The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-12-26, Page 8MONO NW Ittilp, '104114110111 for the Peat vests • ki Elsjpr are Wet, are Wee' 084111/16 .10/1114. The Nadal 11,c12v *ellook 1affitlfm Presbyterian hRrci . held its seusesee Christmassad wrok'se trete eh ktatids, sight. There a Mial good attestdsetes trod a pMas thn Ch Iva* enioyest with, the various Bu given bY the MAW Barna Uns tee Mai Peared dletributinalgLfto free* the tree 4eeh014 stud at the clamZjpeite eve* served.' kete of fruit w etekee. Weenie unable to 4.)e present. ), *Pin Bereaved.i The eotrununity wart eaddue ett at eud of the week to hear of the, ot n death of little Bobby Illegine, ..,eour-year-old. son ,tit Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Higgins, Detrot which oecurrea on 14eturdae. The paseine of the little fellow; is a greet - I . loom VI 4, ad **Mir Toast** tad Ns% W. oil Detroit speut Idgirsuattv:Isteret t be Ulm peigis of Ba- rg on a ati4ent114 ies Vail, ',Me nettle 0111, while tpe ' M AIM i4 char," of Etentlereon and Mr. 4Ahu 1112014 Mell.'eredit 1 far , the opladhl ePer- t* ehildren. . I. McLeod, sr., Mirn' Elsie .elet Meeter Donald left ott Wrote where they will. tines lielidaie- e ... ..... , Ferguson left on Alendee t , 'where she will ;wend with her eon„ Mr. J. i'trgii- c1r Ferguson. t, (1116$ Antratrie-The autrual f the Itaylield Unit Of it,t1* a tan Red. Croes ',Society 'mei held Ute TONVI1 MIL The meeting was *Pelted bY the President, Mrs. U. II, V. Ga.beiner, *with the Red °rose prayer. ill her address she reviewed the work for the year, showing ltpNV well the *Unit had doue and thanking the vatiOns tifeetes and committees for their co- operteition. ,She quoted the. 'speech of the Minister of National Defer*, the Hen. .r. Z. Ralston, when he said, 'When. the spirit ier England, prevails. in Cestutde, we hall win." (She:then called tut the sectetery and the treesarer tor their reports. Mrs. R. L. .Itassett, secietary, eeported that 744 knitted, , , your_ e tips ma.- •r the -- Mg, ult,epoils 'alee • put 3-pur- ps emit nostril. Vas.tro-notl, does ts.'important things Thtyou: (l) thr .e/tirs:' swollen- :mem., • braces; (2)to-.thea irritation; (3) belps 0,1111,01.1kriasalpassagee. clearing clogglng Income'relieving tranelent cOetion. It brI2gs More comfort, thine 'Invites sleep. Whet a Cold' Threaens, use otee-nol at telt *Me or sneeze. develVA epilev- • , t"veven4 TR041 Wt. ' eineo COO 44 ODA reed - 'Poet gyro brides, 010,10 doers/ tee eiVeeser. Than are itte'-44ght helilve ?mittenleek:dim some of the sennurer mime ,'wbe are still warlike toe this! etatt. lire. Illflione the treasurer, gavei tee rear, 41.004.5a; total eepeaditares, her riport s.so follows : Total eseelptet for $805.43 ; emir halite*, ots haiatk .200.00. I ?be atverage spent per ape% woe $45 I for expetteee. This aid uot luelude the epeeist). feud; reisea he a eorteert Ziven by tee summer colony for comforts for k sebiliere. Receipt* $31.4X), expeaditures 1 4110.00--eaelt %fleece en baud $44).10. Rev. J. 'Graham took the eheir for the. t eleetion of otecere, eud the following were returned for the next year: Hon. 1. orary president, Mrs. N. W. ' Woods; President, Mee R. II. F. 4airtiner 7; vice- Preeldeur. Mies Maud StIrliug; 2n11 vite-preeldent, gra. John ,Grairae); see- ektare, Mrs. It, L. Barnett; treasurer, Mrs: George, Elliott. The ladies' enter-- tainnuett etanmittee 'wee returnedfoe -the next. leer, - TO theeeert's-committere eortslatirtg- Of Rev. 