The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-11-28, Page 3,
'••. ,
Barrister, Etc. •
Oflicee-Court , house, Goderieli.
Telepliene •
11111111111111111111‘, 4111111.1
"4 Chartered AeceUntants
77 Downie Streets Stratford
' Toronto °Mee 302 13ay Street
Telephone 119
Sales attended to anywhere and
a- every effort made to give satlefaction;
" Farmers' -sate noteli discounted.
A satisfactory, courteous serelee for
• Farm, Property . or houttehold Sales.
• . ___ Rates Reasenable.
lyt. F. J. R. F.O.AS=Rs gY•A EA*,
• Late House- -Stage= Neva York
Ophthalmic and Aural hospital, ass
sistant at Moorefield Eye hospital and
Golden -Square Throat aosPitali 'Lon
don, England.
53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford.
' Telephone 267. •
„ Next visit Bedford hotel, Godericn,
Wednesday, jaaaary 22.ud., trout .2 p.m:
till 5 p.m. .
, • Maida Barraeks, •
Alderehot, Eng, (,)et. 28, 1940.
The Signal -Stare Gederich. • ,,
Dear Sir,--Isnas a CroderiellaboY over'
as and ee things are a bit 4141 here
I haven't a gaeat deal to do at night.
X ran acroSe aacoupte of senge written
by setae members,. ef our regiment, The
Aret is by our eections tonledian,, Elmer
Regis, Ironnelly, "'Whoa Blaele-out
Tinae in England" (to the tune .of
"Whea It',s Round -up Time in Tente"),
When, It's black-ont 'time In England,
- And ,the planes are overhead,
I wish I ,Weee in Canada,
Sleeping in my:feather-bed:
When the bonabs are falling round us,
Aud the eltralmel's in the air,
„X 'keel) wishing I *was ,•just ' •
The little man who waeit't there.
The whistle of t,he
Get' under cover, 'boas,
Or you'll be blow1l to h—., "
A •
Goderich, Phone 341
Office* hoars--1.0 *to 12 a.m., 2' to 5
and 7 to S p.m., Tuesday, Veiday and
10 to 12 a.m. only on, WednesdaY,
Monday . and Thursday at Mitchell.
51 South St. -
• _
CO.—Faem and: iso-
latbd toWn* property insured. -
- oinearaaseapatem• Knox, pee:ardent,
• Leadesboro ; W. 11. Arehibald, Vice-
fresklent, ,Seauforth; M. A. _ Reid,
Manager and Seeretary-Treasarer, Sea-
-fOrth. - • „
Directors --Alex. Broa,df,00t, Sea -
&with ; Cenerolly, Gederleh ;
Chris. Leonhardte- BornhellasS
kleDwing, Myth ; Frank MeGnegot,
Clinton; 1O014 oyian, Seaforth ;
• Thigh Alexander, Walton • 'Win. Knox,
• Londesboro; W. R. Archila:eld, Seaforth.
Agents—E. A. •Zeo, R.R. 1, 4oderich;
James Watt, BIyth; John E. POPPet;
R.R. 1, Brucefield; R. F..11cKerchere
Dublin ; J. F. '.Pruater., _.1sarod-
hagen. . • '
Policy -holders can make all pay-
ments and.get thlir card s receipted at
the Royal Bank; Minton; Calvin Oates
Grocery, Kingston Street, Gederie.h, or
J. H. Reld's General Store, Baylield. •
7' •
When it's black:air-thee itirEngland,
And, tlie flaming skies are red,
I wish,
Yes, Cranada'S7-what I gaid,
1.13y Eliza Regis, Pte.. E. R. Den-
LA22158, '10" Coy., 13 Platoon,
No. 1 section, Essex 'Scottish Regt.,
p.A.S.P., 0:H.M.S.)
That in the humorous 'side. But to
*how we have a seriou,s side, Pte. G.
Bence a the Medical Section adds a
bit of drama.
The song: "Somewhere in Cenada "
(to the 'tune of a'Somewhere in
I'm fightiug for you, clear; tho''I'in far
• Daily 7.30 4.25 p.m.—Leaves
Goderich for Stratford, Toronto,
Hamilton' Duffel°, London, Detroit,
Tavistockand Woodstock. Depots —
Redford, British and" Royal hotels.
[hone Wads or 305 for information.
a no.
