Exeter Advocate., 1907-01-24, Page 3• e 4 • • Centin • „ ', 1 tatif40101 I lie seYSJ: fi boo 0 dear taco; ,antt *r1 you say LO t May jile ervo lidairin. I and 1.,tor te114w.,11Y. ana.logetheett*nito-Over-it filen; "vfcw,_ 14114..e.e/st have gieldt they toiltttO1 .11 no Sey no r he eris ana- iy„ smsuro.., you wilt not say net , • abell feel very'autici) snubbed it you • dOc.,*. Still no Answer, „Still that ',shielded acw*ArltrJ114:404,0juo alleneo.,hchlod L. in • cet,. . And* nwliIe.to% roan- .11ists.144 LIL,A10010altrV ',erg* -C.01100.. 04:44(V:dr 4i1 „ 10.*Osier.4. ,10 ,11 Pat ar#oki lee for having madc.0 ggiuon. „I' 0401, only t 1 sever was M(ood-bye 11c har nrXcathedthe doer,whhears Ibe .. frou-toeu. of her gown, a o, r xi "ferloit -ell • 1,10r - a This BOL = 1,... 1Ite, sti eing you nd Mrs. IiyngwalI 109'ing aboutwjlh ,your e)10.a. MOOewe h10-iiill . iti 'like 4..;couplo: of SobOo -ng 1 hirS. Byng again , This is not Wb4t, Mr. WI1$0;1 541 o Mit isllie expivaion of,..tlie-oltst wrath wFnch lirgoYrset'lelaitig it lawn plea - anter he angry with' som b' one else than himself, is, artificially and liot un- seesfuly toting. :Again Amelia* lip quivers, gtoughtig gently, 4^.AY11-no- other. -AVItelifet0'this 1r--11 4'0n Ora 'lothing' ean bo milder than t10.40r44 vhleh, this. suggestion lakes, and ,yet. Itere nisome1iting:10 its sliapo-that, pro. kes biw.• • - "Free J he Interrupts Wrt1y#4'41'14Ourc.0 y1erit,sMert ihu1dnut. Vel'• • 'I tint very,alati to sho-`-lhe .hght jak her, out hat brvu gvo'v:jg hrtlithler'end•n, ause vvtrit, your ., • . ar efesejoinA t OkikZil. ,•-lnto WA' ,reet4 eStablisill4;;; othing ,,Stiiq,. r grumpiness. toot'in tLio ' '''''•"°' gwit . 1.'etnitt' thiiik ,w.by On Should '. bjeet- 1 ' he lispoenIng".. nor to b Arnelia"S. walking about with her arin allay - SYbilifils„._ st sufferlogsti . . . . '---1444,41 oilled-iticrese wh-ose owelirop, . 'her 'toque In_ acuteness whenever any other mena,r, .„ 4... aPpemidlynot ,s() absorbing but that,:slui beso,or the-family-showA-,*4.1,90,1e45.1're- -hat soMe. to .sparofor the conversation - 'set, up elaims as an. inValict. „Cecilia. ,n -t, an Invitervellibiorboott L. , deed, Is ready enough to ointr ,ve her helP? ',,Tho., aillaugh a Mlle; *04; thhrOY . in whiting . her ta_i_herc. I)°&' he ti" *4 'ib --and .- JIM- -gracifrualr former . °ecotone --snowAlr 4110--UIV' •vouttsiollijg 10 10470Y0 Mnella tOri haV. 't`l4")41 ng.'Or '''' . oilbrett.,fio,taiolaglitsIc . ' •.,.,tiir6S41tRisip.-patientramt.tie#44y-, Ilr Olt -, —that . `Nithere'be'..1a,,,it'01),gei, COVitliarY • hL ith aUCti'ObjtirOU010X lit - 1114P7AitIsS;_•ptRolt04, UpOltrbir llyng, - to h 1•071-11t '.r9.101,104'445-41g60.441:°W8 . For sionkv.ivoom,„Nolirjt 116 would' .. .,., . uzAell 41,) exPleln, to.1nniselft, h(),Itas.t .01sIgnot , • • IV 11 or TM SCOUBOj ,T#1.211Eil,CULOSIS.: *717er/table Fr' e to " 'tith Petget tn, 40r4-— marr troy/win the„huftlan faint l IttlheIA11114119',0a114111141141e,41.14ilberfOt;diti.' ell.bitelivv'e43'11,,t*,144tet tiffitter And, various organs in mid/lien °to the 'lungs. 'Ais e &van Aisesset:an4 ,$h ” this h. oorls1.0a Ala ` greates.A.31.11-Pger# "writeS 'Bret; itholuaa Show.. , When it ''onCe gelS:Ifito Is te01Y1110,34iVt4 itsravage ,U,Oless the iorectof,f.4irpim#1,6are rid k rt. ItsPil ettived, niy "Jier-after hiin,an1 ace is changing foam crimson 10- 'vh11414 041--haek agabr starillrig rapidity. UJ thought you watild`h,evie under. tood,".she SS i rip3 who would not 4•4'4 j wLK3Wwe4 • • V Pwri en e 1. • ,0440y1 Anti, one. ansWif- 140#0ti°0 0..610 "'life young 'aiblo. thO .4iteition-, and. his shows inetit*, ,..1119,11wr_44. -,ini_41(1,14PC.41Z,4 'disc riess of -It at once raising 1."'