The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-04-24, Page 70111,I Dia, APRIL
The . drat objective of Inanduew
gardeners is usually" a continuous die.
play of bloom. This require a bit of
p1aening, espeeIallp to get something,
ahowin during theveryearlypart
"the season, and also for the tail -end,
alter the forst frost or two. in this
Planning a good Canadian seed gate-
logue will be of immense help, as it
gives the tines of blooming with each
varlets, the o'er, height, hardinr and
other i
pointers. n rs.'
Early. mut
An extra early start in deeming Can
,aob taine4l by using well -started plaxtte
either' out ' of one's own; greenhouse or
hotbed or pur+ehaaed in Sate froze Seeds..
nian Or nursery men. %bet* Plante are
' lest about ready too bloom When bought.
'Indeed' Mme of them may_ have the
'odd bloomeon, therm when still in thea
The impaliMent of the stomach is
sitsof simians co uencesifor
. digested #a4ds the
• a
sx sna sun d
`Ru'rrloi�ic Bleed Hitter:
lliaJble re-
remedy'for .stomach di>aorders
indigestion, 'dour.
each as :gid epe brae, andig ,
el: of s headaches
Stomal b ,
It helps toetinnulate the secretion,
of saliva ._and. gastric juice, the
main. factor in ,digestion, neutralizes
acidity, tones up the lining mem-
inane. of the; stomach 'and restores
the ' natural, 'healthy process of
digestion. .
Putyoar etuwneb 'e i$ bt by taking
B.L.B.. ctrl see how ywckiy y will
start to enjoy your meals free from
Mi. T. MilburnLtd.. Toronto: Oft
boxes. Experts,' however, advise
against leaving this abloom on at trema"
planting. It puts a strain ern• the plant
and is liable to delay growth. Pinehed:
off,the plant soon regorers from the
shock of transplanting and will .Make
stockier and: larger growth.
• A ,Jfew perennials like [the dwarf
phlox lied iris help, out with early
bloom. •These will come along' just a
rew" weeks after the ,tulipe and .,the
crevasses, ,middle part
of the
neasou ,•is -easy.
Then • practically all
of the annuals Are at ,their 'best. To
wards the andor the orin
sakvia,tondor, lishuago1ds, late
petunias And Asters will keep up the
show, coni° Or tbe''hardler ernes indeed
standing a little frost. 'Not daunted at
all by the 'drat eold, .and in feet able
to survive :from live to tea degrees. Of
t tr r-= ill••he..t he_ o. tdoerr.
sauthemunis, the lane. xta'isies and an
other late flowers with ,tough;' woody
srtems. ,•,
r •
'Alert; la No hush
--The beginner -is .o rushth
•It•will net 'hurt ,to;plant peas,.
spinach, lettuce or radish just as soon
b d a �th
as • :tiitheun is � dy. F or' e
Medium hardy' .type of plant, however,
there is no advantage whatever In sow-
ing°-too. soon. There Is Tittle growth in
any Case until the soli really turns.
Gardener are advised toeir.
vegetable seed into, at least three perky
sowing a,!third „as :soon• as weather per,
mite - a third a little later, and' the
balance at !the • very' tail -end of the
planting season._ .In this way if frost
does cut down the first "batch .there
will be more planta coniing.on and, the-,
season will be lengthened by the last
Part of the garden sown.
'1'his3 liar Etssentrial ::'... -
Int is impossible to . over -emphasize the
importance of good seed. Other %actors
May be beyond Control, but the gardener
bee absolute eheek over tiffs foundatiOn.
`Weathor, aoii and iodation may► be Seel,
but without good sem, epeelelly sale
to suit 'esnisdiau eenditiona, the Ord"
is plug to be a failure.
)F1U TOWN'SdliP,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davidson oaad Joys
of London, int the wce •eud with
Mrsltcrb1. Davidson.
