The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-04-25, Page 5TIUUt 4DAX . 1'I1G 25th, T
wIU Make a retina visit tend give an
Illustrated. 'Lectute
xnl'acKAY HALL '
t� a .at 8 p.01. a D
tinder auspices > �►f Goderich Tfoi'tieuitural Society
Ear°l Kitchener soy, son of Mr.. and
Mrd. Ttiehard Iioy of Wblton, died in
Clinton "Dospital on )?ridty night last:
as ithe result' of a bunting Occident... Ile
was hunting' muskrats" when his : shot-
gun. was accidentally discharged and he'
tho•gbdonien, H'e died two hours''later.'
Tile accident occurred on Ya farm a
short •�distauco north, of Walton. . John
teiss of Walton wa,s _hunting with
Hoy and, ran back to Walton for help.
Hoy 'was twenty -dour years of age and
is survided;:�by his , parents and three
,'received the. full force of the charge in sisters, a11' at.)lore, •
Let 'us discuss with you the new' way .off owning your own home on_
easy: month y pay rents.,
C andsee our new type$ k r price.
all in w of , lac Floor at� a very Tow p ee.
GEO. •WESTBROOE,. Manager - F. C. IKALB + ISCH Proprietor
Cambria, . Phone • X88; Goderick
xuatzDN'T you agree f at ._
paint made -&I iuse on- lie
hulls ' f' ships .and other ;marine
>s o P ,, .
craft -subjected to continuousim-
e si in.water-sun; sleet ana
to r on.
no -•- paintC
s w is the best you cued
use on your home?`
' Lowe Brothers HOUSE PAINT is
a marine paint; used On steam"'ships
and possessing the characteristics
of toughness nd durability deg-
cribed above: .Try this quality
paint°'on'�yonr'ne,xt painting job.
DUNGANNON !id010000100010100041000.0401.0.0.41
10.1tiftAlliftviN, April -24,--Airs. •A:f,
Durnin, who is visiting her eoliaipi, I
Mr. and Mrs..- R. J. »uruun, was taken
ill and is under the doctor's eare.
Mre and Mrs. Melvin, Dickson, Port
Albert, visited The former°e brother,
Mr. Thos, Dickson, and family on Sun-
day. '
Mr. and Mrs. dtobt. Dean and .family,
of Carlow, visited the lady's ;mother,
Mrs.. *J C. Brtrwn, en Sunday..
Mrs. Will Hardy, Saltford, 'iii visiting
her parents, Air. and Mrs. David
Nivens, this week. • r
,iter. Burton ii•otteli,+'who has been ill;
for.' sone time, was rennoved to the
hospital on Wednesday of last week.
Though ;his i regress to recovery ' eems
slow, there are ihdicOtions that in time
he .11/111. --show more im:provement,.
Miss Myrtle McIntyre, dxoderieb,
spent the 'eek -end with relatives at,the
home of hens sister, -Mrs. 'Mhos. Dickson,
jr.* ' •
Mrs, R Fitzgerald and her aunt,'Mrs.
-h Agar, 'Iir m t n, visited Mr. ars
Thos. a I: o , d
Mrs. Jos. Hackett, Lucknow, . on. $art-
Mss. his. Park ;visited last week
with ..her cousins, Mr, and niers. ,Lorne
Young, Goderich. .mer. Young has been.
poorly of late since an operation.
r Fost-nuptiai Ieeption
. 4. lar,,,,,re
number 'attended the wedding reception
for :Private Melville fOulbert ;arid' Mrs,
Culbert (formerly Verna Anderson) in'
the . P,ax•ish Nall last T';eithLy nig'hit.
` h_ _,.���t, cl ,
oche Ywas .en,gll .e t�
t,.r j �'..... re �cuzie..
orchestra (rain 'Ripley.' The proceeds
amounted to,. $87.00; which .indicates ate
large.attendance, Mr. ,Gordon Stewart, uer, ,
the sponsor, read an address to the Mrs. j• Graham is attending the an -
couple and the next day suitable gifts nual meeting of the W, A. of the Dio-
were chosen which included a lovely eese of Huron. in London this week,
cabinet of silver, •"First Love" design, Word . was', received here this- week
;l rose silk bedspread; "a pair of bath of the' death of Mrs. Susan Bliza'beth
towels, mauve wool rug, and other gifts Pearson, of Victoria, B.0. Mrs. ]''ear -
from friends. The • couple .spent the son was -horn in,Bapi end; the daughter
weekend With the bride's parents and of the late Z nomas Burgess.
on Sunday returned to Strati rdisVhere Mr. George' M. Gale . of the Bank bf
the groom 'is in training with .the Montreal .inspection • staff, Montreal,
Perth Regiment. The gifts llave''been visited his uncle, Rev. B.,M. Gale,`over
left; for the time • being at- the home of the weep -chid.
