The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-03-20, Page 6or War Savin TOWNSHIP COUNCIL • . EAST WAWANOSII 00unall met on March 4th, vvith all the members present. Minutes -of laet Meeting were read and approved. 'Communications 'freer). the 1* overeharge of hydro asseeeeent, and E: Cardiff, M.P., re instituting a ealvage 'campaign in the municipality _in eenneetien with the Department of Na- tional Wee ',Services, , were read end ordered 'filed. . The Reeve and. Road. Superintendent 'reported -6n. the Preceedings at the 'Good Wads ematentiou beld in Voroeto eently. portedetaxes-of-4940e $472.43, including Penalty and interest, collected during February. • renewal ht the insuranee contract under the provisions of the Workman's Compensation Board was entered Into With T. H. Wileen, level, -agent The following aceounte were paid arrears due hydro as,aess Meet, $4.00 B. Rodger, refund over charge, re assessment, $8,40; IBruee Scott, sheep claim, $25; j. F. *Callum, she%) valider, $3 ; S. Scott, refund dog tax, $4; J. H.'Cutrie; two mouths' sal- ary as treasurer, $20; S. ,Murrey, 'Feed superintendeut 417,6e. Caune.11 adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, April 1st. A. roormtmiLD, Clerk. THE GODERICH SIGNATATAR OTTAWA ACCLAIMS usa LEASENLEND BILL AS A "MILESTONE OF FiREE Zooms rival Victory, Says Prime Minster King, --Air Minister Powor eivet--Commons Information -on--A4r-Aocklents—Goveni, inent's New Wheat Polley Announced—Defence Minister Ite.iston Chides Capts;in White for a Disturbing Speecb.,------Connnittee on Wtli* 'Expetaliturea Shies at Job o Exarai`ning 85i900 Contracts (By J Hume, Speelal terreepend. this evantrY 181110 longer gOiug to be present erop year are estimated at only is =bah eneoureirenlent to do ea. • It the hSPPenhleSi Of tie, war or the after -Me wr Periga Mitilre it. The GoverineeUt'e double-barrelled Wiley provlilee that reaeoeable quautitleai a wheat paay he produced, The 001-ereMellt 1 buYing 4)3014 472 vinion.buebels lp ehe_cerseneerop_,yeer, but, becauSe iSinropedit salehave-tallen off nee the war, the ;Government will Jia ve ei Towel earrpover fNS million .liueliels at ,the .beginning Of Vie new crop year on August 1, Ilxports in, the arr ____ . ._e_ euf_ .) . governed by the dietatee and whime Of 150 Million blishele, praetically all to AWN) March 14.---,teleada% ereat Britain., Additional etorage for 50 mil - Satisfaction over the Paseage of the Lease.Lend Dill at Washington on Tues. 1 day afternOon was yoked by Prime "MI . I* uleter W. - Meekeezie thlit tit eloquent terries in .the ComMone Wed- : • . .. nesday afternoon: ., • 'The bill will stand througheut time as one of the Milesteues ,of freetiona; it points the way to ultimate and certain vietoryvn Sir. 'King declared amidst .general apolatise. "It is in no sense a belittling of the inagnifieent effort of Britain and the nations of the British Cemmonwealth to sey that the aid, the co-operation and the limitless, re- seurce$ of the 'United 'States dermitelY ensuze Anal victory. We, in Canada, May feel more than a little Pride in the •share we have had in ,bringing.about tire., *Closer 'relationehip between the 'United States and •the British 1(?ommon- etvealtliseteirrers*114- t'Vellezfe:• l''•••M spiritual union of free Peoples every- where: out' of 'which eve may hope to ,bnild an enduing new world, order.," . Mr. bing went on. tp observe that the, friendship of the States hasbeee organ- ized and...mobilized on the side of-tree- dom. "This happy consummation has been achieved, not !by propagaucla, but by deeds -the brave deeds of the people ef ...Britain and the wanton, and gruel deeds of the tyrants of Germany' and Italy," Mr. King* said. ',-;."What the passage of *this bill means to Britain and the cause tor which we fight may well ,be the difference between pro- longed and Indecisive warfare and the certainty of ‘vietdry.