The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-11-14, Page 2410* TWO
tritil Olonat-thar
Tula eitelietetitili SIGNAL, TIM 4;00E1110H
Signah-Star Preae,
\Vest *fleet, Goder Eeh. Onterie
NOVEMBER,. 14th, 1910
There's samethine about the kirtet
&KV 74.It Inn tbat roakee you W311111 1[0
10,,. imAtiBERLAIN I hope or pereatiding , er te zy aroundt and think e.but days guile
''''''.-7. 'Feeney ont of her alliance with Britain. Peet. Ti 1 ay, for instanee, when tliet
me, Neetne chamberlain, 0former , it iti pteisible the Turlie may proihe'ae b1)13*IIIY r4in statIed' .°111Y 14/' 'ehant;e
, leto snow., it wae r(10S efajOY4ble` VD Slt
British Prime Sliniater, is deed. Ile tough a propusition tor the Ax43 la the, rocker wee •tgast "my neine in
• autieeeded Slanley Baldwin itt 19 (L ! powers, as the Greeks. have Went -tied the heee lee the ea -eche -a range.
.itiherited eouditioateaud tronigee of the ,;. as Beitish eirength in that quarter le ' A tarteandos J. it. Williams *alerting
i father and" sea erettieg the cutter
elieeeten ea weien reaebette, greater , being ,steadily luereased 'there is hope
- ready foe whiter eiteemed ;nest timely.
' proportions 'and haereased malignity as , that the plane of littler illad anS.`301114.1, 'llOw well I can. iiemember that first
etiene, w tit Cer-L Uluition at> to . ic.s.el',, znaY he deli -1140Y balked. The next day of .vviuiter! The Conaing Of ` snow
• doen or Ville' of lets'''hourse daring the'', few weeks Wad probably see inrtant I'll -as an event' of. geneine imPo' ;lance.
itieee years, of bre, prime, reeneterseie " developments en the ;seer resetSaturdaY morning iv** hustled OUt
4 ' . , . i and SPread, the driving ehed doors far
its sharply divided; but ePut7°vevsY . 7 7 7.' ", ,, ' I agape. • Fether on hits eVay to the barn
ceases ia the hour a 'rcleath. 'What the British prestige, whielt had, fallen I for, midenorning vlieres woald stop and '
, ,
. ' will kers low during the period of "appeaee- , equiut, inside and, ask gruffly, What
re iou, doine't" The answer Was,
"Just getting the ctititer ready for
whiter," His answer Would always be,
"Wells you take it easy for a' wid,le,
because this spow -isn't -going-to last."
In Spite of that, however, he veciethr
'Wen 4),Ver halka-CelltUrY disapPeare 1 • chine inside and. lOok around for a
from the Pahlie life a Great ,I.ritain. 1 -dictators. One ' result le that' o•n all rhile.
0-teetea------atiejetegyelt Chamberia•in, father of Neville, i sides peoples which Were alimost Soon Fa.ther would be working' with
was a Radical supliareV.TOr Nfrireelatle/tre-LIdie-----'to yield everything the dictators us in eleanhee, out,the cutter, Stove,
stone *until the issue of Iriele lioine 1 leitilregtic ,iiithendteleleepicture
,etemanded;'-'''r-7---7--:-r:---r-ha,e„ ta en reer-t7—eouraW lieellgist-441444)
Thale ellEinged rils allegianhee Later lie and a: preparing to ftutisurLialit Ilitfil:1 Iasle,tbooafrdligliesthraingees.ofs ddrriael(11,61(tiletoovnesr.
es. ce -s e.tes dieneleil, ever t
' latuiched Ids project 4:Af Imperial pre- i agairi- a=ressien,
in the Balkans, with tbe German the seat. A grain 'bag with' licheat in
ferential trade, but died without even
Corrent Views
tell* thew, how' AMOY ebildren they *hat
oil Ake War Wive, ead when. She telie womert what
f-14,4NCE FELL 1.011,3t tand up? not fOr themselves-. If responsibility for the home teeirit, the
Four mouths ego 5Ve heiieved the right to ttee the mind were to be very_ core of netional morale. So far,
Doer, as over most of -„ it WaS she 'has done an able' job, Aad her
they *WI/ ,a$ how; whet they
Shall weer, tand how icing. Here is the
ranee W3t3 brti.atI5e Wa 1VO.Cly tost„ what etiology would be left power grows.
