The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-03, Page 2s
000)111athi_ANG VW- GOIWRIOn SIL AW '1111 W)» ('11 TAR
. 1131 13010 , •
Pubabbed .Signal-St3r Presi
West §treett GOtlerieb. Ontario PREROGOrirINO YOUICII.
Patacia Atm Was eegaddling in a
Valz, 16t1, was the iseventy-fourth
anniversagy *of the Canadian. ,fioufeder-
attinn. It Ands calaida esigaged for the
seelond time in a great War, Perhape
the fathers Of i0onfederat2on, if they
couldtIL ue! *kat laas most surprise,d
them 'jn (nada'edeveloPMent,
would say: that it is the fact thaUs t
emintry a twelve vaillion People
has spent for War in one year .0ver
$800,000,000 and te Planning te spend
for .ysetr in the -current year about one
and a hstlf billione of "dollars, and. on
top athis is •,fitaaneleig Great i5eitain
to the extent of many latbadrede of
• Millions. And .t0a ada is doing this,
not' as a "Ohne at Great Britain,
gt asae. atilyeed - member a the
British Cominoutivealtia. Of Nations, Act-
ing Independently and voluntarily.
Canade 'hae made' ggeat strides since
186T. The - seattered 'provinces have
beee welded •Itttot a uation t the »Poputas
- tiontims quadri/1404 0791 ,great• al7,ean$ ic"f
which little was , expected. homes bi
millions of people have been established
. • and•resource.s have 'been eloped to an
annazinp extent. Canadaeie now the•
fifth trading coentry in the-Werlci,tand
•, in some dePartmeuts of material wealth
and developmea takes an even higher
standing. As a young country her
grevrth has been largely 'along matelrioz1
lines I for the present she Ls expanding
in 'Military' Streugth; in the happier
timie;ewhieliTive hope are to. come we
• may ,look- for proess in the 'arts of
-peataahnieritettneeftnetteselleteitgifin s •-of
Year. younger end las' health, were
better, he would be in the Twining ftir
'Conservative leader, but he is deBnitely
eut." The three poesibles are Picia.
Murdo MacPherson a Beglua, wile! was
runner:up to D. iManion at the last
Comers:at/se national, eoiveniion Col
George Drew, who is interesael in nee
tional rather than Provineial probleme
but, having accepted the Pest of du -
taxi° leader, vavet "win Ids spurs first
Chatario;" and„, third, litidney !Smith,
president a Manitoba University. Of
the last-naraed Mr. Ford eaYe
• vi •
•Cana.da's Unemployment Insurance
:det ethries- into effect this week.
1)1i:eters (edepting those •• whose em-
eeti are in. the eXempted elatses) are
tigrendIrt,Y otur t;
_employees (eXcePt those earnings less'or
More th'aet certain amounts in wages isee Th*4 Liberals are . actea.1111.1y
percentage of the employee's .,pay, to pleased to see steps being. taken to
a which is •adcled a pereentage paid by , reorganize the Conservative party.
the employer*, and theteoMbinedeae_nount et,
then •gtieS to the.Gievernment at Ottawa, .DXTURIlLels DItlieratni
which adds a further percentige."'Froin
the fund thus built up employees who 'Seven thousand women. are to »be en -
become. unemPleyed will .receive pay- listed in:Canada .fer Women's auxiliary
meta& for a. limited. period. - %corps attaehed to the a.rmy, navy and
The measure ehould be called an Act air 'forces; Tlaere's your ehance, girls!
to Add :to the, headaches of Piecsk- ws• - •••• • —
Przemysl. In the last Great War
keePers and the Employnneet of Civil n
et.----a•t*i•Tants. It doe_s tent_ insure eni,.,,proy- we learlIed ,t0 eionounce it "Sehmeezel,”
with the. aclaninistra•tfon Of the :Art. niands theee 'or -16er -Wiles and now
Mr. "Smith WAS born in Nova
Scotia, faught at Osgoode
W as dean, of the Dalhousie Law
Stchooi and for the past seveneyears
has been President a Manitoba• ,
University. ale 'took hold of the '
university, when it had been robbed
"of almost everything but its *Ye •
teeth," to quote a Manitoba senat,or
to whom we talked. He has placed
the university. on. its feet and has '
'not only the loyal bet the enthusi-
astic supperteefethetttudeut body-te
and students are usually etritical of ,
univereitesairesidentse. He has ob-
tained" the ibacking of rural Mani-
toba and the business men a
Wiimipeg. This is an unusual '
record. He is a line figure' of a
man, a good mixer and very human.
He is exceedingly able and very in-
dustrious. He is progressive in his
nterested in problems
His supporters are
that he is the white
Conservatives. He is
me and has the view-
sandpile. the -doorway when, I
thought et -giving her a kilret oppeetetu-'
ity go. in be bare feet. Of recent .
years 'them: has Well a deplorable' tend-
eney ha the country. to e rob vhildren of
that, great privilege of going baete
footed. So ehote'we hed fallen in line
with. it, aud the pride and joy. a the
Osifer home,stead was allowed to go on
her way fettered' by shoes Mid stoekinge.