- Of their own free vvill, the American people have spoken in words which tyrants and tree nen alike will undersand. It is ae-though, .bv one Short enactment, the world's conscienee has cendemned the wanton aggiessors who have placed freedom, Ohristianity and civilization in.. Jeo- pardy." "The Turning. POint of the War" - 'Opposition Leader R. B. • Hanson characterized the Lease-11,end Bill as "the taming point in the wee." He expreesed. grateful acknoWled'gment to "the great *Peesid'ent" of the United gtates. 'Sin years to eome,"e he re- marked, "President Roosevelt and his administration. will be called "blessed," John R. MacNicol, ,Oonservative, Toronto, gave the prees of Canada full credit for ,being sincere. in. critieizing the Government on the Dominion's, war program. "I am quite satisfied that the journalists and the press of this eountrY are as sincere es any of us in this House in our dealre.4,6"-wein the ' vvar," Mr. MaeNicol affireied: . He de- precated bitter initleism, of the ,press. On this question' of press criticlem, 'yoked in the Cormnons by the Prime Minister and several Cabinet Ministers last weekieeonsiderable tomnieet has been heard here as ..to the 'public. at- 1 titude of Prime Minister Winston ecrhitui.recishiin11„efof. Pethreitaainriptlihtli.oeoTebrunljectenot.f "I do net' at all resents -criticism," Mr: Churchill declared recently in the British Parliament. "'His Viajeity's Government welcomes the stimulus that the House of Commons and. the .pre and public of this island give to us in driving forward oer war effort, and hi trying to gain an earlier inch or 'a more fruitful hour wherever it inay be possible." _ Capt. -White's triticisin George White, Oonservative, captain - adjutant • of the HastingssPeterboro 'Regiineet (Reserve Army), caused quite a spiritee crossfire in1 the Com - mens on Tuesday. • He took strong ex- ception to the 'recent :speech by Juistice Minister Ernest Lapointe, stating fn positive .ternas, that Quebee would not approve the for.mation of any "Nation- al" Government. "It Is about time for the Dominion Of Canadato realize that One on the Inspector A, selloo1 le -specter, having eedecl •inveetigation h3to the•clasS knowledge. „smilee atethemegegellYeandeealde- _ ';:kowit's only fair that I should' give You aeturre children. Cen anYone ask me question •that new answer it?". Presently he heard a 'voice. "Please zir, I know a man who has two eggs for .breakfast every morning, He doesn't -keep hens, zir, he doesn't steal eggs or, buy eggs, zir, and nobody gives' themeto 'him. Can you tell me where lie gets them from?" The inspector thought and finally had to answer :"No, I'm afraid I cannot. Well, Where does he get. then from'?" "Please, zir," Said the boyt "he keeps ' Badly Put The street orator was warming up to his . subjeet "Those astounding figures, ladies and gentlemen, are riot my ' own," he said. "They are the tfigures of a man who knows what he is talking about.'" Teen he wondered why his audience laughed. -Montreal Star. • rue ionic for B116oci and Nerves Invaiutible at this season. beebasm it supplies the Vitamin B1 and mineral substances so necessary to improve' /the -quality of the blood. and help the hems. For better appetite,- better digestion, • bettkr sleep and, for better heilth use Dr. Chage's Neeve Food, The11fiircli.of Science - THIS MACHINE MATES SPEECH! The recent Canadian tour of "Pedro the Veder", the raeehine that creates speech, has "drawn attention to tlds eerie yet won- derful invention which entertain- ed 20,000,000 visitors at the New ,York and San Francisco World's --Far& In 1940 -and -4939.,- - On his- firat. Visit to -Canada, "Pedro" - accompanied by Dr. X. 0. Perrhea, of Bell Telephone Laboratories; -- Wes_ demonstrated before large atidiences. in Montreal, Toronto? and Handlton. , The name "Pedro" is taken from an incident in the early his- • tory of the telephone. Alexander • _Graham.,Bell demonstrated his -in- vention for the first time at the ' Philadelphia Centennial Exhibi- tion of 1876. One