The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-01-09, Page 1Combining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star
Itziorratenum won.
APPtilanta Say Vs111410= Not
in Proportion to Other
Hearing of two df the ttv Ooderleb
IndnatrIAI Weals against the 1040
-31nnieiPa1 efieeteerient, Wee, of the
GoderIeh Salt Co. OKI the WeSternreete-
eada •efille, had been Oonclaidect
When 'Couet 'adjourned last evening,
Judge. iffitteilo reserving, leis 'judgment
, . •
in botbeeaseis Pending .feeltedderatieu
• Written,ar,gureente to be elehetitted her
eeirneeleWitizinetenedeeet Early el.„eeles
ions were promived.
The Goderieb Salt. Company I ap-
pealing its aseessnieut a 480,000 on the
• grounds that it is inequitable and par-
tlal. The egireatera Canada Olotir Urns
--challenges its aasesement of $1,50,000
'because it 'is too high and out of all
' reaseeableand equitable ,proPortions."
• Other appeals which ate being pro,..
eeeded 'With today and sileteedieg daYfit•
if necessary, are those of ;the ,Gederich:
• tleanufacturing100., assessed at $20,000,
"Dominion RoadelVtaehinere Co., M00%
ansi the Goderich gnitsting '00./ $3,000.'
The expiration of axed assessment
bylaws and the outlawing <4 new ones
last year .nesseesitated a ;new set-up of
•industrial asseeements in Goderich and
It is these new figures which are looked
'teem as ?fixing a stantlard for years .to
"corn that are now under reltIew-
Court road tables were littered with
- books and record, and 'there, was an
imposittg array of legal talent and ex-
pert witnesses preserit when the bear-
...iingstet under way 'bete Judge T. M.
Costello off Tuesday morning at 10
'Iteelock. Mayor Mat:di/Wan, Many of his
Poureell and municipeiofileittla were In
attehdanee, ,
Allie'OPgat Of-'010-1cRotteiWi--
'Linsited,„ Wee tfir4.-takenup. and 11. W.
Asselstine of theiSterling Appraisa,1 Co.,
TorOntai 'Was the Bra witness. called.
"e1E'-SheSpeatd.,Of theeeamesetaapanyeevas:
the only •other witness tailed by the
appellant. Their evidence, frequentlye
interrupted by touesee tirguinerite Was
concluded in mid-,afterntion"-- and JU-Ogf'.
anent Was resereed, eendieg receipte 0,;:
„ -ewrittene-argnment.-The,.neunieilialitiY
did not call Any witnesses. . *meth*
for dieinissal* of the appeal was not
granted by Judge iCostello. - • '
Appraisal: Not Made PUldle
It will mbe, remembered .that last
4. summer 'the- Toveri :Council 'engaged
the Sterling Appraisal Co. to , put !a
value on the ,,towees various indiustries.;
This retijert It•Wai$ net adopted • her the
Council, ems hes it :been made puielle,
but ..ceetain., pertinent interMation WAS
made avtilable AO- the 'appealing"' ins
dustreee and breueht out undeteettrain-
Mimi of the appreisereetheMeelves on
• the witness stand: • . •
The rvaluatiims of the ,Sterling, Ap-
praisal Co. and the .municipal. 'assess-
ments of the various industries are as
follows: • •ee • .
-. Appraisal tAeSesement
-ea-• astern Canada F.
M. Co $327,282 $150,000
Goderich ,Salt Co. t153,400 80,000
Goderich Mfg. Go.....40,0i1 • 40,057 20,000
D. R. Machinery Co,' 38;933 20,000
Goderich Elev. & T. . .
Co: • • • , 714,825 22.'000
Goderieh Organ Co. ,e05 30,000
'Imperial 011 0-0. 20,392 • 18,000
The three last-mentioned 'companies.
are not appealing their - assessments. -
Frank Donnelly, counsel for the
Goderich Salt Go., argued at great
length, but unsuccessfully, to bare the
eppraieale 'figures 'eor,. the. .1Goderich
'Elevatee...ftedeTrAtorit eCeelitIM, .itted. en
evidence. D. ID; elolnies, Associated
with L. E. Dandey, 'Peewit solleitorS
argued at equal length opposing adtale-
sion. Veer little.. evidence was heard
'from the two .witnesses, save to justify
- their appraisal of -the •Goderich. Salt
co. Plant at: $153,400.
It was brought out ••that the 1940
assessment of ethe Salt Company' by
N. at MacKay, municipal assessor
($80,090), Was 52.151 per tented the
e. appraisal, but every effort to get from
witnesses -comparative 'figures Of the
Elevator Company assessment Were
strenuously and •secoessfully, sopposed..
The Witnesses both said they valued
• buildings irrespective of the ;use to
which they were put, but Ills Honor
ruled that the elevator and ealt in- The bridegroom, '0. graduate of Gode-
• duateles were a such wide eliVergente. -ritileeCollegiate Institute, was tetieher
• that the-ligures would be roe'no b,e1P of the Salford public echool before
to ,him ln reaching a decisien. 1e said going to :ISterkston, .whete he is nose.
Ile would allow comparative figures for -teactiug:
Western ,Canada. Flour, 'Mills Co.,
Limited, into the evidence, because part
of the Western Canada plant woe used than *100,000 for the entire Plant,
for the manufacture of salt.
, Mr. Dorineily, charged' that the 1940 storage bins And all.
.aesessmeet wee 'Partial to the.Blevator. pre4eettitelidtiribeylY Nd.iiffeatteilt edietitallYre,
and Transit- Co., gut Me, nosteee „replied assessor. Ile sAid Diet from ]0 to
that If the Elevator letee's assessment 1939 Inclusive Western Canada grad
eves too low a remedy 'was provided' been asSessed for $250i000, On $70,000
by the Asseetentent 'Att. ' Certainly, he of which -fall taxes were paid, while
contended, the remedy Was not. to .stehool taies only were • paid on ' the
lower otter assessfnents to. the seleettfor remaining $180,000: This. wits fixed by
level.• _
. All day Mr. Donnelly tiled agebiksind bylaw, approved by a vote of the rate-
payers, the aSsessor eald. '
again to ,have the assessments a (nitre '"Why del yen reduce the asseSsraent
ous industeles as eombared with the AP- •to $150,000 in 1940?" asked Mr. Ilohnes.