At 'first Patricia Ann was timid about
venturing -4ut on the grass. aloldieg
ou to Me With' a eliubby fist, she experi-
mentally dabbed ,one pink and white
foot at the grass. A blazing sun. had
deprived the grass a its greenness and
its 'learnt harshnese evidently* tiekled
her „foot. She Squealed and stood poised
with tene foot in the sand pile and the
other held .up: Then sh,e Iliscovered
the pl t.4-Wores' of walking in the sand
4»nd, allowing ,the trieldiug. • grains to
Squeeze between her toes. That was
real flue but the grass was too hard
and 'coarse for tender feet to walk on.
Ins the shade o.f the big pine, where
the sun. had nottpenetrated, the grasS
was green and here' she was initiated
into the pledelires Of eountry children.
Squealing and, laughing she ran back
and forth tenderly on the -lass. (She
was haviing her first bare-fbooted ram%
outside on the graas.
view's and
of the `da.
hope of the
only forty -t
Point. of t e younger ge.neratiote
The chief c theism L's that he has
never sate in tile Ileuse and lacks
parliamentary experience • and
»straining.- .However, these days
„ that may ii-OrWSTIE a .
Mr. Ford concludes this article:
frail rows tbe War
nvitko Eon Tox *TENT
e094P leated bY edditicle 4nr-
emeeraft of the Fled Ali Ar have ther courses, but theeprinelPle retatillas
made a torpeilloatta,elt on units of tine the t'»ame*
Tine vivant, men who to ame are anlY
voices down the. speatillnentuli.e ItIee',ome
-01IPPin5 off the NorWeettaila troant• amazingly profkient aften a few
itieet, tlave dive-hombtll enetny " A's
intereepeed 'ilit air-attaele 0 : . a eeavo,y, mentiltS., We Meet eaete other in the
sunk a submarineelbeated 'a German, morning, looking' like mtunmiee in but, bombed, a Pori . . e• erhe full flying-1dt. We nod. We are ler- upirtirdeanlidy naftwerilliitingiertebwey Milo;
Ofilcial report ie strictly accurate, 'but e.e. eeeee
it leaves a good dealrfirW tilled in; ."'": ' '''''
eessent :thunder of engines" are not flY' S° We take *ft' and 1 .84 watel"..
there. NO!, is ethere any. reminder of
the ensPty sea, seen through a !slightly
oily windsereent and a liair of anxitaus
eyes eearehititrit" for the carrier —the
speeke on the waste ;which means
warmth, eafety, food, and above all.
Sleep. The activities of the Fleet Air
Arra melte a short story with alit ie
It, ' and it has net Yet had thaw 'to be
written; nor for that matter ,has a
pen been, nimble enough to keep' pace
with it. But hearing of Its exploits',
fpoeoreepl.e rhere are aware of a ne.w;
1 ean moonlit A minute p•art a the
storY, because every clay I help to
train the aircraft orevis upon whose
skill, particularly in navigation, the
stieeess , of •the airsbranedi ., depends'.
We are no More like the atoyal Air
Force than the Tank Corps. Our air --
craft are different; our men are
different ; and nine Alines out of ten
our problems are different. As inen,
-we are Jaeks of all trades. That
two -stripe in the corner of the ward-
room is probably as,handy with A tor-
pedo from 1,000 yard& as he is with a
bomb at 10,000 feet, or a ruachinetgem
at 100 yiteds, a pair e,,t- binoculars at
t-entailleateor with a pencil and a trielty
navigationeproblem In a failing light,
when he knows he has to locate the
.--.. . 4
carrier or -ditch", hiinself and lip
crew. - • „
Tbe aircraft in our hangars are
vosatilee too, if you could squeeze
into the cockpit beside me (which you
couldn't, be,cause it's a "ihoe-horn fit
the gravel with lvinterttender feet . for one), • you would observe the fire -
HOW' the Pebbles. itched in. the instep button- like that. on a tSpitfire, telie
and nippedaround the toes! For those i boinb-seleci,tor • switeh like e 'Welling-
ese-resce-temeserreefitarletenealk ota tiae •on., a fuelttank capacity like an An
beaten track of . the road. and hope sOn ; and a few addiThiun-rextruseeu
ardently that no inewgpetTelthad been as a 'neat little handle for relearting a
-applied-son -the -roadwayeeButetender torpedo, and .another for 'ad arrestor -
hook. 'Then -if You climbed out again
feet,sterp Ta.nished atter a few' days, of
travelliog .on. the,gravell rods of the 'mei transferred yourself. to the back
toWnshiii. •
• * •
Why is it that receetly so many of
us have all but forgotten. the pleasures
we had as children in bare feet? 'Do
YOu-remember how anxiously you
waited for that first sumirttlay,when
mother. could be convinced that it was
warm enough for •bare-footed romping?
