The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-01-09, Page 8••744 NEWS OF AUBURN AUSIMIN, flosebtr, Rdbert 'Brunt Librory meeting Wes held u*Y et liMentiseris to elieurerpr. ji, e. fweir.1 eveniug at the library, with A. J. fuss am. Jeri judos Roby tie %berm, Ferguson ill the presideara eintir, The Usrejut * mar W•kituldi vildted °De d aY 111,Tir erelDeryljgrbatdroltrats)'rettli: the brietnuir sraestlo 4 Par' Thr Ent utd Mr. and Wm D. Dewar. MO es, 'Mrs. Victor Burt and f410.11Y• 4dww London, went New Year`e with ber parents, Ur. atel Mrs. Fos' Baker. JAW Peso Burt, who spent the Obriet- nix* vrteatiou with her graudparents, returned home with her mother. M at we* with, Or. and Mr* Marrs)? lateks report, which, showed a noticeable Mr. Jaek 'Atkieson arid daug.hter PA - MOM deersossiu the euesser Qfbooicii read itriel* returned to Detroit •ott %Sunday iliktaker iMeNall left on Saturdey fer during the past year. The reeigeatiems after vending the Poisr two Week* at tropaato, where he will sem in the of Rainier 'Dawn Sted Alfred Rollin. 'their home here. , littilsA.T. at ' the MiaininS WO. son were aecepted stud Geerge titraughs ' Miss ,Peara Castle of Stretferd 111 litionti* her will be pleased to learn an and Mies Jesephine Weir were hope for a fortnights cesteation. got Itheirart Ferguson, who aceepted ehosen to stet in their plaees as, mems Itev. and Mrs. j. Gr*hatu, Rats/tad Manic* visited frteeds in Delaware' 011 *Shotition in the Itoyskl hank ot leaned.% 'bers of theSisoard. Jose, b* t* Po/Motet' from Junior 34*,P.S. Oilicera.-41'he nominatbag coin. Friday. be teller in the Tottenham* istane11. mittee of the LP.S. Rnox United /Mrs. J. J. Macintosh' and Ilia. Biu' We are mOrry to rePort that Mrs. church brouglat in the following slate, marr of Fort Erie eame on Monday to "tank loausing is confined to her .bed !WWI heart ;trouble. ' No *erviee was held in Knox Presby- ' bola* church or St. 'Mark's Anglican' *Muth en ,Suuday last, owing to road treasurer, [Ruth Arthur; fellowship esseditionos convener,Vivian IStraughan SaSsistant, Mr. an Mrs. Gtedon Dobie and 1 Lenore Plaetzer ; ettizerishiP eosn'teuer, ibiliss of Fergus, weft recent Visitors IlIteld'ShePpard; as,siStants Zeta Mlitiro here. , • , 'Christian, eulture convener,' Diary 14r. 4 Mrs. 010ton Martins of Mini(); ,assistagt, 'Maxine Ball; mis- , harts stieited With M. audit rss isionary 'Convener,. 'Petty Clair.' essiSt.: ta. TbolretOon, ant, titargaretS,Wightnian; social, Com. tinittee, Rev. It O. WilSOIR Joan iSheP- pardp i1vn Wightinan and Kathleen Patterson. • - sse • ss, • , ' BA,YFIETA) of offi.cers last Tuesday night: llonee, be With the fornier's daughter, Mrs. ary president, Bev. 11. t. -wilsou; J. O. Goldthorpe. president, George .Straughan; vice -pre- LO-ItaOincens-asem5sfui itneelOtaitaenMonday.lsTeo. .4held sislent, Elvin Wightman; secretary. a very,su evening, Januar- .0thi when eight new IneMbers were initiated, The Bayfield members ,vvere ably asSiSted bY the Varna, Lodge initiation team. At the conclusion of the meeting lunch was served,* New officers for the year." who were elected at a Previous mSting, are; Worshipful master, john Parker; duty