.."" "leh*Ikurgq31113 ha* 401- ,n9 eonsejonS Idlnielt out of chair In which lie 10 111111111.ttr4! 11 t$ 814 us4.4,....13"yrrit,, CPA'851 Y eaP w Ions of 'ensure in their o Wen - stles-eoriVesteespricks nim, but he is Iturrr-r-g-n „ The easr,, wind is elrAtri ever very quiek", to *be &to se awtemnt_gone, and the streets- are. Mt or the wet In Ibe Wong, nndbeforo ho can Ing lilinSeit to franteany 1,00nm that -of Which 'eVerybody*Isands_are full. Ile 03.5 a great. n. 11 stun. fro • 04 ik ° 441 smacks - of apolpgy and In, she re. t�Ps 4 uttliiii.16 "4 aunies, with mo o posure and a mita kiusly „i.onven \ '° Iro unn iber at 112 k Id 00 -..even at 1'1 t A t we dei .not wisn'to tesid.A.my_nek. • 10ii--oesseser--- know," replies he with some -Indig- nation. "that Mat is the hollow -formal httllatin Yonsisstsi to the world In gen- SO, bet -I thought -I hoped,” . "04.7not bring her to see inc„" she in- rifupts, abandoning her effort for com- suns; and spyking In a broken voice', Whilo ,her eyes swim *- tears. ."Sho,- she Might be sorry-.6lie-sshe might not sslititt itesaftertveirds . Minos smiles • lt5 Lf lIffttrarkTfirlTii 1T OrVil 1 ,-,-afoj. e " the sliting;roons, Cecities;sittln , Itt,, window:. reading tho :Queen'. . .:POn ..4 '-large pink face there is a puzzled pressiant .whieti is . perhaps -to- be icounted"fer , by tho ',.fa,e.t, that II*, port. ' 01 Ow lattreal. vilitels- she he•Pertisiliig thetseittitle4 ".elkkt.tei," and under iire.the.answees to -hist weeles;Ouestion upon nice -points.01 Octet law, which, ou do stet happen to read Ithewsnorts "I have been searching ,f.or,yeu high simi_jewss yen?" s "Where have you been r "it shave been to the Angro-AmerIcain" with „a flesh. of, inward eelf-Congrat In -nt IM query...h en' \put to. t •r er lCJ V 00 10 -4 gesAiriericain•:-.1-thoughtsse _ . I hoped; have you -seen them lately ?" 11101110. Durgeyne- has ceased tofeign lack of Kr. understanding to whom" the .peresonal OX * pronoun liters. and he answers with as e . cs* muck carelessii4s as at it moinent's no- ' IT Hoe he cosi put on -"Why., yes, -1 have, e.! one or -twice." • .11 "Do they•-do'not they think it strange s„„, of me not to have been -,near them all il this nine?" Ir. Is tiro answor 10 her ilddle coming to Win thus?' . nes he I • lo force her into (Plying it? Youhave been So kind m ten asking • hie any-ouestioa.- you # eve even, , .up alluding .to old times since you saw • thet it hurt the; but you must seo--of ibiresolou doe-thet-that there is some- thing -In me: -not hke other people; Something that -4114V-, prevents-Lmy • Wilt • tfriends-4-7-1sturw•wetly relent .tri the world' (with a low sob) "except My Mother -except mammy t Do you thinks" (breakirig intO a watery shale) "IMO, it is very silly of me, at my age, to - cell, tier Inanimr.still?" ossiso_• "that I Am. one o ,, s•------iiiiessrisitosl brutL oil anil tlint 1 hIrnIIJd an full Seine one would ick rue • - alas": --esse------slie*fsws LI to reciation, he takes his Ind Auld _ • 4 's 211 I tround, for .4 Wife. ' fienpeckke*-Take thine. trIghtcne1 rou knew thcrn,' lie says; re• I .ougOt•-,,O, er thing against, "Good repites*--- lim heartily, triankitil that the appeal is now So Worded. as to enable' him 10 Om 1'1iof-fnfivor 9 . Peer' e-ne4gidierhood7that -,### g Everybody loved, them; everybody had a. countenande clears a 'little. "And the.re is no rerieen4lkoy Ix have no, reasonetorssoupposing any g ditherent n ' in'stirs uneasily -1p his chelr. elm • • 'airinative- to. thl.s flu Hon as -lest? --41,--Iteeend ansWers it at all. "The facts .9f life are enoUglielot Me; I do not trouble myself with OS sypposl- tions." 