The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-11-28, Page 7FALDERf'..sith, IWO
time to ellaaage +Diable . coal* #0.011Xet
yonseelf of Se9.8-10g cote/oat *WI
is the 01111
* elOalleS,,
pettgrlseating stases 04. • • _ for atm:LW-logs _AA also about the new I, lOsscost
coal' Antontatio sseat Itesolotor. "Psy to intitall on,
logroraeuleVentssolgaleiraerjotivhotee.a,t a steads",
finveEtuth buNT9N GoDEaiwii.
Phones 61041 t!..74W 98 -
Assets of $901,334,955 Show OM Moderate Decline from .A11 -Time
'High Mark- Commercial Loans at $233,560,3 Again Increasedl
in Meeting Needs of Industrial and Burnes e Expansion-Righ
Ratio of Liouidity-Profits Somewhat Lower Government Tax 44. M, Elliott 4.4, lIolmeavilfe Ilea (beef
Payments Much. Larged
After a yeaCof waaatime'conditione, $32,251,269, money on deposit, In other
the annind statentent a the Bank of bank's, '$(4;38,2,283, $tockai.'$1.96462, eall
?nontrean „aelieets again the strength loans 'outside Canada.„ $10,54470,afl
for 123 year a haa, been in the forefront deluges, •• •
Canalliaa ,flatance. Aasets of .$901e • The bank's part in financing, the '39 how show some contraction, as eViat- pension trf industrial, agricultural and
pared with tile,' previous report When other productive and general businesa
an all-time record a si..02;Ti508,367 activities ihrotighout the eountry is re
Vas established -411e in Part to tranaa f1 ted. in. an inerease ot over $13,000, --
actions a nature', was'ext :000 in loans "to inanufacturers, farina
Plained at the Wilma' meeting'of share-. fers, merehants and others'," at $233e
holders-but,ahowing•tv substantial ateaffA6S, compareat with $220,54.8,011 -
crease over the total et 8874,255,828 Lomb to provinelal 'and muitielpal „gov-
reported in 1938. " • ernineats, lacluding 'Se -boat distkiets
The PrOfitS.for tlitet year; after,. Malt- $35,313,063, 'compare 'With $30,712,48,
Aug ',approPriations, Coatingent Re- While, othera items amohg the bank's
servo 'rand and provision tar, ibild and
and sealdarity of an institution. which 1°‘1313 'Caanada-r $14-600a348, and 'ae-
• aePtallaaa• a331,26a, .how eiguificant
• resources -Bartle Prennsea, ?a13,000,000,
doubtful debtand Federal and Pro- Acceptances and Letters a Credit;
vineial taxes; wert. $343 941 as eom- $11,0(1-00;3, and 4.other aasets,"
pared with $3402,440 in 1939. The ,581,---s1ioWano Important .changes.
increase in the banlea 'contributions to Deposits, at 8848,805,349, compare
publie revenues is indicated by an in- with $914,009,050; notes of the bank
crease in Federal and Provincial taxes J0 circulation, at $19,810,520, Were less
front $1408,413. to $1,1927,824, or $739,- ley $1,950,772, in, keeping with the ton
411.1 The, profits ttre the equivalent of traction of. •isaulag power under the
4,5% on the capital, rest and undivided Bank Act; acceptaneea and letters of
airofits, showing no appreciable change, credit outstanding at $11,07,7303, and
taffoga.X-4gratifl.-Z03111( -
* The bank's liquid °position sis 892,125, show some increase, the total
strongly maintained. t'auickly avail- of liabilities to the public at $884,251, -
able resources, total -ling $603,185,430, 299 being lower by 864,251,622. The
Show edme eontraction, largely as the • reduction in deposiaa can lie taken as a
result of the reduetion a holdings of result. of t,he witlad,rawal of the sPeciaa,
government and other bonds and de- transactions already referred to and
bentures from $47,171,255 to $401,827,, public participation in government war
040, but are still at the high ratio of,fi
750/6 of all liabilities to the .publid. Clash:
In the bauat's vaults and money on de -a
posit with the Bank of Canada at
$83,034,576 compare with $94,641,456.
in the previous report and are 9.39%
Of the !total liabilities to the public.
