The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-02-13, Page 3NIMITelPOUNIU, . NO. 7
h, 1941.
Business Directory
moNogiali and MONTEITH,
ut Chartered AceOuntante
77 Downie Street, Stratford
°tont,* Olfieet 002 Vat' Street,
Telephone 119
Sales attended to anywhere and
ivory effort MO te ONO 1lithalle4eth
Farmerssale 'notes discoutited.
; 00UNTX , o
A satisfaetory, courteous eervice for
Farm, Property. or Household Sales.
t • Reasenable.
DR. V. FORS76111, •EYE,- EAR,
Late House Surgetet New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Hoimital, art-
sittant at Moorefield Eye Hospital surd
Golden igtuare Throat Hospital, Loa-
lttetlitugttlaiW "
' -tiugrigioD
53 Waterloo ,ittkeet S., ,. Statford,
'..---"Telephoue 267. - •
-Next viitit_Deaord--lleitd, Goderiche
Wednesday, ttebrua,ry 26t3i, from 2 pan.
t111.5 p.m., • . '
wee '..stetimeetem* saa:a•oseetattemeetesossie
Goderich. Phone 341
Office honis-1-10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5
and 7 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Vriday and
10 to 12 a.m. only on Vitedneaday;
kisnday and Thursday at Mitchell. ,
51. South St.
StRCE- CO.—Farm and iso-
• lated town property ineured.
Officent—IWtiblierrs jinn. preoident,
Londesboro; W. 'R. Arahib' aid, Vice.:
President, tfienforth; 'U. A. Reid,
tianager and Secretary -Treasurer, Sea -
forth. •
Direetors---Alex; Broadfoot, Sea -
forth; James Connelly, Goderieh;
Chris. Leonhardt; Bornholm; Albx.
Mc10whig, Blyth; -Prank /.1cGtegor,
Olinten =Mee Moy1an, Seaforthi
Hugh Alexander, Walton; Wm. Itni4,
Londesboro; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth.
•" Agents—E. 4Yeo, Bit. 1, Goderich;
James Watt, Blyth; Sohn - /O. Pepper,
R.R. 1, Brixcefield.; R. P. McKercher,
-B Lfr -Dublin Prueter1-Brod
Policy -holders 4an _make all. :paY-
ments and get thefr cards recelpted at
the Royal Bank, Clinton, Calvin fiat's
Grocery, Kingston Street, Godirich,.or
t J. H. Reld'e General Store, .Bayfield.
Secretary Reports the Aetleltiee Of Ws
Past YearstMiris D. J. Lone Again
Ahmeek Chapter, I.O,D.111., held its
annual meeting on Friday afternoon,
rebruery, 7th, at the Public Library,
Xrt., j. D. Thomas, teeretary, repotted
at, /*levee;
"It is gratifying to note that We have
eOntribtit'ed in no entail Measure to the
efforts ef the various auxiliary war
tervieee. We have reasert to,be, proud
Of -the fat that our membere have
Sactitieed their Pemonal tine and ma-
terial goods to further the eause, of
the Entpire ;defence intthis great crisis
of our netiont
were ralSed by brklge partie.,
two 'hake sales, -tWO rummaget Weft a
'draw, under the convenership of Mrs. L.
L.gnoz, netted the mita of
$02.75; raffled a Ohristraas eake-malle
.and donated by Mrs. W. G. Maegwan.
"Donations made during the year
Were as follows: Carton of books to
Provincial Iteatiettarter$ for sailors;
$25 to Navy League; pencils t� gradu-
ating nurses . and books as prizes to
pubile school children; 50 for the
Dolifigboke bomber; $50 to FenPire
'Service ()tub rt$30,30 to the Red ()rose;
Completed' the endowment of -$500 for
our ward -at hospital; $1.0 to ,the Bri-
.U$11 Women's Fund; placed wreath on
cenotaph on. Armistice. Day; condtteted
regular eolleetiott of magazines for
the airports.
"On November 7th, Alurteek Chapter
agreed to co-operate with the -Maple
Leaf Chapter in operating the canteen
in MacKay Hall for the. attmee and
soldiers; this canteen to be known as
Empire- -Service Club." .