110 gets up and walks towerd the door •OS he spealia- resolved' to. bring to an end this te'llint intolerable calechisin. "Out, you must ilitV42f 110 oploten-you smist think,'„' cries thesother's voice, per- sistently pursuing him. Ile turns et 'e f • es r3114 War tt; may be Jor * time n iherd-before itis possible to detect I. in the absence of the tubereUlin tot. Tu u the ' various IlOes • not mean that. it is not trequenfly und among Various el nuns pt„ on lima, but it deo mos got ItY and:Pure.bred ,are more liable to be aftedea by than other herds, be. t artificial' 40 from outs1 'they .i)Uld,of "be soblieted fa the taberculin est. lies should know somethb ing', oot thei teliability of the fittorlY totsazc 'made that. are not 'reliable toCattS,'9 'cfl neogitpetency on b port of those !Who %Hake l lib 9r e of' faultine01 'the ju cubn. I trail/0 in cattle onid . ?Aortic*. down to small lim-f a further • ,preo lu * r It has oftener hem eeriied herds' liro the medium. ot pure-bred buitS. .11 any Other way. ThL01 tii:ef3re4u:s1dio.,7°:niiS,be' 't.111170 ownq has ode op bis mind 14 keel) up the lest. in` .f511.PP.e.sucti 49414',4-tqleiflinct ibese tole reg.( are regiat7R .„ $1,111poSe that; they tiro not testediigalo. ehenees are ten' tO 'ono,:that, Mx laths hid ePOf 'lite, animalswitI .bereulook :tor they 'were ex ,ect fere ,the Jest WaS • C :t1 the: ontagin: 1 '414 /Ifs • ... o, ¶he individuatj in those herds, th great- Ibe danger that tilhercuiesiii will pretent CONDlT1oq THAT FAOR 1T. It vrottiCitetiv_safe, fo..taY that the tendency,Or Pre -disposition to tubercu- Iess is not, greater be the progeny of luberettlests. animals than In the progeny ni ether. Out. It sato tcesay thaelhe - • s n vials may be reared v thou; the haiard-ot_ezet_tottirsgung„_A -tutoretitosWif reared end kept. unde "proper sanitary .00nditions. givoiTeit iniportanee ockrnen. itifOre.ttian anything elst., gamier stables are reSponsible for the spite sof tuberenteels. By unsanitarystable ti; Meant, 'stables desk, unventilated If. animals are brong --- as been:,-frested,wit t '174 -the d.tsesse. To test herds from time. 'to .time and then bring in animals with - ' cut test, Is simply. absurd. iry'rheif • e -most -prone eats. o eT'becouse•outhe sore need they ?sive for quie,kle replenishing their , herds tiroos.'0411/Atari, for instance, they ,:aro, .1.inder 'Contract lo Inri1Isht, a certain amount of Milk or dairy product. • dinvntyrisnla ht in after .a herd -* boakngen . :Mint I I o "••• For years I have held the view that --61`fpfetenlAti rUy keep.their'htrat.10,0,.„140.4 luber- culosis,'but that 'they shotildisell their ani , With thergti ranbr that theY are '74ghei°Inte'er'.0btalr Bty0t,_srOurn16.ia*l'ic'io-'tlliifr0j.ieo:nuigbd:egl,ofl:!tr$7t,7srtt*lde.Y4_*s% isolated-:hrteders.