The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-11-14, Page 1obtritt
Combining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star
jury Acquits:in,
Manslaughter Case
,ge Against Lorne .7=1in.° of
Ethel, in Death of
Two Girls :
Huron CountySittings of the fall
assizes and ISISprente 0oUtt-of_ Ontario
,entered, the second week on. TOesday
noefs ZIU ,hefore evening adjeUrnMent
••wastakern the Jury aittIng on the ease
' of Lorne , Jardine, aged twenty-three,
,eiaaigled with manslaughter, 1.01.4
turned a verdict of nOt guilty. '
- The Jell' 'also AO:witted the Ethel
youth of an alternatiSe reduced charge
of dangeroll$ "driving; ' -on which. it had
• been instructed. by JIretiee Urclobart
, to deliberate if it floand Jardine was
Both verdicts were returned, Issi the
jury within halisaashour after 'retiring,
"I have nothing to say. You are
discharged," iwas his lordship's only
eoniment, • '
--- Ins view -Of- thesiaet-thatojarclinesds
ikeady had caused a Supreme 'Court
writ to be issued claiming' unstated
damages frani, the County of Buren,
drench; of the address 'to the Jury of
CanrUbeil Grant, defence counsel, had
to do with the alleged defeetive-
ness of the COuntY bridge on Whiels the
fatal aceident occurred. •"Efe called. it
..,cleath trap," reviewing "eVidence of
having,Previosisly been struck by a
caterpillar crawler, a old breaks Rada
• damaged ,shoe plate and guard. rails,
'There is no evidence that jardine
was driving itt'iurexceasive speed,"
S said Mr. Grant.. He may have been
negligent, but he was not eriminally,
negligent. There -Were 'no signs, lights
..4r guard rails et ,the app•raach to the
ridge. . There ois evidence that
--this ancient.ten-ton structure. It was
never built to carry such loads; It is
• 4 bridge of the horse.ands," buggY days..
Jardine- is a viCtint of this
• dangerous -death trap and n0;4 •Crird-
ioals'Ale is a vietthiToreireunastartees-
SontebodeS duty it Was -to keep this
highway inia safe condition and it was •
not. done." " . ' n•
Crown Attorney Reviews Evidence
' •Crown Attorney Holmes' addresstook
a little over half the time of- Mr.
'Grant's; being condned to a, review a
the evidence. He recalled that of the
two etiteesses who had heardetheerash
ha1f4t-mile away and -two who -had
heard it one mile awaY- _
"If the Jardine car had been
travelling at -a moderate rate ,Of speed
,the noise eaused by *the iinefiret would
never have been •heard at thee dis-
tances," the Crown contended. *1 sob -
mit that Jardine's car hit the first.
guard rail support at the southeast
eater.' No car travelling- at a models-.
te rate of speed •could have done the
diunageJ this car did. . . After the
,first impact It bounced, ' rolled and
or a dietence of 1.18(feet. .
• On ite Way it%rammeds a guard rail
that pierced its body and entered the
gasoline tank, but that did not stop
, Recalling- evidence, tele._11-ctleieS said
at one point the Jardine cat must have
ZS,0011 on its nese while one of the top,
steel girders of the -bridges tore out a
piece of the Steel tire cover.on the rear
f the machine. •
-daence has said .that. this
ridge was a death trap, that it had
outlived its usefulness. It was no
such: thing. It would be there today th
its original condieion. it Jardine' had.
used ordinary *care and precaution."'
Justice Urquhart's Address '
.Justice Urciuharts charge explained
the law with reSpeet te the difierent
•degrees "of negligence. He warned.
against' confusing the civil features of
' the ease with the erikinal. The Points
to deeide were: Wee the accused guilty
-of some kind of negligence? Was the
bridge faulty? -'Wee it, in *is ease,
the lag' straw that -broke the came)
,baek?-referring, to the Orow,n'ts al
legation that the jardine • car had
struck tlie bridge.
if Jardine was not gailtY a man-
slaughter -if jury should iind that
there was, no evidence of grOssegli
• ence, it was- their duty to inquire if he.
v'as guilty of driVing in a manner
dangerous to the public, havirtgsregard
• to all cireumstanees, Justice Urquhart
concluded. , •
With' Jardine forolally arraigned,: a
plea of not guilty taken and the -jury
.selected late too Thursday; the .trial
Commenced, on, Friday morning, eon-
, • Ithmell all that day and up t6,1.30
Saturday, when a Week -end adjourn-
ment was taken until Tuesday after-
#rtoon of this Week. . . •
'Crown Attorney D. E. Hobbes acted
ae ietsecutor, end Campbell 'Grant
•-•"(Wilitertort), and. P. R. Darrow were
defence tounsel. •
In his outline to the jury :kir, golmee
stated that at 12.30 Midnight on July
7th last, on a county gravel road three
Miles south of Gorrle, in liewick town
• ship, there was an, atecident on a bridge
At -Ore adjourned raceting of the
Muriicipal Court of *Vision, on Thurs-
day night laat, the remaining assess,
xoent aPpeala-Hthoae of the 41odertch
Mfg, Pe9 the Dominion Road, Machin-
ery Co., the ',Gaderich Salt Co. and
the WeOtern Canada Plour
disWiSSed .and the assessments con-
firmed. It is. underatood that appeals
will belaken to the °orally 4'Udge, by
Sorne of therse Aram. "' •
Warden's Speech at
Council Opening
Reports tvork Done and
Indicates Sorno Things
to le Done,
" In his remarks to the 0oUritY Council
on' TuesclaY afternoon, at the opening
. •
George Feagau expressed his regret
that Reeve :Gamble Howick was ili
artd would likely he unable to attend
anY meetings', Of the present session.
alsoexprees.ed soerove et the death_
of George II. Elliott, Inspeptker Of -the'
County 'Home and form,er Warden of.
