The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-03-06, Page 5711X comma sIONATAMAR
1111141) 3101111,031411
nom 3:1CD'Ufrilla
csimisriedigt,A4r.44.4t..Er 4:1410.401414011 By Owlet Boise ss told tO atlases W.
Mallett Mid family, of London, spent
Su:WO with Mr40. O. Davison.
Mas 'William Westlake, who has' heen•
Waking With the Otorms .Construetion
COMpani Prince4y4Wa.rd Island and.
home on Tuesday.,
IS stationed iri London. He spent the
Death of W. Jovvetts-31i. Jelin NV.
'Jewett, owner end -Maar-host of
Away Suddenly at his hoMe on Taiesdass
mornIng, March 4112, ,the result of a
ditionifrom WWII he hail; suffered for
Harks Apo
The war mobile* certnietates caul- The way 1 est)** to land the lob WAA
palest la draWing to it dose and if the odd. Very, eta ' Tw band- - -01 —011te.rod-
(laser,* as a .whole do 030044 like as the olio esse night :hen 'Mel Pll - '
well as the men:, in the different in- isi• . ' *nut('
deeply gratifying to these who assented "Ai- ''''"' 'rwiuee the tilt* A lioilautin
the reePolisibilitiee of the Worlc. In Piessuinilr stile. Place glirOpeed the rob-
hOndred per eent. xesportec, • . posted near the door as a lookout The
As the dosing date ot the caMintsfiri natrolman died violently in front of the
approaehess.sthe town is being eau' --prescription counter. The" next tbitY•
approached 'or connected in any WaY zru-ga,aiii-pePeuseruraPsstredtitIthabate glut el'eatheop
with the induatries. Canvassers are was unluckY and he was emitting. I
being Oren gratifying, reeeptions, but 4.,,,,,,, ,„,,, ,
they ask those 'Who were not in a post- °wrap,. 44P° ir 8,0.14". ,v,' , i
Where there are more Colored. peeps
Pre, :pared to pledge when called upon living in a given area than anywhere
,to be good enough to get bi tottch With dee in the World.
'some of the canvassers, or leave their
pledges in any one of the banks. This
mesessity or the its total'peraonnel the. oWnek, who Was
wduid remove, the
eanrvasser% it second or third
time and would enkble him to go on his
self-insposed task of -collecting. Pledges
from others, •
• The tinte is short, the need of 'Money
by the Government is urgent. Everv-
body wants te; help, and by, lending
AO* We -are ail
remainder of the winter in Florida.
Mrssp Herb. Lamprey enjoyed the
week -end visiting he; daughters at
Toronto. ,
Fusilier Howard ot
Chatham, spent tbe week -end with bis
'Miss •1L R.-•MadVicar has .returned
frem• Toronto, where she attended the
the Past two lind a-ltalf years. The
late: Mr. Uowett, or. 'Jack as he • Was spring millinerY displaYs. 0
Popularly known, was born in 1Goderich ,,.„
Ors, Charles Whitely visited her -
township Over eikty-two. -Years ago, Misses nelea and aean
being the Younger, son of the late .Mr. NVhitely, at Toronto last week.
, and lars. Thomas Jewett. Ile spent Up. Nettle'IVICGOWall and Miss Jean
• ,e0eheodldays on the Mayfield line Fraser, of London, were week -end
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
and, later an Bailleld 'When his parents A a
moved fo. the Grove. In 1902 he. went -* .""
Ws. Robt. Wenger of Mitchell. form -
end operated the Warread Telephone where her son Barry is litiotYPe °Per-
$ystem, which lre conducted for twenty'
yeps. 361.1924 be married. miss Lunar, ator for The Times-Advoeitte.