Of eourse, didn't admit ft hilt We -
had already been peeling off our shees
and stockinge on the way p school as
soon as we reunded the curve that toolt
us .out of the vision a the kitchen
What a thrill thbre •wa.s in walking on
The shriek Of the veed 4nd tee ete "come volees who Order me courses to
nag, .ray gyro-compaes, and then lor.g
afterwards. the, voiee will say, ,"Ouei generosity in sending So Illuelv to gue-
position in two minutes' lime will be land, and We have Wenidered whe'tber
' W have
people are eweitipg sleePless for the
sound of the boutbers; it is Powlocr that
yo4tio* men eed women laa're Oulf
daye kilo live and de not It; It
,that the wardens are cearthing
for ehe crushed and broken bodies a
England's children, eleeP in the aVins
of her fallen cities.
What have we done to rescue •tile.
English people?, We have felt deeply,
and 'Worked hard; but deeply enough?
Hard enough? We have spoken with.
pride of our extellent policy of meting
our anatelials and, Englaud's men the.
front line of our defence. We have
...51>Oken a great deal , of defence, as
France did, and as Bele„ium andsYuga.
'evict' did We have ipointed JO Our
elireetly over the earrier. It rareIS
Is, a eourse; but, on the ‘othere hated,
When these young men finally leave
me, the operational pilots whom they
will joie are Safe he their hawks.
What is more, the AdMiral knows
that his, fleet has a few more eyes
witiet he lean rely on as•completely as
the navigator on 1.4 OWn bridge.
. The Spectator (London).
an erriir of more than a' mile Is tin,-
--We-fonindein--Ottawa as-nuicli-ont
more interest amongst the Liberals -
as the Conservatives „teethe neev-ival...
of the Old party. „ . The» "Lib,erals
realize that the present' situation. is
net eound one. There is hound
to• be a maction sooner or later ,
ag,ainst the Government. If there -
Op -
to deduct from the pay envelopes of positien the ls net a Strong Conservative Op- •
Benito 0laOtheMliesgv7lillaji 'eafetenn'iruZetl 10);n 1940, -ie
famous balconY of the 'Palazzo Venezia
and annoueeed to a hastily aseembled
multitude of FaSeist . organizations
that he had that day handed e
a month to the day after tile onvesion hundek freely elected representatives
evet get a ac .
sent to 'England no more !then Occupied
Franee,. wretched and disorganized as
she is, has sent to 'Hitler.. .And we
have not even replied, with action any
more effee-tive than the naval patrol, to
Cherrchill's desperate appeal to get to
England! the materiels we are producing
tor lier.
Why are, we delaying, hOlding Out
hope and then. giving rio ground in
which that hope ean greti? Why are
we -still divided? Why doescone part of
Industry so fear the ascension of labor
that it is blind to the truth, while a
partiof labor fears-indestry in the seine
way, and is also blinded?
Some mein in Anierjea still believe
that there is no difcereuce between
democratic England and fascist Ger-
many • that between a land with six
declaration of war to the 'ambassadors
of the Laivs Oountries ; the great' difterenee.. There is all tbe difference
land with none of these, there is no
and e,ix million trade unionists, anti ta
of Great .Britain and France.. It. w_as
between the raised hand of a man free
of Tote *no' and go 'his own way in
his, own beliefs, and the lashes coming
down on the back ef gsGerman who bus
dared 'to doubt. . ,
Seme men in America still fear, thet
this time of armament will he a time
of distress for labor, tind lass of lab6r's
armies of Frame were in retreet ; the
war was supposed to\ -be all over but
the shouting. and the Duce Was in a
hurry to begin the shouting. In one
of the most magniloquent' speeches of
rbetorical Career he 'proclaimed that
"proletarian IFaseist Italy had arisen
for the third' time, etrieng, ,proud,
compaet as never before. There IS rights. There is indeed a danger o
• only one eommand," he cried. "It ale ttnisr but it , need not 1* so if all ,of
ready wings its way and inflames all i labor will put its shoulder to the, wheel
and seize the initiative from those
hearts from the Alps to the. Indian
Ocean -Conquer.,'
Today Italy is at the end of the ,first
year Of a war of whicheio Italian can
see the end. And. tie he's-ureeeve his
he patient Tuselattet peas-
ant, the unhappy consetipt .posiemet
the streets Vienna, geard -Asit•itria
terethenGernitans,-the 'war -prisoner -4n
the sodden eamPs • of 'EtthitePite-the
Pitispeet4f.-tief-eat meet seem. naoreede,
sirable then victery with a Nazi face', by which e peop s
as has teen • revealed to him sineet Europe and China will &fleetly 'end -this
he, like theettFrench, the Rumanians,1 war, we shall draw a tremendous inspir-
and the Greeks, hag passed bander ationt and by our o•wn. example ,tre shall
map O'rders. In this year ee • etas' add to the; World'a nest imPetis
in- eighteen yea'ks a F.asciet eoinquest . Sorritt men- An Ameriea still believe
premises, whkh are ell -gilt -Le -men
At recess time we always had a coin- -commodious, and ere designed for a
_petition to see which one had the :crew of two, yeti would find l'ef lot
toughest sole. How 'well I •can reinem- meeeeeette instance a eet of navigation-
ber'tbe !Higgins bay •tvito used to have inetruments whose mathediatica would
a pin lit the tough skin of his big toe give a liner -ea -Iselin food -for thought,
and with It derive many hours of fen a machine-gun or two, a big, wireleSs
from jabbing the girls who, sat in the set, a boinlesig,ht, aid near at hand' a
wide seat ahead. Finally, however, the -few trifles such as a ',rubber boat,
teacher catight him in the act.- flare's, sency ' rations, first-
* * * '
ment to anybodylexeept those conceened but siece then :the place has changed
:On the other !hand, by increasing costs :it may be -Zerpizel" or almost any -
of production, it »will' tend to decreese- thing elee. . .
