The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-04-24, Page 2^ Ng. THU -440Dt84,041 AXD T11* -04,0 ruhilrhed bygigtial,Strr West Street. evederleh, Outs* . Tuunsnox, Anat. 24th, 1941.. noTsloTnia: TEX I ( ' ' • ctufAmAs DOTAAR Who ithhe note o; . what le going on, ..e.„..._... . 4 'It the 0,Nat. is a cold dollarseand", pahlie Shttald make aa effort cents Proposition," they may eey in te aiattlerStotal what Is behind the inter- effeet,:'we will treat at OkS -saele not ,se 4ereneeit br. . the tiorerartient at thia an Jiistitu.tion, ' which looks ter; our trine Witb normalprciceeses. of trade StaDDOrt berease it is pubhiely-owned," MO Commeree-ebaterferences - wilt* Put it this WaY4 IleileitS Of. die it e telerated Inthne pea tional railway , system are toleratoiid ' 404)sild'b. of ce, ' A nieWspaper eorresPondent writes,: 'beeause it .is a national *Siltation, In apite Of grave 'warategs from and 'because theservice it gives . is a okoveMaeut spokesmen at Ottawa, such, value te thecourtiry as a whole •and*.in splte Of; the. effort tat Orb that it' 1,4 worth Willie to support it -60011•41111g toY the iliZtitatiou of war out of- pablic Pirds, If it tails in 'salrilkse Plodslits, -1VeraRe Mali *4 401tair it, the t Gantry la Mac- gi'illig thaeserviee it loses the right to 'AillArie.)aerieudattemPttotehangehis pubile Or her Mode ef lisribt,, In TOrOuto, The people a .North IIiiroa, will be ,,,e --- —moireLpeepte Urried, out to see tire abl.e, to et along ieithout 'the .seetion - .tiettileir..parade'ron tire-board-rrnlitri of raliviay, whieh is beingl(kiiiiiliiit ,Sunnyede than.' •tiletie 'Were the 0.N.R. manageinent . should be ntiectatore at the nallitarY Parade organized by- the•Wnr. flexings Wm- _fareftil_nOt to consider too lightlY4he :mittee. Thouirainte crt Canadians change . In public sentiment,'• which ' *lat on, puttilleilrelltdwir PersrMal - ---lesettete• - eir4-, and...; war _ effort might reiult from the abandonment of . ;10etond.' Mair, °them 1nSt torget service in diatriets -here and - there 0011t: the 'Wa14E000 ' .: . throughout the countrY. ' ' 'Ibe baste fOr 'this Ceminent is tite- general-knOrriedge..,0*. OW* retio".are gilidingthe.destIO Of the . 601404-'4re determined .that there filiall, :he no, initiation, in 'Canada. .'Zliese- lea0eir4, *.otre•-.1bracetr to do l'ekietything Vogrnible in Prftr to ,bialce Atte that the ,,4;10)*(lian, dollar, ..#8,ve Year a from now, vial '41iure as much: fatnitate lin& .elothes itid food as it ')does. now. They Want to make sure that when. a ,Cancirrian caahed 'his war seeings ,teetili&tes his money' will be werth . an ratith-Tes 'it IS now la buying • things for the ,Ilome .that he ' didev.:** witivaut daring wartime. They want to make sure that *insurance . policies will continue to give-, at, 'snitch_ proteetion to Widowa. and ._ .....-elilltleen itlYe- yeittrelrottl: now as they do now, 'ao' .thet :the $2,060 , Went 'provide onlYthalf Of the corn- , " fort *IXiehcthe husilVdAtow-plans .. _. ,..,. _ . . , If the genOral public demand for . • all sorts of inanufactures contiuues • to inereage t'i> a 'POitit where the 'menufactarers of the-ceuntry can- not Meet -the demand, 'then prices ° rise and Anilation comes. And if thatsituation develops; or is Seri- oUsly threatened, then Canadians ---:70ark eVect, soinie form of compuls- ory savings as the people have .in , •Germatty and now in England. - The warning against unWiSe spending may be 'unnecessary in -a ,commanity . like thhi, being apPiicable to centres' In Which war industries are Paying huge -wege bills. What we are intenested in as the reference to the _necessity of , ,. keeping' intact the value of the Can- . adian dollar, • , . ,.. . • This deternrieation' tO prevent, if . .possible, inestion. in Canada is behind the aetivities a the Wartime Prices Board, whch seeks to keep rentals and .prices Of conimod'itierfrord Soaring. 