--wh0--ara..'testin lierde Veen . time to linin 'rather tiled to lifee •fliternetter secret SO-ine. them reasoned that the knowledge- of e •'teLbux4ngbcen. inastuld-raise-the suspicion 'het disease tied been there.. Veatesthoughesuchesii-reselleeh in the .following instances: "Your' hits. band lakes the Baronet's daughter, and you follow with the Prince." -"We de not nntlerstand your question -babies never dine nutf., ete,ss - 4 _ Upon Jines.entrarice•Cecitta lays town her paper, and at onto offiA to go in search' -of her eister,-with whom she shortly returns. Ile had been- gene right There is no peace to make. is,. ...gietts iiiiirstvitirstiev-uascerea tient .and perIectiyunrancorous smile, out his second glance at her tells him that sliests loeking.old.and fagged. • It fluty 10 very early youth- that vtgils and worries and seledeniels do " not *lite their names -upon Viesskin. • _ e'r-SaRS. 11 # -given eran q vered onshis lips, he tv'oukt hase retort •krirfu—, "it would, be veryodd di rio?44 Milfir-QT1-• t a shrug, looking up -"They did not say so?" _ "They did not; perhaps"-sareastical- ly,-"the subject was .loo ecutely painful Ior thensle alittde to." - • '14).*equentlY eV he has exposed himself to 1hi.rii, his -ments‘rt sheers -never" frill send Rio crimson racing into fice,„and It•finds its irit ay there -now. It does net, .hoWever, prevent Ids proceed- ing, atter*a creifused moment or two, usseateeldseaL____ "Stie-.-s-he Ws not raerred to the sub-. ject ?" • •."what subjectr' ,"10-,16 me?" ' '"• • 4. • "ShO has uever-mentioned your name. Stay" -hie veraelty • winning a, reluctant ietorysssverslftsitt-natnrCsessonteit-tiSs--$14 •_ wets siitif,StsysySe_ind• 'Met sho liked sulistel_ne," „,:seiSsliii„..eBligestessteeb' boots-s-tao unaffectedly ennoyed et t fication-er-FAleeketif!s-epithet, which it totalling has worked onstlyrigls coun- -fies-eiseeses • •6 ress# oi • v• a .4 4 4 • , 1 CHAPTER XVIII. , umensallesilireis jleraus 1" :It'weis to Gentian kissers that the bove behest was addressed. If they obey .3 - esnonlieoleetitysteet Itailan n pply .with gla& tOn3^ II' IS II week later, and now no can 'Soy 'that "the ispiing oomes • y (1p -this way." Vino, figs, and mulberries, *It sr* etritilousty. racing mitt Oild the corn hitt added :two emeraki Iti$10.110 juicy The young in tho Piazza d'Azeglio, so i'kbrftnul -.• Hio en 1 -No. 12., are 'exeliang- ,- Ing the .'Ituriliandsoine thrift" for ail aps :perel ploteous green, and a wonder- 1*4 is t.�-hqld her etuater of gloecinia belis.. Jim has Watched the deity progrccsof 'ontresol. The daily progrW -Is 11 possible that he has been there - . day .during„. the fast -Ile 1110 Ininself 'this, with ,s species or shook, arid It is with a senso Miff that he Ands that one ,whole day bus has. Intei!veried, during which lie had *not •henril the sound of the olectile'bell thrill- Ing.thrOugh the* apartment under the touch r1.it his' own Lingers. What can have isken hint there, every day. but lie rims over, *Ails Mind. with Ow *a 14) their insuitichiney,, the rsasonsof his visit. For the th%the had exeditents exeust. Surely, it week! * ' • • bo t!e'anxiously watching pair new that the,* „of their teror ha realby ind tote.* ,Cht the Second daYIt - erned iltitter 'Worth *title jo ix*o'rder.lo Wit them that he has clergyman! ce.