a production . and thus to a _ . ‘ . . .
unemployment. It is another of those , ,' account of the fighting in Syria
Measures, of which the number is tells of an assault by the Australians
t beyond computation, which are adopted uPon a fort, which was ended when
to cover up the simptoms of an• a corperal ran upethe'Anettalian ;fiag.
•economie disease which our legislators War' eerrespondente will not be able to
':•••• haTe nOt the Courage ---or perhaps the tell such tales of the Canadian nib:Tiers,
gpmption—to tackle at ite source. How- for there isn't A Canadian flag.
upevith it. The present time ie.; perhaps It would be jest as well if newspapers
.. as good 'as ant- • to put it -in effect. Would: quit referring to ItalF•SialaS at=
:Nearly everybody is employed and:until 'Reds:" It is a handy wotd for heath!
the war is over there will be little eall writets, but the term has acquired
for Payment's to the' uriempio`ped. • • a som.6vtiat sinister Signifkance, and
eever, it is the 'law and, we.. must put * • ••
Arthur Ford, managing _editor of
The, Louden Free Press, has been writ-
ing. an interesting, .ser.les of articles,
-Behinethe Scenes at Ottawa." Disi
striving to hold us back. This ean be a
time of tremendous social advance if
we will make it so.' For the first time
in any fe*iin•s we shall approach fall"
em 4.41,1kottin AilleriCa. When we do,
we t-we-need-nehe
endure uneniployinent again. The skill,
ot alimentin,Anierica Ls needed ; there-
fore we May win at last equality. for
our, Nee:foes: c . . From the demoerati
killIVWDA.1; X( IN 3rd, ii41
grow Mgt 10011 t�
Leeated An WItI0 Spann*. AV*.
et Coll000 $t,
Nov Parking FoollitIOI
convonlOot to Highways
0` NM
Riles - Doolls r$2,1$ lo
holl *moo AO *
oloa• to th0 Universitet
Pet ri I a men
. Maple trafoono,
h 00,tr0 illOOPItall,
Wholseale Houses. and
the Fashionable Retail
Shopping Dietriet,
A. 11. ',owns!. r$0000•00 •
without the intention of decisively end.
in e it. Either this le Mir, battle, or it .
islet. If it iserugebattle, 'we 'Must face _
the &cretin laes of the lives of our sone
3'sethweel:IgraitsveYBairldsanodf's.the last 'war ne
across the world. The » volible world
may nea graveyard before this -war
;zrw.er7..Ne evnnedrelresttaitnd4e ttaited, epaynedr tsshee -
graTe of freedom itself, that freedom
di,ed_fTorh„enNo Nev
a sit(ienini, saw:: (lNaec,vyk oyfortk7
w'ill to Helve; sear may reach a point'
( Winnipeg. Free Press)
Tbat winch -will -require • compulsion on e • •
, wide scale, ',including overseas Seericte
muet be regarded as • among the poe.
sibilities of the future but it is not a
legitimate issue at this moment and
it will le raised only by two kinds of
Canadians: the well-intentioned
Put their judgment tabove that of the
responsible authorities, and those Who •
are ready to exploit nhis 4uestion for its;
value as a disruptiVe agency. ' Ls
just the tope • of dispute which serves'
the ends oftNazi propaganda; -and if it
should deTel-op on a .large settle in
•canada there will be 'joy in Berlin;
participation the controversy b
Nazi serepathizers. •andengents he ex-
cluded.. We 'have iherahviith its; and,
.• general wrangle between hot -beaded e.
and sinoit-Sigli fed •Caliadisfris wasithl --
tnew. their :opportunity. -
Italy has lost more thae she gained Prog're4s• -
'that the forces behind the Presidthit's
, Different
-What's the matter, My little man?"
asked ateympathetic etranger of a small
boy whom he saw crying in 'the street.
and. constructioe. She has lost not . .
are predominantly the the NV.. '•A
'PleaSe, sir, my dog's dead," sobbed
only Ethiopia but her old colonies of, f°rein Polley ,
' force- of industev. They tir wrong .L•WelI." said the naan», "tem tenstan •
Make such a trouhle of it. My grand- '
mother ;Ikea last week,, and I'm not
crying.' ,
"No," -ea-id the boy, "but- you di.tin't
tiring her up from a: pup."'
