The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-02-01, Page 8AU311.7kN, %tau, end
awry Weguer have returned bonie.
*tem Isetroit, where they had beeti
viaiting their ilitighter.
Vise *Harriett Itapstni, o IittlIett,
visitiug her sister, Mrei Frank Lansing.
Mra. Bradt and two sons and (laugh -
leer. of Lealuingtou, are visiting Mrs.
Briett's de:tighter, Mrs, Joe Beggitts
sad, Mr. Haggitt, • .
Metiers, ThiPITMS J41.11Wt011 4144 KA:1111
Arthur4tttending the .General
„Motors eonvention at Toropto, this
Areirie Itoblessurets niarsing her
mother, 1,‘Ir5. John Turnerew119,,i1
patient in tile, Clinton Hospital., ,!
• quite a number tif residents are ill
ssithlise., -;
Ratiiieee, PaiteiSOn
turwl home front Bele,rave. where be
had been :Ittendiug the elleet course.
Alachua and son Aa yisited
witieMr.•-: and Mrs. Cade of Gotteriell on
Tuesday,.s • '
Gordon naithbY of Goderiebt is• visit-
. ing. his grarelpareets; 'Airs and Mrs: J..
Miss Dorothy "CorlesSS of' 'Clintea,
visited, on Sunday .with MissAmelia
MCIiwatte •
Mrs. Eckardt Yunghl.ut quietly eele.„
brated her seyentassecond birthday on
sThursdast, Mr. Gee'. Ilainiltfin. was;
Seventystve on Sunday.
Geo Btailant, of Weit WawafillOSk:
Is having hitt heme Wired for „hydro.
Group -The Canadian 'Girls.,
-in Training met at no United church
manse' on Friday evening. The Meet-
ing was in, charge of ylvian Sir -Anglian
„ 'and May Munerpresided at t1 Piano.
- The Scripture and the tainutei-Of the
previous sleet -tits were reilk by itte
ltuerite KtUt,agH A. re.4411U1 Witki itlY014
Ittitti Arthur. The next meetieg
will be held, in two as-eeks arid will be in
eliarge {J,f Mary Muuro mad Ituth
Art hur.
in the basemeat of nip, Baptist church
Sunilay evisaires. (The Meeting 'Nati it),
sews* es asre, It„„J: Phillips kind Miss
liaggitt. Mrs. Annie .Walperit
in prayer. A. reatling was given try Dili
, Serielture . the 121st
PSaira, WaS read lily Wes. Ital. Phillips.
Mrs. IStri McIent‘..eit favored with a
6olo. Ila aud 111.11e. Craits ,sang a duet
This ',being the New ' Year's Wetiillg,
eYear's ,thatrights, . were given by
MN, liaggitt, INIr. Jas. ItaltithY,
aits.t Raithby; Mrs. Mr.
Frank I:taillike cilia. Mr. Geo. ItaltlibY,
The Indies,' quartette, Mrs, Howson,
Mrs. McKnight. Mrs': Iiaggitt tteal Mrs.
--Raititbys, favored With a number.
The „twat meeting Will be in eharge of
George Itaithbis '
„I,ted„ Cross Meeting.s-A meeting. or
thit local -Red cross was held in the
basement of the 'United' Church 'Tuesday
afternoon, with the proident, Mrs.
Herb Mogridge, In charge. The meet-
ing, was. opened With a hymn, followed
by prayer. by Mrs, Ross.. Mrs. Edgar
Lawson gave. a spleru'lid report of the
vieit ,of Major 11 T .. 'Watsoe of the
Organization Department, 'Toronto,
Who was in this district some timeago.