unitte1, In four Weeks it stiffered t te, mereiteit tee lite oteepeeete et the Iv
s power works throngla ehe
most complete eollapse lithstory, and earth? There would be none, The • ersa
the 1114=4 heatth:
asnyrfsent rillere DOW condemn everY- light would be oat Our earth would 14arkable °Igal"44)174 Vrati Vii" /las out tiestroying
ereenetereetY,, tii-0,111)1110DX 1,10.
riy followers_ Oaee ehie
boys, eY
youag woMaji ntarriea. there bit
eithalten, AU ever Cetrineue, Foie
Klink:* agents visit thee -.e wires wee
for eighteen mouthe have 110t, giveu
Weal to
The seeoad teak of Fratt Nlink le to
teaeh the (lermaa women. how to cook
e ,how to live on teem wee.
built Ventre of it is an •elite 110w5paper or magaziee is allowed te
S4eh a reve" Snell 4 ;'evel*ai sP4rk or 11"e* WitU " 11"6" tterperauertylisemhaelfatthe wrsithwl'r 00 Za10 prin t11 111):ItlyaRbir"oalgia'gr fhteri;
thlue, fought for in 1%4 and 1039. revert to old night witheut its initial
understand: and Andre Sinettae's lucid of Inert who instead Nviortild be driven the oatil onegiom llitler and to Wemen what to bne t " ,
leave our minds reelhig. We erave CV, gtemtning. the guidance of the affairs
eccolutt of the tragedy in his book ea- Ids:deputy Frau Kill*. 9L'here is a Travelling kitchens' demonstrate
titled eJ'Aecuse' should, find a hest of
avid readers. They win net be dial -
1. Ther 'Adele heat of anger"
promised on the jecket will he found in
these pages; but also eoMething of far
greater Value -the resteaint of a dis-
ciplined mind., .Let it, be understood
that Simone offers an iilterPretation,
not the objective immutable truth,. The
sonudeet history, is at beet a worltieg
'hYPothesis. But Siraone'e ,ilypotheeds
is coevineinet. ,
Theisurrender at Compiegne and the
COUP d'etat at Viehy had the t same
cause: eertaia elements in France, in
their hatred for social demoeriee, Were
at heart with the dieta.tore; They were
Ofth eeluthniste before Franco had
coined the terni ; they longed for an,
antiehlomintere, pate before Hitler had
proposed one. They manned, the
"money wall" efealitst demeerathe Pro -
„geese., ^
Simone believes-rfirrain
pint .came, not ie 1940, but in 1934.
Three things happened at that :time.
lu the previous year the Nazis had
destroyed' a liberal republic faintly
tinged. with socialism (the Weimar Re-
public), 'and -Germany .nederetaitler
teased to be enemy No. 1. In February,
1934e the Stavisky scandal gave the
Croix de Feu the chance of attenapting
tsch. October Barthou was
histeelan of the veriod may sa „, ,
depend to eertte dextent,upon. the our*, I mere,” has risen tranientely mace the
of events be tee .eeet_eeti„- year& British people have . dened the Nazi
With the death a- Mr.' Chamberlain *assaelt Upon their islaed , and have
a name which hes been. Prominent for ', rea.ehed oat with their see and air
wr A { ,/,
. ' • Wet' t0 thwart the pl'aits of' the
the eeed whieh *owed develop intik legions et ehe door, there is a (Arcing it, used for feeding tbe thitikens,
croWded in beside the pile of leaky
a plant a considerable eize. Joseph I belief in an eventual Britight triuniPla.