aid sets and fire extmguishers. Don t Eritrea and ,Skimahland. Sheet has
dmagine that there is anything veey inetteehe 'best part of her fleet and alt again The forces of, isolation in this
startling or new in any of these but a -fraction of her air foice. She country, are predeminantiv anti
forces. They are the sehemieg who
thingts. Your surprise will be that has lost more of her youth than any1
want the »war,. to stop so 'that Hitler's
11 boneed in one aeroplane, other belligerent. Nearly. 200,000 a'
armies may be freed to tight the Steviet
her best trooiis are in eapteesty—and
glad ,of it. .Thanks to the Germans.
she has reoccupied the lost eoast of
-How we hated washing our feet!
ntother ,Fould come up and in plitce of
tucking is in she wOuld flip. the ,overs
off our feet. Woe betide the (me caught
slipping into the sheets without wash-
ing. Dansou remember how you would
scrub in a half-hearted way atethe
feet only 'to find later than mather's
scrutiny would calt your atteution to.
rinns of dirt draped around the calf of
and thet the Aeroplane laas only' ,one
engine,. and (just to make it homely).
' You ought now - to be 'appreciating' Libya. hut the proud port 4 Bengt oppartpnity, that It is bringing about.
that Fleee, Air Arm ajrcraft and their, nazi . is a graVeyard of buried ships, Beside these forme the efferts of tabor's
I • not like anything else' and the towns and colonies the 'Ital-
. isolationists are pitifullv insienifieant,
. ,r, .
- .
-Unton. They Are the rich who fear
the. great solTents. of . the war, the
leveling up of Class, of pTivilege, of
pe .s
iu :this war. They eumbine the qua-, lens impoverished -themselves te blind The kernel of the extreme Lef in
your leg? Punishment was also meted
be aud' lie tuins. Beatee by the Greeks,
. America and the few who cluster
(let -on several occasions to a certain
boy who in. place of securing the wash
basin and it with water .had •
dipped his feet in the rain barrel at the
corneeef the kitchen and had hoped in
this way to eseape. -
• pot you --remember eite 'thrill of a
stubble ,field? It took:careful navigate
hag to escape the thistles „and the
stubble. Another souree •of _pleasure,
that you may perhaps remember, was
dipping your feet in the 'creek while
sitting on the 'old culvert. The water, they are the sort of airi..-raft for tea( -
litres . of , the fighter, the
the' reconnaiseancetmachine, and vis -1 they have lost the last vestige of mill- bravely about It still eelno the •ery. .
"Withdraw all aid from Britaln!"- 1
-ually they raay suggest some such tary prestige: 1
phrase as "flying brieks.". I would, Where are the gains to offset these Withdraw all aid—and leave the 1,
not have quarrelled with thie deserip- irreparable losses? In the partition, r,,,,_i
p e Of Britain who have fought' Sol
tion a few months ago: But then I, of Yugoslavia' the - Italians have rel supeebly to fall ,b.eneath the sword of i
was only a civilian pilot.-- with, a' Pro -1 eeived.' the:, tedgeslike of Dal- the Nazis.
found contempt' for big 'biplanes -winch
tried to' look -like flying fortreeses.
Since then 1 have flown them in all
weathers, and ' 1 .ean assure you that
No Hwell-itifortned "persou ever, Me
wired ilieonsistencf • to :mother for' ••
hanging . •
empty honor plating a prince of
e --Witbditelth leere "the •, -
mercy of the Nezie the stout-hearted
matte. They have been given • rh
the 'Flouse of Savoy on tbe thtone of , Peoples Norway and, the 'Netherlands
Croatia. But even these purely tehl who have resisted the tyrant. the heroic
tative and 'conditional spoils are gifts soldiers of YugcrAlavia ,ftnd Greeee whi•
of heve fought so brAvely for freedom.
was warni .tand the eneek , meandered lee your maiden annts fin I don't of the Germaris, and for the sake
alane seeininelv in no hurry to reach -1'0'111Y nlea4 that You can grip, the sticki this mean :shred 4 a Nazi eontinemei Withdraw. all ald—and condemn, to
' ••• reeariously held the Italians -have spiritual death the w•ariters of France
the river.- Pull . your feet out and I between your „ isnees an • o e, , . .
there would be a eolieetioh 'of blood- 1• "handle off," but that you sem do such' exposed:. their -weakttees and thereby
. , o;
suckers hanging on for dear life. •- 'City 1 wicked things as climbing. turns in a; delivered -the-mselves over to the eon -
children were always - afraid sa the 1 stalled position, I doubt, for instantee queror as completely. as the Slo-
1 -
little black ert•atu•res, but there wan t NN het t i. that 1
maiden aunt codd crash' Takians and the Bulgeeians. Like
(}LU superstition abaut their 'being eetiii if She tried. have profited merely by eiving pas- tombs the people of Germany who can:
who Itparched singing through the ,
streets. when they /earned of Roosevelt's; ,
victory in November, believine that it
meant their liberation froni the Naz1..
a voutstry lad, who hadn't heard that such an aircraft as a Feirey •Sworde Hungary, moreover. these countries Withdraw all aid—and seal in thee.