'as . +they would without control. It was behind 'the pegging •of the price of . buttera secondary object, perhaps, being toSpoii the fun of the speculators • *hi) hoped to =Hie a killing out of the, that, the Legislature foundrit so difficult sale at winter prices of butter bought I to reach a decision upon "so simple -a at summer prices.' Increases in the matter as as women se• rving, on juries. , priees, of foods bring demands f_Oi But is it so simple? the, Star . editor 1 ' ,Inereascsin wages; increases in wages , is exempt, aS 'a •iewspaper man, from Mean hicreases in the prices of 11103111- jury service, and possibly the IA's. Asetured goods; and increases,p1 prices lature had the idea that an editor is i)f -±adii:ufactud goods constitute a no more indispensable to his office than burden.._upn, the Producers of food- a woman is to her home ' and her • stuffs, And so tile viciouscircle goes, children; If ank. • Aftd there- ape SOD:W illitleSa . the proeSs an be checked other things, we can think of ip Calk • soinevvitere. The firmer is least able neCtion with the question that possibly .4 et allr ' to demand an increase ,iii the the legislators also had in mind. • .priceiS of• the goods ;he fells; So he .• rd-Marleye-Deputy:Speakeleof-th -iihtifilit be tife-bist-intereSteci ' keepinHousepriceedOwnalt 'roundoue of Lords, who es in, Canada just g '. . • . We beliere,Public. Opinion would be now, gives the. lominion high praise - with the Government in the stern sup- for what it is fiefing in the , war. He pression of strikes. It workers have [meationed Canada's military assistance, . . cause to 'complain ot wag•Ki or ether 1 particelarly the -Cemmonwealth - Air conditions, their Clams should be in Training Plan, andthe steady sappjy .. Vestigated by the ;Government and, all of goods?. and declared, "No .`nra.tte , parties ereed to abide by .the decisions 4what happens in, Britain, or anypatof reached as e result of/thee investigatien. Europe, Canada will , still be `here. One ;thiss.oe werkeroShould not he al- Without Canada we couldn't .last three , lovVed to fOrpe in improvement in its weelta,"„and he .went on to say, '"Sofne; ' couctitionsei 'at •the expenre-- of other Unties I think that the people of Canada 'classes.' . Wartime eonditions 'call for don't. knew Just what .tliey are doing 4., Gotternment control which, as we have in this war. You and the other Domin- stated, would- Mot' . bedeelrable and ions are the reason Hitler ean't win." • ,wottidettot be t:olerated irttinie a peat -4: It .1.4 g,00d to hear, words like these •once in dwhile; though they shotild not 'teontribute to any let-up in Canada's ;effort. •.,..„._ * * - i, • . Priine Minister King is 'back from a*, .e. visit' to President It000eVeltr With the annoiinceme.n' a •iliteAlationai An- anelararrangelnents which will to some eXtent lighten Ile burden apt* the Canadian Treasury <)1 the enormous war expeedituees. sMr.„Kin;g ledicated that the United States end Canada, would eo-opera,te to the fullest pessible degree ..:102'. the Production of , war materials, and he spolte itb warm terms of the strottg feeling of friendship for kianada, and tile rimPire, which is Inaba, - TO -St today-act:was the border. 1/fr. King also took time, off to explain the bit*, ation, with regard to Several matter which hate been stibieet a public, 0, „ la ethat presk , s,tin a laoun, ortea temitIle tent, ' stated that the diii ere spod; tion, pf Cand4tart troops overcas Is itr'dent rt°g‘ev(31t PiLliis t4> 1"1311'4).tfralva next monthe while gailittinent Is In oeso1014 and to address the COMMA'S and Senate. TbiT. will lie the (first visit of any lereshlerit of the ,TITAited rStatee, to the Canadian capitalpe- usrry 04400 Phil Osifor of Lazy Moldova . • .„., BI)ITORIAL :NOTES- , • "And now," says Hitler, "FU I*0- eeed-to-earve -the TurkeY." • '• • '`The sari's running" does not always Teter to*Betilto 3,luisellni, remarks Tile ghesley Vaterprise., •• • • is' Mussolini Musing:, I couldn't whip little Greece myself, but,Li—gOt that big bruiser of a-lZfitl'er to do it for me. The world will see 'low what a great man I din. HOLDlifiG A RAM There Is one question that haS long - battered me, and that i$, '`Iicev do yell ifold a babS19n Or another way to ex - a press the qnestion would be, 4-1low can you hold a child In your Arnie and Satisfy the WOmen, folks?"' „That maY seeni 'like a foolish queetien When yea first hear it, but eonelder the problem for a little while.' - First of all, they king You a bundle of white clothes