' survives. him. ',Owing to his mother's visiting 'the' daughters at Brantford.
sejtered At: sitgart stroke three weeks
Luiadbolin of Warroad, Minnesota, who Mr. and "1:Irs. Pattersoo are
death he,41epoaed ,ef Ida telephone hags Ntr. Patterson, We regret to report,
Deputy Reeve W. J. Baker, Coen -
picnic grounds,S making Many upsto- cillors Mooney and. Attridge and
date-renoVatiOns. He wasstoted for his
gentile disposition and fondness tor geed Camay Engineer Patterson attended
thesannual conventiOn of_ the ()Mario
aPart; He 'took a 'very active interest in ',,nod Boats -Association. at Toronto
the Avelfare of the Mayfield efolf and '''Tr- . -
'Country •Olob, of which he „was presis lest wi.cellc*
seen reeidents of Listowel for the past the tact? Should, I report the yconfesi:
dent In religion he was an Anglican
four years, moved to iGoderich on Tues-` sion te the pelite? • I took a rook at
He ibelongedi to the Masonic Order ''of '
present ill Fort Lauderdale; 'Fla.,
sister, Mrs. Emma 'Wright•of Torontb,
surviVe their brother. The funeral
Thirridays afternoon.-- ..
pharmacist. I Nati j'ust out of Oars
maey school end •looking tor a job.
So that's bow ',get one -luck, entirely.
And it was luck, I soon found, which
Motivated the pharmitceutigal trade in
Harlem. Luck -and an alarrning pre-
valenCe of evil Writs, , /X0 COMPIX With
the law and my own conscienee, X sold,
medicines. To comply with the clients'
demands, I sold luck and went in for
did or we would have bad to close up
shop!, Our customers knew What they
wanted and they eouldn't be fobbed
• One .of my. first 'cake burst around
me with something of -the force ot a
bomilshell. A dark, homely woman with
piercing eyes ,carild 14, looked aroinui to
be Sure she •wesn't*overheerd, and then
ghee Um's `puttin' spots bees' my,
"What ghost?" I asked incautiously.
voice was razor sharp. .
"But if I- don't know, how carr I
tell what to suggest?"
'That seemed to mollify her, "Well,
it's this. way," she said, a little more
'woman. I gave him an' her warlike
but they kep' le up. So I put a bit of
cole steel right th'ough her. By rights
she- oughtta' stay dead. But Instead,
Doe, to get ridda. that • yella Woman's
I had In'oment of- panic. aid -
heard a confession of murder? If so,
day, where• Mr. ilton -lots .secured a
-position on the Canadian National Rail-•
way. -Listowel Manner. .
The staff of 'tire Collegiate Institute
is again at normal,•affer the abseace of
MeNaughton and Park for sev-
eral weeks on account a 1 ness. ss
Eva •Somerville substituted for Miss
MeNatighton and Miss 'Helen tisset for
Mrs 1. G. I3. IVIaiDougall„ ante -of
Caledonia, haS taken over 'his duties as
accountant at the local.' branch of the
Bank of 'Commerce, succeeding Mr.
Alex. iSmith, retired. Mrs, MaMeugall
did their 'young son are expected to
join him here next week.
Harold Nixdorf of Detroit spent the
week -end et his honie and....Tisited his
mother, WS. Geo, Haggibc sita is a
tient in Ooderich aloSpital, recovering
om lin operation, , We wish her a.
• Mr. Irwin Foster, of the R.C.A.F.
Manning Pool, Toronto, speat the week- ST. GEORGE'S GUILD . 0 head. "No. No, of course not I live
John ftoster, The Church Women's Guild met in in the same buildin'' as Fanya did.
Sometimes I get to thinkin' about her
end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
_.., - , Mrs. A. --Gordon and 'Ws, Gahneur the Guild room on ;Wednesday` after -
and I aorta get mixerup in my. mind.
% bave returned lome after spending the noon with a splendid attendance and
And it's kinda hard to recall which is
-rs1Mrs. D. E. Brown presiding. The meet-
, past ,nionth with their sister, Is me and which is Minya."
.. . lug' opened with the singing of a. Lenten .`.`411 right," / said, assuming an air
Baird ef 03rucefield, ..
• Read The SignaljStar for all the
news of - the district. Subscription
price only $2.00 a year.
the woman's eyes. They were glisten-
ing, not normal. Then my memory
stirred. I began to recollect fragments
of fact about & eelebrated murder case
that had excited Harlem a few weeks
before, a crime passionel. A woman had
lighter -tinted rival. But that, person
had' teen eaught, hadareenfessed, 'and
Was now incarcerated. .
I fumbled in nly mina for the mur-
deress' name. It had been Rusaian in
sound, tattier than Afro-American.
