The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-05-01, Page 1Corobining The Goderich Signal and The Goden h Star
Goderich Ras a
W4rtn• ne Invasion
Aotive. Serv• ice Tmps and Brass
- Band,Here to Stimulate
A. military deMonetration was .giVen,
here yesterday by eetive'eervice troOpS
from Londoe in aid of O. recruiting
efrt Iii barge a the reerniting
drive Was Major T. 4, Tilley; M.C„
reeruiting eflieer for emil•itary district
N� a 1, assisted 'by ,Major Duffy, at-
4•tac1'ed, M,D. No. 1 headetiartere;
1.4.7,Oola L. 0, Afaccitonald; C.a,
eex-Huron- igtiieiit, 'MO& i'Dr-;')e-A-.--
H. Taylor, Goderich ; Capt4n, Aberhart,
1.4onda ; Lient."13, Hay, iL1st6We1 ; Lieut.
B. •Twainley, Goderieh and 2nd Lieut.
' .A :platoon of. the Kent Regiment.,
oemmandedf ,hy Lieut. Tora
King, parade(t on the Stuaria-at,'3.30
pat., 5.30 p.m, and 7.30 pan., accom-
panied] by the Royal Canadian Regie
anent braes ibaud. The troops were
ionveyed her by a fleet* of -varlouS
types of army trucks, driven by mem-
bers of the Canadian Arany Service
0641-p4 stationed at London.
, The soldiers m.,arehed froiu he out-
skirts of the town, arriving at the
Square •ate3.30. •They presented a
tsmart appearance in full battle dress,
including eteel. helmets. After °com-
pleting various pitilden- drills they
demonstrated, to ti'erowd of intereeted
speetators Jew a well'trained aemy
unit feAs off an ,attack from, strafing
serpeanea, Gas maslaseand eapee, were
quickly denned and the troops showed
the eoaitions taken under gas attack
from the air.
Recruiting for the illighland Light
.4nfantry WAs condueted in MC Sullier-
landie vacant Store on -the Scinare under
the ,direction of -Capt. P. F. Carey, in
' eherge-eferkwolittog for the 11,L.I. in
this alistrieteateeisted by Sgt. William.
Reid and -Sergeant -William Parr, s"
11edlaal -examinatiOns for •applicants
reporting at either the armory or the
-iLL.L offiee,e-wete conducted at the•
armory by IVEttjor Taylor and Captain
Aberhart. -
Fourteen"- men, made application for
eelietment durin,g the day. Six were
rejected and] the remaining eight are
subje.ct to final medical aed X-ray ex
, -
amination at London. Names will be
published as they pass thesfinal extun-
inations • . ' .
Ladies Serve Dinner
Dinner was provided for the officers
axed. men of the visiting units by a group
of the Ladies' Aid of Km:et Presbyterian
c-hureh, conven.ed by Mrs. W. Doak and
Mrs. R. Burrows. The tables, were
.adoraed with libuquets of daffodils in
sneer baskets and dowers and: flags
decorated the lecture room. °
A vete of thenks was extended to the
ladies and was responded to by Mrs.
Alex. Straiten, president of the Ladies'
Aid. The men eheered and clapped in
a demonstration :Of ttheir appreciation
of the splendid 'dinner.
After the manoeuvres by the Kents
in the eVening, a platoon from "0"
'Company; Regiment
(It.lf,), under- the command of Lieut.
.. K. Thomson e paraded and
performed foot and rifle maneetivres.
The ,K4nts were dieraissed and given
an hoer to•eee the town before departs,.
ing for Leedom
• ---,
With 'the announcement in Ottawa
by "Finance iIniste 11ey of the
amount of lationey that It will be neves-
sexy for the Government to ivend dnr-
ing the .fiest year tor wer purposes,
the amplitude of the war effort necee-
eary front 'Canada' has become increas-
ingly *ler to all. •
The greatly increased taxes of the
last few years, Which Must he faced
if we are to ;winethis war and sUrvive,
have further rought home, to us the
tremendoqe task facing every 'wee
Canadian. '
Yesterday the, Minieter of Finance
In Ottawa to ell. practical Purposes
tonscrepted „Wire j, p. Thomas, of
Goclerieb; to 'organize' the-0-fkiliftY-Of
Huron for the 1941 Victory Loan rwhich
it is emderstood will be annetteced
early in Stine. • -
Mr. Thomas Tiryde, of Exeter, and
'Mr. Herbert Campbell, of Winghans
will apt as viceehairmen a the COM-
mittee necessary to organize this
Mr. George Schaefer will act as
secretary and M. Harold C. Williams
as assistant secretary. Both are of
Canadians' as senior members of
e eatest.]Dmpire the world has
ever known, leave a tremendous part
to play in order that the Germ= na-
tion and the Nazi ideals and -prin-
ciples may be conquered.
