The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-02-01, Page 1NNET ON -1) YEAR, NO; te.
'Combining The Goderich.Signal andThe,Goderich Star
--crLitting:ice to
early IYIZIOU B1141010 a Grain
".flt Cazigoes to Be Moved,
to Mentors
• Thee cutting of ice for the removal
et grain vessels from their winterinoor-
• age td the elevaters for unloading le,
' 7 new' in tell wing, with CaPtein
Robinson iu Charge 'or operetiOeS, ,
For Over o week now a `.exew of forty
:Wait* 'of iterseSt haef been
'employed in roue -dug the snow, slime
and iee knobs froni the eurtaee. of the
• keelit the- harher-e•
snow and •slusli is tee' heaviest that lie
has encountered in many years of suce
week: The teameiters are experiencing
tonOldetable-elifiletilty 111 removing the
_ sheelesbi. certitin. places where- the ice*
is too -Weak -to ex-newest:lite heavy horses.,
The men must- -wade in sleuth -tout -end
• five ineees thick, load it on the.sleighs
on -the edge of the weak lee, and there
hitch theluirsete to ,the slelghs, which'
are ;then taken to :the eentre of the
harbor eaul the snow • and eluelt piled
-in a huge. ring.
The itetual ice-eottiog beganeon. Mon.
- day, when a siteftiotevelde channel; was
'opened, extending frdm, the breakwater
at the north side of 'the, harbor to the
ylainiti.efethe grain elevators, where
the Yeeeeig• aremoored. es"'
An ice-outter operated bee** -gos-olino
• Meter is living used for 'the heaviest
eutting, :Whileeandsaies. are Used to
cut tile ice cakes ili steattereportionta:
e.These _Oakes are poled down ,the channel
stoS the- breakwater, where they -sire.
loaded oie"-,‘ an escalator, w.Iilch varries',
„eV** over the breakwater and flew*,
'etbeeiloto the elver on the ' other.. gide..
•• Aboutitifteen niedarse elePlOyed in the
thickness of the ice . verieeefrom
• to tWei‘WincheS. •
VesSelS to Be UnIoad
The grain vessels to beunloadedare:
' Anita •• 0; `Midi& with -116,100bus, of
wheat - and pow bus, of oats; the etre
Ontadee wUli 230,,500- bus. of wheat;
the etre Algoreil with' 194,079., bite, of
.- wheat. soid-;tlie Saeicadoe !With. 238;200.
.bus. of swieetse, . The total .amount of
gialeteetiebe • unloaded thus:. nearly' ir
inftlion bushels.
. The:AnhaeC. lttincli weisethe lest boat
tinder 'the leg of the elettettoreialongside
of which he has lain :Sinee theclose of
snavigation. Opts are being Unleaded
• and trauehiPpedsby--eali---tee-theeeleaboard•
• - for export.; 'A representative of the
-boat .etemptiny has been in • Gederecit
• A -Tee rionte ' dayst-eovereeeing.• the jell.-
' Repair Weelt.Pteceeding
Eight: mete:140e 'Peen, engaged for
eoMe tietteeerites*te-itiibee-:,-mititee and
• altsefotiOisa to Aye'. Scotteltfelsner boate
•which emlepose'Peet of theeveletter tieete
The - work is being; • One,
Harper and ilerbeet ;Fraser of H.' 1.
Hertoo and Son, :Petit .Colborne, with
a number of local:.ziabU: •
A new ash elevator from the ''s(oke-
• holee•and a new stoke -hole floor are
. being bintt In the Dayton. e • Aeliew inshie eritek is being built and
general repairs. made on the -Revertori.
• --..Considerable boiler work • is beteg_
. done on • the Geistumn,' while general
repairs are being milee on the Starwelf
and'Ann C.'eseee - -
On the Brieoldoc,- of', the ,Patterson
Line, a*, new Pilot house is -being - hunt.
Other Petttersoo boats also are to undek-
oego repairs..-_ • .,---e- •°' • •••
- Tolk at the harbor is that the boats
eeeirill he out -thig'spriiig,A§" soon .as--icir
▪ conditions permit, for 1940 IS eipeeted
to be:a big season e on the Ortiat pekes.
te •
N.: •
• . OAR, AccmtNTs ,
Whiledrivingto the C.N.R.estation
',to meet the train on Friday even-
ing, William Paegan, taxicab driver;
..etruck a car driven by Robert Bradley,'
at the corner, of East and • Vietoria
otreetst. Mr. Ftiegen aid not notice the
• Bradley ,ear, 'travelling along Victoria
'street, until, he was almost upoo it.
When he firtallyeetew it he applied his
• brakes but thee failed to hold' on the
slippery road, and his car crashed heads
toog „into the -rear side of --Britelley's°
eutoinobile. , •
1Pe. autolteteMiete* 110Y
°the: engine,' trout fenders and hood,
:While Mr., Bradley's ear, an elder Model,
was datettged'somewhet 'aboht the
body and reer feeder.