,tie. Eric McAllister was home from
Toronto for •Sunday..
Mx". Thos, Edward of Lonodon
lost week with Mrs. Jas. Golwe1l.
Mr.° and Mrs. Hall of Wingham
visited on Sunday with .Air, and Jr.,.
Fred 811,E
Miss Maxine McAllister spent the
Easter holidays with her sister, bars'..
,Ben. l: eagan, at Nile.
SOW fthemer are b h
S+o a farmers s• on the
land these daysand if the fine weather
continues, seeding will 'Soon be _conk,
menced. -
M r. -Earl McAllister, Waterloo, : and
Pte. Erie McAllister, of the Elgin, Regi-
nzezt,, who was a patient. for seven
weeks with scarlet fever and pueuMonia:
C rl kMilitary' it a l
la the #¢ ey :Far 1•IosP �►i,
Toronto,, were Easter week -end. guests
MwictAh l
ltihseteitr: p
arenasrMr• IOW
hal Club Meets. --. On Tuesday
evening,. the April meeting of the: Junior
Farmer's .Social. Club was held . at the
home of Mr. and Mfrs. •Wileman John
sten, w`it'h: about twenty-1We pint.
(amen _conteete and-daneiuglwere en-
joyed. ]Edna. Somersall ent4rtnined on
her guitar. It wdeeided re
t to r
Sent thePl y until'1ate�' Luoch was
served by the. young ladies. • The pro -
vette from this club go to the British
War Vietimts' Fund,
• Red Cross Reneit,—.A successful pro
ressive euehrepartywassponsored o
g po soaredn
Tuesday evening. by ,'tile North End
Ceoder1ch Township ,branch of the Red
Cross oeiety It the me of Mr. and
� boo.
Mrs, D, J. •Lassaline. Seven tables of
euchre were played, high -honors going
to Mrs. Earl Cooper and Harold Mont-
gomery. Consolation. prizes were:
awarded to Mrs. Win. Porter .and
Cahhrles Whitely. A draw was made
on -the -quilt for whieh -tickets h ad been
sold for the past two months, the lucky
ticket being held by Mrs: Reg', Johnston,
who ..turned it back 'te, be auctioned.
4rid, :.. werby •filled• .the role- -of"
,a-uctioneer in a most capable manner,
and high ;bid wan ~made by Esther Mc-
lwain:-•--Arbout ;;v tizedr-.from � Y
•the quilt. • •Lunch was 'Served and the:
evenings closed with the National
Union Church Notes.—The April
meeting of the W.M.S'. was held on
Wednesday . afternoon, at • the '.home of
Mrs. 'Forest McClure, with eleven pre;;
'Sent. The theme'of the meeting, which
was conducted by Mrs. Geo. Mcllwain,
was 4°Following the Way of Love to
Victory." The pastor, Rev. A.°a J. Mc -
Kaye, offered prayer. Bible reading
and commentaries were"read by Mrs.
J. B. Orr; Mrs 'Wm. Fuller, :Mrs. Robt»
Mehlwain, Mrs. Jas. Young, Mrs. F.
McClure, Mrs. M.' Phillips and Mrs. H'ar
with Mind's, ties + rubbise
Ment, sworn tar of moonlit shad �t
sorenea 1, ItlfPa r , Use
generously. It'ar l
un dandruff
� a nt+ odor,, driI g�t�it�' kiy. 'spa it
for dand4uf and• ,dem/ , too,
(e1 * bottle at; ur dru ist N
tod*y. Keep it hand on
bathroom m
W004.. A nolo, "The Uld Itugg"ed. Orem„
was nicely ' Hung •iY Urs,' Gordon Orr.