and hand'it to you. Volt Wish, and sort of mooch your arras out, and with the bundle at arm's length look for the opening to see what it contains. Someone pulls the tucked blankets back and there staring Up into a strange, new world is a red .baby „ »- and you just stand there and gape. Folks start to laugh and you. Sort of grin In. a sheepish way. The baby Starts to cry arid you shove the bundle 1";°anY°n a 4014414 'than'. lianWstea;c1 intoosomebody Oise's arms. BeeeTeode Heath. So it. has remained; until. the latidlts then,. and they Start to make 'Aber 114.Y.' • ,'" ' ' ' ' 'Oat, now there'is activity again. The scartseretarne-The,pits.are"„beizig,„need as dumps for the debris of beilibeT buildings,. Already the heaps mount high. They will All the pits, the %,grass, will grew; antr-fainre generittion,s will -tread the level walks again, unthinking of, perhaps unknowing, 'the history' be- 'bleeks of Rats, hotels, hoepitals, shops, historkial shrines, monuments, einemas, smart town houses, Georgian. Mansions, respectable suburban villas, and the poor slums that here find a Common grave. What a theme for poets to come! Alas, poor Yorick! • By such sights'. one is Moved, especial- ly if on the previeusiday •one has *Vent a dismal Morning wandering around' the scene of the second Fire of London. The demolition men have been basy,. and many of the broken, and blackened walls which looked like decayed teeth are now ptil•led Own, leaving only blanks as ,do teeth pulled out. This is death. Oust.- to dust, ashes to ashes. Let us mourn. But not too much. , Probably there has been a, good deal of bunk talked and written about 'the destruction et. Out -.ancient sites.; The -two pro_ble,nis-that Were,engrossing the, -n`tiktntrdh of Logialcbercire rittref."-iitV peare,d were: (a) what to de abotit all ...theseaumerotis 'City ehurehes; deserted -Slate7 Moncion'seveirrota-riMiii floated away; :to the Suburbs, and (b) how to And a Parking space in narrow poky' Oheapside; which had beeome im- possible for modern traffic. It was be- E GODERICii SIGNATATAR • Current Views on the War NO MOVENINOI REQUEST merkable thing *bout the diseueSion; of The other day on Hampetead Heath Post-war ideals in general at this etage eame on 4 melancholy, ateht eo,,ieed is that the discueelon cuts eight aeroes than the burial,, of London, 'or, tattier, 04hlierVi,e'olvw•al'i"t1PeaofetYfoar„11,tegileuareellot:glan'trathoirtn. ed‘ hitS Toondiore Whew war begall; eConcanie, fuld, 4ocialeeo," f a almost the entire population of 'thia, party, and that Jack of imagination and lelatel event a eimPle months tilling better world are no monopoly of one sandbags for dear life, to make pro- mulish 01)110424tioIt to Onange emialot teetive wane aid beetions against nemesarily be given party label, bombs. A greet pare of the sand; for Sometbnes itoseems that the correct Londonwasgouged out of Hampstead party designaticala of the future world Heath. It was a strange sight at that GuitheOU.sidtu bilatiettearltr,ut:e.ITligebenret axePar-ttLIOAsuany tune to see the endles,s train- of carts the only streaming empty through the barders, .gpirtudtsictin-abgiml10,Zerill• 11.1theirc.aettl, and the excavator dump a giant mouth- eomplete ful out. ee4t4 egg.each ae it passed. -unity are oPposition to ifitlerand.deter- Br the time the l'equireMents of Safety nithi:autilouran thatany4;atrenyn.getItha:nguteeg must debr,toeto. were SatiSlied there -remained a string Even soraewhaf queer vonter- of enormous pits, say eve hundred feet rac3". long iv two handred feet across afirl elle° 11.01t1 In London recently et people 'thirty feet deep, where, olio had •eeou who „advocated abandoning our war pleasant lOvers' walk. It looked effort proteated that. it did SO to like a poor imitation of the Grand stroagthen• democraeY and because it was Hitler's staunchest enemy, • It looks as though our war memorial this time will have to be to the Dead Past, I was talking about •the debris dumps on liamPstead 'Heath. There are other ,sucirslumpeitroUnd tendon, notably one in 'Hyde good -Sized maenad, which would make the ideal site for it. 1ehould) take oft my hat when ,"/ went by. • There was much that was good about it all—al. -though