Vaisya. That was if . :A said sharp-
ly to the woman- acrosirthe counter.:
"Your name Isn't Fanya, is if?"
She halted, rubbed fretfully,at her fore-
hymn and the •Seriptureqesson (2 Oor.
*3) was read by Mrs. •C,oates. Money I I can help you get rid of that ghost -t
voted- to the two choir mothers, recommend our 'Fiera of the Jungle,'
Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Liscombe, to
buy material. for' vestments Tor some
ef the choir boys. Last month the
Guild ro.embers presented Miss M. E.
Salkeld wIth a hymn and prayer •book,
in appreciation of her services as presi-
dent for many years. Mr,s. Palmer
gave an interesting talk on her ad-
ventures and life from a large citysin
England to a silver mining camp in
snaps of thetmine and, their home and
also samples- of -silver quartz taken.
rom tlie mine. Afternoon tea was
served by the tea ho,steases, Mrs. Mundy
and Mrs. Bridle.
Buy war savinga stamps aud help
defeat Hitler.'
• confidence -I was far from feeling.
la pharauseeuticels,'Sitieting eedy the
eitywide tariff. X could' have
Maley when they returned, ,grsteftel
for some cur* sisv Medicine. and (Sleet
powdere, COlabia0d, bad worked.
Other shops did it, charsing alt that
beer * surprising, amount. But I
wouldn't, X mimplreouldn't run up bills
their hearts to me so treatinglYs
Luck- wee the eekond *tring te Our,
into the mhop tind'itaid dourly,:
'"Doe, I'm 'jute plumb outta lucks
Yes, 'air. Clean out! I better try a
good stalls of your A-Niimber One 'St.
John the .Oonqueroist I been give" to
Conqueror 18 the original one in Vele.
"That's precisely .what ft is se,4 , told
bins cheerily. s
I brought out it firm gatingale root, a
But Valet was rarely its purpose In Bar -
lent; here it wee' toste svorn as a
charm, Afy client stared appralaingly_
at it and ,his yellowsfilmed eyes loeiresti
'lea like tyro dublouily poached eggs.
fine. - If it don' cos' toe. much,
But wasn't yet ready for a We.
I had exploration' work to Ale. 1 asked
with ao air of casualness:
"It you don't mixtd_my aeltiOgs
why is your luck all out?"'
'Cause eria, hea,djn. tsourleT,iney •lose°b' suit. Wrop nie up a can o' them ashes,
MAny' witomIagn;t 'Sfirecilhe's You' ngliert!nlmo pleape sub, 'Doc,"
-an' kinda bard to hold, as it is." The fastest moving items on our
jo;;Te4 are yo.0 heading !IT lose_ shelves were the hive philters. The
"I'm mak*" miStahea; unurr never minded scrambling French. and
dthizinzlyc :ogpeooldis. rhfy
"Are you troubled with nausea and
"Why, yes. How'dia guess that? An'
als& a, aorta tinny 'taste in my mouth
:been drinkii. the night.before.”
• "Has this been going on for-sesleng
But they been plenty unlucky!"
"All right, Now I think we're., eet,
Here's your St John, the Conqueror.
rut it on a string and wear it next to
your skin -the ugual way: ,..But it's
not going to change your luck unless.
youstake another charm that I'm going
to give you. This second charm you've
got to syvallow. Now wait 'a.moment,"
I checked ,him as he stirred restlessly.
"This other charm Is lucluded in the
regular price of your St. John the Con-
queror which is seventy-five cents."
I handed him somerbilesalts-having
diagnoded MS' trouble as a bilious, at-
tack. I was a little appreherielve, how-
ever. r might have underestimated his
'case.. -Bat., as week later -he -came „
looking alert and in obviously improved
sealth, He told me that fleet St Iolm know, to a degree, the thoughts of a
'the Conqeeror was, the best luck charm Priest In confessional.; it's. a sobering
he'd ever heal However, he'd pretty and hitiabling experience.
well wore it out Could he get another • we
just as good?... .Ile'd feel a mite safer "Love's Reireniej' and; as the name in -
had another • Philter called
with a. fresh, potent one. ,(Nothing. it reversed the purpose of In -
This time I sold litn a. fresh gelin- ent was tinctuee of valerian, ng miuse"
gale met without. forcing any drugs on Ims smelling a campound-a% can. well -be
him. All he wanted and e-psfareittly ess.gei.ese
not 'A' high price to pay for peace of Rometimis I've wondered if my ron-
Ite a fe:::i.nw.ianes rbiavnagrhstt be: al ynodi n
out qualm of conscience, I' charced belnotilne.
needed now was a psychic crutch. With- the ;throes Of a very primitive urge to
the usual seventy-five cents. That ia Inge • .