Mrs. A. L. Cole, treasurer, reported
that the work 4..the Chapter this year
Ottliled' that of. last; -receipts in the
general fund $524.58 and •expenditures
$437.45. Receipts''in war fund $196.78
and expenditures $115.75: Balance in
endowment fund ys3id,79.
• *Officers, Meted%
The report of the nominating cota-
Mittee-was -brought- in, by P. E.
'Ilibbort, and offieere for ithe---coming
year were elected as follows: Regent,
Mrs. D. 3. Lane; viee-regents,
0. Dunlop, Miss, B. Buchanan; secre-
tary, Mrs. J. D. Thomas; .treasurer,
Sirs._A. L. Cole; ttandard-bearer,-Iliss
Delle MaeVicar ; councillors, Mrs. L. L.
Knox, Mrs. F. Gallow, Mrs. E. D.
Drown, Mrs, W. F. A. Nitftel, Mrs. N.
Lanaway, tlest,FtR. Redditt, Mrs. W.
G. itfacEwan, Mrs: C. X. Saunders,
Mrs. F. U. Hibbert, Mrs. J. S. Ilowrie,
Mr$, U. J. Phelan, Miss M. Oainpbell.
Mrs. D. J. Lane, who has been regent
of Atmeek Chapter for the past seven
years, presided. '
Buy '.war savings stamps and hell)
defeat Hitter, "
J. W. Craigie
Get -bur 'Automobile Rates
..Real Estate
OffiM and Itet
• - - 11
and Insurance
Trafalgar Street .
-Phone 80
FOR SALE---Ilouees of eal kinds,
ehoiee building qote, busdness
property andseveral good tains.
• Let an shoW you some real'
bargains. now,
Phone 24 Godericb
Nelson Hill
• Fire, Accident and *tor "Car
Office :—Manic Temple,. Weet
„ Street, Goderieb
Phone 230 OODERICH
Oa*. 1.39 am, 4.26 p.m..,—Leaves
Goderich for Stratfotd, , Toronto,
Hamilton, Bitlfalo'London, Detroit,
Wavistock and Waodsteek. - Depots —
Redford, British and RoYal_Hotels.
Phone hotels or 305 for Information,
Noweeellaniee 011 er Ciirwood's 'River's End'. With tilaagelft"froin Texas'
Lesli� Iloward—Ingrid Bergman—Edna Best . and Olin' IlallidaY
Beautifully staged,. delicately and lartistieally treated, this Is the
etory_ of a. flaming interlude in the lives of two artists
who, loved alefiantly.
Wayne Morris—Arargaret Lindsay and William Gargan
;Comedy, adventure suspense and reanance in a swift -moving thrill -tale
Thur. Fri. and Sat.•
Bob' Burns—Mischa Auer—Peggy Moran—Dennis O'Keefe and
Edward Brophy
`Bazooka Bob as a cernival card -sharp who turns deacon to spoof
some oll-sha.rks. .
Richard Arlen—Andy Devinteverly Roberts --Lou Merrill am
• Lopits Towtir
?resent a story of rubber-slaVery and the rule of g Jungle tYrant.
"TROPIC rutr,
!nom w an4 holidays at 3 %M.
