The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-04-18, Page 7TOWNSHIP
April .5,
fife �I P
GO�Il�I'ultltl� .
Mr. and Nelson'
Clinton visited last, Sunday . With Mr,
and Mrs. George Mrllwain ;ai d feattaily.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ilenderson of Code-;
rich spent. Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs,
Wm; Fuller.
• � il+ lliott Paid. another visit t
• ;Lilly
ital on Wednesday.
Loudon Iza�..
Mr, Fared, Cook pf ..Clin.ton visited last
week with M . and Wire.. John Blair,
Arthur Beevers of Goderici>i was
renewing acquaintances at :Union on
The regu1a
of 'the e juni
< . Red Otiose Society was Heid in 'Union.
Paulinex Las»'
�Frida W1th �
.schools =on y�
, saline in the chair. The program ^ con-
sisted of readings, "Johnny
Nancy Names," by Clarice :Lassoline;
'Tommy Ter," by Eleanor Puller' "On
the hilltops( of Citizenship," byEdna
Dir. and Mrs. Dave Davidson., visited
+with, friends la Sarnia last week. Maur
soLtrrioN*of _Gillett's Pure
Flake Lye, . will take the
drudgery, out of dozens .of tasks;
It clears drains. ... lifts
grease and hard -baked food' off
pots and pans It saves rub-
bing and scrubbing, -because it
cuts through dirt in a jiffy. Keep
a tin handy.
FREE BOOKLET — The Gillett's Lye
Booklet tells how this powerful cleanser
clears clogged drains . . keeps out-
houses clean and odorless by destroying
the contents of the closet... how it
performs' dozens of :tasks. Send for a
free copy to . Standard Brands Ltd..
• Frasers ., Aue. and' Liberty Street,
Toronto, Ont. •
Dai 1
Social nv'entnB'. An enioyabl'e s a
evening was • Held in aid ,of' the, head
Cross on. Friday evf I1ing, Apri1'`'I2th,
in Taylor's Corner school at witiela Pro-
gressive euchre and 'other gaxxmee were
playeei:. Over, fifteens doilar°s" was teals:.
ized for the Bed Cross. ' At. the close of
the games a miscellaneous eliower' was.
Presented to Miss . Alice Chambers,
bride-el0et, front the community. TWO
of heir former Sunday school;' class=
•za-tesMiss Telde Sturdy y
and 'Miss
Dorothy Ginnpresented the gifts done
u1' ,a beau'tifully dec0r}ted basket
while Miss Phyllis Ginn read a humor -
one address written 'in verse, Miss
,Chambers received many, useful and'
lovely ,d
gifts. A dainty,:lunch was, terve
bs the ladies
• For theR Red Cross. -The 'Ladies' Aid
of Gi+�n . church and tile Iced Cross
Society of Taylor's Corner met .at the
home of Mrs. Andrew Holmes on Wed-
nesday'•afternoon, April. 3rd, with fours
teen ladies presents. The afternoon was
spent in knitting for the ' Red Orestes
while a, short devotional meeting.' was
held, with the president, Mrs..L. Bodges,
in the chair. Atthe elase.of.the meet.
ing a dainty lunch was served by. the
assistant hostesses, Mrs. D. A. Stirling
and Mrs. J. Watson...' . Mrs. °E. C,
-Calvert, treasurer of the Taylor's.
Corner branch. of the Red 'Cross, ack-
nowledges receipt of the following
amounts; Jan., 23 __.,.Mrs. C ,W'hitlely's
tea, $2.70; Mrs..Win. McCabe, ` 2 , Mar,
21 --social in Taylor's "Corner" seliool,;
12.46; April 12 -social in Taylor's
13,e'_1v.:�'et1V, . 1)rt 18 X11
Armstrong has returned to her home
here after epentling `the *Later in. Tor
unto and Florida. e
Three' new elders --%V. G.:.Andrew,
Joseph Mellough and Harvey Tye-
ltaven have been elected by the conA
gregation of Lueknow United elmrclt
and were ordained at a recent service.
''inion Header; on, student at Knox
'College, hta Vompleted his eecplmd 'terra
of study for the ministry and has been
v isiting''1ti,s parents, Mr. and lAirs. J
UUenderson,;,for a few days, Ile
will spend the filumnitner .ns. minister of
the mullion charge of Barr River, near
'Sault Ste. Marie.