The• rod.. yealyl • was answered ry,wlth, the
text word "Y1etoory.'" Mars. 4. B. Orr
al e'urleed the Presbyterial convention
to be 4014.4t Thai Road en April 22,
but -no dele teo3- were'appointed' ...>,The
meeting closed With a torn and the
:.. ord�,..'.s u rate, f;_r�11 unison. ,Lun��ccyri - was
served by the hostess. r . , The�Fe was
a large eon'gregatiou at Union; on Sun.
days -when the pastor, Rev. -AA.. J. Me -
Kaye, delivered a; splendid 'sermon on
"The . Retreating Christian." During
the' service, a solo, "Higher Ground,"
was ni un 1.
ce1Y a . g iv Orval. �'owell..—
The regular ,meeting of the 'ni .'P.U; will
be held on. Friday evening, with Marion
Colwell in charge.
(Intended for last week) -
-Mar. and Mrs. 'Barry Powell' and
family opent'Sunday in Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Brock Orr,: Donald and
Billy, of Toronto, are spending the
Baster vast tion : with . M r, J. W. ,Bell
Mr. Sam ` McAllister of Detroit " int
visiting in, the .. community•{
Mr. and Mre. W. J. Stevenson Of
Windsor Spent 'Sunday with 31r. and
Mars: -Austin Fullers
M�r. Maurice Harwood left on Tues-
day for the shipping season on S.S.
"V'andoc. •
• Mrs"Robt. D avidson has returned t
We.:,,comnxunity after spending the
winter with members of her family.
"1ZS`gs -Te en •ns,"tridson. of
ton "visited,„with gr. and...Mr's. Austin
Fuller over the weak -ends • °
Union Church Notes.—The .meeting
of the W.M.S. of. Union church was
postponed from last week , until Wed-
nesday afternoon of this week, on ac-
count of the eond'ition of the roads... .
On Friday evening the Y.F.U. held- a
GoodFriday service, in' the church.
Esther M"cllwain had charge of the
meeting, which opened , with quiet
meditation.' A hymn, "In the press of
Christ Z''aka-yr was Bellowed"by' prayer
by • arL HarwoocL ' The Scripture les -
so ,(•S't. John 19 +1Q -2b) was read by
The death oecumd at >oilk
on Thur yr night last of Jibe Euniee
Leatlnerland, la her eighty-fourth year.
C. Xsllbdeiaeh & if on, Zeriwh Au-
tactuierw,, are arranging to sow XV
acres. of flax this season. War demand
is effecting an improvement in the flax
Agues 4harette,..wife of henry .fed
ards. paused away on 'April 14th at her
hon at Zurich, at the age +af seventy-
six years. Besides her 'husband, two
sons and two daughters Survive. .
Alexander Walker, a` ' well-known
business antan of Seaforth, died there
on April lOth at : the age of seventy -•six
years. Ile was emative of Morris
/�w �p��
township andburied at (jQQ} �',
M4' �1+W „Jr�usirei
Donald McRae, of Brua'sels, titeo�'
logical -student '}at . the' "iUniersitY of
Westerns Ontario . has =been appointed
to the Misalon charge of Dunlea'th
-Mr ''ands Mrs, ' villialn •But of ;-
,f rh.., -
o t had =�t far � Iif • u . , .'weciciiat •
a lee t fo 7c
r 1r- �+ wedding
anniversary oil Sunday. 'They have a
family of three sons, Edgar and Thomas
pf Kippen and boy o f Seafortb.
Mrs, Joseph' Long, who lived alone
at. Brute, Was found! dead is her.
home on .Saturday last. She was 3n
her seventy-ssecomci Year, 3 er husband
died two years ago and she had no
irH... Richard QuanceofExeter,
passed away
on. April d.•5th at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. W.. J. Beer, Grand
Bend. She was in her eighty-sixth
sb r a
year. Her .husband p ede+ee sed .her
and; she is survived by three daughters
and two sone,
J.' P. Manningwholes--carrie�i:on -a
general -Store .business at Londesboro,
-)ave Davidson, The topic The Figure
on the Gross" was read by Esther Mc-
' Ilwain; with articles pertaining to the
-to -'"The—Feet=--of--3'escss' read
Elva Orr; The Hands of • hens" read
Eby Jean Bell; "The Lips of Jesus" read
by 'Dorothea 'rico ...borne ; "The Mind of
Jesus" read_l►± 11rs, Prval l'oyell. Th ..
roll call was i.ti w red with serses from
St. 'Matthew 28:37-52. A beautiful -
duet, "Alop "
Davidson 'and.•- Mrs. 7liaie-15 .v dson.
