The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-24, Page 7e
T i TItSD `Y, jULY 24th, 1941
One pad kills 'isles all day .and ewe
•day for 2 or $' weeks. 3 pads in each
packet. No sprayings no ,stickiness,
,no bad odor. Ask your Druggists
'drapery or General Store. .
(THB cso,N.. FLY PAA CQ.,.Hstmilton ®at:
Well, Weill • {
Jan : "I 'believe Dr. Black- is ex-
tremely wealthy." ° •
Kate: `1How can t} doctor make so
:anu>~h money?"
Joann "He own* a 'lame oil well."
Date;: "Oh, he`malbes money. "from the
eiek and the well.'"
'.--- ..-'117
'""4,119., . .:_,.........._Z__.- 1
1(t11,11,'Vlll, July 2A..— -Th wea.theranau'
-cussed the' taps on at last. • We htl.'d' 'a:
etiee rails on irridee wla'ieln was greatly
Vee(ieab in thi. 1oe(lllty. We Wel some
:oi'e, bet we are thaeisful° fol;, eiatntall
The Sunda school of the • IJulted
elutes!). held eld their picnic at the river
'flats of ` Mr. j John Ilivett's: plate last°
'Tuesday aitt�,i'uo
J.op� � .,. l.�'_ •�'.::
time. 'Sports consisted of bas•e
tt. ;
rates, and svinming. Instead
oranges-, and cheep ate'. Tsars f4ar prime.
3-ye.11' to erea1i ~ewa i rued. •. R
'su ri,ntendent, Mr. Miert �w 4`
�?Vhie�y, deserved
] credit for the good
time we all had.
The fanners• on. the 9th concession
shawld.•ha ve gooe crops, jud,;irlg by the
" shower.3" they have had up there the
past. few ,.alaontbs--but we have' to sax
they were not ehQin Con-
gratulation's are extended to Miss Jean
Anderson, whose marriage • took place
:on Saturday lase, July 19. May the
have a pleasain.t TO yam, on the sea' of
Mrsi � ood
r rr n Ont., is visit -
of. Wa e x
JAM her son -in -Yaw' and daughter, Mr,
aind Mrs. James Sherwood. Also 'Mrs.
'S'herwood's• sister and her husband,
newlys-weds,„are`' speeding their honey -
1110011 Talo, 1Gon ra'tulatiens,
moan th $ a �►
Cutting oil fall wheat is the order 'of
the clay .around here.
The ladies. of 'the W.31 S. of 'Crewe
United `church, are invited to the Meet-
ing of Erskine !Presbyterian W.M.S.,
Dungannon, on 'Wednesday afternoon.
1 Tested Recipas
/Telt) Britain; eat fifty' per cent..lea 3
p.Or , bac and liaiin'
o av
Fortunate, indeed, las t -� ,
who is re;uly for every e}ceaaion with
.a �vari'et of holne-1na e' jams# con ei (es,
a ' Ville?l +
This year it 1 particu .rlY important
that everY.krap ,off fra c° and vegetable
be stored for later use.
"s•=T'he question ot-fntalners is often
a factor to be'eonside1•e J.
and jams air-ti'ght jets 'are not ne
Bar ” Any glees or pottery receptacles
'car be used, > Sealing -is done, with
paraffin war or the new Cellophane,
In ams conserves and jellies, sugar,
'n i aet re-
vinegar, , salt and si' as pre-
servatives. Moog 'boiling, also aids in
keeping, as it concentrates the product.
There is no 'end to the .variety of
-preserves," New mixtures give new
calors 011(1 new taste, new thrills. The.
experienced cook should experirnerat for
,herself, but the foligw• recipes de-
veloped sby the Coilsumer `'Section,
'Marketing 'Service, 1)ominlon, Depart-
'meat of Agriculture; are unusual, and
andtexture :
i:ntersesting .in flavor a
••''P1:e °Ilrus-els Post is taking a holiday
this week.
( 1 ,
;,„.. � • l tax, rate for:l_«. f r l.l. ,
'.as last year. '114e. Seaforth
rate ; 43 mills.
'Section men at "Clinton have been
putting �In a "..1!:” at the t,.N.B. station
--there-for turning trains oncthe 1:401 4.-
' Chei'ry-Apple (lkiser've.
