The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-01-09, Page 6ST. HELENS
Gaunt, mu. 'Eitel Gwent era Ifenneat
are spendini a Week with the former's
datighter, Mrs. Ward iShieklura.
and Miss MeQuitlia in oharge. Mr.
Wilson leltios op rriday for thirty
militery training at Kiteheners
During his absence CStisS MeQuillin will
tali* cherge.
Mr. Robert MeQuillin of SAdhurS,
'Mr, George MeQuillie Of the 044-
4oves of -Toronto,- Mr. Charles Me-
atteeldallee at the .dauce ender the
auspieee Of the Weenee's Institute, on
reidaY night in the Comusanity Hall,
;After binds Ouuner Harold liumphref,
04 leave -tram retawawa, wassealled
to, the 'front; Ilugh David McDonald
read an address and on behalf ot Isis et a ,little neighbor boy uhie" Years old-
Crostie Presented !Harold with a wrist- iiina instantly.
leior Lis:
Potty was zeoleseit tem tlee
Male or tioiatos ant twesteeoli dealers
to** la at the duce mill go *to
tiead tor elm puttee* et Yare.
oaeotiaer be et Orates eburch. on
quiltiug twill be done to help the
Seise Dorothy COX, ',wile hae Went
the betides** with.ber parents, Mr. Alla
Was Isealie leo*, has belnaseetetned
• her bed the vdet week,
Mr. Vie alliott, who' has been in Den
ly to tea* end around, but is,in ' bed
again With .
Ur*. J; Lockhart received, the -sae
news on 4104,9f:the accidetital
ehooting hee'`UePhexv, Ivan Corbett
of Deeittalis A 412 Title in the hands
TOMO Y 1940.
foot, solo
iho poem
gen• ii •
totoosp0000 la yews Yoe loo.
semootle eat Woos
/104 strOfigiet
• into 00 all do Soo:
*roll voleoloo, So Ouse
Ciendeslorgoet folios Mot rousey. VIVA**
aftwiali.701* 044 IOW 11"01 NSW
Mike you fool Mks a iooellortes. Got
Irfaiwlvoo Or* arsonist's Sok, :Sept,
meeting of the Women's Inetitute was
held !the' CoMmunity 'Hells with a
and the roll call Was reePonded to with
Quilliu oe Zurich,' and- Mrs., Win. deadest te eend 43 to the Institute fuud
-Purim were New 'Year's,eisitors 'with
Mr. Wm. awl Miss 'Beatrice MeQnlilin.
Misis Ruth Ramage, who is attending
Nerinal at Toronto, was a visiter with
her mother aud will sPend this setelt
obeervation and teaching at techalsh
The regular meetine a the Y.P.U.
was held with ,Dor,othy Miller, the vice-
preeident, in the ebair. Rev, G. A:
Barnard had the topie and gave 'the
story a Henri, 'Void' as told by 'Dr.
'*Archer Wallace in one of his books.
Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Rice f'avored with
apar PILLS
for $110( IHEADAcHE
If your liver is 'sluggish, sick headache and
that inlOprable, bilious feeling aro apt tO bother •4
Pills can, help, The special vegetable ingre-
dients In this Improved 50 -year old family
medicine perk up yoilr liver* Promote the flow
fiat You PentlY "'regular and ,keep you that
-for eep -sat yourarusesiss - „door. Tickets -had been sold en. the
:,....r.isseesseeseeeeee-se—sereseeeeee • blanket presented by Miss K. Williams
'ter 4 Ward fer a Canadian army hoss?
is requested that the namee for the
autegraPh quilt he handed in tira soon
as possible. The eubjed on legislation
was in eharge of Mrs Esvart Merher.
son, wlio gave a very interesting And
informative'peper en legislation in re-
gard to edueation. Mrs. 1R,tee favored
!with a selo aod Mrs. Sall gave a read-
ing, ''Wee Joey Goes •to School." .a.t
the conclusion a social time Was en -
hostess, %Ur% Rice.
HILL, Jan.
the holidays are over, and feachers and
pupils are ,ha.ek in their places again
after the loqest tehristmete vacation in
some years. Our, *swish hi that 1941
will be .4 haPteY year tfor all of them.
• Very few were ont to church on
Sunday. "Saturday's stem le,ft the
roads' in bad condition, with no snow
in most_ places? but large Welds in
'their dance • in Barnesville -hall on
Frid'ay night. A good crowd was pre-
sent and $26.00 was taken in at the
the_ week -ends et. the haeste. et Mr, and
Miss Mare ,Sliirweod et Benmiller
Went Noly,,,,Year'4 Day ttt the home of'
her parentS.