This war must be won by us and
until it is; the life,' happiness find fu-
tui:e of each individual are in con-
stant dangee. We hive the ability,
but it will neceeeitate the expenditure
of every eunce of energy of every
/Evidently Well Satisfied with Demon-
- strations of Gollerich-built "Chap-
- ions...
During the past few weeks Goderich
has had as visitors over one hundred
municipal legislators from -various
municipalities . in Western, and 'Central
Ontario, -guests of the Vominion Road
Machinery Co. They came to view
demonstratiOnS of the company's new'
' " • wnlow and grader and
were later lunehen vie* of C.
. Attridge,. president and general Man-
ager of the. company. They &eve ontA
and 'saw th,e_toweehip end' PrOyincial
"Champions" in aetion, some 'before the
Snow disappeared, and mast hare been-
impresaed, for business 'With the
. company this spring ha:s been ,brisk.
Visitors included the County rad
•• Committees of Elgin, Middlesex aeol
Lambton and the ,toWnship road:com-
mittees of Enniskillen in Lambton, Hjb
hert in Perth,' Lobo and North Dor-
chester in. Middlesex, Dast Gwillimbury
sand King in York county, Wellesley
'and Waterloo in ,Waterloe, -and Tiny,
Vespra and Innisfil in Simefie.. Many
of these geutlemen expressed 'their
delight at.the privilege of visiting Gode-
rich for the first time..
to •
11 1 1 1
' •
N.,4pDenall4 :Writes to Thank
' Ditrigaimen WoplilGift'
DUNOANNON, April 28.7 -Some time
Ago a colleen -cm was`thkez-up-locally by
Milford ,Pentlamlaaand BurM,13,0aeh
for the,purchase cigarettes for some,
of the Cevniidien boy s serving ixi the
arniy oveflbas. Jil acknowledgraeet of
the gift, Mr. Roach, has receiVed a letter
front, "'Somewhere in England," written
by ,Opl. M. N. McDonald, R.C.E., of •
°cep -oral McDonald writes: "I take
this opportunity 4 thanking you for
your gift of :cigarettes. P may say it
is very gratifying to us to know our
people. at 'home are putting forth all
'efforts -to see we are, getting eigar.ettes
and ceenforts over liere. •
-"So far 'eve have net ...been able to
give our people ntuch to, {Meer about
outside of our air force, which is now
coming into, its own, and we must
agree fffey ab eovering themselves.,
with glory tuid, again proving to the
world they •are- the equal of the best
in the world today. I feel that, when
the time eqmes, you- avill '•,find -that the
army of Canada- will be in there fight-
ing to the last man, and be able, as .in
the last Great War, to bring back
victory and, mast of all, peae to our
"There has been quite a change in
England sine we were here before.
.It is:more .imilltelp and has nauCh better
roads, although they are very marrow
and crooked. But most of -all we -ad-
mire the way those people can take
all the 'bombing Hitler .can give • them."
Coutrads for Work
on the "Blue Water"
'Yob to Be Oompleted ,by June
May Be Pavilig Goderich
to l'ort.Albert '
. Contracts for surfacing °tribe Blue
Weter highway hove been awardedi as
follows by the Provineiel 'Departnlent
of 'Highways; Forest to Grand Bend,
Inii-WS-Bandy Contracting and
.eeeeeine Works, Goderich; Bayileld
• .
Goderleb, 13 milee--4. J. Brewer,
Goderleh ; Dunlop to Amberley, 21 miles
.1. Brewer, Goderich; ,AMberleYeto
Kincardine; -II --pilles---Bert lGoldthorpe,-
Colboree township. ,
Other eontra.cte for nearby gravel-
ling are; Wingham to Tralee", 32 miles
-R. J. 'Brewer, Goderich ; 'Wisebeach to,
Thediferd to flank's Corner,s,
Grand Bead to „Parkhill, 25 mileS-
Sandy Contra -ding and- Maehine W-orks,-
Gotlerich ; Junction 6 and 21 to Hep -
Worth, Wiarton to Ferndale, 10 miles -
Sandy Contracting and Machine Works,
Godeeich. _
The material to be used is pit gravel
put through a crusher. It is said to
afford a much, 'more even distribution
and bond. Oil will be applied on this
It is understood that paving may .be
completed from eGoderich to Port
Albert, and alSo frora Forest to Grand
' rethougiCethereeleetioswordstrom
the Department as to this.