ComIng "Of Mice and lien" with "The Esti of ruddiestore
Over Four' Decades
Women's Institute Observe*. Its
1. Fortieth. Anniversary with:
-Intere*ting Program,
That .excellent 4rganization, the
,Goderich ;branch of the -Woolen's, inti
tube, ha o readied its fortieth anniverot
(try', mid the oceasiou wee marked by a
ePecial Program. at the regular meeting
ot the InStitute on Titureday, atteraoon
laet. *ver ft htlUdrett 'anetnbere Were
,ptetent, Rentiniseences of past years
in the Institute were given by Miss, Mt
Itt.tiSallteldt end W, P. 'Abell and
forMed a /nestietemsting parr of a
delightful program.' :lam. a B., at
ticlaborne presided, and at terieS of
nursery rhymes in „song ;by junior pupils
of ,Victoria school, and 0ot/her group
of songs by *leer pupils of the sebool,
were heard with pleasure—
StorY or FOrtY Years
"Itt February, 1901, at a meeting -of
the FarinerS' Institute held at the
home of the late ;Harry (Morris, Col-
borne township, the first W -omen's In-
stitute In West Huron was:organited
4:ky' Miss. ,ttaura , -Rose. --(notv Xrs
Stephens of Quebec)," Miss ,Salkeld
stated, 'Airs. Elford, wee the first
president, Mrs; Colin Campbell, secre-
tary, andtthe late airs. Isaac Salkeld,
treasurer; For a time the branehes
handled no money, the tilistriet. prat',
dent hold/leg the Purse strings. This
*tte protested and. --then each brand'
held its own. funds., In ,i90,5 the
MeMbershIptreaehed 104, and at1 colt-
aY [ lo. 5 a •
'Iowa' Hall, and in 1927 Started in Mae,
and Coinitryt was Choseu. Up -0.1009
the meetinge were held in the members'
homes; from 1909 -to 1911 in Cddfell
vention in Guelph the motto Tor Home
-the Yeaf.C.Aetelped. to etemititietoms and
tnitT unifornie. for the 'Boy Smuts. In
1900, $100 was --given to the hospital
tund. •
; 1911 the Woraert's-' Institute. in-
fluenced :the Town-Ro, until in having'
tables and seats erected In the pavilion
at Harbor Park,- and undertook the lip-
keepef the .rest room for six months,
and 'et the, elese et the year were out
,of„ debt and hadta balanee. of- 29c. t:
During the Last War
"In August, 1914, When war was
declared," Miss ISialkeld continued, "Red
Crime workswas started by donatine $10
to . the hospitar ship, and from that
date -to 1918 the meetings were 'held
each month for sewing and knitting. In
1920 a C011tribllt1011". Of $75 was given
to the X-ray fund at the. hoptitalt 1921,
100tto the hospital building fund;
$25 to Old Home Week celebration.;
helped with the school nurses .salary ;
• gave a ehart table and desk to the new
hospital in 1925; also a hall -settee;
bought scales for the sehoole; and $200
to .the hospital .ituildingfund."
twenty-fifth anniversary was
marked by the-establishinent of a $100
fund with the Public School Board,
the interest of which Was to but prizes
eaeh, year at the entrance, and assisted
• with the, stdary of the instructor of
music. •1
"Itwould be difficult," Miss Salkeld
concluded, "to estimate hew Minch geed
has been accomplished during the time
It has been in operation. We have
learned good ;businessmethods, and.
been able to discuss Intelligently the
varimis, subjects before us. We have
been taught the principles a sanitation
in our homes have been benefitted by
the literature we have received, demon-
strations and the social intercourse."
Officers of past Years
nyt humorousttreminiseeneest-of
meetings and the members were given'
by :qrs. W. P. Abell, who _gave the
following list a presidents::
Aire. Ilford, Airs. D. Oantelon, Mrs.
I. Salkeld, -Mrs: Lewitt, Mrs. M. Swan-
son, Airs. Chalet Reid, Mrs. MeKinnon,
Mrs. 'Charlet, Young, Mrs. It Oraigie,
Mrs. Beattie, Miss M E. ;Salkeld, Airs.
-Gordon Bisset, Mrs. Rattiest:Mrs. James
Bisset, Mrs. W. F. a. price, Mrs. -II. B.
M. Tiehborne. ,. •
Secretaries—Mrs. Colin . Campbell,
Miss M. E. Salkeld, Mrs. W. P. Abell,
Mrs. john, -Marshall, Mrs. W. P. Abell,
Mrs. James Ilisset.
. Mrs, `V'red Oster, distriet presidetit,
brought greetings from the district or-
ganization and in a Pleasant address
gave the history of the 'Women's Insti-
tute from its .organizatioe by Mrs.
Iloodless to the present
A sandwich demonstration was given
by tifrt. -0,.....1tat1ileson,:- Mrs. Chester
Johnston, and Mrs, Ft C. Robertson,
each of whom displayed Plates of de-
licious sandwiches, Oath: and- fancy.
One particularly different was a "ship"
made with a sstall piece of ham ea a
toothpick for a sail which was at-.
tithed to.a gherkin for a bow,
Letters of regret at their Inability
to te, pretent Were read front' Airs.
. A. ataines, London;'Miss Alice M.
Andrews, Mrs. It. T. Phillips, Mrs. (A.
