The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-03-20, Page 2THE GODERICH SIGNALISTAR Current Views on the War rfl)r (fitibtritil Ja‘to DUNZ OflflQU(iiM P -TUE aorWIEU04. 13T/4-0 • Published by Signal-Eitier Prese, Lieilted. We Street; Goderielt, Ontario • ,o Teurt5,Dia, mama.,2oth, A outa MESSAGE PresideneltOeSeVelt'S Saturday uht lopeeth waS hietery-mairing in its Sigusitionce, It Informed the world tleat' the MIRO !States las one into ictiou It a "total effort" to defeat Nazi tyrennk. The Noble of Britain, be aid1, are brayelk Shleldingsthe greet dame et deemeritey from the ,blaekoilt of"' barbarians and -the: time haS come, 111* &dared, "When We eatist 104:Wi1e the evO-Inereasing ameunts to keep the Ottnte alight." - • nilure he the Strut:gig- ageinSt Nazi- -Wong itrkean:i0SfrotAtnerleirrnifree- deratireedbiat 4)f sPeteh ..and eXpres;,, eon, tred.om or verY ¶pOn to W02 ohiP 004 in his iYivn way, freedom from want, 'freedom from fears They • may irn,00.,ingnedietelar aittainable 004:kith- Oat the world, said -the Presidente but ikiematritY doee Move toWard these ideals through demoeratie proeeeeee.; we ittlis there !OH* font reedoen...a.or even. the enehtion of: thiOn, will beeome for- 1bielden thing). OenturieSwlfl pass before theY earn be revived." , With.et tribute to•Britairfa "brilliant and great leader," the Preeident said: "No lime knoWs better than Mr', Otturchill-hinmelf (that it is not alone ' tdri stirring wards mid valiant deeds Which gives the British their superb Morale'The 'essenee of that naOrale ineitte masses 'of plain people who are cOmP14e1Y clear 'in their Minds about the .otie essential fact --that they ,Would _ eather, die is free Mea. than live as AS well ,as eoldiers :and sailors a4d • airmen-----wom.en and giriS as well as Men andboys:-are'tfighatig.ill i,theVront line of tivillzatioi4-and they are 'holding . that line • with a fortitude which wili .foterer be the pride and the Inspiration of all free men on every ectutinent and ` on every, island a tbe sea." The United *States, declared the Pre;iclent, *would •send the British people ships and plane and food; tanks and guns and atrimtinition-supplies of all kinds, :And not* only :Britain, but Greeee itleoplaad Cleinat, 'vehose* 'people were 'lighting for the ideals of des, mocra.ey, would ,reeelve such aid: And a *seVen-billion-dollar :Itiaprepria- • tion U. -the. President's guaranty that. deeds will match *midges. • - The Speech has been received with the *gratitude, and acclaim of free peoples evP,r7r10^P.i,a114, we maY Ww*1 .• believe, among the Nazi andFascist leaders -their people, ef eourse, are not • sakkiedstes knowanythingaboutAt, with dread eonvittion that their hell - born schemes will some day_erashl to pieces. *tar puts it, should the .Provincial !Governmeet take front, the pnblie, in the comitig war year, nearly Vi,000,. 000 more than in sthe last complete peace year, „ wiseit ,)reowthe rebieral -Government needs alt the money that the pablie • tan, • possibly spare maintain Canada's. war eitort? FROM THE G. AND -M..THIS IS , (*Opp a There swill be. eome grim smiles over ,thie fron the editorial page, of yester- days Globe and Mall: ' Ilinsen ae=af lion.'" 'IL B , ...lianieon. cesie shneinesass and, pelitie<Malces eltarges in the lOttse et Commons fOyeded on un- • sulestaxitieted eumors the inevitable eouelusion is that, he 'Is too •Mrsy to make 4r/re .of his - fact's: or is motivated by politieal considera-. tioes. till.eindictmnt about parchaSe of lumber eollapaed like a -house of cards in the hands a non: a. °L. RatatOrt. In falreess to the aCting leader :of 'thelOpPoSition;,'irtifitelt be said - that he has ,facilitated the passage Of meastres. 'concerned with the prosecutien of the was, The Prinie Minister him,self has adMitted. that helms had root* co-operation from Mr. 