It is intended' to have the work, on
the Ishre Water highway completedeby
June, whick will afford a ,paved and
hard -surfaced road from Windsor and
Sarnia to Wiartea, on the north, and to
Midland, iBarrie and Orillia on the east.
The road from Wiarton to Lions Head,
and Tobefinory is already in good eon -
"{Mier., as. reportedluesaWater.Higle...
Way 'A,Ssocititlen 7sifffelalee-wher
these points. on „their tour before the
Mischievous boys have been, potting
at electric. lamp, globes ,on the streets
and the Public Utifltie CominiSsioe is
asking the police toerotihdit-p offenders
and es also offering a rewaed for in-
formation regarding anyone Seen break-
ing lainps.
At the regular meeting of .the, Com-
missionon Thureday night, last several
appetelitions for electric and water •Ser•
eieesf were 'passed, including applic0
tions for fiat rete w.atee heaters from
W. J, Thompson, Britannia road, and
.31eCui1y, Baytield,road. .
• „sledded, to grant the request Of
the- Collegiate institute Board for a
seem* service meter for thehome
economies and shop work department
of the schOot. The"engineer estimeted
tile cost at 4;00 -
'.,MS. ellepluneon° ef the 'Sky Harbor.
airport staff addressed -th.; COnunisSion.
witb. „reference to Hydro service and
rates in Goderich. •
More Than 0.0,000 SubScribed for the
War Serinlees Fund
'Huron County rise exceeded its ob-
jeetive of $20,000 in the War services
campaign, it was announced today, by
George W. Schaefer, secretary of
county organization.. Quite a number
of canvasses have7iet to makeetheir
returns and it Is expected that the
coutty will go well over the' allocation.
when the final count is made in a few
Wingliam was the only 'final return
to be given Out -1$1050, or 050 oyer its
• An executive of the Goderich eozn
nfittee said on Tuesday that there was
$2,300 cash, on 'hand with a number of
canvaesers yet to be heard from and
that the toWn'S qnottt of $2,500 would
be exceeded.
Mr.ell. O. •Itaye, K.C., of Goderiph,
hao been, ye -elected a bencher 45"f the
Law Society of 'Upper Canada. This is
the governing body of the legal pro-
feeelen Ini Ontario and the benehere are
eleeted for a term of five yeare by the
members of !the profeesion. Thie Is
Mr. Ilene' second *kin.
• Residents of the townshiPs who have*
any Salvage" -they wish to donate -are
aseed • to leave it at the Exhibition
building next ,Ssiturdaynierning; where
there, will be a matt'in charge to egoist
in, unloading atili sorting. ,
Officers ...of the ,Goderich Board of
Trade have had epqnifies.,from several
reeidents of the nearby, townships, as
.to how they ean help the war effort.
,alheifeeontribirtions-of salvagewill be
; The Goderich Liasi Club intepds to
4ponsor junior, and juvenile basehall
teams during the coming season. All
boy e Of eligrele-age who wish, to play
baseball on either of the teeme are
asked to leave their names with Post-
master Bisset.
The pounty Council, or who-
ever is responsible, tufght observe'
the 0ounty'h hundredth An-
nieer,sary by carecting the sign
'bee-1de the roadbelow the Dunlop
tonib WhiCh otates that Dr., Wil-
liam Dunlop' died. in 1841. It
was the Doctor's brother, Oaptain
1. G. Dunlop, who died hi 1841.
"The Time' Wed until 1648; and
it his opitit tl1l lingers' aroipad
the Wen° of laio earthly activities
it in doubtlm highly indignant
at the, 'cutting itort of his career
by eeven eventtn1 pare,
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bowers, Of Dun-
gannon, whoSe ,ecoe. Pte. William Allan
Bowers, was accidentally killed 'last
fall while on Military service, have
received( a letter, of sympathy from
King. George andi Queen Elizabeth. Pte.
Bowers, it will be remembered, lost his
life when an army transport, in which
he -was riding on -the return -journey to
Camp Borden after a celebration in
honor of the soldiers at Stratford, was
ditched near Fergus-- a
The message froth Their Majestifs;
add&ssed, to Mrs. Bowers, is as follows:
"The Queeeand I offer yon our heart-
felt sympathy lei your great sorrow.
We pray 'that your country's grati-
tude for If life so -nobly given in His
Majesty's service may .bring- you some
measure of -FOESIce-aiStW."