Nairn, :gigs A. ',Terming& ,
tt'Tea was teived from a daintily
rttnged ,table eentred with a birthday
„cake, and eandlet and flowers, all show-
ing the eolors of the Inttittite, blue and
Past presidents- wet° invited to tpealt
after 'tea. They were Mist M. U. Salk-
eld, Mr& Charles' Young, tirts. P. - J.
MacEtvan, Mrs. Gloillon Bisset, Mrs.
James Bisset, Mrs.*W. K Price,
Mrs. IL 13. 31, Tichbotne.
Mrs. Oder Made -the -draw for the
whieh was won ibe ylirt. Phillips.
If 'Hitler deem &Ode .40 tut aliteut
*thick On Great Britain in whieh no
MeMni of , warfare knOWn to mankind
will be barred, what =est the' citizens
Of Letiden and Olaegew4aed on the
other innunierable cities, to-wrte and,
hamlets or the little island prePated'
to fitee in the nature et VS warfare?
„„; War gases are elaesitied into ' four
groups aecording to their principal ef-
feete on the bliman body. These are:
(1): Choking, ,(2) nese; (3) tear, (4)
Matter gates.
Let Uir'examiue a representative ot
each of •theee to see hovv they may -be
Teeognited-tand "Iiittet tbeiTatrea the •
victim, and to -see how.. the intlitidnal
citizen, may -protect • himself against
;them, and in case protection is not at.
forded in time how he may aopir azsi
aid to the affected areas. ,
Among the ehoking gases are in=
cludedtphosgene, .ehlorine and chloro -
plain. All of these Attack the breath-
ing Paseages andlungs, muse a feeling
of suffocation tteeompanied by cooglaing
and perhaps vomiting,: and In severe
cases .death results. The first of theft
pees Is Invisible but ,has a definite.
smell of ,rofiSti. bay. The ,
respirator provides complete proteetion
and the gas tthelfdoe% not persist in
the alefor any skeet length of time;
One Of .the hose gases is known
simply by the name D.M. If causes
irritation: in _the pose, throat and
breathing -passages with a burning pain
and a feeling Of tightness 1» the cheat:
This may be followed by sneezing,
coughing and possibly yomitieg,
ever, this is not a -lethal gas and the
.patient soon *cetera when removed
from the gassed area. This gas Can
be detected only by its results, but the
respirator affords complete protec:tion'
against it. •• ,
Tear gases affect the _eyes, eantiiig_
'thent to smart and roduce tears, bttt
they will not cause death. One of
these Ise B.D.0*„ a lbrean liquid' which;
gives off an invisible_ vapor with a
Pungent ArritAtiegtodortsimilar, to that
of our fruit. It i&very persistent, and
maycontinue to give, off vapor for
Several days. As with the tito groups
mentioned previously, full ',protection is
given by- the reardra.tor.. _
The fourth group, blister gases, dif-
fers from the octets tin that it raft'Y
affect any i part of the -body, and while
the respirator proteets .the face other
Means must be found to Protect the
rest of the body.' . Mustard gas,- one of
the most eomeme of thisq.ast group, is
a heavy, oily, straw-colored.iiquid
which gives off an invisible vapor smell-
-ieg slightly of garlic or onions. One og
-the ntost remarkable characteristics of
this gas and the one which makes it
most dangerous is its remarkable
'rowers of penetration. It will go,
'through ordinary clothing in five min-
utest uppers of boots in four hours,
soles of boots ill -tweety-four hours, It
is also -very persistent, remaining On
the ground for days ready to contam-
inate a passerby, at any time. When
this, gas in liquid'form comes in contact
withTthe skin, the latter becomes red
in about two hours,- irritation results
and, later blisters are formed. If a
sMgle drop enters the eye permanent
blindness Will tresult, but. death front
this ,gas is infrequent Unless a great
deal of vapor, enters the lungs. ,
. Protection against this gas invokes
•,the use of the respirator to protect the
face. Clothing thwt has been totem -
Mated shoUld be removed and buried,
Affected areas of the skin wiped 'off and
' anti -gas ointment applied and any
blisters that arise covered with ,a
The l'i,esliktetran young people herd
their regular meeting Oil Monday even-
ing in the lecture room of the church.