To Ordain Ills Son. -It; Douglas Mae
I)onald, L .A., . has ,accepted a call to
become ministor of Alma street 1'ieee
byterian church, , •St. Thomas, and will.
be ordained in hl home church here en
Friday night' of this 'week, when.
the Presbytery .of Maitland.:: will .teon
vene. The efteSof <ordinatioza will be
performed by ,the . y ouzig minister's
father, Rev. C. H. MacDonald of Luck-
. .y
Co-operative veQ�•�s. — the at al
. r •�. �t th nxmrt.
meeting 'of the Lucknow . Consumers'
Co-operative ,Company Lintiited, officers
were elected as . follows ' President,
bturdo Matheson; Maths on • vice-presidents, Dan
Nicholson, Alex. McLennan; 'secreta -
treasurer, dharlee Anderson; directors,
John McIntosh, John Colwell, Pat Gil-
' more,
il-'more, Fred Anderson, John. Mackay,
' m ner
Dan. McDonald business , a. _ag ,.
John J1mieson; social comnuttee, Miss
Jessie MacKay, Mrs. Alvin Irwin, Mrs,
'James Webster, Mrs. Robert Reid'; en-
tertainment, Melvin Stanley,. Gordon
m bell Dan Nicholson Walter
Dexter, 'Son Miee Isobel
Ae 'Sohn. McIntosh,,
NicholsOn. . •
Corner school; $15.56 --total, $32.72.
Union: Church Notes:—The', April
meeting -of •thes W.-1vI,S:=.jai-Union -church
was held on Wednesday afternoon;. at
the home of Mrs. rorestAleClure, with
,seven ladles present.. Mrs. George Me -
'twain had, charge of the meeting. The
Scripture. lesson •(ISt.' Luke 241-12)
'las read .reeponaively. Arai„yereewere`
dffered -by Mrs. Harvey . Fuller. Mrs.
James Young and Mrs. G. Iiarwood:
Mrs: `1UeOlure, read; en interesting• �ac-'
count of . the" work.of ' two :missionaries.
The missionary creed was repeated. It
was .cleeided to hold a double quilting at
the home of Mrs. Mary Phillips in the
near, future. The .meeting ;closed with
the Lor(y's~ r`ayer. Lunch wife served
by the lion eSs....,..,On Sunday, Rev. A.
J. Milligan of the Baptist church, Gode-
rieh, occupied the pulpit at ,Union, in
the absence- of thew pastor`, Rev. C.• L,
Brdwn. Mr. -Milligan deliv`erett a
*Never dtssoive lye *in hot water. Th.
action o ' th¢ lye itself heats the•water.
lends sermon Aon. "Turning.Aside to
sp �} cl.< Moses Said,
See," from the' text, And d,
I will now turn aside and•see this great
sight, why the bush is not burn't".
(11xodus°3:3). During the service, the
choir seams an .anthem, "The •-Fulness
sof His Love.", ., . The regular meeting of
the X.P.U. will be Heid on 'Friday even-
ng, with Esther McIlwain ip. charge.
Pancakes and Ma'ni0 ►SYr up.—The
pancake• social and, concert, under the
auspices of. the Dramatics Club was held;
on. 13'riday, evening in the Qriznge Hall:
'There was--a-•good turn -out, despite the
in 1 ent weather. and -poor roads.
,.er, the main' item • Of' vs'hich---was
pancakes and maple. syrup was served
in the, abasement, while the concert; was:
held in the _auditorium: ' Mr. D. A,
'Campbell ,.d.f.Stratfordi acted in the
capacity ctf "chairman most`'adxniir'ably,
interspersing: theitems. on 'the 'program:
Willi ills "teatl:Y" wit' and .hump. 'The
'program consisted• of the 'following,:
Selections' by the Harmonica -• Band;
composed' of ;Everett 'Me1lwain, Stanley
McIlwa1n,; Eric McAllister and. Mr.
Otimpbell ; recitation,' "The Animal
Store," , Mary Jean Puller-; solos,
"The Little. Red -Fox" and "When
Father: Was a Little Boy," by,, Melville
I>arw'ood, accompanied by his mother
reading- The Iiamm q ck,"• be_.P1vai err ;
two-part songs, "Canadian Bbat-Sang"
and. "The Seeret," by -the school; Selec-
tions by, the Monk- Orchestra, of Gado -
rich; recitations, "O'Grady's Goat" and
hest lee 1n 'The Boy ,Rebels," by jack�Sawantz of
.Goderieh+; cruet, "Geandfather's Cloak,,'
a ears Bronchiis
The 'prinipal' symptom of broil- •
chitis is a dry, harsh, hacking `cough
aecompsnied with a raped wheezing
and feeling: of tightnessacross the
chest. v -
There is a rising of phlegm, espe=
eially in the morning. This phlegm
is at • first of e, light color; but as
the disease progresses becomes yel-
lowish or greenish, and is 'sometimes
streaked with blood.
