Exeter Advocate., 1907-01-24, Page 5lgae Wing
la esti • young lady htd o
ommon scbo leduc*Uon,
eV( MOntha Witit.us
• 1 -Georgfi Alien, onetf thel
o'f,d resident?, wos bnrithi on Saturdayi,";
Mitchell; Rose Rabb was floi.4 SU°
447 Rua. striking
l*gThi3Oai gveryVI t , OU'Oii.
•IMAM Ldie4 .P41,14.11111; , Alts ='Vato
1014 AO4 IJii. sident of, tosr it at one ti
tailOr ship hem, •die4
i',. .174.L.,1444. 041er. 174.'0 syrincti ;South' .' • "9 '
toe. west and are yisitini& et toot '0,01‘4).14,: Jo) i w- **oldie -04 prat,
We .40 P10414 ntly married to MI IA e Orne
.otn, t the latteeeparentv,"• rouslarmer :this townshl, Vie*
rfillOrt ectillleas
Tite•Council elect fop' 100/ *uet.
Towestun On 4.14044, P9r$O4A1)t, to
tOitOte*" ,tneMbeta Wk,k0 PM- *
sobscribeil 4i -the neceii&Lty
tuk thek seats al 0000000 14
Jo HawUu' **eve; -(404-Ari
John ,Moir,'Wto.,41-ittason LfldLIWuel
'Coca)* 4uneillera.:0 arei fo;
were Hxe4 &i tuUowva:ter,
tdS...-After.,e di
t th
o icitixens
1. WI
MLgteL of Stephen
on ;
atTiPbell. Who
owiueehere op ome tinflt.
t":9:711 *Id
e ie eng'
11 Ti7OkitVOns
Altoonte, bae beenen
°' CoIlegite
t u Who 1
J •
* II *a _ methin for
h e to 'mark the palming
of Xtoltil. Tide .
It hoe curia mo
Weakneos than any other
world his ever known. AA* sdraost,
infallible 14 on* came. It 441seelsee end
expels Temore In an eiz-Iy etsge ot 44ivo.
table Ilea own
Stippremed or PanfuJPeriod, Wes
and Children'sSieighs we shoat'', f the Stomach, Indigestion, Ito
embiehe G
Debility. Also
t"" 1901miul.luva4',
We win the 'cake; Priceitind
*are most liberal.
is an essential with us.
tbing the construction Of Our
Time Piecee isshicp-ed with this end
" *in view. Thef are made to kee
42itne and -give. Resod satisfac.
Extrezne Lassitude, " don't -earl" -intd
"want.to-l*Iiit-sione" feeling, et t.
abilitl* irritability,' nervousness,
Iescn, 'Astillaney, melancholy or the
4471flos," And backache. These stre sore
ent of the.
&Moil Complaints
and Backache of eilher' ettr the -Vegetable
Compound is unequalled.
You can write Xis. Vinkham. *bent
,yourself In strictest confidence. •
, enotains MIL co Woo.
Clinton: Dr. "lAf. °Shipley' leat'VP8
shortly for New Yolk, where he will
emtPle-of months, -afte'r--which-he-ez-
pects to go west and locate:in-Calgary.
Clintoni-The members of the Gun.
°bib treated their friends to an oyste
supper nt the Graben', -Rouse .on
duy night,. During tbe evening Presi,
dent. Ireland presented Mr.- Cantelott
with -a for -lined overcoat on behalf 3nt
the citixenr- of Clinton and vicinit
tOrhaillTtier:---17--• , *
. W
garet Latta, the lov.ed wlfe at Jo
Fitzger*ld,+sago of
rnontbeen 1)110 thTit11:14tit th
having- been -ixtsriten
which was the cense_ ot ber• deatbi
at fall Ale wenttoresidewitli bei'
Ilaught,eeilltre.0ohn .Vhainberiti-neer
Klppen, where she receIvd every at.
it we, ,'4erlierfett patien040,
fgp*tlon to, God's will were a•sOuroe of
consolation to kitlet•rftwilyapd bermany,
290-theleat few Yettre .Iter
Inlay STK 110041 bands neeer ceased to
work untilithe &Wed them. in ,destb.