A. car drivenlifRoy Olivere.Lendole
who WA$ 4100e; skidded on ice4On' the
Blue Water ilighWay,.two and it -half
iniles14011th of iGoderich, yesterday
morningPOcennee,mimanageable, and
took to the tlitelf. It crashed a tele -
Wane peleetelling it, but flttle damage
was done to the car and the driver Was
unhurt.Traffic !Oliteer Edgar Webb in-
.vestigileea the aecident. In lolly places
noeilieing;bared mei driving is trecion-
' ing treacherous.
. ---Tlieffrile'irstireViirtire'etreetestinited
ehureh held aielotereeting meeting last
Friday; with the attendance slightly
litider Par. About eleven young peOple
turned up. However, Mr. Lane'e.scond
a-ddress on "The Chrietian *Way of
Living," doing particularly with wor.
ship, was enjoyed after a short ,de.
- KaYe Curzon was in
- the- chair, 4 short reeteational period
followed the meeting and all diSPersed
about 10 pan. The next meeting, to be
lieltf0n.3101Wye February e, will be in
totter& of Helot, McPhee, iniesiottary
eonvener, and Mie Lane will present his
third talk of the series commenced two
woke ago. . Everetody weleonte• .
Mrs. Clerenee ChtimneY, Of Donnie
brook, is enjoying a short visit with beg
parent% Mr. and Mrm. 4. Johnston,
Nate fft. ,
tonaid Pennington, who was one of
the tint Gotletich boys to ettliet in the
Perth M.G. ',Regiment and who Wax
wIth the Itegintent at Stratford for
four mine felleel toAt hio Ageeond,
•• meditoil t and hos switutned to bis
home, here
LOCAL -BOABb-010-11Werfl
11. c„ ouplop Appointed Chakenan at
Inadgural illeethig for 1940
Ttie Local Beard of. Health held its
irst meeting •of,1940 at the Town Ilall.
n 'Tuesday afternoon, All the mem-
bers were present O. Dunlop, Drs
Jolie Wallace, G. W. Sehaefer, lilayor
MiteEwan anti Dr. „W. Gallew,
1%1.0.11. '
'Mr. IL, (V Dunlop < was` appbinteii
ettairintin for 1940, and it Was (10010
to hold. the regular meetings, as form,
erlY. 011 the Ord Monday ef the month,
at 4 P.M,
. A report from the Provincial' Board
of Health on weter from the town sup-
ply cla„seilled it as "A" (free of eolou
bacilli). „
A permit Was issued to J. H. •Grahem
for the takingofforsdomeeticepure
poses from -the -lake between the south
pier and the intake, the cutting to be
under the Supervision of the -sanitary
inspector. A 'eantple of ice taken .from
tthis place and sent to the Provinelal
Laboratory was reported iteegrade "A."
*resolution of svmpathy wth Meyer
MacEwen 111 Itie recent bereavement
was passed by the Board. '
,rozarq4.4 .i.f0TEkt
Hou, a-, (3. Mott of London, former
Postmaster-Oleeeret, has been appointed
the Senate. • ,
Apps, -star centre player - with
Termite Maple Leafs in the•••National
Hockey League, is the Conservative
candidate in Brent. . ••
• Hen'. C. A. Dueiiiiig, former Minister
of Finance, will not be .4 eandidete in
the coming election; He is regaining
,bis= health; 'hut doeS. not :;wlsh to led-
perelizesetile ,reeeevery entering eenitepaign.»
,e eet*
• 'lolls is not by any means Canada's
first` winter .eleetion. - Others Were on
Janti11ey•s22„ 1874; 'February 22,1887e
leterete 5, 1891 ,Deeember .1°17, 1911,;
irkeom)3W-7C4021.7 -0ifartir-alrelf4
had Proeinciate general - electionsin
.wblte nte.- ^
EitioodeEppe of - Clinton has re
Peive• O a One target rifle as a, special
award ,for his marksnianshiP in 4the
, _
recent Dominion rifle eompetition. El-
wood- competed against .of
other •Provinces and piled lie the high-
est- score of all. .Tee other Proeloelal
Winners received "similat awards.' In
•the Dominlon Coliteet the ;Clinton Club
ranked fourth, the Calgary -Clubs being
ehtenitheetelor ,the-Domittiens
• • •
ighereePeeeede ttivity; at. Deteralte-On
Janearyseeth Me.% Elsie H. S. Marshall,
in her'thirtyrfourth. year, 'After an
!less. Of. a few . Deceased Was
-elanghter of Mae. Annies'Coeltfield, of
•Goderich, and \the late George •:Coeft.
field. Mrs. Cockfield was with her
daughter at the time' death and
has just returned to-, her 'home, here:
‘14rS"4. Marshall. is survived Mee' be her
'husband a„ soh, eleven years . old;
also two sisters, Mrs. A. Lon -
lone end. Mrs, A.' Dothan, 'Detroit, and
two brothers, Albert and 'Stanley,. both
of Detroit. ,
• mita. .xtoomir' .0.A.4ping,LL
- --The death .of :Mrs; Robernitiopeell,
for Many *ears a highly -esteem0. re-
--Sidtettit of Afegilltartewnehni, occurred
-on Wednesday. January 24the at the
-home 'of- her -daughters -Mr% (leen :Bax-
ter; Golerieli; teitle whiner elieelmd. been
staying since lasts ;September. • .De-
ceaged,. Who •was ‘sev.enty;eight years* of
age; was .foeneerly Annie 'Belton„ She
was:. born in McKillop toWoehip. and
afterher .init riage toitobert Campbell
ferteetotue -years' ago. she cOntlimeO to
, liie-insthatstownship, where Mr. Camp'
bell tiled la30. She is,Stirvived by
four daughters and. sem:Mrs, Cecil
Baxter and BOSS- Beta Campbell,. Gode.
telch ezMrs. Adam -Dodds, Listowel; Mrs.