of his visitors was Dom Pedro de Alcantara, Emperor of Brazil. The Emperor , was sostartled at hearing a voice coming over a wire, that he drop- ped the receiver with a crash and exclaimed, 4')4y God, it talks!" • So, when Bell telephone en- gineerro recently conotructed a machine, that actually does talk, they oiled it "Pedro", in honour of the Emperor. "Voder" titan& for ',Voice 'Operation Demonstra- tor", beeause. Pedro' shows, by eleetrical rneansi the way the human voice 18 produced. Pedro 18 not a phonograph. He builds opteeli Stet RS you do when you talk or sing. When you speak, you tall into play two entirely, eeparate sound:; --- one produced by the vocal Chords, and another by the breath alone. betted of vocal cherde„, Pedro hee Mt electric oscillator generating a "buzz" rith in over- tones. For br'estb,he employs atf,,, tater circuit whieh, makes a "lams" - in the loudspeaker. The buzz is the.basis of the voiced consonants such as "m", "1",and "r", and vowels. The hiss is the basis of the 'sibilant consonants such as "s", "th", and "f", and whispers. To shape these fundamental -sounds-into-opeeele_you_snake use • " of your palate, tongue,:teeth, and lips. For the same purpose, Pedro has electric filters, each controlled by a key, which divide .either the "buzz" or the "hiss" into, ten parts. ,ThilS;lheie aie*0 elemen- tal sounds to be built up into , speech. In addition,.there are spe- cial keys for forixing the "stop" consionantssuch as "t" and "b", a pitch -pedal to enable the Yoder to copythe inflections of the .human voice, and a special switch for the "vibrato" a fluctuation ,both in pitch and 'loudness which 18 used to make Pedro sing. By means of this keyboard, the operator can produee the 50 dif- ferent rounds in the English Ian- , guage, combine them with the . ripper .inflection, and vary their pitch -and loudness for (singing. Some sounds require the use of as many ao five different keys at, n time. To make Pedro say "con- eistitration", the operator must form 13 different somds cession, inake five nuiverrierits of the wrist bar, and vary the posi- tion of the pedal from three to - five thries, according' to the ex- preesion she wishes to give the word. All this mustbe done luxe . AS quiekly as it takes you to t4aY "concentration". Pedro le- Piet"one of many de. . vicee constructed by telephone en- gineers to study the fundamen- tals of eound arid speech all with a.view to constant improves, relent of your telephone service. rt... 1 41 4 :trio oreporeol by H. rittoph000 comfrooy of 'Stiliborn Cases of ConstiOation. he tnine merlon, acreage reduction is *Those who. keep e - mass of removed from Wheat production, the impurity . pentup ia thefr ,bodieq, Donainion flovernment 'would distribute ; day after day, instead of having it „removed as nature 4.n.tended, at least' a total of 1,;311,00tri)00. II sei million acreare utilized as summer fellew anti once 18 every twenty-four hours, in. variabry. suffer from constipation. . three million for caarse grains and m ", ass, the Government would distribute The use of clteap, harsh pusgatives .. $`30,o0,00, and, ,beadditien, the farmer will never get you any where as they would 'hives additional retutris from only aggravate the trouble and in- i his e.oar,e grains. . There IS no eon:l- iar° the .delicate znucous lleingue the ; pplsion, upon 'Western farmers to ee- . abrese.ls, and are very.liable to eauSe dere "their leheat acreage. ' But there ... the Peovince of Qtzebee," 'Capt. White eeserted, amidst mingled erleo of "Shame" ond 'War, hear." The Hast- ings -Teterboro member contended thet Mr. -Lapointe'er renaarks would. do more aion Imshele of wheat is being Provided at .the head a the Geeet Lakee,so that, in Canada, there will be available storage . for a total of 582 iilinton o ereete distrust and disunitY and, to 'bushtle. •The Government it over on the 1038 and- 1030 erope. The Gov- ernment ,obligation en. the carry -ever. as of August 1 