'Hanson thanefroin some of his predeceeriore. ' It Is the more dif- , Rena to iinderetand the Conserva- tive. leader's lapse in, regard to . Government lumber eontrisets in the light of his previo eoutse, .,‘ and ,eonsidering his kai veled:ge • of the limber buittieSS. . Hansen Is one of the ablest la era in the. ' Maritime Provinees, and for Many yeera was general counsel and:chief,: solicitor of the, Fraser .Companies, * Llinited, one of thesprineipal • aumbering eonceres in New.Brune, . wick. .. - if he is handicapped by lack of competent assistants, it does not justify or exeuse charges about favoritism, pertiseithifire and ex-, . travagance „ ip. the purchase of lumber for military' camps which would not Stand up under in- vestigation. The Minister of Nee concoction that somehow .. seemed to ' ,tional. Defense decla,red the OP: chase all the chill ef a winter evening Position leader had 'uncovered a, , out of your bones. ' PROVINCIAL- FINANCE ' N'rentier 'Hepburn as Provincial Treasurer presented his.budget inthe islature on Friday last and claimed . 1 'a surplus of 12.,600,000 on the opera- tions of the current year, to end March 3Ist.. • , .114ven.ues, it 14 e:Itited,. reaCh the unprecedented total of $114;000,000 and Include 05,060,000 fro& gasoline tax, and motor vehicle's •licenses, - $10,500,000 fret'', the liquor trade, 41100o,004) frOrit succession duties, and nearly $30,000,009 from corporation and income taxes. Tixpenditures totalliegover $101,000,- 000 include 4i3,009,000- charged' to higherays, 84,000,000 for un- employment relief, $12,700,000 . for edueation, $16,900,000 for health. 'ser- vices, over •8 000,000 for old age pen - slow and raothens allowances. , 'the (Henry Government was eritieized TEA LEAVES As ustial the editerialwins mentator, bas -come eiloag 'refute a statement by so -wilted learned men. They have.been experimenting tor eikne time on the theory that tea leares can bo ueed lever again, by (repos of a cer- taineprocese which theyhave devised efter mans years of work, E. says folks have .been doing that for 'ears in the, tountry. 'Goodness gracious, but tke folks in this keel/ship and for •thatmatter in practiealiy all the other 0mM:unities' like this one have been using tee leaves over again for sears. Its a Saving, I• suppose, and beeides that they get to like tea that has been brewed. Offer, one of .thein tea made from fresh leavea and they would more or 1es ii�t enjoy It, •but give. •thein` tea that Ilea been. •brewed a few times by' reason or, a geed ‘0111.7RSDAY, DIAR00 Wila, 1941 ---,------s«KNEKAL WAVLL itli_ Willialli, the '0001We1Oraselidslit Sit Atchibald Wir-0011 104 a.ot beett le the third general in ,three ,generations. son is with the famed Black Wa, ch last •suramerP 'when the Italians Pushed Itegiment; 'Wen ids three ,datightet es hit° Egypt and he seemed to do nothing are in military Work, and one is niele, about it, there was a Strong movement nmaamnedwiTori000ypere44eTfiottxlsuray.sottrou6pgarfoatnaZ in London to recall him. Anthony Eden 14uud uP for Ittnk" And 11Qw° it "eV irnealictr'h, lag CIth4tinrk°ellr°, uns:St* JursitnaalitnY'abstilsnel faith was vindicated, .AnthonY Vdolets he ilea Put natal thought on a postswar faith iir'Sir Archibald 'Walvell, 'certainly reconstruetion of Britain •around "the was. •In the startling , congtiest of hard eqe of national 'courage." ' 'Clytehaiea, he had proved hinaseltititq '-frinag ilthicago). beet general the TSiitish have produced I in the 'entire war.. When war in Africa too popular in Dthireing Street, and St Woreller 'father was And ilis WHERE' THE , UNITED STATES began, Asehie Wavell was virtually Un- . STANDS ,.. , ... known. outside his profession. 