• prai00.1 Company's valuatjons reed into 'aeleeetise I considered that,amount
the reeora, 'hiet iwithotit eitecer3e. fair and prOPer ..tteSeesment," said' Ur.
's The %C.F.I.% Appeal • • relateKoee - • e
The appeal of the 'Western Caurida „te strange the Western 'Canada
Flour Mills 'wee condutted by Ilon. iCo. never saw lilt to appeal the $20,000
Erie Cress, ICC., ton:tier Minister • of aesesernent. Now it tonsislers . the
Municipal Affairs in the, Ontario Gov- $160,e00 figure too much," observed
ernment. Evelehee of ,the apPellautlet etre Holmes.
witrtessea sought to show that the
1.4. Knox, Town clerk, was, ealle4
buildiugs ,were old and lacked ,proper tie identify various bylaw -s grantine.
maiutentince, thatthe plant by realeon axed taxation to tee appellaAt comPanY
. 'of ite age .weese,eetly operiitiat, and -over a period 'oe thirty Year&
that the milling industry generally had evidence concluded the case for the
fallen on evil days +became of the huge Town.
loss of export 'trade owing to the war. Harry A. Wiekett, Toronto Wu-
Am'aeing figures were „tptoted fti this tractor, called in reply, estimated tlei
reepeet. peplateenient price of the Western
W. Bowed% mecharileal Superire Lula buildings' at $170,02199. IRsaid
tendent Of the Weetern Canade put emphatically be would erece a tiew mill
a pat* on the Goderieli Plaret of *75,000 tor that dove Ili eetimated 'the de.
-to ,0 without. the grain etoragte predation on.the Present buildinge ever
elevatore. a period of eletsefotir years' at $97,-
• Iv. nosIeY, an „expert Toronto 416.70. leaving tee 'present wane at
valteitor„ maid lie would not pay more $81,698.20,
Meth** * MeV* and MeEill.p s*
Meadow Oimeleite, Retetird for
Sum ,Coeato.
inr.f only elletioneo in Him eeunt7
on Moztday last were lii the towilibion
of Morris and Meiallop, and in some
police' villagea where village trasteee
were eleeted.
In liteKiliele ..tovinstleife polite; -Was
for cOunelliore only.-Meeve N. poie
,ranee thaving beenee-eleeted by 443.01104,
utiou,_ The, 'councillors a. 1040 Were
re-eleeted; Cha8. Behriagee Albert-leetre
rison, Elmer Haeltvvell and Peter, Mal-
Oney, 6. !fifth eanditlate, Janies Me -
Quaid, was defeated.
The township of Morels had a awe-
tornered fight, Francis Dungan, reeve,
of 1940, being opposed IV Rebert W*1-
lace. and William J. Bendersoa,,Dancan
was re.elgeted, with 283 votes, Wallace
was eeemul with .272, and Henderson
polled 149. . ;Councillors ,eleeted, -are
Harvey • • Johnston.,- --Wheeler/
-Charles Coultes and James Weide. All
are new members except jameSailehle.
iFrank IS4aW and James CBryans, a the
1940 Council, It. Galley and Xt. Me -
'Murray were defeated.
With a few exeePtions theve•wata no
vote in Huron municipalities on , the
twOseear t,erin, and where no vote was
held, the ,courtells will autottuatieally sit
for two years. The exceptions were
the towns of Goderieb. and Clinton and
the township of 'Colborne, in all of
which the electors ' tejeeted the pro-
posed extension of the teem. '
Ateleasewoed_ thtep. •polioe .trustees
were elected as 'fellows:. Dr. Taylor,
14e,eraletiteme Meeker, 115.; eilleord
Mem-0714- '
Grand Bend eleeted as Police trustees
and Me Paige.
Jake.% M. eteaditt, y of ne
Signal -Sfax and for the last thretyears
on the reportorial Staff or The• -Strat-
ford Meecon-Herald; is leaving in a- fecY
days for Halifax,. having been .accepted
for service with ' the Canadian !Navy.
'He hassbeen4n-townethie week visiting,
hie motherand other xelatives4. and
friends, • Good ,wishes 'trans a lieet'
Goderich people go With J'im in his
adventare and his eareer will be fol-
lowed with 'keen. interest.
Lmeretesesemplee Dee, 28.--A petty'
•rweddlieg waa solemeilied on Christmas
Day 04* home _et. the larldefs,
Mr. end Mts. GordoielKierk, when their*
g ond daughter, Margaret Tellian, was
united -1n Marriage 1 Aldon E. -Hasty,
son of William Hasteeand the late Mrs.
Hasty of Aeblfield: towishin., efeedets-
-sables 'wedding: Mareh was played
Delbert McDonald of Lowbanks, who
alee played, solftlY teroughoit _the theremolly,: which was perforated by the
brides • .uncle; . Rev.. II. Wintemarte of
TorOtee eseneath an arelt 'of evergreen
,deeorated with Nee and white lights
and flanked by small' 'Christmas trees
trimnied with, tinsel and. rod garlands.
'Given in marriage by hgr. 'father,. -the
bride wae lovely in a door -length gown
of ivory satin fashioned with fitted
'bodice, Queen Elieeneth toiler, and
long sleeves, puffed at the shoulder and
pointed at th.e Wrist. :She wine a
inn:ger-ties veil of net, coronet effect,
and carried a botepret, of 'cream roses.
