The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-02-06, Page 7okoitiMOVAL
PORT AraBBItT, Feb. 4; ---The joyems
ring of those s,yedding hells has eel-
.4Meneett to sound, again in the vicinity
of the Port.
We are gladto report that Mrs. T.
Dougherty, Who Was taken Serlotisly
ill last week, is nmeh improved and
we all hope, he will Seen be Up and
s- around again. • '
, . There Will, be A social evening•in the
basement of the ;'..)•United ellurch this
Friday' even,ug, in aid, of the Sunday
ho1. erokinole with !be
• PiaMr 1ryfleiz•
The two old -rivals, 'Itingsbridgeand-
Port Albert, are at the hockey again.
.Last Friday evening a game was Played
in the Lucknow rink, and Kingsbridge
• eame out en, top 5 to 4. A. Wend mime
was played on M'OntlaY night, at 'the
eame piece, and this, time the Port team
' 'Won 4' to 1. '
The Ashfierd Patriotic Society will
hold their' monthly meeting next Tues-
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.,
Chas. Crawford. All ladies are heart-
il/y• welained. • .
PpitTaws Euix, yob. 4—he Red
Okoss euchre partY at the home of
. John. Torrance on tridainight last was
attended: .All reporta. very en-
, joyable 'eiefling and over $.11 was
taken in.
• On Tuesday afternoon a quilt'for the:
" Ladies' Aid was quilted at Mrs., john'
-Torriinese'Asbomess,.. :vs!: •
31rs. Reg, 'a -Saab -1'g at ;the
borne of -and Mrs. Harvey Fuller,.
.•-while they; have a holiday in the city.
'Mart Fuller, who liaS been confined'
- to the -house with:measles, is out,senel°
enjoying the sunshine again.- •
' Miss Kate Williams; who sPelif the
past two years in O1mton 1 4gain
with -her sister, Mrs,. J. Torran& ,
"Mr irvn Oke, who ha's been -under
the doetor's e•fire -With 'pleurisy,- is able
to he out again. '
A.W.B. •
an aged, good neighbor I WAS
relating a recent visit DM to tire doctor
for a thorough 'medical examination,
and bow the result 'wita thcot pleasing
to me A* be gave the elear eertificate
of health. %%IS Set the old man going
about himself. Ile said that recently,
too, he 'had 'been irver to the floctor'a
get some medicine tor his sick slaughter.
This daughter, together 'with a So%
hail been wanting iiina to have
Medieal examination for seMe time, but
be had' not heeded their Counsel.
Evidently, on this particular visit for
the medicine, the ilaaghter and son
had by telephone given the family
physician w bint'that when he appeared
at the doctor's 'office advantage might
be taken by the -doctor in a taetful way
to 'cheek up on his doubtful heart eon-
dition. So on this occasion, when the
medicine bottle hail lbeen. tiled the
doetor aid:s"How Omit that little
pain in your chest these days? Hadn't
we 'better take the., oppertunity?" So
the doctor, got Ids stethoscope and ap.,
plied it, and so gici what his children
was so anx1013(8.- should be done. , He
went 'home and be paw they were look-
ing for some Story- of this, but lie never
broke silence about it. until their curi,
osity utsoine1aterii4eal tifine ceulcl-nee
longer be stemmed. One broke out
with, 'Well, YOU had a medical exam,
you?" He smiled and said. '"011, he
found a' 'little knock inside my chest,
hitt said if I had the accumulated. .4?
England miseionary to el* .Arabs, Ot
whose life and work I read in it strik.
Ing book some time ago. Ile bad a
habit a leaving things 'behind, lle was
a travelling ifeeretary for eon* church
Work before be went to North Africa
on bis eelf-denying mission. Dr. Tat-
low, who ,kneve him so well, said:
°Every garfnent 41e poesessed Num biek
to the ellurelt offiee through the midi
'while be we/ in this secretary work.
Shoes, Bible, epouge, pyjamas, tooth-
brush. Vest, and I know net what, fol-
lowed -one 'another in. an unending
stream, greatly to the ' 'delight of the
grinning aloe boy."
We live in WOnderfill timee.- .1 burst
into a Toronto home, my sister's, at
about ',noon , a week ago todaY, Sb
was surprised to see Me; but 'voiced bei
welcome. She remarked: '"Who would
have expected to see you today'? • Why,
I sat down for ehaltis.Our this !morn-
ing; from to halt -Past, and listened
to you on tlie - X •eujoYes1 that,
Anitedid-not think to 'see your face."