3 dips sweet black pitted cherries
., a• . , cups sour red pitted .cherries
' '3 . eups-elopped apple '1 ,
cps sugar
1/2 cup water ,
Mix cherries, apple and water. CoOk
15 . niinli'tes. Add • sugar. .'Stir well,
Cook twenty minutes, Pour into hot
NIlLD, July 22, :A 'successful pimple. sterilized jars. Seal at; once. °
was held at the home of Mrs.- Geo: Pickled Carrots
'Rutledge last Tuesday. After a short' Use carrots not larger than two
program a couple of contests were put inches. Scrape. and wash the desired
on. A knitting contest, the number of 'number. +cook eight minutes in boiling
stitches knitted` in a 'given' time, was salted water. Drain. Pack in hot
won by 'Mire John W)N'eagan. A number -sterilized jam- -For-e telspu1t jar net
"of races' were put on for the children, pickle mixture as,follows :
after which a bpun'tiful picnic lunch s/.i cup cider vinegar
was served. le cup water
Mrs. Hoover and daughter are visit- 1e e•up grantilated sugar
sing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1 tablespoon salt
Watsoll,:-yvliile Mr, Hoover is taking a ' 'Boil , three minutes. Pour over
su 'mer course in the States. carrots and seal. . -
ltev. H. Curriebf Bayfield exchanged ' Tomato -Cucumber Sau e',
pulpits 'with Rev. R. iG°Ha'zlewood ;on 6 cups' peeled, chopped, ripe ;o natoes
Sti nd'thry : ...,-.:., ..... ..,..,- .-,.----.— -4-.Ii,,;.. nuc umbo, eeelet d.
11lr Toho 'Brodie; °w110.fracture& a
bone in his neck whsle drawing in hey
last week, is doing as well as'can be
expected •
Mr. alae :Kis. John13arter, of Malls' t
townshili,; on Tlauredity last quietly
served .the .sixty --third -anniversary' of
their ,iinarriage;�.-,• i 'i .
Dr. Mary tGosens, of:. .. inghainn i!.
gone "to Toronto to take poaiti
the laboratory' staff Of the Ontario''De-
partixnetit; Health.
Joshua` ift wood, eter, died 's11d-
' J'ul hh • 'the ageof
dens: 'fru � Sot
se Vent3'--s9.x :'ears,.; r -11(1is,`Survived.hY
his wife and ,tWO One. +-•
Mrs. `John Graharm, : ._--asel- )frs
Nelson Grnliam and,the,latter's•.cousin
'(formerly • Irene Thompson) visited
Nile last 'Siindass night. Irene now
living in 1llontreal:
',HAS THE DIAMOND TREAD- DO�INyBiRiOOK, `,July • 22:---r3Ialster
AT A it•?EAL' . LOW P-! iCE Donald van:when bast been visiting at
Kitelieiler with his sisters, �Tt•y. Arthur
�r•:1 t Get ,i n the :�Iaeigelblirg and :Miss Jean 'Campbell.
swim with other
���. s,�",,`,.•,�, � thrifty motosrists.
Enjoy the money
®, \ • saving advantages
you'll get in the
great. Goodyear
Marathon. .
!Get top service from' your new tires
,'. acid new low-cost Goodyear tubes. ,Jefferson and Elaine Bamford gave
readings. 'Ire1ne Itubinsoii contributed;
R(� (� it st>lo, .lilvl. brief talks were , given by
1��.Y�V IIJE .. ..BELL - r(�cera1 isitors, During the afternoon
:t 'Red Cross quilt was completed. At-
ten(lalice..fourteen. '
• Mr, W H. 'Uam'pi►ei1 leaves this week
to visit at the Nome of his son Oolin,
at (Wawa.'
. A number from this vieinitynttended
the Federation of Agriculture picnic at
Auburn on Friday iifternpoii.
The 'W.M.S. and W.A. met on .Thurs-
day, afternoo`h6 in the basement of the'
church., The 'program: was in charge
bf 'Mrs. W. A. Vain;pbell. Margaret
Tie March of $dense
Maps, key to all military situa-
tions, can now be Gent over tele-
phone wires. from 'general 'head-
quarters to divisional headquart-
ers during active warfare. The
tesults bf the latest aerial sur-
vey of enemy positions can be
made available to the fighting
forces within .a few minutes after
the map-anakef has' completed his
drawing! This miracle is aecont-
°plished by•telephoto.