The meeting was • in charge of 'Miss
;Helee...kreher, while 'the businets was
takee by Miss Donna Bell. The de-
votional program included the Scrip-
ture reading by, Ernest Kneeshaw and
'prayer offered by Rev. D. J. Lane. 'The
secretary's and treasurer's reports for
the past year indicated that the Guild
had had an interesting - as well as
prospetous' term. ,
The topic, "World Outlook,' - was
given by Mise Bernice Iloggarth, who
explained the outlook with regard to
the situations created by the present
war in the various countries of the
world. A Vete of thanks was extended
to ;was: Itoggarth for this splendid and
interesting address. Before the eloae
of the meeting, there; Was a inusleal
contest as prepared by Eileen Bogie.
, Next week the regular Monday meet-
ing will be dispen;sed- with in view of
the ievitatien to S'eafortli on Tueeday
evening. All those intending to gq, will
kindly let tilts Donna Bell or MISS
Mary .11eXay ' know ',before Saturday.
Cars Will have the church at 7 o'clock
for Seaforth. The 'Cioderielt Seelety
has, been reqUested to -conduct the de-
votional program, and the answer to
tlie-rtilrailr"ifill be a'llible verse eon.
faining the work "faith."
E. 0..‘Whately Appointed to lake
Dr. E. R. Place on.
Library BoOd
The' Uwe Couni1 a its meeting on
Orlday tight latit had before it a peti-
tion with sixty-three signatures of local
mfrOanita naking for tbe 'ageing of a
tlykIN` tceenforte a weekly half-hoildaY
througleaut the year, eicelet in the
month ef ',Deeember; and elooleg at too
p,M, on all other days except, Saturday§
andelaye preceding public holidays, -
The desired bylaw, according to the
Petition, la to. affeet retail„merchente,.
"deallnie itt greeeriee, dry goods, *bee
storre butehers, Zen% wear, bakeries,
ft- shoe; art stores, ;Wok' stores, dry
-cleaners, eleetriehuis, feed Sterftill furni-
ture dealers, hardwares, jewellers,:
millinery, „oPtemetrIsts, photographers,
produce dealers, radio .sereice, depart,:
Mental near* order ofilees,. drew shops
and ready-to-wear, varietyratOtOs, idiee
repairs, secondhand dealers"
.The 'would be on Wed-
needay 'afternoon of each w�k except
Weeks' in Avhich there is a pietIle'
;day,- the stores to 'elate at 12.84 noon:
- In behalf of -the 'petition Messrs.
Sharpe, Riley and Norman appeared
before the council and. it was stated.
that the signatures represented eighty-
five per cent. of the 'town's business
places.-- tr
Opposition to Petition
J. Cattle. Oda and las; S. MelOxveti
-spoke 'in. Opposition to the petition. Mr.
Cutt stated • that some ef those Whose
signatures were on the petluonwere
not in-faver or it.
• Me. 'Menwen was tvigorous itt hie
--declaration of oppttitioe to enforced
early closing. !Goderieh, he said, Was
A...summer. Ap.ADAL4,411: shonld
-pared, to tdo "business On every day Of
the week. Besides, he . claimedthe
right' to manage his own business In
his own way. 'Young men -without any
intvestmenr, he said, were tiying, t0.
impose eonditient On business men.
Mr. McEwen also brought .up the
point that gasoline stations, not covered
by rthe Petition, Practically; all sold
groceries: -
- Cone. Iluckint asked who would be
expected to enforce the bylaw—would
the merchants lay charges themselves?
There was no discussion on these
Word has -been received*,of the death
of Arthur Brown, -eeventy-one years of
age, who died at XingsvIlle iii Jana-
ary. Mr. Brown was well known here,
having- spent eoveral weeks every spring
end fall at Goderich harbor as owner
of the fishing tug '"Silver Swan." Ile
made many friends and aequaintanees,
Particularly among people whose inter-
•ests were at the harbor, daring his
short visit4 here.
woublut marry yea if you
were the lastputt in the world.
You're right. Yon'd be trampled to
death in the rush, •
Purehaefed oi prbeeof 425 end tiaat
Fred ,flunt'. temder for heating the
zoUee otlite at 48000, had been ac-
eepted. The vommittee recOronleoded
that a delionetration oVB. 001.0tboePe'S
snowploW amnged.