'if. Cirtihane-,Itee. Iterold Currie; Messes. J. Featheretiee W. Westlake,. IC. Scotcbmer, W. Forge. t eon and A. Isl. ,Erwin, were added 3.1esers. Maleohn Tome,'IGeorge' Elliott l')erey 'Weston, Lloyd Makins aud jim Robinson. It was moved by Mr„ A. E. Erwin, end seconded by Mrs. DeVeme- 1 itthardt, that the iSoelety apply for a eharter and teeome. A brallOt a t).).0 Canadian ,Red Crorn Somety. gra le peieted.enclitoreefor the year. York enet„Mre.„ M. Prentiee were ap- I -010cers' Eleetedee-The annual meet - leg of the Women's Anxiliary of Trinity ebureh, PaYlield, „toesit place at the reetory ',"-' Aud, the 'following eilleers were, ele'ileiti .. - for • ". 1. the conning year: 'Prealtiettl, Mrs. J. Graham; vieee president, Mrs. George Xing; treasurer, Mies E. Cameron ; Doreas eecretery,. 'Aire: F. W. Baker; eeeretary, Mfs. R, J. Leteene Living elessege eecretaey,,,Itra. 0•4 P. Gairdner. Retiring (ahem( were Mrs,, Win: ,Seotehmer awl Mrs. 0." Nidcombe. Reports sheeted, the et:v!iei;iite.ea.c,tlye,d,tri'igtlteTe.7ritbk.I42trroateiabeathye0e, RUN G, ' • Kali Tint Women's, institute will. Meet et M*may Hall oi .Lhurda Jiw I213(1,at . 3 p.m. Roll eall wilt i)e- troit sprat the auowerett with, ,uew ideas for theetew eestr. 'Mot W. P. Abel wilt auction, a 1* 140mtding • tiumber of $urprioe ettelages, aud Niro. ' at her Ahreae In " S. tereeneitele will give an teltireete. wise et Ifteento le Maple Leaf 'Obtainer monthiy I:meting st her hese here, i will be held Thuroday, jannery Oth, at tad Aitsed Dalton 4 pan.ein theLibrary Board room. 52 WED : ;10IIINSMON.-In Goderieh;ort alenda.Y. Deemnber 23rd, Thomas johnston, in hie 7tith • ever. WI"tea'114 sit btonee. Arthur is xtbiltiktoper a the Brieoldoe in (Wee rielt. T • y evening Under the diree. Nat et iss 'Quarry, the eehoel eltildren. P ed very enjoyable 'concert. After -ards •the .grown-up tIanted to 01V1ket3tr4. /looter Gone, -t.) n Monday' Mu* Deeeniber the body of and other relativee, Ins mother, form - elm& to his parente, hia older treethersi se Ellen Meilly 'wag...brought to the hureh. of the old 'perieli of St. jeeeidt's erly Mary Curran, Was bereaved of w1i.ire hr 1)t1hLt.lnt1 the athtr or-. lter mother. *ers, John :14ennqs..._ forebears ,before tlteY eft 'Ireland to iinrdreAanittrliallineettf ej5i"..eErallekineltie°LLU ' eeneration of pioneer ita being graoluel- help -colonize it new everld, • The seCond 'W -Ax -IS- -was held thinned ont And 0199 Oatelily was eyeeks, ago,- ,We' exten.C41,11: liaitV3r the 'faith, berpreathed theen, by their ro them in thee therr sefted I . ' MAVEX. NG, Dee. ,24. -Merry Christ- , .. tie Ana al haPPY- NOW. Year to you. all. , , egteeelMary-10,rteretcni-of 0-Oderich •is ., opeediug A fe* eses at her h,eme, ate endMirs.... Clifford itilpatriek . _ , .•+isitete, On , ••,eunday with. the latter'e enotheei •-Mr.. fGeorge 'rolloek of ;$,hep-. perditen. -- , •Teacheri.ind "Ittuletts are au honie • 42) Lor •the hrietnets vaetition..e: Ir. ebert liven returned Ilene., on ..Siturd y from Woodstock. ; Me, Thoe.•,,Blakeis-zindeetheeleetbes care tat preseat We hope he'wIti etson7 be up, and around . again. ' - $.e. NO. 9 bela,their„Cheitsetnas me,' eat, in tire settee); last ThuridaY otter - noon. . :Wadi erelit is due .to our teacher, 4,1Sslean.MOlifill'ai) (gold -to -the pupils, for the ante,: afterlieou'e enter- taburtent., , . Chtistnias 'Concert. -4- 11'6 -Sunday Whool .C.,hrietmas concert wa4 1).Esid Maim laet Friday evettint The - school ehilde•en of hoth No. 0 Atid Bel- faat had charge of thetarst part4ef.the 111 program. gr.: •Godfrey- hail) his usual treet for the ,chiltdren;.bulkwe 4.4 were very sorry be was not able tor be preseet hiniselte We take this opPOr- A Wm. ,Stothers on Weitber'daYs mer one of their aumber. Born' in Ashileid 18, :sire. It. MeWhinner, 141ent, More than --J •fourseore yeara Agee elte was in the elude,. 