You will find in Dr. Wood's 'Nor-
way Pine Syrup 'a remedy to stimu-
late the weakened bronchial organs,"
, subdue the inflammation, soothe the
irritated parts, 'loosen the piilegml
and muco', and help nature to easily
dislodge the' morbid •'accumulation.
The T. Milburn Co Ltd., .Toronto, Ont.
Mr. uzati Mars. Jelin GilAesl�ie aiVlm te�
church arceently rcelebretcd `tire ctty-
ninth ,,ry of .their marriage
with a family gathering. ,_.
John Cann, an cold resident of the
Thames„Road ,district,' Kissed away on
.Aprti Jtli. Ile cis'survived by this wife,
three sons, and three daughters.
,Alexander 3tenteith, of Aippee, died
'on Sunday . last .in dais seventy-fourth
Year. 1.lee?eased'Wats active figure in
Kipper"e .,
. 'United c urc, Ills wife j
illness of several years,
Fetes Moir died at his, lavage in I-reborne
ou April Stli inn his - ev'eittS=«seventh:
year. Ile' is survived' by hie .° wife and
siX son's.
john M. Coulter, sidentot-Ian, , ,I
sail fur the last sixty years, died at his
home -there, on April .)th, ,io:.his eigtity-
sixth year. An only' son, Dr, 'Samuel
Co' 1 d u te<iy o f Tole o, Q.,. survives. •
The 'U'nite ii
a ch .rch manse at Ethel
was the scene of a
March 8Qth.when Katie Ruth, fourth
daughter of .Mrand.Mrs., M. Sexaty
chuck," of Grey• township, became.• the,
bride of Mark, elder son' bfr Mr. and
Mr, os l .,T s R. Rami tfln of Wl,ton _ThP
coo le' will reside on,the groom's` farm
east of Walton. .
Carter —McClure
At,the Presbyteatian :church, 'Seaforth,
on April 6th, Margaret Isabel, daughter
of tile. and Mrs. -"William MoClure of
McKillop township, was united inm ar-
riage to Thomas Carter, of the sane
township. Rev. Hugh jack officiated: •
G er arnio .
The marriage of Margaret Jean,
daughter of Mrs. Carafe. and the late
James A. Carnier of Stanley township;
t D ItoL er t j. Greer, son o2 Mr. and Mrs.
1.tobt. Greer, of the same township, woe,
„solemnized lemnized by Rev. J. 8. Vetere .at the'
Varna parsonage on - Aerial Atli. The
happy couple will live en the gro sn's
farm on. the Blue . Water 'highway.,
Clark—Wilson `
The wedding. of Helen. May, els met,
daughter of; Mr. and Mrs Marvin
80n, L1$towcl, to .Percy William Clark,
son of Mr. ,A
nd Mrs. W. J. Clark;
sm, took place. at Knox Presbyterian
manse, Listowel,
Rev. W. E. Kelley of-
f/dating. The couple left on- a. motor
trip to ('bieago And ether United States
cities. They will snake thou lboree- in
Wingh sin.
crherson Iloggar It
The residence 'of Ito 'O: C. Keine,
iSeafort,h, wee, the scene on, Saturday
last of the 'Marriage of ,Mary 'Ethel,
•daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. SVilliant'Ilog-
ea,rtli, ,Londesboro, to Carmen W illiana
,McPherson of Ribbert. Mr. Koine of
'.elated, .After a honeymoon, P
tri to
°uteri(). points Mr. and Mrs. McPherson`'.
will reside on tile'` bridegroom's farm in
Ribbert township.
Seat edit Minister
incl: V' a Inured
,forth, it W
Rev. W. Mrs.. Craw of Sea-'
: r ; were.1naured in a traffic th ils itecidefi't
on No. 4highway, half -a -mile south' of
Lucan, en +s..
Snow on• thThuze pavementday .ha2tern0onad createdlasta
-slippery surface .and the Se .forth
minister's car ;5lewed and rolled over
in the ditch. Mr. and Mrs. Craw
were 'taken to Victoria Hospital, Lan-
don, Mr. Craw with sheet in uriestand
a broken collarbone, and Mrs. Craw
with head and chest injuries.
Po1 intato
mat., £prtl air
site* to see roads open to Odle spit.
c3veu It they are rmtbbr bumpy, A
geed's' smellier were out to Gras
f°lilix lx t►is kiutsdu;ya ' Itev. W. ♦, Bre t-
lier of Seeforth egala supplied for Ilgy,
7t �t f.+iti3 tied he will take ire eerviee
i;; ii.n Sunday.