- .inten. to'return via Milan. and the St. heett-sefsrrstItiritteit'44eyr 1,TtfriTTS--. to ;blew assSair A000;4110., it lied tied. utifriendly 'not 16:Inquire after 'Le NlarchatiVs neuralgia. ()it -lite kloyfti pulled sheet up,* his •nlniin(tSVily bad lie gene oh the' day?iilh Ile can give no answerto lion„ or.d 'slides, oft front 11. lo -Wheh wqs- tile. fourth, day2 •e -it see etv es!''o11, n 11f 1 A ' eith returned; "she has' sat up three nights with father, sad last evening Sybilla 'bid t , • , CAD bear an'ybody. else to be ill, and when 'father has the mit 6lieshidssuesail in. and etieds -torrents of tears do not you, sisnella ?" - Amelia has Subsided ,rather wearily tole, ehailto "sham*, tit/YAM that,S1 js ,isaYs She,. apolbgetially 'end who knows? ...Some day, perha it may come true." 1" rejoins her sister with aft ex- it, '.!ol.to. ivi4 *to Ws WITOni wilt not Ole, JIM?' "I have not the rernoteet doubt of It," replies he, heartily,. and :then Ms on. .loue;ertifek -eyes rivert to his 'be. trathed's Wan feet, all thsepleiner for -Its wannest., • ?NW?slcep, no freli sir." .fils *Angel's. "Put I have hail tresti•air„' 'smiling: a him withsarit offeelksils-Nehe day tlyrig took. me out for a drive. ,Mr.s. has been very kind to Inc." She does not fel the' faintest in lintels accent on the Mune, fla it contrastingsit with AnothiSr whose owner had 'been so ler less kind; .110 is -bis flwrt.cituilly, heart that stipplies the emphasis.' His only resooro is an anger widelt-$o tutiou perverSe - human tAtur0.-ts oven feigned. ' "You -can go out, •drivitig %lib Mrs. nyng ihOugh pould riot s. !Zit -47i SU' r ufly o •it mit ifl m tdtse giving a hers, tme 1he since fl 1* tries ir s • o the • 444 • ' to low? \ • -4,1-.Wver-Y-nitich4riter-44-_-ever, 1v4ty to -know that disease had been re - Moved and only sound animals re. Y inained, 'than' not „to know. anithltiff- il about it, My "convietion is, that ealtiti • S Only 1 'breeders of' pure-bred stook 7 1 bobte to eItth.ele .aolinitteS-who tv , le in additfon damp.. The moreclose- esmilifedsinst ew".';'-elh-Fitreater fs the hazard. If but one tuberculosis n1nt1 is Introduced into. such stable, iind Is kept there, from autumn to, tprin•g, the danger Is imunnent that largo percentage of the ,' whole herd WIH have, contracted' the disease. There .but 'little danger ,of the germ being toheeyed in the open air, but it -wophi be unsete at present to say. that it can - tot be transmitted thus. salsosadeeell -the- - SENTENCE' ySERMONS. A light head makes a Ifeavy heart. o. Mar* finds saktration until he MI43 • tlinself. - The worst of oil faults is never to see any of Your own. . . A ilenetilled look does notsmakeup.tor his eyes lightening. "I asked her permisstors to .-.-sb4n- Amelia to see . --her,"., he says, In a low rrieved voice; "if 1*.had thought as ill of her as your mother, does, do you -think 1 sho(114, have . (TO be continued). A SCIIOOL IN SPAIN. - oir-The "IffniimsiostriersTinight AO Sheet in That Country. vi with any dee-ea patience. Du there is 'enough evidence in the befs• video& the fect-wroughtene04-lika-by-41 • Merchant's adjective to make his, coin- sithe-AepenteseiVesheortilyesifehavings it". "I should have been °Seri" saYS in a .4sw,- sager wily, " every day, evety .bOur, often as they would West re-. teiVe41 timit war I could .not # leave My mother; iied she -she tits taken thersi en grim!" •,• grippe? Your Motheerc repeats Jim,to honeetty_stoot_deuigreeably: 1artted by This 1flce 0! Skeet te *able any longer to . his ironical reamer; "why?". sTlie other shrOgs, 415elloul.ckr*AisT piritedly. • s "it have not on idea; 11 eannotebe Ltaxii1O7W intiod, need to het .at (lie Acadeinta,th Zither veigt Snell ,pettiness, and she adinired---her-s-tre- iiienileusly et first, 'did not *het Yoe heard ho; 13u1 since theti'she has feken it lido her head that (Weis something IStannot beer even to stirsitneideSh- -ing What end gloves veltemetillY upon the. table -.."sontellgrig. tottolles. as she Oils it, aboutiter. Mother thinks MA, she---She7rshii"--Sinking his vole0 10 ott Indistinct lialfAvlitsper."lifig....