next will' be at least $400,000,000, and in addition. It will `tequire $$0,000.000 to earry this wheat for the ensuing year.' • , Thee the Government felt It lad to limit the iimount of wheat it will buy in the coming year And Seek to reduce wheat ttereage. Progress in Shipbuilding 'Practically all of Monday% sIttings Pefente.31iniater Walston folloWed,to Vere devote1. to a dieenesion of ship- eriticize 'Capt. White, most sharples,fOr ,building. It was stated 'that, sieee hie speech. Col. Ralston eel& It was War broke out, Canada bee laid down hinder the war effort than anY remarks $67,4 1,080 in, Wheat Board Operatione Made, In .the COMMons ebace the war 'began. • - Cart. WMta went on to -warn the GosTernineet that, bee.ause of lack a equipment, Unsatisfectory recruiting ars rangemeuts ane failur.e to ovide free traueliortetion, for soldiers on leave, great unrest is brewing in the Donde- ion's military force. ‘zprily cohseription could in.eet the ,situation.whieh is. de- veloping, he aegued. Ralstoll's Reprimand "uunrItliff" abbhtQuel5e' leading the csountry, un- worthy of -41ny member of the House and of a gentleman who wears the King'S-urfifbrin as he does. Oapt. White'S"cluty, Col. `Ralston said, elivald be to comfort his men ie every possible ,ilieele.fer 101steelshipsand03$0. wooden - hips of item 1618 112 feet in length. OrUers have been glien for twenty cargo vessels of 90300 tone ea.ch.of 416 feet in length and 56 foot beim. Plans are under war'for !the consteuetion of as many more. Munitions Minister way and see that they are not incited 'Howe stressed the shortage or expert tdoicillai, at tfathulitakwitcah their lot lhoitie liweasediodi`lighe paancirtitchueutzecesly osfittrsotiroztmendaldg...ceruxiir‘tturs, ships, to himself nor to the `armed g forces of Canada, when be sought t� shipyardle,. Tether than seeklegetostart paint a pieture of elisteeet and-dissatis- new ones wlera eonseentent competitive faction being so, widespread that a bidding or 'the available number of trained workers. storm is 'brewing. • .. . Airplane Accidents. The •riame of -Hon. De R. J. Manion, Air Mteieter 0GPower gas* quite U.O., former Conservative leader,' is . . ,being mentioned as a Possibility for the a lengthy Statem.eet In the Commons 00* day about tileimplber of, accidents PoSt of iganadian eighecobitaissioner to under the Conimonwealth Air TrainingEire left -vacant by the .death et Hee. Plan. His -statement was peampted by John Hall' Kelly. Dr. Manion. was In. the regrettable death of eleven young .etrumental reeentlY .in hating Irish - Canadians ,memorialize President de. men in three accidents on Thursday 'Valera. urging :An fetssible-,tceepeeation from training schools at Port Albert, Ont s Sasktttoon; and Moncton- me on Eirels part with the Britieh.OoMmon- wealth in these eriticel wee days . eet- Power isaid that in 1940, after 233,056 eral Liberal , inenibers have indicated flying hours, there were 267' accidents, -involving twenty 118e deatilsaserthirly- their approval safSpresMenion'ele'being three injured,' or an accident rate of 'given some Government poet, possibly in 1,1e. per eel% per ,thaisand hours, of the medical services, because of his fine 'flying-. In January, this Year, he said, .Work in that braneh' in the Great War. after 90.400 hours' of flying, there Were lion; 'Grote ;Stirling, 'Conservative, Yale, .hrought up .the queetion of nine. 103 accidents, involving eighteen deaths, or an accident rate of 1.6 per cent per `tary-decorations for Canadlittrs. in this thousand hours of flyine• For pur-, War* Mr.' king made. It . quite cleat poses of comparison, Mrb. Power cited there IS no bar to Canadians' being given stich, deeoratione, whether 'for the. fact that in ;July and .Atigust, 1940, -the accident record of the Royal Air gallantry on. the -field of 'battle, or else - rem in'Britain showed 06 deaths with where : The Prune Milts .tr 'Wok' oce 293,700 hours of flying. Mr. Power easion to reiterate