master, Walter' Westlake; recording secretary, N. W. Heard ;. elhaplain A. E. Erwin; financial seem- tar2y001arleS 41eineinhardt ; 'treasurer, rStirtion Chitiralial; Wm. E. Parke 1st lecturer, Wm.. Mental; 244 lecturer" IL Darrow; committee, Rebert Orr, E. Beard, Leslie Elliott, Wan. L. Ferguson, S. Featherston; tyler, Lindsay s: Sudden Death of J. O. Goldthorpe Citizens- of the village„ were Shocked ter Monday owning. floY-the news of the shciden death of3. O. Goldthorpe. He was found shortly after midnight, lying in the snow in an unconscious eondis tion, close to the'roacl near Robinson's store; by A. 0. Atkinson, who was driving Mrs. Wm. . Pergoson They immediately summoned neigh- bors to help carry him home, where 'first aid tailed to .revive hiM, Medical aid was summoned, but it is thought that he had died Instantly of a heart seizure. Only a few minutes before he had told his wee that* he Was going Mr. OS Mrs. caMerOnrOtbering', how, et $t. 'Marys, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, 'Sam Johnston. ' "A atieeeifirter dance Wassisehis Write' Iroreeters' 11411 on Friday night in aid the aritish Wav 'Funds Arthur's orcheetra Supplied, the. music., ry.and Mfrs. Arthur won the ' 1341C7-1133)14)* 'Inn* 7.--4/F. and .Mrs. elbeination dance, and the award for Wm. Robinson and son Ntralter, of the spot dente went to Mary 'McLean London; 'spent the ,week -end at their lind *leek Finnigan of 'Brussels. The home, here. * • PM of $10' was cleared.' Miss !Margaret :Ferguson -returned to Red Prose Shipment. -Thi' local 'Tieetnnseh on Saterdasis,after having Red iCross ehipped the following spent the*Christmas vacation with her Airticles tO'headquarterS this week: 2 parents, Mr. and 51rS: 'Win. Ferguson. inrtleneek sweaters, 5 pair 'Seauteri'S - Mrs. N. W. WOodS' and' 311.ss, Lusty esitike, Si seamen's ,searts, 3 pair' two- Woods spent New Year's with Ur. and vinY mitts, $ ribbed behnetS, 2-ssleeve- WS, Roberts Middleton at Hensall. lees sweaters, 4 pair haiflinitts, 4 army Aircraftsmen Robt. Alien, .of Swift start% 18 pair • Socir.s, 9 pair ,wristlets, Current, and llarry Boanell, of Biggar, pairsImee caps, • • s Sask., who are at the B..0„A.F. Air Former, Resident Dies Suddeelyse-A. Training !School at St. Tholes, spent /mean news item reports the death of New, Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Percy ' Arthur: Newton, a former resident of Weston. - " • Auburn, who dropped dead on Thurs. Captain 'Charles Ferguson left .ee day laet at the honie'of Ed, Brown, Ith Friday for Toronto, Where he will Concession of Bidduiph, township, Where spend a few days. - se, for a i.walk. The body was removed be had been working as farm laborer Mr. and Mrs. -Harry Baker and fam. twoh'trpreOlsah,perristviftuen:;tvlicecha,wpeast, eGoneddeureteichd tor' some months. Mr. Newton was ily, of London, were guests jast week born in -Englandstixty-five years ago of the fOrnier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. • aid had no, relatives in this country. Fred BWker., Burial took place at Luean ths 'Satur. i Mrs. C. W. Browns who spent the day. „. • s,. past 'eight nienthe here at her summer ,Library Meeang.s.SThe annual Public home 'andStvith her sistersSirs: A. Arm :strong, left on Wednesday for her home 'I. 1011A-ToirSIOwa. ' . L.O.L. 21 held a gueeeisful euchre end. dance in the Town Hall on New Year's night.