there was also inch that -had been dead for years but dida't lEnow it. flin, of 70,11...terliPliting-93.1?a,11: he wrohg •," ' What Is the tight way? A man. Just Sort of naturally Onside's the problem .hand and, feeling that the Most lin" portant ;thing is not to drop the baby,. he holds ;on for dear life . and ilea some. - During the day 8 that. are to come, after the bundle. of joy :arrives, you grow eecustomed to the wayi hold,ing a .baby. Bul somehow you never get full cOnildence. Women haVe a waT of looking at you that Makes you squirm. you look to see if the baby's feet ere exPOSed. and the blanket flips over the wee one's faee, There's a helf-smothered cry,• and: as you grab for the blanket there's a strange, slipping senkrition and you grab and hold on. Now, you were doing line but somehow that look from a woman can send you into a near ‘panic. Why? That's soinething I can't answer. e• -There eniposItte time When the baby mes a pill •Slie'S walking and making sOunds that, to the es.rs of the fond parents, are real "words." Tiny • • • `, • leg tire qttick,ly and se father must -.7-bevoltreny reaeTour-registratieepickcIliyeri's utr that."aesit:yd:rilkcam6,,:un.,eard,,has to be turnethin to the Govern-' comfortable While carrying a little till ...raent whert na„; pass from this world?" or boy? In the dist place, he usually J.t• •eaan;i7te... ..has,oTeTa-111142the-tbilirs- still be officially elite, �r what Will the :Middle in- inuell the -murk way -as a, logging ehaiu ,hrs used to bind a log.• G-overnment do about it? The fattier, like all men, is inclined. to stop and talk with 'cronies on the street. It's easier to hold the child in • .o4 • . We h.ave a queer language. A news- paper ,.b,eadhig the other day was: "King (of Gmece); Orders :Fight to •Finish." This meant, of 'eatirse, that tile King's soldiers Wereeto keep on fig,hting; bu,t if it had • mea..nt that he -wanted the fight to -cease the same' • words might have been used. - . It- is almost past belief, but Red CrOss,othcial states that the loss of life itt Englandet tills period di less than in peace -time. Reasons given are -the de- crease 'In autOniebile traffic' on the highways, trainine.in accident preven- tion, 'greater sanitary precaution.s, eaution in, diets, And so en—and might it eat be that 'people forget minor troubles and are , more ipterested 111 living in these exciting and strenuoud times than in :the dull times of peace? ' , • •• • • The Toronto Star thinks it is- strange coming a question how Many ra•urs.cum- his drills than to try to keep the little. • boy or girl front running away on the pieces a city can afford. to the square busy street. • • yard afid live.. After all, :the .City of The child .begins to, squirm . : .. and London had been burned before. .Fifty, gradually works down and down to- years after the Great Fire of 1606- the wards the street The elothe.s workup. 'inhabitants were thanking God for it, M'etlier manages to Arrive about 'the and affirming that"however dtisastrous time that a neat section ot bare legs it May have been to the then inhabit - and underclothing are exPesecl,„„ and, ants it proved infinitely beneficial to and posterity." •• ' , ''' ., she ieseues the child from the'father'S proteetive grasp. .. , _ _ _It is undoubtedly true'that if bombs• "Why can't you carry the child pro- Oestroy ;our "Wipes- they may -also (no perly?" That's the question "asked with thanks to Hitler ' and Goering.) with regularity and nobody seems to]now moderate luck destroy some • of our the answer to it. . . uglinesses, which the more public - The child, on the other hand,- is, spirited of us citizens have long striven usually not without some measure of to. dp, but fruitlesSly. °Elven. in the protection. jii4 „about, the time., that heat of our righteous indignation, the you htei-e your pipe going with a merry optimistic .ek.fgparkik.s at "visions of blast, a chubby :fist can be expected "w gl"les 114/w P"sible' ' to tip the pipe," hot ashes land all; dovin Not tret_ there has been much talk ' yrour _vest. Just as you go to step off about the rebuilding. That is just as , the end of the curb to cross a street in wellt . ., . A more important point •is, the