Yes,I bad beenbroadeneting, and jump-
ing into a‘ear after 1 was through at
Brantford. I was in. Toronto about wto
hours later at herb deer, How we east
'<WY' 41.atallee these days!
onVwE, Feb, 2:‘,•,44r.bis being Candle.
nuts Day, the bear 'would certainly see
his shadow, 3So silt weeks moreswinter,
Carbon: clganed rOUt and my ValveS
ground I would be all right:" .
, . • 1
There have been some very slipperk
Pavements' in, the city latoly. „On one
well-filled bus the driver /was having
diflicult time in stee,rin
the level. ; When he, c
prepared everybecil
his vehicle on
to a hill he
r the very dif-
ficult and hazardous ort of. making 4
fairly steep grade on the icy 'hill by
saying; "Now, if you have never prayed
beforeyouhad betterstart right new,
that we may get up this, hill all right."
A certain young lady told snei what
trouble she had to -walk a distance on
this day of .icy streets, She was com-
ing dOwn a sidewalk on the ineline
when she felt herself going and she
simply had to go, both !feet sliding
along, and 'couldn't stop herself. It so
lappened.,,there was another person, a
strange mans who.. was In thesssause
predicament, taking a slide without
wanting to. They Collided, She Setting
him by the -waist to prevent herself
from -falling. • They, both laughed at
the collision. She quickly disengaged
herself and said, "Thank you." ,He
said, "'You're quite welcomer- and re-
leased her gently. So '"ships pass in
the night," and someone may add, "and
bump in their passing."
We had two young Men from the
military camp to call on us the other
Mr, 'Colin: Crozier of isieury and: MsS
FranceCrozier of London were honse
for the week -end with.their parents,
'also Lorena, Of TosicknOw ta.S.
• --Foxes are beceraing plentiful around
here and the local hunters are out 'after
.them. Mr. Wm. Reid Shot one recently.
The' !Sunday school and Y.P.U. spon-
sored 'a wield on Friday night which
was .held, in the schoolhouse, An en-
joyable time was Arent. One amusing
feature of the evening's program was
a Pie -eating contest; two per.sorte bIng
blindfolded and trying to eat the p1e.
Try it if you feel In the blues-ri 14
lets o(in..
• -Miss Murier Quinn, spent the To
end at her home in Kincardine.
• A few of the ladies from _here at-
tended the Red Cress meeting held in
Dungannon United church on pridat
afternoon last. • s
-Mrs* Matt eklexhasgonet'
Woodstock to attend the funeral ,Of
Mrs.'Chambers, an.. aunt „ of 'Mrs:
;Sliatkleton.-. -•
; Mr. and Mrs. -Herb Curran of 1111afe-
king made a flying visit to t'heir on,
--AOC alSes -111f.- liferiar-y," -ear
Wednesday last. -
They say true 'love never runt;
Smoothly. One of „our young men 'can
subscribe to that, He thought old
Dobbin mould be sure to get him there
and back again, but lie says walking.
day. We weleomed 'these friendly boys is °°':1 exercise' • •
mintereaed_eiretill they hall- The fliers are making goOd use of
it -is -no unusual -thing
to tell us !about camp -life. They had -their-Hine an!'
now to see .the green, red and wbite
Tights- or to bear, the sound of, the
motors as the planes'AlY' oVerhead.
ohly one complaint tomake, it! seas,
and the •Government can do nething ta
correct that Wrong things they, suffer.
They said 'there . were 'two Ifellow A in
their sleeping lfut who kept them awake
eonsiderably at night, They had the
halsit of snoring, . and it wasn't ..the
Medium kind; It was what one boy
deseribeW as the two-way kind,!' and in aid of war effort in the third(week
was yery.vannoying. Banter' and abuse I of February. The , definite date will
and reproach administered gently or i be announced later. There will', be a
severely ; evidently"' could not eorreet i one net •-eonsedv. "The ' Economical
the annoyance. Wasn't it Jenny Lind,' Tleornerens," :with a laugh • he -every
the.famous sin*, whosused to fill her
-ears with cotton wool on !retiring, so
she could not hear trittle . and other
awakening noises when she stayed lit
hotels and' other place's where deep
'Sleep was generally at: a premium?