J. Hillebrecht, Seater* and Robert
W. Campbell, McKillop, - A daughter,'
Minnie, predeceased her. 'Three bro-
thers also survive:1 William Bolton,
fotenerly mexinop; littiiebi England,
axed Thomas and •fetitt of Mc.
The remains Were taken to the home
of deceased's. eims.,.,;(tebert *PAPP137,
bell, MaKillop, Whence the -funeral teak
place on Friday to Maitlandbenk pemes
tery; Seaforth. Rev, Re W. Craw was
the officiating Clergymmee
, tuns. E. go VVA:LiErtS
The bet:miller, community moures
the ' death of it ranch laved resident,'
ISerena Jatieeleigheteewidotieorthe- late
.Edwin Ile Walters, who passed e"Vetty
on Sunday eveningin Alexandra 1108 -
NMI. Mrs. 'Walters; who wag „in her
borne township, the daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Miley Fisher. After
.1,er..-111,01:Allge,t0-111r*-18ralters...14:. 1.V8.
they lived for sOme Years et Coning.
witod, Weetre Mr. Walters was in busi.
nes% In 1904 they returned to Ben -
miller, where Mr. Welters conducted
the general store until his death in.
June, 1036. A. few moetlig lateregetie
Wolters suffered a stroke, and she 'had
never since entirely regained h
health. She ig survived by a Son, nor -
old 11; -Welters, of the editorial staff
of The Northerti Miner; Toronto, and
by two brother% Claude L. Metter of
Toronto and :Walden:S. rieher of thin -
dein, Seek.: -The late ItithardeVisher
of Goderich aleo wee brother.
The funeral service was held in the
Ilenmiller United church on Tuesday
afterneon, the pestois Rey. Gordon
Hazelwood, officiating. The Pallbearers
weee Ernest Fisher, Ed. Mitskell, Rich-
ard Mitchel), Melvin 3'ewell, Lester
Welters' Alex. Dewar (Plektotti,
Mi(h.) The interment was in Col-
borne cemetery.
Among those attending the funeral
were Mr. and Mrs. •Ilitrold W4116115,
Toronto; Mr. May etopkilie and Mr.
Alex. Dewere Plekford, Mich.; Mr.
elittide Felker. Toronto, and ,Mr. end
Moe Weeley 'Welter% "Winghain,
Dr. Bizigharn's Final XXVITEMENT AT HARBOR Getting Ready for
• Address la Gciderich
Eminent i'dissionary (loncludes
Series of Meetings at
'MacKay Ran "
At MacKay Hail, 0,1'4100(10 evening,
a large attentlance; representative
every denomination, beard Itev. R. V.
Bingham, fl D, dellver the last of his
eerles of addresses ‘vfnumentorating the
'fiftieth anniversaiti of his depertUre
trete Gotierich ort miseionarY work. 411
the meetings for the Week, previous
were well, attended and the inessagets
evert lilled".with nsplrat1on esistine
Pr Bingham • were Itev. R. If. -Golder
ane Mr. and effie' 'Andrew Chisholm of
Do, Bingham -cattle es a lad from
Eaglet:el and worked for some months
on a farm nine miles trent iGistierielie
He "walked to ebureh lIi teVen every
$undaYehaving to leave much tooearly
for breakfast, and • Marty times . 'would
not have' anything to Oat until his re-
turn thitt night aftee .divitto services,
:He recalls there wererito lights in those
early days and he found it difileeit
then, as how, to find bis way about the
town. •Once be tried so often, Lto find
the right *ay mit of town that niohe
had -crept owitna,he awakened a fisher-
men td ask "him the way. Tbesliseer-
mai* Wok the-young-inairto the roa(1.
oiso took fffty ,cents for ttie in-
cohvehienee. •
It was early la 1893 that Rowland
Bingham join ;Walt -Welter 'Govvaits;
u-YoUngeSeottisir .1* -s -
REV. . BINGHAM, • D,it.
Alan Takes Itietureet and They Are
- • Taken from lihir
There -Was -some 'excitement at the
harbor on' Sal urdaY when the eagle pyp
of captain Eddie Robinson detected a
camera man taking pictures of nine
teams ofhorses and several scores ot
men. removing .,snow. front t vicinity
of the winter grain fleet, preparatory to
ice-cittting LIII1'the Moving tog seven of
theboats to theelevater for unleading.