Chatitable and kind1iearted the poor.,
000 Mae *ay. to:her home 'know,.
ngfoltwell that ift waritt,hospitaiity
with e warmth equal to her Wannest.
riends..,04 always had 'a handful \o
lee of her well Wed ,,and plentiful
borne. indeed the lose of so 'noble,
woman ima cost a oltiont an all tlin Sur,
.v00016* neighborhond that Canna
loon b forgotten* She leave"; ft 401'.
wirig-hu4an4,-Ione--sons-and_ •foTjr
daughterto mourn the 1004 of a fait
utwifeloakindAnother..: Theldnerrp•
altook plifetr'WednmSdayA!rnit -
home of her -daughter to Ile -Meth°.
dist,thurch, here, where. -service was
held„ the,- retrialw afterwards being
laid to rest in 14cTaggitree cemetery.
,.epartut bon' town.,
• .................. ,,,, .
._,. _ - , Allot Craig: The death, c'ecumed At
clinr,line.of Clocks is complete and the hont6 of his mother On Biandurt
. . W40"
---, his-,wile-cortielteme-eoupte- tif-C-reelts
, 4)011:tinges"; Mr. Munro, who With.
jot llectorMunro of Winnipeg. after-*
ago, unierweot a' •operation for O-
... _a___,,iithe
from the. ef
CoencilAnet, pursuant o statutes i
Town Pal, ticuiltivraY, Jen. 14. The
following Members subscribed to their
declaration and qualifications of office.
John Robinson Reeve; Wtu. T. Ulens
Deputy -Reeve; Joseph 4, Poore, Eimer
Moody and josbua Morgan., Council.
him. Minutes of last meeting *tad
and sigire4. Account*, amounting to
$1.14.45„'were ordered to be paid. Then
pointing member* to the Board of
Lieolth as raid -Ala tit and second time
be now a third thrie.atid iisesed.-ettr*
ri ed: .fiforgan Illena-that thls Coun-
cil comply: with the request of the On-
tario Municipal Association, by pea-
tioning the Legislature to amend See -
tion 000 of the Miuncipal'Ast and' re.
leveinunicipalities from a portion' of
heir nt.heavy responsibility_ for
• ir of hi
iti, our-repreeen
the house be requested to Present the
tition and summrt the bill when it
toes up for consideration, -Carried.
Illens-Poore--that the following WO.
cers be appointed for the current Tart
Alex. F. -Smith, TreasurerL480; .- 11-
Drummond, Clerk. $15_0; millet po
want•.4„.oseosor,_$90; .0.0.---Sannd.ers,
*niter of Hall; $15; Geo: Ilindmaroh
They are the best at the usual
e. Call and in • t Our gen.'
While Wm. Lockhart
Was repsiring bis windmilll hie, mit got
capgitt coupling and drew him
In witlfrng his arm 50 as to atOP,..-th.41
inilL tie was qUickly releesect but IL
was found that his *tin was broken be,
*ten he Wrist and elbow,,,,both bones_
protrilding „
SeafoiLh: John McKinley an Aged
ortwisted- stwayitt his home,here
,In his 35th- year. • tlis was Wm ittlre-
'' landand milieu °uteri(' ittik-Aettled
urtnt ounW, of wbTc.tfbe *nit a
net a:lied Vetoer. wwentyieare,ago
relir ed from active, life . and _..
• ident of towe sine*,
;it) ibit$TIO 'Irrittfir 'my it0
tiwittic ouomialtonK *vita t
ettitatt*iiltestreit. itio**,.age ptioat,icif *
ot tow, 'of • our lateitt ell Ulan of itemitiftit
piette poq. ctsIsr.tho044
in taw
a tutors: -
id $2 a day former• -
council elect for 1907 met, in Town
hall, Zurieb, Moteliy, Jen. 14,-, and at -
ter sitbecrihing to the declaration and.
qualifications of office, the Council, be.
came organized. Minutes of last uee
omcera were appointedlor 1907 at* the
$145; Treasurer, Theo. Johnston, $100;
Asseesor, 11. Lipphstrdt, $75;Auditorit,
3. Ritbe'rer and ,111 Neel); Caretaker,
.ktrs. R. Goetz; M.U.O., Dr. J. L. Wit.
otthf Sanitary Inspectors- East, B. S..
Philips; Wet, fl Zintinerinati.- A.
'Coe- was a . member of the
_ _
yearspencer I *year. OOli 12*
bAr of-taies levied an the roll was 017.,
Iterottt() cancelled. The Council
otssed * resolution revering the re.