3l14s Dorothy-1St:elk was her sisters
bridesmaid and Wore a floor -length silk
dress in a pastel ,sleade of blue. :Her
,boutiiiet was of pink' roges. . Lorne
tHaetee• brother a' the groom,' was best
man. •
Atter the cerenieny a 'wedding- deinet
was gerved, the 'bride's mother, Mrs.
receiving- in a dress Of flowered
eeepe. Covers were laid for eighteee
at 'a ,table' atteacttiely deco,eated with
eprigs elf evergreen leentree. witb • the
weeding' cake topped -by ,a miniature
bridesand groom and flanked by White
tapers. In silver •holdets,
Later eit. and Mrs. Hasty 1eft for a
short trip, the .bride travelling in a
naeier silk dregs, blue coat end hat, and
matching aecessoriesOn their return
they will reside At ISherkstoni
. „
'Cs" Coy. Notes
Tuesday nightat the armory on
NeVegate street ,was t redletter day
for NY' Oompater. It marked the he.
ginning Of WPecial classes for theft men
who ityst the regelarity it their sitteed-
awe had completed litteeet days Of
hoe* training since joining the ‚Co
Pane- ;And tor tour inditidttale 44
Particular the evening make bete
bronghta sense -,044 rel%ef. Oa the
Olieulders of theSte tear, .slamely 03.04.
Whittingham, Gibbons, McKinnon an
Kieleeee Ittes reated ss large share olf. the
responsibility• for the, training Of the
44)0 men et the Corapsiny during the
last flee meirthei Mad' the interest they
have ,411oiser • in their, work may be
,Atudgefr from their average Attendance
thirty days toe theeeet of the -Company,
To relieve these N.C.Oes of a portion
of the'besere )teertlen 'which they have
heen ••earreing, the signallietg. platoon
.has.been tamed over to. atet Lt.
Thomson.eued .the mapqaadingoplateon
to 2est?,let. Vic. fEllIott, both of whom
leave Nat: etiii2Pleted a Militia
qualitying them for a corainission in
the Canadian army. e peeulier
telueldenee• there arrived In Godetleli
on Wednesday; Morning a district order
which •authorizes the promotion' ot
these two imen and of Murray Hether-
ington to thetas* of.second lieutenant,
OW* *I Normos,1*4e0g Dleeeried,
• antd Stat Niw 410pospommlsi
anal*** Norms itimiedoively
The clutnee-over at Alexandra
talutartone htsvitatrainiingw*Ssaccompuehooill to in 104*11-s
last Tburetty Without lireoureeience,
to the etaff or lietleeta, Ten =Nokia*
traluing .neeved to three different West-
ern OAtario hoepiteis to censielete their
trating, ifle. thirteen Vadtiate
nurees,i4e1041eir.seveo. alreeeteo tlie
ittuff, took over the' glaies, here.
The students' lecture room will be
left unoecupieti until the hospital bistre.
decidea.what to de Mit*
The leirsesein-trababeg and the hes-
Pitals to whieh they will lbe;'sittoehed
to eomplete their training are: :Senior
,nurstest, -COW OfutriatteeCtraserardeAnd,
Mise Eileen 'reagent to Vietorie Hos
leardOO; intermediate nurses,
Mise Merle Sheardown, Miss Edna
Coleman, Miss KAY Lednoe„ and Miss
Graee Eielaeafatle to Woodstoek Gen-
eral Hospital; junior nurses, Miss IL
Laerise eila Jean Cameron, Mese
PhYllee Jewell and Mee Mary Newman,
to S. Phoma e Memorial Hoopitat •
The graduate nurses who will 09131:,
'pose the permanent staff at Alexandra
Hospital are: Miss1. efeCoritindele,
superintendent; Miss Madeline John-
ston, Goderich; elise Diekson, Dun-
gannon; Miss HBlack,
Helen Goderich;
Miss Ide lM11ott, GOdeelch; Miss Ida
NEW MINISTER IN White, Goderich; Mese Grace Mason,
VICTORIA ST -PULPIT "G`u4elleh; eiMe Elizebeth Bissett,
LUCIEnOW; Miss L. Seethe* Dungan -
um 4, /Nraentere uducted en non. Miss Ilene Graham, Goderieh
Misse E. Grainger, Brucefield; 'Miss
tions on Sunday ;as 'Their Pastor
Eye 'fling and Addressee 'COngregae Dorothy Douglas,. St. Marys ; Miss T,
Bev: A. J., late of Iron Bennett, Mitchell.
Bridge, •Ont., , Was einducted into, the
charge Of, Victoria -street United and
Ualont(Goderich township) eongregae
dens 433 Wriday evening at A service
tonewcted at 'Victoria . street by min -
Goderich Is hAving..a visit this week'
teem t =elle inspector, who saythat
sales of radio licenses for 1940 show a
substantial decrease which is teken'
'stets -of the Paesbytery of Hum, and.
servicesof • We es
alendariMithe. ett treK-thayure;e'heek.e.steeeil:eti:-
At Victoria stetet orareix at the
morning ,service Iteadleayee .Ad-
ject "What 'Is. Required . of . the
Minister," Aad stated that next Suisday.
he would speak on "What Is Required
of the Congregation:" The -text was
from Acts e:. 29, 30—"Grant unto thy
servants that With t all boldness they
may speak thy...elle/0, alereestretelen
. (forthethtne hand to heal: amethat signs'
to. mettle. --thaeeesevoneldereblee-numeer
of **pees havemit taken tint their
1icens.and will lueletolbe cheeked ep.,
This, eaye, the inspector, , takes time
hat- Might -otherwise be employeeelie
tanning. alOWSe' -rtideceeinte-Wereifee and
ensuring better reception. The owner
who pays )42,pr:heel nee fee prooept7
ly in .Apeil of etiele. r4the11eense
year ends March is at an unfair
disadvantage when the inspector is
compelled to. ape*part of his time,.
whieh-eshould-ebee'giteen toeremovingi
causes of inte,rfeeence, in attendiegle
and wonders May be donesby the Mete eases azonlitienieet.ef license fee:
of thist,,h'aiy chtla Jesus." The apostelie
appeal the pteaeher took at his own. . .• zeveNy.,m4Rees, oNE, Hog ,
Hie goal in lite, he deelared, Was eeot e..„.„4eefire. biegeee was called to ex,.