• • " The gallant and suecessful stand of the like to. the tinsmith ',for urePairbal:
-1kpaiis that patliervas-s Aiosed
• aiher's hat which Mother made him
quit wearing and. which he refused to
throw &way.' A. fanning mill sieve Wit
_ •wein beyond all hope of repair. Old! Barthou was the last of the
a hole in it. 'Several pairs of old shoes 1 trilled.
mann' respected by all iparties. . ev oil eaes . . . and horseshoes . . . and conservative etatesinen icto placed the
the least gifted oft the thiee in the 1 . • -------- interests of the nation above those of
ChaMberlain'S. son Austen, half -bot
Of lieVille, was a member of several
Cabinets and for sone years before ,his
death held the piece of an -eider states-
-Greeks agaiest the attempted Italian
invasiohe will do a great deal to dis-
sipate the idea that the . Axis " powers -
are unbeatable._ -
W'ESTFIELD class or party. He might have. kept
pickle jars. A wheelbarrow wheel and
, Carter and son Niel urn , 'Jr 'Muter' I The strange rt of 't 11 . ••
Pa 1 a was t it But he was succeeded, by the
h , Russia. have secured. en eastern Lacer -
Mrs. Vodden of Lontlesboro spent test , eeemedete be piled in*the '7' • •••fixer". Leval. As: early as Februar,„ mate. It_thcy have their •way,
upon a tiine a deaday war, and eetired I. buggy. That 1 .
1934, the French Nazis were Proposing. nething eail-4*".disenssed• There willat
ministership- A, matt a peace, he (ame I visited With Mr .° and Mrs. Albert WO; I fad, that the accumulated goods always 1 q
in 'May last to 'give Platte to. Churchill, 4Week. at the home of her' sister, Mrs: seemed like the 'best way "ii whi h t
hy the engines -of power ond pride, then, „
death alrea.dy come; the adventure mica in'everY eommunitY,,, every factory.
of mind Under the stare would be at Each woman in a unit has ePecialited
an end. The War, then, •fo1i-ns,-. waft duties----ene to 'wadi the marli'.-etSiehere
something more than AU effOrtt to prie teho:wisomsoeigsfsafipoateherofte.toehej iaoes eida 1,uto:ws.Of.
tect the home and personal intereste.
An aberatuable donidnion had to be 'Paper, et third to he leader of the women
0 •
how to eook esatz -tomb. what,
ever boils today in a Gerenan eoekpot,
ei eirect, teatched by Frau „Klink. •
'gaol apartment hone° or group Of ebte
tag(' 1115 Freuenfront sub -leader who
pope. unexpectedly into kitehens to
in a big apartment bailee. e. w oh the stove, on tee pear
Franenschaft reek is •the Fraueet shelvee and, Above al!, in the garbage
s 00 ing on -one's neighbore has ,
overcome, its purpose to obliterate from,
htinian •evelety the virtue which had
raised ue above the eavee and bones.
de not think the English save this --
0I perhaps they Wire eeluitant to admit
the day when Rotterdam was
destroyed. That rercioved what doUbt
was left; nay. was it only the fear that
London Might suffer a like fate which
awakened .us. The blasting down into
rubble and earrion of a city at peace,
its people unsusPeetine, unable to de -
tend itself when the destroyers
pearedoyerheatt to begin theirleieUreiY
work of 'making a famous community
illegible, and for egi other pierpose than
to bring about elsewhere panic out of
into sighting the nature of the threat
h.), the settlentate eivilizatiou. And
Rotterdam was.onloyeireft door. * ii7thoeirderruWittlIt'hVuge beolia;,feath4aetvetrteh•aupipeno
Some of roy American friends may ‘4, to there is to have a 'child. The girl
Ite:ssitieu,rp_thrisedink thawatr.',aWra _eitbstfee thus e outrage of ivefhothdeeparaumentarrronYitg.Jswuttitea iv.byr•cionage?
on the intelligence. * I should not be t Moiler? The 'State Will lend. D2011ef for
in the least upset by what spotniallnists , marriage. Not the right man? 'Sole!.
eall the downfall Of Brhtish. Amperial- sense! Germany is full of fine Aryan I
ism. . . . We may have different views
of capitalism, the materialistic con-
ception of history, religion, of the ways
to distribute the vast wealth released
by. the ,contrivanees of science, and of
the problem of liberty when the State
has taken over the business of Jehevah.
