Exeter Advocate., 1907-01-24, Page 6I3ritishoptadron eon
.iijg•Alfrod;, Xent
' or, 0. it
tri1T1 uew ofltcersunifori i IAA they
're4 eitett, in glaSS roSes,• fO. lht4 -
h ' I to reined In about *ix months.
'a*orts: of flus410 •rille$1 and
04 'appeark blive. had
A VERA" 1,.,4 ti1130 ASSQ11TMENT. „
i saw .their ordinati,Nhive. line rillor
Meow, •Monnlicher 'straight -pull, Win-
liefe;N Marlini-ilenry; Lee -Enfield, und
Jtverai- otber.qr.idada- WigiSe -names *1-.
ron.!. 00* ,
, r.„.‘tatitolt•I 'etfen
1 70
tthrT OW
ekt$ Whie4 . V 4IOM qdr.
.tys. • TheY latO 1110(10. Of g001 a Lit,,,,„,
tall An' inch thick:: • They ,are rou -"4- .
4 0§. al?.0 4.‘ 4 0104 as 'HWY had ' viNding 11
s *lifi ef.ltie arras 'tit '. v fitly 4Juff-4-'91
) w'. 110Y
h d Uic f
the latier ,
.ik omit:440y: to
, Jord 'tif oflicrsi,
10Y, IWO
hfilr MLU,. in deMroyers,
brttat ,
avily, a
'rh0 reratlinS. nt .Admiral ogo's bloOk,
Ing ahIPS Are Uh1 isibk, butr the iniluln"
•work eon oving Abeuts
at thev rest
ne thbre 'under the Tigers Tall about
wenly Yards from IT/Whin& -11er` bows
ire nut of 'Ito-, water* "
Titer6 are • WO, <
le )4; viidbAt.-10
lOokin it, Se
lhe gullant
There . are still two more & good wa
• 101)14 'ta$0,141141
The P**04 n
easYsiee .
dro*Ify0 driven by tunzirnep,Gur flrst
destination being 203 'Metre 11111,"
TfIE--NEW TOWN ArtTlitiit
L magnit1'enf7y idotdarnlsomc
isti. One. The
•Ms, 'exactly like those ity England.- The
signs Of thp heavy shell lite are stilt
distinctly visible, and theAtpanese have
anything os yet, Not of the hoes,
ppaeenily taken no -- hie to re,pai•
princi al
1ie• ant0 tiOttal*
Je• -U. .0. ',V .
444,,!•. '. i'. i l'i
0,•,-ietiony:s.„ t
A, ..,..;0$.:'Ill0., tt
.......'... •
There 2.410 tn.,.ingenious Jio,
0:1t.:4..,14 ill 0:,aif .ill 40' 9:t 41
x il
. and I ''''.'ililVreA144'...1,11.'
't.k,Ot•',') -
ft 100 h ,
_.(i'Or. !he museum ;,'‘v1/i.4:....''' . III; ,.
01. , . 14'0a, wUieli - , one of .1,11i0„ ,
bornb I $0,141ring th
lend.,,1OCIft1k1it dot'irines,
1iks �urrt
1.. road. ..W'torts .itsa is •nuite
reolittAt0h1e. as *.• tort oopUt took* ,1114o
heap".. of stones .trutd brickWork, The 3*-
aiiee'.:011110(1•10,' retkillitt: it, end tbe.•41q*.
e as. very- * rw-biE-17-u
Bel Js,:,:shitl:tuit Ofcartridge bOxes.,, pre*
rt...:1104., OW., and . outside 'Ot"t•IIie
'gkris can still he..4*(41 the .'reineinSof
tho Wire entanglements used by, the. de,,
feuder...firdAktfg-Slian was pniettcally
captured Wore thelall
$ung5hu-Shun, ,the ri
,Ptintepti •vialt, StUIldB
• .,.hilt,OPPoSite 10 Ev.1.wlg-Shan.
ero it-the.1441001(a *. Win;
• • , ,
mass. et „masonry'. rit,...,/aPattelPt
von intI,A. eppo_ ttion. here than . a
ng -Shan and\'llteir'easualtleS were
ei The
'last -few
ed trekn,"pure.•'
:Ca ',0
klri Int „blank ;.,4t lor
Itittg0 141;01110 •openings Jnpartese
"huft .14,_ the counter**417.7-The*:'-i
Pains of !be . wire entanglements ere
sjiUto be .4S.eit, er0„1/.1.s..o1._ the elm
. s.