- Winners at" euehre were s -,. the 'following •Ladies' 1tsMrsssOerl'i aq4san-,,Legtons- "i- vu. -in a body- auestee ; ladies' eansolation, Mrs: ,_anaeutiafcutedi doraasi itb;alaruetrseis. of the walaa6nEit Logan:Cleave ; gents' lot, james $61r- ‘ri7rge, attendance of relatives and geon t gents' consolation, Joe Coultis friends front GoderIch, as well as from L.A.C. Fred. Coopers, of the R.A.F., Port Albert, spent the New Year's holi- day WRY IVrgus son. , ,,Aiteraftsmen.SMalcolin McLeod and Mark harreek, Of the' Air Training School, Dunnville, spent the Week -end • with the fermer's Miele, Mr. Louis Me- leotrs and Mrs. :MeLeod. Miss ElVa. Dewar returned to Tor- onto, on 'Saturday after having- spent ame or-PhoteS.--PrintS-Land,,X'4*- 1Pgs Art & Gift Store Tbe Horne" of Good Pietures ast St.* • Phone ..198 • 411y* Moo wiatt Notel000k) Bulged* is between the devil and the deep seasAttid GersianY doesn't look a. sea. The new *dere *haw hes eittIPed wings, but unlike a bird with clipped wiliest it can. fly. 'Wardle Callen; TItbrilis next ob- jeetive"-but the Anodes ,will have no need 411Ayrulc shirkem '§ecause, there Won't boriny. 'Tbe ,uuniber of divorces in Canada inereaSed from 114 in 1918 to.2,0204sin, 1989. late went her vvay,' muses One et the 2,002, "and he went way, an they lived' inupPily ever atter."' The reluctance of the Italian fleet to :take to the high seam may he becauSe the Faseists are unitectuttOmed to an thing above their Own. level. Congratulations to the Goderich girl who is proudly displaying a diamond on the third finger of the left hand. The lucky Man, 'a Member , of, the R.A.F, stationed at the port Albert Air -XnViiii1t161-1-";geUtsl''"Tuey---kt-Tostr-itrts- away to a ibing f*tart, ..:The mother of the Toronto baby first born. in the New Year was presented' with a baby carriage, svhilesthe father received a silver medal, but papa comes out eeeontlsbest, for it is he Who re - ()awe the ' With soap all; but gong cfroni the French market the French have now started to uses -sand -about six months tot late in the ease of the Government. can devour sixty bananas in successibn." Could they be per- suaded to change their diet. to apples it would aP-Peel to the apple growers of Canada as one way of getting rid of the surplus. „Sort of get to the ,core of the situation, as if were. Two weeks ago the Rome radio said 'Wednesday afternoon by Bev. S. Gra. that the A.xis powers would ;help Eire ham before the 'funeral service at 2 in the event Of British atgresston and o'clock at is, George's soignean,chvroli that "the whole Catholic world would, cendwted by the rector, ..nev. sln a be on their ,eidessisas a result' of which Calder, and Rev; !Mr. Graham. Inter- Archdeacon .(Padre) 'Scott of Quebec merit Va'S in • Colborne cemetery, the 'meeusin"Iseesnestedi„ellia siveIrs-t eaesetl.etgw,esso:hdesster. pellbettrerlibe 4.4.SCsol,11.-(1.)