Developed as a result of re-
search in Bell Telephone Labora
tories, the art of,
chart. and diagrams by wire has
,been in general commercial use
for several years. Many of the pic-
tures of far-off ' events seen in
your newspaper have reached you
so quickly because of telephoto.
Now, this mnaxin,g development is'
ready to take, its dace in the bat-
tle line! ',-
The essential element in tele-
gihoto is the "electric eye” 'or
plioto eisetl'ie- cell.. A' picture vr-
map which is to be transmitted is -
mounted on a roller in the send-
• ing apparatus. As the roller re-
volves at 100 ti es a 1'ninut ; t:1
tiny light one- ndredth of ani
inch square in es over the pie- ,
°" ture. Park and light areats in the
1:hotogrliph ares translated by f a
photo -electric eye' into electrical
impulses flashing over. the vireo
of the •telephone system atthe
i:yte of 100,0(} ii'ilpulseai a minute. '
At the receiving station, the
iilipu1, ,.. are turned back into
exactly the same speed as the one
on the sending machine. A pic-
ture eight -inches' by ten inches
takes eight minutes to run. The
`negative is developed din •Tess"than
half an hour, so that in about 40
minutes a complete reproduction•
of the original picture has . been
received, perhaps .thousands of
miles away from the sending ,ma-
chine. '
Moreover, the. `picture can be
sent to several receiving mrachines
at once. The Associated- Press
telephoto network covers more
than .,•30 stations in the United °
States and Canada, and if neces-
sary, a • picture can be sent to
every one of .them at 'the same
tincle. es
. _ a ti
people are aware that u
portable telephoto •sending a pa-
ratus •can operate from any tele-
pkanne,,.;.The photographer merely
places an ordinary" long- distance.-,
. call to the number. Where the re-
cei'vingjFYequipinent is located
When the Confection [ '1 been en=
tablished, 'the portable sending
machine is adjusted to the mouth-
piece of the telephone transmit-
ter, and the picture is on its way!
»y means of this portable equip-
ment, pictures taken in the midst
of storm and flood have been
transmitted almost from, the spot
where they were taken..
Thus, in, time of • peace, the
telephoto cysterri has 'proved its
ability to operate under the most
rigorous conditions. It is. yeady
to meet the most exacting re•-'
light, e'p04irig a• nOgat ,ve motiiit- quirerenta encountered in Unto of
'ed on another roller, turning at waar.
rdo. a of is series ',repot* by 11. O. Owett,
Lot ilia Veil Telephone, Coihpany al Canaria. ,
0 4 ,a
a cure; ehopi�ed onion
2 cups eider vinegar'
cup,§ granulated, sugar
2 teaspoons salt.
1 .r teaspoon celery seed'
1 teaspoon mustard seed
8 cloves
(tied ing bag) -
2 teaspoons mustard
1A teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon four
Mix vegetables with vinegar and salt.
(look ;fifteen minutes. Add spices tied
in a bag. 'Cook thirty 1urnptes. Mix
mustard, turmeric and +fiour'with sugar'
until well is aded. Add a little hot
•mi1:ture."1 'Stir to e elziooth consistency.
Add to boiling pickle.. `Stir well. Cook
five minutes. Fill sterilized ' jars „to
+oye.rfi•owing. Seal at once. ` ,,
June . 1Vlelange
2 cups pitted., cherries
° 2 cups raspberries.
2 cups gooseberries
ii eupssugar
• Arthur ,Rieker .led eitddenly on 'July
15th at ills home ill Witty townshlI. `He
was In his forty-nip'th ;year, 'unmarried.
His mother and rtwa,sisters, sui4viVe.
The eattli• ocean d° art Seaforth on
July , f 1 ,th, ''atter'Short illness oi'
"Mary! onierville ' " e;idow of the late
'oh ,hitta ser, .nt .the age of seventy-
eight' years.
A community picnic tin honor sof Pr.
J. W. Shaw/who ,has practised 111Olin
ton for i fifty Years,. will be held o the
,publi('selaoo1 grounds in that town on
Friday ( Afternoon,.