Captain tobinson is vePorted to have
approached the stranger, Asking him
wito lie wits, where be came frool and
,what 'he was tieing. The nun is yes
Ported to have resehted being
qUeStioned and refused to ons;vier,
• Meanwhile High Constable Peet!. Mee
CO received it telepitOne message to
the effect that aelnan siseeltiog broken
Ititglish;-etta believed- to be a Nazi spy,
was taking Pictures Of the harbor, its
winter grahrheetsend elevators. Con-
stable Ieutherfortle wasdelegated to
pick up the -Man for questioning. HO
(11(1 so. '
To police ° the Man said he was Alfred
,Paktlett, 109sli1id1eeidayenue,,Torontte,
and he -produced eredentiels to glow
that .he was a c,r.4. employee and a'
Great '-iVer yetereo of 'B1411011' birth.
He explained that he hail reed of eon-
siOerable snow haVing fallen in 'this
area; so he toOk bis day of ()Saturday)
to travel to Godericie to get a few
winter shots, .his hobby being amateur
photography. While coming 111, ma the
noon C.P.Its train' the harbor scene At.°
traeted his artistic ere, so :on arrival
he .made straight for it. ge...ealdette
resentedPeiog Subjected to questioning
by moot& not able to show Proof -of
his .authority, something he had•
acquired while in theetelY. He edit
the trite eettseitistitetiolitiet jaunt for
;hint-- as Oe TWOS travelling on a railway
pass. ,,,n;ir 7: • 4:"'
The pollee were satisfied. They re-
, turned liIs tamer:I:but kept the film*
Of the harbor. Fartlett _returned
Torantesditethese4.#0,-tralu" exalt°
pictures and a tittle put out about, hiee
reception- in Goderieh.
`Asked itenowl'..theit guards liad beeu..
removed sfeom the waterfront picture-
- taking was .banned e police were non-'
„ _
' imptg rora.:0411.
Marin cloth Maltinelts Winter Voyage
• • Stile Favorable Winds
The Marine club gave another of its.
famous...euchre 'and°. dance' parties on
-Eridays• night lase.' Twenty tablee were
.. prayed at -progressliele, eoehre and the
yinnere, were; Firet prizes, Mrs, James
Adams orid-WilliantoSpeotdee-eouseias
tions; Mee. John Iltlehiniare • and, Rey
Mextion. , : - •
Kent, of Buffalo, . in, a project to carry
the Gospel to the. African Sudan, and
after -tailing -to secure the support of
any missionary , society' they'decided- to
go on their' own With trust hi -God.
They landed at Laps and were refused
permission by. the Ittoyale*Niger
pany to proceed up the Niger River, 'so
they prepared, for the long, oyerland
Journey. e- !Gallons and Kent pressed
on •••litteethe interior and,e•Binghani fol-
lowed to the nearest point -et' wbieheit
was; possible to keep up.,Onineenication.
,and. tofOrwaed, supplies for the party,:
'Within the first year Ur. Kent passed
'ftwity,at..Bida and shortly titter him
11r. ,Goviiiiieidied at-Gliktieii the heart
of 'the Sudan.
:Final Success
' Mr.:Bingham labored for free month
alone * and then returned. home to stir
thelmme-chfirehes-•with hi tale of the
needs sof ,the Sedate In 1898 lie suc-
ceeded •organizeitg-ein Toronto an
tnteitlenoittinational society, "1107 known
,the Sudan tOterior Mission;
reaOe tot attempt to reach the Sudan
in 1990; but liwivas stricken -with fever
•sbeil after landing and Was placed on
board ship foe home. A- third, effort
in; 1901 was Leroyeued with succ,ese 'and
theefirst migsinotation was feirnied at
Patige dee hundred Mire* tiO the Niger.
Since then the -Slidell 'Interior Mission
hae. get/WI:eat* now ..has 3e0 miesion.
likieS-.7.TO reel -eh -the hearteebiethir-ieae
tives the difficult .latigueges had, tie he
.learned • and teduced••to..writing. Thi
has been done and today ethesScriptures
are available 1» some twenty, different*
languages. • • - • e
It was decidetleto send- missioneries
to Ethiopia and in 1927 -this wits begun.
Within :the next ten years eafeen
Sion etetions were opened;-with'seventy-
five thiSSionaries, During the Italo-Ethiz
opilth War -the titslonaries and doctors;
refused to leave ; but with the. Italian
victorye the ntiOsionaries were pratic-
ahIy to go. Since the iget
Society ,- has been, placing missioliarieg
-in tetjeeent • territory, the s Egyptian
Dr. Binghant, who resides at TorontO,
in recent years, as general director of
the Sudan Interior "%flagon; has bad
charge of: the rwork, securing measaud
_women andplaeing themin the various
mission Olds. Sixteen years ago he
fouetieti the Keswick Confeienee, whieh
Meets each year at the Kesevick resort
In eitiskoka. The conferenee includes
all" denominations and „noted veneers
front various eou tries' are brought to
president et the E etigelieal 'Pobileliero•
give addresees„ , r,. Bingham also is
and editor of The levangelloI Christ-
ian. .Ite lute travelled extensively, and
:only last year visited England, where
'he wag speaker at it week's meetings in
Spurgeon's tebernaele in London. Ife
also addressed large gatherings, in Ire-
land and Seotlatol. Previouely he
visited Austrella and Xew Zeititind,
giving messages to - appreelative mil.