village, .an exploring hand pulls given the new setting, are thepeople in. your hat (limn over your eyes. Just is it going to be heppy 1- -1,4eubt whether you are looking your soberest in church, anyone who has not 'actually lived the with the child perched safely on our past six months on this island can con-. ceive the extent to which we have changed -our outlook_ Whole induStpes have been lifted up bodily and putlelsec where. People, too ; when the work can't be brought to the people, the bee pleyed only II pert in thIA businees. •Uermeny now dominates the 'Bellows partly by the military power she wieldy from. her centrel PoSition, for * oupreme Within the radiva of action of her bombing planea, but also ranch, by the magnet of ber Vorseloua market, She owes her 61.1C. cees as much to her ,economic pull': as to her eoldierly -prowesa. Her only Pes.9ible eival „in title peninwala gait Russia, but Itusela, had no 00101a1C pull .anit . dared not uee her military Otmufethe , That is tile morel which emerges for is from the disappointing treaty of friendsktip juat concluded between Turkey and Bulgaria. A year or tvvo ago puch a treaty might have.ranked as hopeful ibeginning.°- Today it, registers failure. These two Oates are, indeed, , Pledged to refrain frock attacks -upon' each other, but that in the eircum- stances is likely to mean only that each will stand paealve while `GerMany znarehes'. Also theY, undertake ,to deal' that is pessible to develep mutual trade. What ironical, hp invented that &hint,' Tarkey,-iturl.Bulgarla are net, and never an be, in the economie Sens•e 'emeplenten.tary they grow the same ;crope., ' • . And that Is broadly true* all these kitu-Statta.---Therdo-uoteneeLeach. other: it IS to Industrial: Europe they must sell, and from it they nnigt As -little does Woggle need Melt grab, nor can .she supply their .egileultaral peed* . . is useless to Mane them for failure to eonstitute'aeobeeent TIIMADAY, *ith I London nor fileneva la* eter stood. - The Neela grasped it New Stebeaman end Natien (tendou)'0 - MAILSIASTVIC ACTION 1Canadian eitizene expecting men from Soldiers , or friends in Englaudi mailed during the period- 14th to 2ttrd atareb lust, are advised pet:there MO eonsiderable delay or peerhapaeloge, eccoiding te A statement released: br PoStmastek-General William lielocle, Word has been reeefved that a stea.mer, carrying mall IS overdue. The ship was supposed to have left the other side 'during the last weekof Merck was due he Canada ardund the llret, week of April, The steamer was earry- ing 4,241 bees :of mall, including 3,855 bagsofletters ,Wild 403 bags of Pspeelif. Ganadiaa Post Office Department *tat all tithes anxious ito=provide Safe and _expeditious mail service , between eltriens a Canada' and intlita'rr forces and friends in Great 'Britain, hitt the above' is an example of ofee of the un- avoidable eituations whiclifrom time to; .tline oatoot do postal eerriCe. LEEMYRN Ta-atlYR14, Orli -214-44-12-s Rutb Shaw returned to Toronto on ',Sunday _ ding her Vaster hetlid;ays here. lered—C°.--11-etten"left--6katerieh------ by boat on- Tues,day last and will he awey=alisuintaer.working on the Teasel. He will certainly be missed here- by neighboes and) friends. • ars. Fred alorton itncr 'eon Alex.. are new residing And there Is always the comforting league of mutual support. The, only In Goderich. reflection that whatever has crumbled possible unit for such or. league IS -Captain Rod, Bogle left one,Tuehd,ay and gone for ever it is certainly not Europe .1hoett, whichfortis an'intellig, last to go to his boat, the Blue River, 7 our soul. • ; ible, teonotnle pattern. That neither at'Montreal, ' • • -,David Low in The Listener (London). • THE ECONOMIC STRANGLE -HOLD We have grown so accustomed to be Nazi technique of intimidation and cor- ruption, that we hardly realise the rtith, less skill of MS enterprise. Six months ago, what friends did 'Germany possess In • the 'Balkan; Peninsula? ...Through' this uneympathitie...peninsula the mans are preparing to march, fearing no attack on either flank, and the thing will be achieved', until they reach the Greek frontier, without their firing a shot. 