?uniopss - :..mitn, . : Geo. G. MacEwan, jack Ofierat, frA: Y.] And. are proud to s be linked with the Fisher, 'Elmer' •SheardoWn and, Harry i ,Reiee- and Japan, . Watson. ' Members of Rost- 109,2' -Can, But it shows ,that ambition your b,rain ., , s's---- overtaxes- • , With the Axis. . --......-,,,; ,..... When you, join* up 'the Kingdom of •God HOLD DOWN kiiironEs FOD IP SHOPPING at ~Er ~VEY FOOD STORES irises' in 'Effect Until • Jan; litthes, ODEX SOAP • .0QMESTIC MASIFIRgT ALMOLIVE1OAP 2 al& Shortening 2. lbs. 2,5; 2 Cakes CAMAY SOAP 3 cakes1 WEBIJOY *SOAP 2 caie; OLD CHEESE Purehaser Lhtdied - to Faintly Weekly Requirements LD CHEESE:, PARD PARD DOG FOOD trisis I 1171 BEANS RUN BEANS it)NA cjIT EAS TOMATOES BARTLETR PEAns 4w. SPAGHETTI -HEINZ SOUP 03LS T Alt ollarliEG. 2'°4 15c OGIVITIES OATS IRISH STEW "4141" LUX SOAP 'oft" sirvg IONA , A&P BREAD F.XCELLENT• FOB. TOAST riNGE, AND SANDWICHES 'ANN PAGE WiftitE W1101,41 WHEAT bRACKED WHEAT . Sliced If ihillical 1 24.01L Vralf ' 1401001 ,- 32 Z5 3 This; 1G -aa. Tin 28 -oz. 2 This Ttfls 2 2 .'Ttrz' 23C 2t...0Z• 11 " 5 4,11 -oz, Pkg. rims mikes .2c P COFFEE p*,61417 Carftbsli vloosotys& WIN= BoKAR igt.3 mno &pdozovi 8 O'CLOCK tit 3 *1011 & IMILL-130D1:11) Red, Circle ii`t 314 F 171 Ts and VEGETABLES witsd HaVEG 7:74BLES s Err Z DOU1T1 Oktraintto TIC *31 ORES tk, • eau hardly, pick -up a newspaper Bayfield and the surroundingwithout reading of the Greek . district. One As,:thes_rmains were4lOwered into- the _soldier's eliptnring new hoighls*Jbut 11* now grave Last Post was sounded ,by 'Bugler Robert Henry of iGoderich. • . heights they will always' be classed , with - by freedom -loving people the The late Joseph Oliver.sGoldthotpe, world over are the spiritual ones they - who was 111 his ' !forty-sixth year;: Washave so nobly risen to In the defence the eldest son of Mrs' and .Mrs. Albert of their country. . • . J. Gbidthorise 'of Colborne township. ' .......-1,---1 . - • lie•first came to Bayfield at the age of Agreeieeswith last Week's editorial sixteen as aluttior bank clerk. He Was that punctuation is iniportant, I we , transferred. to another branch in a few could add that pronunciation and grani- month& He served overseas with the Mar are equally, so. For example, the Canadian forces in the last war shortly after the war he rettirned to *ofters that -the ratter is .taking thand word s`route" is pronouneed "rout" e place of ce of the former when sa persons has oc- eaSien to speak of rural route-suchsand- seeh. The fProper * Prommeiation of "route" Is as in ,tbA work14'root." - The word "rout" should be pronounced .exactly as it is spelled., -Nor are the public schools -blameless in- this respect, for they sanction they pronuneiation "Nootunlund," which is a eorrupt form of 'Newfoundland:P....Ls As •to grammar, of three persons visiting us New Year's -night to wham we put the question, "Did, you seethe lights of the airplanes overhead?". two replied, "Yes, I seen them." ' , ss• • • • • —.....s....4 - •All of 'which is an appropriate ,lead to the one about the boy who answered the doorbell and was asked bY the caller as to the 'whereabouts Of his mother. "Vibe ain't .1n," replied the boy. "Where's your grammar?" re - hayfield and later opened the hayfield garage