'Notes ofand cheques on other, banks,
elected proident of the Na°,6atern
-t4r1faCheeaemakera' Association.
A. filia.11 course In agriculture anti
'lame economica is .being held, at Varna
fraroloo with reg;ard to a new bridge
to eeplatse, the she oi highwhy N. 4
whieU recently eallapeeta awl was
formed that tenders will be Palled for
ain the mar future. Plans are now
Neveixiher 20thato Deeember 2001. • awing pseparefi. The new bridge will i
Premier William Aberhart of Eamon- haw a roadway of thirty feet, twelve i
ten was a weeb..-end guest of hifi lyo- f. feet WilliT than the old bridge, with a
.ther, Charles Aberhart, Seaforth, on Ida I fatetwttlk along tile aaest side. It ia I
recent viallato Ontario., 1 e,‘Alinated tiae eoat will !he In tilc.,
Jar. J. W. Browning of Exeter, said to borltood of $30,0004
be the oldest practising physician in umaquet in lionOr
1.Tartad;i,leelehratect Ws.. nineteenth I of steak weeders
birthday on„Tbursday last. i ',,,a, complimentary lattaqUet, f3P011S6Xedi!,
Richard, Cox, lifeloni,. resident of i by tho clinton sprinA, .tsnov,,, was gayea ;
Grey tow/1011p, died en Noventhtyr 19th i in, the Town Ilan, Clintonatan Thursday ,
In hi a 'ninetieth year He is aurvived i night last in ironer of 'Elgaralitt Snell, of .
by his wife, 'a son and two daughters., 1 ficalett, awl itobert Murdock., of 11ruee- I
and 4rs. John la Linklater, i Reid, aa a meognition. of their suss
former residents ofictlast Wawartosh,o4n keeping Iittron e'ounty to the fore4
celebrated their efolaen wedding on in the Production Of itigh-quality the
Tueaday at t air jambe in Teeswater. 8t0eIL3fr. 'Snell is known internation-
Mrs. Lau ft 'Or a Prouty, widow .ete allv. as a breeder of sheep, while Mr.
Samuelrout a died suddenly on Murdock breeds, horses of outstanding t
Novembe 7 20 at her heme in Har quality'. About'2atat stockmen and gen.!
townsltip i her eighty-second year. eral, farmers were in attendance, some
' leato wo sons and two daughierseoming from Perth, !Middlesex and
aliattnel Mrs. G. Aa;Gleim, KiPpea, an- Wellington. counties. A silver,traY wass
InounWheatley Finch, sort .of INii. and Mrs. liva. Jobia, sahmaltale-
ce the engagement of their yOunger presented to Mr. ianell ancl 1,.. sittOker'S
alangh,ter, Mona Stewart, to larillialn :set. t a Mr. Murdock.
4_1„A. E. Flea, Clinton, the marriage to.
who was under treatment in the Tort
-617a'. oma PasSes at Clinton
taklasirve placenr_ctin Veceire.mbigrr nucu..
. .. , .
weeks ago by a fall while painting at
• St. Andrew's chureh, ;Wingham, and
Profit -mid- Loss mount
After •payliaent Of the usual dividends
and appropriation a $500,000 for bank
premises, 855,941 was added to the
balance of profit and loSS compared
with $82,446 i,n1.939; the total balance
in this account now $1,321,042.
-tisten to The Saidow"-a0Flp, Tues., 8.30 am., CKCO, Tues., 9.00 p.m., CFRC, Thurs., hp m
•DEEdURN, Nov. 26',L -Mrs.. G. Bren-
nan has returned to our bisrg after a
visit tosber sister. at Stratford. •
' Mrs. A. Cluttens left en. Wednesday
to spend a while with theik' sister, Mrs.