--4titS- *gone ott the rails some time or -other. Can you eoneeive"-raising his lotto /vow to Gne ot the noutest pain and indignalkni-• took in her 1 r sueli Hon ,for .sing 7-11#3-Star0-With- 404 with ;weal& ' fa pity at his: friend's,. fice, expecting .,att ‘answirIng outbreak to his own; • but ifon0s *I) comes., Iturgoyne 'only says, itt R hot nnagi. more fissured 'key Man _ 'deliber-atc!y shuLting Iheir ees o Ali ey Say Ihcy don't honeys *n fire-„tithercutesis $care. The reason is Thoy don't‘want to believe in it. aP least,fs: true Of many of them.' The erft want to befleve,ausethey 4fi0i Want to have their herds Tested fersfea rf What it may reveal. Ilu't why shout, *they net thus/ It uberculosis is in thei 'herds to any ext instsis sure as A little ancient kite_ nay 1,e worthn, C tot of modern tog, ,Many , a Man 'means his desires „when * benalks of his.duty. Do your duty and your delighti sake care of themselVes, You -do net obtait. sanctity. by subs` r trading sense from spirituality, ' 1 its no use fussing about keeping thei- r •faiih. if you cannot keep ymir ft'lentls 414 1 •, sties" w ve more. Though. they' may not believe in it, Lust as sure as tire sun shines stheyswill every DOW and then have to 'bury some animals -that have dial of interculosis. TO Act thus Is Iike shut. Ung. the eyes -fail arsem*Iseesessf -e les von « os rieh, when hard f*S,edes„Pillt-thIS DiiCiid intes.A.„1_ a us ire klea, apparently, 434-44544817-466"' WIIAT IS TO BE DOE. With reference to__puretbred-lkerxl& -u I hatre-hol The &i iiow of a doubt as to what should 'pa done. The 'herdi should be test ukeentais animals shouldbe.et re.., Moved. If ntoo-valuable they should Duringo, sisit 0:Granada Mr. Leonard Williams visited aSettal • conducted upon a most original-platt, where veil-, ing_timutes_igyomeallea_Atrul_geogea o 'veritable, pastime. Ile describes it as loess - - - -We we con uc across the- r r two . -sa a kind 01' playground lwausessitsproved to be a schoolroom, with etene benChes , -on-sthe benches some fifty or sixty little people learning to count by means' of ninepins , The inkldle of the spaeLbefore the slight little hollows awl( raised - • • In em ences. explained the padre, "we have PAM. 'this system tileane that they V . ri niap of. Spein, with all its Mountains s hall be reared away trominberezironm t kV V. • as the la provides. Theriageny thelle too Valuable* for s lighter if 4 hould then be reared by the bangs andall its val1eys:1 So aoying, ha eittles:tilid on the milk from'sound abs luring the. milk period, Or it ftel ilk pore tulsereldoSisientitiels it 6 died the Seated' ,rows " upon the benches and called, "Antonio Torrivri Up darted an eegeielooking little -boS and idled off 114,,,essess..._ . • ' • AltOther ,Oninftitifie-: from, lhe" padrix,, This tlitie Alberto Vega rose. "You. Antonio, go to Itarcelona." Antonio, who, essfir u 1 eduld gathert $ Wes 51dulevilieeel'10 th� mottnlains, of Leer, darted "acrtssi p_la1414 •Soltrositstfoo, - rSt-balVkiPertY-4 S-WW.A4. When telt has been made, sits4.1u.• ermilosit animal have been • found in herd and removed, seCond te4 hould ii&triade,sjs ronnths htoce, es -should hat t imbibed diseh'ie utou44vs_ ix. Months later another test 'shout Mad& nieliCed* lily free, then timelier test should fol. ow once a yeir for a couple ef years. ebsequeritlYi (WV 111 IWO Yelk,rS ,would MHO. *Atte main thought here is lei eepi up-ttie test when Itsh-te ence.