on Main street. For anumbr of years he was .connected with the militia,; attaining the, rank. a captain. He ;wee also widely known in hunting and fishing circles and had travelled extensively. In lune, 194, he married Miss Mabel Macintosh, only daughter r.saamismarisimisseass WILLIAMS & SON GRANITE WORKS Ain St. Patrick St. *Mena 1955 STRATFORD, ONT. 141;rgest Stock In Western Ontario To * Cheese From • NO ADVAisICE ,1N PRICES 4 All Risk MI Your ' personal property • instFed.. against practically allus INAss '0 POLICY SISE* * .FOltD •Insuranee and Real Estate • HamliOn SL Tel.' -268vic edsthessaller. '1 as the answer. Or, ; The Signal -Star Sells for $2 to any address In Canada and is worth more. Look at iour label; It will show the date up to 'which your subscription is paid. Buy war savings stamps' and. heljr defeat Hitler. • 'of Mrs. Macintosh and the • late J. J. Maointosh of Hamilton, who with one small daughter, Sandra, survives him. He Is *survived also by his parents, two brothers, rigeork*W-of, Toronto and Ben of tOoderich, end -it sister, "Mrs, Alan Moore, of IStratford. , Gcoderich ,TownLots For Sale • s „The Canada company offers for cash Sale . the following town lots', all 6.1 which* are desirable building, sites, convenien,tly located within short dls- :tanceth. of the husinegs section, ofs_the th»vn OiiglnaiITOwn Lot No. *Park ..isotAeres Location s , • s , 11 1/4: North side park- St., east of tonbr.ia ltd.. 11 L, North Side Park St, east of CaMbria ltd. =0 14 „South side Ariglesea $t, east . of Cambria Itd. sh. , South side Anglesea St, east of Cambria ltd 0 .44 iSeuth. side AngIesea St r east f Cambria ltd! 0 14 - NOttlaside Trafalgar St, cast .of Cambria •ltd 6 . ° North side Trafalgar St. east Of ,Cambria ltd. Ist. Smith side \Trafalgar St, east, of 'Cambria, 44.', 7' % South Side 'Trafalgar Sti.....eaFit ;of' Cambria ltd 9 14 South side Bruce St., east of •Cambrla ltd. 9„i'a 'South side, Brice St, east cif Cambria ltd .0 % South side Bruce 8t, east of Cambria ltd 14' West side Britannia Bd., north ors'Iloroeto St. 848 * 3/4 North side Picton: St, West of Wellington St. 849 N'orth side Picton St, west of Wellington St. 850 Vs North side Picton St, west of 'Wellington St. 188 189 728 720 * 730 747 749' • 773 774 , 820 821 822 4' 851 714 North side Picton St; west of Wellington St. Theabove lots, will, be sold for caA, at reasonable 'juices, singly or in groups as suits the purchasers. If you are interested; please commenicate with THE CANADA COMPANY, 371 Bay Street, /Wont°. For two days,' opiy, Wedueoday and fl'hursdani January' 15th and 10th, the Perley Fur Co. of Montreal are show. ling furs. a Whion and Quality' at M. R. Ma01(16.11t14 Kingston, street. Phone 402. The W0Merea Inetitute will hold a bridge and 560 on Thursday, January 23, in the Oddfellows' Admission 25 cents. Vntire proceeds for Bed (Cross. A veelal invitation is extended to all airmen and ethers of both air- ports. 