.Sornizt spending few . days with
her pareute, Mr. awl itre. J. Dually,
after (wicking. of 441011Ailde *Woe
• We were sa(srry to.- learn of the ierious
dengiliter set- -Mr. -stud- -Maw sArtatir
*mart, ***tilting from itlerrasins
meaelee. Miss Mary !Green, R.N„ aside-
ikiwan is aseistiog in the house. latteat
reports are that the patieut be* taken
a turn towards recovery. '
Moe Stanley Thonspien,
vieited for * week with ber aunt, Mr*.
John Reid. She returned to her home
last Thursday *wools:tided ItY her
eouSin, Held, who visited until
returning tome on Monday.
The 'IN"„ht.e. regular monthieMeeting
and quarterlY tee win ibe held the
An enjoYable iliating party was held
Monday night. The Dungannon, Crewe,
St 'Helene and Whiteeburch yoting
People were Vesta of the 'three
with, hot coffee was eerved at tite rink
after skating. . •
We are glad to hear Mrs, Dan FeWler
She .is apending the, winter
with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Eirington.
Mr, Wo. :Ferguson, who bad' beensin
Victoria Hosnitaj. London, tor an Oper-
ation, returned home feeling much
School re -opened on- Monday after
'English words). It was •a sweetened,
which was bought equally by men and
women. My directione for uaing were'
bald; If a. man -sought the favor of-
-Soule • enamorata, he was in-
structed thoroughly to lave his sweet-
-heart's hody vrith it. The obsions point
seemed never to be noted -that if be
were permitted to apply the Incense
D'Amour in the manner directed, the
re• edy been accomplished without bene-
fit of any love philter. -
The women who:ought its aid were
told to sprinkle •their own boales ,with
it. , More often than not, asl looked at
their aging, lined faces and thickening
torsos, I had to clamp my lips"to avoid
telling them not to waste their money,'
that what they Knight to purchase was
'in reality youth -and youth could not
be bought Jana bottle. But this was a
time' when my advice would not 'have.
been welcomed -it vvould,have been re .
told me, with a complete lack of self -
cense ousness, 'their lonkings and :their
emit assiliell Sorer.
taw* has loses se flusher
Toispisesis 1010111111.e -At that
holders' liestbig et limo eaditm*M Um*
TArklAbOOS* C44., ea Aida/ the
director* were reeekaettol wins the es -
ricers • *are as Shakoes ; Posiddeet. aa&
sitoni; geterestersetres,sarer, bine 41. C.
Treleaven; moister, Borten Zeiek;
director*, Jas. MeWhilusee, 0. (1. Tree
leaven, Jse. E. Hackett, Jim Kerr
Obieholon, Joao, Part *ad Clisreause
Lihrert Beeraseet meeting of the
Library Moard wee held ea fridaY
eyening at the home of aim R. J.
otke of President, and was **Owed los
gerald, treasurer, grid Arthur Brown,
secretary, gave the annual reports. Re-
velpta tor the yeer were 4115,18 euil
expellees, •$100.44), leaving ibialauee
of $14.09. There are tittyssix members,
and the total eirculation. of booke 1104
year was, 15%, whieh 103 ' wera
juvenile. The school board Pays ,
which entitles the children to take out
books. Mise Mildred Anderson. is vied -
President Arid the other members of
the beard aro Mr. Orsham Plana,
Mre, J. Ryan, Mise Betty Elliott, Mre.
Aim Malden upon resignieg thanked
her feilow-membera of the board for
same he eentlitueir with' her eucceseer.