,(Signed)' GEORGE RI.
l'UN OF 1375
On page 3 of this iSeue is
pdhuwea the mt. of olarter
members Of the Goderieh, 'Board
ef Trade. The biographical'notee,
prepered Mainly by Mr. johle Ss;
Pleat end; Mr. Chas, C. Lee, are
eeceesarityi incomplete, and two
of the .personse named-filenry
Trull end Dawson Ke ---d1* not ,
remembered by eny person S so
far censulted, Any ,old resident
or 'former resident ewho knOws,
anything of either' et theee vies
or 'who would like to add any-
thing to the information given
regarding- the -others4 is invited
-to-write to -Able -emcee -
, . .
More Grain Cargoes
Arrivoe at Tilarbor
Whiteilph Fry Deposited in Lake
—Perch Rim Expected
Grain' movements at the harbor were
brisk over the -week-end, but they have
fallen off toward the- raiddle of this
The Or, A. A. Hudson, whieh came in
Wednesday, night of last week with
grain for the mill and elevator; took
oen. 300 toies....of salt and clearee, early
Friday inolaing for Fort William.
The Fide:tont= came In late ThursdaY
evening from, the lower lakes, loaded
150 tons of salt andeleared on. Friday
raorning.for the head Of the lakes.
...TheeMeeseeyearrieedeneFeislay moreen,
-.--W3TlfaaLmn; titlr108-pechus,
of- wheat -for th-e-ele-VitfOr Andeleared,
'gtteetliet evening fer Fort William.
• • Tile -$.1.0e0or Tee.
annorailig -With
68,858 bus of -wheat for the elevator.
She took On a load of salt end eleared
for the head of the lakes on- Monthly
. The 1,11antadoc arrived from Foet
William' 'en 'Saturday morning with
-252,329 ,bus: of wheat for the elevator
Slie left on Sundaymorning on the
return to Peet Nillittim.
The tanker loeolite came in from
Sarnia On Saturday morning, with
gasoline for the imperiel Oil Compeity
and eleared early thee: 'afternoon for
her 4home port.
Three Million whitefish fry -,were
dumpad into Lake Heron this week off
Point "Farm. four miles north of the
harbor. The young fists were brought.
hete from the Government-superVised
hatcheries at Sarnia. One and a -half
million of the minnows were deposited
on Monday and a like amount on Tues-
day under theesppevision of -Har,bere
master Norman McKay. The fish were
dumped in.. water from ten to 'fifteen
feet in .depths The water pressure at
any greater depth would be too great
for the smell fry..
• Perch fishing- has begun here, al-
though the anglers are not yet hauling
them in in really large-eumber& A- The
big spring run is expected arty time now
if the ideal weather prevailingcon-
tinues. Catches of three dozen fiskare
the large* yet reported.
The commercial fishermen have not
ialetheir• nets off ,Goderich as yet, but
Jack 'Graham has his nets, out at Bay-
, .
field for perch.
Clinton-Wingham Lltne Folds Up -Only
One Goderiehlte on Hand for the
' There was no fanfare -no silk hats,
no flowers, no speeches -when the train
of the old London, Huron and Bruce
made its laet, trip .from Wingham to
Olintoe ,on4Stliturdai. afterneonesafter
sixty-five years' continuous operatidn.
It was more like 'a funeral train, and
liguretively there Was an abundance of
crepe about., according to J. A Mason,
the only Goderichite to make vshat he
called the "aentimental trip."
. It . was sentimental for. Mr. Mason,
because he was born on a Hnllett
township farm through which the train
had passed all these years, and because
he had as-• his companion his mother,
Mrs. Harriet Masofe aged seventy-six,
of Blyth, who as a girl lived on. a farm
skirting the • railway; and who remem-
bers -when, -as aslittleeretkasheeran to
see the first- "chug., chug," as she
called' it, back in 1876.
Mr..3/a.son took an interest in thie•
event, too, heeause his -grandfather. was
im thesmunic* al council -of ;Myth when
the railway' vas promoted and when
the late Ratri k Kelly, father of J. B.
Kelly of this ;tome one of the pro-
moters of the railway; was reeve.
Iteporteis on the last :train on Satur-
day were told by Mr. 'Mason that J. B.
Kelly:, f only-Iiiving man to have ridden
the first train,was unable to be present
because of an attack of lumbago, Mr.
Kelly has since said it was "convenient"
lumbagoeethat he Was invited to make
the ftrse trip, but was discouragedby
railway "ofilciale in . his plans nto make
the last trip, as ' last • week's,
Signal -Star..','
'Mr. Mishit purchased his ticket for
the last tripeon-the- train- for 011.'j, -.cents.