That method mighthelp the unwilling
listener !pilgrims of:the nights .Their
motto and purpose, we understand, is
. Defence. SO they had better commence
there. Noise can make a very bad sort
of liwasion. - • - • ,, .
• Isn't it easy to forget things, to leave
things behind like umbrellas and even
gloves where orieshas ealied? That has
happened to me of late. A good um-
brella and a decent pairofkid gloveS
oth parted- comparry-Witlrireltecau
mw mind on leaving plates was ,not
• 'functioning on That line at that preciSe
moment, and hemp was reached minus
thee necessary article. The umb-rellit
has since walked. back home, but the
gloves, I am, afraid, -hare found' a. new
• heane, or 'new hands, or' perhaps a
garbage .can—who knows? Heppily 1
.am not so ba.d at forgetting. ,personal-
thing,s as Was my favorite missionary,
the . Rev. TemPle, Gardner, Church of.
• 'The Women's • Asso,elation of Nile
'church will hold' a Concert and Social
Biliousnes13 is just• another name
for a clogged or sluggish liver. It
is a very common complaint, but can
be quickly remedied by stimulating• -
the flow of.. bile. This softens the •
mass,.. the poisons are
liverand boivele are tOlicved and
toned up. - •
Milt ern '0 1 wax 1 tvw, quidUn
and enliven the 'sip/Nish liyeie open- •
ing up every channel,":1:;Y" 'causing a'
free flow of bile and thus 'cleansing
• the liver 'of the clogging impurities,
's..They are small' and easy to take.
„po not gripe, weaken or sieken,
• Tho' T. Milburn, co,,.].Tartnto, Ont.,
line. as well as -other interesift
'intudeal and elocutionary numbers. The
ladies will serve lunch at the close of
e. program.
(�vIf Man with SI NO44106k)
As Thiele Silas would say, 0» bia
to the cellar, "Today is Thirattlay."
"Fitt epidemic feared." lAoolts like
a late aneeweip.
Italy's help to iGerdiany luta the eame
effect es 'pepper on on onion.
Appearing 1beforii the US. louse
foreign affairs -committee Colonel
'Charles A.,Lindbergh said "it would be
a disaster tor Europe if either side
won," yet it was to England that he
went when be sought refuge for hle.
ytnng soil from the threat of kid-
napping some few years aga-ebut Per-
haps his memory is no longer as goad
as it, wee.
• The Women are doing a grand job in
this war, but 41tere still are some who
prefer knitting their brows to knitting
The Italians pot only have cold feet
'but their feats' are Cold, too. '
A 250 -pound woman savs she would
like to take a erack at Hitler q if she
were man enough. She at least :uis,
weman enough. '
' Edmond' TaYlor's definition -of
An •enemy who is invisible when you
are sitting ,next to .hlin atdinnerbut
Whom on think" you 'see under the
bed, .-
Ugionville' taxiderrdist has been
stuffing birds and animals for more
than tiiirtv 'Years. 'Quite unlike 4
eertain‘Nasi air marshal who has spent
the last fifty years' stuffing himself.
P, Wodeliouse, the.brifliant author
and eteator of the matchless ;reeves, is
iwriting story about gaanengsitnetrsr.nsrvnilet
mprisoned In Germ
camp, and the latest report intimate
tlxat 'he, has found material enough- to
write a whole series of gangster steries.
'Britain's war effort i.'costing ap-
proximately_ $61,620,009 a day, and If
you are anxious. to know -what the AI.t.'m
will amount to at the end of this year
you had better get one of your children
at on sfigeur, sit out.. . We did. Her
$22,491,300,000 and it rests
- - -- •
As the wholetworld know, the humor
of the-Obckney, is irrepressible. Ile
can raise his Spirits with -a laugh in the
midst of starkest tragedy, This frag:-
Mentary 'peenis'frista-ilsseenteinpotery
should denionstrate the point :
The jerries dropped another
Poor "Erbert lost -'is 'ead, .