Huron, Constable 11: E..XeCost, David*
Oantelon of Olinton, a -former Warden,
and ex.:Reeve B. C. Muonin'gs lof• Gode-
, sSinee t,he June session,. he. said,
Wonderful develoPinents bad taken
place fit -Sky Harbor airpert and now
the training school there was gtoing at
-full' time, The Ward ea referred also
to the airport at. Port Albert and
pressed pride ,in Huron's-,thaving two
Etapire training sehoolS within its
hounds. .
The Warden's committee had lead a
great dealsof work to do thia year, she
reportedt There had been five riatriotic
rallies and expenditures for patriotic
fundks inS to the present were around
and telephone, lines at the airports •' 64 Fergus6zi •
would increase these expenditures •to Mr. Ferguson ie opening, his remarks.
over $2(100.:ST 'Itlite'S'S;ed. -8ttE5Irg' faitlivvut-°1'eo
The road coramittee hid had: on operative moveraents. Nothing would
siderable trOuble thisfeaT-owling-to-the niore greatly Promote a commen under
standineand-better feeling -than *her -
been, dime in the way of repairs as in Inge of the kind he was 'addressing..
other years, the. warden stated. The.
comniittee had built ashed at A.ubufn
for the /seeming of road. neachineey,
The, *minty Home committee had ;pure
chased: fifty acres of land, and thehoihe
ancl stables had both' beea'rem,odelled.
, Warden Feage,n stated that only olle
-Child -Was being -housed at.the. Child-
ren's Shelter and Jae suggested that the
committee discuss the -poseibillty, of lived the souls of Drake and Nelson
disPensing With the Shelter.
• .and Wellington. , •
British Greatest
People in the World
lion, G. X. Ferguson at Board of
Trade BanqUet-Praise
forlAir Yoree
'Addreasing an audience of nearly
two hundred assembled about banquet
tables in, the leeture !get= of Knox
Presbyterian church on Vriday
ing, Oen. Hoeverel Vergakiote former
premier, of Ontario and High Comes-
sioner for Canada in Orea,t Britein,
urged. that Canada stand firmly for t'he•
defence of liberty and deeeney in the
'World as -a :partner Jo: the Britieh
,EMPire. The ferVidly patriotic ad"-
dress, lighteued• eita•rateteristic
hunior„ Was heitrd with, dose attention
The ga.thering was arranged by the,
Beard. Of 'Trade as a "rural relationS •
night," and many representative farm-
ers were preeent along ,with towns
people and irisitore.
.•---Attethe-table- were several -men
of tlte Mx Force who received it par-
ticularly warm 'weldome. Gee. W.
.Sentagfers 'president, of the Retard of
Wade, was. chairman. •
The „banquet Was prepared and
served by neerabers Of the Ladies' Aid
Society :of KnOx church and enhanced
the already splendid reputation of• th.e
Society for the excellence of its dinners:
On the tables were .toothSom.e MeIntosli
Red apples donated by 'Gee. Leith;
'waite, one of Huron's leading erchare-
1st% • , • -
Mayor aelaciEwan •tw.eleoniec,1,,e, the
guestasie behalf df the town of Gode-
rich and. the 'speaker Of the evening
was introduted to the :giftlieringe,by
Judge ,T. Costello,wIto Was a
member of the Legislature under the
,Ileid at Antler/0 00 Airellent 0
• Intlemellikt 1117"4/1"'
Owing, to the adverse" weather condi-
tion* which prevailed on Monday,. the
itenrembrance Pay service was held
in the , armories, instead of at. the
Onotapit irr Court House Park, a� is
the usual custoana,
The, WA Guides and Brownies, Boy
Seouts and Cobs,' V"; Coy, Middlesex -
Huron RegineenteineM'Otrs Of the
F. end acie.e..v. and the members of
Poet 109, Canadian Degiora were, drawn
up on parade Within. the spaeioua
Capt. the Rev, Lane presided.
Rev. Ws • -,P. Lane caviled the 'service
wittepraYer and Re*e. Calder con-
tinued with prayer,. for those who had•
fallen in the last war. 'Lest Post"
was sounded by •Pte. Robert .genrY,
colorst were losvered and two minutes;
of silence mats observed at itreclook.
At the termination"... ",lteveille" was
•sounci-erthe-ediors evefele-iTge*
presentation of wreaths was proceeded
,with. Rev. j: H. Barnett coeeluded the
„service vvith prayer. '
-Wreaths frons the earious societies
and organizations were Placed at the
cenotaPh; -For -the Province' of Ontario;
by Mrs 11 Palmer, ; Town Gederich,
Meyor IL. J. A. :VfacErveen;eRoyai Air
Force,- Group Captain P.-De-Itobertson,
Port .Albert Aire NaVikatiOU
Seh()01; RoYal. Canadian Air Force,
Fligert-Lient. Steevese '"p" Cloy., Mid-,
.dlesex7illurott Iteghnent Col. C.