enees. '
Dr. Alinglialn throughout' his fifty
• years" service has never appealed for
money. The gteat expellee Of hie'
• itielertakinge Nee been met by free..will
°Merino; over three millionO ot d1.
isms has leen : contribeted to hitt' for
r „
-At AL p.m, .".Caettie Max" pitied all
hands to liiiiehe:wlefebe was served by
4te."'svard:•'.43ouhy, andk, hia't_staff to -4.210,
guests. • . • Then, meth 'it -ha-fa/es,
tened down, the dance startedeand fine
Of the features -wes ten -year-old Jackie
Carrick- calling the Waltz quadrille., In an 'intermission at 1 am. there
' was tO shot progtame
tion byethe oteliesera, et plane solo by,
ells§- Fisher, and it .sleight-of-hand per,
fermanee by Mr. Ferguson.. Dancing
was resumed and continued until 3 A.M.'
..The Clue wishes to .tOank all who
assisted, eepeelaily -- the • ladies; the
Cedes - orchestra, -and- Me: Nermaii
Baker, dOnor of tee:m:1*es. ,
Alexandra Hospital and Huron Child-
- ren's °Aid Society Benefit -
Federal Election
Billittleratters Begin Worle OR
Monday Neitt ,t0 Prepare '
Vote' List
A* total of twenty.foUr. Ciodeilely
people, half- Of "-them liberals and the
other ,half 'Conservatives,' begin„
•Mondiy. morning to 'enumerate ,the
names of those OoderiCh eligible to
vote at the Prtheotoing /federal elee
The enumeration is tfi be%concluded
'aturilay, February:On, according
to Horace Fisher, chief returning p.f-
itleer--ter-Northq;Zuron.„ ,
The entunerators will xeceive-sevoi
cents, for every leame,talien on the list.
It is estimated 'there ere about 3,000
e1libleyeiters in Goderielt atilt 1000 in
North Huron. " - • I.
Enumerators', lit OoderIeh
The folioioine is 4 list of the enum-
erators lo ,GOderich by divisions:
eleVittie and Mrs.
F. Wood. .
NO: ,Sproul john
Howard. •- ' ee".
NO. 3. --David. Munro and :William
Sawn's. ,
No. 4. ---Matthew Laweeace and Fred
5. -James ,Mikqviear And Waiter
Ruffle: - •
6e -Oleg. Toftord ;and ckeleall'
-es , •
No. 7. -Mrs. john•chishelm and John
CuthtierteOn. , - •
• eNo. 8.-e-etfes.F. Robinson and Harold,
-No. 9. --Miss Nelile Colborne and
Harold Blackstone. „,
No. 10. -Mrs. John Hetwrie, and W.
G. Wilson. ,
11-xlss Bea, Somerville and
Andrew ettmgvie.
NO;-'e1"Z.',MtifrOY-;Hetlierin'eotee- etind
Elliott Deennane
PiditiCall 'Camps Stirring •
Meauwhile, with 'the enumeration of
!eters' being ;arranged, th'ings'Are m�v-
forward insthe political
A meeting 'ea the North Huton
Liberal executive being. held at Wing -
ham this (Thursday) afternoon is ex-
pected to fix. the. slate of a° convention
to choose a candidate.. ,
R. J. Deaohtiuto, Liberal nteinber ter
North •teuron. the sParlieraentsltiets
dissolvede hal not yet arrived. in, the
riding,'from his "home in Ottawa, but
is exPected-tuteedase according
--- • -
contritet, Elston Cardiff; National
Conservative candidote,s, has, for two.
weeks been emeducting a .personal
vas% which he apparently intends to
eteltee ilet_00,0117Weefeltia 'eannse" • silo;
**si.....kaoderieh yeaeerday.
The .Liberals of Goderiett will Meet
at OfeeKaY Hall on Monday evening
'next,. at .8 o'clock, to appoint delegates
to the aomittating coevention,
!--e-- •
Two :Programs *One at the West
Street Arena ofi February." 9th
, The ntensthr ice carnival whieli. the
Goderich, Lions, Club is sponsorbig oi
Friday; February 9, at .the West Street
rinkpromises to be akeotiestanding
event „
The'tiens'ilave eligaged the servicie
of twenty , meeibere-bretbe Stratfer.
,ekeeing „Club for a °figure skating...flee
monstrittion, This demonstration; last-
-• •
, , Alexander Puirdorr, for a number 'ofelePg more than an hour, includes four-,
-Yee re. living retered - in Exetereeesed.ems) teen spectacular niunhfir$ Thee-figure-
pecenteer 11-th,„1939, 1eaviil.thi, estate skaters h
ersesVieens of ortiOacts
.valued (It le35;830.92, onsistifig of inert -
00s,, prontielory nota, Cash in theeldne-•-beauty,.and grace with amazing
bank,' bonds- and personal belongineoeseltillse . -. . . ,
according to •the limners 'ilea in the ,, - lie -Wing the fe tature Molina Aviir
4,1*e Of the registrar of -tlieeSserreigate-112-xelterinavnednireth-he
49'GolitdeYrieglii"Cen'';sb.et4 WeTheills'
.Court of Huron, at. Gode,rieh,----ine eon-
sgr of ble will. After bequest* total-
neetioneewith ' the ,application for pro- Wanildl, bs.Phoo4degu.s?learvosebir vilterdth=g77seeueliiggOni;
-ling $8,700.0.0 to three sisters, adarother, se. - . , ' ' -
three ,nieces and two friends, hegave ....,- s. e_'' •
e26,63().02, in. equel shares -to the: Tha.