'the riulpit of , large an eweeltei tieguish, •eh*ei,e,,,i)jaze at the home
*church; rather he desired that wh•e
he glVen eome,•small place among those: :in°8fate'iu°rni111.44rtterI17°v''.timcsvieysllinet'og'ill.r'•seirlbeit"e:itiliall7tOrlausdt6's;l'e.!itadbar6(115':11
the day Of eeckonint aerieed ire •Might
`wile- lied epeken the, truth 'With 'eyeeiteesethe-seesese or, 4. *io-rt;,,-tirei-it
tess. •Men . filte rani, Sohn- vegmly and
John Knee who epoke God's word with
boldness -wade not have. one •hundred
per .eent. popula•rity .among men; but
God eequireethle taitlitelness from his
ministers, and flaig Ged, must. have.
, James Abell, son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Abell, Elgin avenue, has been
accepted an the staff of the keel Bank.
of Comneeree 'a% a junior -clerk. Jim
obtained his junior: matriculation' At
the Goderich Collegiate Institute last
titre. Keineeth Cutts son of Mr. Line.
Mrs. Calvin Cutt, who for some years
has been attached to the hankheie,
left this morning feoe Oshawa. 'Me.
Charles Plante has been trtineferred
here from Auburn, and :will take the
position of ledger -keeper, .
A change In an old -established is announced, this Week, Mr. N.
paker, of the sleeker & Ainslie meat
market, having withdrawn from the
business, wluch will hereafter be eon-
• ducted by Mt. at Je Ainslie.
; The first game of hoekee to be Played
In Goderich this year will be put on
at the West etreet arena en„Fridae,.ot
this week when Hanover will visit the
Goderieh Intermediates. The
In the siren apPiiratnee butetheie was
only one. fire, •
Mr. And Mrs. W. Levezence, Humes
road, wiseto announce the engagement
of 'their only: daughter,. Phyllis Mary,
to A.0.1. Jack Wilson, £F, Port
Albert, yourkger sou of the late eir. and
elese*J. Wilson, leheffield, England. '
Mr.' E. le Wigle has beet very seri-
ously 111 at liis home the past Week and
his condition has given much concern.
Today, 1owever, he is reported greatly
• The temperatures for the past week
and for the corresponding Week last
,year, as officially reeorded, were ae
' •
• .
• 1941 1910
Max.- Min. Max. Min.
T.hurs., Jan, 37 27 -22 .10
Fri., Jan • 3. 30 28. • 25 20
Sat., Jan,'4- 32 16 23 . 18
Jan..e5 28 20 24 - -15'
Mon., Jan.. 6 • 27 22 27 , 20
Tues., eau, 7 60 • 21 , 23
Wed., Jan. 8 29 15 20 ,
The weekle Magistrates Opurt was
not held last Thursday ateruoome A.11
eases upfor hearing were Set over until
gone, Is called for • e. ethis (Thursday) afternoon.
• The County Teiry on the various- 'ship of Steeehen is increased 30 per cent.
. ,
municipalities of the Ceuttio; Is, shown The,vIllages linty oti the evetage 25 per
In the !following figures; The lay for evept. More than lOtiriee1y7-theelArgest
1940 was at the rate ()ea% inilee0n increase being in the Exeter levy. •• The
the dollar: • • towns as a whole4eiy'40.per cent. mere
.all-rounte. intrease In the; aesesse than, toimerly, theitioderith levy ,being
Merit Of the County Was made by the inereasee 01 per cent.
report of Messrs. efogg.and Qulnlan, In these dgures leyy•paid
valuators appointed by the County by the townships 18 ineluded. • ,
Council to 'bringin a new equaillation. The municipalities " all paid
.The levy shows; an increase ot 14 per levies promptly, County Treasurer
tentover the. whole • eotinty. `''"T.he lerekine having received the entiee
average -luetease in ,township :1`evies is amoutie a #40,701.80 before the. end:
iro per cent., though that of the Town- ()rale yea:re, • • se •
. . .
' CountyRate- ' `,Rehool - ' Grand Total Total Previous
TIONMSIIIIPS 3.76,1111e costs . . 1940 Year, 1939
Aslifield ' ' $42;518,78 $ 3,209.05 . $ 15,813.43 $ 13,705.83
Colborne 7,038.00 . 2,389.74 .9,428,64,, 8,241.03
Goderich .....,.... .. . .. . ... . .. 9,341.13 3,072.99 a 12414.03 11,412180
Gree • ' ' - , 12,114.17 2,840.06 14,054.23 . 14,772.17
kley.. 11;987„87 ' -2,860.38 • 14,838.2e 42,601.60
Ilowick . ... . . , .. ..:‘,14,03118 "3,306.0e - 17,012.17 , 16,
Iinliett ° ' 10,8/79.63 ' 3,006.3913,886.02 13,275.66
'illeleillop 10,e39.21: . ' 1%347.86 .