2-3 A ;roll') of winter hats selected from our stock, *in good style and 'value. eeial44;tricerlforcWriday and ;Satur- day at $1.150. MISS/ atfloYIQat, (Kingston, street Phone 402. • .2 At Kingebridge Mtn each Teesday evening, Boy, McKenzie and his oreh- OStra begins at 9, oidiStelc. Adtaission $.5e esett ' •1tf ". The Goderteti 'SToWnsiri*, 'North 13raneh Of, the Goderich Red Cross 'Society will told iittegt•eigsive euehre party at 1Sterling's, ' the home and Mrs, T. It, Bundle, on Friday, January '10th,„ at:6 'p.m. Admission 25e., Proceeds for patriotic:purposes. ,The.2,,CifideriChr "ITORilti4 AiittliarY will. bele its regular meeting at Urs. 0,,GInn's, Nelson street, on Thursday, January 10th, at 2.45. p.m, Central Home afet sower ook .will meet at the school, Tuesday e'Venh14, January 14th, .at 8 p.m. • Mr. J. D. Thomas will.: give an address 'en "Citizenship." All members are • asked to be present. • BORN MeWIIIINNEY.-At Ale,xatelra Hos. pital,Goderich, on January 8th, to !Mr and Mrs Itichard MeWhintiey, Goderich, a sen, • „DIED 01101LSION,s-At Sorel, Qu•ellsee, January 1st, 1941, •Morrison Donald. Nicholson, son ofsMis. Nicholson and the late John. Nicholson, GO,derich, In his 53rd Year.. ' IN MEMORIAM YOUNG. -In loving memory of a dear • husband end loving father, Samuel Peter' Young, (tiatloi), who passed away one year ago -Januar 13th, Just When your life was briehtest,1 Jost when yeirr years ;were bests= You' were called' from this -world of To a home orlternal rest: • But some sweet day we'll meet again Beyend the toil and strife, , And elasP.,eaelt other's hand-onte•more In Heaven, that happy life • remembered and sadly missed' by his wife, Ella, and •little , daughters, Mary and Patrieia. 2x AUCTION -SALE AU1STICiN SAME , • OF. HOU$E) IFURNIASHINICSSs AND ,.01'HER CHATTELS - _We are Instructed by MRS. THOMAS J(GLINSTON',. AO sell by public auction, at her home, Gibbens.stree.ts Godericle on • • , •'SATURDAY, JANUARY 1.8th, . at:4,80_0am, , all the contents ef the house. Living roam, dining room, :bed, 'room and kitchen furnishings,: Sewing Machine, newsHappy Thought range new Quebec heater and pipes, tappets, 1 curtains, IiirOTeirms, :dishes glassware, garden tools; also 1 Useful work- horse,: 1 heavy team wagon, 1 set of dise harrows, 1 set of teameness, forks, shovels, chains, and inerous other articles. Everythingwill be:. drsposed of. Term -i -Cash. " T. GUN -DRY & SON, • Auctioneers. 2 -3 - CLEARING AUCTION BALD .Of Farm ,Itusilementss Stock,. Hay, Grain and Fowl, at lot 28, Concession 1, Hibbert Tqwnships on No. 8 highway, three miles east of Seaforth, on FIVIDAY, JIANUARY '17th, 1941, a o'cl Terms -Cash. GEO. .POWEitifs IsrePrittitr. GORDON, 10. GRANT,. -2 Anctionter. • Women's Institute. -The jannarY meeting of the Itintall Women's ltnti- tute was held last F,griday afternoon at the- home of Mrs. Jerry Dalton. The President, Mrs. Robert Scott, presided.' The roll call was answered by "What I detest most in Itoesework." Red Cross work was the main topic for the afternoon. MSS `Parrisli, Who 'vas the Red Cross, reineseutative sine.e September, resigned and Mrs, Russel Bissett was appointed to take 'her place. Tentative plans ;Were made for the drawing of the lucky tieket for .the quilt donated by Miss E. Johnston. Mrs. J. MacKenzie and_Miss Annie Mae MacDonald, gave readings and Mrs, F. (MacGregor conducted, a .00n. teat. 0,tra. W. Parris1% acted