13y the March 31, .19,41, ought to lbe re: time Bengesi fell, he was world-famous, On the morning of December 'I, 1040,, inerabered in our history as the day the roilitarY torrespondent of a German .;Ilt."Igatthewl,Tnelhted:beiggta.autes;eitn:e, tdhthesegranaatet newsPaper , wrote; "Neither of the parties can tarry` ont a Surprise, atta.e,k ittieeCLetiOallgOue.f toilfe'TNreataiotynso.fyouerrsaelleleoretantelo lis the western desert because of natural ' find security in %elation has failed. boning and they'll really appreciese Its ,Paretion of Meelianized foreesbeafuer.7aPbreig- olxstacleS in the desert and Blnne Pla*es* the'T didn't bafve 't4e' fur *intfrr:iinvgee rtellr°t'S'ibi? ACIQrcillieelbattirdrWaTvwell ,breakf„aatebut•bi ceirisorae.theY,alwaYs• eaTied tyfeeve -teeersiefeeseeereepeeetas. figured a warming cuP of tea gave into his (Cairo Aloe and ealittly uounced : "Gentlemen ,this moping at you a good Start in the day. if there were fresi/ leaves used In the thiuraing' dawn our troops opened attack against the tea was getterallY weak, 'Atter Italian positions at (Sidi IA arrant" Then brealrfaSt the tea pot would be pushed his .grim mouth ,relaxed Into% smile' as back on the warming part of the stoke. he added: "It would be interesting to Along about tea o'Clook Paw would go know whether any of y011, had any Idea up to the house for something, and lw, ithe attack -started." 'Nog Of these the thrie the boss drifted. lip on various Veteran journalists had been out in the excuses we Would find him sitting at desert for weeks, watehing every men- the:back of the stove witl(ajmuftin or a., ,. oeuvre-e'sbrit net ohe answered, HiSterY bigetiir`drifttringli enp 'Of tea.' 'Tile 'tea knows how aurprised the Italians were, pot was'blibbling on the stuv4 and as Behind thetseurprise, in a Place Pou teak a cup of tea, it was expected, where surprthe was impaseible, was a of you •that you replace a like amount of , At dinner tim,e Siother Would sPrinkle meord •of PreParation and Study which is,intere,sting inosf' not only because it water. - a little fresh tea. on the leaves, de-= xplaine "Waivell'e, terrine success, In bad got in (the mOrning. About four Libya, but also (because it sheds lig/at on hoer he and his mei may be 'able to pending on how much usage the leaves o'clock in the afternoon if you were "Me' the imPuseibieL elsewhere -In the ealittine, iii • working near the house it was perfectly Sicily, 'wherever hey all right to droP in for a. cup of tea choose. 'General ori now admits in the Wluter-tinie some Of the neigh- irsuityy that he .decided on the _offensive as far back as 0CW/5er. He spent two months and bite of something to eat; , making plan$. bors would. call and .the (old limpet He studied, desert warfare in all its would be "biled." up for a spot of tea. phases. xeenieneorized topography and It usually took if good boiling at used British, sesearches, on sand. He supper time to .bring the%tea up to reviewed the desert tactics of his pre7 standard It ited-ff bitter, 'e.rby tas - iii: iihdlatifrkield-Marshal,,Ailenby. that you, got to like. We had. an aunt He even Used the ',Bible. as a: military from the city who °used always to handbook Frani 'Gideon, who fonght wrinkle • up ber nose at it and say, on the plain -of Armageddon, •he•learned "Was this 'tea seasoned with caustie principles- of night attaek.. . . . On the soda or somethingr 'Itnoiring that uselessness of hoping for Egyptian mili- we alilikeel.the stronger tea, Ma took to. ,..vy assista- nce, he heeded H 'Kings having a lit* tea pot for the visitor - XVIII, 21: "Now, behold, thou trustest and while she sipped at the, pale -le upon thestaff of this bruised reed, OVen liquid we piped down -the black, strong upon Egypt; .ces whith if .a men lean, mare's nest and that heought not to.lbe so gullible, • The Griot* and Mail should take Some- of this scolding to itself, for it has been one of the worst Offenders in' the way of_publishing charges of partleariship and ext- travagance" against the Fetderal Gov- ernnient which