Mr. ;Harvey -I-eiesaltue of 04.,Peter's
'Seminary, London, spent' New 'Year's
With bis Surents, Mrs and Mrs. j.
"On Friday afteruoon, twenty ledies
Ara at the home of Misses Mare and
lunch ,was served by the imetesse$.
' On Friday evening a bulge repre-
sentation from, Unioe ',church attended
the induetion of Rev. A. 3. MeeKaye at
Victor4a street Onsets Goderleh, and
thesrecePtion afterwards, On Sunday
Rev. A. J. MacKaye 'preached his first
semson as pastor of Union eharele He
took. as his eubjeot "What God Re-
quires oif -His Ministers" elects 4 ;29-
80). SNext Sunday Mr.. Maeleaye
deliver the seqUel, "What God Requires
of the Congtegation,"
Mr. and _Mrs. Dave Davidson, of
•Goderich, eipent Sunday with Mr. and
The January reeeting of the W.M,S.
of Union e.hurelt will be held on ,Weds,
home of Mrs. Gee. Menwairi. Bleetion
offieers for 1041 wilebe conducted by
es st Place
Motor Car Sales
YOU have awarded Chevrolet—
coveted honor of being No. 1 car
in popular demand -in 1940.
For years you Canadian motor-
., ists,have purchased 'more -Chev.
rolets than any other make of _
automobile, regardlesrs of type,
size or'price. You did it again in
the year just closed most erp.
,phatically, in every prpvince,
We want to thanic you for your • •
,mark 'of high favor and for' your
confidence. You place on us a
definite responsibility to continue
to give motor car leadershiP
and vve accePt that responsibility.
Since you rate Chevrolet first in
valtie,we ore under the obligation
to keep it first in Value.
We Consider that there is an
entirely new call this year ,upon
'Chevrolet .quality and -depend.
ability' because Chevrolet is an
essential irrt. .Canada"s war
effort. To fill 'its plabe- in the
.transpprtatinn program of a'
nation at 'work- to win the war,
Chevrolet must be built to an
effective and enduring standar&
'nese are the reasons why, We
have redOubled. our effort to
widen and increase Chevrolet
value leadership
in our new cars'
will eXamine the,
new Chevrolet carefully, yOu.
agree' we, have succeeded': Yo4
will find, for example, that Chev.
rolet alone among the le:Iv-priced,
cars indudes as ,standard equip-
ment certain quality feetures
whiCh ta buyer would be wise,
under present circumstances, to
insist upon. You will find tha
Chevrolet with iti thrilling new
bigness is styled ahead for your
protection. .
It is worth money to yeu to
know that Chevrolet is the only
%iv -priced car providing, qt no
e.xtra cost, original Vacuurn-
Power Shift which makes gear -
shifting 80%. automatic and re-
quires only 20% driver effort;
genuine. Unitized Knee.Action.,,—,
which absorbs road shocks and
prevents pitching 'and tossing; a
body by Fisher of the same.
design and quality featured on:
higher -priced ears; and Con.
cealed..T,Safefy Steps vviiic.h. pre.
vent the accumulatian of' ice and
',snow and are the* inailt Of tr1.15'
advanced styling,
, We invite you te take full
advantage of the value you have
. helped, by your buying prefer-
ence, to create.
Won't 'you. please visit our
sh'owroOnas and thoroughly
inspect General
— and Canada's
Ne. 1 car—today
C -44I
. G. MacEwan, Goderich,
I 's my own invention. It doesn't sereani, it doEctifing'itanwdh,21.:St.10 . • it just plays 'There'll Always Be an
ivsoraticap,. Jan. 7.—Mr. and Mrs.
visiting with tlie letter's parents, _Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Campbell.
• Mr. A. Cook visited last week .in•
Toronto. '
Several in. the conianueiti% have been
leid up with' colds.
Masters Victor and Ceelineampbell
spent a few days 'with . their grand-
parents, sr. and,iltra. Atsjonnoton.
airs. Maitland Henry, is misitieg her
parents, •Mr. and Mrs. Powneysof Ayr,
before! tgoing to Toronte tor a tonsil.
operation. •
Mr. and MrssGeo. Cook and family,
Mr. aod Mrs. Ebner McDougall and
Jaekie, of Auburn, visited recettly with
Mr. and Mrs, Denglas Campbell, `
:Mr. and Iles, Carl ..Deeeses of Wing -
ham, Mrs. Osbaldeston, Mk. arid aire.