11 i°s. Culbert's parents, 'where : a mel; Mr, and Mrs. E.- Kendall of Elmira
. them, spent 'the week -end 'with the la°,ter'
come is extended to friends -to see
We wish .thecouple happiness and to the parents. Mr. and,.Mrs. W. Jowett. -
groom• the very, best'of luck during his Miss Jessie Metcalf of Detroit spent
war service. , .-- _• . the weekend with' her mother;. Airs., --W.
Golden Wedd ng. -Mr. and ' Irs:..G4eo: ' Metcalf. -
Irwin On Tuesday, April 23rd, observed spent the • Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart of Hamilton
their "golden_wedding anniversary, at week -end at their home -here
;the 'home' of their daughter, Mrs. Dcfn
Miss Ethel. Cameron told Mea WilloFowler. Owing .to the ill -health Cameron . of Detroit were guests ov'er
the week -end with . ' E. and M.
,of Mrs: Irwin who had just returned .
from Goderich, Hospital, where she had tamrx Mss: G. Chncrchward and.soni
been, for two weeks, .the `day was spent Jack, of Londtnri- spent-kend
quietly - but . pleasantly, : With friends
�"ctiliii agar ",t3�7e"ph"binh� "�iivi afi ds".a . ein. Cottage« here, �.,�' ..._. r„,...,...-,, < U 1 rad again,..-. pu7 .jn 'the.bdi
and letters .of -congratulation being re-.
.Mr. Lawrence Fowlie of London'was_tile, `have begun diseing and "eultivat-
ceived. The bride, and groom d f fifty the guest' of his sisters, Misses E,•,,,and ing• ,.
F, :Fowlie, over the week -end:. i An Egg Record. -L-A number of the
years ago !were' married at the home MISS Isabel Kirk• resumed her teach- t farmers 'in the'district have' been re -
of the bride's parents on Itev. Mr. mg duties last week, after an absence of Porting on the number of eggs _they,
Petter -of the Dungannon Methodist a fortnight owing to the illness and sub.- have been getting. these`days. We be-
,ehurch. Mrs. • Irwin, torrnerly Mary ,sego}ent death of her father. neve Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bogie have
Pentland, was a,.da�ughter of' the -late Mrs. J:. F. Parke 'and Mrs. Eric Carte made a record, They have seventy-five
.Mr. and Mrs.Thos. Pentland, and Mr.
-Of. Toronto spent• the week-erld ° at their• hens and .,have' been getting seventy
rwin, ,was a son , of Mr. and f s.: Wm' summer home here, I� eggs- a day. .Can . anyone : beat this?
resin, 'Belfast. `Mrs. Irwin. 'was born The 'fishing. season opened this week_
on the farm ' now owned by Mr Wm. with heavy •co,encs of perch and her-
',Sillib and Mr; Irwin''where Mrs. Thos. ring.
Henry lives, About sixty. guests vere:� Moss A b
Spring is,'iiere : and' v ith it comes housecleaning and The
replacing of 'many lines of house furnteh 11gs. Our stock is
.quite complete' afid 'ready for your• inspection:'
WALLPAPERS Suitable: for any room ° in the house.
RTYGS--1n' •Axnunster--Linoleum Congoleum or Feltol in
the new 1940° patterns;
FLOOR 'COVERINGS •-By- the Yard ire. 2-3 or 4Y. aids wide.
g Bums etc. in the bright new
Inlaid noleums � ,Cono1
patterns for--ispri
OUT VI'AIN S--Englash Tuscan Nets' or dainty .ruffle ,forte-
T a uisette 'to brighten up 'the home.
• •
DDAPERTE-Ready, to hang, complete with 'pinch ;pleats,
, tie -backs' etc.,or your choice of mcaTny lovely sun -
fast materials by the 'yard.