'The (11i•tionej live} the greater part of her lo' ,and I 'Period waS 'When .4W Mr. Wro. wax'''. useful life au -the ,O'Reilly- homestead i The earioue,elticere for- the pa year on the Oth concession.' The, trot few gave reports Ou•the year's -work, hiell yeeee ehe 'Spent' in .retirentent 'with" her slater Julia, who survives her, e,t Lon- don. Her Nosing. away Came peace- fully, fortilled by the last rites of the church to`Whiett she adhered so faith- fully all her„,.life. Her funeral mass' W49 _sung bY,,her brother, the Reverend J. J. ,011ieillY.:(4 Renate , ,S,11:), „.There were also ,preSent in the anetearY-Itee. Pathe r '1'.reed of Stra. hiroy and Rev. ptlf..her: el, - Sullivau et) Londony who met approval.. Mrer. R. 'Davidson ,core clueted* the eleetiot .of officers,. and, were, ee-eleeted. for 1941. The 4,4* elesed with the Lord's, Prayer in Olson. The hostess, Mrs. *others, eeriett frestaneAta at the close. , ,$•,c Death. of Mrs. (Rev. C.ejla Mifr -congregation Ilr Presbyterian 'chervil was eatiened. on Wedneedee evening. on Iteering of the •There will be no eervieee in the.rree Methedist eltur'elt Sunday, December s '0#04Int ,of the ,ebsenee of tb.e miniatere 'Servieets Ja4114rY .0 as J -1a,-40av, teeeordiat-VeleOlitie10-rill. At a Ineeting of the A.Y.P.A. Local Council of ',Huron I)eaneq, held at St. Jobn's ehurcle Brueseis, •aeraneentents were.made for an .`at twine to be held irtApril Witrgifam. also were ma.de for the annual dramatle Caeltest, VOITIITY ITEM& ninety-touith 1.1)1t-ticia.i, On Saturday iTaoseft.17:ip of .Tu. Mit,e,rre, celebrated his the death of Alias Eliza Ann Mac- farlane oceuvree( at her home elite ton On EridaY laet, in her seventy- seventh year. A natiete Staeley, she lived in that township unti11912, when she end) u younger sister took up reg. death- of their eenrstees- Mrs. gave 4 brief :talk on. tritext, "What eabenteeelei4se'aelliret:„:/1:eseete41.eofetraralnandeAll'alrue6d D(Errin.)a. Coa.eition,MirteettrtoOfot L,5141rek. Mac- wdolitohjetrweenreriarueti. seeigr, ththe loss ()f eMrs.mrs. tettw,ard4 meet, et Stanley; mees Doneldta pastorate ,!LuClinow- and Soul.?",' The sPeititer. stressed that eVerY- sTAeoglimiels ir-'11;rfatigrelarsiloe'f°,Ceed .1°1eitiritettirwanstrPs: remgannone Ups.; elftetteuald, -fgave Where and - at all timethe enemies, eif great assistance in 04 ii'verk and- Won (lea - and, of les 'aura strive,. to Ferguson -'-:-Tasker • - Aug Clin- aineere friendattip. She had -'just ree are only too arklaleut in the world At St Pa-al's-al'slits.a,ehurch, the hearts of the---peopto• , with her nullify 01a-waiting, with result that 'e . turned te.hei•torne on eiteeday after to -day ea in the„itime -of Christ. '5Itse ton, en Saturdar. morning lest, the mate Doine„An 4tederich Mospital for ften -111Reill'y was kedecersed by loe Mr, and Imre. 'Richard Tasirere,to eiage Of Margaret Elizabeth; daughter 1°Iit A. 'Ferguson of iStratford 'wag dam?, trealauentL izler Pagehiatial NeAK.,1 her.