The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-11-14, Page 6Be A. W. 34sersober rouud-the-house chores are eating done. The leave* that had been soloiett are vztered, for bsteiair lit breathleee. danve ef y.51,10.A. secretary set Ale eidetic - doe * thq or two in. tiae' freak, , and caused me to IliaSt5 a remark, *few nighiVe rain were in excellent e gee eft had provided 5((X) sheets with other minietete TO eve the nearby Militare% earOP the other day. What an interetAing morning! llow well the mot tractable, to raked in he ape to be earted awa,y. There Preeren't a Mlle or Manner now (tut ot Them. The storm doors and windows lestve been. put in their place and the *reeve are Bow hibernating in the *ttie. %I* lawn reower„ too, has entered upon its, long winter rest, It Old extru milea this rainy stammer. o r and 3000 envelopes nearly four WeOiS ago, but these aationevy supplies were nearly all gone. But there are a thousand men in the camp, and ,eceliell- ing by average they have used only aboife eve sheets cavil. and th,ree en- vetopee in the month. I reMerked that this infoemation ,suggested to Me that there could not be many of these and we Were not eteettew. leee,, os overe eett,1„113 came jtL1 111 WeriaullaY' 44441144e41 those P'would. Would. be Written than theeee'llgures pranks, titettgle the good, wiefle ewe, 41, Warrant, Or ie it that . writing, these ?Wee ,oneugh when she discovered that effeetlenate epistles*, is plug out, (t.f wire elotheeline that worlds on ' fashion? 1Pleiltels bad been aut. Ilow' that could ..tiOne without our knowbig itelti 9ay. Little folks arrayed In 'hobgoblin clothes and Wearing false tieee kept coming to theeloorfor their * * Perhaps I should 'title this eolumu 44SW12 Through a Parsonage WindoW.' For Mneh Of this copy ernes to me. as wiiuealte\ Suet as good Manure and the ! 'weed will buu. juet britchtlY0 wet the dog wilt be,all the better arid tbe fleas bugy; - have -relegated smell I easks to other deys of the week. Of ; M muse, 1 ehall be ealled oldlashioned. 1 , Buteis there, eta a higher and liobler ' an eleaning up of ourselves, and, prePering fli Lord's Dey, that these, other things t .natit DEVELOPINS MONT AT *TART the. Thew coats are, beine made fox . i for iteeping holy tireii ablaze on .0 "1-""'"-""-,.... " ,, ,„. , refugee,s. Plane !were eltatie for a sew' * • * 3-PerPosit =wane *Nieces% e, ing bee to be held eWeelnescloy etter- ehould not pet out of the WAY? One Can't get away from, Goderiele It . f Mrs, seems. From 1034.1939 I livedetwety. 'two miles from'Irere., The gerage man 'who deideored my' ear and : Performed $wcitt innetione as re-oiline and pelting the 'maeleine as It needed these toldl me he came from ktoderielt and he has a sister there, elie .wee e good rout „end a Orsteciass. mechanic. Now, to M'Y surprise, the niapt,near nie who does for Mkt Whel my car needs now is a Gode- dell boy,, teee he !claims. 'He attended Collegiate there, Ills name 19 Neison Cattaplaell,„ aed, be is a son of the Evertgelicel nainieter CemPbell who used to 'serve Bennalllet German Levangelitel coegregation betore the ftor the hall (nt that oecesion, CO; nt patriotie PalVooes., The I"' PrirnWdliet %MC Ourr Or EtJ1014 of the quilt 14130). Tor %Odell tickets; were eoldt, are to be )4Vell tO the Red Vroes. Mr. Wilfred 'Meettrtby of kluge- By Murry J. Boyle bridge was the holder of the luelgY welexateet. onte /coy, ree-outsete ticket elise Anna Mae Parrish. Red it was Prose repreeentative, dietribeted eoat cold re" • • rawitb barkd aterlel to several of the Member*. chilliness er autumn weutiter . . but At first rflattne, lintel,* or nasal irritste Von, put a, little Vie-tro,nol