The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-03, Page 6Cavin la gee, iatiniltoGiven . is, Ilia name, 'Wad liekeens') the ,lel s mrioslty Shot at, tiodeeleh. i`ntil a `l'ew years rise, both lie 'mad his shop were-' witnow to Th though' lnl fame, iti 'mote t ui Weal awl his chop haa 3aanat been tht ▪ >Ilecc;i of lovers. oir things tjpt are gm,ti"que cued 'steeped -in the 'romance lti;tary— peetalls the history that is Oanada'n. 'I't waar a ,hbratlzt -August afternoon when we.stelzpcd from ilk burning eide- . walk and entered ,the cool and shadowy rooms that in)use.ail rn.ji» -er.,of, Pli- s euspeeted treasures? ° Almost . the lnr@t thing 'etir eyes lighted on 'ryas an old eanSt-iron box shave. and though our ewe. private tennpere titre was well over one hundred degrees under the pilar, the eight Of tlmt$ stove 4111ed us with ileligl)t, for on. it, badly written ht chalk, were Weide to the effect that it once belonged ttn Colonel John 'Graves Situccae, first L%uaten nt-Governor of Upper Canada. Enquiry -elicited, the fact that it had been acquire', From a si'e'ge of Judge Ritdout. Alas, • we did hot happen t•u have ,the Price of this historic stove, but _did.ahave our camera, and so -secured all that we could afford to make our *am. We explored farther into the depths o of the' old shop„ la our eagerness walk - ng 'right through . the ghosts of Little Nell and her poor old grandfather. It was '3 ahrd to know where to look first, so numerous were the interesting things ranged and Wiled on all' .sides of us. P,artieularly appealing, though, were some Mable; knives of the time of Queen Elizabeth, . that masterful Tudor -woman. , These were of peeuliar design 'tnld.`were sa niasieto ensst.rc .ea4y' eatinb, eine* forks, when they hada them, were at- best but two -tine affairs and of no . usc` # t all when it came to handling such things . as peas, eried one. "Marry, come up!". never so loudly. 'We continued to browse around, the friendly and .obliging proprietor at our elbow, appreciatively Isna.iling at our enthusiasm and at the ,slue time pity- ing and' enlj htening our ignorance., We were "tickled to death" by the thingsdisplayed. We even, grew covetous -a weakness we bad, always flattered, ourselves wiet not in us.. Of course there --were such relics as swards anti. pans find bayonets, and, -theta ail, .yet it was with pleasure' that - we ,turned from contemplating . the trophies of war to t`lapse of peace." Old spinning -wheels ' suggest hearth and home; and the ancient plu;.hat han sing. on a peg ;in the background., though it madeus smile; also conjured, up visions of bygone -;Sabbaths, quiet and ser* ne," wheal its wea>iea•, & pollalIQd 'tolc=boote and with immaculate cravat, _proudly anus hie family to woaehip in the little eb mireli solveently built. The minutes ,dipped, by, and still the old.. stop held fns. We eould not tens ouraelves away. The deet had 'th oWat its magic spell over ane 'a*iik we were chained every whit Cs securely 'as Prometheus to his rock: Anti it was no tender a day: in August thatyeart' of. grace wilt's at last we ea'nae to , .;`lase -topped ease and, loa►kingedowa oal. a email eighteenth century' copy of ""Goody Twa-tihoee," read tete epeniug page of that old nursery elassle, printed I in eereiatt type, with fascinating wood - outs and, 's" that resembled "f's." ra.ngrant 'sane tbitt• eltild's book with thoughts of a past long dead, And yet net dead, for even as We read :ind 'the ,'ears rolled bawl' . there game to life again the little one whose :book this had been in those far d44 when'Geoage the Third ruled over England and the earliest Iluron settler meas yet unborn. $u understanding 'tap on ours shoulder restored us to earth and the present. Our eotmpanion ('the always, t h:rve a 'eomnpa'nion on One explorations abroad, hie ease we forget and lose ourslves entirely) ---our companion