proved to be-' mare's ,nests. Its 'daily ,grouSeS-relieved once in n -while by air article which suggested that aomeone else had slipped into the editor's •chair -have been no credit to Oana.dian, journalism and if they have had any iniluence at all that fEiluenee has been 4.1etrUnental to Can- ada's war effort. In compa.rison, the criticisms of Government action which have Come from the Opposition leader :have been moderate.aad seasonable. EDITORIAL NOTES Well, ,You never kndw what to expect of March. . The six weeks from Candlemas Day havihg lapsed, the .Saltford Sage was -aut-and around at the week-end,s_hut hasn't been seen sinew someone heard him •on Monday muttering something about "lilt:luting this- country :back to the Indians." * eh, swat?" • When Ilon, John Bracken .gees to o * the people on April 22 in the general • • . • ;Now that they. have seen what the election, he will have been Premier or Manitoba' for almost nineteen„ years. He took office oh August 8, 1922. That record 'gives Mr. 'Bracken second; place for eontinuoith service as aspremler in Canada. First place still held easily by ROIL George 'H. afurray, who was Premier of Nova Scotia from 20, 1890, to January 24; 1926. ---Windsor War. After supper Ma always Illie& the teapot .with water and set it upon the. warming closet. It was the general custom in the whiter time to warm the teapot before going to bed. In the summer -time the told tea was as good as any of the soft drinks merloeted Many' s the.time I've had m.Y. ears- cuffed for drinking out of the spout. Paw used to do the same •thing,. but when Dia. _caught -him at it, she'd Suet io-"Tek-.... Tek... Pa. -HOw do you expect me to teach the children . good manners 'if yOu're-going to 410 that?" Paw would Just sort of grin in ao funny way and wipe' his moustache off and head' tip the stairs for bed. In the morning 11/1a woUld dump the 4e-a-leaves-ont-a-fter-draining-them, At various tiines she used to keep them. In -the spring and fall, they were used for sprinkling on the'carpets, ther were supposed to keep the dust .down in sweeping. At one time, they were •atipritiZsedeetossbee.gorass.prinieteres around the ;henhouse but the hens continued to scratch themselves ;jui$t the same, so the idea was 'given up. •So many- of these people who are trying to find hew ways of saving could learn so much if they would just spend a few Weeks in a typical farm 'community., ' • Three Minutes,- Please (By a Man with a Notebook) It will go into' his hand end pierce it" The eampaignitself brought out Gen- eral -W.avelrs great military' qualities. Perhaps the greatest is his ability to see war not jiist in •teems 42 guns and communication% and :bom'bardmente, not just in equations of taatics, but in terths of men. !HIS ringing order of . the*day before the admits* promised ;., 'We shall -bring-peace and 'freedom -back to the world and be able to return.t6 our own peaceful homes." ,:After Sidi Barran': ifell, he showed that he knew, asseo few generals do, when notto stop. "In pursuit," he says, "you must always stretch the pos.sibilities to the limit. Tlie troop, ' having beaten the enemy, will want -to rest. They must be given as objectives, not those you think they will reach, but the farthest they eoald possibly reach." By 'the time .his troops had pursued- the Italians to Bardia, G-eneral Wavell (out of hearing hth men calling, him just "Archie") had infected them with another of his qualities: 'enthusiasm. • s - - - Alter Bardiare fall,. General Waxen 'd'e-mOtTetrated --rfitteat which issiti the sreategt , British tradition -his knack for and knowledge of literature. He has 'written two good books, and Is a 'constant reader of authors ranging from 'Browning to Wodehouse. When the KiPling 'Society of 'Landau quoted Kipling to congratulate him' on taking_ Berdia, he cabled back immediately another