But, thiS'ehallenge by- the Nazis is uiti-
talents which usually. go to make sue -
1 ces.s in public life, was the only one
snovishoVel. dt didn't seeEca possible ; tee French .3,steni of affiances in work_
that °so much could be piled into all ing oi-der and with the co-operatiOn of
of . the three to reach the prime ...WESMF1111.,D,12.°--31es. Bert ‘ordinary cutter.
front, to whieli eyed' wonaerte orgate 'at.
tzation in. iGermany must belong, be it i .ta been lifted to the Plaue of patelote 0
a sewing circle, a bridge club, or liter- lem, and petty, 'neighborhood spite le
aasryitehigre opoutt'teThal cettetntreittilher&Aurseliontroantft ceillitlreamileountecad ;:pit.h, threats., of the cane
reaches into every eorner of the Reich .-•The Living Age (New Iterk),,,-
eint . shapes' the life. of eyery 'Germa ,
woman to'•Ileris---or 'rralt Itlibtk'Se- ..........--a-e.,--e...
Frau,' 101inkis meek concerns are 'the
criitildbed • and the, ceoltPot Nazisel
Bee& ellen. Boys to .mareht soldiers' 'to .1,
Ftia.a Klink Ls to take eare that I
the „stream of, men* ilowieg into the I
reeks of the party and the arnit7 'over le
dwindles. The iNa.zis have a word for
Front begins with young girls, imbningefl
g 1 tai_lva MeDowell.
for'whem, 'fete tmeefeehioned a httin• i
• 1 c he` directorate with Petain, Doumergue, be •no right at " wrong, eldther good ,
Tardieu Marquet By Novena- nor evil; even the prieet at the altar
, • ' get rid, of them. sf the spew melted Lama,
- see/lee-- • -. v;sited Iast week 'with -Rev. J. F. ReY- at the beginniorof the 'season, we -IL foit Tamieut,s. Dohmerghe is dead-, tee
e • _ RH. -C. antl•Mrs..„ Wilson - and fad a- taS_
IsTOTES" The X.P.U. met on Friday evening until the snow ealne to stay.
- 'rhe French Nazis, although eittmemei
• 't -o often does
nd's name was substituted may lie one of the eecret police. 'Slav-
ery is but the mind in thains
• daft -alidtMitteelteyerafted Piettnet hadeteedatavithentea means . travell ethersernie France.
ly annoying, did not seem likely to
with seventemepreseete-Kathieen Meet, _Thetbroolv _hens always seemed , to 0, _
'Gill led the meeting and Graemef
Italy's "eraek" , tteops have Jracked 0, Dowell presided at. the piano. The in. It seems like yesterday, that spring, .. -
, tillle, WAS still a , parliamentary le-
in their eolliSrol 'With the -smair-blit+,,%erirdture lesson •Was read by La111When the stiddenly melted • and-, pnblican. The military jtmta •was ant-
eraee and skillfelleeled . Greek army. . cenrtisttejoamn,sPstie. 102 e e topic-, -tThe lertothe,tbare .ground .M,y _atint 1 _rertn,_thihki
&time, was given by ; the city was visiting.: with *us , and , ng honestly though ineptly, in
. . • • • . . terms of national defence. ir-F1936-thEr
Winnifred Canalibell, A viol* solo was 1 NI -other wanted to drive *her to the 'victor of the Front e tila,iee (under
Me, like the buggy for making their ne4tst prove dagermts.---furtva. .biding, his.
•The Hydro lights Were off ,fer a while ! rendered et -Harvey Menowell, ac- station. There .was a rush job of • Blum)Y o P , e
giving us' a slight pained by Ferne McDowell. Ret. 11. cleaning out the buggy and piling it i seemed t •rn ke the republi
en Monday eight, Wilson led. , in prayer. After the over into 'the eutter. , s,ecure both against' reaction and
:idea, a the tblackteuth which. Old Ye i against, revolution, At that moment
is not
--ThetAtiantie--3Ionthly (New:York).
Frau Gertrude SehOlte Klink. exer-
vises more authority than any other
WOM011 theiworld. _today. She hold
unrestricted_ centtol evert- -30-00 1
tterrhen women, and is rapidly 'tighten- 1,
ing her grip on 20,000,000 other women
novv foreed to live under the swast a.,
' 'tted "d ' She has an- 'SS bodyguard as smart as
allOwing 'Spanish demoeraff to be
.everY night for the past yvar.. An and Mildred Thornton. .