On it he has noted that the number
of - the eclach was 3604, the express
ear 8412, the mail car 7027 and the
locomotive 1318... • He is keeping it as
a Soneetiir. , ,.. .
Gay Dance Party at Port Albert on
Saturday Night
Over eix htindeed °airmen at Port
Albert' plaYedliost to a large number
of young people from Goderich and,
obher ,pointe in • Huron county and
beyond eu ,Saturday night last, when
a dance was held in the new reereation
hall. The hall Was tastefully decor-
ated with 1LA.F. colon, 'dark blue,
maroon and light blue, ,presenting
dazzling toile of gayety, enhanced by
the dheribntion of paper hats, stream -
ere and ether novelties,. Valuable spot
prizes were competed for during the
evening. The 11.A,1i'. band, under the
direction Of ;Plight -tient C. Fletehee,
added to Ito Popularity_ with ite damn
music' played in true EfiliSiteVelePee
'The conunittee wao composed: of Flying
Officer Green,. Corporals Ilurke and
itobineon, Leading Aircreftmen Baker,
Patter and ,Loolan. CorPorat Tallun
Was responsible for the decorations,
Stoker Carl Clark Ahneet Recovered
After Harrowing PXpeliielfee
Although Ile Is only thirty years of
-age, Stoleer -Carl Clarke -Of the ill-fated
a.M.O.S. Otter, fleg‘shIP of tliO' yacht
fleet, which was burned off the Atlantic
Coast on March %th, has a head full of
grey hairs to remind Idea' of his ex-
perience. Ae eeported in last week's
Signal -Star, he Is heme en a .zonties
leave, just out of liesPital, visiting
with his parents here,. He intends to
spend some as in Northern Ontario;
Where ,he onte worked, before returning
to 'duty, /He, sailed the Greet Lakee
for six years and Was 04tIie'Superior
when' it -attempted to tow the Wrecked
Gilly into Goderichharber eome
agessBxcepeefor l4s reeent harrowing:
Atlantic experience, thet' was the
closest he had ever eome to being la a
There was not a ehance in the world
nto 'savethe Otter, former palatial. Astor
/yacht; Stoker :Clark saki. The fire
epread-so quieloiretroutnt the oil-,bura-
ing engine thatthe crew had only' five
minutes to get off. Thirty men. took to
two lifeboats, fifteen in eeeh, and eleven
to a "curly float." The weves were
tWenty feet higit. One 'of the lifeboats
was swamped and all or 'beardi were
drowned eieetheotallers tried, to,„beard a
rescue -Ship. eTotal death toll was
nineteen., The-"Godericit nsailor sat and
stood in water up to his waist for t
hours before being picked up.. ere
was a. driving south-westerly wind
blowing at the time, and. it was foggy
and bitter cold, and Stoker Clark's feet,
and -hands were badly swollen for seine'
time in hoepitale However, he Is now
almogitftilif recoverefl, 'except for a
,littlenervousness,. and ready - and
anxious to resume acttee service.
Stoker Carl Clark, the eldest een of
Mr. and Mrs. William J. OlarleeCtim-
bridVe street, Gode.ricli, is one of the
survivors of 11.11.0.S. 'Otter, destroyed
by fire oef Halifax a few wie*ks, ago.
His brother Lionel also is in the naval
service, and after taking a course as
a gunner he is at -Present in the quarter,
masteee office in 'the neval.barraeke at
tfce first tollectioireof viaete ma-
terial by the salvage committee of the
Sieh--33ea-reeeef • Tradeeen- ,Saturdii
anornmg May .3rd,-- •
Old newspapers and magazines tied
in separate bundles, rags, White glass
bottles, old ear lieense plates, tinted],
*scrap Iron and rubber ere in demand.
Many people (have- been expressing
their. anxiety to do eomethipg in con-
pection with the lwar. . This is tib.eir
opportunity. Every householder, wheth-
er owner or tenant, hasi somethiug of
little, if any, value in tself, but When
collected in large Auantities, it will be
coieverted We money -Sued 'Canada
need S money . ,SapPy ships, tanks,
gulls, ammunition., clothing, boots and
scores of other things for the filen
and boy e in the armed forces.
- This effort Se nation-wide. Goderien
has. never fallen down in any patriot`
movement, and will not on this .0
caslop if each person will, de his qr
her share. :So have your, anateri•al
piled. on the boelevard next Saturday
-The new .mess hall and ,sleeping-
barrasers at iSky Harbor were occu-
pied for the first time today. They
were completely furnished and the
move meant only a shift in persoeneL
;There haveebeen no arrivals or de-
partures at the airport during- the
pest week, jnit the Usual routine, with
an abundance of excellent flying
The Ontario Municipal Baud has
apwinted Tuesday, May 13tb„, at
.10 teretheeheaeinge' oteSslie aPPea
of the Western Canifdd" Flour Mills
Co., Ltd., against the Company's
sessinent by the° Town Of 'eloderich.