Morris 10,012.21 3:133.59 - ' 13,145.82 12;75140
Stanley . 11,280.23 . 2,361.10 43,650.33 11,017:55
Stephen 1 16,070.418 3,704.70 - 19,874:38 14,262:87
Teeiteremith . . ..... . ... ....,lox:L.14 3,389.40 13,460.51 12,727.58
Turneerry . ... . 6,438.33 2.470.95 ' 0,009.30 8,099.02
Morn° 10,628.98 3,410.32 14,076,30 12,S90.46
le Wawatiosh .... ..... . .. 7,1503.26 2,254.01. 9,757.27 8,713.13
Nie Airawandeli .„. ....... 7, 168.(8.7 . 1,907.62 0,070.49 . '8,570.08
TOWNS ee .,
'Clinton 4,404.80 2 4,461.80 . ,3,077.88
tOoderieli 12,194.59 .42,101.59 •..' 7,509.00
:Seaforth ..............,.., .... lit 4,162.40 4,102.40 3,483.00-
Wi1Ighein 5,063,81 , ./ 5,003.84 3,563:10
Illyth 1,283.31 le283.31 101.00
Iirtiesele 1,700.84 1,700.84 1,470.40
Exeter 4,475.20 4,475.20 . 208138.40
Iiensall 1,973.182 1, 1443.2o
203,4094i $ 40,42.44 $210,701.80
eudid Record o
Work Accomplished
Vronian's Wort Committee of *ed
Oros* Society Report*
• tor Peat Ifenr
Ti*eiteuest tpatrlotie endeavor of
the Watafen of eloderlelko SAW the
VeMarree ,war effort was tieiderteed
the.l*rge4 elerfeentadire. gathering
which tfilled the Riede Orme reeme to
capacity est Tueeclay attenuem. ,
' 'The 10eating Was Veiled, to wsvieiii
the activities a the Work vomMittee of
• .•,
the 'Weal brarivir et the Ilied lotoo
oelety,. 'under the, effleient elmirroVis
'ship of 'lime H. a Dunlop, who, eX-
eueseedeehereaPieSdatione-4- thee ..coe
ePeratiesi eriereawelcomed the
rga MikodiNNON A SC P4144610hoseia
int Oloomphos et Yows!c lia. Atli.
niaminillir 1111.4 es mow Xones
' liondttion a prinple.iroon tons ouilli
vanity ant ether* from* *ore dletut
pop* *roved the otereey resther 4'
thiturdo monde% to Attend reirtio* A. tiedlyeresditiooed Opt
high Masa ix. 'St, Peter's, 'chart* in itilea Illeelaed to the Ws4014010, se* latth100 11Y ' !,,i,
tribute to the 'MOP*? ot Weiwie DOW trie its neon Jo *
jonr3ar lederieh ' Peer,* *IA A*00 NOWA* MB"
notio017 414atit ma* the' meet et * Teeeday night. la
abeetiOg ateideriNt ea Nen', Tear'. Day, preserv.d the trOilifeest
Welt- P. V. Nal* VON US* *AN *ad Tie* te*Vett of neitett vinniec
114P°4* live bilCeele:144himl.lbeel°4the :0144013""thrinif Itailoto."114 :g1"e 9t tie 11"4".' 114"11 641".
• esteem
Dean Iwo, owed by awmalk the Oodlos* tetrot gaSegi It wifit oottrlailr
.utittattlifith. .Aniumt,e'lifISSIteitttotaltiktlirtiCeeeteuothelletioar 44441t • teciAreatighsatrth time, u;klositeeredthi0.0007eixiiigur* Wher$0.04
representatives et all the mats. -Da1:74:' ileatee42""ct $beti:,07'*-0,t,71114.,0s**663e,s,ther"i'vrtee4tegiseaskiIrri, tii-Yeeetieee:e-41116,/"Oonaing' '-*-1-C4i*-teolithe-14:71411rwire'1"-Tieel
Afterthe oPerlieg of tile Meeting with la expeeobv . the seoceeoeteug thought 'OP shape for the ame. There the
/prayer offered by Mr* .1, H. 'Barnett, tha Ewes rine •Ipon vigittgirod, tar 19.11,fruhalt41701,5131745,0a 314tArbelLeseee eoeyeeleatee.
-.1(keers;,-..4.8. ,..**i°. Whteler; who *Ith- lkla. suid4.rer'4imyrdextb' t<ru'rhuit.t1"ifolis7t.heitteirliid hilTirtabeP114477744(thrseli4gAlsotheoeeetheetAtteieelagplal tileirleXt14:ei 144
Joseph leartoneemereesed the sewing rei:vretsnnvve. m .."0,reSe:nted 4Y4' the various -death wee* et; 4,40,e. . . /
conanittee/ ',stated that the 4i:diming' Ifiree......eatelVetwiSe elsiete.,1"4i?.../e....n°et ,Illiemee'!,.-42°)5',..ell.t eked and, &tate a 140 Player's tided
-articles, ind,leative of the cOmOrehent, e7.-''''''''''4 Y4' 7.'4'44".'"a''''.4 ',' Yv'y v4"4 "'a'', to Such an exterit in the last Period that
our creee With patience and Tiede -no- — -- •
sive supplies tindertakee, were. Made; oen.,, ,eould hardly etand up in the :see
45 . handkerehlets, .240 ,triangular ,fl,,_ eee,,,,,e,,,,,e, _,,,,eee4e• 444_,4e ....„4,0, of ,tbe leringham Tusher. AR thie will
'al bandages, 21 slips, -62 dresses. 35
alx1"2111. ete=ii4•6477,ratuirW7N74:17eiw7e;;Itti=e •17exuedied Iv" a ."15r 'hard Prai.11°e84
bandages, 06 T-bandeges, 129
Ow • that 'there is lee again • -.ta the ..