Comatry people have been experiencing street. French democracy eommi ono e y
under the leadership Of Fern 31cDowell in to town and down
hour or so a itswes guite enough, for Mr. machetes. •Eliner•alorgof Rip-
Mizpah benedietion games were plityed Moth,er and her sister drove 'sedately i
They stopped in front of the Mull) y i murtiered. Blum, under ng
Emporium w1414. Mother went in to, sore, accepted the principle. of non -
make a purchaseen
She w`" 'quite ia- i intervention. He .did net foresee •what
dignant at the laughing of the town i a sinister farce it would become. ., At
loafers on the steps in front of the , the end Daladier, hyobloekading Cate-
- Ionia, ,compelled its ourrender. Russia,
-old hotel and .drove on down to the '
station. , ' 1 double-crossed in the Spanish and
There was ,fifteen 13:dilutes to go until , dizeehesihvak crises; wa,s forced to
train tune and when the station agent, -
abandon ifAivinov's policy.
offered te tie up the horse she accepted -
I The marvellous efficiency of the Get -
gladly. He hwent around to the back ,
, man war‘machine LIIIISt iT0t. he minim -
to get the halter, and started 'laughing.
flimtaler's; aihsiecipg of ears like Goer-
' • ing's. She tails a ',section, in. GnebbeW
Propaganda Ministry4 aud, like u If
Hess, she heti her flifth holuirm agents in
every imPortenn city in the World. Sbe•
is one of 'Germany's "Ilighty.Ten." •
Frau Klink rules* the lives Of women
itt all things, great and small. She
; ley were recent glieets at the ----
- elr. and Mrs. Elwin. 'Taylor.
• a • e
I 31r. J. ,L. 3IcDowell was a recent
Tee Free , press announces that 0, visitor at London.
London is to have the largest airplane MT, and 'Mrs. Albert 'Walsh attended
factory in 'Canada, to employ from :the sale on Saterd'ay of the household
mrt: owf Mrs.BBeia'irrt !,;,1farsterruceoffi:ilind taound.
5,000 to 8,000. men. That ongiat tOI
,malte. the corner of Dundas ane. Rich- ., •Mr. and •Mra. Alex-. raeroll of London
monde one of the IiveIlese spots hi the I 'visited •wlth Mr and "Mrs. Hugh -Blair.
..Depileen. • 7 - I Mi,ss Thelma Cook of the 8th eon-
' - 1 cession, East Wawanosh, spent the
• , week-end"with her cousin, Miss Phyllis
• • • • . I i
• A.stronomere were prevented by ' loitee.
heavy clouds from seeing the planet Rev. a C, Wilson gave en address on
at the church service
MerearY moVe across the face a the "Remenabranee"
0 on Sunday. S'pecial music was rend -
Ann Monday morning. Cfaserversi hoie ered. by -tile ehoh-.
ever, have been Seeing ae bright star Gladys McDowell, of Goderieli,
. . with a Greek design move across the MTS. John Cowan aud, Donald, of•Blythi
0 visited on Sunday tv'ftli Mr. end„ Mrs.
eve -Pinang face of Museolinii
!Marvin lle.DoWell., ,
e •
Mr.: and Mrs. wm. McDowell visited
With .the opening of the _Parliament- ; with •Mr e end NIrie Wesley Stackhonse
ary -session; Mr. J. A. Hume resumes . of Bruceneld and 031iSses Minnie and:
ElsmtleisiSnselllioinfttlioienadIni..laestiewer4nkeeil of
his week:lye-letters from, tntawa. They
. give, in euccinte and readahle form, a London spent Sunday with Mr. and
, record ‘• of rwhat is going onat the Mrs. J. L. Melaowell. Miss Elsie Snell
capital: The Atst ,one of this series is has .cured a position at FortErie.
, ,ouhltshed in this issue of The Signal- Miqq Minnie S'14 expects to go in a
- -- . . • , _ . few days to 1, ort Erie, where she will
that machine was hurled
thert! i4ed' but
, against a wall weakened froM within.