'Hungary, Rumania, and tomor- row (Bulgaria open _their .frontiera: Yugoslavia,'Terkey and ;Russia. watoli. thee:mareltO;41*,'Orreekrefrontierselir passivity. And ordy the Greeks stand' in posture of resistance. • 6 --to—aeeounteefore.eh rapidity of *tier's advance? Hungary, indeed, was bribed, for she got. half Transylvania and may .subsequently geria little more. ' 'BLit that explanation does not parry us far, for Rumania was carved up; yet she, too,: clings with amputated arms to the Axis, Bribery ''veimarissmassnm•Imawalommosimailista 'rniellialoolOMMIIMI.O.TINIIT.L..111111114,111111OW YOUTAINTING THIS SPRING?, • We Can Supply Your Every Need in Paint „. Or maybe you need some --NEW FURNITURE to''replace , 0 that chesterfield,' . rug; dining room, bedroom vor Wallet), urlitureilhaitAsislieconwoliabbYT:- if oo , ckslt(me will bitiad to. fill joir reqUiremento; PHONE 240 WEST -it 4 t arm, a hand will cable up from the back of your head and push your Sunday greased hair down over your forehead and what can you, do about it? Mother smiles and Stly&SNyetly when , you mention it, "Well, if you would .people must be brought to the work. Live °towns wither, dead towns blossom. Erstvrhile insignificant hamlets bulge with strangers. The surprised seaside resorts are laid over by hordes of sedate persons in: black Telt hats -from Whitehall. To factories find them - learn to carry the, child properly all that wouldn't happen." -. How do you carry a child properly? fAIYIBER;LEY OUT AS SITE. ,AIR FORCE SCHOOL selves making lethal weapons; face- . cream laboratvies suddenly become So People in That District Relieve— highly explosive: Drowsy coWS bend - Kincardine and Lueknow Merck- ing for a mouthful of grass find them - anti Disappointed • ' .selves chewing the concrete •foundtition • While. definite word is not forth- of a new factory. eonaing from the department 'in charge, It Is too much to expect that *Very - t understood,' sayaktiTimeT4 ne OILW retusielratinietly-atter--the- News, that there:- will be no gunnery war and take up life Where it was left andborabing:sehool at Amberley.. • off. This geeetatiott is ha.ving a rude For some time it was belleved.that baking, Such ,4s, had no couitterpirt In this school would- be established, as a the laSt war. It seems just now that link with the R.A;F. air navigation the new experiences 'embracing -us all: stlool at Port Albeit and 'the R.C.A.F. can hardly fail to leave permanent elementary,flying school at Sky Harbor marks on the national character. s near Getletich, but It •is reporteed that Foreigners have always had an exag- -the gunnery and bombing school win gerated idea ef the Significa.nce as a probably !be establiShed south of these national :type of that stand-offish Eng - places, at $t., Joeeph, near Grand Bend, Tishman, whe"„ when you say to him. The reason for the •reported change, ``,GoOd morning? nice weather we're hay': says the .Kincardine paper, is the ex- ing," &seats your iMpertinente in Ina- cessive cost ,of laind Ambeiley area. plying that you and he were sharing the The, proposed site there, which was seine weather, If he was Vver the twice surveyed and for which,' plver lypiealeEttglishnitin, has uet been So liminary negotations had been started, since the last war, Still, compared is one of finest farming areas in ehe with ,the Araericans and Australians, district and, most of the farms have the average Englishman is a type fairly , better thtun average building on them* reserved, 'especially about his hotne. To take over ' :these lands would be ;Among the English the idea of hopse extremely costlYr'whea it is coneidered and family has been a 'finidamen,tal of that there is much unprodfictive land the social Structuie. And. bY the ,tng•- •Inethe,arcia--ofeftedosephejteet- us-sulte• lish.L.dolgt.ixtean.onlY theeoecupants of , 'able for a gunnery and 'bombing school. • the befortial halls, nor yet the subarbite At the same time; the evident failure villas. The idea permeates the slurias of the plan to have the 'sehool at also, as the evacuation officers, who Amberleyels a keen disappointment to, have been persuading the obstinate old disteict'residents and especially to mer- ladiee in danger areas to leave their chnnto in ferckitow