A To Those
Past Middle Ago
When men and weinene,get
middle age' their energy and.activit7,
In puny' instaincesabeghi to decline,
and their general vitality f's on the
Little eicknessea and eilments seeln.
harder to, shake of than formerly,
and, here and 'there, evidences of a
breakdown begin to appear.
Now is the time whoa those who
wish to ntaintain .their 'Keith and
vigor, and retain their energy un-
impaired should take a course of- .
Milburn.'s Health and ,Nerve
• -They brace up and,invigorate the
system,:and help stall off the decrepi-
tude *of -advancing, yeara. •
rife areiriarno�.,rotd.;11"bwonto.,011.
J. W. Craigie
'41 .
Get Our Iiiitomobile ,Rates
Phone 24 Goderich
Fire, Accident and Motor Car
. Office :—Masoni..e Temple,. West -
• Steeet,sGoderich
IPhone 230 GODERIC,H
'rakes Serious View
of Cattle Rustling IQN$
Nov. 2ares-Canada if3
. urgently in need of* aeroplanes, aer0-
AittgiittlItt0 Gives. Culross 'Young
Man Three' Months
in. Ja,11,
plane eugines and parts and other vital
war requireraente. Most Of eueli "Mas
teriala meet be purchaeed in the United
,Statee wad muet be pahl for hcash,
Vast Owns Being Spent for EStablishment of War Plants—Canadian.,
Navy Becoming a Large and Impcortant Orgattizetitalle-Air Train -.1
int Plan Proving, Successful,–Yinance Minister Calls upon -
In United" States -dollars. To seeare Canadian PecPle for Grater Financial Effort .
, Cattle-thivg is , too serious ou ofs these, lees- ireportant calla upon Call" e
fenee td pees over lightly) commented change, sueh as pleasure travel, 'Mast ' • oat) '„, the Domtinitin. COver 200 of . these
Magistrate Matches in last Tharsday's be sabordinated, That is 'whY the OTTAWA, :••••Tere. 22.----InforrAatiOn— British StUden.ts are at Port 'Albert ,
James 'Deacon,' rif (Suirose townahip, a ferege pleastare visite to the United , gobs of it, to use the vernacular -10°0 Air' Navigation 'Sebna)
Canada will -bawl %lent .93 Filb.?4
Weekly ,,,Police Coart as he eeateed Government heti asked ICanadiane to
young farnahand, to 'three months in States. It is not that Canada is spends 'Canada's War effort,"Wae. given Parities
dellarsesm airdromes for training ny
Jail, and; in the • event Of the 'eourt
„. " than heretofore* • As aeplatt,er of fact, •
lag less money • in the United. !Statee ment thVast week in. a rou_nd-uP Of
epeechee ' 1 key war eamistere. April next; much heavier expenditure
will be needed ,Itext,„ year. Tile plan is
m.onths, ' • ' , The story, as the tuluisteta .unfolded
costs not being, paid, au additional three -
our exPendituree are running to recorsi a rea yturning oU a n
1 d t tr ined nie for
adara available supply of , foreign ex- (By; (1f,A, Hume, Speelal Correopandr Aritiah. School Part k hir 'training
The youtnr man cried bitterly 'as sen- it, was impressive. Greeted theaeaday
overseas and tlie output Wi
levels. The mteetion iii. one a decid- - i rll eontintie
teece„. was. passed, Unusually 'Strong ,ing .ort the relative irePortanee of the be some loose ends bout the war etrert to increase, eteaciay from uove pre The
represeetationa. had been made on his IntrPtreee terWhich Ottrforeign exehange, Yet to be ttieti toether, t
he behalf in enpport of a plea by Frank' Preaaion lett with ParlitimentWwlenth.T.t 1414ne requirepleuts for the plan will
resolsrces • Inay be used, Obviously be fraly, left by next June and the
„s, aereplaties and Othet munittens of war' real beallvvaY is being in4tie in 'trn4s* 'planes then will number three, 'Oinks
D°11nellY1 bis counsel., ,l 10? snVe,nrr, are emoreSeitailairtant ainathe -national.* ferlillult , PerP,QaPefill--Jiatil94.-AQ-940---At- -what-are-being--used-130Wr'' 'Ther-Venli:
SIX weeks previously Deacon bad
pleaded guiltrto the cattle-thievieg
charge at Wingliam. At that time he
was allowed hig Warty on his own
bail toehelp being in the orops -and
interest today than Pleasiire travelofwar, gieleg sts best in all lines.
our citizens in the U, .S. A. ' Where, to begin, -what, to mention. and
A resident, of Canada must have a What to. leave -eat, sucb. a eemPara-
permit to take Canadian or Araerican tively short artiele as ttais,•censtitutea a
dollars te. the United etes, The easel' prOblens, Any Canadian, really.