Dunlop; Ahineek Chapter, LO.D.E„
Nfts. 3.), 'Lane; MaPle Leaf ChaPter,
'Mrs. n, J. •MeMehen; Re-
bekah Lodge, MrS. G. W. Buehler;
Lions ChM, A. H. Erskine; Maitland
Lodge; *A..F. & A.W., R. Bisset; Hurort
Lodge, LO.O.F.,,A..Cortrfield; 'Goderich
Ilegiate Institute; Principal A. R.
Sett, Victoria School,' Principal R.
StOnehause; pentr,s1, School, Prin4a1
H. Shackletoti ; Girl Guide's, and Brown-
ies, Kathleen MacEevan and. Joan
-Thiecle&rifief SierSiediffritier-CiihCBIITY,7.
Newcohsbe; Brandi' 109, Canadian
Legion, j,
Rev.' D. J. Lane. armouriced that the
veterans,' salute at the meraori'al Wo
ise dispensed with -in _vie* of
element weather, but added All know
•that .the fieartS of the..veteranS we
do salute . all those whd fell. In. the,
last war." •
The ,Goderich band 'corittibuted.
'Several -patriotie numbers, during •.the,
service, at -thesarnsorieS.
heavy rainfall and not as hinch had
weecould only have*this spirit ett a
wider field, he said, the nations would
have -peat:* and happiness., nob wax.
He 'was especially pleased meet so
many Men in uniform particularly the
men' from Great k3retain.. His experi-
ence overeeas, he deelaeed, had shown
him that the British were the greatest
peckple iii the world, and in their -spirit"
Complete satisfaetion was expressed • 'The British, EmPire is the greatest
Withsthe Work Onfrs. Chaffee, engaged Civilized' force. the world has ever
lait' year as social serviee Worker: Be- 'known," said the speaker. .A. visitor to
cause of her week* the Governinent England may see the beauty' and the
Material grattdelir Of the cottritit; btft
one must live amoiii,igi,1•.them, to knew
The worth -elf -the -13 hsPe6Ple•
boys and girls at ,seltool are taught the
'history 'Of their country and the great
events that have Made for .the develan-
sm,erit Of the Empire that today stretches
around the world. , • • ',..
, • Prefers Term "Empire"
Mr. Ferguson said , he liked that
word ''tEnilpire,"' and :he .sketched the
difference, in his mind, between
Enipire" and "British Com-
monivealth.• of Nations!' The Empire,
he declared, .extended away beyond and
signified much more than the Common-
The British people were fighting•to-
day for ' incliiridual. liberty, for phrist-
ianity, said the SPeaker--"and arm%
they -fighting wonderfully, well?"
Mr. ,Ferguson went,on to tell Of the
_hold- the nionarehr has an the people
of Britain. Ife did not think anybody.
• wo.rtici. try to upset it or ".would get
very ;far If he did ,try.' °
• Canada:, he said, could, take one Of
three Wayseeindependence, -union with-
culteral committee,be'organize the United States, or the maintenance •
grant had been ,inereased 'froni $100 to
$500.„ The Work of theapolice com-
mittee Was reported as going along eery
smoothly. ,; Plans for the sinternational
plowing match*of '1942 were already
under way and, the ;various chairnien
had been appointed. They would pick
their own cammittees. ,
The Warden congratulated J. C.
'Shearer,. Huy.= agricultural represent-
ative; on the line Work he had` aceom-
iplished in the last year. -A short couns'e
in farm work was to be held at Varna
frere November 20 to Demnber 20, and
junior farmer's. of the •countY , and
taken nemereus prizes in various cone
The Warden. suggested the appoint-
ment of a dommitteeld deal with the
0ounty's centennial ceIetheitiolithi 1941.
,The County Should be out of deb't oy
then,. he said, and some kind Of cele-
brit•tion would the In order;
Coneerning the formation
• dounity .unit of the Federation oisAgri-
culture, Mr. Feagan said that ,he had
forwarded a Motion, which had been
seeonded by Mr; Shearer, that the' a.gris
Heroes of 191448,
Are Not Forgotten
mpressive Memorial Bervice Held
at Enox Chur,13, Sunday
large congregation t,urued out at
Knox Presbyterian church. on •SeaniaY
morning to pay tribute to Canada's
herOes of the atet 'War In en ImPressive
remembrance Serviee. Forming at the
armories and marelling to the chureh,
the following organizations filed into
thee auditoriem to OeeuPy the centre
seat, While the assembled congregation
etood; Girl Guides and Brownies; Boy
Seouts and Cabal., emitingeats of Royal
Canadiao, Air Force and Royal Air
Force; metabere of I'Nest 109, Canadian
Legion; "0" Coy., Middlesex -Huron
Regiment, and the Ahmeek and Maple
Leaf Ch.apters, I.O.D.E. • '
were the following, officers of the air
forces and army: Group Captain P. D.