as Santa *Claus and eonducted the Interchange of gifts 'among the members after the, meeting. Mrs, Dalton serVeda dainty buffet lunch.. The next 'Meeting will he held at the hcene of Mrs. D, Mc- ,Intkres Buy war Savings , stamps and, help defeat Hitler. ss,s, Your Next Visit to - TORONTO Ivey . HOTEL .VVAVERLEY Located on Wide Spadina Ave. at College et. Easy Parking Facilities CenVonient to filobwilYa • $h�.. KU is OA goes Dow t. $2,111 ts For to boo, $1.01 to KO Clog* to Via Unlvsraity, r I 1* ia • nt 15411014 Laaf Oarcisni, Th • at, rosy Hospitals, Whorish, Home, and Um. Fashlonablo Astall *hopping Distrint, ' A. M. POVilat, Pit0101190 TO SENT atEtiTe----111000. MOM OR apartment, with hot.watergurnace; wired or electric range; partly turn. ; POWielkidOn. February 1st. Phone r 11 or write 1104. ItODU'Ud, R.It, No. 1, Goderieh. 2t$ FR BEI1'W0 LAJRGIE FURN- , MOM rooms for light housekkeert' Ing. On south sidei.lower door; funY furnished. J. 11. IIARNWVIA14, East street. Olt SA= Olt RENT.----441X-R0011 house on McDonald St, Goderich.; Apply to fAVVIA. THOMPSON, St David St., Goderieh, or RUTH W1104113. OGN, 4237 Grand ave., Detroit, Mich. ,51te TQcornVerTAlpe- -rtira.4211! 41°Mt.,' '1114)avti,8''s streets. Apply, M. J0101)3'1'01% 47 Elgin are. - 510 :TO MONT.-000X BOARD. Heated by furnace, ApPly to MR. ,11001IN MOGIIII,A, NO, 8, 'Wellington, Street : 524-2 issossessel'ilmosemiesmeieinsioesememor VVIANTED.-MAIN FOR, law94En:4H r-7 Route. Permanent if you are a huStler, For Partieulart write RAW- d'AMOIL'S, Dept. Rey. No. wane -lop -A, 'Montreal, Canada. Fon,,,ttgwaria4.1.4 vv • housewerle, ',Must sleep out, Write hOX 71s:SIGNAL;StrAlt. ANTED. --,MAID FOR GE'N' VIRAL housework, 'Apply on or after Monday, January, 18th, at17, BRITAN- NIA ROAD, 2x , NV1NN11ED. - TO 'RENrIt 'TJSEDED, a .realiy good „ houte 'mn iftoderieh. Must' have two bathroonts; -five 'bedrooms (including maids' rooms), and first-class heating. _BOX 72, '$IGNAL-STAIR. 2x TENpinits viodirrnED. Marked sealed tenders will s re-. mixed slip to January 15th for 15 Cords of body iwood -half maple and beech, .,2oltis:.„,long4.„,.111sif..or,..18,,,vorr,(14.:,:ot Away, wood, half maple and . beech” 18 -ins.• long. :Wood to be delivered to &S. No, erolibome, by April 1st. Any 'tender snet _neeetsarily_ eeeepted. • • • WM. :WATSON, • Sec.Jpreas. Gs:deride Rift 0, 1-2 CHURCII NOTES ' The Junior choir of North street United, 'church held an . etectien, of officers on Wednesday, with resifts as follows: President, Xtenne-431idar- down ; vicepresideett Joan '04e0t,t4 .seeretary-treasurer, Patricia Church; social committee, Eleanor Jelmeton, Barbara mnry. „ . The .Y.P.U. cf.Ntirtits,Stftiet United ehurch held Ita,first Meeting or the new ,year on Mondayseights with a fair at- tendance.. During the devotional part, of the meeting Mrs. • Lane gave a mis- sionary address on "Mee' of Africa." It, was decided to entertain some of ,the Air Forge Melt. in-thieleer tuNie, _A -goad attendance. is looked for -next. Monday *.evening. LAMIT 00111.r'-PIABIN WIWI t 'VM 0 money, on Monday, on West *Mt between Square au* Waterloo street, Reward, beave 'at SLIONAL4PAS OFkliele. 