'rent was. passed and by which' pinny. ot
Ilitratt4e'ldrig7forees are- Stippoeda'to
have been killed.*
• •
The impressions gained by visiting
.the scenes pt this teniNe lighting only
lend . to strengthen 'the honor, due' to+ the
,brave Jo anesLarm
*el .ngs. wbicli ad been ttjiek Show-
-est----howeveri -Ir.etnendous boles, that
MUSi hitee been.,..cansed by the 11 filch
howitzer. projectiles. -
• Me, saw the Gilyak, the sunken Iltis-
gunboat. She Is still stink in the
western basin and rests on her star-
board bilge, with her bows toward the
store. She is,,evidenUy not worth sa
stock inAtrerisdi way.
I. saw about sx logoinotives of the AM "
' erican cowcatcher type not damaged at
AIL but in a very advanced stale of n141.
. It look us .about one and a, quarter
' hour s fo ,drive out to the feet of ft*
--Metre Hill. l'Ite road' is abominable 11
parts.- with deep rut's, evidently causol.
by the passage of heavy artillery. We
climbed rip the. 105 -Jibe opposite slooe
••---4*--tnestink.4•L the Apalfeci:-=1,1411ete&d.i. Ev
^ eXT-1.e hete were trenches. From ti
top one gets a spiendid view et Por
Arthur, and as it is the highest hill hezei.
abouts and commands tho harbor,
• tewn and dockyard, one can see, what
• a neeessity 11wasfor the Japanese to
Lave e,aptured IL The, bill itself has
two .,.buninme ..e 1.
Cali abc$111._ a hundred feet, long di
• viding the
e-wes atrti`do-It
high *as
totd *us that the JapaneseTtooli--thre
days. after 'capturing ibis .learronoek be,
for the • fin ssians-of
the hilt- The northern face ot' the :hitt
), over with trenches and towe
is df -
•'These latler are, however, mostly filled
there is circular-ire/1th running
Alumni each huniniock,:and two knot*
IlusStan trend* A/lining right *erns's:
_ the noribletp,slope.. One is about 'went
yards ffiliit the suinatit and the other
itbotit•ten,yards-tekow IL , 'These have
Leen partly filled in,
The ;ovaries° 1.rerich 'ebout Thirty
*fords -,i10Kit the till from Wis. one, and
• the zigzag $111IS 'lead Worn 'this right
ttown to . thp' volley op_th
OO yard front !03 Metre 1111! 315411.
romains odbligs eoln Still be
_seen., The. whoittlace af tJw hill Is
ly onto and 'Stared' witif shell. craters,
. and the, yellow sPlaslie's NM:quit by the
busting of the *hells are. Still plainly
Proetletity.,- every' boulder is
• • 4viesh7.4 With bullet &Mix • in the
rernainS of the ireitilieg one can still See
• bitS or old 'leather belts, untforias, ke.
cases -,:and elifis bespatter the
• vehele hillside, and ilie binned remains
• are very numerous. t satv ono skull
• , 14111ta bulk_ot hole ,
Hand gp.mades are stilt be. found._
v-170.ons'ist t iron
ping sea ed and V I
Mr. 'Whit m ar0TelisofHis Experience
In Australia.
Tale.' of treasure -finding always pos-
sess a- 'fascination for all Oases eVread-
ers. Even the mature mind/ seldom
loses its delight in rineh storied.
Whilmarsh„tn,his "The WQr14ES:1101,1 b
and,"7descerhis own experiences
ta•-•• triorturitestrunteri- ` At -11-io-1tiMe of
which be ..wriles he was a young -fel-
low, and `3,vilh his older and more ex-
perienced.paetne_i_r Sam, was in Austra-
lia seeking for.gold.
We had just finished our midday meal.
Early in the nuirning
etd track leading bo some descried work-
ings near by, reed on it had Picked up
,31eleegeginti.jiiineral which I
ccii pitee.,--1 Mug -ay. -ern now
and tossed it over to Sam, saying,
"Here's a curious bit of :stuff I found. It
looks like volcanie."