• *tots, 'three inethe ,rellgions -comewiinarn eereseeferzene ereete-eueeneeriTAt'Ver-,' felt and the emarouulty extends sincere munitybf Notre Danie, lasters Clement; 'IsYttrtP441-15", to the sorrowing husband and Alban at(' iWinified4and relse Nora *of 11:irds the happy etellPIe lett by rioter faearly.,, • ', ' , A.ebrield Besides rather J J O'ReiP ,--1:Tnifea. -eltirrell•NVXSeeTtre -tetnit,W, nodcMis'sj'Zillli'.'"'in. entioned: above, she meeting i of .tirt W.M.S. of Dueganneu is survived by One brother, Patriek, tinited4churett evas held. on Friday last of Pinkerton., and One, other sister, in the- choral! echoeirotein... The: presi.- , Mies Rosa, of London. The pallbearers -dent, gra. A. Elliott; presided and an-' wereIGeogge,_,- Drennail,, WW1' Oriflin. uoutteed the theme Of themeeting, 'Vile •TaenTes and Thknas leterveY, ,Xtertioch World .Church:PaYaIlernage taChriat" Meitieod and John .0'iConnoe. Inter - Mrs, W. P. Newman Ied in the Christ- meet was in the old, tamily Plot in St. *as WorshiP", eervice ''tind Christmas ,Jiteeph's• cemetery; Father M. Sullivan -hynntsev.ere sen,e.• Rev. W. P.'NeWirtan „reciting- the final prayers ' tot tire grave. *Jed in PraTq 07 d etindueted the election lion.'-'14Auletr' lareeRobt. UeRenele es is,, Of otiteeretew eh resulted as follows: -and Misa Celia Pentland e: peeSident, Mrs. A. Elliott; let vice-president, Mr$ W. P. 'Newmaix; 2nd vice-president', Mrs', M. 1Reee4 recording and .corres- lecting...ekterete-'1.-41,a treasurer Airs; Reach; • assistant, Burton, Ifixte,,li; pianist, ,Mrs. Jas. Me- Yntinn.e.Y eleesistartte atm.' John Blake; seeretariee .1.), departmente-suolY•, jas. McWhinney; steriardship and eanee, Mrs. Thes.,'Djeltson, sr.; Mere, tire; Mrs. A. Roach ; Missionary Month- st, Nus. ma; alooknre .comlnunity rieudeatip, Mrs. 4. Irwin, Mrs..S.'Tre. eseen , and Tif•re. John -031alce; press zne, transportation; Elliott; 'temperance and team, jes; Fin - gee; Baby Band stiperintendent, Mks.' Reed; Autism eanenittee,elre Dick - Son, Ure, A. Roaele-Mrs, B. Roach, Ales. Stiyvart; group leadereolifre. Reed, Mrs. Newman, Mrs.eiBlalee ereleMes, *WEL ,V1t • .BEN;MILLEIR,-- I;‘---;* 2&-rl'lie Ben- - Miller eoreeepondent Wishes the man- agers and staff et 'The (Sigrial,Star merry IChri,§tines end a bright end* =',711.11-;•"OOod- •And Mr. and Mrs. M. Goodelaited ivitirlir: and Mrs. 3. rarrieh at Brentford, eeeentlY. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alien eperte last ThurstleY in. Loot:lone Lorna: Moere of Montreal- -IS sPentling the Iroliaayai• with "Mt and Mr. Gledhille•. ' On Thureday-- Afternoon- lefiss Ale; Ewen and, her pepila e due enter- tainment aetbe *hoe After the pro.- • gram -Santa 'Clang arrived and die-. s tribe:test the preseuts. feore the tree, IJ which viastbeallafa* decorated. T number Of the Parents were present. 0 R. Adel. as ichtiirman in a c caapti.enin, ora,n4inearze,- 11,004 ,als 01) tun/4P of Ivis' hing this due 'old Wale- 11 XiTati, ireee merry Christmae and * happy New Year; Two elort dialogues, n "'Adviea to the Lovelorn, and "Fetellire Paw Around," were. Oren a nant:-.. her of the young people.. Proceeds 4'1" amounted fio $21:05. READING Hates. After s'hott miesionary prEIJ?o- . IELD rage, the fourth birthday tea W.49 ,Aisintuito,:tke:g4-.