The *pedal voanraittiee reeoreeeended
that the resiguatien, of Or. 11, R. Sall
as a member of the ,Publie leibrEY
Bowl be aeeePted, Old a Wier of
aPpreclation of his sereleele 'be oat,
and that It. 0;, `Whately beapjolnted 10
the Publie Library Board in his plitee,
The water, light and herber COM*
initteeereconirateeled eaten agreement
be executed With the Imperial Oil
.rienapallY ,in . connection With the new
441i, -Pipe installed by them from their
tanks to the deck, if found in order.
The emneterv and Parke Committee.
esecorcitnendeil that the public worke and
Parks committees be empowered; act
ixt the matter Or the toWlesa applieetieie
for use. of a portion of the -Government-
propertY at Lighthonse,Point.
The fire eentanitteereConimended that
prices -be obtainedon tire changeover
for the Rea fire truck. • -
'Deputy:Reeve Baker, referring 10 the,
offer of the Western Canada FleUrt
MIS -00; 61,11411Y met for appileatilSk
icY PAO and° eidettelk$, said he
believed this would net prove satisfac-
tory. The salt would eut up the reedS"
1-andwas hard oxi iars. A motion:
thanking the' W.c.k.m. oe, for its oft*
LONDON, -Feb. 10.--eSaturday after-
noon, February 15, at 4 o'uleck, 1)r.
Frederic Tristram Egener, organist of
(Vonyn Memorial ehnreh, will iriaumir-
ate the tenth eeeeep of Saturday after-
noon • twilight organ recitals, en the
ntagnifieent organ in Oronyt Memorial
church. The programs, .as in former
years, will embtace. the great classics of I
organ ,and orehestral eompoeition, as
well as popular numbers, which evert-- 1
body knows end loves. Iteeitals will
be given fortnightly, and the pfiblie is
eoreially invited to, Attend.
Menermid, formerly 1)1111.'
iter ot Itnox • Presbyterian church,
Goderich, and for the last ten eare
pastor of St. Paul's Presbyterian
church, , Toronto, 19 giving up hie pre-
sent charge owittg 'to 111 health. ror
the duration of the war he will take
eharge of tbe Oakville ,Preebyterian
congregation; whoee minieter, 'Capt. the
Iter. 41, X. 'Nicoll, is serving as chap-
Iain'of Toronto regiment.
• 'Council referred the petitio». to com-
• mittee. orthe whole. ,
" The Hydro Question
• The Mayor reported that at his first
in:eeting with the Public Utilities Com -
Mission he had 'brought up the mattek
of, the power situation. He, was ill-
formeq. that while the Commistion had
nothiagto Coromunieate at the present
. ,
time It was expected that tin -.the not
distant future there- wonld- be some-
thing to report. The Mayor stated that
the Commission -would. MA be altowed
to forget the matter. •'
In reply to a question from the Reeve,
His Worship stated that at present the
,Commission was not doing anything
' about a distribution of the surplus.
...When a rebate was given to consumers
• on e previous occasion the Oonimission
•had a tight with the Hydro people at
Toronto over the matter, he said.
• All the members were preseht except
Councillor Oraham. • . •
The tax collector reported collections
antouutino°% to $26,841:70 in January,
nearly $24,000 of thiseing jor 1941
1, taxes. •
•The sexton f Ilaitlpd cemetery
reported fourinterments in Janeary.
I- ---w:-Al Nielbearfs-applicatiou tor '11
building permit, for a poultry house
on Hincks street was sent to the fire
cothinittee. -
S.Prevett asked permission to re-
place the present Ford, sign in front of
his building on -.South street with a
neon sign. 1teferre1 to committee of
the whole. „, .
Oommunicationt from the Canadian
Federation of Mayors and Munieipali-
ties and the Ontario Association of
Rfiral Municipalities, .soliciting mem-
bership fees, were sent to the finance
committee. • • ,.- •
Arnold leak's application for an
additional taxi license was sent to the
t special committee.
r • Town Solicitor Dancey's advice that
1 a land surveyoi be engaged to prepare
a plan of lands proposed to be incorpor-
ated' in the Tovni, in the delimitation of
the north boundary Wil8 referred, to
;the water, light and harbor cemmittee.