reference from the same story. IAs. his troops.pushed on, -other Maven. traits came out: his genius for co-oper- ii-ifiiin, indicated by the way his men worked with R.A.F. and Navy; his complete confidence in subordinates like Major General O'Connor, who com- manded operations' in the field ;. his ,ability to improvise, indicated by the use made of Italian suppliee-a,without which the campaign probably • could I not have gone so far. The speed of the By the final passage of tlie lend-lease U we tonfeea Itis failure. We turd no* •to a new chapter. I;VeasSumekthe imthlessness, by ttheir dislieser, by their evident Intention to Overthrow la a world torolUtiolt (the *wile* and the hopes on 'Nadel' We have Wilt our li•Ves, whosbiefis,hrou‘ht„sia, losthiesdeethien. It is they who Uwe raised lenge of world ,domination or destruc. den. We have 40014,0. it -The New York Thep. - HOMES AN» CHORES ON SCOT- usn rtalaum drive a bargain! (Of the live brothera raised in this Seottish Wine tWO aVO tarnterS, two laWyers and one a graditate fti awls eultural science. Now only oUr cor. Yespe-i-Wfir-ronains 010 -744(1 -- he is a special constable. Two are. air- raid wardens and two are In the.vegtilar army. All are full a eoulidettee, prone and determined to serve their country iriar defeed thelr borne, ---11.0arra News Letter. 11111:woa4krkPeolnitP(10;:1)716thtPhel.eVwctirPadeloktillYel attantd°‘1111011);.nallrenends roc;:a(111110()Irlrisielesitilia;Y:u. anwild'aestl‘:wans:villiFiletf:Yleailognint'ahhi a former on the east coast of 840'7f:rite:, c's-ftuldv' 'siX411:13:41TIulleY'°,11111'()Iri 4:4 iet:1111:111that11V.11 tal:Sli 0 .'lae 4, 't3 I SPeaar; '' springing lip here and there until itlie whole place aeons ablaze." Plosive bombs vrere dropped a maul of title? ' ‘.v,fhaoirgiyoelSu:kyin to say -they have been (SO far, • The elosest ',call rat' was one night ” when eight high, eXt. "Yes, I axe 'Knight 'Baron Klitght All but one fell in, the river ; thr litioillat ..and .Knight of the 'Garter." Pat dotted his-liat and said, "Ilegorra, I 'would one, person killed and three Inbred. ' Pat Murphy tonight, tomorrow night Itiotiov.et, pro'hk,noiNsiir that I am. a Man of title that so?" "Yea, I am of a farm laborer was hit and. set afire, wonderful experience to be Another time about one hundred in-' tted the night after." , cendiary bombs were droirpe& around the .farin bnildings, burning themselves out in the fields. The 'Jerry then ma- aaspeeel,eraties_reeleiseauseatereriesteneeseunnedet.hospital and attempted a great world power. . We proclaim imp 'lx" "Ise Wh'en a r-4vvi'. deeislou tlicoaltleincttv°ell*esecutlivcri°etye,!elitteY‘. Iscault()elldisswaefil"lara' afil did theeonly in f deTrahoceralot4iegndaetbionsate .,,znasi.viivnee.re.ased, 3:10t etandiag grain.; 'But'thiadiarmer doeSn't allow these incidtnts disrupt his d'iminiehed, our natiOna,1 unity, daily routine, even ;though his night 6, 'is . bitterness wee la no wise•elee, to hesita. maY souletim d turberti HAW as to the' wisdom of givins let t 'In the vest seutericeehe fellsr• of hair ' big gone out of siteeP inerensed his • Chefit 1111heart 4,John;" she said tp her husband, "I've just fotusi theti the woman next door has a coat Px4ctly the same as Mire- - - • - 'Veil, my deer,' I suppose want me to buy you a new coat?" s "Yes," she replied, "It would be cheaper. than .moVing, wouldn't It?" levitate. Only an insignificant minor- ity in either hoitse ` of tentless felt dalrY hria, tO MtY e6V4's'' He 16. lunch such hesitatiens The' actual Slash of 1)leaaeci with a milichig /2r4lehine he has of how much power should be confided V remarklug that it now takes opinion was solelyozthe domestic issue metalled' to the President and how muCh re- less tinse to milk (forty' than it used 'to milkers to do twentY-eight tained by the legislative branch. That , °°tarkwe.s.toFueedi: been, bk compromise, rationed in 1941, dairy herds getting leg stuffsshe,said, will be issue was settled, as it should have ' On the main issue, that of a• solid! p will be 'rationed, but he ilea already reference. Potash in fertilizers* too, ' • er his •fer til - there was no eomproMise. House Re:. lzer re'ciaimme‘ata fPi. deliverY' befure Anierican front against the • diCtators, s e,n ' precautiou to e publican Leader Joseph •W, Martin. Of : spring, t Ilin f he said yesterdae: "We may differ fat cattle ; all have to be taken, to a Tilere. • . -11 Maesachusetts made that -clear when ; recognized mart and put on the scales, among 'ourselves, but there is no 'divi- sion in our loyalty to our country or 'being Paid '11)r at a 'fixed 'Price Pe -r ity of our people. •I'Ve are one people; i or 0. Fourteen ,daks in advaxam notice the grade is, A, .13 our determination to proteet the secur- liuuild'''accurdiug es an undaunted people .determined that ,', nitis* he given °2 lateatim to offer real Americanism shall not AisaPPear livestock for sele. The price of grain frOm the earth.- Hitler end 'Mussolini has doubled slice the war started, but will be well 'advised to take tills 'atate - '451).tut°6 het" not gone up 6' julich ment at its face value. The bill which There is a standard price for each kind yesterday became a law means that we and, grade of product, and our friend shall 'protect the eecurity of our people' scents to dep/ore Jack ef o po un y . o 6 rt it t -wherever it is threatened, 1 and that we hold it to be *threatened, lvy Hitler's sub- jugation of *democracy .fn Europe, and Itia attack on !Britain.. • " The lend-lease net does not coetein. Plate .the inc of our armed farces. The Congressional majorities and minorities, are not divided in -their hope that they will not have to be ethed. We know tha-t the flit -sire -is incalculable. But of ' this we ean be sure ; the naSstng of -the , lend-ledee .bill• has „diminished the _danger of (kir havin•g•to, face the victor- , egos 11.ronchitii The. priasipal irimpt01 „brisk Attie is a irr, hank liOntli oceouppdsd with s- rapid sad freeliag" 01114110111 lusrags the eked, 'Eltatiirs trollOA 044/311, tepee . daily it' the OW 11.• mut phlegai__ • is at first of 0104 but is the dieeese pro y* lowish or p rad' is socastimal streaked. th blond. You will dui Dr. Wojid'a way rine Syrup a remedy to Wm* ' late the weakened bronchial organa inbdue the inilarnmation seethe St irritated. parte, loosen the phle itrul 'mum!, and help nature to dislodge the morbid atom 7 • _Pa =bulk ON 141.4 th.e.,1,1% Oa& • 1 • ions dictatorsalone. we throw our . strength to Britain we increase the prebability that the omelet can be -deaded on. that side of the Atiantic,i and that Hitler rrcl his ' accoinplices wilI,beaten down before; they can across the sea' for power in this heiniSphere.. Togo' back' sixteen months to the debate on the repeal of the arms etn- bargo Is to realize with what swiftness Atnerican paliey has changed. The •reasons' for the -change are to. be- found - -in t he -acts .and -dean ra t ions of the; .dic- tatois themselves: It is they, by their As the fly would say: -"flirt i weather, What abotit .Sir Oliver Mowat's term for itaking more money,fikom. motorists than it Spent on roads, and if neaiii as Premier of Ontario --1872 to 1800? ttetkAieWitrilOTOdIS-ag-ainattire Mary" el,oveennioit it is valid Lt,/, against the' Herr Hitler wantSs.to be top dog in the Balkans, but he doesn't wantto present Administration,• which took ha.ve to .11glrefor it The British are over $.31,000,000 14. gasoline en& motor eehiies taxes; and open( eney.$13,000,000 daring him to en, 'and if' be • oxt highwaye in the eitrrent year. IF „Irictyl* argued that this, kind of Maus tsle Ong is permissible in ,wartime ; on. the other hand, it may be clairaed With reason - that the excess amount of $22,000,090 Pala bys motorists might, , If left in the hands of those who. paid it, have been expended in large measure doesn't fight British *prestige and authority will inereale as Nazi pregtige wane& 41 lie doeS fight!