Mrs. !jean 'Fitton, widow of the late
S'axOII (Fitton, passed away at 'Exeter
hi heir, sixty-seventh year.She .',-:1ad
lived in i� Exeter since.her marc age in
189,5, .,l A son .-predeceased her 1141, she
v' d -+threq~graiidelril$ e
inton +B rd of Educationhas
T -+s � Pa
appointed Miss I elen 'Brow ., of
London, to succeed, 'Miss Ab i the
I()oliegiote staff, �aind 'Chas., 'Pearce,'who
has 'been teaching. -at IIoln , to
succeed31r. ' l' linier.on.tlie ihool
staff. -t F' •
1 o Itev. ° +iilu,;h Jack. 1r. audit
Kerr will reside attBraantford..
uht�ntid rch x rars
onag, e,.'
u•. sets, wasthe scene et a pretty wedding
oil, Thursday afternoon, July lOth, when
dau ght: of lir, and
t'xl;aoly,s, �you�agen.' daughter
Mrs. John Rowland, brussels, wa:s'
unitacl . in marriage to Oord'ou Sander-
son, son of 3': (4* Hymers and the late
Mrs.. 'Hiriners, Atwood(: Rev., Charles
:Lewis, pastor of the church, oflieiatetL
The couple„left„pn, a trip to Windsor
before taldalyg, up residence 'in Atwood,
The engagement is aini un( ,,. of
(Nara 'Edith, [Reg. 'N,, youngest Baugh -
ter of Mrs:. 'Ball and the "late Nelsons
Ball, ,Olioton, to Boyce 'S'cott Macaulay
of 'Plvmouth, ►Mich., son of Mr. and
MTs. Malealln A. Macaulay,•'Southamp'•
stony,Ontario,, the 'maarriace to take
place in 4lin'ton early in August.
• 1e etip water
_ Wash and snih gooseberries. Addy
water •+C'ool 'five minutes Add
cherries (took five minutes. Add
raspberries. Cook pv'e minutes. Add
sugar. j(>ok dye minutes or. until
tlai(•k. POIrr:'into but sterilized) glasses.
Seal .at once..
7 lb.° ted currants
5 • lb, sugar
1 Teaspoon whole cloves
1 pint vinegar ,
1:_(i'/,. Sti(tl: c i111rantotl
1 WO in ::alt
Make a syrup of saiar• and vinegar.
:x(1(1 salt and spire,. Boil three min:
• irtes. 't'ool., Strain. Add fruit. ,.Cook
t«'euty-Live-minutes. stirring often. four
into hot storiliid'(l jars, 4t411 at once.
Abbott' o1
piibb:iC s4
()scar If o'iip,' well-l.noN 11.,'resi=
den r.cif ;Zu,i'ich • 1 '.011 W'eclaiesd1y of:
»a -v-
s �te`ta
iii s"t . }'y r-' A ft"e 11 n �,
"r T "TTik o
mo ltw >l ,.i,1 mitt' town'1ii
inO 0(1 '•with lie,- �� '1,usba-11(1 to Zu•rieh ` a . v-
few years' alis' 1iesides her Di'sband,
three aughte anti.thr•�re.sens survive.
Also surviving!]. i,s' her ;father, +'(!gasper
Wit per of Guric11, besides a 'brother
iali `ihree (iis:terks. 3Irs. Klopp n:as'fifty-
*Ilene.' years of age..
Woman Wins
'Marksniahship Award
Miss 'Gra ces:Webster, of the-W111ell am
'Ladies' .Rifle I('larb, has won the 'Do-
o-minion marksmen expert shield award,
accord illg t() a lino 11cemei1t•from Mon-
t'real. (She scored 5,02-I alit of a Deis -
slide 1;0()0 point.:. ,.yhe is the thirteenth
\olnan in ('rtiaadii to win the award.
Kest=Papple --•
At the Presbytt'rr Mill to tiff -e; Neaforth,
on Saturday, .1ul' 19...Uinie. Kathleen,
diiturhter of Mr. anlda: irs. I)atee 'Pal)ple,'-
..'i'u(•kerAmith, • vasN(iitited in marriage to
'Robert :Scott'lKerr•nf BBrantford, son of
Mr. • and Mrs. ZrAtiam .Ke • of Me-
Killolr. _:The cer'e',pi;r►h wise' ierformed
Mr. and Mrs. fi)lifford H. 'keys of
Yariaa announce 'the. ,engagetnent' of
their daughter,. 'Sybil tborraine, to Wll-
Russell Allen, son of the late Mr.
d Mrs. 'S lve sten Allen of'' Seaforth, l
and '11x :v a moved to, Hamilton.
the :marriage to' take place early i1i Mr, and Mrs. Robert Turvey and.'