Robertsee., 0.10. at Port Albert Air
Navigation School; Col. McDonald,
* _Widdlesexel-Xuron Regiment ;
Squadron- :Leader -Ne-ille,---Stpradroir”
Leader 'Bayliss( Squadron Leader
Orme> and Flying Officer Cowan, ]LA.
F.; MVOS' Sturdy, 'Woodstock
Training Centre; Lieut. -Col. H. 0: Dun-
lop, Lieut B. Twamley, 0. Coy., Middle-.
sex-ssuron Regiment; "Mstj'etr D. R.
„Nairn, Elgin Regiment; Cart. P -
Carey, of the'recruiting office, London;
Lieut.. J. Fidler,. Middlesex -Huron
Beglinent. •
• Several Goderieh members of the
Elgin Regiment -attended," Marching
with, the Middlesex -Huron. Reginient.
The colors of the *I.O.D.E., Girl.
Gnicles. and Brownies, Boy Scouts and
Cubs and of the Legion were presented
to Captain the Rev. D. J. Lane, who
placed them in their racks 'at the front
of the Church. . The color -bearers were;
Selie`3111"eVlear 00'11W
Havel Ilartevell; Girl Guides, Kathleen
•MdeRvettne--anti;-„rtiorothy -SISteDenalds•
Brownies, Loraine Allin and .Agnes
Snider; Boy Scouts, Fred Dowker and
RiU 'MacDonald; CityS,„ 'jimmy Saund-
ers and Peter Patterson; Legion, Alex.
MeNevin and George Baxter.
Prayer for those. who s had given Up
their lives in the Sast war was given by
Mr. Lane, ending with the Lord's
Prayer in unison.
Glen Lodge sang in splendid form
"The Lerd IS' My Sheppard," and the
choir rendered • an anthem, with :Viiss
Meaner Snider at the organ. •
. The Seneton,
ristmas Cheer
for Overseas
Generous DonatiOne 'Enable Cone-
; mittee to Fili Boxes to
Mr. Lane chote as.his text, 'Greater
love hath neeman than this, °that- it
man lay down his life for his friends."
slt is twenty -two -years since the
Great AVillt was oficciallY, terminated.
Tarty' we are , gathered - :here to ' pay,
ahoniage to that great multithde of cora-
---•Tineteenesoldiera-ande-twoesailore, ,rades le arms' who laid .down their
Goderich men -'S'erving with the ISni. llYes for their frieads. , We remember
pires*, armed forces either in England or them with reVerence, with sorrow and
on convoy duty . On the nigh seas,..,Will. '!Yet with praise -praise because they
have their Christmas brightened as a were willing tO give themselves for the
.result of the work of the oversews .great cause for will& they fell."
pareels committee on Tuesday night. The'speaker expressed the belief that
Goderich citizens, apparently infle.. the Young as well as the old will re-
eziced by the Chris.tonas '• spirit, Were meMber them; not perhaps in the same
generous with both-eash and proviiioris, was* but in the same spirit. "As the
Mre. D. .I. -Lane,. convener -of -the chin- tirlA ofeeneenibrance returns, thoughts_ feet below. Be landed on both feet,'
mittee, announced, and More than' Win tare to , those who .have fallen but Slumped to the ground ° and, wasi
enough of eveVything was, provided. and many it brave heart will 'to -day be unable to rise. • Iii great pain, he ,was
Some articles had to be held over tor torn between pride of saerifice and rushed by turibulfince to the hospital,
the next packing, which prohably, will sorrow, in 'giving up loved. ones." - where the X-ray revealed that the'
take place immediatelY after the New "As the day of emergency is again hones of 'one foot were broken, while
Near. Only • those. .articles which will euPon uns, it will be met ,again in the the other foot was badly bruised and
kkeep were retained. The boxes were ,same brave way --it is being met again his back wits strained. .
filled ' to overfloWihg. Delicious fruit by h.undreds sof thdusands lik•e those .. Waltes is one of the town's leading
cakes snuggled Alongside of flashlYght :before them, whose love was so great yOunn• athletei, excelling in hockey and
batteries and figs and chocolate sals. as to give their lives -a love than basebeall, is well its competing, In inanY
Coffee and Chewing PIP. contended for 'which Jesus said there was no greater. othee sports. It is believed be will be
gPa.ce with notepaper and fruit juices. The shall. not grow old!" We lost to the hockey team for the coming
ge .should remember them hecause we .winterss. • .
E:very man' received at least two tar
bags of salted peanuts, the gift of a should value the heritage which- is
Veteran who claims that he eteverswagentiMein proportioir-to- wiratOliat herit-
able to get enough of them in the old age has cost, and there are few things
Itydro Current Oft Temporarily
Damage to end
The violent windstona which swept
over this district on Monday lett con-
eiderable damage in wake and
ceused some lueonventerteee. Hydro
lines were blown down. and the current
temporarily eut off by the gale, which .
at times reached VeloCity of over
sixty rallea per hour.