Ii40. -cemetery; wrliete .Interment took -
windbreaker, 03 ekirre, 40 ladies' 0,,./aee, Tite,oinibeare wore Aujoe ,,,, est street rink, and the iSalloilesliould
dreeelog gowns,. 40 eightgowne, 47 ist„ ,oeete.30i, Jowl 33.k, neillielitio, ,ettle*. able to take the ewe, eure of may teem
sheets, 2197 --hospital gowns,. 28 men. alottgh .(Detrett); Paameren Kill ran 111 t4e league; but it I" Ping to 41***
=calla jackets, 30 bed jackets, 28 pll- (otrotorci) ottrry. saw 3.04eph • euty of hard work for the, players
l'eu:ittit:ae:eylvvs:tine:rasr eol2tthoeileviinla3One7ilirti.11.4e3tersr- 11°T.`.07..113ertx7red,:.141,00..esi:totot„Isorri4:0:n 1:1w:ci'tonnt.: j;ravtia:run,.;:l..-141)truned4.. , ,thelirrameraatil ring:es:fell:for:It st et h' ,i 2.0::::$040kortt,"•41:Lirsitediealetlesamertft'setizt ',
iitilegaitilid74.nt'llnal'e '?uPeriurvgla.61''tr 4.1wetrlitknewt •or ' icon:1100ft tbrallehtl$- litt AGuderlelat orinerly of ?Owen. eitnind,': was Wing' •
raittee. convened' tbY Ilites.. Enlmersen peeeeine tend, Beantleerde.ine1044.___, th...c sesasse big glees seorstee ifotir goals and
friendi Were 'dotal ereauttee Ifriatie-Manit... Gederkett onstena. og 44. israetori „;,,,,
.11voettsieeettin241, (Mrs. George rairragetoJesnoneuraerS;' 06t, ,etrone,ele:141,
(7:11,00,24*.then,„ ebeTor.„,„77, xi).,,,,,,,i4r,,' ,:4etting one aselet. :Mae/ : also stood -
seamen's socks, 278 helmets and caps,
166 wristlets', _2111 sweateree,24eivasles tiltaiiry930arte and the'19.0erten.Ti,‘'llite, „...":),,,I;c1f 37etelt3i0eatogerolveeed41334 etbealmtbeseet di*. • at etie-
:Oub;...,'''-Te' - mark , in •the 'tarsteperiodi with
.b144111.8ea',76:v. pairs jospitt,tss'ippul"esPa,i7 gi(vv.ei .11P4q144elnitor°43uliMel a.;:t,'!1?ar:YiPailt)ttellfc0.7olth'in:Tgalicland rU 3; 31 Yee lina:t. 1 I :1 )aalcrtetel.4.1e:wrhiengnmtt:e1;1:113ene4s*topttledalttlflt"b1:34t414C0004Y(Itandli:litaetao
Mee. I). E. Campbell, who With Uri., Meari- eit-.40-erfale'eN;V..'esItee'e•---Itather- ' he- open, .neteliffeles•-.-Detak *hiedetitieiffer7--
'Thdreco-ramjss*IniLtgtaeesn,ea, 124:44/1.Posp;rtithedteal'h:uts:phainita:s...'sisIgleieead63: •Iraaaellseawn4'ndllePtioxiifol.-tul;T4a;rt6ale119.11::;:bli;tIreru. vad.ruletvir. airyei.' iteeeiheeeeriedY*tet.<Yemtieleedreenibelkimisefteil:Insowtmrowst"le. ee0batrecirl'v'aitgitttanillat .
ivtilseriloneleraeoce111:10°Irestaseirs'orirlf7doremigant.isul'84'nnelet:t2nahe deel:Peterr'" TiSeeehsiewsate4rareildideurse „.1..4,!..a.,,,M,. ievG:tyzni:i"4'4(sii, ,20319:gleks°httiel4sert tene:meentW:lualhee80418, vethinaig:htte,*stii:bellilf,:o-liteelit"nne 7.1- '-
of Detroitet -Wire and Mts. Willleee , ' roe the eloseoe the sleet period, „ ens. •
Kelly, a Teeswaterefeer. Case Hougn. ,
ana.teriala to,i the value'Cie-$1,779.77ehad
PrOnl•October 1030; to June 20, 20, 1940; p tr ..t. ,„ e
. .__ •
. e t in trent. albeillixigluarkiutsa-anit----
been bought by the pueghasing, tom-
as defieetedhate the net. ...:
mittee; as reported by Mrs: F. 114 Bid.-
, . .N,90:ki STREET. Ir.P01.S. WingimM added three Oonntera- In the:.
ditt. With this,- amount, 8;456 :ytitils
sit 'theteframe. ' roster took CY Proctor.'* Andlek 541 at Ore end of
of, material had been •purcliaseile-After Reportsot,.,
0.,„ ,ssout•tremite, hind •the'Ooderlek net
June this oetamittee ceased to tunetion Among
a' " • A ' 6
and the buying trom. headquarters was Reeleotell'-',Prestkleit ' ' .., n
bined neeely weth efeleol -on a rutehi.'
or 1 ' di g • - Eng is
taken over: by the execntive of it)ii annual
.c.iii,:eer.g.tinr. gois,oft!t;eprwoesidnledentsamthise,_ ,t, 0_: _ta, 1.1:174t tu, .4.10. la, 'ir,k ,an.d.3-068-talt* er_
Wore coxinnittee.. Other members who
assisted in the buying were lira: W. . , , , ,, __,, _. . - circled. thie .10orle,rich nettoPekesthite--
eionarYISodetP4st-NOIli-tter Um 'Q Atte In belieltr Doak' 4..t 1745 - The -
P. -Lane, 1.11e. • B. :a, IS -atilt -9 and Mil. t ,
Roperc johnstv, • , ••. , ch'irele; which liltsheld'. one Monday Sailors eau*" 'the closest to a .score
Mrs. J. D. Tem:tide secretary, '.AII,- :afternoon. Mrs.. J. ,113. Graben?, . eon. hen Becky poor and 'Zack Pattenoo.