Attest. of the Ontario Municipal ,Asset14.
ation to 'petition the -Legislature,t
amend.tlielifunitipal Act so as „to re.
lieveginnicipalities froni a portion of
their prettent heavy re* for
e nonrepiroh1gbwaye and 'Otte
11. Eilbert , berequ etedto
sent the petition and impport 11. In the
house.... The,plication.of-11.,,,,lell
an .(i4Ifess asking the priviie e of
eftetingtel lione-poe e
*neck In le „Towlishi
-ol ereeting telephone
n the rnunlclpnityot.Hiiy, be
,granted. got
ro MeKinnon*r Who
• botcher shop on'1,1 own **fru
, 'Ow Jeliff.e. wlio
ecs has resigned to , take
has,been leadint:Ithe Choir of 'Wfsley
eirnilatwork ...#43d1t1040.1 Cht0,02 10.
and near Toronto,.., ,
.01intion;.40WOlintoulans will lion
with •aitionwe -regret of the, death of the
*Kent 4144 thtrmlcbael, Montreal,:
-*Weir eateerred-WhileiteWee atTore
to. on Wedneadav.
McKillOpt, !. John Shine hat i
of his farm oh the Oth _eonceaibn, to
Almost Ilickneirfer $5,500. Ve nn
deratitni1,10.: and Jim Shine intend.
returning to Sealtirth, to reside.
• Clinton:' wbo pur.
aimed' WI stock of groceriesan
and shoes frotelitattt-rd3
ance of the otoek, about
:February 14 • • /
Clinton: The hoot and . shoe busi-
ness solon -conducted under the lirrif
nob. Ta bac. been • urchatled
yeartrowniatitig ,
_ e ofitoon•
• ,•
'Clinton: The lInfel..Norniandie here
is about to change hands, the purchas-
er being a MAO • frO11) TOrpritbe-iThe-
Waverty Hotel cliangea fiends next
month. Gee. iltszt(m having- sold to
Geo. Stewart of Goderich.
'Minton; Ern Twitchell, eldest pen
of James Twitched, *babas beercenr.
'toyed in various parts of the States,
host.. ectr.id4tiede..0.%-144
has b u
Pima" Studio at Woodstock.
. Logan: Another pioneer, of Logan
•P043Ped away on Monday tit the. ripe
of Rayon* The deceased, W
Wee, was a residentof.Logan for
tvreen,fortY and fifty yeare and endue -
e4. all the 'hardships.of the early. tett,
e • t '' .
,Aeitlrile" tili
Strati . ' AudLt
wee *u 1 ti
at one o _ .
Seconder that Joshua, Johns an_
A. Turnbull he auditors. '• Ito
TRY,71118 FOR 001/Gil
in welt tylour -boo rs.,i th,,F ofl)i!lR
• forum ti,e,*'41:gtro
00: 1,01.140.40:gift
tit/4'E !OM, hrtiVt)40,,
'it)nion.e.(wertitorlotion;r1olti:ttalf ry. ;14Y11.441t
tot 'doses, eve four hoots.. ‘! he *les .
110 betttr, ".foire se'0,0:1
I. # "#ViNktatttl_11, p to" .
irgin t)Lut,Plne
should be. •,ph the
;iignu Mt% dreg.'
.i:. .,
wrHPp1 ll.
,1n 11.446 °
° esis-tPine
tateno-a ,kOduttoiisotn
but these only create nausea. and nev.
er effect the desired results:
, t ,
Illep, ,1J,lbL,t L*4. ter-
W08 rtgetitIV ttlitttql`d to Mfs i
Owles, et RandolPb. Man.
en 914 4ttyb.0
ne View
''.412°'L°tatibi:tv.30;II, :reel
Vithite r.,\ Walter Haz
Oarried. Moir -Atkinson -that 7,t
-.expenSee of rthe municipal election,
amounting to *MX be :paid the
Clerk fordistribtitioner-eart led, Rout,
, Andrew-thatethe.ififtenwof-P
ottgrpubuotdolonerint uuttina
APbetiotartoUthytecjernrk"frignag• istri-
uttinti..i;-Carried. Moir.-Atkinton
That' $5 be donated told* children's
ilasPitni.-Carried. Andrew -Moir
that the clerk be paid $17.20. registra.
•fees for a mar-
I de s
er_htEidi 'ed.litt.-7Bran •
on Jan.. lOtti, werebrought here for
burial, the interment "taking_ place to
Roy's cemetery, Deceased was* for.,
titer resident of this place and Was St
yeatii of age.
gamt The sad death at
eal Shea, occurred recently. The de.
tessediado.-rais in failing_,healtli ler
some time, but her death was nneX-
to purchase two Chairs for
clerk wifainstrOctea to order the Mon.
icipal World for each member. of the
Connell, the Clerk, Treasurer 404 As-
sessor. Orders were issued In pop
meat of above apeounts_and the -Coon.'
ell adjourned to Meet Ireb. 2nd at 1 p.