IA coninsuitication from the TOWII •of
Napanee, With reference to preposed-
legigaticin on the ' subject of edurity'
• equalization of assessrcients, was ' re-
ferred to tile special committee.
The `anittunceettiet ot a municipal
,police training scheol, to be conducted
at Toronto from Febrizary' 24th to
March .29th, was sent to the special
A request from the Salvation Array -
for financial support ot its rescue. work
,wae referred to the finance committee.
• A letter from the Board Of Trade;
Inviting the Couteil to appoint repre-
sentatives- on ethe publicity and ba-
clustrial committeeof the Beard, was
sent to the epeciaieeemmitfee, Az was
also another letter Trent the same body
asking the Obeincire Support of a, re-
queSt for the paving of the -Blue -Water
• . Connnittee Reports
• The finance committee recommended
ho action on requests fOr grants to the
• Ntrvy, Itkagne and the National Greek
War Fund, as under rovincial direc-
tion all patriotic grants are to be made
through the. County Colwell. It wat
recommended' that-- membership fees it
the Ontario Good Itoade Aesoelation
and the Ontario Municipal Aeeociation
be paid. Another recommendation was
that the colieltor -be instructed to ac-
cept *4,500, payable in, cash within
ten days, in cettlement of the Town's
elaim against the Goderich Manufae-
turing Co. The committee reported that
County rates for 1941 had been prepaid.
Relief aeeounte for January amounted'
to $11o.ree.
&he publle'Works eozeutittite reported
that a street sanding machine liad been
wait passed.
0h -as. Cooper was beard with refer-
cife0 to the- sidewalk .on the iorth. aide
off 1St: Medd% street, and the 'matter
was referred'to the public works eons-
Mittee, • the. Mayor pointing oni Abet
nothing eetdd- be done about the walk'
nett' the spring:. • •
,,lleeve Turner said he thought 'too
much stuff" was being sent. Ito corn-
was • urgentt., it should be 'referred to
the proper conimittee and be.dealt With
in regular order, be Said.
''--The-',,Mgyor agreed: that the 'Council
hadgot-into a bad habit in this tespeet,
There .Was a suittlited lestghas the,
Council, imineiliatelY after these re-
marks, adopted a motion to go into
cimarnittee of the whole.
' _-_,CoMmittee ofthe VIllisle
Itt I/ 'atm- J: 0. shiiidowo washeard connection with his complaint
against :the -town thimp adjoining his
property aud,,,,the Council agreed te
give the matter 'Prompt consideration.
It was agreed to grant Mr. Prevett
permission to erect, a eew sign as
requested on his 'giving the usual bond.
After some discussion the petition
for an early : closinebylaie was laid
over for further consideration.,
It Was left With the Mayor and. the
;chairman et the -water, light and harbor
committee to Arrange a meeting with
the Board- of Transpoit„Commissienere
while in town on iitionday.
, The committee's report was presented.
to Council mid' adopted' and Council
then adjourned,
4404):04�F 3MI1�I
itair711:tegreres. y""bdossi:risiosilogitoSselliernlf:*a4 wumea711"1"114141.0147"11:°:
t4011"011. ItI*01111.°411:07toasiretin:timete7:400***404/18
mach seero• Moir to be ere..
inks* are (wily obteimi. 4*4
should iso **eared bY *TOO**
who is *Ot sUro of kis /WSW
F 'Ariestrolg
eer. 1009440 St en
WelineS4i'ikt Ludesew
G. L. Parsagoikggefitted Chainams
. at InostigOrel hiloatbig' of 1941
The inaugural meeting of the Col-
legiate justitute Beard tor _1041 was
held, on Orlday afternoon at the: sehOOL
The members are: V. 4. Otte -Vona,. 3.