-flouncedthat cash d04.0i0710, Proceeds; ducted devotional exercises, which in- torebined on a rush. 1Strike, Wing -
from teas IA the roones and the sale of ,twelaurd.Cdtiniett. e 'Tspecialtopie,W91,3iSene prayeror
eato,:ttaarte'ergsooViaelplostoappte4tair intelehoshorobeirnillbet.4.
cards, realieeel $149:75; the balance oA
hand being $eem. , . w s taken by Mrs. W. P. Lane, who etile the Pulek was dancing eraillY JUst .
metes- Club, organized on Julie 19, 1940,
: The Business and Professional We-- ptisteraredlo.paumrbotic.niarbr,,to pi. Tucker and 4141. g.daared4theaslitn4aeut.o.024.6.3770bloppghingaril otaYtheer:
held drfteen Tneetings. Besides rolling- , The annual reports were reed by the nek jUst,.. as Patterson' s- etick 'Wept
bandages and Making; eompreeees, the .;:secretaries. Mrs. Howard, e rectirdieg, tweed it.
for the 'eVacuees. •The total cash from
inenzbem had. knitted -±ert'Y Sweaters freSeceety-three,
tabiairtyrem_bvvbedrs4hrieputoef :asTe:thtuPee ibtyyrt begtilarued teinvotateghth,onird9,;tSeeeinotleer4,,
all sources' amounted to $138. Mrs. Members. Average attendanee it Meet- and out Of one melee Dan Praetor went
J. Lee, president, sulMiittee' the report. inpWsas -etwt4euryt,po
twenty-one. Mr. thd
mrs, ,..43isielinhtiohigea; totdairehadlt,o,lceenta
h tabbead'egaAiTshie•in4 'tehril' fore- , e
Saffordsupply eer
and -Units ' •
Reporting :Or the Saltford unit, 'Airs. of ' two halts, valued .at ' e1.70.50 and Pe and was out for the remainder .of
Valentine Fisher stated that in, the Containing clothing and „eleven, quilts.: he game. :Salter Oen, teclagyi Iiiiliir •
tn'irtoothis orgioaix*1 279 hospital sup- The treasurer .reported $405.$3 'as the defenceman, got a 'fleeezzinute trip* to ,
plies, 40 pairs a socks,- 4,equi1te, had alMnint ridged during the year Lfor he lienaltYe hex for veramieting the '
been made, Ektna•flon8 of $15.55 were, missionary ParPerses, an increase over •eed. , English balanced Skle$ again ley. ,
*received, besides $33.97'realized by col-. last ., year. -I The. ,strangers' secretary, ArkPeing Young and going to'the cooler" ,
,iections and. A gift box. There .are
t ' r ' ' •
Mrs. T. I. yalls; icnerf,e.d19,c.alPs,or two minutes. NTile.fratvneuzere
siteen • made.
,_ ,offyounig6"ihxk,atctre,:
The .
Carlow unit's report,. given by • It was decided . to present ;a11'.etee ece, • roil/Wed a edefenceman and beet. ,
Mitierist Joifeas:4 pairs
reeekeev'eal:ede sweaters, 'net; binaMthTeeinably°*f inenlir4er- ISttarairliee'S'Wekiathtesa. 17het3gboGati','Ibeeamelweeallt thethe .
'23 triangular bioulagee, 6 pairs pillow- MeerS , were elected as follows: ' elfway 'inark. 'Bucky Doak and
T-bandages, 2A:hospital...gowns, 3 quilte, olvresesiiddzintst„, Mrs. 0.
oC..,.AiF, F. 04001aretkseene, Tmice'.1,8. Maehemul ,zettiettnetla .4y.teert,geiveeeithisi,idaIet:eoxin. Wing-'' cases, 24 towels, 16 Suits pyjamas, 11
42 handherehiers, 2. Skirts, 2 slieeeeeese D. I. Cantelon, efirse.J. II. etralialie etre ate.h penalty. • With Englials baek on
ill all.. : ' - • W. V. A. "is/attell recording eeeretary, the lee, Iezy Doak was kept bussr .kleit-
under the Wedge cOminittee realized retarY, ;Aire. WAledg
Summer bridges and teas Conducted MTS: J. It Howard ;
Ce(Irteesilrea6snuclreilir,gleisc'eiss- InglIst °rout% rAned'h4-ilwhIn PICylli.11114%-c; to()Wr get" liWie* had
; over to the Rea, 'Cross treaserer, , Mr.
4462.7,4, of, which ofa4.32 was tarlite4 secretary,
cEre. tlaSrhyttrtrese.' Oali, rioet.i.anneesttehewarinrgdetohnie: withethpUneko :oantet.thoeeembeelater,ouletaiii:eoluemilinoolikaounal, ,
Fred Price. •PlEmlberice.rtselel th . aDdel '''eD1)4'). Mrte'doo;ley4*, 51wrift; EsilisPligillasli7rItasrel.°s; 4Mraills:eArsld'sele:erIeetalikriins;es' 1311euLellileinnet,e4r)4:ttClthlbedal)leithili7lwtedatYlltilet3613alltidt&ertiwitt'et: .
organized the, plan for these functions, Mrs. T. R. Wallis,. UTZ. *Buchanan;
suggested that this Year they' talk the, press secretary, imea W. pe Lane ; tom. lOoderich mere pulled Doak dirt .and .0
, form of a "marathon, bridge," which.
she explained • hilly, The wee:ewes peralice secretary, Mrs. W. nein ; liter- :c.rit. ,).1 tohnelytiu:olinidthteleututtetienintgor 1:11,:.hge-
attire .se'eretary, 'MTS. ..T. W. Moore; ' ant's 'seventh, goal at tire 18.35 mark.
oardgotaPtitedcze\ itlit re. Mooney , co. nee, ,ating to BrIa. ewy Worthy,
IiiistiP4r(iS,14:1:11teiellirill.)8; galne 0"S" Procter took Vtomager's Pees,
Miss Groves reported that 27 quilts Mission 'Band leaders, Miss mallets at the Goderieh, defertee emit* '1 D
_ „, e 4 ,
thuatdo. ;beiet, 'by,rirthseidowoommen,,eve. i;iteletis:„ -Cheeman, Miss 'Pauline Johnston, Miss erene uveefeet out for the hoinesterie '
Ruth., elleol; Miesionary iMoutbly, seere- al tally. . • • -
ese nightgowns; / by the W.A. a sr.. tortes, miss F. ISturde, elise Jenkins;*Fifteen Penalties were handed out in
,Of eoelts,,s. helmet, 1 ;stare, ,4 sweaters,
George's •Clinich and 2 by Smith's Iliii.: Pleetstes,.., el______es.s. a e.17, 1,int, o,n: ..Mrs..:ev, taeleovirolineephrhiteba-gm,ollgoatoi; G, rieel:evriopahke-11::::en,
Taylor's 10.eirner: eenttibuted 69 •pairs . . .