-bealthy," because they were- supposed- . The young men whora..„I have been sAgeWav to the German armies, while still he rescued fre'm the depths, to' /,
, ,, 3,
to cleanse yOur blood. ' eying 'around during these last few Italy has sacrificed substance and life, Whieh- tlete-N-azie-haTe brought theta.. 1
Witbdraw tall aid—and. by makingH
Take awav anvthielg• Sou want, hut ene-Thl) the are, mostly eoungetters from the and honor in tniermany's•cause..
now- that : Russia is virttiallY our ally
please leave eountryChildren that right universities who have partieularly im- all, another year 'of secure future, prepare the path ;
of rights . . going bare-footed. City pressed my Loruss with their intelliq conflict and saerifieetlies ahead. an tiower of the foreest etanarv
the word eia. -lam" or. -Soviet" should
1 At
1 the piroldems the pliat,e~ opening with the drive into whieh believe that theytean toinprondoe
be .toifficient to -'describe her soldiers. children may take off their shoesoand 1 eneee. jet eeese_
. • *
one with the Nazis., who know 110 Cone
eta -akin -tie on occasion and i•Plash-in,the wee wince they are faced in the 'air -Syria, the Olediteranueali has become!
• times promise and no mercy.. !
A London, Ont., retailer rt.ealls that water "of _9' htise• are not • very profound. but when they a Majot battlefieldt• ahd this .
fifty years age) an all -wool blue sserge the herit•ige of. the eountrv children • ..
' • - • height. te the' llon-Lstop raeket of an! Volv0 in 'the second seat .of war than
ha•ve to be worked out- at a great, that Italy will be more deeply in There is -no escape ,en the road on ;
standing still ewe must go on (iegive bpi,
They probably gel
enjoymenttfrotn it. It bas alwaye. been l• 0 • • °
which we: are travelling: there is he
-X w • that the!
snit wee sold for $3.9S. Fine prints
i•essing the -present »Cabinet and- its
were five eenes, yard„ ladies' kid thews
war effort, besaYs:
• Tti cents, a pair. soap.,,one cent a (take.
' There have been miettiloits and • in those clays a Workman was cola.
a lie of headaches. We are laity
now s' tartibg to turn wit tanks and .•
. thefe ir shoreage
ttf equipmen t to train the anad la n
'troops. Where a billion atel half
dollars° *e•rth .of contracts have
been let tin a t.omparatively short
-time. there_ are bound t4) be „S'onae
blunders and pessitiev extravag-
allee. 'llowever. We haV4,
no serbaie charges ), t IA a 0
• d t .k- • iteurue bigger pro
she Vc, ns t e Ei h • nibet d the tear on what- •
114 Pro ress during N a ' doubt many readers , Nazis are • moving, into this theatre in;
ever totes We efleand spare the'rpeople
t r 'we
however. to doff their shoe s an s ot acee„enetine they a
tiers in early spr eg and g . ,
t 11,t> sunimer and falh until Mother lin 11 ! port 4i s.
i (•0111(1 -,sut-cessfuily ansW c -r the tolloW-n full foree. the Italians will riot onix
i of Engenel from farther sufferings or :
. . , ,
ty lay s down the law that they ,have to., 'fee .
u,.. simple ques.tion : •••1",t)u leave a ' have• -•to fight harder ; they will be
be replaced.
sidered to be' well Piiiti at one dollar a '
Nte 11111s4 her ai(1 (plickly and in
ea rrier • a t 10.4I) al• itlOtts.1 int)re.siilyordircate, to. the Ptierman. highl
a.nd the. head of a fainilt: probably NEVER
'Jay Walker. in Toronto a •
' - . steeriirg 13;3 degeees, at
he ,wonld. no.1,v at throe Or four 41011ars. a Ad\ t rtising may more menntainet, se ., 5144
of that she will reo-Alin tikp
c%-rtn. orders to 'make gtlal A track of (•ommand, and if the Germaits I•suP•11 quaritit`"
r ,9t) for lel sea- ilea. lie (tarrieF is they haye not a shadow of assuraecte Inesteey of her owe skies before a waste
aiii1 lie- Ivneath them. If we A re
and. that they resover fof themselves'.
1 trill trite ae Inn -4 ‘0,.,11
iw v. day. • ' •
but, it will never ruove middle--aded
the 'Villa' blo ing at -0 kis. from ' the territory, titer have Iced: '004t
made au easieS livingnt that wage than I
is • - Wh • • • Of England and with (411r- -
, man 14) wear his shirt outside his pants. ces,, at is the e ourse. the' the contrary.: it eineeite' (dear that in th•e
221 must nestles that 'the vc
must ;steer to intercept rhe ear- 'the effort to seebre Frencli vollabor 1. selves' V")
• '
woiNt Vise (tali (es is ,1). IVri11.4•112 the war
1 's
rite after he hae tsmipleted his orders- ;itirn Ilitler has promitted Vit'dly • flint ,
Theee semmer e, 'anadians AWFU: TIMES
( Ist•ndoe Listener ) sand hew long will it be before he 'is. Italy will not Inherit n foot of tho,
Jasper Park Lodge
and nature's greatr
Alpine Show aw
you at jasper, -bit -
gest National Park '
on this Continent.