his views thht titles, as such, should not be given Canadians. voiced ethe 1Government's deep regret over the loss of life, and also of planes, When Bt. Hori, Malcolm: Maedonald in the accidents which have occurfeds :arrives shortly to take up his post of 'United iKingdons,•-high commissioner to Whire'the accident rate, he remarked, is Canada, - he is expected! to have his net-abnornial, he eitee regidations and precautions ,itaken- et all; times at an eieter, Miss 'Sheila Mecdonald, as his training ieheols to guard against ae- *facie). .hoetees, since he is a bachelor. cidents occurring. ' 1 • Committee on War ExPenditures Acting Minister of Transport AXGUS. ' The special committee ,,on . _War ex IL Meedonald and PostmasterGeneralPendituree was OrgaultedS4his--Sweek. W. P. Melo* inforined the House that with J: T:Alliorson, K.C., WYnnirieg, as a twice-daily passenger service on the Trans Canada Air Linea and air mail. reithilaeir,332...,..aaan 'vitenc-lchjeirinAlz-n13'. raM.cir T. hC°0esocili; will be in operation. from Montreal to defined- theSeSeepnmeko.,*tiak;itg.itrir. of Moncton. to Halifax next montlieEqd11);:i ''I meet- of the. &tine standards-efoerteen 'ffort4;:)trhaeitt e'trhye$61..i.e8'Ztriturttedli .aby7thal.' passenger LO'cltheed planes -win be Canadian people." , 'Some, eonunittee . - used on the eastern extension- to the •wmehme.initi beers inarde.malittedzing thitheemy u.nniDe. retionrer- Atlantic'eoast. s • . . • ,New Wheat---Pplicy -' - partment his awarded 85,000 contracts Trade and Conneree Minister J. A. the stocrit'.ehthesurfaceate.Theeoinmittee will try to.' AlaeKinnon . annonneed, 'e Govern- era raent's wheat policy for the crop year Finance Minister Ilsley inforined•the Commons that 6,178 • Canadians have opening August 1. next. Briefly, it isbey only a that:the Governeient will subseribed a total of 03,009,185-2or non- ' ' total of 230 million bushels of vvheat. per Interest bearing government bonds' the same guarantee of 70 -.cntssince war broke out. Of this total, bushel as has obtained in the past -year. 5.1903 subscriptions were for amounts (This guarantee really Means abeut u511(10er$eli,id f"o.'vewp)le eighty-four were of 50 cents to the farmer.) An equitable $,00 p The Defence of Canada Regulations lan wall be worked out by which de - committee will sit In camera, as it did liveries of this quantity iand'y 18 made last year. Fietteries Minister J. E. 18 the Wheat Beard. No ehaege is . l made in the 15-eel:Its-per-bushe1, process- Michaud has replaced Mr. Ileley itS ing tax on wheat Which was put on last chairman. Mr. Howe told yearthe Commons Wecines- . • Agriculture Irlinieter j. G. Gardiner day that the affairs of the 0a.nacilan announetad, esimiktaneously, ' the peer Breadeesting Corporation- are not eezn. ine-nt of from $2 to $4 per acre to farm plicated plicated enough; in ;this time of warto , e.rs- for sumnaerfalloWing their land, or warrant a special committee being set sowing it to rass Or coarse grains. The uli this session for a further diseus.sion g. ' definite aim is to cut Western Canadaof _radio matters 's wheat acreage to about siety-Siee per eent, of the area sown last year. 'ee, The National Day of Prayer Government htr as ied .Sued,ay, , March 23, as a NationalsDay of Prayer, the same as in 13ritain, for the Can •adiroa people to pray for the victory of Right over Might The '.Earl of Athlone, Ge%*eenor-den. mai, end II.R.g., Prineess Ante leave Mareh 2,3 ,94- a month'e °Melt& 'trip . „theaugliVestere, Oateda` tri0e-PaVtge eenstipated Lasca-Liver Pills -and Imre a riaturie - movement of the bovrelo, Theo, do not gripe, weakeh and sicken as many laxatives do. eee MMeisa 0, LtL,Tormulls. Oak en in TORONTO wsit the Regis Hotel Sherbourne St. at4Carlton. One Hundred Modern Rooms with private bathee showers and private telephones Rooms, single,. from $2.00 to $2.50 Rooms, double„ from $3.00 to $3.50, and 11.00 Good Food Strved at moderate •price., Dancing