Wilkins, and 'Miss Vera, •of Goderich,
spent (New Year's with Mr. end Mrs.
Norman McDowell.
•Sehool re -opened on 11tonday for an -
AO About a Dog
litenry H. Curran
: chief Magistrate, ;City: qf New York waggish lOok ran back to the' door, So
holding property."' That "Can mean; • 'WithoUt proraPtin e ran back and
anYthing, but it .usualle means a dog. !forth betWeele, the benches,. Aose In.air,
- A girt in white came forward to looking, ,,ene bY' one ist the peapie sitting
press her claim ter the dog. She we's there iii(silent excitement, ,
dark hairs7-.but very Pale. stoned, then. leaped lip et her, There'
, With her -Mother alongside, the girl was 'a murmur through the Ourtreora.
told her store A, -Police dog, Dam*, I looked,. ttt the She Was breaths
he wases.,Two years okL lier dog, trig quickly but -see gaVe no sign; N'er.
sinee he eaMe into the home a PuPPY, did the inoth70:31'; aga ' e deg
he' had been lost„ 'ee,a9liail searched seented to Vernatier, then toek up agaiu
end Watched, but heeer yet had she ineindefatigable hunt. '41i, and Out he,
NeirskTIVES ago
before being transferred to St. Thomas
hospital. .
Za. and It's. C. Kerr spent the hells .
day at Sxeter. ,
Miss ..Teau. Good vent the holidays le
Brantford with iMr,` and Chirs. tr. Far.
Walter Jervis Of . Me At
--4Pel. -
a few days With les grandmother, ears.
Walters, last week,
Miss XeDwen. and PUPils are ;Wok
in their placca it the, .0411°01 aftee
her own dog and now for six inonths Wr
seen Wm. . • I bounded cakefuliys missing no one.
husband found
to ,the defendant; "Be Is eure It's the ,
by the young inan there," igh bitted be 'to, ever$ awl 'stood. Woking
same. slog. He foiled out.
,,t';DWohwenreoti:irsthine dttgereco',Imapstakinedt.
the deg' Pea. 1-ea8- h 'tele, irresolute. And 80—lhad 114104
bhp, the genie? The silence in the eourt-
teuddenly -hes-turned- -his line *head
471 the at:di atig, rat:11s:
honest-look:I .seLusrasli:-h.lBt°eivfore it could be seee, It Wee
put in the yound man, ss _n_ _Teo eav
voice. "Hee my dog, Judge. I bought 'tlie 8Pace, bounded high tip-erivvafd-the
ir d ua e, and I like him girl,: licked her cheek, fell hack, leaped
Xaeter John' Wilson of Auburn spent.. •
a few days -with his "friend, Mr. Ray -rot and I want to keep him. He likes 'ul) again.
, ... 1 The 'girl, was*. game. • She kept her
Mr. and Mrs: Robt. Snell and family, "Have you the license?' I asked. ' eYes enAnev gliring
aiofreLo. 3e.dLe.ebmotrD,re,00,veised With 30.. .and
I dug out the Young man's storV,
"Yes, here It is.e It was'all in'order. 1 The lealling went 'en. ' Soille ' daY?
1 Some day she woedd be as ehe had
Rev. H. C. Wilson gave an ImPressive piece' by piece land it was convincing.
address ' on leuneay, taking his text Once ot twice 'I had to tell him to look i
at, nee as he entrwered, for he kept 1 I gave tt Sign 't0 tUe' girl,' Then 'she
Irons st. alatthew 22 -42L--:-.7What think 1 beut, ahd as the dog leaped up again,
"; „I, said in desPair. "We'll leave it to ',111MDtahnnerye:-e„.,91,0:::siti'd. . . '
CARRY. ON DESPITE 'ups' the 40g4 Nos's' you must, all do very I
T‘ hecase was Over. 'When the.'young
I bade the mother and .the girl go 10 . the attendant handed beeit to hiro, lse
Perfect Organkatien, Counters Con-°
4014i,s_ceirage of staffs inspires another room; out of . sight. Ae "the '
looked longsat the' girl, 'ist the 'dog, at
door closed behind them,1 noticed the "
she took him ,into her arme and.sheld
. "I've got to do it in the oia. way,"
defendant atill' looking at the girl. • , the Peculiar grin:on the -406 thee that
' tRy David Curnock) Then, as the crewded."-courotracan Meant eestasY. ands nothing else, The
The• banibing of hospitals ,in .Great girl :still held the dog in her h•rins.