up_ eAele warn. Its stimulating action aids Isla- ture'e defenees seotinet the cold. - . And rententher - when ,a head , Cold mitkes you steeer, or transient congeetiote "eille up" nose and. spoils bleep, 3 -purpose Vaetro-nol gives val- uable help as it (l) shrinks wpm% merahrene,s, (2) relieves irritation, (3) ,helpa flush, out , reseal _ nasstsges, • clearing crogghell IflKleakee on of this week at the hople Delton. The meth*. was elose with the National Anthem, after *which lilatelt Was eerved by the hooteatses. The Decent*** Meeting will be held sit the 'home of Mrs. 'O'Neil. G6DERICII TOWN Sliar • GODeateCH TOAreMaire Nov. 12- 3tle and Mrs, Reuel' Ore* and faMile, 'candies and apples, „Some Wye to sub., Memory weeks while ,ga , 1 Mit to a pestering crowd of ittkrle; °Ile ' ,13',IY '841,AdY Wtetodoue Lest Sunday three old building yeas deserted. , eetteolMaster I know, who "Sae 300 ; of myeeneigh , rs were watched through * * *, his gebool, and Wiiinratiler 1 the 'window as ratione were mede At a Hallowe'en social. foe Explorer roll One girls and hays, whose' ages were tient' OW merit. I shoUld Seel - Wheeleag it into the Cel10,,,,aild a third was hone for the Wee'lt-end.: /Cary' Bell. ' „Union Church ,NoteseeeRev. ditemner Of * Driteedeld emulated the inside the eitureh it was quiet' with the ansteelte of a holy *wee. ''The lieht on the console of the organ Rented con- ' eetetrated. on, the face of the small. etateired, dark-haired .man-evritle .the blaelerimmed speetaelete liande Moved slowly but gra.cefielly actor* the white keye "end as tb•ey moved and toothed — and ilioved again' there poured forth; trona organ loft up beyond the are of light in, the "dim darkneeS . . the raelode, !".Sontewhere a Yoke* Calling." • This was A.ireraftsman Prank Godley. . fotteer organia 'oe ethe savoy .".11eatre toinleoin, England; and now member of the air. force Under the' BER 11111111091 ‘lior•gfaiieltittiniSbst.liiirt.67L4rtliertaollwitTill'ApbtaeirritlaYcleL'ralthainuritinPlai. etalleelelliD, Nee. 12. ---Mrs. Donald palpit Tinton On Sal14111. a grodlee soni-Sattefe- Martin Landon visited, eeith lie!' Par- levered a line sermon Olt 90keertalaes8:' titiStW.' to Frank tecetects 'mane Helleilegter ealleee. at his ton„our, paet ,for at , , ents Mr and Mrs. D, A. MacLean, last 'from the te`Xte 'A'Son, 10e a it*°d cheer' irseli leler.tr aaend4e,ewelPaee ef %%Wogs' te• • " -ettye ,he Must positieely protest buey raking 10.leaVer bUrniuge teu -to- tlairteen, `Wee had e geeat shig- week, . „ thY eine be ferkiven thee" (St. MattlieV 1 a pleasure. When the 01410n oute gangs go over that' .thern, Amether wae &PI/ging wood aud The "QUIP Of aim'ogt lift3t 'UlatdO Miss eitarionMaedouald ofeStretfoed, 9:2) * '11/41ext `‘§undaY1 llev• ,Lin'eela is a charming town ju East w h s rafters ring With, old -elute songs. The laet call for singing weis the song, Alitays, Be -an .England." When it veaS eelted fee all the Child* --it Was • -very' eoticeable-put On a brigeter rand keener look,a look- of ex- peetancy and sheer Pleasure': , Where they had been coneent to sit and sing other Son*, they' without any. cal' te de 'iron their vontiore'rese in a • IVO, put back their shoulders and aSsumed that attitude w'hich eloquently told how they were now piing to be at 11,14eltityerofeiron--BriliTF-NIU-CV1-114„e411411,1„ . an, ottele Of beauty' im an e .pulPit . at Union. ,tioard- ° 'industrialized e section' -012-alfgrande * * was washing and, curry -combing hls AtisseS Anna, Charlotte and] oie gee- t1 ie It Was met pleasure to he invited big, police 'dog. I suppose the lea'res yvc,,,,,end managers, ar„e desirous :_that_nag6° 1.'Prank Godley was t3rPleni and is tepicai. kenzie Teronto spent the " out be present as Mr. Mai& 7.0 loanY L'e 1 of so many others Conte& it his work,. . and willing in the PlaelditY, -,111•10000""•=10/1/luminoloolpeliammillsamiememlimoom"."