then spoke , and askedif It witsn't time we :stopped bothering lir Green and went -and sow about getting something to eat, Since it .,Was nearly supper - time.. Stppertinae? Something to eat?. Well, well Perhaps, itawas ;° and, come to think of it, we_ Were gather hungry.'' .Resignedly we permitted our- - selves to •be gently led towards. the door. And then, when about to -recross its threshold, but 'n the wrong dirge- tion, our still raving eye caught a hand- wittn noticehangang on ,th - wall.. "Homespun philosophy," our friendly host casually remarked. The term fits, SUNBURN POISON IVY AND INSECT BITES. OLTI1PE ifiHEANTI3EPI1C L1N1lfENT for this is what we read: "Notice to Dust Kicker _,, who visit this ()Id Curiosity ,Sho°' Yes, I know everything in this old shop is covered wth dust. Were not our antestors manufactured from dust? lou have no proof to offer `that will hold 'water •that the dust you are kicking- about. is not the dust of your ancestors, or a king, a queen, a Caesar, a Cleopatra, or a a Huron old -boy. For ,�re_jve _.opt---- told" upon good authority that unto i) t writers assert since the beginning of time the•number of persons upon the earth is, 97138,470,804,798,43.7,- 697,481,798,432,709,4 -56: 7138,478,864,798,4 7,- 697,481,79"8,4 2, 09,450: Divide this . by the number of squares miles of Ivan Dmitri, one of the world's greatest color &photog raphers, d emonstra tes.his uncanny ncanny skill at Mount Edith Cavell, Din.itri has a.aafroofcamera enthusiasts at Jasper Park, Lod 'm various parts Canada and thirteen sutes in _the United States. In uns,pictura he is seen' ero _the the centre, after he has called the proper timing . and etyma"to...i. few 9Z. the 34 members o .the party,. and is showing them thecorrect anglefor picture of Ernie Neiderer, well. known Swiss mountain guide ofAsp o is little Dickie _ Johnston, of. Minneapolis, wh with he party. Inset shows ✓'Dickie close up, all decked up as. a mountain climber. Dickie had a great time on ,the ' trip to Mount Edith Cavell and is n great) favorite_., with the... tya �.a CO'URRIE'S CORNERS 1. GDERICR TOWNSHIP ' I t ests CORNERS; June GJDERIICI� •710�\IS1IIlP', June 30. - Mr. \r. and Mrs. Mervin geAllister of'r r, and Mrs. !George "Evans of Wing-. Goderic:h were Sunday, ' visitors at the I iieonio of Mr. and .Airs. George Drennan. Mrs., Gordon•4-rinstrong of London spent the past 'week withe°„her cousin, Miss `'ei•cs Little. Regent visitors at t hone` of Mr. 'Sir, and Ars. Alf. -Armstrong _acid-{ and Mrs., ,Robe- Harmer were -Rey. C. ale 'Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Hairy Powell. Misj, Dorothy YS'elbert of Bitffaloa N.Y. ,visiting: at the Motive bf "Mrs, J B. Orr. i Gordon of London, visited wit. and Mrs. David ?�ittle ot. 'Sund'ay. , iiott, Mr: Laverne 'Snider and Misses „ 1 1 1 , summer course. The sympathy of the 'community . is extended to Mr's•. Herb. Lamprey on the death of her mother, 'Mrs. Young,, at Loyal. • -- Strawberry Festival and Play. -The, strawberry festival held by .'Un'ion church on Wednesday evening was a coixtplete. success. - Tables were laid under, the trees on the church lawn. A,fter supper, the un:a.0 feetiare of, which -W' •stra berg -es;'» a- -three-act ite-Relarrn t un*r," •wt's pre Sentcd by the '(sang people•of Vie- ttiria 'street cht i•cli,.Goderiela 'Sixty- theese dollars was realized 'from the evening.. . Social Evening. -The June meeting of the !Social Farmers 'was held 'en Fri day evening at the honie of Mr. and airs., George Salkeld, with twenty-$ve members pr at. 