See 411 the 1R.ockies.
Come via the shut,
Low Sumraer Rail
Fares. •
Yourlooal Age*ill gladly furnish
you with dencriptiyo bookleth and full
" information an to fares, lilies, eta',
51 111)
1(41 lug. of von, i beat (114(rt ,by end fleet • ohoo4 ings in a 'Scottish town. After some h •
mar let chased out (d their homes by the • numb, 11-4,34, droppc,ii ,,on -ie g.vr agininr This is the sort of French 'colonial (miltire•
11di(l of
Inlets by this fi.e'll%Irtalent. and the 1:•• eat, ;heir roit•als by 'the roadside. to hours the rescuers suddenly' lldwliii!h must , be; eolved taw-, war, in silora, ..vveekeeee ai lone ,
pat runs se in he
, ing out between two street stones, the rt•ttl•-c
departnient today is irenine • out
tee .• ee t (4 .s W:1 tens unletis the ere* are prepart.d poe(al fit- a strofigor (0301131111 3011 •
many a ite. earner troul)les. On,
alto:'••••;Initocs (rather than attackity, air -1 f'1"4 "f .111tit' girl about yvars t(1 swim for it., It ean. of course, etiemieg. with incompaeably poorore
• en a' • vl •
54115111 prtadem wideli arises eeeren tetteseolini enters. idst-• seeend year ()ft
4 ' •
. Taste Better Cost Less
;.;;;l;; 11144 P•S 4•f 411( tad 11 N 11 '
; 'Of tUriks 1)31 1 they earl be thankful lady, "ten nittet it ditfle tepee, we're action 'ranks overseas Were Ileing • Thc•n- he wkt in't profit from the
44 get-tat:et atet,-4elee ;tent , planes) aud an army of ents I instead11,1N1.1'4,11 t)14, rushed in for "tbe MO" a year:g,i).! •
the • industrial. frig:4. Canada is old.' "lin 11)).- they said. "are yliti all
'While half-dowen members td the 1,th:it at the elld of tilt' c'daY thvY ,can go in;.the ' thinned hut rapidly by casnaltie§, autl• flt„rance„ And. today FrAnee lila;
• • r • 1 rithif filVerneiltS not (seeing for- iost lees, than Italy, and in Ilitlern,
snivine their all.**, F)ril :says, , owe holt, with nothingenere horrible. e•
(73.1w1net are •seene :.,,(•01.1 340/ ate ath t .r h IM avd ,ete
th'ir CONiArItIPTION FOrt OVERSEAS. ward voluutarilyt in fitiniltere. ; 1)(4,4111) (',1111)11,4 turire titan •
e. • 7
• 4 4i rest .!).f the ministers are net" pulling I, disturb then' than dad's 50' r. ' • If tlWri. preadously utak: ciente . At the present thne the suggesaiOn is .• . • 1
( 'rennet) .Star • were eoneidered 411111) tit
-The *sew Y,ith
OW •!.1110-elt--.Aillii V i 4' think ti.h.r4; Was tbeing made that Quebec, after all, I
, ,. -- .
heir shore." and -there, i a growing » • • • *
Mr. I•eing mane it clear at Cal -1 woulll cibject. Those who seek te • FivE 7t1INUFES ToZi TWELVE
auswer /says Air. Ford) Le 1 Star. .1n addition to the artieleeon the teas ,,PrViN'. 'With 6i141 Ins ail.' aitthoritiee there ill the :v3.11Untary War wars decdare(1, it was the In li(pr
• slinuld be Widi,ned." live „leen eallea the l 1103.S. "Signal- tiaa of telleging eotiscr]rition 4)1 over-'; quote the pleas lielnilOt 111.1(14' 1)1 high :
• „hat l'renaiefitting laet tear :made to.iircnatlit Of Judge •Strans'eni 11•O're Was,
ininiatration the issm. oee of -erttiting t•ainpaign tireof that 'the;
party that sp.alie for tngland. Sine('
xiatiotial uni.t,y. The I't'etilif,r l'rovitoe• would not Ire -averse to con- that it has been t,he will ()f the
serious' attempt tc• 1,1..41(1441 his leev. 1)r. Iludee's reference to the late 1 lie/10(044 England, stet thi• eelf-interest
feeline,' that' the' Isiens of tlit• t'abinet Innet eseelne issue ofitids paper might
T11:1t his ttoverunit•nt, ittten-' juetify• emit' a . ;40 so far as to t Wlieu tierinaily invaded Poland and I
. . •
ttlietertintrett portfolios liceanett 31v1Ing m(11 are of the 'few, that hatt turned every i
teat the loss of 'luny which would fol- tstrielitais
jeated (4for for vario114 l'S*3.'4MTS. teaelier, eeferences te' rten De might offer. ten this isPint there Is of is rawn • seri tiOn would be ,erbennen dile people •of Itegland have ,
N'Vitst {tan 4Io eeclor the eireum- ' -
toes Fs atcpss, J. Alen. 'tett*. t)f t it t awa, te•tirect._ retell for legitimatt• differteue a ceitiealart to thate making such -state- t•ontintied to, strentrtheilcel by the I
steeete Nit teen ea els , opinton. Itixt »there is no dhlit about t the youth of the i'rOVince• 1 vve have held out to them. ()lir
I)r ttnim ripen leetroit atid f • " ;
ing,? Tir,p %'eneer'vative fret); ail' 3»'°1-1r1,7 • • • the RinCer.itY ihr. V1.4'N‘r,. bur', Istlt fai•t has lo be fact d that not, ereesiess, te calm, are. not based on
f • • r 111.,4 I 1V1 '
if iiieY PIPPaY" onto. iTheee• earione artiele's Would be I, the fahr''''t waY t'f r
out °net, lit•r danger, a fore:NS:le '
tiarte unlese agriculture w.(re eeempted, ,
te tire pe•tenteeit eltleetq not 1:A°v• Pes'Ird""il• 1)1)- the"rriolv than offseti heing told that: it is 'their 11120' to enlist-, eefiqa inte victory. Vit
ape !