It was decided to send boxes to the
two local soldiers overseas, Pte. Xellr
. The coal ,merehants of Goderich
tile- forced to rdise the prim of coal
. account Of the adivattee -price at
the senThese . the sareharge
fe‘eight sand ether American- eicinuige,"
--Itont-Fehruary, 1st the, priceS will. be
if'S followsa- ,
Credit- ' CAA
Price Price
(1401 Vosd)
'Perahontis 13;50--i2a-
C4.)ke, 1150 12.50
"Slack 0.00 ' -1.00
YAW otilakt OM, co
=MOS, AND sniSwook--
cam: C. "
mo), muOirAnn
arnE Sawn mu,
P.BAYF1 Jen, 3 tat IWNGANNoN, jau. 31s ,Sieeers. We.
A, Culbert efel Or% Me Free un I -reek -44Y
eight etteaded the complenentary ban,
w("c"at.'htr 41,1" /1'*'re. vettivilel t ,know whieh interested
que ate
liun'iou/St't weft. Miley etokls breeders and horse
Mr. Seed Mrs. Wm, Ferguson left on nwn. '
Skiturtik4iy for NVind,.:or. where therliSeal IsItt43,/'.4rtel)°3
tte is vet
IstiPlia the next few weeks.. spell ;of illueessavith her heart;
th'i,!r,i't.asAtil,!-41rcvitee'rtr wiildwon's,Petilv! saMtuirsisiaearfliticre sittaLst,telg'('014‘t, 141nisseslai6t1
turned to her home here on Wednesday Loudon,- trig xatd-terut examinations
etiss, „jean eensolost, on•-,4;visines,045, at- the iversity.
to %Isis i•rienlisin Harri-tou. Sir. John iFinnigan atid fainily have
Mrs. Mason of Detroit 13 visiting this week: been indieposed, but are 3low
her aline Mrs, M. castle. ' recovering. MAW, Olive Cul-
' giSS Camqron, who luid been bert, ati,'Sifiting; 0101.1.
tii her .4ster* for the last- two e‘;‘,.. -.14.,,27;i, !1"410111,-.11ft,"ietaliV 141'ia:nitlYntrh°
,niuntiis, left, on ..Friday last: to visit "S,,7„),.-s7,7•TIT",'1.1-
in Chleago ,and Detroit before returning,, -"
to Aldwa,ultee. The .Dungatuton Red Cross received
Gordou Heard of Torontce spent ta the Proceeds , of the, dance which, fol -
wookseud. at his home here. j ploeweeedukbt; tlitet jsthhi,oratinoctomutris4 tboalationnett
Fredellaker left on Friday for
14..;:nt (1,3elnr4etyvh.eriehtsti.itt: ,liosniirt 51117 o Ttelloe talunilltuer -,chen°rilegurvgaastiZrbe.meneehtti,
'yet on • account of tucleinent weather,
411";,1:,' trfa7kt,A1,"eansweeelektsi 011 Tne.ssitty for °het on'Wedttesday night of this week a
LiondonS Where .he ,w111' spend - 4 few real get"ta'gethev 113' Planned' '°g/3111131
days. , with a "pot luelt", supper, .followed by
Agrituitural Society,--41te annual tthati:sY/rts:4_etri the ivarious 'erg,aniza"
meeting of the Baygeld .A.grieultural Mr. Dan rowler,- ofiltDe ,OthEe'ences-
l8$‘°-eedient(tdiva4y$ ittaeslid. T 111 thltee TzeotwionisHinagli 47, sion, has:been quite eel this past week.
president, Fred, ,Middletenis2m1 Wee- niettlireetilW,Von, ivtileerleiteSoUrrty
for rAy Clotrri Ould ta(tiai,:kY,sr!thge endeity, • LOT..
fleets and.alirectorssarere aPpointed
1940:. President, Wm, Sparks; 1st vice- 1"71 In 11141 gh
to say, lias
president, Bert Dunn; treasurerJames
out. Itireteitl,oseors..1,E,e(tio. rpyo,sAte.n.,,Born‘on, 14h000gar: .been quite. ill' the: past month. She is
neth. Scott and Pte. yeugheat. Ars wm, Steidieuson. W. W. Wise, A. 11109vwer7swdertigit 'A°ItillentQerataroblIff? bhyQvirheevredralehild-
raugeraents were made to Make reore Warner, -Wa.s. E. Foater, are ter Mrs, Jean „ Williams', and iteuse.
etliudiel!dts:-,ttb; sa:e0d'A' ofrt.atline,gegi.trs onitnediiikEolwrdeuit ititrie•rtgurineY1. ka.noeel.!,Ptg.roe:blten7Ittiei... -.efelitoermbS,regoe:Ga;itrrialionucidwaueelandle*n:is,h1ler.