Sam laughed. . '• -
1 don't wonder' it puzzled you, sseea-
saki., -"Ws tybit 'of- coker
-110-titiew it Ixtcli -at -me ithil-71-tere-
lessly begen •to pound it between two,
split; t 0.* fracture* was 0 iV, eopi a ri*
A PtUttr7C112Ster .
way," I sad.. . .
Sant's face changed as he ltioked at
he stone: Ile bled -the green subl
with mg knife. It cut like 'was: :
did you find It?"
t showed him the exact spot, and- he
-wikliy 40rainti1ed----round --his,hafids
and knees, No, stone-like it was to he
H °it .doesn't belting' Hiletted
PShi, 4.6010,10V rolled 'down it
Init. and it may have rniled* long wisy."
TA couldn't have*. Ootne,.. far," aid 1,
.4i:t4ttaling to a thicicto, rtib growth. •
, "That's nothing. fhe eruis• per. -
haps fifty year old, 'while the Melee- May
have been working down for ,fitly thou.,
Sand' years. loot( .tho
We lot** dirt line toward the'suni-
ith a hlaek uneverA L WC found
moo more of the peculiar round stones.:
**Yonder's our pit, lad," said Sam.
The crest of the, snitl proved to le'
the source fa rich, specimen. A kw Mo.
.$ thatir f big
t, the .,Writer.• vcoutly,'.are. - lite liereol
pot; iiudk,U b1no la tektite •.:Of„„,alt
Or; --
'A tad .904 thO PIP
tirst •
Tp ,intear th
e f4.
-mdhonatre 1 4 t a
feeut weal
0IL )74.po, it ow. ntri,e?rs,m vi.dbct" bave jus
Mei and probably
14*111. lk--fnainkernsiJREt tho
keys A cheque running two fou
•-tionr.Ss° , Said' th 0. , or
,ve1t.k,iown Londo reektulime tos pre
irepreSertlative, 1:11.0W, we ,have; even
f.suPfikit litera, with !heir 'Cleinrcoltar
Puy larkthele ey will onl
1/$0vrk short. hours,'Tand insist,' On beef
the resteetialit;''':,01 :Up:* specii
•Sweeper4Instead of tlitheraselv
, -
OME ?0,p.,N,y4411.14.
we wrOur,-,,..
ctukt id*dients
09,41red: without,. 0 aiked for it.
INtfirp., you'. have to:*ask a. wthter for tv
thing. YO,,1c.,*, oPtito(k#,Iton
ofltin Itt dote* not Inow hs
es; fle 1%1$eir10litr..Vf'-tdthrct
ears, expecting •Iceserec tiS. fully u
elireetir hce.-Otie smatter
••1411ti • ',Sbutalistio. tendencies - of the
ere 'Weeks ;have:made
I:0'41441e and rude, f01-,44°'"
htiii lrn Immediately•• obtains
berth at ,s„onie' Other • 7r(*t4uront, so
'great is the 'deirtaria. .."11e-trilk0 Of this
to your face- • '
Fonneely,.'„betore engzging *alters,
jaguarjqtiy "
ung la tit: theanimat
wmade s,
gets ,viwout-tild,,t :hit au
After dUconik1eil'
deOlded•to put the,ciii
ats • closet teigether at
theiwo auk
I, so that they
sonic etrcme inStane
` of- very
lo . Sir Jose
31u0 Gown 0
CflceS. Nang are,,,noW. called it ,Th
to prove to be dishonest.
"Hotel proprietors Abroad are also
xperieneing titis, and are forming an
&Iodation in which every proprietor
cOds•the name and full description et
any dishonest wetter. in .his •employ to
tbc other memberlel.of. the association,'
-sVarning them tititle engage ' him, The
as spread to France andcilibGeenrany„
$0011. We shall 'Wive Ie *erne tang
In England." .
•,01111110.1.4% AND SIIOES
• India is .sokyriSt twit_ dilterent etivettes
T% %-1111-1-different districts,. says the'
•Civil.and Milltart Gazette. We lia,Ve no
standard etiquette., no Standard dress.