Foreign ExchaineelContiol l3oard sup- interested, • would de well to apply te
assist with the threshing and. other Plies United ;States dollars jU111 gives King's Printer, :Ottawa, for coles ,
tLiC to tiik-Ctlieit iiiiailaarof -ofsallaereard---for-stheepaeteweekeether
restitution with borrowed easOneY, Una legitimate eusinese tries, travel ,.era. can be obtahied at nominal cost—ie get
his *emplOYertestillect that since he had '--seeattee reasone- aserin-easeala -ether the ;complete Pieture.--Only-the -barest.
got into trouble he had kept good hours,
woeked .steadily, and. seldoin missed
It all sounded ,fine, but there was a
Catch. Crown Attorney .Holmes said
'the young man had sold his car for
$60, but lie. had not turned over the
P. ,41. RYAN
Real Estate and insuranee
Office and' Residence:
_ Trafalgar Street
Phone.' 663
iOR,SALE—Allonses of all kiiids,
cheiCe building lots, business
property and 'several good farms.
Let me show you some . real
bargains. lauy now.
NOW Playing—Randolph Scott
MON. rcus,. and WED. f °
and Preston Foster in „
"20,000 MEN A YEAR"
A dramatie,romedy woven around inteirnational intrigue and jewel-,
thievery....Featuring iorina, internationally famous, dancer.
offer romance and adventure with Mexican background
"THE CISCO KID and. the LADtt"
a sinalt.tmvn family,iontrihntes some atianSing situations
"STOP, LOOK and LOVE"' •,
Mathiem Wed. Sat. and ff�lidays at 3 pan.
proceeds, as promised, to the lician from
wham he had borrowed $200 cash.
expected to get suspended sentence
and I needed that .inoney to pay the
court costs. Ihai,e most orthe money
in any pocket now," said Deacon.
"You're not playing the ,gaine," re-
plied' the lCrown-Attorney.
"Tripping around in,eheap ears has
got this boy.into this eses," Put 'in Mr.
Donnelly. .
Imposing the jail terra, the Magis-
trate said to Deacon "Think it over ;
see teit is worth while." -
Bit .a. Row
William Rurke, a soldier; did net
answer to a charge of 'assaulting caus
ing tictual 'bodily havin to ,Axtbar
George, ,beverage room waiter, who ap-
peared in court' with a blaikened
epecial eases. repecial arrangements
have • also been made for Canadians
living in 'border communities.-con-
social. intercourse
highilghtseof tile story can be eited
here. .•
Tlie Week demoristratedabeyoud ques-
, '
tionthat Prime Minister Maekenzie
• r
of thP
e plan, Mr. ower said, will be
reached in 'September, 1941, compared
with the eoriginal stehedule, of ' April,
1942. '
The Miuieter stated that one a the
twe Oauadian Army Co-operatien
;Squadrons in England for some isionthe
'past u--tiaffirtari)rnied-
'fighter squadron.
To -Consult BritiStr Goverinnent.
Defence Minister J. L. Ralston, wno
will visit England shortly to consult
tinue their normal
with friends in neighboring American king- has surrounded himself with. ex- further -en Canadian 'co-operation avith
Britain, announced that rn future all
Canadians desirous 'of • visiting the in the key l
communitiesOthervrise. ` however, ceedingly able, conseleutious_ . . ministers promotions inothRaletons consultations e army, active and re
war postsg.lie ministers -
serve, Will be made trona the, ranks.
. •, -
The Government is considering next
year extending the present thirty -day
Act to four montha. The decision will . .'
,United States for pleasure will not be
perraitted to take out of 'Canada tither.
Canadian or American dollars.
• Canadian's whe do not observe the
regulations and attempt to take money
out of the cOnatry without a permit
are making themselves liable to
give el-ery appearance of being the right
men „ the *right place. Short of a
training period under tise Mobilization
tion of which there is still some desire
instances are constautly beisig
found of persona wile voutendedl
With errors of vieion without
their knowing it until they reeth-
ed middle, life. This ititleittest
negleet that is too common, and
needn't, exist at all.