and. Kincardine, humble dwellings, will tell you. . wh(ti• were of the opinion .that there But look at ua now, .The emergency *mild be the school and its members in has telescoped us together. WI are, training at Amberley ebbe perforee. leading a comMunity life. oWe sleep together in shelters or in tale an, otherev houses. We eat together., We TEA311V •UP THE RAILS ' " ,•§Attiaa,i •of this week WI11 see the. . end of train- service on the Clintee- `Wkinghant sectiee of :the old, Londoe, Htiron ot Bruce lice of the Canadian 'N'ationa.1'.pilways. The tracks are to be torn •up -to, serve eoree buster election. • The -(3.dt, mianagemeut 'must be supposed to know their Orin bUSiness big among the people .6f Horek there is eeoubeedoubt as to Whether the beet - 'meet -eats of the railway:at* oerved, -, by ethe abandOnment, of this seetion. The direct ;saving in dollars and eents sweill and may be -Completely *offget •, by •inflireet loeeee, Tangible losses, howeeer, are not the only -ceeeS the tell - way may euffer. he.T0.,N..11.14.1%. • ovvwerehip institution,* awl to be ds Ouceesfeful as it might be it muse have the eardial eympathy-of eel large a peoportioa of the pehlie as ,can be the ,hande of the British hieir command 'made intereeted la it. When it ' and that the Canadian troops are being abandons a ektion which needs rail- way serviee—thougheiet te tile degree that it did In former yeare—and gives Only ClievrOet among low-prie eats gives you all these features NEW LONGER WHEELBASE ,E)),I.EE,0•SAff.TY,StE,P9AT,t4i-cti rtAiHiNp 'NEW DESIGN,:•;;; Si.ECIAL 11YDRAULIt BRAKES ' • \OW40.Ciit$sw , v .f.e.:ir•i::i:::'•ek•••••• • , • liNEE-ACTION ON ALL mpoE,is ttftlitLmi • the present arrangement, under which ti*--14---"el. together- We are looking after one ',s . 'he maintained constant commuoicationartotherchildrenIt is impore . able to be mie-et. when vie are•junaping with London by telephone, was Prefer - throughone anothee's windows to put able to the sitting fat ,x,ondon of an Out one another's fire bombse We work nnwire eaeinet eehooe memeoee 1 any together, wc conduct , our besiom, to- , gethert It - is- difficult' to ease 'weuld have to eonoult their re- roaletain the old comPetitive' spirit against year Spective • Governments ,before Analting ,businees rival vviten he has lent you a decisioae, 'Sire .ging Mee made the desk in the eorner of his °Mee 'beeffuee reef.'4.* heen boinbed out': XII S'bort, we are, learning a lot About living.. It 14 ifnprobable,that the lesson will be en- tirely lost on ea. There. has been for eeme One new, behind alt our Wet, preparations and perforatancee„ a baeltground of dlecite siert about whet we are to, do with the. world—and oureelvea—aftor we have won. thevar. MreOlturehili bee so far refrained from allowing his blueprinte of the future. " „The Prime -Xinteter exenses htineelf on the vele, reaeonable .ground that he Is too blew savingeour ekins. N'either is the general, Oldie ranch. interested., . The most re, kept le Britain, instead, of being sent to the Mediterranean, because tile British Government 'wants them kept there. se the reseonw for its dech)lon !that the Regarding the formetion of Au IMperlai pee le not paying as lilt, sheul4 anI that War Cabinet, advkated by -some newe, the Mile ean be treed ellevtherj, it is paper., hz Caeada, Mr. Ning said there- allienettrer the eympethy not only of the was 'no proposal of tide nature from pero010 dirtetly affected but' of other1.onflon, and personally he eowddered OW. Mre. Stake -eV.° ellen have to Invite the -Graee to our wedding enniverearY PartY, 1 suppose? altilts---Certaittly. shall never rest until We get even with there for the punk time 400 ).1 ad at en will you have the chance aOin to get so much motor' ear value for your money? Be Chevrolet -wise this year! Cheekover the styling and engineering .adyance- ments illustrated above — extra advan: taqes at no extra cost. Check up "what you get for what you pay" --- 41 treat a features for.'41—the most ittodetri, most complete low-priced ear your money calf. buy! For today and for the years 'ahead , . • it pays to pick Chevrolet! See your dealer for a. -trial drive, today! , -CANADIAN4UILT • 'BY GEN,EtteL MOTORS