We nihstly copy European etiquette'
idle with Europeans. 'Even a Uestgali
*bakes hands with -a Ilengati,`speklis„in
English --for .ek*'11141.11tCsr '
llskeitaints with a_EuroNan on pert,
ng,"Ielt_by inistrike -again touch the
hand to the brow, in a salmon .; so we
riew zuriwzt, -
niosity 44 Alit but Ibis w
his Wile*
thi4 day the barrier
cages was, remoyed* an
-ttio4aither4 tooter
nieasure his '..froita/M'croi
ttien -,:with a mighty fipring larzded on
Elizabeth's back. No sound, was 'utter:.
edi, but tlie fierce brute's teeth bit
theough, his visitor's spine, and 111 less
than a minute she was delut. Then.
favoroint.oft ,vant Mt
tit 440
ani -
only another
een the two
Vizabeth en..
irnne' 1
his _ 4
iinessed The dast y4n
Withit mate werciittempted, and :lit
creature( is 'now spending It's day S• In •
. • .
have been, perhapsmore isueeesstul
it the -training ot totrofirs thOU 11-4011
who have attempted. 11)0-'1411=4)st innios-
sit* task, and on one *elision -out
heve 1 met' With a &Tient accident. it
wais.:411;:.1116-riountry„, -where---we_7‘werf*
holding a one-night show. • • The weather
had been. anything but pleasant.and
soinetiow or'.other the -rain. had found
16-WaY.into thiejaguer's cage,. Probably
it was due to this fact that -Torn,' I
called:him, was--iti-e-rworse-temper than
Anyway. when I entered the „cage et
tog Mrs1odlc_4ainl4rbeectled li.eput-htor
through hts perforfeemee herwas so slow
10 his inevements that I cracked the
whip inure energetically' than was ,my
custom,' This" apparently, as the Iasi
straw, and 'W.Alehtng his opportitnity,
Torn „pada_ a. „Sprino.,, and landed, with
--teeth farther-1ft niy shoulder 'than
-thrust „the...buttr.eild-of-my whipl-whiet
'furnished with a pretty substantial
• teitrepia
• The umbrella is thilt ern lem of royal-
ly, the sip of a. MOIL o natives gins
ly-4okt--.4heir---uilles-bef •
Rajah, and not before anybOde
however ifte1 11.-tiartAilAttet
dress, but a froection from the rain or
sitin, a necietsitry appendange, Just like
lhe_wateh rind ehain. You Might as well
ask re -Eliropetin to like C -10 -
proof coat.' A coolie it not bound le fold
his- -umbrella ;when .4,, Brigadier-tleikrat
rides pitSt, But Ittertistleiterittlytiosts
down the tintbdella on seeing' ids master,
Whom .be considers his "kings",- -tint no
Indian, however huMble, oven to fold
up the umbrella, Oen- before a not,gi
trite, betat146 ho Ls. neither the master
pi the ,hurnble passerby,. mit* his superior
officer, nor is lie batia440 001.16111
liqt doce, no harm. In.* word, mi.,
itv't L*Ip1701111tyloktlficrAtrithretilt01,4re
• master br a" supetier ottileerVoind not.
any trdler eitizen, itOweVer great and
Ibisis no„insult.
to sees' native eldet.in hia
palatiO4he•mitive visitor or ()Metal bikes
11f. his shoes it the reception Toeirt.has
it tartish and the Rajah Issiting on I&
intianud. 'gut it he, lir reeeitTed ,in the
di etwlinfrOoM, furnished after- the Bum.
pean styk; -the $116.im 'are -allowed- lit
some MatesnO natives can go to a lit -
ah WithOWIrrifOgrte; iri 41-IXT4Hx
popes Auk -Yr, off tessed at the.
,is.fidkulousin European ffroar-lhe
litidu.point of vkal ;to ookr native
6 trit:07;01- :Sb661,-,-*/-Tfa'S'S what we..
molt? ,work with the pick Mid bare
seam of ore;severt tett in width. As: .
long as 10 •live'.1 shall never Iforget : the
tezeiteinent-lioit-trair joy -that 1- felt. ,
We hid notiaken 11 miner's right and, ;-
tor not- peg--out..a._elaint Sam
for lown., That was a Oro-, T
misty happy oney t AtretetiN1 111,pkti ,
out ot length, pilled my hat t
illi-Peyex. and .built lets
lel • Tat 10-1.1iiiirt-bilr Arid and Started
than tour hours. Sam Niurned. Ile had
_ _4114 Pi lb ..wvank$41-tto ,rtides*-totist,o,--01. t
*malt tit of 'tut& They were." filled with m14 pc nut -1,-6•4'it-
narrille or . any' other xiilti6ivo twit .s4.-7,1;
Procura'bie. Tti,t.*- are *stilt said's° '77 • -
'1•ery •.dangoorts. .