--atistatargaret 1043011.ot London... hiyis Alt the! holiday.. Mre. Finlay MacDonald irelieree atter spending a mouth training in the Home Defeere Servieee *Agee Anna, Charlotte, and 'Lola 3faekenzle of TOronto are holidaying at:their horote here. , -,TheiSunday wheel (*melt wee held, 10 Asbfleld PresbAerian char& on Fri - '3? evening. viendld ,i)rogram: rnees, 'dale and recitations 'WO be Anna. ,Mae Wettish tie home, atter )cTh1Ing some weeks' in Toronto., IIII/M3* 4s SON ilItAltrIt WORKS kin St. Patiritk Pliono 19$5 STRATIVOD, ONT. tersest* Stoat Witgerti Ontario �ioo�e *out No ADvAsoti'irtii nucts served, This Auxiliary has had. a suc. ese-14 year, spit•itually end financial. I,y, ha*Ing exceeded its allocation NQDR,T, AT ITA141i Vonolusi of 'Short Courses in. Agri - etilturec and Home Economies , The shttit',.oeurses in agritilltUre and home .ecenoiaties at Verna! were eon- Oinded witit.Tit'ebangeet held Int FridaY evening in thel,Stanley Townehip Hail. One hundred ,And forty Persons sat dowe. to the banettet, which WIER'servd by the Red. •CroioeSociety of Varna district a; la ShOarert Buren. egrient- turret' representatlite, was the .tottst- Mester, arta among,ehoee who. spoke were Warden l'ea,gatt, exAtrarden Vir,, Hawke, ex -Warden IC E. Turner, Reeve 'Wetson. entr otter, tutOnbere of the ,Statiley Townehip Connell; A. IL Martin, 03,S.,A., itesistent director De- Partment of AgrieultureiTerente, "gave an addrese in which he pr sed the, fine It showing made by the.„ rt eon* eitteees. • .-- -c. i A danee, .attended bY Ovef 300,_ 0) - eluded the prograti tor „Own ht, . 'Buy ,vvar ' savings istamP9 defeat ifitmt * Lor St, Ca,tharines, Toronto and other cit -Ws on their honeymoon trip They • • will reside in London. - SaliSbury-Levis • At the home ef gr. and Mrs.,' 3.13. Levis, ,Clieten, On- 11.114.114y thei,r daughter, Ruth ElUabeth, was Waited in makelage Private Arthur Clayton Siilisbury,IPerth Regimeet, Ha.miltoe, son Or- and Mrs. S. ,Salisbury, The;teeentony was'performecl .by Rev. !G. G. ,Ilurton. The . young eouple reilde for the present ' at 1141011ton. Ball-410ssep „ .he marriage of -Mary Frances Mos- goP, daughter of Mrs. Mossop and the late joseph teloseeP Of 'Varna, to Wit- 'am-Neltien 413411,-Jeon-a-Mrse-Bell-ree the late Nelson 'Ball, Clinton, tooleplate on Sa.torday last in the thapel „of. St, J'aroei' Cathedral„. Toronto, _Bev, Mr. Seaborn officiatingel After a. trip , to. islsOtthern LOntario, Me. and Mrs. Ball Wiltreside ,011eton. .• Seaforth Matt Accidentally Shot ' Clifford Trott, 32 -'ear -old re...gent of Clinton, its- in thiehospital tber-In 6eriouis trap:IA*1mi aSs' the result of a hooting aceideut on -CheistmeS •flay. e and hiS yfoutive brother, Clarence rott, were out hunting rablbite When lareeeep gut. was diseherged ad. Jaen:tally and ,gehe 'Charge entered rotheres aett pierced' it and ntered the abdomen. ' the doctor's, etre the miast week Nitti an Attack oftonsilitis, but is *improving. Miss Eida, Good' of Brantford -is pending the holidayte•at tier -home here. ec_seeciat chrietneas service was held in Bormillei chaffeli on Sunday. - This was "White ki-ifr „.The ,e)and- ren all braught.theit gifts tie be sent to otheplehildren lesefortanateIn the absence of the pastor through illnese 'Wm. Di. Barnett of ktoderieh ovenPled the oulpit ',and delivered tt, • splendid phristmas message., , On rriday eventni the Mentailler Sunday school hell their enteral Catristraes tree entertAinment, the fain publie reVools supplying the program.. This eenSisted of drills, earole, recitetionS, eo1oe and inetrtimental number, and Wee highly apPree lated br all absentee of Rev. 4. i'Itteetwood 3fr. Virill ISAider, acted nehairmati in his genial =liner. . • . ; • SETEPPARE1X10N,,Dec.-23.