Mrs Boy ,Rotledve continues as librars
Ian. A number of new books have
letely bou placed OA the ehelVes; and,
that such line lot of teading,material
is available presorts -An -opportunity to'
readers and is a ereclit Slur com-
We have pieked from regular stick 54 dresses, sizes are
from 14 to 44 with a few 1/a sizes, Good shades and styles
but broken lines eto,
the greatest ghost. chaser ever in -
"Yes. I heard of your Flora posTider,"
she interrupted, . "It eughtta do the
"But wait 1 In order for it to be of '
any value, you'll have to take a certain
-liquid which . I'm going to gi've', you
without Cost-" •
"I don' want no•medicine1"'
s.peke of medicine?" I said
brusquely. "Thia is 'part ef the ghoat
charm. "It is to put your 'hotly fn tune
with the Flora powder."
ide with the tin of Flora. If she had
already slipped over the border into in-
sanitY, the sedative_ would. be worth-
less. • But if ahe had -simply •worked
herself. Into a hysterical . state through
brooding over that -Merrier so near her
own doorstep, the broMide reight•prove
efficacious: A mouth later she mine in
on another errand and told me 'that
haunting her -she no longer saw these
spots before het eyes. , Attributes. We handled vibes „thought
islora of the Junele' *Afg most to be those of men noted for -prowess
popular ghost chaser, i-opt.•selling, all in the prize ring, of persuasive preach.
othera It was a Mixture 4ers, Of 'Meal Casanovas', mien of notori-
of herbs, 'but. :svaa• made up, aa each oust erimitiala with a, reputation for
batch seas compounded, of: those left sang-froid• •
sloWly to suit MY PrePrietOw nem rontained' nb hungan ashes, only milk
I knew _those little tine. nfilabeled,
on the shelf,..eimples that had sold too
'was, therefore, a. species of 'Perpetual, sugar with a tOliCh of caramel to give
year -emit ehelf-clearance sale. filoo a'reeelaite .aabv volor. told my clients
Flora's apPliCation WON external and its flatlY• T refnsed to glarantee that the
little -what ita -ingredients • avere--Pra' only Fined kfiewingly and said :
tin. estitained human ash. Bet they
value psyehological; it mattered Very
vaaed• they. wet,e.,'*hat *0 guatonteed .sole we "Understan', Doe. The great
them to be -genuine herbs. man'is fanely on's: let on to the news-
. 11 . Papuhs that lie' wes embalmed an' laid
-s;santrcoenrgtaio s Hata. of Harlem society nwaY Irma easkit. .,_1114: we know' difs
is the °belief be xnalizi epirite fereot. We 'know. he done gave his ,
that ;professional exorcisers abound:. bodi-ssso poor folkg like lid btiy
Some .of theSe gentlemen had worked 01111a!lres'FiOlrfe o' his strea'th- Yes,
mind. • • tinned professional meddlieg with Itu-
Other; favorite. good luck amulets man lives has been 'Justifiable. • To
which I, -dispensed were the star strike a balance. haie bansed more
charms. These were, anike "seed $ods happiness than sorroW ; of that .much
which nature has 'obligingly provided am confident. But for many persons
in five or six -pointed star-shaped de- in Harlem I -have apparently changed
signs. Occasionally freak seven- the course of destiny.
pointed seed pod came on the market I Will it catch, up with Me Some day?
Such a one our proprietorw marked up . I are now dispensing drugs 'in a phar-
sharply. Bfit even so, it never lacked macy that is a rong, long way from
a buyer. 31 gave these charms fantastic Harlem in both. mental and physical
climate. Perhaps, if I,croSs my fingers,
burn a little myrrh, wear a cloth bag
filled with herbs, a galingale root and
a six -pointed anise seed pod, perhaPs--
.. Who knows -T can circtunvent ole man
'Star of the tInumwerse'?" • ' Destiny. No harm in trying is there?
titles so. as to stimulate their sale. But
more;soften than not the customers
named them for me,:
"Doc, you got 'any 'Star of. Jack
Dempsey'?" Or. "Say, -Doc, you .got any
I alvvays had that precise anise seed
pod• -of good luck. I never failed my •
article in great demand=and woe
betfde the small Harlem pharmacy that
doesn't stock, it -was what purported
'to be the tinned ash of some defunct
Mali of prominence. If an individual
has been widely known during his life-
time for physical. atrength, commereial
acumen; untisual piety, then a pinch of
his ashes taken internally or sprinkled
upon the body is believed •to give the'
BENAILELLER, March 4. --airs.
on Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs, . yan-
Mrs, Harold iGood spent lest week
visiting friends neer Blyth. ' •
Mns. Cleo. Feagais and son Earl spent
a few days last week •vlsiting her
mother and sister at Hamilton, • -
Rev. R. 0. tlazelwood's brother, a
college student of Torento will occupy
the pulpit le Benmiller,11nited „ehureh
Bev. It G. and Urs. -Hazelwood
spent the •day' there.