A. Menteith, at Kippen. We hope ,the
change will 1 benefit her and that- she
will return feeling rnuela !better in
Twoyohng girls from S'heppardton
school sang at the inissionary meeting1
at Mrs. T. Bogies,
Miss Bessie 'Conk is with her sister
at 'St.Thomas for a .few weeks.• •
• W.M.S. Meeting. - The November
meeting of., •the Women's Missionary
Society was heldat the, home of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Bogie on Wedneisday
last, with -a good attendinee, fifteen
members and two Visitors: Mr. Bert
Bogie was leader of the meeting•and all
joined in singing the National Anthem,
, Mrs. 4. Bogie led in the responsive
reading from Matthew, chapter 7, The
program in the October' Monthly was
followed -as far as posible. Mrs. Ham-.
ilton Clutton gave the chapter in the
study hook- on "Stewardship." MrS.
W. Sallows gaVe a splendid report of
the address gives by Dr. Forster at the
removedpromptly cind efficiently,
Simply phone "COLLECT" to
"901" 02 Clinton7
• Stubborn Cases;
of Constipatipn,
Those who ' keep a mass of
irapnrity pent up in their bodies,
day after day, instead of having it -
removed as nature intended, at least •
once in every twenty' -four hours, in-
variably su.ffer, f m constipation.
The use of cheap, harsh purgatives
will never get you any where as they
only aggravate the troublo'. and in-
jure the deligate inueotts iining of the
bow,els, and are very liable to cense
piles. ,
If constipated take' Milburn's '
isettsLiver Pills and nave a. natural
movement of the bowels. n4 do •
not gripe, weaken and siekett as
many laxatives do.
The T. Milburn ON Ltd., aissisatia Oat.
Benmiller sectional- Meeting. Atter
the clot otathe meeting a dainty lunch
was served by the .htistess. Four pairs
of socks Were brought .in .for the • Red
Oross. ' The ladles. decided to help darn
soeks for the. Pert Albert air fore -emelt.
. •
• . -
atharine Baker
Quick breads
. xaellent fat after-
noon 'teas, ' buffet alai ISunday
breakfasts and many Other • o
1.10day I bring you a standard, reci
for biseuits which can ;be varied as the
oft:L.4ton demand's. . It iS life-saver
and, time-saver too. You can toss your
biscuits together in no time and serve
immediately.. iwith. butter that melts
BeSt biscuits are •made fi-om ,dotigh
that, is -Soft, light and springy, but -not
Sticks-. It. is important to ruse jtsst
'the right amount -Of liquid. It may be
slightly 1110re or less than .,three-
quarters-eup depending• on the
flour 1180(1. By practising -a few -times
swath one brand of flour, itis•possible
to learn, the exact amount needed.
Here -is'a grand recipe for fluffy -biscuit's
which can be Used' too to make. grand
little sausage rolls" or, -RS • they are
scimetinies Called, "pigs in blankets."
•- Quick -Buits
• 2 cups sifted' flour
2. teaspoons double-actieg baking
• powder
• I.At leasphon ,salt
4. tablepootssisattersorsothetssliert-
• enin'g.
up millc (about), - • ▪ -
Sift flour one, measure, add baking
Pbaster and. salt,' and sift •again. Cut
,shortening. Add milk gradually,
Stirring, until soft ,clough is fornied.
Torn ont - immediately . on ,slightly
floured bo,ard and knea`d 30 seconds, or
enough. to shape. Roll one-half-incli
thick and cut 'with floured two-inch
biscuit cutter. Bake on ungreased
baking sheet in hot oven (450° F.)
twelve to tfifteen= minutes. • Makes
fifteeeh. biScuits.
Sausage hollS
18 sausageaa •
• I recipe quick biacraits
PanJbroil sausages until well browned.1
Prepare dough as directed and roll;
, one-eighth inch thick. Cut in two-inch I
squares. cut sausages half; place
one-half in centre, of each square. Fold
dough over sausage, pinch.. edges to
gether, and shape into roll, leaving ends
men. Plaee nngreased baking sheet;
'bake iitifiliot even (450°. 10.1 fsVelve to
'fifteen minutes. , Slakes' • three dozen.
rolls,. •
Poor Things!