• Aliss • :Margart, Simpson. at '. London the future miniSter of the .coUgreFat on, For the Red Cree.S.-aine nrinntblY of his life to go on living In the mennee • We are buying them in quantities and sellingthem on sight THERE 'S'. A REASON! They are good heatersUd fuel sayers. We will install • .. them at any time to suit your conVenience.. 0 Good Bbds and Mattresses are .necessary for the cool weatherDrop • in to see ours, the prices will surprise you. ' Was home for the week -en . 'Miss , Attie MaeGregor of, Toronto progressive. euehre party held. under W40 a., reetenVvisitor at her -home here. 1 the .atiseeces Of the North End °oder**, ,(3ongiatulttions to ler. and Mrs. Wil- ' Township Ited 'Cross Society Wits held, -Ilene- Berry lea- theeeirtheof le, sem on on Friday evening at theelibme of Mie :November 5. .. 4. . 1 end Mrs'„Akeef011isttobereeritle-overetiftee Women's Institute.• -- The regular i attending. High honors in cards were meeting of the Kintail Wometes, Insti-.1 woe by Mrs: „ glary ..Vlitchell of (*ode - their best. rt. wa:.1 the spontanel tate was held .on. Thursday, Noventber rich 'and Mr. John 'Craddock. Coneole .. the thing that arrested me--guriii a 11, at the hOme. of Mrs. R. and Mts. ation prime were awarded to Mrs. Malt. 'grand,. elatrWlge resPoneivenes tzati, Dave Mackenzie. There 'Wes a good Driver and 1Mr. ROY Rundle, After was tottehing. ' Of course 1 thls, mae-be etteedtteCe. 1Tiwaneeiles twas' in charge cards, 'lunch Was served by the execu- 1 the result of Some. ecliool tiefluing and , oe tee president, Mee. Rehert ',Scott: The tive ane,the faring peeliee 'joined -in it leadership in singing classes. But to inieelf and tc to others it was attost tion of r some articleMade from a suga.r ' with a violin solo, . accompanied by I roll call was answered by the exhibi- singsong. Mrs. Malt. Driver favored eack There -were some Very interest- Miss florry Chisholm.. The evening • a amicable thing. Sidelights-% Want to know how,long , , girls' shOtild be eourtsd. Answer is - That's easy. Just the same way as short girls. Travelling Salesraan (coMplaining to head waitresg)--Vjaere's, , honey , Head WaitreSs---She got sp fresh. welAttention Was drawn to the fact ts.a -had to let -ter - • . Pather le did not- char e h s' -arents•it d friends here ' ing and novel' ideas gained from this. Papers were read by Mrs. Fred Mae-. Gregor ,and Mrs. Jerry Dalton and a very gi)od accOunt Of Ourrent Events" was given, by Mrs. Wm. MacDonald. The secretery, 'Mrs. R. i0p$aSe an g kskcess. 1 Masquer- joined the Royal Canadian Navy as a Recount Of the ver ade danee held at Kingsbridge recently. stoker in Septenaber, is ,honte on a leave of alkence, "visiting edesed with the ,National Anthem.ehe next euchre party will be held et the home Of Mr. and MTS. Roy Rundle. 'Frank ifir.noe' k,.eon of Me, and Mee. L G Warnock, Wo1fee4etreet, wht of England for centuries' past. __ePealair__Godley „enjeyed a mode* temp. enackpool . . the Medea pf an ereaelets , . Wee linown 'to hina, and- he- hactknoWn,„su,chegreat eizganfsts as Sydney Torch, Reginald, Poort arid Reginald Diaton. Lite was happy and life -was. enjoyable but then tame , eThwearw.ay of E' n'gland • Was mem. eed . the quiet life of thatchecottages nti -tea- atefour . and elovely* musie rendered frona a majestic theatre organ. Frank Gekley; like '0011SM:ids 01, -his ftos oeivin(listen Geli101tnthrelSmitend' 1(101411d tahseidOereY-1'. bine of the „lighting' forces.; Today Frank Godley is at Port Al - beet . . . AircraftsMa.n Frank Godley .oe the British Commonwealth* Air Training Plan, He's learning his busi- ness of flying, • So that ,this' menace to. English life and. the British Empire,:' m,ay be attended to. Bet Prank Godia Still loves the.organ. . . and do it was that he sat at the organ of. the Wing! ham llniteel-churell and' vvith the assist-. anbe. of charming Madeleine 'Lane of ericheentertain ' - Por a lialfehefir he forgot blac.k planes with crooked crosses over Eng- land . . „ land- falling bombs . . . and whether „East Anglia has e,seaped the destruction ' of ,boneels . . and he played mace again... just as h.e Might lave on it quiet Sunday -morning at the parish- thurehein Lincoln, Eng- land, when people strolled down quiet taateways .and over cobbled streetS church . . withOut fear of the' hoarse, shrill warning of an air raid. Mwaeneti If yon dean, r of1 ti nes dleea workelearn Dwathibechr7ifel: the trade • 7%411*\..naP steady,ia aTiralui Qedienleatr. round employment in almost every City and Town. You will beable, in ot short time, to run your own )5/4. No other business requires such small starting capital. With * ownBC na rbdcyr Poola nhd7a;:°Yft6ellib'elgajdrC:Sutriantedr: 'etc., all in the same building, under the one expense for rent, flghInanitd heat.Thereeearre insiporsactipocwalelyno r With ell these .opportunities at your commend. There is an excel- lent &Mee for YOU if you GET STARTED NOW! Pay as You arri Wilielbeffaliteite- tsuchreo.oisArroemriccoleass tlatorgceosasf ts,.ystem. MOLER BARBER SCHOO 590 YONGE St TORONTO liktorpe„, and were ..ww.,•!:4400 ... • .... e.....teeeeee.eheeeefeeee...:./ • coolititer 11, rilliant Perforriftance,1 -‘ Arrange right now with a Ford -Mercury dealer to inspect.and driye this bigger car,iflis better buy! BIG New Bodies • NEW Massive Beauty • BIG Extra,.rootny In. ieriors a NEW Interior Luxury • I BIG New Wider Seats.: NEW Faster Ac6e1eration •,BIG Over-all Length -"Longer Wheelbase and 'Spring. bade s" NEW Soft Siower.aotion Springs BIG Window .Area creased up to 33%. NEW Stabilixer Ride Control. BIG New Rigid Frame. CANADIAN CABS FOR 'CANADA No cart or trucks- sold in Canada utilize a higher pereentage Of Canadian material and labour than . those manufactured by Ford Motor COMPOOV of 'Canada, Limited. An estimated 100,000 Canadians edcriee their 1ive1ill00d.1•whol17 or in part, from the Company's operations. -Canadians who buy Canadian Ford products at their 010001' to WO.tk at home. LET'S look at the FACTS bit the new tord' car! - Let's see. him it's a BIGGER car—and • whir it's a 11 grIVR. buy! Wheelbase? * Two inches longe'' Seating width? Increased as much as fevett inches! Better visiort? 22% more in, sida#5, 53% more in coupe! 'Ride? (Ompletely re -engineered for amaz- ing,:new comfort' new soft, slow -act -foil „springs, new ride stdbilizer AcceierA6 Already • famous, now eesteppe,d.ue for even faster pit& up in both lower gears: Add .these to nciar massive beauty and luxury to match the brtllkince ofa Pypc, &cylinder % engine—Ow pentty-stretching -econoMy—and . you get just one an‘wer. IMPORT -ANT.! 