the residue.iif*his estate, amouneink fa-trE,
aLIA°11NN-DORTIVE'D .F7E°B-RBEUA- it' ir' ' 1'2"'
,soist executor, eeeeleen_emie, wielo drive for, .500 009 "ill latenegee
W. T. LtielleY
otherWlse known as "Bill," left' Sate.
day for Toronto, having been accepted
as irtn-air-craftstuan, „With' the It.C.A.V.
Ile-expeetect to be sent shortly to the
WO air training centee at St, Thomas.
"Bill" „lies natural penehent for
mechartice, and should be a. very usefu
man in keeping ethelsitios „of ,00,10r,
properly tuned uP, Ois fUture
moventeets are uncertain, he expeete to
be home on it Visit Ocetteionally. °
• e ikussed
Addres to Lions Club by Dr. ;-
T. • • - .
Phan, 'ptuef TWO,.
An .address by- Dr; ,37: •Pheir, chief
medical health 'officer of Ontario, was
the main: feetneeeot the Lions 'Club
Meeting On Frideo. night last. !Nelson.
lam,,presideirt Club, was in the
chair, and the speaker ,evaa: introditOO
by Dr: Gtehaine. "
Ile, Phalli .ies-beginning address
gave some °teepee history of scheol
u:WaeleTtin Iuspeakc in England . and
elsewhere. When sanitation and either
vittion, Army, the 'M
Army,foo ' • ...-
pAged Peopleelondoite Alexandra Hoe- Canadian ,Soldiers te Be liteiPed on
Pital and .Huron County Children's Itetuni to Life '
Shelter, both Of Gederieb,„,eesSamuele„,
TORONTO, Jan. 29.-A Dominion -
Sanders 'of Exeter, inaiiufeettirele.le the. '
paperswefiled by j. Vie Morleys' -61't irelereterer 12 sbY ithe Canadian
sorieltor.. ' -..-4,0011:NV"ar-,,,sorriiges,i-tlie,pooceed to
• --.*•Ifin
--St,di tialtillig ChnetItan'aiiiretis
THE WEATHER, fon return eiiiislifeeettet the war.
'?eheeltical temperatures for •the past- . Educetioo'and personal servio work
week anti forthe corresponding Week well be prinie objeet.e of .the delve end
it yeak, 118 otOelally recorded
194t) 1939
Max. Minssetaie Min,
Thurs., Ian. 25 24 5 • 28 . 6
el.,• Jen. ..6 22 1 10 • • , 4.
ISat, 'Ian. 27 • 29 •-1' 20 5 -
Jan. 28 ......24 18 53 18.
i,fon., . Jan. 29 125 14 85 15
Tues., Jan. 80 27 -10 ' 20 15
.his last Work and it -haS been used for
missionary,. piirposes.
loth* celebration, -
Varioue eheiehes. in Toronto --
Cooke's; •Preebyterlau church, MO
Park BaPtist eluIrehSt John's- 1vn-
cherele Etglintou -avettlie Baptist
church. tind Knox Presbyterian ehurch
-joined early this year in, a series of
'services in 'celebration ;of "Dr. Rotes
toed V. Binghant's jubilee of liftv years"'
full-time service for Chrlit,, first in
connectleon with the 'Salvation Arms'
• and later lit the founding and develop -
'Went ° of several Christian undertak-
ingS, lneluding theStolen Inteitor Mie -
store • Evangelleal ,Publisher,e and ,,the
Canadian Keewlek Conference." 10Ver
twenty missiettary and Mier& leaders
in Toronto ioineti in paying tribute to
,Dr. Bingham aud hie Alte work.
Goderieh feele pattleularly proud of
Dr. Itingham, Whot as A Young lad, be'
taM6 lgrielti011g Of eall of -God and
loft this town to enter greater sereice.
44oderieh ale° feels it s partieularly
honored to have hint come %Wit to titlebrate the e °fiftieth auttivereare a his
departure from thie town with the
eerieg of ineetinge that have Pest been
-all 'money eetteseribed will 4ie „event
in file intereete Tof Canadiaus seeeing
in the army:, navy..ante•alin force The
.imen has approval oral Oetive ce-oper.
eitioe of be sDemirtion. ',GOiiereinents
'The Legioo War ,Service' work le
designed to fit .Dineinion,,eoldiere for,
metal% teepeacetime otkineeetiones Whets -
ever passable, 'Oducatipeal teleilittes. and
voca-fteriertiOaWrg wilt be made avai1.
eble- to men on siettveeeeivice "to: oe.
sciliee their 'leisure and ongtantle re-
mind them of the. oetesesitY ,t).1:01)-Ar-
tng Ter the futuie,1"
fly ',the edueational proogram, ithe
diem will, be enebled to continue their
edireatiore; includieg courees jzi agile
culture, .te<4hiIea pubjeeto, varietie
trade% boekkeepileg, tetenogrepby and
other euhleetee Advance 1re5 atod.
ing to matriculation mid college des.
grew, aleir 'wilt be „Available.