4 FOUND - FoitiND.--ow 11.0aitatig '1'4 4. ehain attacted to a lantlitgiteil smell blue* dog, part Scottie. • Owner 1na.,' baVe ehain on paying for this, ad. Mr-IGNAgeiSTAIlls • - - •. *2 ,NosiniossimiseLikiromeamisissereesiesee • , IrOlig, MIX , FOB, (SALE.---LIADIrgi atiosawr oat, 'large sue, practleallyliew.* also wh,eel,ehair. Call SIGN.,4441141.44 ' POR 0A.1440-4. BRutap ;41, figiw, route. ,Ast.),13 typewilter, equiiVegt with all ,the latest improveluelits; Will sell on monthly or ether easy terms to re- liable party'. TyPewriter ribhons,for _ _ • FOB t653(After --eopPer-tonAvasher-svith-free,..Wash„.:;,,_-,_ day accessories; $59,00; ,monthly pay - molts of t$4. Apply- WORISELL'S. dIAIRDWARE • • 2:C , • •ammemourimimisiiiirdrip .NOTICE • almoto IIN-aW7allatrirtEittoved*'fr''''tns 4:emni:ses' en LIgbt- house street to Victoria and Angletlea streets ited wiul contteue tO- ;,business at the new site, Nonicie or DISSOLUTION, Notice is 'hereby given, that the, !partnership heretofore existing between 3l„ Baker and M. J. •.A.inslie, as. • butehers, bas been dissolved by metual eons-Cift All accounts due the at " lent -must be paid at the tfirm's OOP' on or.before Febreary.8th, 1041. Prom :this date tile business will •be eon- • ducted by At Xs Ainslie, at the sames place t „ Dated aisGoderich, this 7th day of Januery, 1194i1, • . • 2-8 • The next next meeting of the Huron 0Ouety. C•ouncil will be held in tbe Coencil Chambers, iCourt,TEIcruse".Gerie- •rieh, COMMen-eing 'Tuesday, January 21st, at 2 pan. e.. aeeounts, notices of. deputations - • and otherbusiness requiring the It t- ,tention' of Counell should be le the hands Of the 1County 'Clerk not later than Saturday, January leth. " ' . , 'County Clerk - • .• .Goderich, Ontario, .WavismgTo'nuy mt. Holism and dead, cattle: mast be suitable, for mink feed; reinovid "'promptly. FRED GILBERT, R R 2, 13ayfielo, Phone 908, r 22, :Clinton. Calls- paid- fot 18-tf. i•JOHN JEFFERY , Wrren Bt. 'A , Phone 577W GENERA CON'TltiCTOR BUILDER • • Every l3rarich of Carpenter Work. We are in the market to t;uPply you with the following Coal : Anthracite Pocahontas Alberta • , STOVE •UMW hIESTNUTflRIQVETs PEA LUMP BRIQUETTES — -- e Seabrook coal Co. QUALITY - SERVICE. Phones -Office 587; w Low Prices . Popular Soaps AT It911It DRUGGISTS yin `ftr • Giant Palmoliv, ' e Soap... 70 . .3 for20o Palmolive Soap8 for 14c bo Life. Buoy Soap 70 • .. 3 ter ViJo .Luz Soap 5c cake Cold and Coug 'Remedies Cascara Bren;t1de of Quinine Tablite 25c Bronchial Cough Mixture 500 Vicks Vapo /tub 450. Vicks Vara 11t01 415o Wampole's Extract ....1.00 Titermogene Wadding ...490 Malt Extract with Cod Liver 011 ........ - 98o For the Kidneys GIN PILLS Velvetta Tisittesi ' "09- 10o - 600 25c.. • Bayer's As** '2 doi. 390 - 100 bottle 98o Callaer043, Pilms, Developing Printing, Eularglng Rot Water Bottles,. Gttaran. teed - . - 690 ;-...08o Burdock .Blood Bittere-08c 'Krusolten Baits .0. 690 Chase's Kidney and Liver.,Pilis, - - . 290 ChaSO'S Neryo rood .... 490 Carter't Liver Pilis 23c Carter's Liver Pills lge 69c, YOUR DRUGGIST /0 MORE THAN A MERCHANT WIGLE LAUDER DUNLOP CAMPBELL Phone 45 Phone 10 Phone 1 Phone 90 GODERICIE DRUGGISTS