--Vire wish e'veterene e;-haPPY New Year. sThe equal Chrietitime tree program of the ShepparcItori school Was held Thursday evening, Deemer 19, The program) of aortge, reeitations, readings and dialeguee was enjoyed by all pre. Sent, atter which Santa Claire arrived anti diStributed the presents en the tree-. Mr, Fred MeCabe ikr ilowly improe- leg, but is edit a patient -in tlte hospital. „ Ur: Wm, Beglee Nee are sorry to report,'" is not very well. - The Signal:Star sells for $2 to any address ia Canada and is worth more. Look at your label; It will show the date up to which your subscription Paid. To MI the Residents," of the County of }luron The apyroaehing Sew Year malls the Good Will enjoyed by u oWinf rms. (enema patronage. There is a mutual astursotio* wk grows horn emblem* in twines* rola. tau. It is therefore in **spirit of grateful acknowSedgement thst we *Mt 00,1 ammo ot this Ooturty, w'hether hers Oiliwyeiralitir as Airmen, ltaxiners, . or as Irtir*tridt AND PROSPRRITY , rro itilaRre-4100$4, 'WUSII BOARD in private home; well heated; all niodern eouvettiettees; hot water. MRS. roma VOUING, Islebthesuee etet, FOR SALE RENT.-e$X-It00g home en McDonald St., Goderieh. Apply to AVMTHOWSON, St David St., ktoderielt, or RUTH TROMP.- SON, 4237 Orand Mi Detroit, ch. Oltf MOAK A* ram and wife. Upetairs apart- ment BOX 0T, ORONA,74-1010A.R. " 51-2x To 100,1MAGN, comer 'Albert and St. Davia's streets.. Apply UR. D. 1.1. JOHNSTON, 47 Elgin ave. ' -51tf 4RENT..--411,0018X Wrein*: aotzutii, Heated by furnace. iApiPI to aut. aiono akeemees,„ . :Wellington on • ran SALE FOR; SALE. -LADY'S MUSteltAT eoat, large 'Size, PraCtically new else wheel:Chair: canisroTAx.....sfrAR,.' • oog FOR ISALI).--A BRAND NEW mix. ABLE', tYPewriter, -equipped. with all the latest ImprOvements. Will sell on monthly or other easy terne to re- liable partY. .Typewriter ribboes for sale. SceGNINtesaVeR. e`2tf -•WANTM VENTS WANTED. - 'YOU want to start a businesS of your oWn ilnd become independent, write today for the -.TITO Proposition. NO TUSK UNDER THIRTY DAY TRIAL COFER. , The most complete line of - feted with PRIDE ReopucTs,.for eon- sunierS, Start now to 'hewn the new year right. --WO-MEN and MEN aP••• cepted: Apply , at j1/110, 1435 Mont - calm, Montre4L., 49-52 E_T-IBETWANIKALANDer4)....-400)a• news! Good money A $1.43,000,- 000 ,CompAny in business for 73 nar's has a _few openings- fai; Men lIke sYeGetneg4sit7aidilyg‘ogegulatilloenalathA awnir t -hare eir Age a handicap. Don't fall to Apple. This Is your oppartueity. Credit furnished parties who qualify, Write MR.-..e.teARDNER,i,-.2177 Mossoie,eSte Montreal, Que., Dept; 0-0-113. ' 50-1-2 .e I ANTED. -TO BUY CL1. 'HORSES and deed cattle; 'must be suitable for mink feed; removed_ _promptly,e FRED fen.a3vitx, R.N. .2, ..Bayeele Phone 908 r Clintote. Calls paid for The iGoilerleli Induetrial and Agri- tultdtal Society win' /Add ft* 114uali Ineoting lit the Town Hall. Ooderieh, Saturday, January lith, 1941, *t2p C. V. 01120V1144) fetteretars, EM"iGthis made by, me regarding Ur. Arthur lititleire Telt. No, 1, Auburn, whirls, he believes were untrue anti telandeeeee but 'whircit were II Qt So meant be nee, D. F. R.11, Auinnu, S'IllEAVel).-ITO DOT 4, 00X01* ,SION 8, W.D. Colborne; in latter Part of Oetober, a ')Tarlilag' heifer. Owner may have same by proving pro. PertY and paying expense, J. n, vAitooE, R,R, Goderich. 00.ex STEER: INSTRAY.