nightly; no rover than coast. A return in the Oommbn4 :the other. day stated that sixtyenine refligee':111- dUstrialists feom Durope had 'brought -AcilED SO BADLY HE COULD HARDLY STRAIGHTEN a total of .412 raillien dollen of eapitaI WW1 them into Oeteelit for Industrie. exes1ae1et3. Otkay 'ebout 2.036 Dritlelz children have been -brought. to Oenada. ewe ter, Ueder that tifoirernMeuit-APOwierod moveinellt. This Migration will likely be refillanedi in the Opting. ' P.Maier Joint- BrUeigen- et- Manitoba 'Ilia Called a Provinelel •electien for APril W, with a Fusion GOVernment, with! Minieters repreeenting ell the olle position, groOpe ot Coneervative* 0.0,0re ',awl Etoeial Credit. The eleetien ean hardly mean much,. except to Wheel" Mr. Oraeken as premier, e position )30 has held in Manitehe elute 10e2. The laet Manitoba eleetion was held on july 27,..1.030, .00 the live -year terns Is about me , A There are now 188 reginientai bands in Canada' eetive and reserve armless including 107 bras bands, 41. bugle and 33 Pipe, More bands arelikelY, tO be added. - Is.s..........-...--,-. '-e..---........---„,..._---ese..-.4...- I Tested Recipes .. EGQ8,, ARE TLENTIFUL lOanadians sheuld he using eggs freely 1, • AY, M4ROU Oth 194Z at tile preseat time. Se Inaily, ego are bensoillreg lald enbto'nt:lie 04fetr'thV'llf6O4Hat Itt4);703-e'e'e"it preseet demandeen. this 'country and '41.4::Aleee-411:t usirou:7ard:itcehttta'7:11118,**Itil: froin 'Great Braille. • .• to homemakers who want to make the most et the food dollar is to take ad- vantage of the good bey eggs are at prevailing prices and to use them freely, !Serve them for lunch or supper, alone or in t combined dish as- the mein course, use theni in desserts, and make large- -Stuffy light 'sponge takes Wilteli an be made at a ediiileal case_ ...Egg -cookery' IS ,slmple, but There 18 one general rule which should be fol- lowed. Alwa.y.e cook eggs iit a low teriveratuee, so that they will be tender ene palatable: If cooked in water, as in Poaching or to be served' in the sheli, the water hMild 'be kept below:boiling •point, and this ..rule should not, be broken even when frying eggs, as slosiv cooking gives 'best results. In baking Ogg dLshes jr Jkoderately slow oven .shOuld ke used, and theeincludes' bait - lug the .sponge type„of_peke-and.mer: iegues. - . • - The toesuiner section 'Marketing Serviee; Dominioe Departindit of AgrieUlturs, eemintiS Consumer e that eggs are sold by grade 'on the Visas of luTatirfok41101114nizeg are a few reel* pee which' 'clin be used to advantege, *hen there - to suck an abundant supply of eggs on the markii. Serambled Eggs with Bacon 6 strips side bacon 8 ego 2/3. cup miek Salt And pepper to taste Ciit bacon in small ,plecea and cook in frying pan,., Beat ;eggs slightly. Add milk and Season. . Pour into pee with bacon and cook slowly, stirring constantly until mixture wagulates. Serve on ,toast. • Egg and Potato Casserole . . 4 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons flours -le ; 2. eups• milk - 4 cups cooked- potatoes, cubed 6 hard.cooked eggs, -sliced ' Salt pepper andpaprika --Melt batter. .Blend in dour. Add milk 'gradually- and. Stireezetil sauce thickens. Season to taste, Put alter- nate layers of potatoes, eggs and sauce in buttered baking dish. Sprinkle . top with buttered cracker -crumbs -or gwated - cheese. Bake in hot oven about fifteen - minutes. Serves -six to eight:- -- Fairy Dessert E egg whites teaspoon baking powder • 1 cup tine granulated or fruit sugar Beat egg whites until stiff. Sift bak- ing pawder with sugar and gradually 'beat into egg whites. Put mixture into two well buttered, cake, orpie tins 7 and bake at 350° F. for Ifteen to twenty minutes. Turn out. When eeol put together with sliced fruit mixed with whipped cream., Top may -be covered with, mhipped cream. Chill well in ,refrigerator 'before eerving. Sponge Cake 5 egg yolke 1/3 cup told water - 1 cup Sruit sugar 1 cue) pastry flour .1, 1 ;teaspoon