'Prices at factory for "Special Series" cars show, only Slight increases. Fordor Sedan ' $26.00. Coupe and Tudor'Sedan $3000. tompare illicit!, increases and Ford del livered' prices with those of any other car. YOU Carl Con * other full-size car in Canada.. DEL1VERE.D, PRICES In GODEBICII begin, tit for Special Coupe.. Ljeense 'only extra OARLOW, Nov. 12. --The high wind onMonday. did eonsiderablt, damage, blowing down trees, unroofing barns and loing other Alamage.,. The large store window " at Mr. John.. A. ,Young's was *blown in. • Mrs. Jean Y. Walter and Miss Isabel Young, of Toronto, spent.the week -end with their 'aunt, Mrs. Jarvis .Niegride. . Miss Mey Matheson, WN., -of Whitey, -1-and --Miesejosephinee_Weir, of Allburn,, spent the week -end with Miss Christine Robertson, Mr. and, Mrs. T. If.. Wilson, Mrs. Wiison,sr., and Mrs. '.Stoll visited with_ relativ,es, at Woodstock'. on. Surid ay.. • Mr. Dan- Piteilado eine family have ".moved• into Mr. John Petton's cottage near Jewel. We welcome thent to our midst arld are glad to see, 'the, houses -filling up. „ i. Vann SAL -7 The sele at; the--farin. df* the late el A. Robertson,. , We:8 lield on Friday In:et.There.was a large er.owd of people, limit the day was cold and -wet' and bidding was slow. Everything, hOwever, was sold. The farm was bought in by ',Miss Christine . Robertson Tor ' .$4,325, Mrs. Wm.. ' ,Gauley and her son Alfted have rented theletem for a year. ' Pre'sleXterTitei'-Letlies' Aid; ---..- The .Ladies‘ 'Aid Of the Presbyterian congre- gation he d their 'November meethlg at the ho e of Mre. George Glen. There -was a t,itod attendance Of 'members and " visitors. -*The , president, 'Mrs, liervee 'Fisher, presided. The meeting opened with 'a devotionat period, Mrs. A.. M. (Boyle offering prayer. Inrs. Tait 101ark poke on tempero.nee, end asked ,the Members to let the'elinister of Natioual WareService know their Tattitude on the qeeetioe. " A quilt for the Red °MSS Was quilted. At thee close the hostess and Miss Glen zerved a dainty lunch and a social' hour' was enjoyed. *The , next meeting. will -qie. et the home of *- :Mrs. *Will Marsh,. Cou10 Get No Rest. To the thonsandi who toss, night ,after night, on sleepiest beds, and ee.. whose eyes slember will not 'come. I -- To those who sleep in a kind of way, but whose rest is• broken by bad dreamland „nightmares. e To those who wake up in the s morning es tired as on going to bed, we 1(iffer m Milbuines Health and NervoPills a remedy to help seethe and calm the nerves and,. bring t,hent ' • back to a, perfect condition, and when-thht is done there should be no more sleepless nights due • to shat- tered nerves. The T. Milburn Co., Ltd.„, Toruntc4 Ont. BROPHEY'S Ftay014 Sfkl(Ic'' (Estitblished 105) 'TRADITIONAL SINCERITY AND • EXFERIENCE • • Prompt Ambulance Service , nom 120 FLOYD M. LODGE, DirectOr . Funeral 'Director. and Embithner . • All calls promptly attended to day or night , -AMBIJLANCE ,SERVICE- Phonest% Store 335." ReS. 355W., Hamilton Street GoderIch, 1'10= 12 -MD. and Mre. ,Will elrewford and eon Bert, Mre. Itlarl Bogie 'of iSherperdton end 'Mrs,' Leonard Crawford. ef Godetich spent Istat, weelteend in Toronto, , visitieg • relatives there, , t , 'Mr. Jas. Young of elataitoulle Jointed, 1 -ds visiting at theehome'of Mi. and Mike .Taie Young eor tile, fall, nrainAtiq .Vettb Of the .A.Y.P.A. ,Preeented . their play, • "'The Inack Derbyt,". In the I;tutehoyv Town tall en Priday et -ening. last, Withnearly it Tull house. A dance folloveed the play, 'with muelc supplied by the Mtkllar1e13 orchestra. ' Have you renewed your subscription? „ CONSTIPATED? Tee* 'mit Modern Veeetehie Laxative to lona the livar and slat the 1311a Jules flowing. lountovisti dinastion and ettans away &Janina waste*. Mk ter this genuine Dr. -Mollies bow firt Pale, your druagist's. 56PILIS.250 Dignified, but 1.0t„Expensivo THE E. E. CliANSTOI FUNERAL HOKE 24-hour yivalid Car Servieo 17 Montreal S. Phone 39e To -those contemplatieg build. lug a Monument Gee nay. priece, before haying, Cemetere Lettering a epecialty, All work gueranteed. JOHN GRANT !MINTON MARBLE' & GRANITE WORKS Clinton ...Ontario Successor. to Dail & ispfe