'does 1 not eocuse the French
•whiett tilted it ep, Was. a lieu; looking lSitP?ne
out with'aehaVement at the surreiftal- i Nm of acteal treason ; even Laval is
not quite aQuislingWhat they did
'lags. Further investigation disclosed a ,, . . , 1
nest under the seat and the hen had to ,,, most effieiently, was to deprive France I
be tied up end "shoted out of sight. 1 of the essential eonditioes for vie -three
clear principles to eght for. sacred ,
the boys were under ilre in night. Next'', t, -......,_.1e- ei et-, honeet eooperation with'
Maier was inortided, and Father and . _ire, et h,,,,n0
day We 'lied toaclean Val- the- arivingi Russia.
shed, dispose; of the junk. and hang 1. Sach is the main line of argument
up the other articles on nails en the Simone is the good an observet to be-
drivine she walls. • 1 lievethat it honstitutesathe Whole truth,
e • 1 He does not -blame everytfting on the
, Reactienaries, nor cop:real the turpitude I
That; to my memory 'was the only !
cleaned up. I of the R,adiealse-the beWildered‘ fright -
time the driving shed was ever really;
i vied, thoroughly selfish party of the i
- 1 petty bourgeois. A strong ease could 1, .
- ,I be made against -perfidious Albion" ; 0
and 'wedding gifts:- (and was served._, repeatedly it was England, under Tories 1
Mr. and Mrs. Charles -Seott a i and Laborites alike, who . took the
Auburn visited on Sunday with MT. , wrong turn and compelled France to,
and MrsNorman Nileflowell.I
' I follow. Tragic irony; France was pun- 1
. •
ltat-11) 'N'trv 13--311% It' xt- Nilo not -for -her sine 4mtor her vire
"I had not heard from him
reside. 1
1 miss Mabei Killough. of Dungannon 0
Redmerid eyetateti with Mr. and Mrs." ,• leaders and I ' f
At the dinner of the N'ational Press visited last week with Miss alittired
. . - -- P. oheialley of Toronto over the week- tues
.. ly pacillei and Ole aesuranee that the I
peep 6 were pro owl -
Club at Washingtoh a feta.' eigies after •Th'aruten- e "'
Mr., and Mrs R., Stonehouee and I end`
Nir. Wm, MeV ittie had the nes' fortune '• - " - th
, democracies would not fieht was "et
the eiection, the newspaper mete Who , Donald, of Goderi- eh, visited on 'Sunda,v 1 to lose a horse last week. t• key to Hitler's daring. " The republic
take unusual liberties_ on this annual ewith 31r. anA. xis. Douglas Calapbell.- h SmIr. leaf lih..Camdphell is visitiug at the ,
; was sincerely liberal; it hated to cen-
qteasion, hung on the Wall opposite the ' Mission Band Meeting -the Nevem-
meeting of the Mission Band MIS ,e()TOZeleroof Crtw
e.alieliter, 51,rs, A m. 1 Herriot, and •Illum, elle heirs (if Br -land,
sure, to imprison, to purge. Nien like
. ponseveit itaiding a laying cup in the hteldeon Santajdayznt oopa; vvithloniii .
0 Oieesrs. Jack Armstrong and Harold 1
,e0 appeasement, bet -ween classes Mad be.,
wanted discussitin, conciliation; gentiine
President's table a cartoon sbowing lir. 'ber
shape of the:I:tilted States and asking, mes, were carter; In eth: ateer'nhePel (t)if illeireer. have received word
tr_amkingf ,,,:nd win 1.eave for Camp
to Fe ta i tween nations. Their crime *was te r
the'i main civilized in .a world Which 'had re -e -
Snell presided., Violet (look preaided I, v'ee I lapsed J.-lite:barbarism. '
keep ,It now?" Which may • be taken ' ' Reeve -'et°vewher 24). .
. •"1 wen it three timesadon't I get to the preeldent, liorotlay Govier, Jeanette a
Redmond is a t tending i One o!" *the clituhses of FAranceri's' fatal
' a sly dig at the "'dictator' issue. Stripture` lesson. • Jeitnetta 'Snell led • • , •
tiout4v. Vaihacil Goderich this week. i •
hesitnneiee was t at we, me can -
at the piano. Lloyd ead the
vd Walsh r •
unwittingly iteted• as atth
in prayer. , Mrs. iflarter gave the toide, 1 his__ sectien witnessed the vvorst rain eraee
wind storm on 3.1.oneityl6nigh.ti that It column. • For twenty /eerie •we kept
tate retUrne of the United States ' "A Faithful Doe." A geography ten:* ..itild .._"()IT.ILI?.111,,Yen.:; denouncing the iniquities of VerSailles.