Make your apPOIntitdent earli
' by phonifir NAL
Car. Kingston St, on The liquoire
F T Armstrong
,wsiiiesda,,,at Luck/gm
the people 'Vote int half the council
each year. When their two-year term e•
expires they can stand for re-plectioa,
The mayor. is eleeted eaelt year, battle
believe special legislation Was reqUire4.
of sixty tbousand poPulatiOn 'Wheae the
munielltalitY is tun by 0. board' Or
trustees" six Mei:61*re, ties people votiiig
on only two each year, When their
term expires, they tannet Stand tor
re-election, so there are. always some
new people given, the opportunity to-.
serve. '
'The -democratic system. with all its
weakneseeo is the isles wor
national government—for the forma
better than any ether. , It has been .
.—the present Government will be given depend on the appalling apathy Of people that has
'doing a good job. is desired frem*idanada in the way of
with the Britieh GovernMent on what conflict. I had the oPPOrtunity-, ot
been one of the causes of the present
the celebrated French
'credit, by fair-miaded Canaditine, for
a more soldiers etc. The Canadian army' .)2911tical' cotinraentator, Madam Gene-
prosecution. A Vast War Program
Men Do Their Stuff
iIIANo.r St 1
• .
ne y e
Put on Time Prottain, Serve
Reireshments—,hAt Who
Munitions and ,Supply 'Minister C. D. now numbers 300,000, aCtive and re- vive'raboniss the woman Rider itatit
we tated that his departMent has serve, inducting 50,000 men overseas
awarded eontracts totalling $849,000,- , the Minister said and the Dominion
has winter accommodation for i
000, including $399,000,000 for the
British Goverainent. -Construction ' training 150,000 men. He adnaitted 1
i' contracts for •
. tne nine months thattilt'
ere still is a shortage of some
, ,490t equiPment and armament for the army
ending September 30 hist ran :tory
, I
.ect this but eve' effort is being made.tocor-
$195,000. On capital aseist-
ane for 'Canadian and British Govern- rsituatio. .
Finantinng f or War
Finance Minister J. L. lisley; in a,
financial review, indicated that
Washed the, Dishes? ment expanSion 1441, war industrial
- plants, a total 'of $255,000,000 is being
Canada's shar For the air training ada's
war eXpen,ditures have grown to
do' not think We 'sismild. relinquish
and who also had his spectacles 'broken, On Thursdayevening, lrovembee, , spent, of which thirty per eent, is
ers. :Crown Atterney Holmes asked ested parents and frie cis availed them-
, filends plan, 100 Airdromes have been hee-on
- '-----' year. He warned that belt tightening,1 any privilege which new a
Harold ,Carling, known in Goderich varis' nis gregate value of construction, includi . The 'financing will be on against-thieetwosyeae e m and
as an advertising campaign peon:toter, I many favorable comments were heard;
ing air, fifty-one militia and twenty-one -
1 souni-L1 lines, he ensph ized, With„
War load. a pea Year rePresentatSves who have the.
fraud. ' A week's. remand was taken. I work
,... i noanTtahl:prorice:rte,s,s hotasicr:dtao: ' ' so-calle-d soesal credit, vilach wou ,
flation an '. eier resortto
' • id those whose motives „axe selfish. . The
oourage to represent us, aind. elimina*
also 'failed , to . answer to a charge of i on the variety -and excellenee of the ;
8c9on7tan7y minimum Of. in.
of the pripils.s.
- Provincial Constable Lorne Rotate i'vere shown. . These includea, log ,.