Considerable 'damage was done to
buildings at the Port Albert Air N'avi-
gation ',SchOol; particular to .builti-
ings. not yet, cempleted In which opan
Spaces allowed' the wind to enter and
work havoe. 'Sky liarbor the root
was blown, off a. temporars office band-
ing. Orcharda in the district Suffered,
old trees espeelally being unable to
withstand' the violent lalast-s, and
towzi also many tree liMba were seat,
tered Omit,
4Vt Harold Blackstone% storeenr West
Street it large tin sign whieli hang over
itsagey wires and swung inwerd, break
hag a large plate glass show:Window
into smell pieces. „ , • - -
At the v4-aterfront the full force of
the wind was 'felt and for a while in
the evening there wassmerryeeonflision
everythieg Movable around . the
harbor was . being tied dowe. Bert
MeeDonald, with -,the help saerial
friends, lashed. the ,launches AnnaMae
and Captain atohn tight in ,snug
Harbor, but he neglected two other
amalr' motor' lannehes' whieh. were tied
to 'a buoy in the same cOve,' and as a
result he 'spent 'the next . three days
resurrecting one . of the boats from a. Mao, at home. 'Sheldon,. was a line,
waters'. grave. The launches, of a upstanding', Airougirtful youth,. quiet
steel type used. during the Winter for mad. unassuming, but with the faculty
breaking :thrOi)t.4 t..40 ice at the harbor, of. making warn friend's wherever. he
were swept out of `'Snisg Harbor" went.. it, as is feared., .he has gone
across the main ltarbor to the northeast down veth his ship, he, will be sorely
side, where . they lodged against a siSssed„ not only in the home in Which.
dredge. One turned *on .its side and he Was So greatly loved, but also by
was swamped and sank.* _The second, many t omradesi, and fileadie.•
water, was, about to Dan Rose also" was ninet.emi years
aufferathe,,,fate,,,of----the .first,--OnC,‘When....1)f.agei;''''He'war.bora
discovered, 'Salvage operations for the of Mr. and Mrs., ,Tames Bose, and. came
:arrukenalsonela we.reshegun immediately from the Weet three years ago, and re-
end With Ab, Leonard's der-- sided With his aunt, Mrs. Gra* Long,
rick. boat '•the craft was raised en Wed sear-liochaish. • At times he viSitesi iiis
oesdaY. The launch is now ••in. drY-, aunts in •Goderich; above mentioneds
dock repairS, tike,wateraitilied---He--beg'atir'lits brief lite as. a --Seeler
engine being the worse for the ducking. this spring as waticlimansors the Anna:
The Str. 6A. A. Hudson was Storms C,, Minch. He was a lover of outdoor
hewed here for two days %before the .eifeand, came 'into eome prominence
rougb seas would permit. its loading three years ago *lien he shOt 'a wolf
salt. TWo fishermen, Jack Grahams near Lochalsh. brother, „William,
of •Godericle, and Louis eieLedd, - of also. has been living with his , aunt,
Bayfield, had nets laid when. the violent Mee Long. •
winds struck aad, were unable to *lookThe Anna C. Minch was last in .C.SOde-
fOr them Until this (Thursday)" morn:- 'rich harbor on October j.4th and on
,ing. They erispeet the nets be tors). that occasion both, MadMatli and Rose
to shreds ifthey ever do Ideate them visited theie relativee he, reJ»i. *
harveee agtobneer Pedoc$Psvni Wlvihth6-4trhee-P--Anresunina ede.
Minch were well knowle•-in Goderich,
0110. 418
Two Goderich Lads
Feared Lost in Storm
Ott Aama C. Min& Believed to
Have Younderad in
Lake Walesa
The storm on Monday night and Tat*
day was reminiscent of the diaastro0$.
storm 1.91$, when =AY
'atauoeh ship* aod gallant were
lost. en the 43reat Lakea and
-Osederich holes were ealled Won. tie
Mourn. '
This vi'teles storm was not eto serious
in its eonaequeuees as that gt, twenty-
seven years ago, but. four vessels are,
reported /oet on the Palms, and. again
Ooderiela home's, itave been Stricken.
The Steamer Anna 0. Afigehk VW* .
ten grain.earrier, we)). known in °ode -a
rich harber, r000rted havefound-
ered on. Lake Mfehagan, and With her, it -
One is •Sheldon Maelfatih, onay Son of
Mr., and Mrs. Samuel it. MticrAlath,
Bast street, and the .ether la• Dan Rose,
nephew of -the MiSses Jane and Umme.
Rose, Brock street.
--Sheldon- MnelMath /was born nearly',
tvveuty years ago at liolMeaville, cow.,
WS' to, Godericli with bia"tatoily
years ago. Thia, was Ilia era season
as a sailer. lie was the only son of
the family. There are four sisters:
lielen, In the Civil. $ervice at London,
Ont.; Esther, teaeher in SA.. No. St
GOdedch -tovriNlip ; Grace, in, training
at Victoria Hoepital, London, and
• .
Walter Westbrook Severely havingeelrept shiP" here during the.'
Will Be Laid tip for Some rune pat winter. Gordon Jeffrey of-'06111ings
Walter 'Westbrook, nineteen -year-old wood„,,. second Mate 'Ofi the IMineh,„:
son of alr. and Mrs. Geoige,Westb:reok, tended. the Ship with his w5fe._- They
Trafalgar street,is,,io ;Alexandra Hos- 'Weee cbnstant- vlieitore- at the ledine
pital, suffering feonelsevere injuries, the. Mr. and Mrs: •Arehle XaeFie, Victoria
result of an unfortunate a,seident late ASbrea, ItTS. Jeffrey being cotisin or.