And fourth Titesdars the-monthS the thfainger, 04.1r1 , Diehl, s- Aires George
un -
next meeting to be held in the basement hale, Harold Stiusow, Russel Grainer; ,m_any useful„Years, And our best wishes.
of the BeptistsetuIrch.' Thel meetine
e honorary directors, D. MOTatighton, shuitinie tie% hverb:lurtietthe,rwda.tlYs..4.11e woinen,,s
ewas Closed by the singing of the Na-
tionia ,Anthern, At the close Of the
meeting' 4 bale • was, packed and the
fOilowingq. articles 'sent to the hetet,
quarters at Teronto :, 3 dozen pair socks,
.7 Pair wristlets, 22 scarfs, 2" sweaters,
12 hospital bed gown% I:,pair pyjamas,
.T. handagesa 6 abdominal bands, 9
also for Finnish relief.
ST, 'A.T.IGITSTINE„- `29.=The
Messrs. PateAnd- Frat*-Morans of Ash,
geld.;'' attended the funerals of the late
'Frank Devereaux last weeks -
Bill seuniniins,-- after'. Spending
Some Slays with friends here •and -in ,
STorentotureed„.„.14.:Sis... honiesshe:Serthe church,- theeharvest sdrvices, and
:$4sitatehewatithisscree14-1HeselIFYisit,, 0.1M.4iV1304iiCeirethe'fatirl'itir
friends in roit on his way to the
Mrs, T.'-easey of Toronto
the Devereaux
?Jr. BM Cidig.tir.Lonclon,ljeiverSity
'visited hi a parents here for- A few days.
Messrs. Lils/t. Morrison of _Parkhill
and George Itierdmee--of--Detroft. at-
tended the funeral of their father-in-
law, Frank ..DevereauX, on JenliarY
26th. 0 • *
Thos. M. Snowden;s.'Samuel Houston, Aseotiation ,of, the United. elture4 met,
T. 'IC' Woods, Mrs. 'Fred Middleton,
Mrs, Thos.„ Snowden, Mrs. M. F. Woods; eessnearr,, AldiatLill/;repshieiestelletlinell.e:'hawrigteh. MT%
allialtar E.7.A.,keatherstoJc-fi. Mill --4.0 -ineeting opened in . -the usual WStY•
C44elny. churciAnno• a.t ,mee,ting.... mlletri.anugsr-t(tWilerueoag-eihvcaniabyulysi.ssNeEvvmllio4tnt:
The =Mai meeting of Trinity ehtirch, .11- i
/3„asAoki, was hod on Wednesday after- the test contribution being three short
noon of lest week,: when epletidid -r 'Pes, eeslasl'aleille,teire4!.11Th4le StQuilesthaivn°exelY4oluthr
Pelts were of the year'sactivities. smiles,. Mrs. 4verete Harris read the
-Alt gitancial obligations were met in Harris en-
InutilthS,edubrtlinnkg wthae4 seoeamepitehteeiyindliebtintreddantese: Plans
ed 7-exPaligd: jbgrir a:it:her_ Aitile4!
and the treasu' rel..; Mr RussellHeard,suavirtelse7seer?s,etnelzddeesetrytheetgeggetegegatSi°J1441,
was able to 'report a ,bitiance on hand. alewhemeefs group served ' a ten -cent
'SoLfie.of the'actiVitles during• the_yeart
Were the ,garein party, the play, the t°-.1tata. 1101;44 0211°srel'etiD-telite-lurolt.".,tee'ilkogr.d ha
-observance of the ninetieth anniversary . bees seaessea here .of the T,„ aceideatit
deatias„soies.Wedneadays,ofAaSt week,, tit,
_, ok.rit,teceteorrk. of the
J. rGioura:i.barginiar,ttrantikot 4nithde,.:ftEdoartgrtitli• otP:itmli_,,Kg$11,1;'ir_eattraiW4:34:1eilliblon,
the,smenthers of the congregation_ on- .,,,,
girwIbwen"=-$411tIe e*:atsth.k411. trek°, °prd:rsdo-twhiiii
erallyfor their interest in the church's.street
and carried sixty feet hystt-mo ear.