vanilla - 1. teeSpoon eream of teeter •• eeseee4grwkite-s''' = ' I Combine egg yelko, water and sugar. Beat with double dover egg beater for ' ten minetes, or with electric beater UT Me minutes Add dour, Sifted. several times,* and flavoring. Beat again well with the beater until well combined. Beat egg whites unell"foamy, add cream of tartar and beat entil stiff and dree ,Pold• this into 'first mixture, using 11, spatula, Bake 'in a large exiinattered panat.:325.e.F.forone - - rolot a Sailor ; Rasta, on his tir.st ocean trip, was desirous of getting off the:beat. "Say, Bestirs," said 'a friend, "It's easy to see YOU're 'a landlubber all right." s 4'You're right, b oy, murmured Resets. "And Pse just finding out how mueh I really lube 18 !"-St. John Globe. "- PUNERAL SERVICE (Established 1.875) TRADITIONAL • SINCERITY AND , , EXPERIENCE -0- . Prompt . Ambulance Service , Phone 120 . !`140VD M. LODGE, Director PasiiMitasirniasamoraiserawsei J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer Ail-eallw '-prinn•ptly attended to day or nig-ht. ..,:-.AMBULANCE SERVICE -- Phones: Store 335. Res. 355W. - ._,A044.01+1# REM°VAL of .DEAD or D1SABLED„ ANIMALS- -- - ,Phone -tojtedtaShisinimb& • -:- - - . „Hamilton Street, Goderich - The Cranston Funeral Home Complete Service at Reasonable ' Prices PROMPT INVALID CAR" • SERVICE No extra chi'f'ge for the use of • our modern Funeral Home. 17 Montreal St. Phone 899 ousgameogaisemmumembause. itiminsualemonirmilummormisimanniikamilimilisom Monuments! --To thase • contempl-taing build- letegbtelianMgaonnapeemenita.„1_0•.. . Get mi. prIcesi, Were -buying. Cemetery` All work_guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLDITON MARBLE , • & *Room WORKS Clinton . Ontario & Zapf() Tried Many Treatments and Spe- cial Brace. Declares Syntona, Gave .First Beal Belief. _Also Suffered Vitt): Stomach Dis- orders. • When the "stomach is •out of order and food fails, lo digeet, but fermente, causing a full, bloated sensation ; when the beck itehei rind the ,kidile37s do not functien properly, witen the bowels are eonstipated, and yeti 'have headache dizzy sp011s and nerves are on edge, take a treatinent of ,SyntOna, and you, toe, may, find your eeffering can be ended without 'the, aid Of harsh detigs or depressors. Mee, for ex.ample, Is the Interesting experience of Mr, Peter *eft, 16 York street, lifamiltoris eVor fifteen vets I hardly knew 'what it was to be without a backache. There was a, nagging pain acmes the •baek and It kept me 'feeling miserable 'ate tonstantly tinder par; 1 had tried all kinds of medieines andi even wore a speelal belt to rielleve the weakness, but nothing gave me real relief until la few ViVOL, ago when Vbegan taking Syntoua4 wasn't taking !Syntona bong bef,ore1 eould feel that Some eluinge was taking Place. The Paths began to move and (feel diterent and after 1 continued with flife inedieine. for while the Pains left me entirely., "1 • was boxing trouble with in • WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD s .0, - , , 4114,111/Inginim prices. have not advanced from last year. 100 stock of ,Foreign and ,Oanadhin Granites to choose from, SPECIAL 'PRIM ON woonierriow WORK et. lams & SKI Granite Works 147 PatrIck St. -.‘STItAl!rintn. Phone 1055 'MR. PETER STAFF' etoinaeh also. My appetite, seas Poor and foOd would not digest properly, but now X ean eat heartily and I have no indigestion or discomfort after meals , am surely glad / started taking .SentOnti when I did and I ani happy to 18 abies•to recommend it for troubles such as ,1 had." ` " Let this grand, herbal tonic help you as it has h.undriels Of other local •men and 'women. Syntona Is pleakane to , take and eontainene herrn-tut drupe. Syntene, ,sold and recommended ' In 6oderIch at Campbell's Drug -Sto. NNING11 & PRYDE sgArment and We invite you to inspect our stock of 'Cemetery Memorials ALL ENQUIRIES WILL RE PROMPTLY AllENDED TO. EXETER --Phone 41 „ SEAVORII Tuesdays * Saturdays