• election• give Mr., RCosevelt a lead of tegt 'was elli°Yel-1* '`
Vittie and Violet Cool: at; eaptains. Tee 1 damage was done .,,eoneeure;ehrt`yr 7 i Our aetaeks sapped France's eelf-cme
with naherta Illi‘eii i t Itilhielle.;:cel of 'iii),eri*.wtilevade.
ie 0. fidenee.• We were tie free with our
1, olemtuadowile will•d'ows blown 111 °Tau " criticism as We were nieeardly with"
Shout four and aftalf million votes ha meeting closed with a hymn and praYer, :1 ,
ai betel of ever forty-eight million votes by Mrs. Carter. '' -
1 •
• have been assured of American whilst-
tve teek „ell shiftlee' blown off buildinp. ,
polled for the two prlueipal eandidates. , re 11 rreeenta, on. . fa,rea „.
presentation was held the 3rtl. line q tends there would have been no coin-
. our aid. • Eireu last June, Simone con,
Mr. tRooeevelt carried „tbiety.ei,eht
school on Friday event& lit honor
elete surrender if the French could
States, with a. Wel of 449 ii'letoral - • . •
Mr. and efts. Peril 411 and "leis * 0
, votee, • alai Mr. Willide .• carried ten Eva. who will shortly rupee to tette ,Sditor The ,-‘,,tegnitItStar.' ' , valets, We let them fall as we "are
States with F42 yoteei The Willhie'. neer hoine at Welkernurn. The ad- t Dear Sir , --May I make a suggestion ; letting Chhia fall. United, the (1 1110
drees was given thy Mt. Win. iitraughan. i gironeh tenir colummt th the. Town i
, raeies could have etond. If thev cannot
:Stowe arc Colorado, Indiana, etre 111 t()
the names of the :streets '1111111, tliey deserve to 'perish. .
. ka:asas, xairt4N It/Lei:ago:0; . Norasit,Everett Taylor preSenteal
''''''a ,• vatoe,nt with a wall mirror, Marjorie i in envie be- placed where they can be t - . -The Nu thin (New' Yi;rk).
.i4rorth Iiakota, S'outh Dakota mid tier- ',ilicVlittle Weenie& . Eva with ' a ,k
1110131. 'The' returns indicate alSo that magazine ' raeitt;ailde..dhilit'ef 'Telt pre. There are et great many People in AS ONE' ENGLISIBIA14- Fi'...A.W IT i
again It
thiS Denuierate retain ieona trol both , sented Vincent Mr. .t1'14011 A /leech of 1 WWII Who' >tire not familiar with, yur . et.e 1)4? 111 to. breathe steely
, toltaceoi 'In a few tvellechoten words, ' street nemes, . and it nuikee thin,s,. fee-,
ca on the evenine when, we hea'rel,
the Selate anti the House a Reply- ' they each thalami 'their friendsrather eifficult for them. We expectl a .t.,,
had to'en;:ifetee: '11' ' - ' --
we steee %lone • on " e nieht When we
sentativee. .gifts ' and gijoil ,ic h; taii4. There to have more new people eal the tirtie 1
Who w* ' t with. this same problem, 1 - th''' ecanse there is none
et... t 4 Were about 125 present. Niusic for the ...tee ewe__ , other fighteth for 11S out only thou,
eittome ete tee.. ,etatee even eeteree dance Vis'as Sapplied. by Mr, Perdue of i• ,, . '''"U". " l'3"le" i 0 GO " 1011
Ntc,, for the 4. 0,1 . •
'1 to Mite up tile matter • d ., X_ , fidehce retutmedi A neigh-,
,. en I think it would ''bii.
'Thentiegiving Day this year nn ..4,,,f07,,,_,,e. Clinton, Mr. and Iles. Ghreen
'-u. .1 4-slincheit and Thomas Jardine. Lunch ! aq toon as poesiblee ' y ,..aullderrmlarked, to me„. iNow we know
1 tor peered over hiS wall next mornitig
her alst. while (4bcr.4-about a third, wag ein;,•ed, . • tedon't think the linancill o
(if them -Will adhere to the "tradition.' Ilonoring late NeW Couple.-Oir Tiles) would be very great in etamparison vvith eine iese'etrth bntel was not quite
h udn teretood
al"dateeber .gthLast ear dap met at the home of Ilr snow tlie winteri evening' the members, 'of the eon; the "eonv'enier",eanall the names' neirrifbar Nose' r
sidewalln Will'iioon cevered with
• for ov‘urers"ptielve?. late, and ain 7.tb7aheGdroeYethtue:
eed some gaod inforniation,
the Reesident departed from tile usual :etre. elation agettitieee and prete• tete(' -foe •.hereg
, , Novel2. y
inanity .
cutitem and advanced the date. .{}114? Ir met etite Erneet, seem eetwieetvelee tepe-etly consideratiou. of this suggeetion.