She died hi the hospital about an hour
later. : Tre ;incident ,occurred nearly'
acrossthe corner from her home. ,The.
, funeral_Was held ' en Friday, Besides
_ . - ,
ner• mother she is survived by; one
brother and - one -Sister, French; ' and,
Help the MA CroSs, alai enjoy 4
delightful, evenitig in the forest with
Hiawatha and his Indians. Fritlayi
February 23rd. Ikvs° Missionarp Club,
Knox ehureh.
A 3'aet comedS, 4'The Black. Derby,"
will be presented at ChriSt Attach,
Port Albert, hlt the A. -Y.1., ob Tuve-
day, February litie at 8.15 pan, Ads
atnission, 25e and 15e.
— who took the sea1,1Se1erci jaeket by
mistake at the badminton stance on
Friday night plea'Se 'phone 912.
sals;ed green hard maple anti beeeh
body . wood at --$2.50 per emit, for .cash.
Phone 555W, or -0 all at 18 WeSt
Town. ' ' -5
0,t1arter1y meeting services will he
held in the Free Methodist, church,
Victoria at Park street, February 2-4.
Rev. JrW. Peach of Sarnia the
preacher. Services will be Friday and
Saturtiar, 4 Pine Souda, 11 0:44.-3114
7 p.m. Sunda Y school will be at .10
ttaar.; ,follewed by Methodist ,love -feast
at, 10.30. A. cordial invitation to all ti)
work. Mr. W. J. :Elliott'', WAS again%
aPlvinted rectors warden awl, Mr. W.
J. ScOtcluner People's Warden: A spec -
Vote of thanks -Was eiecorded the
rector for his Work during the. year.
Red : Cross'AVOrkile-hlee-ting-Of
the loettl braneh of the 'Red crosi,
Sticiety,waa 'held in the' Orange ,Ilall
on Feiday afterneon..., cvVidng . to 'ethe
weather, the aftetitiange„ *as not as
large as usual. A ,tittlit, the material
of Wallie.h7.was, &Mated Mrs..Makine
for therefugees. Three ..0theri quilts
Were .donated, two by. Mr. And :Mrs.'
George Elliott and one hy.Mrt,
To date $7:25 was turned in from the
hostesses for - the ••-ztetie, were -Mrs: I. j;
.'Grahant, Mrs. and Mrs.
E.,.Yorke. On 'Monday ,afternoon the
shipping committee -packed two hales,
which contained 65 pair.soeks, 4 Oweat-
ers,.4 scarfs;.4.'euilts, 8 pair mitts and
one child's cap and scarf, Set. The meeting will be held •om Thursdan
February - 8th,' at 3, a'ailoek; lai%the.
Orange Hall. Please note change oL
day •oWlek----to the Women's, Day "of
Prayer being observed On Friday,- Feb.
reeky gth: _ •
The regular Meeting of the"W.M.:S.
of Northstreet United chureh?will
be held_ in, the Sunday School rocan On,.
Monday at 3 p.m. Mrs. Mooney's group
will; have eharge, of the meeting, and
Miss 'Catupbell Will take the study
book. MentherShirf fees'aredue at this
Very char:M.6g and 'altogether unique
14'the Pageant "Hiawatha," to1egiv-
en in aid of the Red Cress on IF*Idity,
refbrnarY 23rd, by t4he Bors' MiSsienary.