The meeting closed with the \Iizpak
benediction.. The Easter* service at
Union church was snost . mipre sive,
conibining..the Easter .message with the
sacrament of the; Lord's Beppera-There.
was ' a 'largo congregation and the
pastor, Rev: A, J. McKaye, deliverer) a ,
helpful sermons . in keeping . with the.,
Easter season. During ,the service a-
duet,: "Be Died ,of a Broken. Heart,'"
was sung by" Misses..., Dsthei „Mei lwain
and Mary Harwood, and:. the choir sang
an • 9tnthem, "Awake, Than That • Sleep
for sa re s r, b- WWI*
bossism to
Mr. Alenaindar Kl Z*' atnd will aoove
wth id%fainily to G'lluton, havingtatkeu
thecorntract of trucking the mai/ and
express between Clinton" and Wim.
After a long illness George •Cuuning-
hamof Beigrave, Owed away
111h in slxt �condir.tufai ,die priisl Do
c1ds .
survived by hl* wife, formerly man� a
Dunbar of Westhald; two daughters, saJ saw. lid #s l
Mrs. O. Kerr`of 13enmiiler and Beryl of
'Braoehome.bridge, ' and a son, Kenneth, at
henry!Gordon Bolton of'hleu all died
on Wednesday of last week at Use age
of sixty4tve years. die had recently
undergone an operation in a London
hospital. e was it lifelong .resident
pf the Hensail district and ‘farmed
about ,two »riles front the village. Ho
is survived by ;bis wife stand prixfuggh-
• old: resident orfBr
lasosels the,
person of Mrs, IV F. Stewart, passed
away .;on•-0attl y~ ° at '.' tom-omo, of -her
daughter, Mr's. N. F. Gerry. She wast
in, her ninety-third yeear"and bail: lived
inn` Brussels for, over fifty years.. •13e,
sides the 'daughter, she leaves a son,
WilhlnmStewart, of Fergus, amdsevera
grandh'ild and great-grandchlldn.
Harvey' ' - Hutnhinaon 811iot son or
Mr. and Mrs. M. X11 Elliott, Turtiberrry,.
died. on April 14th at the. Queen Alex-
andra Sanatorium, London, in his + forty-
`second: year. He ser"ved•over=seas in the
last war andwas gassed, an experience
which undermined his health. The
funeral -'to' Wingham • eemetery was.
under the . auspices of the Wingham
branch of the Camadiaiti,Leglon.
Farmer Injured
Arthur' Jackson, farmer of ` Tucker -
smith township, was seriously 'Injured
last-11$hursdar afternoon When -he was
crushed between a traotor and a disc,
a 'lever.•'on the disc passing ooxnpleteli.
° through his 'leg: ` He was' taken to the
BSea •outton--Sah,1rtb ;ital for treatment.