11101,1eyp Clerk. •
nomber of theirfendo o Mi. and'
Sibley gathered at the borne of Mts.
'Shannon, and took Mrs. Sib!e by suv.
In:Tie, presenting her with, hal
china tea_c_u_Atna 44001.0,It bin
-"enrol 17 ,
- Ilayftelth- Death...bittagairtinede its
call, this tittle on one of ourprominent
yoeng men.. in tbe..person nE 3.0t1,1113" -
'Peck, who wasreeentlyeentttrtitiridon
rat -11)-eAreatinent, brit died a ,
short tinie efter his arrival, the b047,
being brought. bereftir Interment. ,
--',Wit4thittnt-Peter -Parterileld,-sr
has beeneletk of the township of rest,
Wawanesh, -adjoining this town, for
the 114st 30 years, has telig.n00,-: 404
his son, Alex. Porterfield, be. been 4
'polntecl to the °tact. Mr Porterfleld
bas been poattritister of IiiirnOtit
afortlit , y-
yoitrs a Well known' figueo about town,:
'died itt•the House of Refuge, On SOO*
4ar* aged 07 years. hit health ,
began to fail, and, he was taken ' to the
'Horne. Deatkwati caused by coniminv
tiori.: The remalna--Ititerred .in the'
'Itattlandbank.tetnitery. •
$etifortbt rorettyyteadiug took
platce*t the reetderioe of-Abralutt •
Wednesday *hen his eldest daughter
.14,Pthk..A... was united 40 ttn•ttritittet0
Jnmea Christie,* "
' *stings. cOunty,
*Ceremony ws.s performqd et hligh
noon by, Rey*.A K. Ittrits.atul WAS
..febn Jae
t sell
,P lef„-ithd be willreturn to
fflto teen
IyWe Alt
'Reek -Inc
taste ofi atom
and tidiness,
f Ikea Varistene, of Strat
formerly of town was nrw
that citya few days go
,of litriows; Sask.**
nus yoringtiusinest torn Of that
isefOtitilt IL dad" tatet of -U.
.o 'Own
tit.- -PM
icrit /An
on tkiturdity.':Dece
rand dating'ttila
otianfted t
of the tirne: e
yOti bec4lno diSheatt•
when -You -10A
torn* or nervous Debt!ity aud
decline stealing', - upon Ygux
"fOti. haven't the nerve or am*
h_141.0.14,11W-tt- to hav‘a,---"IXOlt----
zee!. You are not-tixe man, sr, u .
. ought to be. l'Oat ftel= Hite •
sivirit up In destPuir. Xoti gtt, •
nervous and weak, -have 'Uttior
ambition, vain In the \\ , hoe*
over kttineysL.,drattall at night,
hollow eye% tired. morniters..
'prefer to be alone dlstrunteul
vttrlebto appetite, loosoneA0 or
holn poor cireu1atio677--... 700
Aiiscro -Iiteryntro ebility. • • ()Ur
New netheirrteestetetit 10 YPUr
-tern It will tren hen '
von* •tristem. ottrit_r ties blood.
PanAliglAttz:- 4,-„` •
Posy When Cured.
Are you * 'Vieth*? trive jou twit hope? Are ypu
-tindintr-tti-nsamr?__- lias.„-your400tt-beert-diseaseAttk.
Ott Mitty. weaknesai our ,,New method Treatment voul nitre YoU. What
baa, done tor •others •It, 'will • do for 7on., _polls LTitarcin ritz://1.c.
t. matter who has treated.lon;i'AMtO-- "tt -. tOneett4)1441OW-ler - • .
Charge. Chit1001, rta,SOriattlie. 1100X8 VrtEra-,-"The GO tx Monitor'''.
- (hiestritts4); ow Useases or Ifeti.- - !elated BookOh - Iseimtir-Or'-*
- Women" 11'.1e0. _ .__ -_____.
...--, „
• iltrA1114101to Nta bUttil-40.**.Air. ittoiiteatetite *not • .
C.' 0. ' N. naase' or einritopeiii, ZertkJa coaldeatl*L
'FREg. , '
wn*, , in
n Pelee 1i1ar1,, was gtven aple teat
nnf his stitywit hir pupeb
eeently',' it was 0 ' i
ted 0 On