Club of -Knox Church, • .47
*The Women's Institute is haying a
_4500" And euchre the-. Oddfellows
Hall, on Friday evening, February 9th.
Admission 25 cents; proceeds in aid of
tife:"Red-Cross. ' 5-6
ABLE. 'Tea, Coffee, 250 House
bold Necessities, Premi:ums ionthIy
Bargains make selling easi. ‘Dealet!'s
Malec .Fifty Dollnrs weekly. yrite illjv-
intalititely--ariange for big year's WM-
nese. Cressy Oampens.,1534313, Dundits
West, Toronto. • 4-6
and dead cattle; =Mit be suitable
for mink feed; rentoved proniptly.
FRED GILBERT,' R.11, 2, RaYileill
Phone 08 'r 22, 'pintoes. 'Calls paid
for, -
WbnYol-klAr.uP your cam for wiaer,
Phone 0.35r ;Shell ',Service Station, .0'
have your:el:tatters' remoyed and seised
for the winter, erfo „ 'tfaiteN.
Agn, Lindeld. 41tf
At. Eingsbridge Halls )4oridAy even -
„int. February Oth, pre -Lenten eocial
eyenieg. „MeCharies' Orchestra. Ad-,
mission 25 cente. ' -5
— MIRY elO1SE111014) NEEDS !.
ram'. flex salesmen Wire!, riling guaratv,
teed FainileX Products'. 'QX-itOK`xszT1
PEAT ORDERS.' IGO facts :and tote
!Logue today, EAMITSEX PRODUMS.'
570.tSt. element Montreal.
Row. )34RIO,
' .;garage, two ares land.; geed. water,
one mile from .Squera,en Huron Road.'
App!yMRS: npmny e BmNs5.
die -
CHO _ .xcE
. ,
-A &GF1Wfl
Pearl, also by her grandparents, Mr;
and Mrs, Andrew Kirke:of 'Settforth,,
tornterlY. of West .WaWanosie. .4
)11,Onlen's Institute.-74he -:‘Women's'
nstitute mot: on Thursday, january,
-25th;.' Rut.
,ledge; with nineteen inembere and ;one'
visitor preeeutS .Mr. Lorne Itteriebre-'
sided and the. meeting Was opened in
the 'Usual ,eall. was p4=
•4414ondefle-tt-Ivitk,4%tv Favorite-, Pas
time." „ Mrs. Wilbur .Browns read a
paper prepared %Ire.' • jack Ryan,
whohadthe topic but was unable V)
attend, _June and Betty Rutledge. Sang,
a little song. Mrs. Ivers, read e' few
To commeraorate'ZoYS' Week in On-
-tariesWr..Aivin Corliss, premier of'tlie
Boys''''Parliiiment, will „speak at the
llowshiP hour -after the -evening ser-
vice -in :Victoria street thurch on Sim -
AU* ;
The seamen . iti'.Goderich have ac-
'-ceptecfan invitation ,to attend a Marin-
-ere- service in ,Victailas-etieet United
chilrehi. Sunday evening, February
2* 2"z* 15$
Giant Size 29c
tOUGIINUTS dos. 110
--,Vilorons iNhiey
!Mit / •lIb
• Bag'
Mild and NieRoVv,
8O'CUftiIt 11h
January 24th, was -
tartais,"- Years Welitee fortieth ans-eWednestlay,
stiveraary of the wedding of Mr. and,
Mrs. Roderick Ross,- highly esteemed"
residents of the boundary. The' axe,
and Mrs.. Ross have a family Of ten -
'six °sons and lour ldaughters---41ving.