August. family, Mr., and "Mrs.. Wallace Ager
Tragic Death and family, .Mr. •ands Mrs. Lloyd, Turvey
on Howick Farm y ; _ end family family and Mr, James Turvey, of
'George Leonard, a popular young. Morris towhship, .:Vfr. and Mrs. 'Mac -
farmer and trucker` of Howick town- Shaw and family, of'Grey'township, and
ship, met a tragic death on July 12th ,Mr. and Mrs.,.Harold: Vodden and son,
while assisting in haying operations at , of Blyth, visited with Ir. and Mrs.
the farm of D. H. 'Byrd:, two miles east Roy Petrie find R, J. Hoy on 'Sued iy.
:of -Fordwich.` He was drawing in hay Mrs. Fowler of 'Dungannon Alas
. with his truck and had just completed bought a lot from L. B. Hagedorn here
unloading in the barn when, forgetting and intends building a cottage.
that ills machine had been left in low Most of the cottages here have been
ar., he -cranked the motor. The truck leased 'by oi£icers and men of the Air
shot ahead and crushed through. the -Force. a
side of the barn, carrying l.,eonaird Mr. and. Mrs.. George p'ritzley of
with it and precipitating, him to' the Brantford visited.witheelr, ;Roy Fritz -
ground, a drop of about 'twelve feet. 'ley on Sunday.
It 's believed that fatal injuries at'the Mr. and Mrs. D. °Msyers of London.
•bake of the skull~ resulted when his spent 'Sunday with Mr. Myers' father
head struck on stones. Death was, al- andr mother here.
most instantaneous. 'Leonard was in
his thirtsefii'st year and had spent his
entire life in. the community.
1 1 L FANT, if my ;�2. -f rt'. Wilfred
°Sherwvin, Mr'r. Slicurwiu Laud two 'little
sous, X1oueld and i)ougiasm of Torouto,
tapent is 't week with Mrs. w`herwin's
broihers, Messrs. Eimer, Will. iiut Wal
ter Alton, anil her father, 1r. Iav1d
Aftotn , near >[�>a}ekYn
Mr. and ;Mrs, Glen Cameron and: little
sons,•Musset and ielarenc.'e, of Windsor,
tv iiia arerits
s t_- a ��: _�� itkv_.-_: P. )
o ,.
]]��{{�,++ �/� fit, ,((1..�..-lilic:>I�:IC`-`�#, tIN1w�
:1�iyV .,•lil(l;'Mrts, +M � A'
tiler, b r. Ralph Cameron.
Mr, nndi 111re R- W Pray, Detr&it,
spent the week -end with their eousina,
Mrs. 'Felson, who is not improving?, we
are sorry to hear.
We regret to *hear that 2sre. Hugh
ed at 'the week, thus. necessitating the, r'emov l
'Phillips, gvla4= •1'w,ved here, di
Monne other daughter inCondon. The one '%rlr.
Will be on: Wednesday after- . TheBed '(j oss « 'let: held, a quilting
funeral w l. . home of 'Mrs. Ed. Trowarthaa On
Hoorn from :the ,home of her daughter, at the,.... ixr ;la ,�,e number of the '�adi�'
i r
r a A
- P(1
Mrs. 'Leslie. Purvis, 1u11cicnow to Green y
hill eemeter J attended, annd , a dainty lunch hi l y s served ' by the hofit'ass, the ; Prooeeda
Mr'.. Tom °pwannnley` received; the ad
morning that is 'going -tea (!`Tile 'local branch, news , on Monday n�, In
t - n the' West, Mrs Tom. Campbell • and 'Sheila, a
is sister, !Mrs. ,'Tsars: Begley, 'th ,e� , 'b Siem •
ver • low. We ho fol better news. Teeterviller . aecamraniecb y
eased on.nequaintaaneea in,the cvi11ta1
on Thursday,
ntoxt lt*
PORT LBi i Miss Grace 1ell�yar of Oli s
,been •chos'eh ' to succeed s Mr, tl�.