-Wilatt- The Nazi armies may m'eet„ the sande fate as that of Mussolini's .coh-erta; or, if they avoid defeat, they may be bogged down 'in 4GreeCe wheit they will be badly needed in the '•north to. check Britain'a e eps euseease .of oar saereee plans for the Inivasihe of Fairope §:o fei. the what to do is a knotty problem' for the .artificates and in. other "ways furtherance of Canadlits War effort. * The "Premier annonWeed, that the SHE KNEW IfElt ConEsE 04,ernulent had assumed debts of over, (Tfinmitia Advance) two Million dollars incurred', by (fifteen "Quie" progranis On the radio often muiticipalitlea ,lietween Toronto: and, 10541( to 'remarkable answers•----sometImes Niagara 2:alb at connection with the 1):17 the quizzed and as Ofteit .bY (the nuizzer. For example, there Waf) the tonstruction of Hydro radials under, bee wlio' was Mired. to dTea Sir Adam 'Peek's scheme. „This eon: sQuislitig!" 4 A. Quizlire" he replied, trusts with the Government's treat - Ment of the itifirott, lake ohore munielpalitiea the matter of the „ Ontario West Shore Railway; in \this, ase 'the Irounicipalities,• had. to do their ovrn, financing and par their debts by paten' local taxation oVer a Period of thirty yea* or mere, • * tor th rear Starch 31S1, 1942, Italian navy is made of, the Swiss aren't worrying. advances was dazzling mainly 'because Sir Archibald is a student of Speed. "Dusseldorf heaviis bOmbed by R.A. Ile knows its advantages ("Speed is arniot"') and its disadvantagee•('"Speed is an • expensise ,commodity; a com- parativele email increase of speed may "dolible the priee.") , t Aside from his piirely military -tal- ents, there are other more intimate qualities ,which helped •General Wavell to rise 60 greatly to his test. Ile is quietly efficient. The subordinates eometrees refer- to --fiTni-aS- -"Silent Amalie" 'and s:Guinea-a-word W.avell." He works,hard-s-risee at 6:15 a.m., does not dawdle fill afternoon over lunch, Ind is fireless: Ilyinfr from front to ,kront to lceep in touCh With his vast command. Ile is phYsicel13r tough, and rides, plays golf, goe,s swimming even when -crlsee ate thiekest --Ills-calm is unshatterable s he can be hurried by no matt. Ile jesoelable but eompletely. Unaffected, and Ioves to quote •liotspuris eonteinptuous simeeli about .popinjay 'staff officers who "shine so brisk, and Froth ' Gerrnan parachute, F." A. place -with a name- like that deserkes to be bombed. "It pay d to keep straight" is oft-, heard advice, Mit this does not apply to chorita -girls whose livelihood de- pends on the more curves they possess. A eogrespondent writing 'finder date -of -Monday last dencludes. with. _the. ,-words 7, "It's time to hang the close ,on the line." - , • 0,T,114 let me catch -you running off with my daughter," sputtered the long- suffering father, ."and .., shake your hand." The- ,Greekis- lit _be vase; Should the succeed. in freeing Albania. of the Fascia yoke, in renaming •the country "Alleran-ia." troops are provided -With collapsible smell co sweet, and talk to like a wait- biey,cles. It is !said tha each tnachine is pm:son:ally tested by. Field -Marshal 'Goering to make safe ft, eollapaes. 1"eychology says .that there is xio lazy inall; the man, Who appears to be lazy is euffering‘from inertia. It's a ON of eliffering a lot Of folks like to put.op with, Alpe you heard the One about the busine5.47 man who was asked by ,the wife to bring Milne t hicken for Sun. "ie one of theac radio ifellows that runJ day dinner and be took home his a quiz hour." . There have been some.' secretaryi Well, that's it. 'Amur anGwers on local quiz programs. 