They are John, of -Detroit; '1Cennetit,
of Toronto; William and R. D., of
Asitfield ; Gordon and Kenzie,- nt honte
Mrs. John Mackenzie, tirnetroit;., Mrs.,
John 'West,' of- :.Mrs, Peen
Pitillipson, of Palmerston), and Irene,
1101. n •
' On Monday evening the Weetmins,t,er
Guild of Knox church held:a toboggan-
ing party.' Abont thirty menibers were
present, and the young people returned
to the ehurch,`„, where ,hot Inn& was
-served. After lunch; all in sing?
ing songs, .and the meeting broke
with -"Auld Lang Syne." • t,
• Tlie, regular meeting of "the Ladies'
Aid of Knox' Church, was held- oxi°
day. last.and,lwas pfesided over
,tbell, the president. Mrs,
gsse an.„•interesting paper "
to A.laska,"?.. Mrs. Sanderson re
'Scripture lessen, and Mrs. Beg Bu
y lars.•
followed with .prayer. T_hisss., the „first
eetingti Ite,AM zear, 'was gelY
attended: -
gorbe.; "Did ,11307611*k18814
tLI at
ung• Allen -last nightr, D,a.ught
ell, mother, he told me he had -'j 'st
41.00 ifelcitosovv., sorry f'
quite entertaining. Plans. were
for the next Meeting, Which will lie -in abut, hcveop't have
the form of a soehtl evening On Fettru- rektive left'in a Week's tinie!"*„ • ,
ary 28th at. the -home of Mrs. Stephen • -
rotiv'ttOtt,--11(01*UX SERVICE
ISTATION, well located in Goderieh,
enjoying nice business. APPLY' giving
,particulars 'regarding eilperienee, 041) -
Rah etc., to Box is, SIGNAL -STAB.,
- • 6x
ill'Oft SAUK
tiEf."Alt A.9.1 good , condition ;.
used only three months. f.1.110.0. ,
JtilINSTON, It.R. 1, Goderich, Phone'.
030 on 21. • 2-3- .
SKIN COAT, large- elm); Will sell
cheap. Phew 461W„•
of br. (Tiger) Dunlop may -
Secured for 25 cents. 'You have ofbele;,
Wanted, to see a '011”; -Yeti may now'
get one of your own for the smallSirni:-
25 cents, at THE SIG,NAL.MATt.
of the West Wawanoslr Malarial
,pire .1usturance Oompany wilt be held
hi the ParishuxU, Dungannon, on
'day, Xebruary 9th;,1040, at 2 p.m., to:,
meive rePorts, elect direetors and,
trapeavt I ;metal_ beetles% Direetoret,,-
,Sevverhys Ackert and igtuatitovillretiro,
but ere elitgibile for re-electkia.
4.5 (40. XI. alreleaven; Secretary. .
. ,
up to February 15th, 1940, for ;the -e'
,wiring for electricity of 1:1S.S. No, „
istullett Sehool (Auburn School.) Ths)w.”,= •
est or tany tender not iteeessarily
• ac-
cepted. 7PlaaS May be seen at the home- -
of the undersigned.
• •.1.1A1bRY L. STURDY, „
R.R. No. 1- Auburn 010
_ • •
wish to express' fief their 2inaTaY- Saturday Yebruitri4:30::
friends, neighterp,,,,,Western_ipanada,
Mill employees anti:Orange Lodge; their
PrefonntrappreelestiousaCtheir kindnes.S.
eiVelne ' ' . set tehigte aleavy eitirneesa Boggr12s'.
* :Pole; Whiffietreea, etc.; ;Set Doulahee7
ffE.I,AlifILY OF THEsLArtEat0IIN„ snoes-rsereewshe a swaiseeensseaketee
'BLACKWOOD 'Wish to -thank 'the ,
s , Riding •Beidle,:. ahl other ,artideies,
staff of the Goderiell Bt001441*,` • have AO liVesteeks,implielh-
-O. 'Jackson, Rev. D. 1.ittnetuad 'these siass., or any other 444..hi40, to cuervo
who loaned their ears., ' -5
es; :bring them to this sale. can''
F.Uti* thanks for all 'the kindness 'Ox-
tended`to 'say Motherin her illness and
for the. expressions of sympathy I have,
received from my old friends.and_7neigh,bors. will ,
gig -forget theta..