The hearing' will be held in the Coun-
cil chambers at the Town Bali here,
opening at 10 o'cloc1:- a.m.
• The annual spring run • perch is
'expected te be in full owing by theend
of the week. Several fair---aied catches
had been made from the breakwater
up to Wednesday night.
,Only three days after iing presented
with his Wings with- the rank .of ser-
geant pilot at DiuMarille last week,
Lesile Naftel,. alinneest son- of Mr. and
Mrs. Knyvett • E. Naftel, Wellesley
street, on Friday received word of his
promotion to the -comieissioned rank of
pilot officer., Actually. Leslie lapel the
rank of s'ergeapt"for only one day, as
his' promotion to pilot officer wag
drafted on Wednesday, the day after he
had received his wiugs. PO. Naftel
received an extension to his leaee of
absence as well and will now report at
Trenton on May, 18 to -begin an in-
structor's course for advanced flying..
, iMr. Justice Plaxton, recently ele-
vated to the henele is' scheduled' to
preside at the non -jury eittings, of the
Supreme Court hero etext TuesdaY,
;but .there 'will be little or no business
to, transact. --A' settlement has been
reached in the only ste down for
hearing. It is a motor damage action
in which,. John Bach; implement. and
Vleetrical dealer, of ,Seafeetb,' is suing
Charles CU ft on , Tuck er mei eh farmer,
for $3,000 damages.
Airmen Buried With
Military Honors
Saturday's Itueral Prowl*
Viewed by Sympathetic
The tombs,efriYing 'Ptheer list
Itartsonle fast L.A.O. Albert 1~
fliugfttee, you)* airinen from the Vogt
Albert A•ir teravieration *600 vollo 'woo.
,loilled 'when their Avr0-4,noon, trainixtg
' Plane leserelied into aeliribdetrillie;
navigational. flight early , lea" Tiniene
day morning, were laid ;at Test 14401
fell military hoeore on 44ettert1aY geftese"
noon. ,ilertindreda of ipeosie frOm`fmili
The annual meeting a the GOderich
Lai 'Bowling Club' will be held on
.Monday evening next in.the rooms of
the Menesetung Canoe Club. -
tirge Tour
Nunicipality 10 • --
Provide eonvenien.t ande orderly ear parkingartms and •' to. ensure
,-coUrtesy to visitors by police.
Provide clearly' visible"street and intersection market's, as ',also dire -
tion to points' of -interest-docks, bathing ibeacle -Board ,of Trade, in,-
' formation bureau; railway and wharfs, ,•
' Paint up and elean up -keep sidewalks clear of tuerhandise, sign-
boards, etc.' Brigtiol ut. lamp standard's and keep them illuminated
until 11 p.m. -sell eight preferably. •
Keep motor's& . and -other park Sites well illuminated,' visited by
eiollee or earetaker, 'especially after dark. Don't overchargeeetrk
, have imlform rates everywhere.
. Make reet regime conspieteously-keep premises cleen. .
Encourage citizens .to 'plant, flowers; trim- shrubs and trees, mow and
trini lawns, eepeeially boulevard -e strips. Clean up aeant lots, main-
tain 'Verandah andfront lights till late evening. .
'Eaeh municipality to adopt and display a different slogan which will
• , typify originality and create interest. For instance, Meaford-"The
• Anglers' Paradise!'
Canvass Your -Merchants to:—
Maintain attractive window display and change freqnently, two or three
timee, weekys,
Have good exterior display of ;Brittele and, Canedian flags, with some
IDS. flags, but not ostentatiously. Display and extend your greetings
modetatly, effeetively . and with sincetity. Tell' your vfaitore what you
excel. in•and eee that it is all you' claim for it.
• .• peift discriminate -adopt standard, fair priee,e and adhere- to them.
Our Blue Water Highwa)i Directors' Itespongibility— ,
It a practice yourself or see that someene goes over your terri-
tory frequentkv to- •
, Ascertain the emidition of the h4hway and report any defects to
• G. L. Parson, president, Goderieb, or the seereta.ry, Cael C. •Manore,
Sarnia- thisi important go to gravelling, grading, repairing holes
or ruts, oiling and general tidiness.