) . • • - . • , ,•
identified,. With polities.' They re- on `NIT. IV. II. Johriston. the ota sehool at* eeneeription tbat u
Dwarraftt`tql inferetute I Frtince feints. will) 1(;reece ot•er- I
0, 0
iwnehre,, i4 admitted, ,Itave uo the p(eeount of ilee annual irieme 0 the ! ut t e.„th 1 ct t ons. only le Quebec, but in inany other pure setriesne ave ease etsee lee* et
- have it, but that ds not;true, ,,Titere Zitr. Kleg's• Ailteeerilent tates the aria the Iteaelies and Celde of •
eoneteiption in New +/inland. hut not that eanada s war effort IS, Feerlannewere tirreateiteil, We drose a
Anstraliat'C'tr South Africa. It, hae stronger as a united effort without eon- hard3pargain for a few aged destroyers.
• tee been aglopted in :Northern Ireland^ seription ftir overeeas than it would be 'When' °the German amity erasheil
men Who wouni ,.siretagthen the lIer41), nd I'fieres Aseot•iation of 'Itor- The Star le.lieveS that conteription /purls Of the liorainion„ ineluding rural t.,F,Aglatad vet. felt her battle was
(12 ettpeelal intereSt to encott''siNe getler- asserting 'that the other» 'dominions all of Neoperation, htit aOtive opeoSition. tbat bum false? Wben France'
seas eervice. 3,Iany speakers- laNtqf conscription Would 111PDLII Vot only logs ones, •
, eater. Wheal one Le asked what
is 111,6, alternative Pio the preset -it
eitueliou, it is hard. to give the 5110118 ef readers.
As eo the futureeof tie6. 111,ensivee.thr:e 1,1
parte'-eand it ig to be remeeebered that
a n ar41
Forel 'for. Yean Taa-c )e.e.- Promment There are plenty of lams wl
• 'in Coeevevatico',perty: er",:eleation cieeee eaereet 'cat ,41 or a etahe, outwegeh l'ressIble etleanta
ees, c
three natnee,' at e•tatea• arol Or a freep. It is not well fir a farmer lli-111111°,13 Calaaaa wIlen this' •eouilltrS'.
freing cerlotiele ment'ionea 4tta073.11 te, nee eeleeele et, tee wanes, a7 tee feel • adi.4)111,1 'conseriPtion towarde the end
iielcanee Filre,liSe protested against it ;I ee a divided effort vvith such 44 )4'11314J through the Vardar Valley. we sent ,
'0 tho 'another easel, ie distition is held tion ettforeede‘'
434 of.,;the reat War ig well remembered
eenacelien %lea thee leaderehip of reeeeee flea tee leeeeee -reeeeeeeee iv °lave wag Ina.
') patty, If Sir. , 1.4nAon TD t I's/Ant at least 0()44 tm,ts
1 Neel on, that. oteasloa 'beeatree rap..
'fee' toinIPoots; when I;ritain4f4 array
• th • Getertrineutle at- wne beateli 1 elt into, the Aogeau we
titaele •elear. Aanl thork who leeep promic4e1 a r_,,1:ater prodeetion of bomb.
At ;el* rate,
On euge-,eetin3 'cOnsAraPtion !et's-122,0;e future, •ArLke demorraey' dad le
Ina' are only ininring the .t'ane• of freedom wordstp`for tas„ and Ito more.? 1t'
voluetaill reerailin(4; and dolug ie net ie the Altai,' that Britain 15;1
titiring a icatuPaig-a to 6-timulaie it, uffering; it noC It.15 LOW' that her
. ouicK-4,ASY-For making at with
Certo you give only a oneaminete, to
two-minulte. full rolling boil -.for
jelly a half -minute to a miente.
ECONOMICAL -So littte juke has time to
boil away that you get up to one half
more jam or jelly from the same amcrunt
of knit. •
e (pick Cerro boil jams and jellies
retain both/the fresh taste and the nat-
ural colonz-of Ibe quit.
SPLENDID RESULTS.* With every botde
of Certo you get tested recipes. Follow
them exactly. You'll get good results
Book of 7%
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under label al
every CERT()