5X agtow w.A.T.M410 lings. healteirlionaegrolenloc-Seee'
next 'Week's paper. • •-
At 1,80 sitarP:, Work 'XiOrtesi; 1- *IV-
ing Colt ;8 Ctitterit 1 Brockville *teed
Cutter; Goocif Robes;,1 ,Set „TelimSe.
seli.tuom for you. We have Several
ers wantingyoung cattle. Terns ()ash;
T. ,GUNDRY $4, SON", .
•" '.4.tictioneers.
, rebrualrel2th five WO seg 100
TIP, Brood Sows, iChunliti. and :Well33,-:*
130-NYVIDOK,' .an, 0.,41116 St,
Augustine Women's Institute will'nieet
on Wednesday, February 7th, at the
,hoMe grs. Jfks. Craig, with the fol-
lowing program: Community singing; -
roll ealla riddle or. story; current,
'events; Mrs. Thes:011aliek--;"144ite, Mrs.-
Mark;Araistrong, and a spelling toateh.
Hostesses: Mrs, .ThOs. • °Walley, Mrs.
Jean Robinson. ..„
The pupils of Sit. No. Vwere given
as...treat laet Tiniraday •Whetts. ageism-
nied, by their 'Iteacher. theyee *ere
stothers, kindly offers her hOMO,
with Mrs. WXqk Stewart, „her niece, aie's e. was it love at &St -sight' ikkeenrot4illeatoturralvfx,14-d soetehlehrPpileettUurteSe °fin'
.,. "Gosh, marrying A , million -
aa hostess, „ The husbands are Invited tette; "Nor second Sight. When Ora c nnection With the short eotirse.beifig
and Ur. Shearer, district agricul- vir him'', I -did?* knew lie was a mil- Iheld there.
tural representative, will be present to . ern. University, London, after a few
Mr. Will Ore* hae„returned,tees, ea.
NEW $:101t/) TRACTOit tanks (Ithiining ";dciwii . from .his dais" tldgit at, hie home here. • ,
-room) Night clerk? Snippy „Olelle: Mrs: Alfonso Casa of, Toronto at-,
DISPLAYED HERE Well, what's biting Yout-Sinks : That's* Iended.-qtte funeral- of her uncle; the
WhetT want.0 know.. late Ur pevereaux.
Canadian. farieer,s have in One- ,
portuf,it ty-T'ef -Seelhe the voia
Arattor, with Ferguson wheellees
inents today. • This: revolutionarif;;n0W
'posverssfarraing.innit is being shoWxi
:aerolitS' Canada in all dealers,' • shrive-
ti041118 and is displayed here by Mr. S.
..Prevett„ local Ford dealer.' •
"This tradtor and its ituplenteets give
farmers the. greatest advance in power
Dies'at TorontO.Word been,..reL farrniug equipment in many Yerge De-ceived here of the death -4)f Mr.Johnj tniglicr:adsetis:fr.XdkuecIttoEumailingd'leeia:eers'.olpet arlat
MdeDertaid in. -St. Michael's
1-,Weretai, Toronto, on January 25th.
,The lateJohnISlatthinald was the-epe,
ond son of Rei. Kenneth 3/facDona1ui,
who as minister in „Ashgeid Presby-
terian .church froM 1886 to 1891. He
attended the Goderiell, Collegiate Insti-- Ilo is survived by -lii wIfe and*
two sons,, Donald .and I.certnethe, also
by tvvo. sistets, Mrs. , MacKellar and
Mrs. MacLeod : of 'Toronto. nth.. bro-
thels James MaeDenald, whosnate
tised for a While in Rintall-luid%latek
inlicincaOiner,died "a. few years ago.,
111116BUO 'It d*,70„„
011102014:r"" 496
LUX' Toilet, . 3 ,,Cakes 16C
LU, ?Wm; lge. pkg. 23c
ge" 2ac
A. i'llfir4ske
.od colony maple
• smuts Or Maple Leaf
Pink •
;:enitinigb;ihe Years ,of, wars,
depressions and epidemics,
your Life Insurance is Safe.