1Vednesday aftern000. -Walter, who is Mrs. MeePle.
employed as a earpenterSwas rePairing Mr. and •Mrs,, Kirton of Owen
the roof of the Salkeld apartments on Sound, -stewards on the Minch, kept
Kingston street •-evlien he overstepped ship on the ete. Riverton here during
the scaffold on •whieh he was werkine, the winter.
and hurtled fo the ground tsVenty-two Captain D. A. Kennedy Of Coiling,'
wood . and Chief , Kogineer • Vincent,
Rieve - of Lefroy were both here for
several Weeks last Winter. While' the
Anna C. Minch was being chaiiged
from its Whiter qttarters to tb.e
elegafor: Chief Engineer Rieveis
rather well known• in Goderich.
NOVEMBER rtAcnus . •
• This has, been aii 'erratic season, e
was demonstrated when iserey )3etker
picked an elevenspiart , basket . a
peaches off a tree at his plao on the
Bayfield 'road fzul: Monday. • •
I den, _Veterans who assisted With the so valuable as those privileges which
this unit in Huron 'County. "1 think of the British .conhectiori. Hesbeliet‘ed
that, as this is an agricultural county, that Canada should continue as one of Packing remarked that they would have ltave been Purchased for us •tts- thee,
this • is. very impOrtant," Said the _ the arms of the great structure that welcoines1 such generous and attractiblood
ve .
Warden. • • stands for the. liberties of the world, gifts tweatssfise y,ears agb. .• Privileges, Founded on Sacrifice
the British Enspires . . Parcels were sent to the following' •• "Anyone who holds lightly the
The itarden, OmPlimented Ctemty •
Praise. of. the Airmen 1 men ; Pte. W. J. Anderson, Spr. It W. privileges and rights - of the British
Speaking of the rAir 'Force, -1(rr, Ben, Spr. W. J-: BuChanan, Ptee•Carl subject shows himself absolutely ignor-
Treasurer -A. Ile-Ferskine' on the way- _ -- _,_ _ . •
he had, accepted and carried out the ' ant of the sacrilleee by which he in
added work of collecting the national herits these privileges,. Of this Empire
defence" taxer. - 7,.. of ours, it :is *true, to say that the
Fergpsori oppressed iiiisetedneration of
the young fellows who bad volunteered
to "risk theirlives in air 'warfare -not
as a ;Sporting adventure„ hut taking on
themselyes responsibility for the pre-
servatiorra the lb est things in life,
he speaker' had word of warm
admiration also for the way in -which.
the Britigh 1)6016'a -re -faking the Ger-
man bonibingratids. When the history
di the wer-le.-weittee, he ,said, there
will be no more, glorigus story than
...that of the London. who
stood firm when their • houses . were
Bloomifield, Pte. 'Wm. ,Duck worth,. Lieut.
J. K. Hunter,. lqe. '1i. MeL. Kingswell,
Pte. Vie. Irisconeb,„Spr. W. N. MaeDon-
ald, Sr. T. R. Pennington,,Sipr. 11.
Meefillan, Sgt. Coe, Staetleton, Pte. D.
Thorups'on, Stet. MacDonald, Pte.
J. F. Milton, Pte. J. Ilohner; Pte: T. J,
Hussey, Cpl. 'W. MeDougall„ Pte. -
Gordon -Liscomb, Wilfred Greenwood,
anti-aircraft gunner ; Albert Roy
STilhala's; able-bodied 'seaman.;
the eommittee entrusted With Tues.'s
day nigitt'e packing was composed of
Mrs. VA-, Lane, -cony .oe Mrs. -4Valter
;teinesknocked. to Pieces and their child- Newcombe, treasurer ; el7: 1). J. Lane.
ren They, tc)Of were doing tbeir4 Airk. ,'AidArehen, Airs: Roes. Tich-
thetr borne, Mrs. Sian.' Snider, Herb. Jane
part in the preServation
coontry and all for will& it stands. au& I). FI•
Itev. A. C. Calder, in moving a vote
foundations were laid with the loskr.ef
voLuwatits WANTED our first-born sell -f- and the gates kept
. . ,
Asriew opportunity , for service will. younger sons. But behind the privilege.s
. .
soon be available for the women who ..NV enjoy, it behobves us to remember
have- been Tunable for various reasons those' who, have, laid do -17m their lives;
tos;help with Red Cross knitting and in sacrifice, those thousands of friends,
sewing. ' . , brothers, sons and reiallyeg Who 'died
Volunteers are, now asked for wild. on the fields of Menders and on the
- would be willing thk dartt seeks for the high 'seas and enabled Britain, to live
men of the *Air Force. Title serviee -and Canada to Still be Caruide: -
would' be *greatly appeeciated by .the eWe will remenrber them because .we
men. It would add to their Camfort, can't forget that ans Ennsire, bunt so
.. .
'Would help to , conserve sepplies ' a high, is a golemn trust". ' • ..
wool, ahd will provide an opportunity err. Lam exhorted the congregation
for a number a women who may be• to pray that we may be worthy of their
Unable, t() telp in any other Ways' •
opeo ip later days by the loss of our
of thanks tO•the speaker, paid a, tribute DIVERyliN4 TIIE GEESE.