While sister Nell kot blown to 'ell,
And maw -in -bre is dead,
I've lorst three fingers ortme
Get splinters- in me knee;
But Vedist of all, down cum a wall
d-spilt-melloomin' teas • .•
A minister was questionin his Sun-
day seliool.concerning the story of the
young man who, listening to the preach-
ing of the Apostle Paul, fell asleep, and,
falling, was taken up dead. "What,"
he said; "do we learn from this very
solemn event?" "Please, sir, ministers
should learn net AD Preach Mc; long
sermons," replied ilittle Dorothy.-
It. J. BOWIAUtil of ilruiwele is :the Pew
preeldeat of the East Huron Agricul-
tural $oelety.,
,The Cricb restaurant at Seaforth,
which wits gutted by tire the leet daty
of December, 14 being rebuilt.
Rev. joira Pollock., Presbyterian
minister at Whitechureb, Jia', ben
famed by ill -health to give up preaph-
ing for a year. "
Tile seed fair under the auspiceif of
the South Huron Agricaltural 'Society
will. be held at Ilensall . on Febrnary
28th, and tbe spring,etok ellow•
Fire in the general store of T. If,
Johnston .FordWich, on Wednesday of
last wejk . destroyed the store and
contents. The Listowel and Harriston
flre brigades, responded to. the. vall for
!help and v saved, adJoining prblierties.
TO origin of the fire is unknown.
Margaret McDonald, 'widow of Whit-
field Crich, passed away in her sleep
on SaturClay morning last at the heme
• ,her Sen, 'Howard' °deb, toWnslup
of Tuelsersznith. She waS .in her
seventy-fifth year. 'Sins resided for some
earsin ,OlintorS where:Mr. Crich died
William Coates, who was president
of the, Outer Agricultural .Society tor
some years, -has resigned, and at the
amival meeting of the Society Dr; E. S.
$teiner was elected president. In spite
of wet weather, the annual fair last
fall was successful financially and
otherwise, showing a surplus of over
towushio IDtU Tetirluit to ItrUiniStlit In
1921. Mr. itobb died nearly four risers
ago. iOne deughter, Mrs. Albert Jaeit-
son of llerristore eurviveie
The marriage a Marion Chrlifthia,
second daughter ot 'Mr. and Mrs. Her-
old Morrell of IIullett townettip,
John William 'Smith, eldest Wilk Of mt.
grs. John tr. iSmith ef Varna,.took
plate on Tuesday evening., januarY
14th, at the rectory of lIply TrinItY
ilanrela; Chatham, Rev. 'Mr, Latimer
fillielating, The yowl."' couple wili re
Side on the groom's fa;in at Varna.
Peanut Remota
1Iarold, the two -year -Old' 6on of Mr.
and Mrs. (*rant Ford, of Hewitt)), has
been brought 'back to his home after
several weeks in St. Joseph's Ilespital,
London.. The ebhld choked.), while eat -
lug peanuts and'when an operation WAS
performed it peanut VitleAcTnd adhering
to the windpipe. Tbis-Was ;removed,
land , the child improved safliciently to
leave the hospital,
Leg Broken by "Car
William O. Smith, a Seaforth painter
hospital with a broken leg, the result*
of having been $truck by a tar driven
by 1Sgt. ' Clayton Mitchell of "1:0" Com-
pany, Xhidlesevilluron ,Regiment, on
Saturday evening lest. Mitchell pulled
but to pass a sleigh Parked at the side
of the road an Egraonflville, and the
bumper of the ear evidently struck
Smith just below the knee.
sow. . . . lioggarth—Clufr
The death of Mary .Alice Maaeod,
widow of John Anderson, occurred in An - intereetiug: .matrimonial event
the viringhahl hospitaloil Jamiftilt 2114. tools ,saaee at the United aurch parson -
Mrs. 'Anderson • was born in g the town- tegIse,xac.‘"wt,011' ettr daIu' gw4teern ,Iselizse‘ft-
Ship., of Turnberry And after her mar -on F. ,Cauff and ihe late Mrs., Oltiff,..Seas
forth, became th.e bride of L.A.O. Lloyd
chester '1-,Toggarth 0 the R,O,A.F.,
;Carop Borden, sou of Mr. and Mrs,.
Henry -Iloggarth of Seaforths ,Alter
a reception at the 'bride's home, the
couple left on a trio to Montreal,
'Mr. and Mrs', Bight 'Porter and family,
of ,Staniey township, ilsited-on Sunday •
with the Porter brothers. i
M . • he;.
ra. Harvey .FalIer accompanied r
siker, Miss Mary Bogie, to Toronto for '
c,t-1,1:Mrweee. Gk*eeon!.--E. ale: oiler.' ..-ts Visiting ,sVitls. .
alr: and Mrs. Janes Horton.. at Leeburn.