,., with 14i1t z y llir. and Mrs. Melton
Wot►tle on Surolay wore Mr. Elliott
Mains '.Tial bride and 'Mei Irene Woods,.
cell of ',Outten.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wilson and
little soli; elle) spent the past couple of
months with Mr. awl Mrs,, Thos. Elliott,
have moved to their new home in
Mrs. W'i'ton, who has been quit -ell!,
is• .maround•uch aguain.nproved and is, able to be
oa -Thuraelay the April meeting of
• g
tl>t Ladies' Aid wss held in the ehureh
baseuwnt. (luly ten were preset. as
weather and road* ^were unfavorable.
Mr,. Robert Me llwalu and Mrs. Bidet
i "ox were lio tesses for the day omit
served a tasty limit.
Ronnd Trip Bargain Fares
APRIL 26-27 From iiODEB,TG`S
'L Statina*s Oshawa `
�mncl East los Cornwall ineinsive,: IIg'brlc
,Lizadsay, �Peterboro, Ga mpbe1�1ford New n'a ,eti Coi'liu' ood', Mel-
, +'
ford, Midland, North :l'.ay, Parry Sonnet., Sudbury, Ce'preen sand Went
to'Beai 1jmrn,t
APRJL ,Alt,,lC '"B' APEIL1J ...A�27
Alsoo Brantford,
$ 'Chatham, Godericlr; ‘Guelph, °Ilin.7nslton, �tgrlasn, ,
Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, st• Catsarines, St. 1irurya, Sarnia,
'Stratford, Strathroy,•Woodetoek. '
.. .
For 'Fares, Return ,Limits, . Train Info nnoition, .'Tiekets,
._. n N. etc., !Ge' soul ._�earest ° ant
by Esther and' Everett .Meil�wa1n, ac- v
cotpai;aied; by Mrs. ' Marwood ; solo with
•guitar _accompaniment, .' "The rtHouse-
wife's Lament," by Chester Beattie;
mouthorgan selection by Ernie Powell, 'rr`
accompanied by his Another ; duets by ,} ✓
Mildred and • Phyllis Monk of Goderich ; '. r...
reei,tation, "Canadian Born,"of.
.Bell ; rending, "On the Stairs,". by Mr.:
D. ,Swantz of •Goderich. The- National
Anthem brought •the evening to a close.
'About $20 was realized.
On Friday evening Mr. and' Mrs. Dennis.
Lassaline entertained about twenty-five
young people at their home. Progres-
sive peanuts was , played, with .high
honors going to Dorothy Ginn and Ger- . r
aid Orr. ' lO�onsolation prizes were pre-
',seated to Elva Orr . and. Stanley : Mc-
liwain. After a• 'dainty buffet lunch-
eon,. the young people danced until the .
wee, sma' hours of the •�inerntng. ,:
. Effective
SUNDA*7` APRIL- 28th,' 1940.
Rau Information from, Agents
. a.
" ' acid ,c1lo!rf` "e`""fiiii ° at sign, of Kidney
trouble. .When your NO aches, look to
your' lridneys Don't fail to heed this warn.'
inggit is too important. Take prompt action
to correct Backache, or its cause. At the first
sign of Backache turn rsonhdently to Dodd's
Kidney Pilis'•for' over half a century the
"favorite remedy' for Kidney ailments. .. 107
1:1)odd-$ nay Pills
*it) . the • 1940 011ore-Yosemite' Economy
unta>tn ranges atn
--306. nnile�-across-mQ � •.
iron � • �e luxe �o>�d``V=8'
sleet,and rain -an 85- .p.
assed. the two ' other vohitne-production
cars in its price class (both "sixes"), and
turned. in ,a record a 29;88 miles per li -
erial gallon of ,gasblinel
Engineers 'know that at least 8, cylinders, are de-
sirahle,„for power,- smoothness and flexibility: As
roof, consider theTat tt iatthehighest- iced cars
of most Manufacturers have 8 cylinders or intore.
NT -type engin9s e the\zvorld's-most iiiodern auto-
motive engine" --hold unsurpassed records. on land,
sea, and in the air. This is the type of engine chosen
for several of trite ;,bighest priced• Cars in the' world.
Yet the .1 Ford -the only-;l'ow-priced a with-
ithan 8 -cylinder engine, ..ot . V-type'°eng nes--offers .”
greater economy than the' two volu'rxieµproductiou
"sixes"! (See information in panel).
'Of course, per1ormadce' and •economy' arctn't
everything. And in the. Ford..V 8, you'll: find c Amy
fort and qu><etr` , . luxury and style leadership
roominess and a level, stabilized ride to match the •
plusbperfor malice of the Ford V.8 engnrte!
Ask the Ford-MercuryKZephyr -:dealer to put a.
Ford V.8 at your d*sposal,,while you discover for
yourself how much.. vralite low Ford prices t epresent..
everything about this. truly modern
t'eight'l p '