-A DOAN YEAR - MPG eteer eame on the preolsee of undersigned about three months ago. Owner is asked to identify pre - Porte pay expenses, and take it away. ORVILDE, BLAKE, Maitland Conceit. gene <laborite; ItAlt, No. 2, 'Clinton. '52x TEID1SWitelsiTED. PENDEIRS addressed to the eandemigned will. be received, , the oitioe Of theeCounty •Cletilr nnti'l 5 so'eloeir paneWeelitesday, January 1$0,. 1941, fertile sale of 'a twees,tore brick _hotise‘tee:teCauterere,St Godo - forrnerlY, aethe-Ohildeen's''Shelter. Tenders will he received either for the house or. the house and its furnishingS. Tenders to t•he. ateompauled by - marked elleque for 15%''Of the tender „ price, If the tender •isegeepted a further 135%. to be peer thirty "days anfl the balance. may be seettred, by Inertgage with intereet at 4%; • - The'-h.ighest any tender not Mee*. eerily aecepted. • _ 'Persons desiring to look through th141- ' house MaY'...do'ho by, applying at the Calmly Clerk's' Offite, iCourst" House, Goderielb.. • COun&'*.blerk::, • Noncm TO ausorrons. persons having elarme against the estate of Ellen MeDoeald, -late of the Town of •Godericile in the County of 'Huron, who died on or about the 8th day Of June, 1040,.are hereby notified to forward partieulars thereof duly* veri- fied to the undersigned on or lbefere the 3rd day of January, 1941, as after that date ;the assets of this estate will be distributed having regard only to the neleceei:Dewrh,ioleh;0,ha. n filcd DAM) at IGoderieh this' Oth, day of . . MANIC DO/01'MM Goclerieh, Ontario, 50-2 Stdieltor for the Administrator. • HcoLmESviUZ ummagsivatrziE, Dee. Vzl. Mk. Lloyd Stock left tor London on Tuesday to' join the R.C.A.F. . Tee following- teachers, and. students ere epending the Chiletmae vocation with their parents here: Miss Cora TreWertha., who teachee at Niplesingr Miss Almir Trevrarthd, who teaches. nt leroodhera ; Mr. Charles Cudmore, who teaches' at Winghem; Wee& Ger- trude Bend, 3felezt Bond, Mary Aryls and Mr, Donald rainier, who Aro, at. tending Olinton and atis, non Lawson, vitho is) attend- ing Goderielt Collegiate Institute -Messes. Eldred Y. aim Reg. Miner eompleted their military training at Weoastock an Saturday. :- Mrand, airs. Chas. C. Pearce are spending this weekwitheile ad Mrs. T. J. Anderson, Ierekitow Sunday School Eittertainthent.,-The Sunday seltool entertabunent was held last Vridoyl evening.. The program congaed of recitatione, Magic- al nowhere and playe, which were well 'eedeived by the 4Udieinke. A popular 'crabber was "fl'he Wedding of the Wooden Soldier and the ,China in which little Helen IlutehinS and tewart Butt aeted 49 the diminutive ride and groom., The' prograra ton - eluded with a visit Irten, Santa Claire You May • fever peace, but did you eVer hear of anyone eseaping a cyclone by Merely favoring 11240 weather? • You probably woaltWtworry about , whatepeople-tirinkertf--yonelf 'yett-ettaide- know how seldoM they do, ; Joint iTirliVrit Warren St.. • Phone 577W GENERAL CONTAAOTOP.,AND BVI:16BR , Evers- ttaitti •tif Carpenter Work. • . Aire your ' personal property insured against emetically all risks ()1STE r".'" AT pumunt SEE M. FORD Insurance ind,Real Estate a, Hamilton St. , 268w YOur /Next - TORONTO Try .HOTEL VVAVERLEY Located on Wide Spadini:Ave. at College et. Easy Parking Fealties , Cenvenlent to • Highways .40 • Orris $U11 Is $2.51 Rates stook $L$11 le Hit Four fo morn, UN Is cLIO Ci0$0 to the thilVersitY0 Parliament 601401140 LC*/ CiardenS. 'ph • Atr 0• 'Hospitals, Nitheleeale • Houses, and - 'Eke FashiOrtabro Retail Shopping Distelat,,