1. The prize atower.,to a -quiz,'" however, The average person alwads' thirty goe3 to the yonntr lady who was -tasked trdnute3 reading the newspaper and,1 about ',Lindbergh. I'Lltiiii*rglia" she three ,AllatiteS forgetting What was,' Answered confidently, "la a rank,smell- lug Getman Cheese The rizzer said, "NO, that's Um- bttOer, *but„tholightftil people will be inclined tO agree that tiro Young ladr, mr.,, moor. .004.1mak„0 surpitu of knows 'a elteele *11On ediO.W.3 Everybody can enjoy the Comforts of Home it they consult their 'own interests by selecting their tirniture and Stoves - from our Stock Living, Dining Rooth and Kitchen require! ments, Its well is -Beds and -Mattresses Our Cooking Stoves and Heaters -provide both heat -and tiyrofort. W -L7-11 Blackstone ..;• • We deliver in town and within reasonable distances of 'town. PHONE 240 WEST ST, Your rousing response to this united appeal will be the cheeriest word you can send him • Privafejohn Smith is through wills drill and dudes sisfotitr ethedon'daayYhe. a b. it "fed up." leistfax from home and lonely. • -• . He longs for a dash of gaiety, a bit of cheer , yearns, perhaps, for a homey nook where he can read, play games, listen to the radio, write to the fol:cat isbathcke home It these six organizations to see that discomfort, boredom, loneliness have no place the-pretiou-s- teiroreinoirients-of. otemen Ton- --- uniform.. 'Wherever they go these services go too, come bomb or battle, in camp, on the niarcb, On the ranges, these services bring them hot thinks and snacks, smokes ' and other, comforts. Recreation centres are sei up ... sports and entertainment organized ... reading and Writing materials supplied. Comfortable canteens provide extra food. There areeducationai facilities., Hostess houses, enable. the men to , enjoy healthy social contacts. understanding, Experience and Dollari ing-gentlewoman, of gime ands drums amiswoumle." •His blood runs thiel .witlf Sold.lers4:. his fleet eticestor in Bra, tain was a. Thweauville who came over 1.4.700.000E. 'WhY $5h0111* not the 1-101.- l'at was held; up at gun's poin t by a ernmont, inetead of piling up another bandit one "lark night. , - *Irvine, oither )64iere toxpayerat or "our morolr or your ,lift,"•.(Tenianded 40Ply the ontfiglia to',.,redttetion of 11* '11141citsitkrmd; /if, en,„„iiipti 1 :,ii, 1 4tror ?min/Mit 4041 At Tho "Forme(' mlivuliwc-r-ftn- )71/1.: ont----cloTiln-YoTa a -gip'-':,', a road, ) it sou read of the man who. put in th.e _stook market and got �('! atdied Aunt 'Sarah, but thrit; nothing." remarked"' illicit Silas. "I put a mut in a weighing machine and vt, 4 fortune." Teacher: 12 you halve $14 in one 1 pdeket and *LI in iho other, what ban u? timer : 'Five wrong tremors., .Those C*Age. When `men o get past middle age their es gyeand attivity, , is many instandes„ hewn to decline, M their general vitality 26 on the MOM * , A Wee oiektieases and ailments aeon harder to shoo oft tims. formerly, . rad, hero aid there, eddesete of 6 breakdown be& to appear. Now is the votkea those who wish. to rarkintsis Asir health and vigor, and retells their **era un-, Impaired olhto ould. take * Cou. of iiilburea Math aiol Melt rills. They bysti ara bkvirtio. tus wtem, and help itall el the docapie tode of tkavolciag yeant, The T. littetar ON tete ireeasook 064. 4,514.VP*11014 Paie )0011.C.14.1, tAtiADINti 1.0100 \Olt, SEOACES Of C. elkt4011414 WIS ,ktocludes Serlice 4ckfor (*eget Ptovainces unly , Understanding -hearts, organization and experience (backed by your dollars can do the job effectively. Let,the volunteer helper who calls On you carry back your pledge of fullest support for our fighting men. Voit never have failed them ---you will not now. E ONLY NATIONAL APPEAL EMI OUR MEN IN UNIFORM ,NatkmaI Heqdquarters 200 Bay St. Toront0 36, A ateme UNMAN WAR SERVICES FUND weed, $ 5 500 000 RJbN VOR, A CONN 3M 4., To4orer