'Gerdes Were played on the lawn . until the thunderstorm drove the young people into the house. Plans were made for 'beach party to be held at Blued Water 'Beach on July 15. Lunch- was served by the hostess, after which dancing was enjoyed until the. wee, sma' hours of the morning. • A Festive • Occasion. --here was * festive time en the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Laithwaite on - 'Wednesday_ evening, when they entertained those who -assisted etn searching for little Arnold' Laitht aite the, week previous when he wandered' away from home and spent, almost twenty-four hours in -the -open: A dance poor was built and' was crowded all .evening. Ham sand - whiles were served: It is. estimated about a .thousand people were present., A booth was conducted by the *North En'1 Goderieb Township ¢branch of• the Red 'Cross 'Society and did a thriving bii`.iness. _ We extend eoagratulatioas to Mr. hider of Niagara Falls. and' firs. Frank Drennan, who *ere, Mrs. Ctilin.:\ioore of 1St. Thomas spent married last •Friday. ,Sunday at :the home of 'Mr. and "Mrs. • LAC. Keith Johnston of. "Toronto Perey •Speiran. land upon the, earth and you will spent the weekend at his home here., 'Miss Lorraine'Lassaline has returned see this old earth has been "'slug . \(rs. John Little is visiting friends in from Windsor. •° over 128 time. to i.ur its dead, Godericb. ! Mr. 'Maurice Har�rood arrived. home. So yeti=will see by putting on your '" .lir. Robtr3Farrish of 'Iiamilron, vitt on. Wednesday evening while his boat, specs and figuring our dust ques- has joined the nary-, spent the week- S• • Vandoc, is in drydock at Coiling - tion by. the rule of three thatthe end at his home fere, w I • wood a•fter:going aground on 'Griffith day in the future may decorate dust of 'your own sweet self soave Island, Georgian Bay. O ur school pupils and teacher were j el r•, 'Brook' Orr and family, e'em lady's'chambei• furnittjre or entertained Friday 1ifternoisn kyr the Toraiyd Mrs. onto, are -holidaying at the home softie old tea kettle in seine old Iintaail school at the tome of the sat .of `Mr. J. W. --Bell: ' junk shop, or be beaten, out of some tier's teacher, 'Mr....Duncan MacKay. Miss 'Mary old ragcarpet to drift around span. During the afternoon races' were held, !' lio„iea. of Nile visited last week at., the home of Mr, and Mrs, the highway bf time until 'you are ' 'titer which ,such Was served: A ball ' Harvey Fuller. overtaken by the water was aif rot laggaine `was •played' between .'the two Miss 'Helen Davidson. of •�Southamp- heavenk.and, turned into nand. Then I hool -, hnigtil being.the winner with ,Ion ,tient the thee,: -end with her mother,. back -to the land you go again as the score of .::1-2Q: after this all en- i Sirs, Rob'. IJavid.o n.., • joyed a marsllmallom?4''' roast. '. 1 School has closed for the summer Mrs. Haines, who spent the past .six ; vacation: Miss Ether Me11wain is to weeks visiting friends at \% ingham and i be .congratul:tteik en all of her .pupils" other points, returned to the home of i beteg suc(•e•• ful ha their ,examinations.. -11r. and Sir,. Lorne Fairish last week., .Congratulations are' extended to . Shower .for the Bride -to -her -Miss 1,Misses 'Gloria 'Chisholm and • Edna Edith Johnston, Mrs. T. J. Drennan•. Somer,:all- on• , their aefaievement in and Mrs. •Robe. !Scott were hostesses'winning scholarships at the Goderich last \\'edti'esd.ay evening at the home° of ;`tollegiate. dirt ' to grow turnips, carrots, ie atoes and spinach to help' feed • posterity:` :Lastly, but nut leastly, you will be turned into .gold dust, Weil into dollars to pay. the butcher and the baaker, the fiddler and tfw Preacher, the doctor -• and 'the lawyer: and if you escape from the lawyer and the gold -standard you will be used to pay the War debt." • Mrs. 'Scott for a -delightfully', arranged i 'J he strawberry festival ponsored•by . :While bidding_g odrhye to the owner Shower in honor of Miss Ella Bogan, , Zion chu<,ren, Tas bras Corners, on Fri- ` S eve learn.' ` who -Vada married on Saturday, ' Iiir evening-. v'. 1 a decided • � s of the Old Curiosity ,hop 1~During „ e cled .-ucef..