'tnereeeing• aircraft-shiPbulIdirig, auto- ' beer; 1)0110)1
091,680 a war savings certiteates have
ford said that "Elmer Moore, a Colborne cabins, -
'Christmas trees, plasticine ,
motive, munitions; 'gun, chemical and ,! much to the end of October,
'Tow* truek-eltiver, had • no lights models; ,aeroplanes and, a • variety° of
I explosive, clothing and -personal equip-. .• greater savingS in thateforin will
ment. production. Construction of 1
! besrequired, to the extent of $1(),009,000
on tits lick when he ranaraed another prOjeces. Scrapbook's, drawnigt, pot -
ear in the rear on August 13 near Dun- era colleetions ' of -eeects, teatiles, I
eighteen large merchant vessels for Bri- monthly, -he urged, Canada'ssthird war.
lop- Moore pleaded guilty and when cereals, etc., •made one wish for more
tau will shortly be.tomment.ed iil---St. ' '
; loan has been put off until next mid-
,- ie. 'til, e time to anspect ehem. Ilsley said. By that tune
smiled '5good-naturedly as he left the sr:mile' splendid pieces of werk. Corner! Forty-one 'Canadian shipyards noizl
, the people would know what tax mea- „ , e
summer, 'Mr.
-e t ..,
fine $5 an costs, or .Lawrence and Pacific Coast shwyards.
requested the jail term—five days. He Miss Phuline MciEwen'S class had
have,14,000 men employed, including - , sures arerproposed in the budget and 'nerlenir -ren • .
bookends, flowerpot '.clioltlers, and, automotive equipment, 30,000 units ! ,ibie. e should have the most Ilexibit
, eurrboa*-:torses;,-teapot Stands, hat
-court with a ecoastable. wires dustries allied' to shiplMilding. On some more --accurate. iklea of .business W
worthy of special mention, two table i have been delivered and production lel
- I conditions In 1941 will have been pos. sySteni possible that will .enable as "4t5
Stands, raffia Work, false faces,
now U00 unit:.; per day. Production on - . . plan now for *the future for that peace
tanka is ell advanced. Night ninnt.s Trade and COmmerce Minister J. A.
lamps:, One was a former coaloil lamp i
are now producing shells and nineteen 1.Mgicicinnon will head a 'Canadian trade'
the other a vase. The boys drilled l•
the shales, wired and ,fitted the lamps i ---- ,I delegation to South American countries,
leaving in early December and return-
ing' early in Februaiy.
• A total of 3,88 British children have
been brought to Canada thus far, in-
cluding .1,532 , under the Gassernment
molt. .
scheme and 4,320 by private arriinge-
National War Services 'Minister J.
G. 'Gardiner announced that national I
registratiOn on August 19, 20,.21 last
registered 7,860;470- peteorts over six-
teen years of age, including 3;988,7604 es
males. There were 989,739 single males .
registered between the ages of nineteen
and fort -five years, inclusive.
, .
* ,
tell us that the fall... -of 'France WII:F.4 due
to Rower. politics and intrigue, or to the
political and ep r lens
and warn that the Britisb Empire
should not over-rate 'GerMan strength
and thereby fall into the dangerefin
belief that Hitler eannot be destrayed.
1).e told us tlia.t the French people
realize that their . oily hope is. ba
PAritish victory. a • sa - •
IIie taarkieipauty one yery Import -
t it,, 011/* deraodratic system' and,
allegedly, by,one of Burke's left-hand- at.'7.15, p.m, a large number . of inter -1 , the pr
°portions of a billion dollars a
we n ve that
with thirtyeieven edditienal eirdromes . 4)e • • d will enable us to decentralize poWit:
actoria sehool, and went- having been started. The a.g-
will. be brought back from Petawawa. .00, en v. "
ves of the opportunity to visit the for theR.0.A F home war establish- ; bsay_vi.thnges_ 011anadsaiancrl Peeoe pwlei to We have the opportunity slow to vote
for a bench warrant and the young man
earrerciyuirthe - ,netieat
• Splendid specimens of • handwork .11r. llowe gave in detail. inforination- mean inflation run wild. While $26,- coet a a municipal election is lees than
-a Small box of, candy for each voter, our..
Mayor tells ine1200.-- -The yearsienotk '
good reason. 'to forfeit our privileges •
the municipalities, because. 'democratie
peoples prefer other vahles ih life.- The
war must take Precedence over 'regular
wosas, but that does not mean that we
should 'neglect our regular work Ctit .
- away;
When we've finished` theestruggle,..,111
come .home to stay;
It's been a long time since I've seen you,
Somewhere in -Caniida.
When the dear kiddies ask, Where is
Daddy tonight?
Why, just tell than.' he's over .in Eng-
land to fight; • -
So .that .you and they will be safer,
• Somewhere in Canada.
. .