.to of tlie Royal Air' Force So far ' the § fall no Canada geese
have been seen „over Goderich on their
expressed hie Coniplete eonfidence
'flight to the south. NimrodS like Art
vietorys . "God will Vindicate
sacrifices and equar to the battle for
the freedom and &verity of the wolede
'- The 41-irl Guides :are willing to Te to God give us strength, not only
liver thes socks to those who, volunteers'
.as ere think Of the past alone but for
aucl will call for theta when completed.,
the future, so that another vietory may
Those willing to undertake this very
necessary ,piece of work are asked to
located at that ,point, A rear driven Writeortelephone Mrs. Albert Taylor
Lorne jareine was proceeding north. (telephone 571) and teeir names will
anti a. point 500 feet south of she be placedon the list of helpers. Please
outiterly 'bridge entrance there was a gitY if you would lie willing to *Wash
dotwn 'erede. The .Crown maintained and darn, or just darn.
:that the Jardine car struck the south-
east end -post of the bridge, breaking
a girder fuel causing a corner of the
bridge to settle. Two girl paesengers.
'* Were eettePulted through file 'roof of
the ear. One was eoinPletely decapi-
teted, thee head, and body being found
twenty-five feet apart. The , Crown
maintabled, he cootinued, thatear
*"•) twa.s• being drieete at a eery high, rate ot
Speed, that th'ere was negligence; and
. that a proper lookout. sonsssiot kept by ,
the driver. It was furtlibr alleged that
the ear had struck . the bridge with
very great force. „A witness, would be
produced who heard the crash a mile
away, another one.half mile distant,
County Engineer's Evidence
• County Engineer T. It, Patterson,
Wire made a plan of the same of Ilo
iteeidolt, could not give the age Of the
bridge, butmaid it. had no defects prior
(.0enthami 4)14 page 4)
".Ilditor The Signal...Star.
•Now that the "improvements.". to the
Town Ilan have been comPleted, it
would be a good idea for the taxpayers
to take it 'rook at the "decorations"
that is,, the variety of eolors of paint
teat go to,snalce the 'building resemble
the rooming% work of a kiralergatten
pupil, -Was th& nu*, to outdo
Jaen% and his coat of many color?
TIOAV II11101 better-tind , how much
eheapereeit would have been it the
building lad been painted one eoloree
or two at the moefeeinetead• of', the
• conglomeralion of colora that make 11
Wok like it circus ,Nvagon,. The modern
trendtowards appears to
be a» 'unknown quantity around the
Town hall. ,
intaiseit,, he declared. jennines and Dr. Mabee say• the birds
The motion...was: seemided by George
Leithwalte, speaking for the rural.
community, and . was endorsed by the
applause of the gathering.
Group Captain Robertson, RAJ?.
Group Captain. Robertson, ofileer
conemanding the Port Albert Air MINI.
gation School, received an efithesiastie
greeting an lie rose to ,speak'. Ile- said
that the warm reception givert them
made the airmen feel that they were Johnlitettalerliedylfri.,01titiratybriincigherisitivreeilit
"only eoming from one brlinelt of the had'
family to another." The 13ritish people linth.9! (1),nfr°1* • •
were slew to make friends, but theY
were very appreeiative of kireinese.
He' lied been in -many parts of the
orld, but had never met with so ranch
kindness and good fellowship. hle be-
lieved' that something good had moe
out of the •war 111 this draW' ing of the
"family" eloser together. 1n conclitd-
Mg he explessed his shim:* thanke and
aPpreelation Of .air this locality hag'
done and le doing for us." ,
Brief remarks were elven altso by
It. A. Kelp -elle of Tdi.vnto, who aecom-
panted Mr. Fergusoli here; D. L.
Rice, 0,C, Perlh, Regiment, and Ohas.
Pihguran, . of Ktralterd, who efolveSed
tare flying 'down . the centre. of, Lake be ours as we are used as inAhuments•
Huron to avoid the airpiasaes at Sky ia. H1s. almighty: hands."
Harbor. Dr. Mabee says .flying should After the ConelOion Of - his lorceful
be suspended during the open ,goose sermon Mr. Lane returned the colors to
season and :Mt Jennings says lie's going their bearers and at the sounding of the
to see Mr. King -about it. Last Post the colors, were lowered ptind
a period Of SilOtlee VMS .0.1W;erVbd :With
Pirehlen responding to in 'alarm sent heads bowed, At the reveille the color
• in at the noon hour on Mendity found were raised arid .the National Anthem,
only it chimney fire at the home of was sung.° • . •
„After the benediction; the various
organizations' filed out of the church,.
fornied in parade'and, led by the Luck
new pipe band, marehed doeVrt Vietoria
street to Kingston street and back to
the Square. At the corner of -East
'etreet and the Square, Captain P. D.
Robertson, R.A.V., took the maroli Post
salute. , ,- •
thti regrets a Mayor Itenry Of Strat-
ford at 'his being untibl to attend.
J.- D. Thomas, et the loell War ser-
vices committee, expressed aivreeia.tiert
ef thergooe work of the ladiee in pro-
vidingIlie dinner. ' .`"
'Weal solos weregiven by Gilen Lodge
and J. P. GilleAlle, vvith Miss 10.