'VENETIAN BLINDS -We axe Agents felt the l 'ew Sun Aire
Steer Slat Venetia><,', Blinds, 'let ' us. quote you on
`your onap,1iots• are valuable:
Interetiting � of .' t+aby
'never to be reweapture 1.4 ... lG#ve*
your dims the best possible at-
Have Bente de'eloped at your
local photographers.
BAY`I''I1 D, April .-:-11Mr. Walter
Grierson, of 'a°terloo, returned home
on Sunday after spending a few days
With Mrs.' F. A. Edwards. • Mrs. Grier -
sou, who accompanied hien, is spending
this week with her •aunt.
� Ir., and Mrs. W . R. Jowett returned
home on Thursday last ,after spending
the past' five months at F•urt Lauder-
dale Fla.
Mr. anti 1rs. rens o ietroiit
spent the week -end at their . catl age
"ougratututiouu to our newest newly-
weda, Mr, and Stria, Wm. Porter.
iM ., I)4%o .T)avidsou visited
last wec�li iu. l radon with Mr. and Mxs.
lluglr 1. n4 idson,
Ur. ante Mrs. -Austin Fuller; Noreen
and Lloyd visited last week in.'Windsor
with Mr. anti Mrs. W. as Stevenson,
Mr. John Craddock visited in Toronto
ilits!:V week,
ltfr. jpiia,��uyr[yicey1Icay wlofodji�has joine i they
crew of . LSd Irieoldt for the ,season,
leaving Goderich Monday night.
Mr. tw1 Mrs. Ilugh Davidson and
Joy, of London, spent. the week -end
with Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Davidson.
The second donee fipOnsored by;River-
Rstonete. LCrossodge,.wadi4s hold' on,o.L. U , in aid of the
Iir�iday Itlght,
with a very good attendance,. The r
musk was supplied by the Monk oreh,
estra of Goderich and Erie McAllister
and Fred .Bell.
Union Chureh Not:es,'Tho regular
meeting of ,the Y.k'.la'. was held. on rri-.
day evening with eleven members pre-
rysent,' «`sther STcIl''wa n had charge of
the service, . Prayer was offered -by
Rev. C. L. Brown and .the Scripture- les-
son (St. Matthew '9 .. '27-38) . Was ,read
by Everett McErwain. ' A solo, "Even-
ing Prayer," wan :nicely sung `byv'Dave
Davidson, accompanied by Mrs. i David-
son. The: topic, ' ,"Seeing,' u d ' ynna
pathy," ' was read by Mrs. ; Harwood.,
A poem, "The- Way Tae Came," was
read by Nora Sowerby. Much discus-
.sion.Wensued over ihe:,,chwlce-kRl .a
The next Meeting will be on May otl
with Miss Sowerby in charge. The
meeting • closed with a by mon and ..the
Mispah benediction.. There was a
better attendance at Union on Sunday,
when . the pastor,' Rev, C. L. Brown,
Preached a fine 'sermon from the text,
"I will lift up mine eyes unto the„hills, .
from whence cometh 'my Help" (1 saim
121; 1) . During Sunday school; a duet,
of.Ages," " was nicely sung by
Lillian and.,Betty Beattie.
•_ • r
SIIEPDAtRDTON, April 23. ----Mrs;
Alen:,; Sillib" spent a few days recently
ib Goderich • visiting +Miss Bella Green.
Mrs, John Foster spent a day Bast
week in 'Goderich with her .daughter;
Mn s...Wm. Bannister.
Mr: -and Mrs: •Geo, ,'Haggitt and Ray-
mond attended the funeral of Mrs. T3ag-
gitt's mother, Mrs; milliard of Kitch-
ener, on Sunday, April.l4th. We ex
tend Our sympathy to Mrs. Haggitt in
her row.
'It;sson.1 a ••Yto : See--the-farmers `busy. in
Reg. pair. T1u?ee tbread Maj1 Maros.
New colors for spring and i year.
RE UCED 'l'tl
Reg. $1..x.5 air. stBeauti k rt"' Chiffon... Throe -thread
45 ' gauge and ring less with the new - le
"Spear Neel'
rE '.
of whom about fourteen ,-Stirling retuined:honxe on,
at the wedding, Friday after. having" spent the _past
are, still living', The• wedding attend month • with her sister, Mrs. H. Mc -
ants are among that number and were Laren, 'Port Elgin.
iCeria Pentland, Frances Brydges; Thos,. Mrs: Dalton iSmith • of Ingersoll
Henry and Milford Pentland. Mr, and visited her parents', Air. and Mrs. W.