-ft is explained the, drive win net
otorlaii those of other organizatlem
such. ,A0 :00. 404 'Cram end !SaIvetion
Army and a double zeta will be matte
of fen& collected and event. Mlle
eemeal is iriegistered under the" War
asettee etet, laud any eonlributione
may be ittehttled as deduction on in
pone tax.
_• C.VA
Cetholic Yollth lergatee' ation
of St, Peter's dam% bell its liret
under the newly -formed execittive on
Wednesday evenirig in the CX.(1. halt
Quiz contests and novelty daneesi were
eiljased early tn the evening. eftet
:whit+ tenth Wee melted.nnd olloetillit
lunch WA8 a 8hort, iterlott of deleting.
se .-htiOlirliiitee was atelltsteconsiderable
oppethiti* t;,••-telitten. • &eters • who
constd-eeeie'neeae• eervicee' an invaelon Of
-their fields but also from .parents -wee
-thooght the tiettlth of theit- children
was their" beeneetihterire Opposlti�n
was 'gradually overome,. • and *now
health•servic 13 are considered an in.
. . •
tegral part 0± a, comumnity program.
- The ,question of cost entered,' and
sometimes it was difficult to. Persuade
the. school authorities to establish an
adequate, health service. Where both
e,chool_phystclan and school nurse Were
considered to einvolve too greae an ex.
pewee there was sometimes '41 com-
promise and one or other of the twit
was engaged ---the school physician
alone or the ,school nurse atone- Either
had advantageoencl disadvantages. -The
eschool physician could be Mere specific
and authoritative. The school n.Orse,
even- without a medical education, could
•do 11 great deal, "by sustained effort,
in correctingthe: eoneitiOes surround-
ing the children.--,- - •
The speaker oevotede„Part. of. his
dressetothe .subjeetof the control of
emunsuiticable. diseases. Fionigatioo,
Jie declared, yeae useless anda waste
of puelle Diseases were spread
• chielly by ergeniems- in the mouth and.
-throats-or-1n- theeenteetinaletrect, :not
by kenos lurking hrschool text -books
or in the _paper Oli the, wall. eCteanii-
nese, .suriehlueeitiel 'tweet, air were re-
Cenimended as of value in resisting 'ins
feetien. .
esfireenehtsion'the-speaker 'sat& that
thehealth, program lir Any eommunity.
required ieederehip and polilic .sym-
pathy. • e• • :,
:A•vpte of thOnks. to the speaker Was
ineved by Lion 'C. K. Saunders:,
good etteedinice,,-aete.1
the preen( ore,a_member 'of
mostly seimbe teechere; indiefited their
interest : in, -thee subject. e • '••
in diese
Bowra Heads
R. Stoneham'. Retires frmt OS*
of President Liter IVA
Veal! Ilervioe
Though there was a „suggestion that
the Gotierielt lIorticultural !foetal
-.might be disbanded, because *poor-
ent lack of in;erest,, there was no hesi-
tation among those ,who atteaded the
annual nicetilur, held at „MacKay. Ifiviit
on Tuesday evening, in *eliding that
Ib.- Society should be medial:oda, with,*
vigorous program for the tomes* year.
Mr. Stotveltouee, who Wei hold tho
office of president for eigitt year**, *
sisted upon retiringond Oeriave Xorws,
one of Goderiebei most etithuttittotte
itortieulturists, was elected tti- tee *I-
ke. Other officers are Viceetovoideoti
Fred Barker; -eeconti vieteeireoldent,
Rev. W. P. -Lane ;4eeereterietretiatereo.
F. Kershaw; auditors, W.
**SQ11 . and J. " GiliesPie. 1Xreetiwow
for 1940: Miss le Robinson'. Mist* M.
Bueliauan, Z. W. Moore, Reif.
Clarke, 4-elte .Secitte; 1'0_1940-41, H. Ts
Ed -Wards, K. McAuley, Ed. nelstee,
Cutleberteoe, Fred Fritzleee
Fenanclal Sta:tooseet
The repott of theeeeeretary-treasnrer
(summarized), was as follows:. ,
Balance from e193re.. 1141
Legislative grate's.. , • . 52.4*
Municipal grant , ,, .......... 00.44
•Members' fees 0*
Sale -of seeds, plants, ete. 1108,21.
• $044.52
silent OA civic imPtiietentent
Delegate to Provirtetaistenvetit* 5.0
Cost seette,. plants, etec
Anillatioic.fees ,
00,11VdSgeeStet)14.131iSSiei .
(are of netegeipal tett s
Printing, stamps, twine;
alance on -hand ° 16.22
Mr g. Manley' :was chosen as
gate to,-tbe.. annual Provincial toaven-
t A hearty vote of thanks was
tended to Mr. Stonehouse for time
splendid service be has given the ettieee
of hortieulture hi Gederieh, and Me
was eleeted honerarY, president of
Society. ' , •, • .