-been begun - Ifsadinntle are brought into the herd - t- en -guess, nii-d7beam at us. Aniofflos.'wheressiivelsellssfeiel” "In Bareeion.4_• "Where Is Ilarcelona?", -• , "What is there-, at Dareselatisr ' "A university, a Whop, and half &3 million inhabitants." ". W • "hat elser • "It*is"a spapoirt, and frenili out w lens SUld elives." "Now go to Vadrid.11 •_, . the scorriPeriilg was rcPc*1 *Where are you tioAv ?" "In 11•41r,tv f..:astile, in the capital p. It ."111 Catalorita." --"1,414-4-4-1(ie5 IL [41 'Nothing." A shall} 11 1 ebilko c(iurt.'rf m- aserileurbotis , . bonz of you go to 1)040 Ott went. the NW exeursieniS ifs hand. f, never -tilts Much of a figure in -any tang. The world does not want to hear or a gqicign' heaven; it wails for the golden heist. • • Piety often seems like pretense to those who have not relt• the inipelse c#1 prine „ YOU MU tell a good, deal abonla /non' - ThO1dI -humor. it Fewing on his . fate iS.:prelly sure to be sien the_ rong rack. re -they woutd be successful if only, they could start. et lhe fop. SelstrifsTdeyeeStirst and you shall not be ashamed. if itsistiould prove to be The religion that- cannot: mix with . itsisinese has no business to meddle with anything, Tho galescf Ileavrn come a lett° nearer every tune* man sloops to sync'. - pathiso wilt/ a Ch1141f,, Behitien IS- a. seed Which` 'planted' in datilt living 'Maloof life 10°1,104, "With Its' • "Wileffed it becomes a sleuth 1,0 the stestrits �f rued. • Its Is altwayi nitieltlesaler to get inter. ested in makingart doilies for flotten- ids .thaiilft is to lie just spnply human' 1.1 the Washerwoman.- at home. IIORFUL. • 1 -know- -The 'me will bloom again, I know the butterfly Nkell flaunt ones Trays scrosS the prsin • Ilis &similes to mine eye. _ I know tlile timid in epriiiglime.g, glew This Mien $0Seee still doff, flat ere that More elvat 'tons of suow Vil halt to shovel alit 44 • ght ( 1 ihtvcr4 ;ctitis54‘. nd the Inc . t 110 til. 4 it is 31HO:today; a day to in r4, • eitengeost) o stiy oUt• wills inc ail 4 witt;take. you iStiei*ver yet; , like., tv,111--" O , I • Th& geniline.eagerness of hiS propeta has tinged tier siokly-teloreet eheeleivith tele for lite Moment, i1Iit shakes her head. • s, • .• s could no't leeveilather tide Stortfirt will toot lake nicittekiesfose: "litIti .$1‘" ,,i11911 w.i!C P31.17 hLti1,0*.q-041t2*. et Mat piely given' b•y.Atiri he rises arid .begine to Skimp irr'al by t 'the rtioni. • wy- • st • P1 .rmrchltrrItImt- . mb yaur uiQlller'st headtt 140 nov, bit 00 15 ititt6c... Anti Ivan kti pat.' Ulna 1 haVel. ban saribing everywiteto for you for• is to' Mk . on to-to.set, tier right, „at ofit!'e, thout any delay.' It .is unbosrable Sitetthi ,go en ° thinking stieli ut:ng, .ndthing. could be 'easier for ti know 4 11, wbo'know t atOut 1 I tma „ 'tering•it itoto \loam any'ri.kiponce at a1i;tu o, ,. iifl--httitt sor1oce..4tri-Alienre 'otiutler tetlitig." hot lo14,ni.i.V.3 .611 obont any soul?' - 1to' boUtfly .1.intes ell yo* that, 'until los Wet.** *4 \‘, • • d th padrcntte N1i1 w.is a spt lesson. Fr 1W tilize a kind 121 . E ' teriVe- thei odiess With tt.hOle (Or this head, lisleifer the chest, and e iite)ieral 10 ttiii small of the blek, .Thus senteilees and %sleds' 'arrange and .di4arrange and renivange , wied silacritys eke and c'xt#Otriut: 1 • 11 work no ijwt1 kr' 11r rg #lirody . pitws, tn' 1L4;4,n $emunt 14,1#* rIo iner-Strs. ar Yr'StuI • Pat; •