• -where have you been'!"
"Just got -bat -lc from a eamping trip:"
• "'Roughing it,
- 111: say so! ;Why, one day our
pin -table tlitiamo failed us, and ive
had no hot . wafer, electric lights, lee.
or radio for almost two houra Va.--
Montreal Star.
• • •
,CIARLOW, Nov. 26. --,The sale of
stock and . implements of Mr. James
ChishOlin- wasabeldaon W-ednesday
-When everything offered was sold. We
are sorr31 to lose Mr. and !Chisholm
from our midst ad . hope kr. Chis
holm's health may *o improve that he
will be -back with us agara.,
Mr. Antos Stoll; sold a young team of
black horses this week fps a good price.
.,.The leaders' training cOurse closed
on Wednesday ' night, when twelve , re-
ceived 'eertifieates, and others who had
taken part of the subjeets received
Ir. .and airs. Dave Bean and -family
visite Irsa ;Bean's. parent.% , Mr.. and
Mrs. Addis of Londesboro, on iSun-
day. •
• The Lord's 'Supper observed:in-
the Presbyterian church . on eddy.
-The pastor, Revs A. M. Boyle; wa
charge (and gave an impressive sermon.
• Our Congratulations are extended to
3.1iSs Rath M. Lawspn, 'on' her suecess
at the annual public speaking' contest.
W.M.S..• Meets.a-The W.M.S. met -At
the home of -Mrs. A. Stoll onc Thursday
last. The siresident presided and the
`suggested Program ‘va* followed... In-
stead of ,the usual' reading of •minntes,
.each. member Was asked to tell some- '
thing she, remembered' of the October
Shank-effering meetings The ran. *as
answered with a favorite verse. Prayers
were offered for the Work. in fellina
and other fields. Mrs. Henderson:gave
the closing chapter of the study book.
The members were asked to write the.
Minister of National War Services.with
regard to teniperance restrietiohs.---The
president eldsecl the. meeting. with
Prayer.. The hostess . then served a
dainty lunch and a social . hour was
a Congregational Supper. -A success-
ful • congregational fort -1 supper was
held by the ,Cnited church on Friday
nig it, when a snit eighty turnedout
to enjoy a social evening together.
Rev. Oortion. Hazelwood was chairman
and 'after all were satisfied at the tables
a singsong was enjoyed. Mr. 'Hazelwood
then introduced the guest speaker, Rev.
II: Snell of Ethel, who gave an interest-
ing And instructive address on "Wliet
the !Church Does for the 7Com:munity.7-
This pleased both young .and eld. The.
singing of .the National Anthem Drought
the meeting to a close. Unfortunately
•both Mr, Alex. Young and, Mr. W. W.
Walter were preVented by illness from
attending this gathering. . However,
both are much, improved now.
Fainiliarl,anguage .
A little girt • from Belgium had
listened in vain for a Taniiliar vOice.
Your hair is one of your most notice -
aide features and it can make a world
SA -difference to YissTappearance. With
• e trOithies it ean become really
beauti and Yaiseatsuse it to great
advantage to apreve --theaehapeaot
your face.
, The very first essential in hair beau.
is to get it clean -and keep it clean.
If you have dandruff, of course you'll
need a good hair tonic; masSage the
scalp vrithsit twice -a week.
Everyshead needs a shti'mpo at least
• °nee a week. I've been using a thrilling
new shampoo which certainly brings
out the natural beauty qf the hair, and
the , surprising thing about it is that
It's equally good for all types of hair.
This shampoo saves time and trouble,
for ohe sudsing gets hair -wonderfully
clean and briikg out the natural
lustre. •
. Dry hair shouhl massaged oc-
easionalty with warm olive oil and
dressed with, brilliantine.
Regular brushing is as necegaary for
the hair as eating and drinking are to
you, so do it ,
Don't dry your hair. clde to an even
or open 'fire ; it will weaken and break
the hair. •
Don't be afraid of brushing your hair
for fear of disturbing the wave: Brush-
• ing actually improves -a pgrmansnt.