Week, le order to provide a longer with a miseellaneon4 sliawer. A sliort IISTERTISTgl) Itr/An'.
Goderich diov-Sa
interval( betwc4,11.Thatiiigivingl)y and Progralo wa9 eniut'd 4:1 all. Ifts '
Jatnes 11C.GIII acted ao chairman, and
christritae.. It eeeme to be another earkwith MrA Wm., McDowellat the piano ;, BENMILLER
e wee enjoyed There • W°11
Mrs. .lioward duet hy Mrs. Itunt, who spent severai. Wee . tin"
• •
kS 17141
.:rred 4.look and Mrs. Wm, MelYowell,, around Betuniller:'rettirned hiq hornet honor of this task was salely for lee I
. •
lorkeY's Lave a real grlevaum '`q a'Seio by lialtiandtlieury. a piano duet at roronto S t trday — envied them their ' hearl,' while ',nis-
i !hors And no doubt •-sevaai,
having their life epeetanc-F tut oliortql)y, Whylli3 and Arnold eoolt. Jack und 3irs„ Gdedhill and Mr.
Toy sqen days.
- of the Prefildent's disregard of tradii community s • .
vion %idol baSi ,e1, many of our were reading('aijilX1l 11 s by `Mrs. Wm. k,arter and 111,1N11114111,111. ?Nov. 1 to . . ,
It was amusing, when midnight was a
a otaratz;t111 and as black as the pit, to
know that the people, around were be-
ginning to find themselve, were brae;
Ing up; to hear subdued grim, laughter.
to go. Tliere, *ere even bolder one.s.
The spirit lightened, and anxiety began
They manifested exhilaration': the
"Ikily, brother, had just landed at 'an eastern
Canadian, port' when he telephoned me,"
writes 4 correspondent. olbrnagine pay delight
:-HAnd surprise when 'recognized his
voiee right away!" ,
Yes, your telephone' gives absolute fidelity
of iiansnisspion. over arty di4ance, anck Long
Distance Telephone Service is inexpensive,
particularly stationoto.sttiOn after 7 p'an.
and all day Sunday. Why not let someone
"know" your voice tonight?
• • Itueltaean gave trao adare,,,--,, to the brkle and MrI. Verne (;ledhill vi.qited over
and groom, The 1. -_,,zoom thaa/wd the the week -end in Toronto. '
The Axis ie in trouble. Italy bag :friendit or
, Mr. and *M. (1, A, Vanetoue visited
goodi evil:thee and eqended an invitation to with ,str. and Nfre. Sidney 1,trOwn at:
failed dismally in herrt,': attack upon 1/41 all 10 tfilfilt them in titeir liew home.' erediton on SundiY.
Alrecl-e and fal:Ing to Pet, through by !Tee frie54145. were then, invited into au- Mr. and Mia. Stanley Vaw-lolte and
mean4 to tee Caetern mfditertalpi rotot w-3.11 . fmnily vigltell with :Sir. and 31r.-3.
irtelbeen given and wairei
I were deintily dieton, Goderich township, on Sunday.
4tilthin'; the ilivtator4 are trying to get airmawi o'n, a ;La )4e. ..S11- Nilia1r4rti The Wind Ilona dsti 'Stole:lee night did
'tbfir wAy by wooing itu<bila, with the Thornton; mhowo the bride•c; tnusscata 43ni1.e0. lot damage around here,
doubting their 'knowledge and pre- g
f;cience: 51.311,when the outlook is
worse than line:: when the sky is like'
the prelude to downfall, and eclipse,
then for youth to r what confronts
it may be a,,.; good natation as any
other of inunorta
It was clear they must fight for their
liveo. For their lives? That had be-
come a lesser matter, pat considering. '
It was for, the treasure of life they
We ft