United States ' i..., , .Sixth, after the final destrmeion of : kqers. may I urge that every oppor - the Nazi tyranny, they how to 44. tunity 'be taken to ,,ipow awl' to the esta ) s n 1 ,'1 3 , .. w lei will weed 1 l'Iospe-ratlethed public. Serats of ma- , ,to all nations the 1114 111'. of dwelling t( 11 11.11 4. 1) i.11 31 ((1 in_ 1 PIA 10 i weeks end for the corresponding weekt . in, vafety Within 111111 iiiVii'li(')iftilia ries,generally forgotten here, and such ex- list year, as otheially recorded seeet and whieh Will 'afford assuraece' that I adeiles df housewifely success would 'es seenescs,. „ . ..., all the Men in all the lands may livebe most helpful now. • t‘hir gratitude to ° 1041 e ut their lives in freedom from fear ' the overseas donors will be deeper, if . Max. Min. Max. Min. ' and want ; • A useiet 1 s t. THE WEATHEn, • * The temperatures forr and past lt-vt) possible, for their hell:in helping us There, July 31 _KO 70 74 62 Seventh, elicit a peace should (mable'; 14) 114.4) ourselves.' .( Signed 1 Mrs, C. Fri... Aug. 1 72) 66 74 ,G3' all men to traverse the high seas aml H. Lyell. a , Sgt., An v„ 2 ....40. 64 76 el Oceans witlittut hindrance; . i, This.. and the never ceasing. flow of sem, Aug. e• ....83 00 81 0. thank. which (01131?', to us from over- mom. Aug. 4 %.,..77 (es 84 -10 • Eighth, 1114.3.. believe that all of the; sfficient ineentise to Tuesp Aug . 5 7 ....8 ,iii 83 Gs nations of the world, for realistic as stle,;1:11sh‘10.111',1141;11:uy a rale 111 111( 1111111,, 11,,;14,;(1i;.,A_kniglg.. 07 ...,...8„7.,51.. 3523 , .g., erss, • well 'is spiritual reasons, must eome to the atiandonment of' the use of force. il is t rye Fri., Aug. S ...S9 04 78 ' 1 a'it • Since no future peace can, be main- ' s. Shipment August 7tie 1941: 0 1)111)1 '4)11) Mir, 10 ....7:i 157 g6 GI Ritt.. An g. 0 ...73 OS G2 continue. to tallied if latid, sea .or air armaments I be employed 1),'; nations Refugee olio litho:- - 5 quilts ; 1 Mon., Aug% 11 ....75 is 87 , G7 blankets ; 4 hairy pillow -ea -es; 2 sweat- wli felt threaten, or may threaten. ag- 1 und(rwear; 1 8Weater: 2 1311)1 Pin Aug. 12 ....72 . 57 62 70 gression outside of their fr(mtiers, they ' en'', 'Wed., Aug. 13 ....66' 47 t...3 GP lielieVi`; pending the establishment of, 111111.; 4 sox; 2 boys' shirts. wi I q. and permanent system of gen- i lIospital supplies --13 pyjamas; 5 •- _ 'eral security, that the disarmament or 0M1,11 PYJama troesers; 75: towel; 4 'such nations is efTsential .:They likewise aid and encourage all other i Seamen's:" somfort.s.---1 5. lielinetts ; 1.5 praeticablesresasures which will lighten 1 st anti lig, i 1 , . 4 , „ ,• ( lscnmen8 for' mace -loving peoples the crushing 1 short .S0X; 15 turtleneele sweaters; 15 bitrilen of armam(nts. , , . whole mitts; 15 Searves. , (Signed). Vranklin 1). laoaevelt ' 10 skirts ; 10, coats ; 20 Itlont.4,c---Wo- (Signed) Wtristen VI Churchill men's Auxiliary, Service. , , ENGAGEMENT AlsINVENCED Mr. and Mrs. Normdti, IL Adrltin 111111oUnee the engagement of theilr +ed. - est daughter, tiva. Belle, toMi-. flarolt M. rfireckow, 113.A., younger con Mr. and, NIr4-4. Vlaaries Ireekovr„ (404e31011. "flik,, marriage will take place the mitkile of ..Vagunt.