Don't shlidder if ,you lose a few
, strands when yeti. brush your hair;
every' head sheds a few every day.
My new 'booklet oh Beantreare glees
detailed advice on hair beautifying and
other beauty problems-, Sethi fontsone-
omit stamps- fpr your copy to Miss
Barbara Lynn, Box 75, -Station B.,
Montreal, Que. ,
Easy Money
• This is a great country, Pat.
• And hOw's that?
Sure, th' paper, seS yez .can buy a
folve-dollar 'money order for three einss.
'tTohn Schoenhals, .flied on Wednesday
a last week at her home in Clinton,
in her seventy-third year. , Born in
onto General -Hospital, has returned to Perth eounty, she married Mr. Schoen.-
Annie Scott, wife of John E. Fells, • before moving thirty
hals in 1890 and they lived. at Waterloo,
Atwobd, 131ilverton and Port Albert
years ago to
his- home at Winghatia
Winghaga. passed away suddenly as
tbe rosult of a heart attaek.•- -•She-
reeye of Bast Wawanosii.
Charles Lochnerblackainith for the
leaves, besides her husband, a son` and
a daughter. Deceased was a sister
of the late Peter W. Scott, former
on ; ns Milton CookSarnia Mrs
village of Shipka, iStephen township, W. E. O'Neil, Halifax; Mrs. G. A.. Me-
tM. , ; .
Clinton, wheae :Mr. Schoenhals operated
4 flour He diedalie 'afittelialaata
Surviving are two sons, Herbert, mill
operator at Port Colborne, and Melvin
3., aNationa.l iRevenue officer, Clinton,
and 'five daughters, 2VIrs. E. Nigkle, CLin-
for the last fifty years, died sinhienly ell
November 16th in his seventy-secon.d Cagle, Harriston, and Mtss Freda, at '
home. th.ere are twenty-oneso
daughters and live Sons. ' • .
Joseph W. Walker, of .Turnberry, Clinton on Friday.
children.. The funeral took, place at . !MAWDEbllyN.:AreNA:ii.A,e10. noile4 iw? .
• .
(formerly Lacy iSheardowna; . four
who passed away receutly In his eighty- PORT' AILMERT . '
. i -
...,,,, .• . . . .
. .
fourth year, ss a -a -a pioneer *of the di s- . • ---,_...... , . . i '.._ Bemuse newspapers are read too; two .
• triet in which be spent 'nearly .all his Podtir ALBERT, . Nev. 20. - Miss and two are fems and four times three
. ,
life. He Is survived by a son, Thomas clara Willis of tQuelph spent this -week are twelve, and 12 inchea make a.'ruler,
W.; of :Turnberry, , and twodaughters, .
and Mrs. Pearl Thompson, of -Winghain .yis.iting with her parents, Mr: and 31. is. Mary
,ais..s,h4aillperTudM:ifYiri.,s. asndail, on the ...
mrs. Wm. Burchill,'Of 'East Wawanosh,
• treatment at home., •His father died
'Percival aaearo airri;,,r,rank Willis. ..
emunieneed. practising for' their -annual
:The death of . _ . . ocean; oceans have 'fish, andaffsh hav4,'
of ,Goderich ' township, oectirred., air. Woodrow , Ho - left last Friday
. , fina, and the Fauns fought Rtiaalatta,
.November 19th in a' London •hospital, . montifs training for honie defence.
for, Whodstock, where he will take a and the 'Russians, are_sedStlierefore'flre
engineS.dre red 'because. they're rtishin,'
In Ilifi . fortieth year. Deeeaseda a, son Douglas Young has been. home froth
Currie, of :-Goderich township', . was en-.
of Mrs. Currie anti the late Arthur ' Ph-blic sChOol for the past couple of
1 weeks with a bad attack. of quinsy.
gaged in secretarial work in Detroit !. 3liss Dorothy McMillan at Guelpb.
forced; by poor 'health to give nP his ' .
and .C.Iiicago for s.everals-ears, but waa : visited at her home here last week -end.
work and had been *taking medical The students of the school here have
only two months ago.' He was not ,! ;Christmas concert, which will be held
20th. The teacher -is Mr.
married, and. is survived bk his mother, " otTs.C.-Iil)e-Igleti'llSGeeber.