Britain by the terPizigIt• *Air Force is
mot halving the effect which the Nazis
waited in silence, the dog was led in
—a gentle; intelligent police dog. When
the attendant Unleashed him at the
doer, he. bounded up the aisle straight
to the defendant, leaped up at him,
then stood beside him in dumb affec-
tion. it was pretty' cleak. The yoimg
man even put him through •trieks..
"Oh, Judge, he's my dog," he said.
"I'm' sorry for Peensle, but 'it's
some other dog they've lost. Ile's my
"All right. Now for the rest," I
said. s
would hope. It is not causbig teiror
or eOnfusion.. it is putting the Loudon
surgeons, doctors, nursee and hospital
statts .gerierally more than ever, on
A ,vieit to a London hospital which
has ,theen bombed, ,to see the 'hospital
staff at werk, to hear the stories ot
quiet bravery amid raids, is something,
never to be forgotten. This is the
story of just •one hospital.
On the seveett iloor, where* the bomb,
fell, . the eimpel . has been destroyed.
The ,!beautitel windows are gone, the
rote hes fallen, ;the eltar ie scattered,
'Wirt someone has lent es a geand
matron, told me. "It is sueerisieg,
wb:at we ,,menaged to save. s It 'is
'wonderful what you. can do," • .
I -thought sthe same as I looked
arouud. It is Wenderful what they can
do. I noticed that even the splintered
Wood of Ole chairs, had been rePaired
with little 'pierces Of stieking plaster.
"We don't want people runuing 'Splint-
ers into their hands and lege, ex-
Plained ISister (Prior with a quiet smile ;
"there's. quite enoutgis trouble Ste it es"
The Raid iloutine
"Only, •the +first' three a .seven. floors
are used as ward -5, so there is plenty
of security, with four -reinforced eon-
•erete toots aboire. There are special
wards for air raid eaeualties, and those
who have been rendered homeless, We
bad a number of old snerieed couPleS,
but ,we c ouldn't de them together,sso
they had: to tbe separate& until they
moved off to the country, Wheee they -
go Alf tor , a , e'iff days' rest 10 the hos-
'In the easuaIty,statiou on the ground
floor everything is ready for emergen-
'des. Nurses awl dootors are always on
duty ; volunteer'''etretchersbearere. are
"readY to take the patients from the
• Iii the operating theatre lives are
saved by the Moet dialled, eurgeons in
The attendant -took the deg awar
again. -The- youngsmareswentsto -a -tar
mutt, and the girl and her mother caine
back, the girl standing near me4gaitist
•a vvalls the mother 'sitting. by direction
;on esbench near the door, with othees.
"You -must not make a sign," I said to
them both, ."not &sign, no matter what
Then the dog appeared, at .the doors
unleashed. by the attendant ,glanced
at the girl,•her eyes.lauddenlv shining,
hut staying quiet. ,The dog bounded
up the aisle agein, maeter was
not there; stood _hesitating a moment,
looking this way and that,then with a
bee Outside, the isight plants 'droned
dropping 'bombs-. The first , Casualty to
baby. Ire ,had been blown from' his
mother's arins as she 'hurried to a
"I was down there at the tines," etaid
teleter Pilot "The little, mite WaS
badly eihrned . and $6, silent That'e
Quietly the doctors got te wait. They
fought to• fan a tiny spark of life.
The battle went On. The eliild
whimpered. Within fifteen ininutee
was ersring. A ere of piiin; but to that
group Of wliitessoated workers the ers'
meant thatanother life AMR r84170.1.
(flutter, "Vithoto'4 11146?"
'For the first tithe X thought I saw a
rosy hint ofseolor,, in herscheeke, The
young miin walked toward her.
thought You'd like It" He ,gulped.
"Thanks," .said the girl. She let the
dog down, took ' the leash. Ana then
for .fhe first time she smiled, a 'radiant
smile tie]. of sympathy, straight et the
As `they eled out, I heard the
Youug fellow. say to the girl, "I'd like
to show you how to have him elo the
They; went togebher, the dog between
them, leaping up first _at 'one and then
at, the others •
I wonder.
etAltIkeee, Jan. 7.1 -john
Clerk had, tonsils reseoled .0at.
evenifig; lie 'is making a good ee-
Hardy, who lias been in.