'i.Ve omit a lone ifftte fith
nfrAlt 11,30' .41:mr` outIle..efot
s r our os
am'y--„js,..ze had- vane. 'The la-
'Li'e Admire had very hitglity
Nielcd lunth 0 1'IL4 Metal: residence,
Originally teeft
vxktrs. ittnr,,e. A It Is,.a In9grifiletot
, arid .itisidiritilf•zb ptit
.tb4 14,80e.
:1/4st•taire. 4tc, tall.,
orz bo i
w •
isk our 'Priest to do, so 'that Nt.re may
tas-teet, 4 Sionsb •
Wh• en rnildly retinied by'his-Sehib took
off his sliet,s, hut reeJouiiied the 'whole
scene to „his, hotter Witt saying °Sala
Oa- tor ka gurda kuay magtritr
(The. brptheon-tow snt tilt dust et MY
flotous oWner
rat . Wben• t` , Stone
gcnwous * tile flIue
a fewe yezus priorIttils.Svith
•Feddlngtn., he tave Marson, the :rider
nt thewinncr a. cheque fo £1,cXO, t-
thougi he had en this, occasion Won
very large sum in bets, whilst over Blue
won; praetieellytlittigii-lta
ing.•-bit&W,IIIS etlift7-7-tinditi
cen 41-uulKotould,RoierUelago
FLvc hundred pounds 011 bdsel
dOwk OS the standard present to • the
ritlek.':01 Li Oath/Winner, and that was
The suet, given to the jockeys of the
Hovel isameS Persimmon and Dimond
Cer -W en' .er ,tuKte
ward.eIrtssclrate for his Ma est
•JS. list of the queer presents received
by the celebrated Fred •Archer , would
form interesting!. reading, but the Most
'peculiar was that of -a "pound of ',tea
ent to him with a great deal of fuss
by tm old fernier for whom he had rid-
den the winner, or a small- face. when
• .i u.eft.:40r--x5OR
and . $1,000 for .ir single rade Were .quite
ocurrenre him In
atter years when lite richest and nob:.
lest sportsmen in the -lend fought for
his services. -
Item' Is. a . funny story. about him -in
this ,conntetton. .0lie ...day the stetiens
master at Newmarket said to the famous
rider. "There's a parcel trek* for 341.1*
Mr. Archer, 'with gs. 3l. Orriage, te
WI -Fred .looked--a-tilte-braien,„„pa
pocket suspiciously ,and handed fl back
13 the ollidel„ with' a knowing smile,
•seyIng . that be was not going .to pert
with money for a paled& hoax. It was
howl:sett unatietnCiwwaseep_kerfitiluteardettibrat 'othaceeeP:IveribenYd
optmthe mysterious-packagei - When
he discovered to his
e go -moun in •-•
whip, and 040Q round, it were
.1 -cri 410 notes. , 0 the d
. „
liiriz siiiking in a, corner. .1 was not
dangerously injured, and- the next time
we rriet_whieb fartnight_414.
Toni hod aPPolintlY: forgotten the Mel -
&rd., I .Was never, however, ,very sur
.01/ itim, and eatiot say' that he Wris.,,ever.
realty tamed,- •
To give the jegnar his due. when once
ho-lias4beconie,-teenslonietl-to you and ,
rettlileti that You are his *aster, iie will
show a certain regard for your 'good,
and "everk .
' NOVO ' 1tiWNA.1.
Two yearr ago 1 Nvt,ortridairigr/VIerriale
jaguar harned Veil** and lbstAbe LUb-
ity aimed --my life, ts,iniquestioni,*,
ah e. This is how it -happened.