Mrs. Oriels of 'Clinton visited last
,week with her brother-in-law and
steer, Mr. and Mrs. Earl.'Oeeper.
de Tuesday evening iRiverstonlsidge,
1j.O.f4045, sponsored another 'dance
which ,.as well attended. iMr. T. bren.
flan, of ;Godeerich was •fieor manager and
the music- Nliras snpplied. by . the Monk
°i.t1;nedh-Fs?ead' aBes4411.iste": 317;ce-iii .
The executiveA ofoith:elinrD.:106aniainwd:sset:iesoresoCri.vluoejs:d. 1
day evening to plan
of the Junior
line in the
'eci (31.1°1f
ago. Surviving are a son, William Eartara Orr, Mary Jean'IFulIer; Aead-
riage-She and,' her , 'husband- 1 ved for
some years at Arcola, 'Streit., returning
to ,Wingham in 1912. She was in her
ofY.eMaarigare‘ t Brown, "w1dow
Iof Tilamas ' Oatneron, occurred on
janiOrY'28th in Grey township. atrS:
Cameron Niles- .in her sixty-fifth ye*-
at lion*.
and a son,. John, of Brix\ssels,'surilVe; •
• Clara Ann Roberts', witIOW, of Dunean
Alexander Fraser, died. ,at $'4taforth on
'Saturday in- her , eighty-fourf?. year.
She had lived .in Mitehell and rkter-?n
Stratford'-before-corthing-to live•''svith-
her .slaughter in 'Seafortii. Mr. Fra 6,,,r,\
died forty-three years ago.- , Survivin'
are a son, Malcolm Arlington Fraser,
Blytb, . and a daughter, Mrs; Frank
W- WillislefiarriSefrthS;hadd. ick, of 'Stanley
township, died on gaturday afternoon
in his his fetywar-third
nn:vaTair04. t 7,....7,,,ved,, :„. iii,,,
, despite this ,handicap carried On farm-
ing operations: !He is survived-- by- his
wife, formerly -Rae Nellans of Clinton,
and two daughters; also by .his father, Met at the -11,4111
Thomas Shaddiek .iaf Hensel,' three Tichborne on Thur
,brothers* and a sister, , - .. - the year's 'activities.
Yatie• Garrett, Widow of, the late by the hostess.
Charles E. Bowden, passed away orit The regular Meetin
january 27th &O'er homein Wingham. ,Red Cross was held in
•,She was Ifiv her •sevenry4iintli year. Friday, 'With Clarice La
i a ns
ne n an had , there ,
since. Mr. Bowden died twelve years
Caller: "I'd like a few words with
the lady of the house."
!Maid "'Well,- you'll 'aye 'to Wait yer
turn. Pin in the middle of 'aving
few with 'er„ myself." • .
'Mildred Boyd, widow of thelate John solo, "Bobby Shafto,"- by Vera Wilso-.
natwIlell.lieme ,i1of -Mr. and Mrs. 'Gee ---3!
• •
Despite the weather,' there was
good :turn -out at Union ehureh on Stine_
day, erhert the pester, Rev. A., J. Macy .
Kaye, delivered an. impressive Sermon
froin the teit,"nce fLord Shall light for
(End....11#.14 44).
you; and ye. hold your peace"
.school jhe;third litnee r d e'iiidFlisri°dreaYd eveningbb
in. Taylor's 'Corner .school with a good
attendance, , •
-Red Cross Deneillts.-04 Friday
evening,. the iltayfield road fOlks held' a
progressive euclire party at the home
02 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fuller, with fifty
present. Nine tables of 'cards were
played, honors' going to arrs.
Sowerty and Norman Fuller, Consola-
tion prizes were awarded to .Mrs. P.
MeClure and E. H. SomersalL Lunch
was served and the Oerting closed with
the National 4-Anthera.'sf !On Friday
evening the -folk on the 3rd and ail
concessions hehl their „euchre party at
-We' horde- of' Mr.' and Mrs. Wileman
Johnston, with a good attendance, High
honors earilSi Went to Mrs. Gordon
Orr and Mr. John Porter:7' Consolation
prizes were awarded to Miss .Elva Orr
and Mr; Lorne Porter. Lunch was
Served and the evenieg elez'
"*"'"1 Ant -bent.