PORT t July2]:.--=Pte. Pearce as teacher of the 'village s
on of of 4410
at +A+n+ . . ...,.-
test , set ad . ta. fter ire
aids to awned ppe�rr
tact a 'posed lrttreeuceare 11MS for
�. thla aid to nor tI
Itoasy, ur,f! at all a dr�1I
OLM "S.v :
F�.S�1YIiT,6x�i~�, .July «.�
, • spelra,ding a few days. at Wim
ham,. as the guest a>i'' Mr. and i'
14'xea Olin*.
the Ida..
Mr. Melvin 'Bennett
fortune to (crush Iiis left hand in. ma-
chiner . while at work in 'Goderieb but
Woodrow III'o , who was' In :camp at
Kitchener , for some time, has been rr I Poinful - ., .
Bilious Altacks
Liver Cornplaint
is: just another name
for a clogged ;or- sluggish liver. It
is a very comms°d tcomplaint, but can -
be quickly remfeeled by stimulating
the flow of bile. This softens the
accumulated mass, . the poisons are
carried out of the system, and the
liver and bowels are, relieved am
toned up.
Album Ss 1dato �1 'Weir' Pills (luiekin
'and enliven the sluggish liver, open-
ing up every cliallnel, by causing a
free flow of bile and thus cleansing
the liver of the' clogging impurities.
They ale er ads and easy -to take.
Do not gripe, weaken or sicken.
Th. T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Out.
eeRIJO\V, • .iu'ly _''l. Mrs. John -
T-relile•. returned Nome last week ac-
(•ompanied by her laughter, Jirs.• Will
i'G•laytott of' Putman, who is slowly re-
. covering from a codons operat'iun and,
will remain here fol' some time.
-Keith Young, 'Toronto, spent •a a
week's vacation with his parents, Mr:
a•nd Mrs. +Gordon Young;. and +C'olin.
Mrs. Bean, 'sr., .had as visitors last
week Mrs. Aly-moncl, Mr. n•n{1 Mrs.•
ilicl:nl,tn, '_L':wronto ; 3iIrs.'G1•ahaln Inglis, r
Goileric�1 ; llti.'and Mrs. It- zle: ood and-
tWo daughters and +Bettie ,Allison. air of
Lon le:Thoro f Mr. and Mrs. Brooks a'nd•
daughters, Paris, and Mrs, 'Iiugh hill, ,
Benin filler.
Mr. and Mrs. T. ,,II, Wilson itnd'' .
family spent Sunday at Parkhill.,Mrs.
, Wilson will remain for a few days with -
her sister, Miss Rose Amos,
The rain last ' ' .was most wel-
come althonr;h it held up • harvesting
for a while. .
Reis A, M. Boyle occnpled the'Presby
terin•n pulpit on Sunday and. had •a •
large and ettent1ee epn;;regation. Mr.
(111(1 Mrs. Boyle- leave this week for a
month's hoiida'-s. 'Re'v. D. C. Hill' of
Ef:eter will take the servi.ce"next Sun;
day. t. • ..
Mrs. (Reel yl:` (1. IInzlewootl, Ben -
miller, i.s samp-lender of the girls' vamp
this week at the Diltilop'Stlmnier ,S',ehool
grmifids. •
The fall wheat is atb(1111 all Out ,and
.is a very good soni,ple. the barley also
is ready, and it's good, too. ,
lite members, of the C. •(1, �(hlnb �bekl it
quilting at the home of Mrs. W. T.
zri Mira on •T`ia ilatj ::;i'tttl' ftntle - twrr '
gnilt'4 '
7.ols"irtubertson, of Toronto, is spend-
ing the week. at the home of Mr. and
NiT /)romp. McPhee. , a.
i Blood the Ciue
Who boils start to bread eat ort
differed „paurts of the body'it :is am
evidence that the blood is loaded lip
with impurities.
Just wheda. you'. think yotii' are 121
of one, another crops up to 'take its
place and prolofg your mieery.
All the lancing atnd poultieing JCtaa •
may do will not stop More coming.
Whh . pot give that`old, r
blood purifying medicine Burdock
1 Blood Bitted a •chance to banish the
boils! Thousands haveused it for
Ws` purpose tiering the past 60 years:
Take B.B.B. and get rid of the bid
A number of cottages have been blood and the boils too. .�
brolten ilito, and if someoll'e is looking A ' '
for trouble he R=ill likely get it. T. Yilbnra es. Ltd" Toronto.
OarR. Y
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