.1 had beenillstrueting ti 8001 Iig.
rem to do eerlain ticks with the Ja ar,
and liPpereitt1y-11444 _ -
together,* when one 'night' the trifler
exhiblltd a good deal or, vindictive
r for whiCh I could Mil no reason.
Was wondering What had .rtitited her,
when itty tiltentiMt wandered Stir on ,:rn-
slant, and tiO st Posh the ligreSs Orong
and knociiktine clean on not bole. Iftv•
great ,potws: wet,:eon, itty ettest,and hot
rnuole at my throat Avhdit, with n Snarl
or. pain, She Sicrittiit'ftkireid and lett me
Was on Auf instant, sup-
ing:thitt_tiointitt AhcLiinen..•
,cd; but no, mi. ildiv,trer was Venus,
.Who lay behind Ilir ligreArAptietik-etiow-,
ing the brutes hindleg. 1 kft the tsge
ono*, knoiving that the anlinals-would,
tave, it Out-betwolm theta* and s they •
'did.. Theytore at one artothereS ihroatto.
Afte-fut.-- Pow,- 4444 began 40 rnn. a
the, 'death of one -or
.doulitedly. taken: Place,
of h"..% tushed irt Akod fsuotedod in beiL.
,010thiel***1.1_:18te, iteter
.1)101:1 igib again, as
0 Wart,* t ss„,klarTivety7..„ 0
s .0a -
, When Jamnfireilt ltrelittre-,Yaree
fteekey, was riding Englancrlie was
tchoolboy,,,whOse were ehocolaikitcats' and tuaTios.‘
So boyish -looking was till • apple-
cttc4k.d -sptiq used to pick him up -'in the pat.
Iieek and hug and kiss •him, intieh to
was eoming
fession. WiOn fact bectitner known
that fte-.:***-tonfrotcals,
iravoti nt ItiA[ how at.the
..dozert re'elay. In addition, tniscelliin
sent to hiS Veierrtarket address by sti-
,2idrers..- .These ittellitk4 10.40100* *41,14‘
TOW, gresstspakes, and hedgehogs.
• .
Interior *,15c.to 17o
at 43
large and 14c for twirts.in job Iota. es
Eggs. -The raiirket is firmat tite, for
storage,for linxot and ttlo to, 2/0 for '
laid are firm at Ind; With
Turkeys- `I ;•
s • * '
steady to ftrrn
41 110 to 12c 10 itte-10004`
, Per pound for paik and
2. •-•4450,..htrAlortlbs„.
Ilenns-Firniit 4/1-50 )._60 for -
handpicked,. and primes $1.40 t•o sL45.
bag in car to
$0 -14 -r -hl. 0.
Strai,t;,:tve-4).. u:31,_tations are $6.50 in or
.101,5 t .
sifort, cut mess, $U' to $23.56; halt
$11.15 to $12.60; clear tatta
to $43,60; long cut loVy
Lo $22; halfbarrels do., $10.76 to $11.V.k,
.dry salt` long clear bacon, 1.20 to 12Xc- •
barrotS plate beef, tit 4 to $12.50; hat
, barrels do., $6 to $(.50; WOO'S. tiO•Viir
. ales$ beef, $$.50; belt barrels 41e.„, $44-15;
compound lard, ege to 10c; pure turd;
11,0 to glc; kettle rendered:- 13c le -
size; breakfast bacon,' 1!c to 16c1. Wind-
loft' hogs, $1_0.; alive,
But ter-Fre-sh-iiiade creamery, 25C to •
2530; western dairy,, selected,' 22e, • to
24e.; Manitoba dliry, 20c to iitc; thrist
e. baskets,. 22r2e to 23c, and lialf-tetreels,,
2.2e to 223e. ./.1teetipts this; inorning
, Were 227 packages.
Eggs -New laids are. Prattically un-.
-o dinat-W-urlid-olity-14.11w.'exurritt '7--
figure of 40c to 56e; Selected stock is
:quoted at 2fic to. 2630; No. 1 cold -tor -
age. .21c to 22c, and limed at 24c.
kleese-September and Ottobermakes
being quoted at 12Xe, to 13c. .,•••
ueloilieate-56c Us• -54 .- perbuslieL
es Metes .
Oats -0n spot, No. 2 wb te,,42ge; No.