And when I'm all alone, dear, and
feeling blue, •
That lovely picture of you ' •
Will give tee the spirit ta, earry on;
-So please give all the children a kiss
one by one,
till the day when I'11 really
you again";
Somewhere in Canada.
(Word* by L. CPI. Bruce,
•-•ES,Sex 1Seattig1i Reit., A-24443,
,Seetlan, C.A..S.F., 0,11-.M.S.)
This is just to give you an idea of
the wey We are taking this.' Some-
times serious, and Mostly always happy
—although we wouldlikhe
e to see t
folks .4, hbate.- But; it won't be long,
be with
G.-, -The
• °
complete, and made a' real good job are producing- shell components.
of each one. Eighteen other plants are being pre -
At 8 pan. the regular Home and pared for similar production, to bring
the scale Up to two million shells per
41,5"ohool Olub .meeting was held, with the
i&sidentMrsesar,doetaeL se the month. Bren guns are being produced
, .
chair. A. Inc program had been ar.. on a much increased scale, while the
Winged by' the men, as this was manufacture of many other types of
guns has been arranged. Fifteen large
-Fathers' 'Night." Several interesting
talking pictures were shoWn, including chemical and, explosive plants have
been started. Eight wholly-owned gov-
seme very •fine films, and the patriotic
ernment companies have been incorpor-
ffim "Canada War." . This showed
-ated for armament of some of the events -Of the
. y
last war, the pieture of the unveiling For grea ter control of industrfor
war, purpeses, Mr. Howe announced
of the memorial at yimy Ridge, several
formation of a War Time Requirements
scenes taken during the .visit of the
King and Queen to -Canada, end during Board to decide questions.of priority as
to production, etc. This board will
the events leading up -to Canada's ;
declaration of war. The arrival of wk in close co-operation with a half -
Canadian troops in England,
the erraele dozen or more -controllers already
ation of Dunkirk, ad Canada's war ! named. To ease the problem as to
machine tools, Mr. IIdwe Indicated that
effort in its various phases were all 1
vividly portrayed, and an 'answering I future new models of automobiles', rail -
chord wasastruck in the heart -of every) way rolling stock, refrigerators, radio
and washing machines,
person present when Mr. Charles sefs, sewing
typewriters, glass and other containers,
Meakins sang "There'll Always Be an ;
England." • . etc.; will be sharply restrieted.
Several other =diets were rendered; Canada's Expanding Navy •
Meakins actiaig as accompanist. Mr, NI1V,V 'Ministvr .Ane
Meakins mespecial reqaest, Mrs. ells L. Macdonald,
who did well in his maiden speeqi in If We' CIO net Vete on this act "or
and security and the preservation of •
eindividuat freedom and respeet for ;
dividuai integrity, without which there. •
can -be no permanent peace;
By Asia' G. Saunders
' A ,bill was passed last January 31st,
1940, known as 'The 'Local Government
Uxtension stet, 1940." It applies to
local boards and municipal councile%
One question we are goiag to be asked
is, "Are yen in favor as a, war -time
measure under 'The Local Government
Extension'Act, 1940.' of the municipal
council elected -for 1941 holding office
for the term of two years?"
Mervyn Snyder contributed a fine piano the Commone; said a naval college will for it, we automatically mile under
solo, and acted as aecoMpanist for Mr. be established in 'Canada ; that the the two-year term. The clerk shall
' Gillespie, whose veers]. 8olo was rnuell ..' Government hopes to conStruct destroy-
-A vote *of thanks was e. tended to all '
x ;, ers and perhaps cruisers in -Canadian
The death occurred at Los Angeles
who took part in the program, and it I navy
Shinsards; and that- by April, 1942, the
on Thurralay last of `William J. Col -
was derided that a letter of •appreci-, . will have 255 ships and 23,000
Won, a native of Myth and brother of
ation be sent to the Shell 011 (0 who i Personnel, compared with 155 ships 'and
the late Mrs. J. B. Kelly of., Goderieh. proviod the 'projector, the 'films and 13,000 men on active service today.
Mr. Oolloton resided itiWinuipeg for a
the operator, and whose co-operation . Reeounting the work of the Canadian
number of year's find at one time WIIS
WWI the visual aids committee of the haVY Since war brole out, in many
foreman of the job department of The
Ontario Home and,''School Federation areas, in Atlantic convoy 'work, etc.,
Mr. ;Macdonald. quoted with pride re-
** i wIl Prers ' He la servived
cent official tributes by British naval
liutherities. NO' higher praise could be
given the men of the Vainadian navy
n e • mikes these .very fine programs, tps.
by two sons and two (taught -ere.