ilahirTP,plitittiolvvotTes8: 3 tiliiits; 2. 8k11.1, '‘2 ' ilw IULEsta611rtiNon°o1MfildEceRrS8 'Of OS't n
DoakM; lingeour, 4, Pat- ,
Aehlield. Patriotic ;Society sent 57 1.09. !Oulacliari /Legion', . to act. tor tiie alternates,ersOn;wi:L'i .:1:4'1111::: ,T; :nnts rtoe:4. wA: .
pair soeks, 19 scarfs And 8 %lilts. eembig year, was held' at ti• Meeting. in Doak, W. It6hins014•.T. ()'Brien arid S.
the Legion rooms, on Thursday ,evening Owen. '
deeniiiiller (Seciety sent 85 pair 'socket
4 helinets, 2 pair mitts, 12 eiveaters, lase , -President el. IS. Turner •presided. • Wingbant --(Goalo iStrukei'. sleferree,
.:35 , pair pyjamas and -23. abdominal
bandage.. Goderieh TOwnehip North TTnh°rniterv; 1Qervii:et'gteS;Tallernets,ldficeltglre*W... 'illti.ggiels',1107.11PrIretaogr'e,ibde'eelerinsttroti ;C. iililteiXttitdess! '
knitted articles, '18,181 artieles for hoe,
twat 140 pair ' 00q1c4, _ 2 eleimetee la :tSectxatoefref,;se2ileredtiivrylee, topr.eemid.eirat,amreeilbet:rigil 31.,.1prt,ertehhe:Ifilreer8!4:ineoeboolnitieo:foterwr:thina:nwildaEemslt.litiottrits. 41;
scarfs, 6 sweaters and 8 pair pYjamas.
The grand total Supplied' iS
0'271 ‘taressaisstuarnetr,,"JeoZta.Trie'klil; agisfrttalltet rt,e"as! ,Gr:::Sfb:::'xritC"--t::AN-:e::lr—''IZU:--13ttsNGt:dEO,,P, 711
.pital-suppliesli 2,1000 sewn artieles, and urer; el. Jane.
837 article8 for ehild evaeuoes. •,•.,
, . For the Coming Year ecture room a leizoir ehureir onuleilone-
Aftee over a year of .eftleient work, dreds of artielee'sent tut by the cewleg itigYsiwZittuagn4dJaterhgriel.iraororypooeinitschiiv..zolvTr7itedryinmefigv"eaotta-
Bartou asked to be stelievee of 1 the Uiss 'Fldith Tayler, whe "Was. tiele' 1,,,,, 4,,,, .,,,,,,
Mrs. j. It. Wheeler an& Mrs. joseph eommitteePheVe been cut tut' foe owe,. entiam ,11,nea netove,,,,
duties of emivenere of the -solving cone gated by the work committee to take a 4-1;t:uosti'in";astitkleden'll:-/g:r.1711,00 nvvaerels:
anittee, aire. Dunlop =wonted that eourse on Malnutrition at Guelph
undertakethis work:tinder the 8111)01?-, a ,fitte 't,a).ki. illustrating It by the else Monis' "1014481t441: was the reselet,ion
the Worneies Institute had agived to under. the Department of Health, gave
to set aside tole evening it -week tor the
,Tuestlay afternoons ; and Mrs. J. Ca.ivin lug' the different* in Weight when fee ,: YeUllg treeige'S 41nOetit4r4 And 111,* the
vision Of the Med Cross at the rooms on a poor tut -outs Ot Aylijte`iniee. shelve molest tot, a inolivromp lirito. Ile
("aft and etre. W. J. liodge on .Thur;-- all ‘the vegetables and, milk thee rww.Leilin,etsshsec.toluoitIrsiegoilu.sanz,pasinsrfiiri,tyl:,4flalcopeo; torroztynxIk
day , afternoons. . All other conveners needed. Igho exPlalned that withestate
' miss , Ann. nurtoe was. appointed mitrition there is no hunger, 'but ine.
convene; of the trans.portatien- eom- proper- tiourishment. • •
consented to aet tor 1941. - - • • vation thee° Is hunger, but with male hem win be, aot,,,01., troi4gotbut. utts of
inatwo, and Mrs, r: R. Reilitte of the . It .was decided to hold a, joiet meet- sefeZhEZillt:6anmettniltb:Arsoths(treed. llpriromee, et";
•publieity eonsmittee. lug of All the women* organizations in ""4", , 4
MRS Betty ("ampbell again 'tonsented the town and have Miss 'Taylor give * L'ellu tthu 014" th° Patt7 a real 4,44,1‘•
predated bY the ladies,.
to take charge of the %serving of t,eao, „taitonrigioldUS:atit:lselICI:ttli:‘,,,trs. E. II t)ean it A'v8;11.1;toittatvkirottillokl7:704-intor M.rondtrl*., vittal6aereett,
on FtVitlt daYSt an effott greatly .ap- A resolution tit sympathy wan en-. ''Janititlig _13thi,...4t1:.etri.frhStrngt 711.1t41.
3lrg. B. D. Brown was Unavoida.bly her bereavement., s ° . mve
ateent. treler lier %.4upeivisiOn, 'With the The meeting Ot)..sed With the 11Slational n' Tott join In the tin.
assistance of her committee, the hune Anthem.