AltacIntosh.-No. 1 Grade -6 qt. basket 36c
31PRUIT Ora Texas MarshSeedleis ,05v
ATOMS•New Texas
ItOrit • 1940
utp Markers
Drivers' Permit*
•(kg). Motitieses ON. SW*.
iy Pa Its 1.10 Restotirstlis
fir 1940 noose oat *ire
big said Mr, Prevett. ,
Describing the new tractor, Mr.
Prevett .pointed ,out that it eon -ditties
light- Weight With great ''strengthe of
construction and'peever. It weigha,aP..
proximately .2;000 pounds and hAndlee
two 14 -inch ploughs in average, soils.
0=1:Met '1111d."-I-VeeSa-tile,7.1f-1)rOvittei
power for all types ,Of farm Iterit sueh
AS Ploughing, tillage; row -crop cultiva-
tion, belt work- and the oPeration of
combines and other machines, from a
power take -off. •
'It is necessary to see thiSt.' tractor
1)1 Actien to 'understand just What it -
will mege to Canadian fartilbis. ..,, The
unique coupling of the 'inipieinents-
creates the onecesSary,-traetion. The,
hydraulic Mechanism is eontrolled by,
a handy lever Which is used to raise or
lower the implements and to keep thein
in. the soil at a .predeterefined depth
While Working," said Mt,. Prevett
s"T,Ite tractor and imPlements have
been thoroughly tested in practical
term work during the past year. Re-
markable results, have- been achieved
Wyth"an iiVertftge 'fuel; 'eofiguitiptieri of
lottiy, one gallon of gasoline an hour
while ploughing and doing other heavy„
Work," said Mr. Prevett.
Public demcinstratioes will be ar.
ranged on distriettarms 0.8 840n as the
weather permits. : In the , meantime
fariner's are invited to see the -tractor
mid implemente ilt the shoWrooms,
Teatlier ",8am1)oi trtake asentence
using the word ‘deteitfttl'." S.amito
"raPPY and ,Maninay end Liza and de
twins and Mos& OA de 4rOl1(ister to
'W`tuntittm, and der aure
.A..ottrato -doseriptitiit Is an art, but it
ay Invite trouble.. For instithee : Of-
fleer: "Can you *Sera* your **an-
ent?" Vietim s "Of course I eati ; that's'
that he hit toe tor-dekribing him"
• A maid who, NO rt.centiv jOined the
'church wag *AM how she knew she
*Yu eonverted. he replied: "olletetnee
now 1 cleat under the rep,"
-.ft you .suffer - *from rheumatic
neuritis pain try‘this simple inexpen-
sive home recipe. Get a ,package : -of..
BU -EX pulDsomPTIQN frat).•Yotir
druggiskeIlik 'it With a quart of
add the juice of 4 lemons. _
easy. No trouble .at'all,,ana pleasant.
' You need onlY 2 tablespoonful two
dines at. day. Often ,within 48, hours- "
sometinie oVernight-liplendid, results
are' obtained: , ;the pains .do not
quickly leave andif you 'do not feel
better; ..1iII-151X" POPSOILIpTION wiil
Cost you nothing to try as it is Sold'
by your, druggist 'Mader' an absolute
guarantee_ of money. back, if it: does
not help you. RU -11X (PRESCRIP...•
TION IA for 'Ale and • recommended by
4-8 "
But _gutters and waste boAkets are filled ev,ery day wi'th
unopened, unread 'expensive so.called ."diiect" 4,4vertising„ sale
ammunition shot into the air.
A newspaper commands an
tortoni, especially your home paper.
'out Arid being .xes4 "from cover to
tering the post oilce -bashfit, front
the housekeeper.
audietiee withaprospeotive :itus.
It is' never thrown aside with.
cover.," 'Von nei4 see it
or streets, or annoying -
'That is -why intelligent, attractive newspape,r advertising is
looWn to I* the most effective fortn o advertising for your *tenets.
An advertisement ht The Signal.atar will reach the .buyers
in ihe local territory and will be read by 'thousands, of people.