W. Fraser, 0, O. Asquith, W. A. Ootd-
thurst, Q. L. Parsons and, 0. K. Saun-
.411 were preSont, but Aire 'Asquith,
Mr. Paremie tittettreotPPOInted
inan for "VAL Mi., SiauticlistS,'1 riot
4airnlan. pFoyiert, eartunittego
consists. of V. A. Ceulthuret as ebair-
man,P J.24aPEwani 4)4.a. 4440,4i4
c. K.Saunders. .1111401 ot the supply
etpui0ittee, I; W. trfaSer` was appointed
Duretaiiiing agent. The fltia06:4
mittee fa to tonsist of the whelit 'tie*
J. R. atimg, was re-aPPlinte4 teeretent
The, regular meethig$ of 0_6 .$0.4r
.win---be-bt.W41/,' the -44400j -.40111g,ez
the first Thursday- or 'rzipay: est the --
mentleat 4.30 p.m
.The regular monthly meeting WO -
;Proceeded: Withand the treasurer re. -
Ported that on January-30th-ilet14;
ceived Shp 'Provincial* grant of WO- Sto
hew' keenemics and ifilop, work, ami
front the Public 'SChotil litoard-' the XI*
$1,440.42 as its share Of "the _eget
of the honie-ecenenlie.4-44.4e0.119.11 work
teitssee -in- 1940: -The report of the •
toiler inspector drew attention to the
necessity of some repair, which will,
be attended to by the. property cern-
Mittee,• . •
The request of the„ Ontario Safety ,
League to be permitted to display talk -
nig mitten pletures. on Pnblie safety
,the school was considered and the
•matter was lett in the bands of the
principal to be decided as the work or
the school should permit.
The board decided to join. the On-
tario- School Trustees' andRatepayers'
Association with a membership fee of
$2 and 'Appointed Mr. 'coultimrst as
delegate to the Master convention.
Accountsto the amount of $450, irt-
eluding a $259 teal biU, were Passed. '
Friend—dttow was your speech
eeived.last night? .Senator—Weil, when '
I sat down; they said it was the best
thing that 1 ever did.
OROWE, Feb. 10.—Mr. Homer
Durnin attended the Normal School at-
home at •Stratford on Friday night.
Mr. -Benson Shackleton took #
•Sleigh -load of the young folks from
here to Dungannon United -church on
Friday night to see a play, "The MU -
adventures of Jimmy," put on by
talent from the young folks of Zion;
• Ashfield cirsuit.
Mr. tt,hd Mrs. Cecil Blake motored to
Atwood on Friday to attend the fun-
era] of a relative of Mrejtiairtte. •
• A few of the men from here attended
the Fire Insurance Co. meeting in Dun-
gannon on ltriday. • ••
W.M.S. Meeting. --The W.M.S. of
Crewe United Church.met at ;the home
of Edna McWhinney on February 6.
The meeting opened with a. hyntii, fol-
lowecitby th4t Lord's Prayer in unison
The president took charge of ,the de-
• votional period,' There was a discus-
sion on the buying, of war savings
tertificates and it was decidedto help
this worthy cause, also to purehate the
new study -book, Mrs. ,Oecil Blake
Prepared the program. Airs. W. Dren-
nan read the ninth' chapter in the studs
book • An i t
PURE a n cl r°fti-P)
MAGIC gives
tondo Whir*
n erssting reading was
given by Anna May Culbert, "Now
More Than,Dver." A. synopsis On the
scenety and natural resources of Japan
was given by Mrs 13 Finnigan. A Solo,
'Jesus Is the Way,' was sung by Mrs.
W.,-.:Drennttn. TWO short letters freen
Missionaries in Japan Were 'read by
Mrs. E. einnigan. :Mrs. S. Sherwood
gave a readiug,-"In Times of War Pre.
"pare f e-tmeeting, Was
brougbt 10 a close' with a hymn, after
whie ;the president read the °dosing •b •
Dpd, d s Kidney Pills
prayer and pronouneed the benedietion.
Dragging around each
day, unable to do
housework -- cranky
with the children—
feeling mite:titbit.
timing it on 'nerves"
when the kidneys may
be out of order, When
kidneys fail tbe system
dogs with hoot:aim.
Headaches--- ha the" frequently follow.
Dodd'* Kidney help clear the aystern,
giving nature Olehance to restore health
and energy. Easy to take. Safe. 116
at the Signal Star °alto, authorized dealers for Remit kton
Band Ltd.
' A machine ' that is mad o to suit you, With a price that is
made to 1'80 yoUr purse.
Phone 71 for information regaxclink, rental or isge price.
DEArzus rou,11,11:111SCIVON RASO LTA
Min 71