Loses ' Thuinb •• .. . , 1 .
a brother and two sistersLorne-Johnston was fortunate
. Mr
'When his :glove became caught ' 'in .
' m- the.
enough to bring . home a fine big deer
ro hunting_grounds near- Suk
machineryoperating- his 'electric light : bury.
Plant, . ‘Gorelon- MeGavin, well-known ; ' The A.Y.P.A. will hold their soviet.
McKillop farnaer,.. and president ef the • gatheihng in the basement of the church
.ultirtheilalp'..fiyoon:i.phloilviroiAlAcsislaolelidattif%fil,rhl.; itiliiii.t.; Friday evening.' ,ReY. A. A. -Mal-
The injin'etisinember was treated at the Aindianwl4-1,1:1 give a teak on the life of the
he havingbeen in charge of
Se a f o rth •IlosPitals. , . i an Indian mission for some time..
- ..
Ballantyne-CtsrnisS----;_ . - ' The Patriefic SocietY held a dange
' A recent wet-hi:hag wits' that of in the school house on Monday everting
`-311li.114.. I:1V .1-,.. s .... {G.halsifii.iiz.
tle.ri.sts,f;°„ of this. week, With•a fairly good attend
amp. The gCenaries orchestra 'sup -
Brussels, to J. A.rehibald ISsi.sIsityniv. plit41-thesninsig.
Ismdon, son of Mrs. Ballainyne.Alrus-
sets. ;int] the late ..Jamee, B. Isellantyne. ---........_, ' Repetition Required
The . . eerenions was perforthed at ' mstsli Mak•er. "I -have picked . Walla
fsnithin by Rev. T. J. Wutson. Mr: and ' wall.a -rot' our new factory site . • •
Mrs. Ballantvile will reside in. Loins tn. ',...
Friend But hy Walla Walla r
ell Cretlitonh M
'Vunple . Relis.alier : Well it sounds like
: - w . _ i
. a -.solid plaee to . make chow Chow.-
Observe 60th Weddingaanniversary
'•Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eillter (vf --Grit.,• .
ereatton rm Saturday last relel:rattA:
• tlieir sixtieth -wedding- anniversary Snd .
• were entertained at a' family dinner
at the lionie•of tlwir son. JI. K. EMIT..
410th Mr. and AIrs-Eilher.were horn in
Crediton -anti fur .niany sears Mr. f -
• Eill)er,repre"-ented 5,,11t1) IIhron in tile '
On to rio Legislature. He in eighty-
three years of age arid Mrs. Ellber-d.,,
,trE0;.e611. .
Highway Riidge 'at Exeter ,
A -drptitation .frein Exeter waited '
upon The. Departrm•nt of Highways at
MARVEL training will prepare you
snore scientifically and thoroughly in all
Branches a -Bea -art -Culttift; -Leo=
Hairdressing, /Vlarcelling, Permanent
Waving, Facial and Scalp Treatments, '
under the direct supervision of experts
in every branch of this fastest-grdWing
MARVEL Graduates are in demand
and command higher retrinneration in
the bett-er Beauty Salons acrossICanada. '
Winter Classes now forming. ENROLL '
NOW. and 'qualify at once for cittic'k;
profitable, steady employment.
tratcd 'Booklet FREE -on request. -
Canada's Largest Schools
• Suddenly she heard a dog bark. Witls -
delight she exclaimed ( in French) : St. Louis Ste r -Times : An optimist
"Oh, mamma! the dogs talk just is a. ill'rson who hopes to make enough
like they ,(10 in Be gium1"-a-Yellow manes next month to pay lak month's,
Strand. „ hills,
The best is ihe cheapest. When you. buy, D&H
one Cleaned Anthracite COAL, you buy the • best. We,.
repeatedly; heat from our customers that it is the best coal
they have ever burned. . There is so little ash and no slate
or .Clinkers. When you require fuel, give Us a call
, .