Godeireh for.sevetal months; is home
with scarlet fever, but Is making a
Newton aud Roy Fowler *tied .Colin
YoUng beee, Called to ,K0 into traini
leiesat WoOdateck on Thursday, ;alm-
horhood we$ saddened on New Year's '
sheoting of lair. Odwin Dean of Gode-
WAS getting over a wire fence, .hie gun .
WAS silaelreeged,_the coneents entering
his right side. eispired. a" UN'
minetes later. Mr. Dean Was e $onng
. 'Carlow' Community .Club.—About
of 11r. and. alre Tait Clark on aliure-'
Mordyee Clark as presideet; Donna
l'isher, 'Secretary e- Stoll,, tree-
eurer ; convener, Lloyd 'Young;
Red Cross eonveher, Dora Wilkie; re-
ligions Convener, ,'IMee. Tait Clark;
literary Ssonveeer, Mr, F. Mcilvv•aini;
orgaulst, Mts. Robe Bean, 'Sr. The
first meeting, a social egiaingsrwill be
held in the T•ownsiiip Hall on Feiday,
and' cordial invitation is ertended. to:
the young people iu the COMM11114 to
"I never retail dcandal,"•, said a
notorious. goseip. ‘"No," was the quiet
reply, "You dear in it wholesale !"
,Officer langrily.r; ``Button up th'at
coat" Married reernit . (absents
Altiheme 'owners -who' have
steam 'oehot* water heating ,
systems complain that they cannoV
get their radiatorsvcoinipletely bot.
In the ease of steam radiators tkis
is often caused 'by air. Air, of
course, myst be entirely eliminated
from the radiator befere it can be
filled with steam, Autothatie air
valiea usually take care of this.
0 You -have automatic valves and
your radiatore
still4tre air -
bound --..try un -
little viug it
the top of the
valve. When
the. cold air has
all been blown
out tighten up
the plug again
to its nertv,a1
If this operation does net stop
the trouble, or if your Stearn, rade
ators have A Widener to fill with
water, I'd advise you. to have an
tepert call and check' nit oh the
valves. *
water radiators may alto
become air...bound. °This mil be
the air valve with a valve key afui
leaving it open until wster elarts
to flow from its ItW a good plat]
to have * cup or pan reside to
catch the water when you ,oesel
the valve. i
BENIIIIILDER, Jan. 7. --Mr. and !Mrs.
RaImee Kilpatrick and babe, of Tor-
onto, speut the holidays et their re-
. The Women',s Association Will meet
at the Ixeme of Airs. Fletcher Fisher on.
Wednesday, jeutiary
.S. Browa of Crediton was a
,ealler in the village one day laet .week.
spent New Year'S :Day at „Kirktonsvvith
Ode Hazelwood's Parents, .
was- held on DriondaY. 'when the new
officers and teachers were elected for
. .
(EStablished,, 1875)
'Miss I...orna, atoore has. returned, to
The Y.P.U. held a rerokinoie party
in the church, on rridaesnight. A goed
time ie rehogtese '
fAs number Nom arourni here -took In
IfIsS Phyllis -Jewell; nurse-iettreining,
spent a „few days with her parents
J. R. Whgeler-
. ilineral Director and- EtOalmer
Ali calif.; prOmptly attended, .tO
day or night
Phones: Store 835. ites. 35*.
Cranston Funeral
- Complete Service at Reasonablii
No extra eharge for the nse 'of
our modern Mineral Home.
17 Montreal St. Phone 399
Pain f ul Boils
Bad Blood the Cause
, When boils start to break out on
different parts of the body it is OA
..6vidence that the blood is loaded up
just when you think yoe. are rid
Of Ofteo another ,crops hp to ta'..o ite
Ow and prolong your misery.
',"' All tho lancing, and poUlticing you
may do will not stop more canting.
' Why ,not give that- old, reliable*
blood, purifying raedidne Burdock
Blood Raters a chants to banish tlao '
boils? .' Thousands ha,. thle4 it for
this plopose during the poet 60 ram
Take and get rid 'of **bad
blood and tile boils too.
lite V. Witham Os., Tees Toro* Oes.
To theft contemplating build.
price". betore buying. Cemetery
Lettering a, opoetalty.
All work guaranteed,
Clinton *Ontario