Born a Bristol, England, she came .to r. • The protr RI co
Wi train i 1913 dh e hied quartette The Junior
Sons," by Doreen Orr,, Wilda
witli the Royal Air Force in England, ing The Pineit yegetables in 4i4•.he
and a daughter, Ifiss Elsie, at home. . . s
'The death •oecurred in the Listowel sRuth Shares Her Candy," by Bleano
hospital on January 27th of Emma Fitiler; riddles- by Isobel Fuller, and
Twe Communists were walking in
the park. "Nice weather we're having,"
sad. one. "Yes," said the other, grudg:-
ingly,."bet the.rieh are having it too."
ILeef or Brussels, -' Deceased wag In The' meeting Closed with the Na.tionS
ter set enty-sixth year and was a native Anthem. • . • After her marriage to Mr. The February meeting of the Dram-
. Robb she lived on their farm in Morris atic Club will be held onsOriday evening
Western Canada Special Bargain Excursion
GOING DAILY FEB 15-4IAlt. I, 1941
° Iteturil Limit 45 days.
lCiOACIIIES AT natzs AIPII'BOXIMA.TELY 1-1/8c per inile
TOURIST Aleeping, Oats at fares pproximately 1-1go per rnile
STANDARD gleeping Oars at fares apprveimately 1-%c per niile
Cost of acemnedation.ln .sleeping ears additional. !
DAGGAGB OI1E;OKI3p. Stopovers at all points enroute, going and .returning.
Bxeursiene ,from Western to Eitatern 'Canada During ..Saine Period,.
Tlekete, Sleeping Car Reservations and 411 inforrnation from any ,agent.
mistake that a great many •
home owners .make is in not
_gutting enough coal on the fire. This .
is a false econonly.-A thin, -skimpy
fire not only burns up too fast,
goes out more easily; and causes
many unnecessary trips to the
• cellar, but it also wastes fuel.
For the most economical opera-
tion, aIwaya put on enough fuel to
keep the fire -bed 'level with the
bottom of the fire -door. •
• In rnild weather you can leave*
. little heavier accumulation of ash
on the 'grate. The fire will then
burn very slowly, yet there will be
sufficient fuel, in the process of
Deep RI% litind Shallow fire.
vith bottom of Wasteful and
fire door annoying
"burning to preeide ample heat in
casesof" a sudden 'drop in the out-
side temperature. And 'remember,
whenever 'put ort fresh coal,
always leave an eeposed spot of
live -coal directly in front of the
fire -door to net as a pilot light to
ignite the gases arising frora the
'fresh coal. - • (5)
, "Every. duty well and hor.zeidy done, is a contributiaii ta victory.
Conforts of I:brim
if they. eonsult their own interests by seletatirg their.
from our stook. Living, Dining' Room and Kitchen require.
Mats, as well as Beds and Mattresses. Our. Cooking. Stoves
and Heaters provide both heat and. bomforte
, •
We deliver in town and within reasonable distanees of town.
.PRONZ„ 210 WEST Sit
Whea'boile start to break out on
different parts of the body it is ,an
evidence that the blood le loaded .up
with frapurities.
Just when you think you are tia
• of one, nother crops up to 1. .!its
place and prolong youir misery.
4,11 She lancing and poulticing you
• may do will not 8tOp Mere cornieg.
Why not give that oldeltable,
blood purifying medicine Burdock
Bleed Bittera chance to bardsh the
bolls, Those:ads have used 'it for
'this purpose darink the past 60 7eartk.
Take to3.n. aria get rid ef the bed
bleed end the boils too. •
‘he T Unbent 06, ttd, Termite oso.
'Mitry is the "voice.with a smile"; 'IVIarlris: the efficient
person generally known as a telephone operator. As an
operator she knows much about telephone equipment
'-- how it should be wiled and handled. •
ButMary is best known for her" personality for her,
coolness in emergencies — for 'the grand things she has
done time and again, ignoring her own danger, intent
on one thing only to keep tile standard of tele/lone
service MO.
We pay respectful tithute to Mary and all the girls w1,10
work with hetlier devotion to her job sets a standard of
public service. Taetful, patient and courteous, Mary is
the inedium ;through which .
this Company and its public 04,4„We
are always in tou.;011. She
plays a vital part in. Canada's
war effort.