411.0, mar TAMP in
1'ettHoihng j* $1- -
!WS- and $1..10 in. Jobbing lots.,
„ • Wheat, 11445
o ibOriiWnwimikers7, $3.90 to .$4.10;
inter wheat patents, $4.10 to -$0.251 ".•
iarght.4011ers,...L.P.,70; o. in._ -
131.65 tq $1.75: .extras, S1.50. to
,._11‘14111t0 eba took, .,th,
lo S24t: rale OnIiirio
Iran in ;'shorts
Sa014, 'the' bbjects. of terror to
Europeans- irt Eastern- lands, are wee
Shipped •In ninny parts of India. In
toine districts 'there-4%re from 15M6 to
10,00 shrines' dedicated eXeldsively 0 to
the worship of intakes/. 'These shrines,
'Which are invurishiy honor one
tite, /tenor divirzitie ot the country,
ttossess„ la some - inSlanceS, valtiable
kti, the cost of tite.titynerotts ceremonies
iwhieli their keepers- have toyerto-trit.
10 • thesg shrines itie_tlindus Sdi up, fan-
4asitc tants' Of serpents. -The devotees
'of this strange religiortinitke -periodica
-otteling4 tritougit-and-mi11 irndoed
"ti.,•V to the serpents
otdcr to reetiVe, their
i , No. I- white,.7$i nm4Ii
No. 2 yellow, 486; No. 2 corn, 463
Oats.--Strorigr No.
t -mixed, 18$4.C.
New York, Jan. 22. -Wheat'' •
/WM; No. 2 red, 7.)c in tleNato
'dot ttibs4. No. .1 towtheru
th *loge f.o.b. afloat; No. 2. hard Win-
SALT A 41,3JnYi.
t Ihe greaiect 141-X
Celt 'rat Africa. In SOMeicetion
. li
i *itt I .
MINI n 1 a .`„„Jauf.,
Inge to' sayvis cne sjty beland all
t, .• plociti' of itg , size' in the world.
i euriens fact.is amounted for in this
11111)114h the ,1941ipplile.,,istaridil
Asialici coast, :they wtre:dis-;
ooyort%1 ly Spahlards who sailed l'eciffl:
izriia.''s.VIten they. evo....40iPi Anotikai
tr Stmtlay"; changes IMO Ittmt-,
dunr f ‘,.r.duti
'14 41' litls,•'-',)•tars
lipt"it mode of recki,,nin
tot up to tuodern• nations.
ley .'sallt that '',witig7et;tii•lt.t.
-*dotty tiorsibt.,
,ttew: WoutOo,
4 cia,,vi Poe 44Y \behind IPI'siotltto, di4149':fittAt:
b. 'it* •
• , 'SINGLE '
t'erilapS, 'tie priet for
%i'1111011' every' $ctit si; German
,rcstflt,er, Ivh.a receive* 54 !Ili at,
ftprt.. This-high-40re ottained a• •
.torlotts way. At toog-itgo ,ss. 4694 in
*v.,ealely..Vreitell Miran Fat att.,
Et_hareld,. lokt,.tscx.
11;!'s nilikey to the l'eblestan
1 bb inVietied and initte!.1 given
ICt•Y 10"
aid' front, thase.1'134:ling tite pco
t. tivingi MO, t
crt•actel• a. sliort 4-„rr.ttietti
trid 'teeth ,Of
911 .101terGibri delivered' after
I1onirit.,,servitee -est 'the'
u'dsy 11 Ili and ix, I& hilt, an
man tl,o eMts salt with
bes7 whf re salt is net so
kire so 'fond 'xit it that thy fluty
'‘fating as ;(int
otzltt•ent Ceces of Joint)
1,. "E.'..,SfAilliET. '
To into,'„ Jan. ; . he •
ttCattle Ihtviet -Lhis.
dualetiVttt%y, flUiUlIti1
3T4,, izuluthng 1
,.nd laiti60; -1100
uid4 hell titeed3r
:or poets About
of (irun1l lakes,
oiere. tetiitik trate,
ck0 „blit.'.hers'' so
aks were made freely
Oft, ,ttaleshe*.ng mak up fo
hr 144 10041.' denftmel for my
iat tatt ba.:#00-$S
Sto-k'r *and feeder '
few 1,zi! .1W:re boo If r 1b4