Mrs. Irwin farmed for a number of W., Higgins,,.last week. '
"ears on •the farm npw owned by Xacob . Mrs. Lindsay Smith returned home
Reid,. which ,they Purcbased from
on Sunday after-, having spent two
Anderson. They retired to 'the Weeks with Mr. find Mrs. Neil Munroe,
village later, making thennt"elves a London: '
lovely home; where friends have always .ltefrersted Comedy,--`,Vhill Billy ceived awarm'weleome.Mrs. Irwin, Stuff," a refrigerated comedy, was
a lover of flowers and all lovely seated by the Y.P.D.of St: Andrew's;
.is a cheery nnrl; lovable charaeter,• Mr. United church •before a large audience
Irwin, who for some time was afflicted in the ' Town (Hall on Friday night.
1 m a the past year ''ren is has with h maa
.been much improved. We 'wish this The .plan, which had a strong, cast of
highly esteemed couple added years of
health'. and -happiness in the constant
nl'd h -
kindness of their o au
love andk
p ,daugh-
ter, Donald .Fo ler land
ter, La'llra,,.(� 1,1,s j Fowler), ), ,�,_, 'Osco, -minded scientist,.. who is making
fatally. They are faithful members
experiments in refrigeration. He has
and workers of the ,United church, and succeeded( in freezing and reviving the
have a host •of friends Whose ,best 'gold fish. Phyllis (Mabel , Scotchmer ),!
wishes go_ with them. : the Irish. .cook > is greatly perturbed
ROAM. ss 'r-. •� .m' s [ `wett.�-,<:-•b:.
., . �..�..,:�.�nr>u�..on,_1rNESDtIrY, MAY 1st, this store will •;aTor;e.
Wednesday afternoons' during the' summer months.
tie (Margaret Watson) ; who is her
father's secretary, -Is kept busty looking
after him, but serious, complications
arise when .8311 Bartley (Evan Ross)
offers himself for, .a, scientific expert.'
inent to obtain money so that he can•
marry,Mary. " What at first appears to
be ,a: tragedy is „really comedy when.
Bill's • friend, Wes. -Andrews (E'raser
'Stirling), and ' Specksy (Esther Me-
:Stiath) plot with Mary to save Bill from
really being frozen and make Dr. wattle
believe that his experiment is a' suc-
cess. . Thget i deeper e They n d per clod deeper
and even into the refrigerator Mrs.
Li'ilian-aloum (Jean Dunn), the village
busybody, y'b dy, ,andher shadow, Miss 'Pris-
cilia Pettis (Mrs. Malcom Tools), add
to the tangle by .their interference and
characters, was a series' of laughs from finally bring . Constable Geary (Grant
begining to. finish. 'All the scenes take -Stirling) on the scene. But the grand)
place „in the laboratory' of Dr. 'Tuttle • finale• comes when the absentminded i
(Murray Grainger), a cold-blooded, Dr.
Tuttle locks himself inhrefriger»
The president of the Y.I'.>(�.,•...,
Evan Ross, in a few words. sof welcome
'paid tribute to the .director, Mrs.. `It.
.Scdtchmer. +Mrs ' ' George Morley and
Arthur Peck gave pianoforte and violin'
because the cat has gone and left her seleons. between --acts. ,
kittens • "Pussywillow". is. later dis»
covered in. the refrnge refrigerator. • Mary Tut- During the month of'.may the •w�eltly�
• bridge and "600" games, �
the Goderich branch of the Red Cross
•� rte'
Society in thelibrary basement "will
be held on Friday afternoons instead
■n�L Ii\.Ln��
'of on- Wednesdays. •
COCOANUT T . WALtTiTTt Brokel1./
- '
Grade A Large RAISINSRe eaned' .2'lb. 29
......Doz. 25
;B pNMILLER,,April 23. Mrs, .Wal-
ters and -Floyd are spending this week
<at Efolmesville...iwith '� �- nmL _.Mrs.
Jervis, '
Rev, G.. Hazelwood is .attending
Presbytery meeting at Seaforth today
(('Tuesday) ,
A number of nein were working on
Monday at the Summer School grounds
on the : Blue Water highway.