-. that this Was. by no gleans his first and the evening Miss Isabel Scott and Arn-1 after u -eller, a play, "Two . Days 'to out's literary effort: in fact, we found old Drennan carried in a little table Marry,, • was presented by the Carlow• that he had a considerable output to onwhich ‘:xas placed a large cardboard Community Club. his credit. And last year we were wedding cake. When Miss Hogan cut' There wits a 1a:'ge congregation at delighted to find that 'he had gathered the cake it was found to contain many i I'qiiori church ' on • Sunday, wheii they these numerous children of his heart gifts. Later Ethel Thompson and pastor,' Rev. A. Je McKaye, delivered a and brain together and published them Marvin Seott dressed as bride and; ~ splendid sermon fr.rni - the test, "Render as a volume of reminiscences under the title of "The ()id Lug School.", A copy lies before us at this moment, and turn- ing its already well-worn pages we are more than ever convinced that it is a b(ok every Iluron . old .boy and girl should buy, beg, borrow or steal, and 'read fur old times sake. groom drew in a decorated wagon E unto raesaar the things which are heaped with other ;presenets. Miss C ei aar's ; and unto God the things that' Hogan thanked her friends.: for the' ;are God's" (St. Matthew '2:-2'f21.). Dur - many gifts she received. I')airing the ; ing the service the choir, sang an evening Cdrs. Mike Hogan with Mrs.' anthem,c^Now to .'God Our Prayer S. Martin at the.. piano gave.- some ! Ascending." violin selections. ""Mrs. Robt. Scott and; Miss Esther Melltcain left on Tues- Mies Evelyn Little sang solo`. ' day for Toronto, where she will take a BELFAST BBIA tlS1.', June 3O. -The Red 'Cross held ,their lad t meeting at• the home of Mrs, T. A:'Cameron•and quilted a quilt. , The WALS. of 'Hackett's circuit held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Wilfred 'Hackett : (1n Wt?dnestlay afternoon, June 25th, with a large at- tendance. The president, :\lis, Erving Zinn, presided, At the close of the meeting Mrs. Wilkins was presented " witli an end table and 'vase. Mrs. George Lane rend the address and Mrs. Dynes Campbell and 'Mrs. Cyril Camp- lell presented the gifts. Rev. Jas. Wilkins preached his farewell sermon on !Sunday. They leave this -week for their, new home at Oil `i:prirrgs. ,. �. The Misses Melda and Winnie Lane, PRODUCTS se teachers at Orillia, came home on Friday night- to spend the holidays with their pare:ats, Mr. and Mrs. 'George Lane 1.; Mr. and "Mrs, Andrew Gaunt and son 'Murray. near St.'Itelens, spent Sunday :Munition with her mother, Mrs. Sam Sherwood. - Mr: and Mrs. Jack Irwin and I:'rb Ia:ivi• rtiaHveri t.(> -near Clinton for a bine, . :k Mr. Irwin is waking there. *Haying vi11 soon 'he over owing the hot, dry weather. ()iv of tl o hest prayers fever heard was that a;f a little negro boy who was competing in a race. He Itept dropping 1,4.111101 and his chances seemed slim ; then ,1141(•7:^y his lilt began to move witli great A'gatlari't;r, his lege, pieke(1 up slim', anal he won the race. . shed later what his, te•ae W11isperitlg •to -4-If; said he was talking to the Lord, eaying Over and over :' "Lord, lou l,i('E 'gni uli, and I'll put 'mil- down. Y(111 pick "ettt up, and 111 ,daft 'em down." - A. D. in The :sphere. C�s1.r11 CANA I A N O 1„ O O M P A N £ S• 24 of tit r` .t ° E a►. T H E ALL -CANADIAN COMP A N Y '' Agonizing . • Eczema (SaR Rheum) reetealay or nigh t for. tha a tfilicted with that awful slnn dit ectiee, eczema, or 'melt rheum es it is a Commonly stalled. • • ?The intE,liSO t iriixmg, itching an ding, eapetially ` at night, or , when the affcete1 .part is exposed to strong beat, or hot water, are almost unbearable, and relief is gladly r, welcomed. ' • - To get rid of oerema it ill nett 'wiry to have the blood cleansed by trae ,use of ^a thoroughly rehab : blood >nedieino such as Burdock Blood Bitters Which inuring the peat GO years has met with greact success in relieving sueli, diseases by its blood, elle:voting smtl purifying propertiee. The T. Mi1barn f •, 1Clelw Tarosto, Ont. '1 IRVODAN, Jatti'(Y 3rd, I104•1 !'wk S I41), Juno 3Q,-11rs. ISe�ie Medd and Mips Josie Medd Of l)bathaiat, anti Mrs. Jesio Turrt'blen oYireondeishoro visite, on Wednesday at the Iroise of ,1r. end Mrs.:W. V. Campbell. dlorn. -• `n 'Kitchener Hospital, Vuecid day, June kith, to a Mr. and Mrs.. 