,' sible. . .
4 social half -hear, with refreshments
„ " '\IARY Jl'fT COX
pit:sided and API'Ved by the inen was a
s -
Miss Mary Jaue (o, oldest child of 1.1a1 treat to tile' ladies, who' weeede t.han. to saty, as British 'may men have
Samuel and Catherine Cox,
-... t ie r Itiveeintion of this annual event, i raid, that they are the equal of the
the late the rcie passed away sa ante neetpig was brought to a elose i ItritiAlf navy, Mr. Macdonald observed
formerly of Godei: home of her brother-in-law, W. le 'dhi
The navy has lost to date fourteen of -
with the sinning f the
Westoby, Seattle, Washington, on o
Tues. 2. tr- '. — , ,fv..ernum 81800 and 243 nusince the war began.
It. ,,,, . ,•,„,
day. morning, "iNovember 12th. SheI hen]
had . , . In the pest year, the 3.1infster (said,
been 111 20)' a -short time before the pass- -.s. • 3,,.1(sh
a) ips have left Cc
anade by onvoy,
big of her sieter PPillie (Mrs. Westotiy) '
BENMILLER ea trying vetoes totalling 21,800,000
on, October 22n4 eif this -year, and the • tome Also :10,000 eillladian troops
shock was too nmeli for her enfeebled
constitution. Miss Vox was 'bone July
30th, 1834, on her father's farm. on the
Out line, aroderieh township, near
Porter's Hill. She was the oldest of a
,fainiV of twelveachildren, three girls
and nine boys, of whom only two now
survive : Edivard J., of Rapid Citye
South Dakota, and Albert Ka": of ' last week variants with Mr. and Mrs. f I. ment to state thatthere are certain,
Phoenix, A.rizona. When her parente A. ranatone. British air establishments in Canada.
retired to Goderich she eame with then! The training -school which Wtt0 eon- Teehnically, he added, these schools
and other members of the family and
they lived foe vow yearon St.
Patriele. trivet. After the death of
rEINMIDDER, Nov.. 2O. -Mr. Muff, have been sefely convoyed to Britain.
who Was visiting with air. wed Mrs. Air- Training
A., Stietterhan for d while, returned to . Then Air 'Minister C. G. Power &-
Barth on Thursday to eirend the winter. Oared, .that the (lommonwealth Air
'Mrs. Walters and oFloyd spent a few Training Plan has adranc.ed far enough
days last week: with Mr, and Mrs. T.,08. to safely prsellet it will be a eomplete
Jervie of Ilohnesville, suceess. Mr. Power said he now had
Mr. 'Geo. Reekor of Toronto spent the permisslen, of the British Groet,rn-
dueled at the•different ehurehes on the, will be outside the Training Plan, but
eireuit elosed last week; when eleven tinw beunderthe administrative
diplomas Avert+ presented to- the control of the da-C.A.F. The students
,lier mot ler in 1016 'Miss Cox went .0 students, . trained In .these partieular sehools
live with' her brother-in-law and sister, Miss Ilerahline "eirEwen ,went .Sittur. be Critible as.will the instruetors and
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Westohy, first in (Jae, in Londonall the equipment, Canada has gpent
'Milwaukee, then in Minneapolis, and The Woman's Aseociation will meet $20,000,000 on I airdromes for the British
schools, which gum will he reimburse lastly in Ceattle, Washth
., where she wan at e parsonage on December I
laid to rest alongside of her siM
ster r R Hill was °,, in ,Goderitd* last to Canada by Britain. °The ,11iniGter
• A • 0
Tillie and brother Norris in beautiful week under the doetor's.eare vvilh all proelaimed that 'Canada is ready, will.
Greenwood Memorial Park cemetery. 1 infection. i Ing and eager to expand fullthelk the
r 7 , •
• „
forthwith after stela vote certify to
the Department of 'Municipal Affairs
the ' number of votes east for and
against the question."' The Govern-
ment is now giving the people the op-
portunity to say how they feel towards
t h is Act.
There is one city in Ontario where —
the councillors serve, two years, bet •
they have the rotary syslem whereby,
ow se
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