Quite a number around here have
begun seeding.:
The sad news of the death of .airs.
Jacob Fisher was received here on ,Sunt'.
day. • Mrs, Fisher once lived near Ben-
miller, and our sincere sympathy goes
out to the bereaved family. A '
Miss Beulah Long motored% to Tor
onto on Monday. • •
The voung:peopleare busy practising.,
f• or their' play. .. •;
FRIDAY, E'V'`GonumeH
Attention church'nlusle lovers in
Gbtlorich' and, district 4s, directed to
the advertising nnnouneonient this
iweek`°of'.: a recital in V°icteria street
United .'church, Friday evening, ° -11ay
3rd, featuring the Northern-llammond,
Electric Organ as the most modern,-
odern,flexible aud'praetleal organ that can be
used in any .church or auditorium with
no •expensive installation' cost.
• i veryonn}e interested in hearing the
.superb -tone of this new` Electric"'Or,;an
should, be present at •1'ietoria street
church' tin Friday oveuing, : «
Owing, to lower Aloes for raw silk, we are 'pleased.' to
ahhounce that the Kayser Silk Hose, formerly sold at -85c, is
now 750 ped' pan- Your choice of Chiffon; or Semi Service in
the new shades for spring. •
Rave 'I`on•Renewed'Your Subscription?
Variety Service •
Assistance with Cutting and'Fitting.
Monograms..' designed for , Linens,
Stationery; -and Silverware.
Hand-madeGreeting Cards for inn
oeeasion5, 1.
• Calling Cards, 'Place Cards, ; and
Actresses Hand -lettered .and., filumie
'atLess/ons in ' Drawing, Painting, Lot
tering, and Sculpture.
Books Mentletronitifebound.
'Rook Plates ,:nae:_ ..•
Part-time Motileing anal Auditing
.gandwit'hes of `Atli orits. ' _,
MAT, make •ofOaf driven `.snvw1u'r'
tIART__ 1-. IiistvE11. '
• 1
4 St, i►tcent St...
» .f-•.
... $ 0 15 Tb
Med. Size ' 1�1'.� .. . See 4 . ��. 10
•BAKING'`POWDER ..1b 19 '
Donliho ; •.
COPFEE ..... . ib. 35i' LARD Pure i• b. X10
Rich Mellow 'See. it 'Groin
. - A-S••-•1VIIal�Lxigs .... 2-=11?.•n•�5- -SEM,-• �emkie-'plre-25
FIG BARS , Fresh. .2-1b. 29 P -B Clark's .1 -oz. 2 for 19
•..: 6rgts 1;05 GUM DROPS . . ib., • 10
.rte vvi�
Presh ; .2-113. 15,, CARROTS T'exas:'.Bunch'5
Lge Sizer:. doz.:29 MT1SHR00MS ....
• S1ii ED!ES$ . DOZ.
MED. SIZE ate„
Barrymore,• Harding cnd. Peterboro make in
conventional and modern design.
"i�alue $16,00 - $11.95
'�.. 2700 -�- '10.95
37.50- 82.00
45.00 - 37.00
I ALr. flornAlt
iiiednesday half holidays start next `Wednesday, May lst
i . Store 'closes at • 12`.30 noon. >,
Dragging, around each
day, unable lo do
_ housework --cranky
-with the children
Y .
feeling miserable.
Flaming it on "nerves"
when the kidneys may
• be out of ort`kr. 'When
kidne s"iail the system
clogs with impurities.
Headaches -backache, , backache frequentlyfo1Mw.
i)odd'a Kidney Pills hep .dear the system,
gang nature a chance to •restored health
and energy. `Stay to take..$afe. 116
D►od s Kidney Pills
Seamless E n s i, Ttpestry
Rugs ,.
4 Only to clear;
Size 3, by 31/2 yards. Regllar Price $18.00
CLEARING AT. $12.00•
2 Tone with' band 'border.
6' 9" x 0' . Va'lho $47.00 •---•- $30.00
0 z 101/2' /.,,. . '99
61.0.00 ``'J 59.00
and Heavy Felt Base Coverings, New Pat-
terns it and 1,4 and 2 yards wide t
Per Square Yard 38c-40c�-• 50o
ext ole ums
New Designs in° Genuine Gold Seal,•010ty
in 1-2. and 3 yards wide
Per Square Yard 75o.