Snider at the piano, arid Iteeve It.
Redmond of P,aat Wawanash ton.
tributed violIn solos, with piano at-
eompananitait by Miaa Itedefolui.
'The gathering was broused to a close
with the singing of "t.) C'anada."
St. Peter's (Separate Sehool ,
. Pupils , A ^ $10.00
Ladies of lilt. Peter'e Chureh 10,20
The War Aid k-ilittelety 22,33
Business. Women s .C.1111) • 24.2'5
'Rebekah Lodge. No. 19
, Pledgee' -
inture Service Club" Established
as Recreation Room : for Service Men
The newly -instituted "Empire Service
-Olub”--recreation quarters in Goderieh,
for rhen-of the rifnadian and Britigh
Active Service 'Forces -received its
onicial opening on Saturday, evening,
with , a danee and social gathering.
The new 1ub has its home in .1taeKay
Hall, which has been completely re-
hovatell and re -arranged by . the two
ehapters Of, the ,Daughters Of the
Empire, Ivho are sponsoring the club.
—Over ninety airinen from Port Albert
and ,Sky Harbor .airports 'and seferal
soldierS from neighboring units were
enu'rtiiined and _had the opportunity
of Lawting some fifty Oaderich girls
who had beeth Invited, by the *WI& of
-Airs. B. J. MeMehen; regent of the
Maple Leaf Chapter, ,Mrs. J.4.ane,
regent of the Ahmitek Chapter, and
Mrs,* D. 10. CamPtell, chairman of the
wet/11Mo in ehtirge of the qaarters.
\WV' introduced by,' Mr. ()harks
Wilkins, who acted as Mastersof eercs
monies, the three ladies' briefly spoke
words of we/ceme 'to the 1/101 of the
isetive service and cordiallyextended
the iiss: Of the recreation rooragto them.
Flight Lieutenant Fletcher, adjutant
at Port Albert, expressed the Itintlefet4
apprE,:i*I41071 Of. the effort the ladies had
put 'forth in armoging the • rooms for.
their use. _ •
Mr. Molting got the .evening uinter
Way with some well-reudered patriotic
solos, being accompanied at the piano
by Mrs, .Meakins. MrsMeakifas pro-
svided the music also for dancing, beifig
relieved at intervals throughout the
eisening by some -44- thealeinene who
dielgaSeel ,eoneiderable talent vrith the
keys.. •
The airmen mime' easily with the
.eiris,:„ althoughthe preptiederanee of
men: made it neecraary that many of
them sit, out dances a :.ile their buddies
took the floor. Introductions, 'Were not
aaked for, •lf,4 all of the 'eeung people,
joined in the ieforiami spirit of the
haPpy gathering.
Refreshments uvre p.erved Ur the
(members of the L0.0.11 aral tho even -
lug coneluded with f1i» singhlg 4fthe
National tAathelit, ,
The club quarters ht'..i.vel*or made
aiallable byo arrangement- with the .
truseees of MecKaY Hall. The: chairs
In 1110 11111111 auditorium of the hall have
been taken 'up and the room hag been
handsomely deeorated and arranged
Ily theliadies in cha,rge. Flags and red;
white and blue bunting adorn the walls.
A large- fakesiale of the
crest • is hung at' • the front of the •
room against it background of blue.,
The emblem, skillfully printed on stiff the. work, of Wes. Harry
Watson. .
,A voinfortable lounge has, been
donated to the club by the Wene'en's •
• Inetituteie and the Canadian Legion
War Services teonniiittee has donated „
4100 in the forth of slimes and bridge •
'tables. A minlature"billiards table in
the donatien of Mr. I% 1 Tiffiberti while
• writing paper has been donated by the
local branch of the 41anadian Legion.' •
The 'Lions • .Selub has donated $100
towerde the • vost of equipthent.
..Tteeding material will be available to
the Men at all times and it pleno and
ni0k1ot10oi1 Wili. provide musie for •
The eanteen, providing the hien with, -
soft drinks, eigarettes, and other re- -
freshmezits, Will be open from 4 P.M. to
11 P.m. on week -days and from I,, p.m.
14) 1.1.' p.m.. ort (Saturdays and Sundays. 2
It will be operated bas' the, Indies ot
Any man on active Service, whether°
etationetl at, Gotierieli or visiting here,
will he welcoine :It the rooms at all
Those in charg.elof the operation of
the "rizaPire •Serviee CluW are; Chair-
man,' Mies 0. II. Campbell; viceeltair-
-man„, Mrs. P. It. Itedditt; secretary,
lAtrA• C. Ileaccom; treasurer, Mic.,'s
'Minnie Campbell; the regents. Min. It
lieMehen of the MaPie-,Leaf Chapter -
and Mtg. 0. 3. Lane of tile Alimeek
.0bapter, I.01)11,„''',: entertainment eerti...
inittee.- \ira 13 V. flays, ikliar A. II.
Taylor, 3,Irs. II. C. Ihnolop, Min. C. X. •
SLItrader; aervice eommittee- 'Mrs. D.
Mooney, A & Nicol. Mnta W. P.
P. I). Brown: food corn-
Jareca lino** Aim. E.
(A„ A. Nicolg.'Mrs, A. L.,