'rth ir. aSpiclelberg (nee Marjcirie Oanpbell), a on (Barkley). x"rgratulationss, • 'qtr. Wan., ?Bush, Mr, Kenneth Camp- bell; Mr, ,luno Link of Toronto, ti$s Jean 4"'amPbell oi' Kitchener anti" Miss Annette Stewart 0 Ashfield were guests on ,Sundayea't the house of Mr. and Mrs. W: A, eamiibeu. •. ' Messrs. `Norman and 'Leslie Itodger a 'St. 'Catharines spent the. week -end with their brother, Ur. Drnanerson Rodger. Mrs, Voddeu of 'Loudesboro was the guest on •Sutnday of her ,sister, Mrs, Alva Me»oweli, • ., • • ''Miss Elsie 'Snell, of: Fort Erie was a Westfield 'visitor on ISpuday. :hiss Fern 'MeDoweli spent the week- end' :with her cousin, Mrs. 'Leslie Vin- cent of Belgrave. •Guests. rece ttty ate the home of Mrs and Mrs. Maitland henry Were Mr. and l rs: Donald !Henry, :Mrs. Harvey Jewell and daughter. Janice, of Michigan, Mr. and Mrs, _ Frank Kershaw and Miss Gladys McDowell Of +GQderich, :'yrs. Ross Robinson and babe, of Tillsonburge are visiting tine , foriner's, parents, Mr, and :tXrs% 'Fred,W, Coals, To'mmy ,Steep . of ►Chalton was,, a Westfield '° vlaitor on "Suinday'.° • , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,� fe»owe11, :'1 Ir. and Mrs. -Norman McDowell -and children were "London visitors on Friday. :Sirs. 'Gordon. .Smith and babe, of Goderieh ' were Westfield stfiel d visitors on Sunday. " • Born. -In 'Goderich , !Hospital, on Nienday, June 23rd, to' Mr, and Mrs. En merlon Rodger, a son. Congratula- tions. 'Mr: L. . 'iardin' Gf Toronto rvisited with. his brother, Mfr, .'Thomas Jardin. ' and 'Mrs. !Howard !Campbell and family visited on 'Sunday with Mr, ,and. Mrs. E. Johnston of'West Wawanosh. Guests at the home of Mr. and firs. Maurice Bosman were Mr. and. Mrs. Robt, Bosman of Leamington, Mr.. and gra. Harry, 'Bosman of. Wingli'am, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Me'Nichol of Welton. ':lir. u•ndMrs. Douglas Campbell were visitors on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.,Wellington !Good, Auburn. Mr. Warren Bamford of Cuniberl1,antI ;visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. mss- tt3anrord. W7�13� amiamp` ll -s -pent the 'Week- end with. his daughter, 'Mrs. Wm, crozier; Cewe. ,A number from this vicinity attended. the memorial service at Ball's cemetery. on !Sunday: .• !School. 'closed. on Friday night for The 'midsummer 'vacation. Most of the pupils were successful 'rn passing their examinations.. • Mrs. Jennie Fox and daughter Isabel, of Whitechurch, visited with Mr. en Mrs. Earl 'Wiahtman. A n.um'ber from thisvicinity attended the concert at Belgrave on Friday night In aid of the 'Red !Cross. , At the church service on Sunday.Rev. II. C. 'Wilson zspeke from 'Ereverbs 29 ; 18 -"Where there is no vision; the people perish. fir.' Wm. 'Bush of Tor- onto' favored with a solo,' '•,Spirit of which was 'greatly enjoyed by all. • Retiring Teacher Honored. -On Wed- pesday evening the,niehibers of the school section and pupils of 1S.S. To -.0. met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Qook to honor 'Miss :,Margaret Jefferson, who`,for the past twelve years has beep their very efficient teacher, and who has now resigned from the school. During the evening social that. and community singing, were enjoyed and finally an address of appreciation and good wishes was read by Jaek'Buchanan. Rets.. 0. Wilson Spoke a few words of -ap- preciation, making special note of Miss Jefferson's honorabit eharacter, 'both in • rJ1ITiredOut Betorolay Hall Over sy Women who should be strong imit healthy become weak, run dove si wont auk, and axe unable to attend') to their household. duties. They gee - i up in the morning dreading' the day's work ahead of them, Some disease of coxtstitutional d&1' turbans;e has left its nark in tis • form of 8battered 'aaerves, iinpover' inked blood, and au exhausted corn_ dition of"thnentire system. Women will find in Miibarl1'Is U 80th' and Nerve Pills the h� v. they need. to supply food d foar t exhausted nerve force, and one will help them back to sound, perfect. health twain, , • minnwa, *tato, Oaf. tiny school and the 'community;. Violet Oook and Hattie Wightinaa Presented, Miss Jefferson with a lovely White and silver "bedroom cloela.,.$iss Jefferson its well -chose ', words 1'thanked those present; for their kindness, The singiag of„"'For !She Is a Jolly Good. Fellow' brought the enjoyable evening to a close. Bride and Groom of Twenty -live 'Rears. --An Sunda', June 29th, ,'fix. and .its. Berry °Armstrong celebrated their ;twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at the old home place where 'Mr,• and Mrs. Harvey Welts now reside. A dainty wedding dinner was served, to, the int- mediate families of the bride” and groom. • The bride, who Was the daugh- ter of the late 'William Wells and Rebecca Watson, was given in marriage twenty-five years. ago by her brother, •Root, Wells. The ceremony, - was performed mo�urch,v. r•• Blyth. •of the - Mrs. Normn 'S'heplerd, cousin. of the bride, ,played the wedding music .and Mrs. Frans' Marshal, a cousin, sang during the signing of the register. After a trip to'N'orth Bay; the 'bride and groom settled on the groom's farm in East Wawanosh on the division. line between Bast and West Wawanosh: To this happy union were born two Sons, Jack and 'Bob. 'We . extend °congratftlations and best.wishes for a continued happy married life. Not- '•'-E," 'Mone•v A•member 'of a 'Ladies' Aids Society in a small team went'to the bank to deifalt, as he told the banker, "some aids money.." 'U'nf'ortunately the banter thoughtshe said "egg : money," and replied "Be- -markable, Watt it, phew well the old _ hens are dieing theSe,deyy?".� Then he couldn't understand ?why the woman, gathered tap her passbook" and hufried from • the bank: Success •Success or failure in business' ie• caused more 'by mental attitude than by mental capacities., emineeS ► - , ser BROPHEY'S FUNERAL -SERVICE (Established 1875) TRADITIONAL . SINCERITY AND ,EXPERIENCE Prompt - - Ambulance Service • Phone 120 li LO UJ M. LODGE, Directer Cunningham & Pryde. EXETER and SEAFORTH We , invite j•ou' to inspect our stock of ,. Clmrretery Memorials All ventiuiries will be promptly attended t?. EXETER -Phone 41 J. R. Wheeler Ttinera%-Director and Embalmer All 'hails .promptly attended to- day or night -AMBULANCE SERVICE= Phones:. Store 335. "Itee. '355W. Hamilton Street, Goderich The Cranston Funeral; Home A• Comlilet °Serviee at Reasonable Prices PROMPT INVALID CAI.' SERVICE- ' No extra charge for the use of our modern Funeral Home. 17 Montreal St: Phone 399 4111111111011111111111111114111111111111111111111111.1111111111111116. Monuments! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument Get -my ;prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed.JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE St GjA:t1ITE WORKS Clinton • Ontario ' Successor to Ball & Zapfe :�nuiuiits Our price have not advanced fro if "last year. Large stock of Foreign and 'CanadianGranites to choose SPECIAL PRICE ON INSCRIPTION WOItK from. C. W. Williams & Son Granite Works 147 St. Patrick St. STRATFORD eesesumieweseimeimmeesemmeineue • Phone 1953 AN DEA. or IMALS) DISABLED Quickly lelnoved in Clean ttiiitaiay trucks. Phone •eollet't- 000x'.1,2, Clinton, 210 $ttatfOrd or If eraoll 21. Williaui Stone Sons Linithd �+v •ti . ce .A•