Various. suggestions • were. Mitele
to the work to be unaerteken for, the
coming, year, and tifee-e"Will he.seenSid-
ered by :the new oteentivo.,
Abotbstri AT KAiBOR
"Aud' Smith Land$'oaIlia -Ito*
. . with •Painful Bonk ° • •
With' will be ,Ctitti
oi:leleandea Hospital for at leost eight
weeks,, ,a, .result.. :of. having both
his heels fractured and _crushed, in lee
eiteeldeiti on the paekagefreighter,A.'A.
:iiluOsou at the harbor laet.VrIday, atlere
- • t•
nooe. ,
The accident was a, .Pectillar • one.
Smith, working on a scaffold aiiOve
•open -noid in thei---boat;'-slipped im
and fell. As he did so, *
loose • planiCenel was taking- it eloiv*:
With him', Another workman on tile'
scaffold grasped the r.tipper4onClet:the
plank, leaving Senn suspended in...the
Atte:He:held on-tent:ha wasexhausted,
Amity 'dropping into the hold' twelve
feet below told alighting teO both:heels-
The thoughtful. workman who held, the,
lank - was Engineer Fitzpatrick and he,
saved :Smith from fuethee,serietis,
"uriee, 118 it might teave-failovole.hinos --
,,„;Sinitb's heel bthIrkS •gre-*etY: •
, The '.heels are now in a east. .sns-,
tended in the air.
' COAL rums ur
„Beginning-tQdaY, FehrelaresJst, Anode-
riehitee„will• pay More for their teat,
*local dealers ounounce, The ..price ef
teithraeite has AdV41)*110' Me- dollar a'
ton and that, of bitenairiotie .etettlefiriOs'
coke 'fifty cents a ton. s
Mr. Joseph Brophey, is Tying gelte 111
at his home, the result of A. Srokent-
fred Monday morning. Er e Mt. Tele°
butt area is on the list of those serious-
ly ill. .
• .
.wumaNTO14 mut-DANCE
Over 150 gnegts atteoded, the aonual
tlanee' of the Godericit tatimieton Club,
heId in the aesembly room , of the
Masonic Temple on Friday night. Gee
decorationmultiscoioted. -balloons.
hangleg from the eeiling combined with
'bores and Other noisemakers to add to
the gaiety of the oceagion. • •. •
Novelty dances to the 11211110 of T&I•
Poliner'si_London_orellegtra, wet* a fete;
tore, of the evening. A delightful lunch
was eireed at midnight.: '
•etiies Peggy ?emits, preeldelit ot the
Radlointon" Club, reeelved the guests.
The': new eines 'of probationers at
Atexandra :-..-nosi)itai is composed er!
PhyllisIt,R. 4; Goderich ;
1.,atts and jean -Cameron,' pliettoo, loos -
union Newman, Dungannon. ,
Mr, Albert . Powell lefts, on Mende,
for Montreal, where lw will attend *
'Coca-Cola eoiiveittiou. • ." •
Mr. Roy Turner, of the Bank of Vein- *
mete ei has returned home -after. a Pleitte
,ant two -weeks' 'vacation with friendl;
1r fl At. Lift;of the Bedford
left last Sett:inlay to to n some friesde
who will pend several:weeks ist
Florida and :Cuba
Christmas"in...the Tropics,
.Told by Mrs. Margaret Huston See
eirs. Margaret Huston +See 'writes
from Itoa.dtown, Tortola, British Virgin
Islands, stating that she and. her bus.
band .ate planning to return to Ontario'
early in. /Mich ood expect to leave
Tortola gliortly after the 10th of
Febrile*. -"Ali- thies,° .writes 'Wee Sees
it former • Goderich girl, "keen's very
111111 to •tW we ate, good and ready
for a bit of eool weather." -
etre. ),See saes .they have not yet
tieeided what 'route they win take. They
thought of llying by Pan-Anteritait Airs
way from Se Thoinag to Puerto Itico,
or to Haiti and Santo Domingo, ond
theme to tuba eloritle: or they
Mite take -it boat tlirect to !New York.
'She continues:
• "We had it very deiightful Vhrietinits
-mut+ better thart we tlfiOd,M, RA we
dtiltOt eeent to ' heve the Chrlotioas
Spirit without eeld weather anti eater.
• Chrietioas- hay WAS the warmest we
had in 'several weeks, 80° ke We *II
had dinner ateGoeerionetit House in the
evening. Twenty people sat (IOWA it411
the largest table•I have ever ROL It
wee thirty feet loug by ten wide. The -
Etupire had representatives froin ?big,
• &ad; ireland, 14cotlatu4, India anti Can
edit. Tite United States was represetitell
by people from Miami, New 'York,
Boston, Ithaca and LogeAngeleie "
"It was: a perfeet trig -deal, tOgitte -
fell moon, and the pahri trees trwitylig
in a eveale trade wind. We Mot
fil0At (111.36tOW hotse toweinott.
'Otte witter lug like giates and fail WI
phom.splionto. Every dip of the oars
brought up a bitil of Ilre, awl soriessr
or oparke followed la the wake et
boat, Tee ride of one mlio mad
woe abet too short. Wit shall
remember eeheletmse for * Ia
Os* top .ettiste."