Chas. C..Lc
Phones --Office
•,Rouse 112
,Says 'Stoinach qaid Nerves Belt
• Better After First Bottle. Pon
tinned Treatinent Brought R -e=
• lief From Backache,, Leg Pains,.
• geadaches did Disiy Spells.
PH 1 had known ahout /Syntona.
•1400ziels I could have 511v451 nryself from
a lot of . suffering," said 'Mr. Jaines
• Corney, well-knoWn Hamilton man, rea!
'siding at 209 Wilson St,, -her
'For six years Mt, -stomach wag in i
such a, disordered. 'condition that I ,
suffered after evi,try meal with gas,
indigestion, acidity, and heartburn. •At
night I would roll from one side to
another trying to get to sleep, but
there was, a eimatant discomfort froin
• gas and a' burning feeling • in my chest
' and threat. The aeitV fkoin my
• stonmen, mustnave gone ell through
my system, for 1 developed pains° in my
aa415atek' and legs' and II had 'frequent 1
headachea and spials of 431/711 Ss I
• felt Heed out, nervous' and listless
rieecart.sse wasn't getting, nlY ProPer I
"Of all the inedieliteS I tried nothing
gave me anv real relief until 1 began
taking Syntona, but it helped *14
tonaacb and nerves right, from the kat
-bottle, 1 have now tanen4431x bottles '
Means Bronchitis ,
The principal symptom of broil.
ehitis is a- dry,harsh, hacking cough
accompanied with a 'rapid wheezing
and feeling of tightness across the I
. ,
There is a rising of phlegm, eq.*-
, dolly in the morning. This phlegm
is at first of a light color, but as
the disease Progresses becomes yet,
lowish or greenish, and is sometime3..
streaked with Wood.
You will find in Dr. Wood's Nor.
yrati..a,sernedy to sump
late the weakened bronohial organs,
subdue the inflammation, soothe thtt
'irritated , parts, 'loosen the phlegm ,
and mucus,and help nature to easily`
dislodge the morbid acetunulation.
_irks T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Oat,
As the dark evenings close in, our hoteghtiebd. more light. .
properly. placed turns darkness into. brightness.
Let us look over your home, .00.ceor place of business.
We will do the work and supply everything • electric, to
your satisfaction.
;wain. itrittorv,t e•Bardel& iteadt ?hcza ai
We have,trettbles of our Own; but we can take over your
machine troubles and they will n6t add to our worries. In
Jut that is our busiriess to
• A `'"
. All you need' do is. bring the parts, to uS; we will do the
rest and have it ready when you want it.
PHONE 266'4*
1111(11 really feel years, younger. .1 en-
joy nty meals Wherever I go and have
no gait or indigestion afterwards. The
paina liave left my baelt and limbs and
1 all' free a those backaches and dizzy
Let filis grand herbal tenie help'you,
as it has hundreds of °Oiler local Men
and woiitait Syntotat la plangent to
take -and it eontains no harmful drugs
or depressors.
.A.Spatona is sold and recommended hi
60deticli at camphors Drug store.
'L.Octiteci on Wide Spadiria Ave:
' „at College St.„;
Easy Parkinag Facilities -
• Convenient to Highwaye
- • '
gle 31.50 to 32.50
Rates Dieluble $1.50 tti15.0(e
Font le mans SS01 to moo.
Close to „the thlivoralts,
•twa Plia trIle t
Ma.ple Leuf Gorden,
el a t re $, stoopitaia,
Who1etal6 lietit,C6, and
the rAehlonahle natio
shapping Olstrict.
A. M. Penlittit- Pmeiiontrr
We are buying them in quantities and selling them on sight.
They are good heaters and fuel, savers,' We will inatall
them at any time to suit youi convenience.
Good Beds and Mattresses are necelary4or the cool -
weather. Drop in to see ours; the price s` will surprise you.
We Deliver "The Breadwayof Goderich." Phone 240