The W.A., will hold its regularsMonth-.
ly meeting at the home of Mis. Gardner
this Wednesday. The ,hestesses are
Mrs. -.Gardner and Mrs. WIll 3Ingford..
The C;G.I.T; and Trail Rangers en-
joyed a skating party last -Friday night
ward a hot lunch at the parsonage.
A concert In aid ,of the War Vieti'
Fund will be held in the ehureh en
March 13„ when the *ea wit/
MLA Marett 6.- Bev. G. Ilaielsharst
will not oeeupy the pulpit et Nile on
'$undey. tills brother 'will take dross
of the service in his abeence.
Mise Margaret Wittsou, yotolleet
daughter of Mi. and Moe. AUX. Wats
son, 'Colborne lownehiP, UsiderWeek art
operation for appendicitis. st Ooderich
Hospital, and at time ot writing west
able to sit up fort. while.
• Mr, and, 34rS., Arthur Spragg irifitted
near Auburn, On 41.11140 -
Mr, 'Russel ACCOnnell of Black
Matthews on Sundays, -
Xi; Loroe Pentland ofleondorSsatlied
on friends around Nile this Week.
'1 Hrs.' V. Harrison (nee -10harlotte
Fetter) and daughter, . of Ooderiele
•township, Visited with her sistO,' Mrs.
JAS. MeIntssre, on ,Krinday.
Mr. S. Mitthell aall Son To* are
skidding logs for ,the Baeelsle.r
la his bush at Niles .
Miss 'Beth McPhee is .St
'A dress alart front made of **title
May be Made immaculate, With,* wale
of a 'wet cletb. It sounds *a prattical
as the penguin's, vehicle is deigned with
-a swito.e-daetrolt News.
Hats, Ilornsp Confetti And
Bob Doodle and His °rehear"
Dancing 9-30 until 14.
. 4101111111•111111111e,
For a thorough, Eye Eltamination
—7Telephoite '91
Glasses In the lieweit Style., at.
Phalle 91
up a very lucrative tradeThey claimed
omniscience and omnipotence. Yet '.it
was a Commonplace for one of them
,to come into the shop and tell me in
all seriousnesS (for he usually believed
his own hoeus-poetta) that a ghos' Was
him to handler-, and what would ad -
This necessitated Aecoml-hand diag-
nosis on my part-----and,'worse stilt the
voodoo expert was usually uncertain
just what were the symptdros of bis
ghost-hannted patient. XTniess the in-
dications were of a fomenting appendit
,or worse. T generally suggested a roils-
ing intestinal purge ---to be added, of
course, to the routine abracadabra of
his exorcism, With that simple. remedy
I have probably routed- more ghosts
than even a -Haitian witch doctor hot
on the trait
which Were acfnallv worth very lift*.
and ,ammrenfly gave away valuable
dives. Activate, our books shoeed that
we were conducting st ;legitimate trade
Your er
Store U
V a_fue
Phone 56
The Baby Chick season is •ort
hand again. Order your Superior
from your -local representative.
Hamilton Sii4 Goderiele. Ont.
Phone 345 - Res. Phone 334
Careftil eelestion, breeding and
'culling have made Service 1,trand
Vhieks the best of quality avail-,
able, Good 'livability and high
Waterloo County Hatchery
Vire all 'have obligations, we are all °poor' and hard -up, (or
think we arey but how much poorer and harderup wee Watild
be if we lost the war.
Canada has given us, a living'
Canada is worth fighting:40r
in Canada people live and, worship as they wish
Canada asks you to help win the war by net
„part.: of your means, You will get 3 per, cent. !,
compounded haltyearly.
- Wat Savingi, Ceditioate0o7day