At the Baptist :church parsonage,
Wingham, oh April 1.2th, the' marriage
Tees_,soleruoized .• of - Edith Mildred
Youngest dalifa!later.of..Wili an .-Sa-tel
and the late Mrs. Salter, of Wingham, A■ ltiallM /ADln
�' ' , "� tten, of.Msrris - v.B.• box. _.
ct=i11 _;reside' >:on••the groom's- form oil '_ -are '.-7"*P-40. T
3`f el --'w
enLoneyoffciated. andMrs Button
The marriage of Gladys Viola Ryck,l
tMSkinorrinse.r•-; •
max, daughter of -Mr. 'and Mrs. Arch3e 1):shrnks-swolle,n'
membranes; 12)
Ryckman; to tGerald Franklin Skinner, ' Soothes irritation; (3) helps flush n
son; ef�M'rs...Skinner and th"e late,.Samuel sal passages, clearing clogging mucus,,
S+k'itmer, all of Easter, took plaice at relieving transient congestion. It mases
the parsonage• of . Main street United breathing' easier, invites `sleep,
church, meter, bn April 12th, •ens Va roT nol
J.: Woods officiating. The young,couple us s sat first sniffie
will Preside in Exeter.. or sneeze .thelps`o
•Gackstetter-=Price • prevents whiz do.
At the -.Evangelical parsDash-, , velop;tng. .. L
wT..,,'., on April 1t1th, . Renr. Mr. Roped
perforated the nsrtr*Mlge cera oul Mate
g Esther, eldest Fier i rk
l/,^4r *4 ,hSfi
Bea Price, �Aqb+
.0*eltatiotter, leunriest *On Joh
Cfackstetter, D* wood,and 4Shelate
Mrs, Otteitinytte r ,The 3rOtutit *'yt+
n .,..
will reside on the g'room's farm *A the
Goshen line Scarth of Zitriele
latereeting event took p laee at
the home of Mr.• and. Mra. B G.: Walker,
Brussels, en April t"1.4t1:r when 'their
only daughter, Margret Elizabeth, was
united in. marriage to Robert James
Kir Qun` t -..
�Y�,�' , _ son of Mr. and Mrs.
B. ,Kb kby, Walton. The eereanony
Int)ribyRev. F. "Fowler off
v� �. Gues
ks were
t from
, London (oder�lch Str
, tf
plaeea.Mrw' ��' Mrmr
Kirloby will reside at Walton.
Oh%f-4'D• 14 you catch the auto •
thief?" Officer—"He was a lucky, "bird.
We 'had.:chased .nine only a mile when
dour 500. miles; were sip and we bail to
t and change. •tn4o,
:you purchase a genuine Con.
goleumi Gold,. Seal -Rug ".,during
the period . of this contest and
&en prove to, be the winner of
the prize rug, you have the
option of taking the prize rug
or of having the full purchase
price` of the rug you have alb,
ready Bought refunded. 'I"his is'
your opportunity ofetting a
•rug. of larger size EE. Don't
miss this 'chance!
Oyer 2000,1yee-
-Rugs *ill be given away
,Coealers across Canada
u Con"goIeum dealer has a beautiful
X 9 foot Congoleum Aug ali ready to give;
away. Perhaps yauf will win it. All you
have to do is .play the new Congoleum
" Wordd aoe", making, .40 mea._..ny_.44ette
.words as possible out of the letters .:n the
two words. displayed on your dealer's
window. Simple, isn't it? ---''and lots of fun.
So get busy- right away. Take a look 'at
your dealer's window; see the lovely prize
go inside and get a 'free entry blank.
you don't . have to buy a thing. Then go
ahead and, naiiake the words;, the more. you
nuke . the faster ' they'll porde. Once your
:list is completed return it' to the dealer
before store closing time Saturday 'Winner's
ri>Ixiaie wrill be .'posted in the
• dealer's a ;window early- .the
following week. x�,►sws;,
Dual Windshield Wipers
Duni-Sun Visors a •
.Dual Trail Lamps
----Dual ..,.Horns =W
No -Draft Ventilating
• Wings
'Big Tres
,, Safety,Wheel Rims
Bumpers Front and
Your Choice of 10
Beautiful Colours
Radio Grille
1941 Plymouth Itoaclk ng Spsclal, Root touring Sitio*
You'll Be Surprised How Small An 'Amount a Month Will Put You
Behind the Wheel of This 'Beautiful Plymouth Roadking Special!