See that rest .rooms st public placee, service stations, bathing
• Ileum, places of entertainment, etc., are adequate and being kept in
proper condition. •
Mingle with the tourists to 'Irecertain that everything is to the
'average niotoristso Batidoetion.., Make ta record of his opinion nor,
Remember these motorists are our .best*Avertising medium and
wlkat -they report back home will 44ther boost or decrease the result
of our efforts'. A cheery welciline; einarteous treatment tour sincere
"come again" are our,best ambassadors of cemidepoe and goodwill.:
----1(-Standard of Toterist, tinceuragement adopted by the Blue Weter
Ilighlway Arseoclation.)
., •
A quiet wedding took place at the
Metropoiitan United, church, London,
on Monday, April 28th, the past or,.Rev.
W. E. MacNiven officiating, when Miss
Mara- L. Salkeld, daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Salkeld, was united
in marriage to Mr. Frank W. Rowed,
both of Goderich. Mrs. 1. Salkeld and
Miss Susanne 11;asselen attended the
. Mr. and Mrs. Rowed after a short
'motor trip have returned to Goderich,
where they will take up residence on
Picton street.
arta einintriet," tlie'
Montreal street and nthe Square to
watelli the ..impressive funeral proem -
Edon peas.- Tthe Proceesion started et
2 pan. from the Cranston/ Fanelli;
Home, ;where the awaits; had reatell _
sinceFilitui*10, -and lwended-Ato-Wity
around the iS40-4-fe to Mngotan street;
The caSkets were iconveyed tee a loreeS
side by 'side, with, the Union ,Tatec
draped over each and iloral wreathe
gated- at gee Itead Fellow-airtmeU'
from the 1",'Sravigation 'School acted- an t
pallbearers. An escort party of fifty
airmen, marched at the head of the pro.
cession, followed by aefiring party a
ten and the 114.F. band, The pall-
bearers and, honorare pollbearere
marched immediately behind the lorry
and membeee of the Town Ceentell exit'
of the local branch: of the Canadian „-
'Legion; 'driving automobiles with wheelie
to escort- tlee -funeral, part r eta -the- ..
cenietery, brought verth-e-reere '
The funeral eereneoniee were under
-the diesetiOe of rit,.711eut,Cenfiletalter,
adjutant' of the -school; •andetheeescerteee-
verty WAS in charge a v.0. 41. coup -
land; -The honorary-pallbeerers- were e
ret."•:Lieut. Merfowell, PlteLieut. Bas-
ket Fit IAeut Burbridge, 1'O !Xols
wortb p0 .Appleten. and RO. Davis.
-Gt.-407704k: 'P D Robertson, 0.41e
was inliTtendanee. Other ofecee'S from
the canal) who attended were Squadron
Leader Tielle, Squadron Leader Bay
lies, Flt. -Lieut. 113ritton,
-Mem, Mt. -Lieut. Monerieff, Lieut.
Freltl, Capt. Maelntyre,. and p.o.
Watkins. -
Among. the !floral tributes. were
wreaths • frcrm, the officers' mess, ser-
geants' =met:red-air' men'S ni-SlaWa ilarge
broken ev•heel design- ,fiom fellow- •
midis of F.O. Ransom, and wreaths .
from Branch 109 of the Canadietn
Legion and MaeGuire Motors, London.
-,Sqeadr,on Leader iHooper, Camp
padre ; conducted. the graveside services
at Maitland- cemetery. The firing
squad *fired 'a volley of three_ shots
over the grave, and, ``Lest Poet" ent
"Reveille" were Sounded by ' Cori),
Burke and A. C. Keyet '
Friends of ;whom taig young vien had
made acquaintance &urine their .stay
here were present Brom London, Steal-
fard and Clinton. -
-e Both from England
Flying Officer R. E. Ransome Wetilet
have been twenty years of age on June.
7 of ,this year. He was the youngest
commissioned flyer in the camp =dime
highly popular anaong his fellow -officers
and in eochtl circles., Born in Backing- „
ham, Kent, England, he jOined, the
R.A.F.. 'in 'May- of- 1930, before war •
broke out, lea•ving school -to do so at the
age of seventeen. He was businese
manager of the `SCompaes News" the
newspaper issued by the Port Albert
airmen, and conducted a department
-Roundabout- in4it, his latest contribue
tion being in the cerrent issue. He
Caine to Port Albeit with the fest
R.A.F. contingent last October' from
Athane, England, former location' of' the
neVigation school,
Leading Airerafttnan Ivor Is „
Hughes was a native of London, Eng-
land, and an optician before joining the
R.A.F. in mideemmer of 1040. nis .
friendspeak of him as, a quiet,
studious fellow and a skilled trades
man. ' He was 'taking an air obseieee.r'e'
oconree:whee killedeeee se -
Injured Men Recovering
All five R.A21e. Men injured in twe
separate airplane_accidente ThurS-
day last have been broughteeto the
hospital at the Port Albert Air Naviga-
tion Sdhool. They are; LAC- Goodman,
and LAC. .Clarke, klijiired in the ac-
cident near Mount Forest eariy Theirs --
day morning, which claimed the live:e
Of two fellow crew -members, and Flt,
Sgt. Ballantyne; LAO. A. T. Ohariwood
and AC. F. J. Adams „injured, in an
aecident lie Port Lambton on Thursday
afternoon..., They are reported to. 'he
A. quiet quiet' wedding took place at the
home of Sgt. and Mrs. J. Cuthbertson,
Gibbons street, on Saturday, April
26th, at 7 o'clock ih the evening, ;when
Miss Ethel Jean Osborne and Mr. Gor-
don Cuthbertson, Phm.B., both of To-
ronto, Were united in marriage, Rev.
Dr. J. • H. Barnett , officiating. The
--groosu as the son of Mr. and Mrs. iCuth-
. berteetrosthierele -empleyedesis smanaget
of Tamleyn'e. drug store at Leaside.
The bride wore a pretty blue silk dress
adorned with a .corsage of pink roses
and w,as attended by Miss Mary Vroo-
man, while (Mi.. Donald Johnston sup-
ported:the grooin.
Mrs. J. Cuthbertson presided at the
reception held after the ceremony, the
home being decorated with white belle
and piuk• anal white streamers. Mr.
and Mee. .Outihbertson left en 'Monday
for Leaside, where they will reside.,
At the Baptist ..parsonage, Picton
street, on Saturday,. April 26th, at '3
p.m., fhe marriage took place of lire.
Martha- Warrack, of Goderieh, to
Frederik G:-Avey, of Brantfoid. Rev.
Alfred J. Milligan officiated. The bride
Nag---10Vel-y-in----u-slieer- -ensembles-of-
heavenly blue with matching access-
ories and wearing a waist corsage Of
lavender sweet peas. The attendants
wag+. Mr. and Mrs. Sam 3leNal1. The
brideemaid was eharmingly attired in
navy bhie, with matching aecessories
and wore a waist corsage of white
sweet peas. Vie groom's gift to the
bride',mai')a loyely yellow gokb locket,
to the bridesmaid a three -strand pearl
neeklace and to the hest muu a yellow
gold Ale -clip and pen set. The wedding
supper was served at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Sam MeNall, leeeex street,
where the decorations *exit pink and
white areamees and flower& The
bridee going -away outfit ,was a naVy
bine snit with matehing aecegories.
Mr. and Mrs. Avey left on a honeymoon
trip to London, 'Sarnia, Niagara Palle
and other poiste. They will MAI? their
home at Brantford. •
Destriet .Theptity iGovernor eGeoege
Lavelle, of Zone 16, TAons Cluleqe:whose
residenee is Pahnerston, paid an ef-
&lel visit to tile local elubat fie
fortnightly luneheon, `Friday evening
last. Hie address hadto do With Lion-
qiig.tViM an expliange vLeit With
Diettiet Deputy 100vernor
progressing favorably... .
The Avro-Anson . training planes in-
which theyeraehed were brought to the .
Port Albert camp', by lorries . earlY, this
week. . •
Residents Tell of the Fatal Accident
1Vear Arthur •
'Thousands. of sightseers visited the
eeene O'f the airplane 'trash -near Arthur.,
, where two men from Port Albert Air •
Navigatien School were killed and twe
others injured ih-a erash in the ',early
morning hourS of ThursdAy last. The '
bomber landed in a, bush on top of the
llog'ts Back," o ridge of land whieh
meg foremilee thiough West Luther
township, Wellington eonnty.
• "I heard the prate flying reel law, •
over our house just about 1.30 in the
morning," eaid'Ilre. Alex. Graham, to
whose farm home 'Goodman eteuggled •
after he had regained con4ciousnese
teveral hours after the fatal trash.
"ViTo are quite need to these mit
chineg ilying over ,eur home now be -
tau* there are so many each night.
I had jtt trashed ironing when
heard a terrible noise. The plane wata
flying very low, and as -I looked . oeiti
the window 3: icould „see a reit light and -
several dint -„White lights as it headed in
Gotithwesterly direction.
turned 'to go into My bedroom an
thought X heard a noise like a cratdi, but
when 1 looked out, the window Again
eefild gee nothing, riot even a Mar. It
((iontinued ,:on page 4)